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THE UNISEX MAGAZINE YOU FLIP OVER >>> PREVIEW EDITION Charlize Theron INTERVIEW What’s her dark secret? FASHION The looks to nail your Jubilymplic colours to the mast BUY IT NOW Eight summer scents tested PLUS, FLIP THE MAG OVER FOR The new Audi TT RS Plus Jason Statham plays it Safe Will Smith’s back in Men In Black 3

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Post on 25-Mar-2016




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What’s her dark secret?FASHIONThe looks to nail your

Jubilympliccolours to the mast


Eight summerscentstested


Jason Statham plays it Safe

Will Smith’s back in Men

In Black 3


Five minutes with NANCY DELL’OLIO

Audi TT RS Plus






MANY PEOPLE IN BRITAIN FIRST BECAME AWARE OF YOU BECAUSE OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH FORMER ENGLAND FOOTBALL MANAGER SVEN-GORAN ERIKSSON. WERE YOU PREPARED FOR THAT LEVEL OF PRESS INTEREST IN ENGLAND?I knew the job that he was about to embrace. But there had never been so much focus on any other woman next to the England manager. No one had proclaimed them the First Lady of English Football, so as much as I tried to prepare, I wasn’t expecting that sort of attention.

YOU RECENTLY TOOK PART IN THE STRICTLY COME DANCING TOUR, WAS THAT FUN?I loved it. It was a great experience and a lot of fun, even though it was quite exhausting. The past six months has been like a gap year. I’ve been able to do things I really enjoy, discover new things, and send different kind of messages out about myself. I loved the tour, and I enjoyed interacting with the public. There was great success, on and off the stage.

DO YOU THINK WE GOT TO SEE THE BEST OF YOU ON STRICTLY?My partner, Anton Du Beke, and I decided to send out a funny message, because when you do this kind of programme and have a short amount of time, you have to emphasise what you can. The tour offered even more. It was much more fun, and the show was built around me in a way, and it got a very positive response.

WOULD YOU CONSIDER DOING ANY MORE REALITY TV?I don’t call Strictly a reality show. It’s positive, using music and dancing, and I’d never consider any other reality programme. I wouldn’t have a problem with presenting, but it would have to be my show.

DO YOU HAVE ANY OUTSTANDING AMBITIONS?I have a few ambitions, but most of all I want to make a difference – to be remembered for good things.

WHAT’S NEXT FOR YOU?Well, I’m actually working on a stage show, but I can’t say much about it because it’s a work in progress. I’m also working on some ideas for television, because I’d like to do more TV, and I’m enjoying writing a newspaper column. I’d also like to do more

endorsements for interesting campaigns, and create my brand.

TALKING OF INTERESTING CAMPAIGNS, YOU’VE WRITTEN A BATHROOM ETIQUETTE GUIDE FOR DOMESTOS! WHY IS GOOD ETIQUETTE SO IMPORTANT?The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in your house. Some of the research done showed 86 per cent of women wouldn’t date a man with a dirty toilet – I thought it would have been 100 per cent! I wouldn’t date someone who didn’t keep their bathroom clean. Having a dirty bathroom can affect your reputation and your relationships. It can also affect health and safety.

HOW CAN WE IMPROVE BATHROOM ETIQUETTE?You have to get the right education

within the family or at school. Learning about how important it is to be hygienic is something that should occur at a very early stage in our lives.

DO YOU CLEAN YOUR OWN BATHROOM?I have somebody to do it! But even with a housekeeper, you still need to know how to do it and how you want it, otherwise you can’t check they are doing their job.

IT’S BEEN REPORTED THAT SIMON COWELL USES BLACK TOILET ROLL. WOULD THAT IMPRESS YOU?There’s nothing wrong with having your own paper. I’m quite fussy about my toilet paper, although I’m fine with white. Actually, mine is monogrammed, so you can say I’m more eccentric than Simon Cowell!

The Strictly tour was great. It was built around me!



