florida depression helpline

Florida Depression Helpline [email protected] www.floridadepressionhelpline.com To Talk To One Of Our Depression Treatment Specialists Please Call Our 24/7 Helpline (866) 267-5177 Live Chat Support

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Florida Depression Helpline

[email protected]


To Talk To One Of Our Depression Treatment

Specialists Please Call Our 24/7 Helpline

(866) 267-5177

Live Chat Support

About Depression

Depression affects numerous people

throughout the USA, including Florida. It

can take over someone’s life but this

doesn’t have to be the case. With proper

treatment a person can learn how to deal

with depression and lead a happy, healthy

life again. The Florida Depression

Helpline provides information on

depression, treatment for depression and

how to get help. We seek to give those

struggling with depression access to the

help they need. To find out more about

depression and where to get help you can

contact the Florida Depression Helpline at

(866) 267-5177 to get started on a proper

recovery today.

Symptoms And Diagnosis

The diagnosis of depression is generally

made when five or more depression

symptoms which last over two weeks,

according to the 2013 Diagnostic and

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

5th Edition (DSM-5) by the American

Psychiatric Association. The DSM-5

criterion consists of the symptoms and

symptom qualifiers, such as duration and

severity Signs and symptoms of

depression include:

• Loss of energy almost every day

• Loss of interest or pleasure in usually

enjoyable activities

• Change in appetite, weight loss or gain

for unknown reason

• Difficulty concentrating or

making decisions

• Irritability or anger outbursts

• Feeling worthless or guilty

• Depressed mood

• Trouble sleeping

• General, persistent thoughts about

death or suicide

Types Of Depression

As previously mentioned, depression can be

determined according to what symptoms a

person exhibits and their length and

severity. These factors will normally

indicate what types of depression a person is

dealing with. Some of the main types of

depression and their characteristics include

the following:

• Major depressive disorder:

characterized by feeling depressed most

of the time throughout most of the week

along with other depressive symptoms.

• Persistent depressive disorder: this is

a type of depression that lasts for more

than two years and is characterized by

the aforementioned depression


• Bipolar disorder: Previously known as

“manic depression” bipolar disorder

includes mood swings between high

and low moods with low periods

exhibiting and depressive symptoms.

• Seasonal affective disorder (SAD):

SAD is exhibited when an individual

suffers from major depression

symptoms that happen during the

winter months when they have less sun

exposure. Some individuals are also

affected by a form of SAD that occurs

in spring and summer when a person

encounters more sun and suffers from

major depressive symptoms

Depression Treatment In Florida

Often by the time that friends or family

members intervene to help a loved one

with depression, things have already

started to fall apart and others have been

negatively affected. Depression can be

life-threatening for a wide variety of

reasons and should not be ignored. People

experiencing depression symptoms may

not realize that something is wrong or that

help is readily available.

[email protected]


Please Call Our 24/7 Helpline

(866) 267-5177

Find Treatment Center Today

Too many people struggle with finding the

right treatment for their depression either

because they don’t recognize when they are

struggling with a problem or because they

don’t know where to find help. The FLorida

Depression Helpline is here to nullify these

issues. We seek to educate you on

identifying depression so you know when to

get help and providing you with access to

some of the best rehab centers in your area.

If you or your loved one is struggling with

depression and would like to learn more

about finding treatment for depression you

can call the Florida Depression Helpline

at (866) 267-5177 to speak to a member of

our team.

Contact Us

[email protected]


To Talk To One Of Our Depression

Treatment Specialists

Please Call Our 24/7 Helpline

(866) 267-5177

Live Chat Support