flute notes

Cody Hammer Flute Notes: Work just breathing. In for 4 out for 4. In for 8 out for 8. Etc. Eventually get to where you can breathe in for 1 and out for 16 is a good goal to set. Rest is important in learning a new instrument. You have to create your own resistance or you will run out of air very quickly Have students say “poo” Placement of the embouchure is one of the primary factors in tone production. The lip should cover about 1/3 of the tone hole. In general, the lips should push out. The lips should be parallel to the lip plate. If the flute is at an angle, your head should be at that same angle. Use a very focused stream of air. Don’t let it spread. A side embouchure should only be used if the student has an prominent cupids bow. You should split the air column, half in the flute and half across the flute. Faster air for the higher registers, slower air for the lower registers. The embouchure controls the angle of the air which controls what pitch you play. Always play with wet lips.

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Flute notes for woodwind methods class


Page 1: Flute Notes

Cody Hammer

Flute Notes:

Work just breathing. In for 4 out for 4. In for 8 out for 8. Etc. Eventually get to where you can breathe in for 1 and out for 16 is a good goal to set.

Rest is important in learning a new instrument.

You have to create your own resistance or you will run out of air very quickly

Have students say “poo”

Placement of the embouchure is one of the primary factors in tone production.

The lip should cover about 1/3 of the tone hole.

In general, the lips should push out.

The lips should be parallel to the lip plate. If the flute is at an angle, your head should be at that same angle.

Use a very focused stream of air. Don’t let it spread.

A side embouchure should only be used if the student has an prominent cupids bow.

You should split the air column, half in the flute and half across the flute.

Faster air for the higher registers, slower air for the lower registers.

The embouchure controls the angle of the air which controls what pitch you play.

Always play with wet lips.

Use just head joint for the first several weeks. Use different exercises such as closing the end and skipping octaves and the slide whistle.

Use mirror to check position and lip placement

Roll in/out to get the best sound.

Observe each other

Only do a few reps on anything then rest for dizziness.

Once they have foot joint down well add the foot joint. Careful to not stick the two.

Page 2: Flute Notes

Cody Hammer

Play simple melodies such as hot cross buns and marry had a little lamb. Make sure they are getting the best sound.

Tonguing should happen with the tip of the tongue striking the roof of the mouth just behind the teeth, like you are saying “too” or “do”.

Use two open “C’s” for hand position.

Work on just fingerings without sound.

Keep the right hand pinky down on “sail” except for: below the staff D and 4th line D.

For the low C and C# use the foot joint keys.

Beginners tend to grip too hard for fear of dropping the instrument.

There are 4 balance points: Right pinky, right thumb, left index knuckle, and chin.

To add vibrato, add pulses of intensity to the airstream. Start with quarter notes, then eighth, then sixteenth, etc.