Snow White And The Huntsman

star tells us how she’s hooked on flawed and mysterious



Zac’s grown up

We review The Lucky One as Efron bunks off from High School Musical.


The Jubilympics

We show how to be patriotic and stay fashionable this summer.

Five minutes with NANCY DELL’OLIO

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EditorRichard Trenchard

DesignJamie Leeming


EntertainmantMichael Porter

Beauty and the beast

Charlize Theron struts down the corridor of a plush hotel wearing an open-necked white shirt, black pencil skirt and vertiginous leopard print heels that take her already lofty frame to well over 6ft.

It could be a catwalk if it wasn’t for the group of publicists flanking her. Then she disappears into a

suite. It’s quite an entrance and easy to understand why

Rupert Sanders, the director of her

She may be one of Hollywood’s most stunning actresses, but Charlize Theron reveals she’s obsessed by serial killers and other dark characters…



Beauty and the beast

latest film, a dark adaptation of the Snow White fairy tale, chose her as his wicked but beautiful Queen Ravenna.

“Ravenna’s mother instilled into her at a very young age that she can only be her true best self if she remains young and stays beautiful,” says Theron a short while after her show-stopping arrival.

To stay protected from the ravages of time, Ravenna sucks the life force from young maidens and seeks immortality by consuming the heart of Snow White.

When the imprisoned Snow White, played by Twilight’s Kristen Stewart, escapes and flees into the forest, Ravenna sends a huntsman (Thor star Chris Hemsworth) to find her, and so the adventure begins.

Unlike the cheery 1937 Disney cartoon, this version is scary, surprising and, while the iconic imagery is present, steers clear of screeching stereotypes.

“I never wanted Ravenna to be campy or theatrical just for the sake of theatrical,” says 36-year-old Theron in an American accent, though her native land is South Africa.

She’s sitting with the poised air of a dancer, her hands resting on her lap.

Close up she looks flawless while the combination of her soft blonde curls and bright red lipstick evokes the look of a 1940s movie star.

“She’s become so iconic for her evil, there was something very interesting about working backwards and finding out why she became that,” says Theron of her brutal character.

Theron spoke at length with Sanders before agreeing to do the film to see whether she could “service” the director’s vision.

“I don’t know how to work unless the foundation of something’s based in reality,” she adds.

“If you haven’t set up circumstances for your character to explain why they are how they are, then you are going to run into trouble where the entire film will always feel, well, a bit mechanical.”

An only child growing up in a small farm town outside Johannesburg called Banoni, Theron studied ballet from

the age of four. “The thing was I was always too tall to be a ballet dancer,” she admits.

Unbeknown to Theron, her mother entered her in a modelling contest and three weeks before her 16th birthday she was whisked off to Milan to become a model.

It was a tumultuous time as a tragedy struck the family when her alcoholic father was shot dead by her mother in an act of self-defence.

“One night he came home and things got a little bad in our house and he was shot. You don’t think these things will ever happen to you,” Theron’s said of the event.

She has credited acting with helping her work through the torrent of emotions she’s endured since that night.

“I have this experience through acting where I make sense of my life. Maybe that comes via therapy for other people, or through meditation. For me, it’s experiencing emotion, confusion, loss through any character.”

Frustrated by the lack of creativity in the modelling >>

Charlize as Queen Ravenna

in Snow White And The




profession Theron was given a two-week visa to work on a magazine in New York and never left.

Soon after, she moved to Los Angeles and got an acting break that’s straight out of a cheesy movie.

Irate with an unhelpful bank clerk on Hollywood Boulevard, she got into “a little tiff” and a man behind her in the queue calmed the situation down.

He asked if she was an actress, said he was a manager and handed her his card. The rest, as they say, is history, though her first screen moment couldn’t be described as her finest.

It was in 1995’s Children Of The Corn III and Theron’s role was to basically to just run through a field screaming.

“I called my mother and said ‘I’ve made it, I’m an actress!’. It was huge,” says the actress, laughing.

