flash card -vocabulary


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Post on 06-Sep-2015




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English Vocabulary


AA-21InfringementThe action of breaking the terms of law;violation etc2conundrumA difficult or confusing problem3ResoluteAbsolutely determined or unwavering4Respite A short period of rest or relief from something5AbetAssist someone to do something wrong especially crime6CartelAssociation of manufacturers or suppliers with a motive to maintain prices at high to restrict competion7ApprehensionAnxiety or fear that something bad will happen8legitimateAccording to the rules or law; justifiable;valid9Hithertountil this time under the point of discussion10Contemporaryliving or occuring at the same time11laceratedtear; deeply cut12AppeasementThe act or process of appeasing; 13EntityA thing with distinct and independent existence14DodgeA sudden and quick movement to avoid someone or something15Photography; Expose less than the rest during processing16SermonA reproof or lecture17Admonitionreprimand or warning18Reprimand warning;official expression of disapproval19ImpedimentThe hindrance or obstruction in doing something20A speech defect21lispA speech defect in 's' is pronounced as 'th' in thick and 'z' is pronounced as 'th' in this 22PathologistA doctor who identifies the scientific nature of the cause of the disease23EnunciationThe art of speaking clearly and concisely24Articulationmaking distinct sounds in speech25IntonationThe rise and fall of voice in speaking26Inundationflooding of people or something; abundant27unenviable28Oneroustask involving a great deal of difficulty29drolldry amusement30feudalismSocial system in mediaval Europe31VassalA person who held land from feudal lord and received protection in return for allegiance32PeasantsA small poor holder33HomageA honour shown publicly34AllegianceCommitment to superior or to a group35milieuA person's social environment36RogueA dishonest or unprincipled man37removing weed38Unfetteredunrestrained39enthrallingCapturing and holding one's attention40facilesporting victory 41ignoring the true complexities of an issue;superficial42mellifluenceA flow of speechness43eccenricunconventional; odd; strangeness44exacerbatemake a situation worse (a situation or feeling)45corroborategive support to a statement; theory or finding46ExuberanceA joyful enthusiasm;larger than life47ZestEnthusiasm48Piquantstrong flavour in taste by stimulating mentally49exciting to mind50Recluseone who lives a solitary life51Tenet Principles of a religion52Bizarreunusual or strangetragiccharacterized by extreme distress; socially boring ;inept

AA-3PlebisciteThe direct vote of all the members of an electorate on an important public question such as the change in constitutionGinA clear alcoholic spirit distilled from grain or malt, flavoured with juniper berriesundulyExcessive or immoderatedulyIn accordance with what is required;appropriatecontemplationThe action of looking thoughtfully at something for long timeembitteredcynical or bitternessSuspiciousHaving or showing a cautious trust on someone or somethingMormonThe member of the church of Jesus ChristStrollA leisurely walk; an easy winStrait lacedfilled with strict moral attitudesStraitA narrow passage connecting two other areas of large waterused in situation characterized by certain degree of difficultyDogmaticexpressed opinions are certainly correct and cannot be doubtedArrogant Having or showing an exaggerated sense of one's importance or abilitiesDeliberateintentional and unprovokedDemeanourA condescending or patronising attitudeOutward bearingCondescendingPandemoniumA wild noisy or uproarIndeliblemarks that are unremovableAmbitThe scope, limits or boundary or somethingDelicacy meaningAnomalydeviating from the normal standardsPragmaticdealing the things with the practical approachHyperboleExaggerated claims or statements not meant to be taken literallyIdealisticcharacterized by idealism or unrealistically aiming for perfectiongrina broad smileIgnominiousdeserving shame or disgraceDissidenta person opposing the policies of an authoritarian stateIratecharacterized by angerIreAngerInfirmaryA HospitalMonsignorsMale clerics titled by pope to an officecaviarpickled roe of the sturgeon or large fish eaten as a delicacywryAmusing and funnyRepentA feeling of sincere regret for something wrong doneRemorsefeeling guilty for something wrong doneContriteA feeling of regretnessCadence A modulation or inflection of the voiceGistA general substance or meaning of the textPlethoraA large or excessive amount of somethingInstigateTo bring about or initiate an actionGenreA category of art, style or musicMetaphysicsA branch of physics dealing with the first principle of things including abstract items such as knowing, time & spaceIncantationA series of words said as a magic spell or charmSadisticderiving pleasure from inflicting pain on othersSorceryThe practice of magic esp. blackmagicWackyAmusing and funny slightly in an odd and peculiar waywantonunprovokedA promiscuous womanImmodestlacking humility or decencyPromiscuousHaving or characterized by many transient sexual relationshipswitchcraftThe use of spells and black magic

