
Flexibee By Jasmine, Ellie and Claudia

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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By Jasmine, Ellie and Claudia


Our Mini Elevator Pitch

We are developing an app which helps everyone get fit with Zumba.Our target audience is people who want to get fit, but don't have lots of time or money. Our app will solve the problem of obesity and unfitness. It solves this by providing a fun and easy workout without a hefty membership fee and you can work at your own speed at whatever time you like. Our apps secret sauce is that it if not very expensive and we have different stages and categories.

Who: Ellie, Claudia and I will research zumba exercises, and will take it step by step through the workout to make it clearer to people what they have to do to become fitter and more flexible using zumba.What: This app is about zumba and will help you get fit and more flexible. When: In your free time.Where: In your home at the gym in the park.Why: To have more self confidence.

The 5 W’s

Our Target audience

Our target audience is mostly women who may be unemployed or who are busy. This app is good for the unemployed as the app is cheap and you do not have to pay lots of money for zumba classes. This app is probably best for women as we are women(and we will be doing the videos) so the dance moves may be more feminine. It is also good for busy people as you can do as little as you want.

This app makes toning fast and fun for all those in need of exercise. It gives you an upbeat and happy workout experience and definitely improves your figure with burning up to 1000 calories an hour, only if you e.g. Plenty of females in the obese world want to work out but just don't have the courage therefore dancing with others who want to lose their weight and even just doing it on your own in the comfort of your home.Fortunately our company will not speak much to describe the moves only to benefit those who speak a foreign language. (more than one foreign big boned person in the world)

How can you get fit at home and also have fun?

It takes a lot of effort to become fitter, so you will need to push through the pain. No exercise is ever easy (if you’re expecting a result at the end of it). However zumba you can do with your friends, and it will be fun.

It is Fun to Lose Weight

Obviously we do not fully believe losing weight comes easy it takes a lot of time and effort which most people may not have. However this will be the sort of thing people will defo make time for especially if they're watching a video with three very outgoing girls who are encouraging and thoughtful .

Zumba Dance is a motion-based game for the iPad that features music from chart topping artists and intense calorie-burning classes that will make users break a However, it costs £3.21 whereas our app with cost nothing which which will be more affordable, for what the app does.

Our App Plan

Extra Information

We believe our app could be successful, this is because it the zumba people who are talking about the app will demonstrate as well as talk. You can say your language, for example portuguese and the subtitles will come up in you language. (in this case it was portuguese).


WWW - Had a lot of information - Good presentation

EBI - Work in a group more. - Evenly speak about our app.