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Florida Islamic School



1. Message from the Principal ................................................................................................ 2

2. Florida Islamic School – A Brief History ........................................................................... 3

3. What the Florida Islamic School emblem symbolizes ....................................................... 3

4. Florida Islamic School Board of Governance .................................................................... 3

5. Our Ethos ............................................................................................................................ 3

6. Vision.................................................................................................................................. 4

7. Mission ............................................................................................................................... 4

8. Values ................................................................................................................................. 4

9. Platform for Leadership ...................................................................................................... 4

10. Our Structure ................................................................................................................... 6

11. Curriculum ...................................................................................................................... 6

11.1 Foundation Phase .................................................................................................... 6

11.2 Intermediate Phase .................................................................................................. 7

11.3 Senior Phase Curriculum ........................................................................................ 7

11.4 Islamiat Curriculum ................................................................................................ 8

11.5 Hifdh Programme .................................................................................................... 8

12. Admissions Policy .......................................................................................................... 8

13. School Terms .................................................................................................................. 9

14. School Uniform ............................................................................................................... 9

15. Tours and Excursions ...................................................................................................... 9

16. Parental Involvement - PTA (Parent Teacher Association) / Parent Shura .................. 10

17. Parent-Teacher Interviews ............................................................................................ 10

18. Stationery/Textbooks .................................................................................................... 10

19. Sports and Extra Curricular Activities .......................................................................... 10

20. Co-Curricular Activities................................................................................................ 11

21. Homework..................................................................................................................... 11

22. Leadership ..................................................................................................................... 11

23. Computer Centre ........................................................................................................... 11

24. Social and Community Responsibility.......................................................................... 11

25. Communication – Website, Facebook, Twitter, Newsletters ....................................... 11

26. Tuck-shop ..................................................................................................................... 12

27. Awards and Rewards – Merit/Demerit, Annual Awards .............................................. 12

28. Staffing-SACE Registered, Qualified ........................................................................... 13

29. Learner Support ............................................................................................................ 13

30. Aftercare ....................................................................................................................... 13

Excellence Through Knowledge 2

Policy Prospectus 2017

Applicable to All staff, Parents and Learners

Person responsible Board Managers

Document No. POL 1

1. Message from the Principal

As parents we all share some common goals and concerns for our children and I can safely say that a

common anxiety is that of education. We all want our children to have a sound education as well as an

upbringing that would shape them to be beacons of light and guidance for all in a time of perceived

darkness. Selecting the institution appropriate for this purpose at times could be a gamble, however at

Florida Islamic School we would like to give you the surety that you are not taking a risk with the future

of your child.

At Florida Islamic School, our passion drives us to:

• Promote holistic education, to develop the leaders of tomorrow

• Provide opportunities for our learners to develop to their full potential.

• Broaden opportunities of excellence through the scope of sport, academics, culture and


• Nurture our learners with the assistance of a relevant and integrated curriculum, comprising

both of Islamic and Secular Education

• Build the character of their individuality

• Develop confidence, self-belief and the ability to work as a team

• Create a safe, supportive and friendly environment in which justice and equity are seen to


• Promote openness and transparency based on respect for others ideas and opinions in order

to foster a positive learning culture

• Live our values of trust, respect, integrity and discipline

• Create a strong understanding of UBUNTU by striving to help and give preference to others

• Contribute to a growing nation where the lifelong learning is fostered.

This information booklet is intended to create an awareness about Florida Islamic School. Should you

have any further concerns please feel free to visit our school or contact us at any time.

Ibrahim Bismillah (Moulana)

FIS Principal

Excellence Through Knowledge 3

2. Florida Islamic School – A Brief History

Florida Islamic School was established in 2015 and is registered with the department of Education as

an Independent School. The school was started to fulfil the needs of the growing Muslim community in

Florida and surrounding areas.

After market research, it was discovered that most Muslim children in the area attended private schools;

mostly Christian based while some attended Muslim schools but had to travel quite a distance to get

there. The biggest problem however was the large number of learners who do not attend Madressah

because of lack of transport.

