flame in chalice

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  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice




    The title of these poemsFlame in Chaliceis significant. To the isce!ning !ea e!thei! f"ll esote!ic #"alit$ nee ha! l$ %e pointe o"t. An e&en a chil 'ill %e a'a!e of thesinging( flame) ippe 'o! s.

    Not st!angel$( Nicholas Roe!ich is maste! of the singing 'o! no less than of the singingfo!m an colo!. *To the ocean)ti es of the spi!it( the a!ts a!e one.+ His poet!$ is i!ect(simple( a!!o')li,e. It has the same &i%!ant to"ch of the maste!( the same sense of m$sticisman cosmic "nfol ment fo"n in his paintings. The epth an intensit$( the !h$thmic s'eepan e-altation that ma!, his 'o!, as a!tist is no less p!esent he!e. His l$!ic 'o! s( li,e soman$ singing a!!o's( fl$ st!aight to thei! in&isi%le goal. Light !a$s o"t po'e!f"ll$ f!om thelines. It is e&i ent that the$ ha&e %een ma e in flame as nat"!e ma,es./

    In this %!ief space let "s eal 'ith the s"%stance of the poet!$ of Roe!ich !athe! than 'ithelements of fo!m an techni#"e( ho'e&e! m"ch might %e sai of the "no%t!"si&e a!t %$means of 'hich each 'o! ( each ph!ase( 'ea&es into a &icto!io"s !h$thmpa!t of a 'ingeAla$a. He!e( fi!st of all( is the nat"!alnessthe simplicit$of all a!t that has pe!manence.He!e is the 'is om of 0o$./ He!e is the !ain%o' #"alit$ that 'e fin in his paintingsthe

    p!omise of the f"t"!e( the p!ophec$ of a'n( of the g!eatness an f"llness of Tomo!!o'.Roe!ich iffe!s st!i,ingl$ f!om man$ of o"! aci ( isill"sione so)calle mo e!ns/ in

    this note of %elief an e-pectanc$. I s"mmon the hea!t( 'is om an la%o!(/ he ecla!es.An The g!eat To a$ 'ill %e imme Tomo!!o'./ Life fo! him oes not g!o' less %"tg!eate! 'ith the $ea!s. It is not a iminishing scale %"t a c!escen o. This pe!fect spi!it"al'o!l that 'e contact in !a!e moments is he!e( he tells "s( fo! o"! isco&e!$ an inha%iting.He is the 1!eat 2elie&e!. The!e is a #"est. The!e is a pilg!image. The!efo!e he is the"n'ea!ia%le pilg!im. Th!o"gho"t the %o $ of his poet!$( one feels this spi!it"al a'a!enessan p!ophec$( this conscio"sness of the sac!e pilg!image that m"st %e ma e soone! o! late!

    %$ e&e!$ h"man %eing %o!n into the 'o!l s. The!e is a Hol$ 1!ail to %e fo"n %$ eachspi!it"al pilg!im. At the call of the Messenge!( he m"st a!ise an gi! himself fo! the

    0o"!ne$. The Last 1ates a!e sto!me an ente!e . Often( significantl$( the pilg!im 0o"!ne$salone.

    In the English !en e!ing( I ha&e t!ie to ,eep( as nea!l$ as might %ea ce!tain loss isine&ita%lethe !h$thm an %eat of the o!iginal lines. This 'as ma e possi%le onl$ th!o"ghthe assistance of Miss Esthe! 3. Lichtmann( of the Roe!ich M"se"m( 'ho fi!st t!anslate thelines f!om the R"ssian( gi&ing me thei! English e#"i&alent. To he! I offe! m$ than,s ang!atef"l app!eciation.

    In the poet!$ of Roe!ich( finall$( the!e is a f"llness an e-pansion of conscio"sness( a&i%!ation of light an colo!( a sense of p!ophec$ an ongoing( of sea!ch( isco&e!$ anf"lfilment that is as m"ch pa!t of his singing 'o! as of the colo!s an conto"!s of his

    %!"sh. These poems a!e t!"e chil !en of the Flame in Chalice.

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    >I 4ee A!o"n Me> 2$ The R"le! To ?s Re0oice Th!o"gh 4mile

    9ART III)TO THE 2O5 The Ete!nal Light The 4cepte! Tho" A!t 4ent A o!n Into The Ea!th Then We Cannot Not To

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    Flame of i&init$fi!e.The fi!e 'ill sea! the e&il ones.The flame 'ill %"!n the e&il ones.The flame 'ill sta$ the e&il ones(Will p"!if$ the e&il ones.

