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"Flip" Your Science Instruction May 21, 2014 Minneapolis, MN (Brooklyn Center)


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2. [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER WiFi Login: 3. Brian S. Miller La Salle High School Pasadena, CA 30 Year Science Educator (Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Anatomy, Environmental Science) SMART Board Consultant Socratic Chemistry Founder NSTA & CSTA Presenter [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 4. Graduate Credit for Professional Development from Brandman University pA-E Resources Page -p80 Notes -p82 Evaluation p89 Page NotationsP 5. OUR DAY 8:00 8:30 - Arrival 8:35 9:00 - Introductions and Housekeeping 9:00 10:00 - The Essentials of Flipping 10:00 10:15 - Break 10:15 10:45 - Stepping Stones to Flipping 10:45 11:15 - Creating Accountability 11:15 11:45 - Starting With Online Videos 11:45 1:00 - Lunch 1:00 2:00 - Lets Make a Resource 2:00 2:10 - Break 2:10 2:50 - Back to Your Classroom 2:50 3:00 - WPAs and Closure [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 6. [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 2 Objectives By the end of the day you should be able to Explain how you could get started in implementing a successful flipped classroom for your science discipline. List tools for using mobile technology to create flipped learning experiences for your students Design effective flipped science lessons with highly effective apps and other tech tools to meet the needs of your students Identify Step-by-step techniques for using the flipped classroom to effectively teach rigorous science skills and concepts, including those aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards 7. [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 2 Objectives By the end of the day you should be able to Explain how to create a more accessible learning environment for all students Identify creative ways to reach students in their world through online tools and media they already use Initiate innovative, student-centered strategies to implement the flipped classroom in secondary science classes Identify Low-cost and no-cost ideas for flipping your classroom for science. 8. [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 2 Objectives By the end of the day you should be able to Evaluate what is new in educational technology, including apps and outstanding software that are ideal for differentiated learning in a flipped classroom List ways to fully involve ALL of your students during in-class learning Step-by-step instructions for creating effective videotaped lessons that can be used to pre-teach, re-teach and strengthen understanding Identify Proven techniques to involve students in seeing and doing science with effective video clips that enhance your science instruction 9. INTRODUCTORY QUESTIONS 1. After looking over the objectives, what questions do you feel are most important for your purposes in attending todays seminar? 2. Are there any other questions or concepts that are not represented in the objectives that you would like to see addressed? [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 3 10. [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 4 THE PARABLE OF THE STONES A man was out walking in the desert when a voice said to him, "Pick up some pebbles and put them in your pocket, and tomorrow you will be both happy and sad." The man obeyed. He stooped down and picked up a handful of pebbles and put them in his pocket. The next morning he reached into his pocket and found diamonds, sapphires, rubies and emeralds. And he was both happy and sad. Happy he had taken some sad that he hadn't taken more. 11. 5-11 Four Essential Elements of the Flipped Classroom Student Centered Environment Teacher as Learning Facilitator Content Delivery Resources Higher-Order Questions [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 12. 5-11 Student Centered Environment 13. 5-11 Student Centered Environment 14. 5-11 The Teacher as Facilitator [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 15. 5-11 The Teacher as Facilitator 16. 5-11 Content Delivery Resources [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER Offer Choice Provide Opportunity Maintain Equal Footing 17. 5-11 Higher Order Questions [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 18. 5-11 Higher Order Questions 19. 5-11 Higher Order Questions 20. 5-11 Higher Order Questions 21. CHECKPOINT QUESTIONS [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 12 Where are you at currently, in regards to using the flipped lesson format? What do you need to do to begin/increase/continue your flipped learning classroom? What are the obstacles you need to overcome? What has fueled your interest in the flipped learning format? 22. Rebecca Navarro Program Manager 23. [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER NGSS STEM STEAM 24. 13-18 7 STEPPING STONES TO A FLIPPED CLASSROOM BRAINSTORM CREATE DESIGN PREPARE SET OUTCOMES BUILD A LIBRARY CREATE A PORTAL 25. 7 STEPPING STONES TO A FLIPPED CLASSROOM BRAINSTORM CREATE [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 13-18 26. 7 STEPPING STONES TO A FLIPPED CLASSROOM DESIGN PREPARE [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 13-18 27. 7 STEPPING STONES TO A FLIPPED CLASSROOM SET OUTCOMES BUILD A LIBRARY [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 13-18 28. 7 STEPPING STONES TO A FLIPPED CLASSROOM C R E AT E A P O R TA L START FLIPPING [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 13-18 29. 19-24 CREATING ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM C - CHOICE A ACCOUNTABILITY N NO EXCUSES T THREE BEFORE ME [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 30. 19-24 C - CHOICE [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 31. 19-24 A - ACCOUNTABILITY [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 32. 19-24 A - ACCOUNTABILITY 33. 19-24 N No Excuses [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 34. 19-24 T Three Before Me [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 35. CHECKPOINT QUESTIONS [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 25 How do you see student accountability and the flipped lesson format playing a role in your classroom environment? What methods do you currently utilize to hold students accountable in your traditional classroom? How can these be adapted to the flipped lesson format? What methods do currently utilize in your use of the flipped lesson format to maintain and encourage student accountability? 36. BENEFITS OF THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 27 Students can take ownership of their learning. Teachers can create or select educationally entertaining videos to capture student attention, instead of having students absorb through textbooks and homework problems. The classroom becomes a student centered learning environment, rather than teacher directed a content driven. Students receive instant feedback in class as they are problem solving. 