AA-1Frivolousnot of serious purpose or value in naturemisconstrueInterpret a person's words or actions wronglysnowballingIncreasing exponentially in sizeconsonanceCompatibility between actions and opinions of othersCognizanceKnowledge or AwarenessHypocriticalBelieving in a way that suggests one has more noble beliefs than is the caseHypocriteA person who engages in the same behaviour he condemns others forDiligenceCareful and persistent work or effortVociferousVehement opinionsVehementstrong, intense and forcefulAggreivedfeeling resentment at having been unfairlysordidInvolving immoral and dishonourable motives arousing moral distate and contemptArbitraryBased on random, rather than with any reasoning or logicwith Authoritywhimsudden change in desire, mindwhimsicalquaint and fancifulInhibitedunable to behave in natural manner due to fearslewturn violently and uncontrollablyParetrim by cutting the outer edgesReciprocityThe practice of exchanging things with each other for mutual benefits esp between countriesDespicabledeserving hatred and contemptBarbaricPrimitive and unsophisticatedDiplomaticconcerning diplomacyPeople pleaserAn activity, skill of managing international relations esp between countriesDelegateA person authorised to act / represent in his behalfEntrust to another personObligationAn act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally boundfuroreHuge public outbreak or angertrade offThe exchange of one thing for anothercornucopiaA symbol of plenty consisting of goat's horn overflowing with flowers, fruits, corn etcHead Honcho Big shotAn important and influential personInevitablyunavoidably;As is certain toEndeavourAn attempt to achieve goaloverwhelmbury or drown beneath somethingHaving a strong emotional effect upondelvereach inside the receptacle and search for somethingelongatemake something longer esp unusuallyverbiageexcessive lengthy and technical speechtop dawgA person who uses their good looks to dominate othersAssiduousCareful and persistent work or effortspriga stem bearing leaves of the aromatic family of the plant groupA descendant or young ones of the familylineagethymesa low growing plant of the aromatic familyparadigma shift or pattern in somethinggrimedirt ingrained on the surface of somethingAmbiencecharacter of a atmosphere or a placewadingwalk with effort through waterattack;intervenenexusa central focal pointa connection between two or three linking a serial connectiontrilogyA group of three related novelsodeA poem written to a particular subject in the form of address varied irregularlysparsethinly distributedIncisivegreatly analyticalof teethnaysayersPersons with aggressive and negative attitudeImmaculatePerfectly cleanetherealout of this worls; extremly light

AA-4IntrigueArouse the curiosity or interest ofeager toPoofA sudden dismissalcontemptuous dismissalluciteA solid transparent plastic made of polymethyl methacrylateOrnatefilled with decorative elementsRepletewell supplied;filled withArtefactAn object that is not present in nature but found as a result of experiment; historically valuableArdentGlowingNicheA suitable and comfortable position in lifeA shallow recess in the wall Gratereduce something to a smaller sizemaking a rasping noisePorchA covered shelter projecting infront of a houseQuaintunusually attractiveknick knackA small worthless household objectsReprehensibledeserving censure and condemnationCensureexpress a strong disapproval ofEvasivetending to avoid direct commitment by responding indirectlyIncumbentOne who's holding office currentlyEmbellishdecorate with attractive featuresAcerbicallybitter;cynicalSarcasticmarked by humour and ironyIronycynicalbelieving that people are motivated by self interestscepticalcynosure; not believingPensiveengage in a deep reflecting thoughtPenchantHabitual liking for somethingmandatehave the necessary power to do something;authorityunprovokeddeliberate and intentionalprovocationmake some one anger or to do something negativelyunabatedwithout any reduction in strengthconciliatoryintended to placatecongenialconvivial; friendliness