On further enquiry as to whether an Islamic school would address these issues, it was found to be

favourable. From humble beginnings, with a roll count of 10 at the beginning of 2015, our roll has grown

to 80 as at the end of 2016, spread across 5 grades. The school currently caters for learners from Grade

1-6 and has a roll count of 130 at present.

3. What the Florida Islamic School emblem symbolizes

• The shield represents the protection of Islam and education

• The open book symbolizes Islamic philosophy and principles which is that of our submission to

the Quran as well as the pursuit of unlimited knowledge which starts at school.

• The colour turquoise symbolizes nature, the preservation/conservation of which we will

endeavour to uphold.

4. Florida Islamic School Board of Governance

Florida Islamic School is governed by committed parents from within the surrounding Florida area. The

strategic focus of the Governing Body herein after referred to as Board Managers (BM). Their function

is to raise the quality of education at our school. The Board Managers works closely with the School

Management Team (SMT) to achieve its goals.

5. Our Ethos

We, the Florida Islamic School recognize that our society faces new challenges due to its growth and

advancement. These challenges arise almost on a daily basis which must be met with solutions that

allow us to develop as a civilization. We are mindful of our duty and aware that ultimate success lies

only in the pleasure of our Creator. We acknowledge that strong individuals contribute to stable families,

who in turn make up strong communities that form the very fabric of society. It is further noted that the

Excellence Through Knowledge 4

development of individuals must start at the earliest possible stage of their lives. It is in this light that we

believe that values, morals, honour, integrity and leadership must be built from the time that learners

enter our school.

6. Vision

Educating tomorrows’ leaders, in every field, who have a sound Islamic upbringing 7. Mission

“Excellence through Knowledge”

The mission of the Florida Islamic School is directed to achieving holistic quality education based on

sound Islamic principles. We strive to educate our learners about the duties to their Creator, to teaching

and learning the true message of Islam, to serving humanity and to the propagation of Islam in its

entirety. This is achieved by our learners developing the values of discipline, love, respect, morality and


8. Values

Values are the cornerstone of running an effective school. We strive to create a value – based

atmosphere in which all learners feel loved, safe, understood, valued and respected. In order to

achieve this, we focus on the following core values:

Responsibility Forgiveness

Love Respect – self/others

Happiness Respect - environment

Honesty Humility

Respect Peace/Patience

Tolerance Kindness

9. Platform for Leadership

We believe that at this early stage of development, our learners will need to be instilled with the skills

to identify their place in society, to take this place and to excel as leaders in all their endeavours. It is

further our intention that our learners display confidence in themselves, their beliefs and their Islam, in

order to please their Creator, their parents and serve their communities.

What we offer:

• A strong education for a changing South Africa

• A unique, caring Islamic ethos

• A demanding, yet supportive learning environment

• A learner cantered approach whereby every learner is provided with opportunities for individual


• Smaller class sizes that allow for individual attention

• Instruction in both Islamic and Secular subjects

• A well-equipped, professional and dedicated teaching staff

Excellence Through Knowledge 5

• A safe environment supported by new age educational technology

Our Promise to You:

• We will acknowledge and reply upon receipt, to written queries within two working days

• Greet you politely and demonstrate courtesy to all parents and visitors

• Treat parents and visitors with respect and dignity

• Provide you with relevant and pertinent information on time all the time

Parent Obligations:

• Get all necessary details regarding the matter you wish to enquire about

• If you do not get satisfaction at entry level, move up the organogram until you find satisfaction

• No complaint/query will be dealt with without an appointment

• Upon arrival introduce yourself at reception and indicate that you have an appointment

• Parents may not approach educators in classrooms without making an appointment

• We expect our parents, service providers and visitors to show the kind of respect that they

expect of our personnel

How do we deal with queries?

All queries shall be addressed through our line function i.e. Educator, HOD, Deputy Principal, Principal,

Board of Managers.