37. BENEFITS OF THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 27 Students are not as frustrated because they can ask questions immediately and work through confusion. Teachers can revisit concepts that trip-up students and reform the pace of the lesson plan based on feedback. Students do not have to rely on parents, tutors or potentially inaccurate internet sources to work through tough problems. Teachers can provide options to students with different learning styles and offer more one-on-one time. 38. BENEFITS OF THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 27 Students who are absent or miss class due to school activities have access to the content delivery outside of the classroom. Administrators, colleagues and parents have access to the content being delivered in your classroom. More time to allow for student involvement in Project Based Learning, Inquiry Based Learning, and Gamification. Development of Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaborative skill sets through increased interaction between students and teachers in the classroom. 39. POSSIBLE DRAW-BACKS OF THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 28 Not all students have access to at-home technology. Not all teachers are tech savvy enough to master the flipped classroom model, and schools may need to adopt additional hiring criteria for new teachers. The method relies on students watching the videos and potentially fails if they do not. 40. POSSIBLE DRAW-BACKS OF THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 28 Teachers may be at a loss as what to do with in-class time. Teachers are more reliant on student feedback and questions to drive daily interaction. With the emphasis on out of class lessons, some ask why we need teachers, and insist the flipped classroom too closely resembles a hands-off online learning environment. Educators need time to develop online content and create a student centered learning environment, through Inquiry and Project Based Learning methods. 41. START FLIPPING WITH VIDEOS ONLINE , NOW!!! 29-35 42. START FLIPPING WITH VIDEOS ONLINE , NOW!!! 29-35 [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER IF IT AINT BROKE DONT FIX IT!!! VIEW BEFORE ASSIGNING CONTENT VOCABULARY LEARNING GOALS & OBJECTIVES GRADE LEVEL SAFETY 43. CHECKPOINT QUESTIONS [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 25 What online resources do you currently utilize to find, use, and introduce media, for your flipped lesson format? What format are you currently using to share your flipped lessons with your students for your classroom environment? 44. CREATING YOUR OWN VIDEOS? KEEP IT SIMPLE!!! 37-43 45. CREATING YOUR OWN VIDEOS? SHORT 37-43 ONE (1) MINUTE PER GRADE LEVEL. [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 46. CREATING YOUR OWN VIDEOS? INTERESTING 37-43 WOULD YOU WATCH YOUR VIDEO? [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 47. CREATING YOUR OWN VIDEOS? MEANINGFUL 37-43 [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 48. CREATING YOUR OWN VIDEOS? PLANNED 37-43 STORY BOARD ON PAGE 44 49. CREATING YOUR OWN VIDEOS? LEARNING TOOL 37-43 50. [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 51. CREATING YOUR OWN VIDEOS? EXCITING 37-43 [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 52. PLANNING THE VIDEO LESSON 37-43 [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER Introduction - Introduce the puropose of the video. Identify the concept and create a connection to previous knowledge if necessary. Objectives - Identify 1 or 2 objectives or standards that will be addressed in the video. Whenever possible list Common Core or State Standards or Next Generation Science Standards met by the concepts in the video. Overview - Provide a brief explanation of the concept that will be modeled in the lesson. Include new vocabulary, skills necessary and other related materials. 53. PLANNING THE VIDEO LESSON 37-43 [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER Examples - Model concept providing as many examples as possible. Keep in mind lesson link. If necessary make more than one video to provide additional examples and solutions. Self Assess Provide opportunities troughout the lesson for students to check their understanding. Encourage students to pause the lesson in order to answer questions, think about the concept or complete a sample problem. 54. PLANNING THE VIDEO LESSON 37-43 [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER Going Further Provide opportunities for students to continue to explore the concept through additional sample problems, further research, articles, websites or additional videos to add to the knowledge base. Add higher order questions to help students synthesize the content into a knowledge base that can transition back to the classroom. Closure Bring the lesson to a close by revisiting the objectives or standards that were demonstrated in the video lesson. There is no need to summarize or repeat the key concepts as this will only increase video time. Students always have the option to re-watch any part of the video as many times as may be necessary. 55. The more organized and prepared you are, the less re- takes and editing you will have to do later. The editing process can deplete your energy and waste your valuable time. 37-43 56. SOFTWARE FOR FLIPPING 45-47 [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER FIND ONE OR TWO THAT WORK FOR YOU. 57. SOFTWARE FOR FLIPPING 45-47 [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER YOU CAN KEEP IT SIMPLEOR YOU CAN PRODUCE EPICS, WHAT ARE THE NEEDS OF YOUR STUDENTS. 58. SOFTWARE FOR FLIPPING 45-47 [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 59. MAKING A FLIPPED DIGITAL RESOURCE 48-55 http://www.screencast-o-matic.com 60. SAMPLE VIDEO 61. SAMPLE VIDEO 62. [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 63. [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 64. [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 65. [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER 66. TECHNOLOGY 45-47 [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER You can be a good teacher and never use technology and technology will never turn a bad teacher into a good one. However, a good teacher who uses technology well, can make great things happen. - Rushton Hurley 67. BACK TO THE CLASSROOM TAKING IT BEYOND THE CONTENT 71-75 [email protected] flipped4science.blogspot.com www.youtube.com/user/SMARTERTEACHER Four basic models of the flipped classroom include: Traditional Flipped Model Inquiry Based Approach The Flipped Mastery Approach Project Based Learning 68. BACK TO THE CLASSROOM TAKING IT BEYOND THE CONTENT 71-75 Traditional Flipped Model 69. BACK TO THE CLASSROOM TAKING IT BEYOND THE CONTENT 71-75 Inquiry Based Approach 70. BACK TO THE CLASSROOM TAKING IT BEYOND THE CONTENT 71-75 The Flipped Mastery Approach 71. BACK TO THE CLASSROOM TAKING IT BEYOND THE CONTENT 71-75 Project Based Learning 72. 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