    2en %ac, the a!!o's of the emons.Let the poison of the se!pent escen "pon the e&il ones=Aglami e( Comman e! of the 4e!pent(A!tan( A!ion( gi&e ea!=Tige!( eagle( lion of the ese!t 'astes(1"a! f!om the e&il ones=C"!l as se!pent %e %"!ne %$Fi!eDispe!se( pe!ish( O e&il=

    Flame in chalice=

    4ACRED 4I1N4

    Fathe!the peacef"l. 4onthe peacef"l. 4pi!itthe peacef"l.The th!ee e#"al. The th!ee in i&isi%le.The %l"e seais thei! hea!t.The sta!sthei! e$es.The night a'nthei! mo"th.The epth of i&init$the sea.The e&il 'al, "pon the sea.2lin to them a!e the a!!o's of the emons.L$n-( 'olf( ge!falcon(1"a! the e&il ones=

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    4ACRED 4I1N4

    We o not ,no'. 2"t the$ ,no'.The stones ,no'. E&en t!ees

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    WE 4HALL 4EE

    We go to sea!ch fo! 4ac!e4igns. We go ca!ef"ll$ an

    In silence.9eople pass %$. The$ la"gh.The$ s"mmon "s to follo'. Othe!s h"!!$ onIn iscontent. Othe!s th!eaten "s.The$ 'ant to sei e 'hat 'e possess.The passe!s)%$Do not ,no' that 'e ha&e goneTo sea!ch fo! sac!e signs. 2"tThe th!eatening ones shall pass.The$ ha&e so m"ch to o. 2"t 'e4hall sea!ch fo! 4ac!e 4igns.

    No%o $ ,no's 'he!eThe Host has left His signs.;e!$ li,el$ the$ a!e on the milestones2esi e the !oa .O! in the flo'e!s.O! in the 'a&es of the !i&e!.We thin, that one can #"est fo! themIn the clo" $ &a"lts(2$ the light of the s"n( %$ the light of theMoon. 2$ the light of !esinAn %onfi!e shall 'e sea!ch

    Fo! 4ac!e 4igns.

    We 'al,A long time.

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice



    We 'e!e tol Fo!%i en=/5et 'e ente!e none the less.We app!oache the gates.

    E&e!$'he!e 'e hea! Fo!%i en=/We 'ante to see the signs.We 'e!e tol Fo!%i en=/We 'ante to ,in le the light.We 'e!e tol Fo!%i en=/

    1!a$( seeing( ,no'ing g"a! s(5o" a!e e!!ing g"a! s.The Host has pe!mitte to ,no'(The Host has pe!mitte to see.

    No o"%t it is His 'ishThat 'e shall ,no'( that 'e shall see.

    2ehin the gates a messenge! stan s.He %!ings "s something.Let "s in( g"a! s=/Fo!%i en=/ 'e 'e!e tol .An the gates 'e!e close .

    2"t none the less man$ 'e!e the gatesWe passe . We %!o,e o"! 'a$ th!o"ghAn 9e!mitte / !emaine %ehin "s.The g"a! s at the gates halte "s.An the$ %egge .An th!eatene .An 'e 'e!e 'a!ne Fo!%i en=/We pe!&a e e&e!$'he!e. Fo!%i en=/All fo!%i en: Fo!%i en all:To all fo!%i en:An onl$ %ehin "s 9e!mitte :/2"t on the Last 1atesIt 'ill %e t!ace 9e!mitte =/An %ehin "s Fo!%i en./Th"s insc!i%e=/ He comman e

    ?pon the Last 1ates.

    THE 2E11AR

    At mi night a!!i&e o"!

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    An 'e 'e!e not e&en a'a!e.We misse the sight of him.We ha to fin o"t the comman s.2"t no matte! in the c!o' 'e shall app!oachAn to"ching Him 'e shall sa$ an as,

    Ho' &ast the th!ong= Ho' inn"me!a%le the st!eets=Ho' man$ !oa s an t!ails= Lo( He co"l 0o"!ne$ fa!.An 'ill He !et"!n again to the cham%e!:/

    E&e!$'he!e a!e footp!ints in the san . Ne&e!theless 'e shall isting"ish the footp!ints.A chil 'ent %$. He!e( a 'oman 'ith a %"! en.He!e( no o"%t( a limping one. He p!ost!ate himself.Is it possi%le 'e shall fail to isting"ish:Al'a$s the ,ing has a staff.We shall isting"ish the footp!ints of the leaning ones.He!e( a sha!p 'a!!io! point.It oes not !esem%le= Wi e! is the staff of the

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    Fa! has gone o"!

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    I ,ne' so man$ "sef"l thingsAn no' I ha&e fo!gotten them all.Li,e a !o%%e t!a&ele!.Li,e a %egga! 'ho has lost his possessions.