AA-5Sfleetinglasting for a very short timegreivousvery serious in natureconfidedtell someone a secret in a hush hush mannerIntimidationfrighteningcharacter assasinationmaligning someonetransgressingcross beyond the limitsobliteratingdestroy utterlybanterlight hearted tease;jokeostensiblestated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily somanifestlyvery clearlybucolicrelating to the country sidePaucitylack in quantitystratumlayers of earthA social classanimositystrong hostilityrancourresentfulnessindignationfeeling resentment at having been treated unfairlyconvictionA decision by judgefirmly helded belieffigment of imaginationoutragehuge outbreak and public angerquirka peculiar or behaviourcuriousvery eager to learn somethingInvasivetending to spread very quickly and harmfullyPredicamentAn unpleasant or embarrassin situationIndictmentaccused of doing something wrongeavesdroppedsecretly listen to a conversationmendaciouslying; telling lieatoneThe action of making amendments for something done wrongImpelforce to do somethingMalafidewith bad intentionsverbosityexcessive and lengthy technical speechepitomeSummary of a written workperfect example for somethingHumilitymodestbeing simpleSatiricaltrying to mock or give contempt by using ironyRatificationsatisfiedall the conditions are satisfiedContemporaryliving or occuring at the same timedelineatedebilitatemake someone very weakadagea old proverb or saying that expresses the general truthfrownmake the eyebrow indicating disappointmentswaggerA confident walking style;ArrogantGaitA person's manner of walkingPusilanimityPetty mindednesscoward; lacking courageStarklyExtreme; contrastGrimforbidden; hauntedforbiddingunfriendly; threateningGawkstare openlyshunrejectsmittenattractivenessravageddestroyed completelysensuousexciting to the body and mind physically; sexuallylicentiouspretendingtyrannicalarbitraryvixena female foxmodus operandia particular method of doing somethingdelugea huge floodingnefariouswicked; of an activitystilletowoman's tapering shoes with high heelsChaperoneA person who accompanies and takes care of other person's in a groupGenreA category of art, music, style or literatureUbiquitousfound everywhereAmbiguousOpen to more than one interpretationQuintessentialThe perfect example for something;perfect role modelvisa -visappropriate; concerning; with reference toAproposwith reference tochivalrousgallantry; general consideration and courtesy given to woman and childrenbravery in fieldGallantrybravery shown in the war field and respect to womenprofanityusing obscene language; irreverent; showing disrespect to something sacredprofaneirreverent; showing disrespect to something sacredIrreverentshowing disrespect to something sacredAmbiguityOpen to more than one interpretationTravestyrelated to justice; justice not prevailedGrotesqueAn ugly picture of someone or something to mockdistorted figure or imageOrdealunpleasant experience for a prolonged timeObjectiveOpinion without emotions involvedThe ability to identify the wrong and right without the emotions involvedAscribeAs regards to;attributed toLousypoor; badlousea parasite living on the skin of the animalseruditeHaving or showing profound knowledgestigmatadisregard; consider someone or something worthlessstigmatizesolicitto obtain for somethingto obtain for favourPropensityAn Inclination towards somethingUnsavourytasteless;

AA-7SummitThe highest point of a mountaina meeting between higher officials of the governmentzenithThe horizonUnwaryFearlessGospelThe teachings of prophet muhammedImpervious Unable to pass throughReposeTwingeA sudden sharp painUnscrupulousNimbleTake a bite of;Warpviciouswicked; criminalAcmeThe highest point in someone's lifeAbsurdChagrindisappointmentcounterfeitfake; to deceitconceptionforming and devising an ideathe conceiving of a childGestationThe period between the conception and birth of a childPlanka timberStraysearch widely for food;proddedPoint with a finger; crooka dishonest personvaguelyuncertain; roughlymumblechewing without the involvement of toothmutteredtell something in a low voice especially with disappointmentravenglossy blackHorizonto the length eyes can seeLitigateresort to legal process for solving the problemIntricateInnermost;delicateJestA JokeJettisondrop something from aircraft or shipTreasonbetray his own country; act against the official authority of a nationParishionerA judgedetrimental make some plans to do something harm