Her ‘proper’ break came the following year with a scene-stealing turn in 2 Days In The Valley and, in 1997, she appeared with Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves in The Devil’s Advocate.

Theron received rave reviews despite nearly losing out on the part as the director thought her too beautiful for the role.

The ‘model-turned-actress’ tag was something Theron had been struggling with from the start.

“The parts I wanted to go out for were parts that physically people didn’t think I was right for,” she says.

It’s why she found the role of a model in Woody Allen’s Celebrity liberating.

“It was a cathartic experience to make fun of that aspect of my life. It kind of put that whole part of my life to rest,” says Theron.

Roles in films such as The Astronaut’s Wife opposite Johnny Depp, The Cider House Rules with Michael Caine, The Legend Of Bagga Vance directed by Robert Redford and a remake of The Italian Job confirmed her

EXTRAn Charlize Theron was born on August 7, 1975 in Benoni, South Africa.n Her name is a take on her father’s name Charles.n She credits her mother for giving her an early passion for film as every Friday she’d

drive them 40 minutes to the drive-in cinema.n She’s the founder of Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project, which looks to keep African youth safe from HIV/AIDS.n She reportedly turned down

Kate Beckinsale’s role in 2001 flop Pearl Harbour in order to star alongside Keanu Reeves in Sweet November.n Snow White And The Huntsman and Prometheus are out in cinemas now.

status as an accomplished and versatile actress. But it was her turn as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in 2003’s Monster that truly surprised everyone.

It wasn’t only the physical transformation (she gained 30 pounds, wore dark contacts, had tattooed Latex placed over her face and her entire eyebrows plucked), but the powerful and emotional performance stunned cinema-goers.

“I have a fascination with that kind of behaviour and the people who tend to have those attributes because they’re challenging,” says Theron of the many flawed characters she’s depicted. “They’re not easy to get to know and I want to know them. I want to know how they work and how they tick and why they do things they do.

“My role in Monster was a huge risk because for the first time in my career I didn’t really know if I could do this.”

But her performance was hailed worldwide and in 2004 Theron was rewarded with the Oscar for Best Actress. In 2006 she was Oscar nominated again for her role in North Country, a story based on the first major successful sexual harassment case in the US and earlier this year, earned a Golden Globe nomination for her turn in the dark comedy Young Adult.

Aside from Snow White And The Huntsman, Theron stars as Meredith Vickers, a tough ‘suit’ representing a corporation funding the journey to a distant, foreboding world, in Ridley Scott’s new sci-fi epic Prometheus.

Following promotional duties for both films she’ll begin shooting a reimagining of Mad Max with Tom Hardy in

the titular role.It’s a project she almost pulled out

of after discovering her adopted son Jackson was coming into her life. She’s now a very doting single mum.

“I thought, ‘I’m not going to want to make this movie’,” she says.

“But the crazy thing that happened that I wasn’t expecting was that it actually made me feel really creative.

“I feel this little innocent baby is making me more curious about the human condition.”

It was a huge risk because for the first time in my career I didn’t really know if I could do this


Charlize is fascinated

by the dark characters she often portrays


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The DescenDanTs (15) hhhhh

Well-off and living in Hawaii, you’d expect life to be pretty sweet.

But lawyer Matt (George Clooney) finds his life slowly falling apart, then swiftly turned upside down when tragedy strikes his unhappy wife Elizabeth (Patricia Hastie).

With Elizabeth on life-support, Matt picks up the pieces after neglecting his family for years and tries to prepare them for the worst.

The Descendents explores human emotion and family ties in the face of tragedy, and Clooney gives a brilliant performance as the detached father.

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Goodluck,ZacEfron shakes off his Disney days in this easy-to-watch romance

Zac Efron’s used to cheesy movies – think High School Musical, Hairspray and 17 Again.

And, as the old adage goes, stick to what you know. So, Efron’s done just that with The Lucky One, which is his latest venture into the world of grown-up movies.

But, as he tries to shake off his days with Disney, Efron’s latest offering is also tinged with a heavy dose of tragedy.