Contact Persons:

Mrs Ruwaida Jinoo (Senior Administrator) / Mrs Farzana Manie (accounts)

Tel: 011 472 0172

Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]

Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday 07:00 – 14:45

Friday 07:30 – 11:45


110 Goldman Street



Excellence Through Knowledge 6

10. Our Structure

11. Curriculum

We Integrate and implement the South African Curriculum, focusing on high quality teaching to improve

student achievement.

Using differentiated instructions in teaching and learning, we provide a variety of platforms for a learning

environment that is safe, caring and inclusive. Each phase is designed to ensure that the students are

receiving all the required skills and knowledge for their specific phase.

11.1 Foundation Phase

The curriculum at the Florida Islamic School is based on the CAPS curriculum (Curriculum

Assessment Policy Statements) as prescribed by the Department of Education. We understand

that this is a crucial part in development of the educational foundation of the child and as such

strive to go beyond just teaching, but implore ways to bring ‘Fun’ into the process. While the

prescribed curriculum steers the process of development towards three main areas of CAPS for

the Foundation Phase viz.

Literacy, Numeracy and Life Skills, learners are further enriched through our Islamiat Curriculum

to ensure that they grow up and live their lives as well mannered, kind and good Muslims.

Excellence Through Knowledge 7


The curriculum followed in the foundation phase consists of the following modules:

• Literacy

• Numeracy

• Life Skills

• Computer Literacy

11.2 Intermediate Phase

During the second phase of their educational journey, the Intermediate Phase builds on the firm

foundations received prior by expanding on many more learning areas. This phase too has

included the prescribed learning focus areas of CAPS for the acquisition of knowledge. At this

stage learner education is more hands on and holistic, with learners taught how to approach

examinations and how to successfully problem solve. A part from our Islamiat Curriculum, during

the other five key learning areas educators strive to incorporate Islamic aspects to all content

taught as well.


• Languages

• English [Home Language]

• Afrikaans [First Additional Language]

• Arabic [Second Additional Language]

• Mathematics

• Natural Science/ Technology

• Social Sciences

• Life Orientation / Physical Education

• Computer Skills

11.3 Senior Phase Curriculum

The senior phase is put in place to allow students to consider their own skills and affinities and

allow them to explore their own creativity. Since, in this phase, students begin to consider which

F. E. T. modules they shall be taking and, ultimately, their possible future careers; this phase has

been designed to cover as broad a scope as possible for our schools.


• English

• Afrikaans

• Mathematics

• Life Orientation

• Natural Sciences

• Social Sciences

• Economic Management Sciences

• Creative Arts

• Technology

• Computer Skills

Excellence Through Knowledge 8

11.4 Islamiat Curriculum

The Islamiat curriculum at Florida Islamic School is integrated into the school day with a full range

of Islamic subjects, which have been carefully selected based on the needs of the school and its

learners. Being affiliated to the Jamiatul Ulama Taalimi Board, our curriculum is constantly

monitored and further developed with them.

Textbooks designed for learners are handed out to remain as part of their possession. The

Principal and Islamic Studies Educators are always available to meet parents to discuss areas of

concern. Learners are encouraged to practice what they learn in every aspect of life.


• Quraan

• Hifdh

• Duas

• Arabic

• Hadith

• Islamic History

• Aqaaid

• Fiqh

• Akhlaaq

11.5 Hifdh Programme

Florida Islamic School offers learners the opportunity to memorize the Noble Quran under the

guidance of our dedicated Hifdh Educator. Classes are integrated into the school programme and

continues after school until 16:45.

12. Admissions Policy

The school does not discriminate in enrolment on the basis of race, gender, age, sex, religion, disability,

or national origin. Enrolment for the following year must be done by the end of June each year and

continues until all available spots are filled in a given grade. Preference will be given to siblings first,

then learners who reside in Florida and, should there still be remaining spaces, learners from outside

the feeder area will be admitted.

In order for a new student to be considered for admission to Florida Islamic School the following

must be submitted to the school:

1. Completed and signed application form

2. All the requested certified copies of documents

3. Copies of learners academic record for the past one year

4. Provide up-dated health records, including immunizations, and

5. Application fee

Excellence Through Knowledge 9

All admission decisions are communicated in writing.

To help plan for the next year, returning learners must complete and sign the ”Intent of Enrolment”

form by September of each year.

13. School Terms

Florida Islamic School follows the National Department of Education school terms. There are occasions

when we may alter our school terms to suit Muslim holidays such as the days of Eid and for the fasting

month of Ramadan, this is in keeping with the Islamic ethos of the school.

14. School Uniform

Dress and Appearance – Learners are to abide by the compulsory dress regulations determined by the

school. Learners are expected to adhere to the standard of general appearance, neatness and personal



• Grades 1-3 School Tracksuit with a plain white T-shirt or Florida Islamic School


• Grades 4-6 Stipulated Florida Islamic School uniform

• Plain black topi/koofi (hat)

• Plain white T-shirt or vest as an undergarment

• Black track pants only for days of P.E

• Modest plain black attire for swimming- no prints

• Plain black school shoes

• Plain black or grey socks

• Plain black V-Neck jersey or school tracksuit jacket

• Neat hair at one length


• Grades 1-3 School Tracksuit with a plain white T-shirt or Florida Islamic School


• Plain black burkha

• Plain white T-shirt or vest as an undergarment

• Black track pants only on days of P.E

• Modest plain long black tights and top for swimming- no prints

• Plain black school shoes

• Plain black or grey socks

• Plain black V-Neck jersey or school tracksuit jacket

• No jewellery except stud earrings!

• No Make-up allowed

15. Tours and Excursions

Excursions have educational value, and are considered to be an important feature in the school's wider

extra-curricular programme. Sport tours motivate players and stimulate improvement in our sport.

Cultural tours enrich the curricular programme. Both types of tours have valuable social benefits and

promote school spirit.

Excellence Through Knowledge 10

16. Parental Involvement - PTA (Parent Teacher Association) / Parent Shura

We believe that parental and community involvement is the key to running a successful school. Class

Representatives are elected at the beginning of each academic year. Senior Phase representatives

will form part of the PTA who will be responsible for assisting the school to build solid relationships

between the home and the school through a host of activities that are arranged throughout the school

year. The PTA’s main focus is

• To assist the school to achieve its goals through organizing and supporting school events.

• Being dedicated to fundraising

• Bringing innovation, fun and new ideas to support and enhance the school culture

17. Parent-Teacher Interviews

These are held formally each term after reports have been issued. Parents may also be invited to

attend meetings as and when the need arises. The school has an open door policy that allows parents,

who have concerns, the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress throughout the term.

18. Stationery/Textbooks

18.1 Textbooks

Each learner is issued with textbooks in the beginning of the academic year. The learner will be

responsible for his or her own text books. In case of loss or damage, the learner will pay for

replacing the item. All text books remain the property of the school and are to be returned at the

end of the year.

18.2 Stationery

Requested stationery supplies are needed to start the school year. However consumable supplies

may need to be replenished periodically throughout the year. Individual teachers may also request

additional supplies.

18.3 Assessment

An Assessment Planner, highlighting the programme of assessment in the grade, is given to all

learners from grade 3 at the beginning of each term. Formal Assessment Tasks, once moderated

may be sent home for parents to sign. Parents will receive a computer generated report for each

term of the academic year.

19. Sports and Extra Curricular Activities

At Florida Islamic School we believe that through sports many positive opportunities will be created for

our learners. Sports participation will also enhance our learner’s school accomplishments. Sports

teaches our children to function in a competitive society. We thus provide a programme that we feel will

help create a balanced individual. Our sports and extra-curricular activities are overseen by the

teachers and take place after school.

Excellence Through Knowledge 11

20. Co-Curricular Activities

The school participates in Olympiads, Speech Contests, Spelling Bees, Book quizzes and Expo’s to

enhance and extend teaching and learning. A variety of activities that create awareness on a range of

social issues are integrated into the curriculum.