After serving three tours in Iraq, Efron’s returning marine vows to find the girl in the photograph that saved him

in the war zone. He goes in search with his trusty German Shepherd, Zeus, and it doesn’t take long for him to locate the mystery girl as he takes a job

at the family’s kennels.It’s fairy tale romantic

stuff as The Lucky One goes for every romantic film cliché in the book (think Efron bathed in sunshine in a beautiful

woodland setting, with an attractive blonde waiting round the corner).

And, after rejecting him at

The lucky one (12a) hhhhh

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TWIlIGhT BreakInG DaWn ParT one (12a) hhhhhEnding one of the most successful film franchises in recent years was always going to be tricky.

So following in the footsteps of the Harry Potter films and splitting the final book into two parts seemed like a logical choice for the Twilight saga.

With Bella (Kristen Stewart) and heart-throb Edward (Robert Pattinson) getting hitched, expecting a vampire baby and Jacob (Taylor Lautner) on the prowl, there’s plenty of action in the penultimate instalment (rated 12A).

The VoW (12a) hhhhh

A lot can happen in five years. It’s plenty of time to fall in love, get married and settle down. But if all that was erased from your memory, the lives of those around you would probably descend into chaos.

That’s what happens to Paige (Rachel McAdams), leaving husband Leo (Channing Tatum) desperate to recreate the moments that lead to their romance and marriage in this film based on a real life story.

Memory loss might be a reoccurring theme in films, but you’ll be hard-pressed to find one that deals with it as well as The Vow. McAdams is on particularly fine form.

VoIces: The GreaTesT VoIces of all TIme hhhhh

Picking the greatest voices of all time has got to be a monumentally difficult job.

It’s a good game to play with pals. Where would you start?

New artists, old artists, pop, rock, soul, or disco divas?

Well, this three-CD compilation reckons it’s done the job.

But putting together a compilation dubbed ‘The Greatest Voices’ does also open yourself to criticism.

And by ignoring Whitney Houston and including Olly Murs (really, one of the greatest voices ever?), the title definitely loses a lot of credibility.

Overall, though, it is a decent selection of tracks from fantastic artists from past decades and recent years, such as Luther Vandross, Eva Cassidy, Kelly Clarkson and Leona Lewis.

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Is this where we kiss, Zac?

first, Taylor Shilling’s character, single-mum Beth, soon falls for Efron’s piano-playing, chess-playing, Mr Perfect dreamboat.

A touching bond develops between the charmer and Beth’s son, but the ex-husband turns up to put a large spanner in the works.

OK, OK, it’s pure slush – the settings, the heartache, the tug on the heartstrings. Efron even delivers ultra-corny dialogue, such as, “You should be kissed every day, every hour, every minute.”

But if you can see past the froth, this is a solid melodrama in which Efron plays the hunk perfectly.Shilling portrays the tragedy-hit single mum

well, adding a bit of energy, while Blythe Danner’s grandmother keeps things ticking over with her insights and humour.

The story wanders a bit, but the second half provides more spark and passion, something Efron fans must have been waiting for.

A bit more fun wouldn’t have gone amiss, but this is a straight-faced romantic tale about tragedy bringing two people together.

Other Nicholas Sparks adaptations Dear John and The Notebook provided similar romantic fare, and The Lucky One follows Sparks’ narrative formula to a tee.

It may be a little longer than necessary and cheesy at times, but it’s also heart-warming and fans of a more grown-up Efron shouldn’t be disappointed.

Watch the trailer

£13.69 Buy it now

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£9.99 Buy it now

£10.99 Buy it now


Spritz into summer

Glow getterThe Body Shop is offering a sunny twist on three of their fragrances. One of those, White Musk Sun

Glow, captures the essence of summer feelings perfectly. The Body Shop Summer Fragrance Collection EDT, £15 each for 50ml (www.thebodyshop.co.uk).