21. Homework

Each learner at Florida Islamic School will receive a Homework/Communication Diary at the beginning

of each year. Homework given will be found in the diary. Projects and assignments are to be done at

school. Parents need to sign the diary daily.

22. Leadership

Class monitors are elected from grade 3 and is based on a merit system. Specific roles and

responsibilities are allocated to them.

23. Computer Centre

The school has a short term vision of having a computer learning centre with controlled and supervised

internet access. Formal computer lessons are presented in all grades. In addition to this, technology is

used inside the classroom to enhance the quality of teaching and learning. Florida Islamic School is a

GAFE school (Google Apps for Education). We are in the beta phase of deploying Google Apps for


24. Social and Community Responsibility

As part of Florida Islamic School’s commitment to social responsibility and community engagement, we

continue forge relationships with neighbouring schools, businesses and NGO’s. We encourage parents

to get involved in our fundraising drives to support needy organisations.

25. Communication – Website, Facebook, Twitter, Newsletters

The Florida Islamic School website is a central part of our education marketing strategy. The website

(www.fis.org.co.za) allows continuous interaction with our parent community as well as current and

future stakeholders.

25.1 Facebook and Twitter

Social media interaction (SMI) is a growing phenomenon especially amongst young people. There are

many channels in SMI, from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube, among others. At Florida

Islamic School we use Facebook and Twitter as our key SMI platforms. Used on a regular basis, SMI

as a simple way to both communicate with parents and other interested parties. SMI provides a great

tool to interact with the Florida Islamic School community outside of school hours.

25.2 Email

The clear and timely sharing of information between Florida Islamic School and the home is vital for

efficient and cohesive education. By improving school to parent communication, we realize the following

benefits for both parties.

For: Florida Islamic School

• Removes the financial and environmental cost of paper newsletters.

Excellence Through Knowledge 12

• Notes are communicated directly by school staff to the parent, removing frustrations of notes

being returned late or not at all.

• Helps support and sustain a harmonious relationship with parents.

For: Parents

• Provides parents with an easy way to know about events at school and also when a matter

requires attention.

• Ensures parents always receive notes.

26. Tuck-shop

The school operates a tuck-shop that sells snacks and drinks to learners. The tuck-shop is open during

breaks. Made to order food items are sold on a Friday. Parents are also encouraged to provide learners

with a nutritious lunch.

27. Awards and Rewards – Merit/Demerit, Annual Awards

27.1 Merits are awarded for:

• Excellent academic achievement

• Good progress

• Service to the school

• Good behaviour

• Excellent participation in sport and cultural activities

• Full attendance

Merits may be awarded for other positive behaviours or achievements

27.2 Demerits received for:

• Incorrect school uniform

• Punctuality : regularly late for school

• Incomplete homework

• Bullying

• Insolence/rudeness/unacceptable behaviour

• Dishonesty

• Bunking

• Disruptive behaviour – masjid/classroom/school events

27.3 Academic Awards

Florida Islamic School wants to see every learner reach his or her maximum potential by striving hard.

Each year, the school holds an Annual Awards Ceremony to acknowledge students for their


Florida Islamic School recognizes students in the areas of academic excellence, citizenship, service to

the school, sport and participation in school leadership positions. Awards are also given to selected

students based on their proficiency in the areas of Islamic Studies.

Excellence Through Knowledge 13

28. Staffing

The SACE Act, Act no 31 of 2000 mandates SACE to provide for the registration of all educators. The

Act explains the importance of registration for those in the teaching profession. At Florida Islamic School

all our educators are SACE Registered.

We strive to employ qualified and experienced educators. We also have a dedicated administrative

and support staff team.

29. Learner Support

We have an all Inclusive Policy and provide programmes that assist learners with barriers to learning.

Additional classes are provided in English and Mathematics after school hours. In addition to this, we

may draw on the services of Therapists, Psychologists and Councillors as the need arises.

30. Aftercare

We offer aftercare for learners until 15:30. This is an additional service offered.