Ocean freshDive into Pacific paradise with Davidoff Cool Water’s summer edition. This fruity floral perfume opens with mint leaves to give a blast of freshness. Davidoff Cool Water Woman Pure Pacific EDT, £32 for 100ml (available at Boots).

Summer serenitySet the tone for a summer romance with Eternity Summer. The floral, fruity scent opens with Japanese pear martini, while white peony petals also come through. Calvin Klein Eternity Summer EDP, £33 for 100ml (0800 083 6310).

Ray of sunshinePaul Smith’s Sunshine opens with peach, grapefruit and bergamot and fades into a floral heart and woody base. Paul Smith Sunshine EDT, £31 for 100ml (available at Boots).

Beach babeThis edition of Estee Lauder’s

Bronze Goddess, inspired by the Isle of Capri, has notes of cassis,

mandarin and lemon leaves. Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Capri Eau Fraiche, £40 for 100ml (0870 034

2566, www.esteelauder.co.uk).

Riviera chicDolce & Gabbana’s Light Blue

has been given a summer makeover with Dreaming in Portofino. Expect

a chypre floral scent with lashings of sensual femininity. Dolce & Gabbana

Light Blue Dreaming in Portofino EDT, from £32 (nationwide).

Jungle feverJean Paul Gaultier is offering a summer twist on Classique with

additional notes of rose and orange blossom. Jean Paul Gaultier Classique

Summer EDT, £39.50 for 100ml (House of Fraser, www.houseoffraser.co.uk).

Drenched delightMarc Jacobs’ Splash cubes come

in Rain (think tropical monsoons); Kumquat (fizzy and refreshing) or Hibiscus (sultry and

fruity). Marc Jacobs Splash Tropical EDT, £29 each for 100ml (0800 652 7661).

After spring showers and floods, we’ve never needed a taste of summer like we do now.

Thankfully a spritz of fragrance can be evocative of blue skies and white beaches, whatever the weather.

Just as our clothing layers become lighter, so too should our fragrances. Even long-established classic scents like Jean Paul Gaultier, Calvin Klein

and Issey Miyake lighten up for the sunshine season.

“Wintery scents are spicier, heavier and more complex than summer ones, so by the time the sunshine hits, people are ready for a change,” explains John Stephen, head perfumer of The Cotswold Perfumery.

But if you are tempted by a new bottle, be quick. These scents are limited editions.

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Lovely jubilee!

We all know the Queen loves her Corgis, so try Louche’s strokeable Windsor Corgi jumper, £45 (www.joythestore.com). Ted Baker has also gone Corgi crazy with a red, white and blue print scarf, £85 (exclusive to Selfridges, www.selfridges.com).

Jubilympics 2012 meets Geri Halliwell circa 1997

with Simmi’s patriotic Union Jack platform

boots, £38 (www.simmishoes.com).

Crown print blouse, £25, and sateen capri trousers, £26, both M&Co (0800 0317 200, www.mandco.com)

For evening glamour, pop your royal trinkets in Lulu Guinness’

Felicity sequinned Union Jack oversized clutch, £275 (www.luluguinness.com).

Go down the patriotic route with a British

Bulldog. Dorothy

Perkins has perched a glitzy crown and necklace on their

dog motif top, £16 (0845 121 4515, www.dorothy perkins.com).

Summer’s fail-safe nautical trend has been given a royal makeover for 2012.

Instead of channelling maritime themes, it’s time to celebrate all things British – and the high street’s awash with red, white and blue.

This summer is a joint celebration of the Diamond Jubilee and

London Olympics, but you don’t have to go down the tacky souvenir route to flaunt your patriotic side.

So jump for joy and embrace the ‘Jubilympics’ fashion mood.

And the best thing about playing patriotic dress-up? You can be as stylishly subtle or flamboyantly OTT as you wish…

Long-sleeved cotton shirt, £65, and silk belt, £22, both Eric Bompard (www.eric-bompard.com). Trousers and shoes, stylist’s own.

White Stuff Sunrays shirt,

£45 (020 7735 8133,

www.white stuff.com)