    In &ain I !emem%e! the !ichesThat long since 'e!e mineI !emem%e! "ne-pecte l$( not thin,ing(

    Not ,no'ing 'hen the pe!ishe ,no'le geWill flash.

    Onl$ $este! a$ I ,ne' m"ch2"t "!ing the night e&e!$thing imme .It is t!"e the a$ 'as g!eat.The night 'as long an a!,.Came the f!ag!ant mo!ning.It 'as f!esh an 'on !o"sAn ill"mine %$ the ne' s"n.I fo!got an 'as ep!i&e of thatWhich I ha gathe!e .?n e! the !a$s of the ne' s"nAll the ,no'le ge melte .

    No longe! can I isting"ishAn enem$ f!om f!ien s.I o not ,no' 'hen ange!Th!eatens. I o not ,no' 'hen

    Night 'ill come. An the ne' s"nI shall not %e a%le to face.All that I once possesse (2"t no' I am o!phane .9it$ it is that I shall again !egainThe nee e not ea!lie! than tomo!!o'.2"t to a$@s a$ is still long.When 'ill it come

    The tomo!!o':


    It is !ea!$ fo! "s to 'al, in the c!o' .4o man$ hostile po'e!s an a!ts.Da!, c!eat"!es escen eOn the sho"l e!s an faces of passe!s%$.We shall go asi e the!eOn the hill 'he!e the pilla! stan sAn ancient one'e shall sit o'n.The$ 'ill pass "s %$.

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    All c!eat"!es 'ill settle %elo'An 'e shall 'ait.

    An if the messageA%o"t the 4ac!e 4igns shall appea!(

    We too shall st!i&e.If the$ a!e %o!ne aloftWe shall !iseAn hono! them.4ha!pl$ 'e shall loo,(4ha!pl$ 'e shall listenWe shall %e &aliant an aspi!eAn 'e shall manifestthen 'hen4hall come the p!e estine



    M$ ga!ment is !ea $. No'I shall p"t on the mas,.Do not 'on e!( m$ f!ien ( if the mas,4hall te!!if$. This is onl$A &iso!. We shall ha&eTo lea&e o"! ho"se. Whom4hall 'e meet: We ,no' not. Wh$4hall 'e appea!: Against the assailantsWe efen o"!sel&es 'ith the shiel .

    The mas, is ist"!%ing to thee:It oes not !esem%le me:?n e! the %!o' is not seenThe glance of the e$e: Deepl$ f"!!o'e ( the fo!ehea :2"t soon 'e shall ta,e offThe &iso!. An shall smile to eachOthe!. No' 'e shall ente!

    The c!o' .676G

    IN ;AIN

    ?nseen a!e the 4ac!e 4igns.Let !est thine e$es.The$ a!e ti!e ( I ,no'.Close Them. I shall loo, fo! thee. I shall tellA%o"t 'hat I see. Hea!,en=

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    Enci!cling is the same plain.The g!a$ %"shes a!e !"stling.The la,es spa!,le li,e steel.?n!esponsi&e( the stones stan "m%.Col in the mea o's the$ glisten an

    4himme!. Col a!e the clo" s.The$ fol themsel&es in a f"!!o'. The$ passInto the en less. The$ ,no'( the$ a!e silent(An g"a! . I see no %i! .The ee! oes not !"n on the plain.As %efo!e( the!e is no one.

    No%o $ comes. Not one4ign. Not one t!a&ele!.I o not "n e!stan . I o not see. I o not ,no'.Thine e$e tho" 'o"l st st!ain

    In &ain.676G


    Fea!( 'hen the silence comesIn motion. When the st!e'n 'in sT"!n into sto!m. When people@s speech4hall c"m%e! 'ith senseless 'o! s.2e te!!ifie ( 'hen in the g!o"n as t!eas"!e t!o&e9eople %"!$ thei! !iches.Fea!( 'hen the$ consi e!4afe the t!eas"!es onl$On thei! %o ies. Fea!( 'hen at hanC!o' s gathe!. When the$ fo!getA%o"t ,no'le ge. An 'ith 0o$ 'ill est!o$What 'as lea!ne %efo!e. An 'ith ease e-ec"teTh!eats. When the!e shall not %eWhe!eon to insc!i%e one@s ,no'le ge. When the lea&esOf '!iting %ecome "nstea $(An the 'o! s mischie&o"s( O m$ neigh%o!s=5o" %"il e a!,l$ fo! $o"!sel&es. 5o" o&e!t"!neE&e!$thing. The!e is no m$ste!$ fa!the! than the9!esent. An 'ith the sac,s of "nhappiness5o" 'ent 'an e!ing an to con#"e!The 'o!l . 5o"! ma ness has calle the mostHi eo"s 'oman( Desi!e one=/5o" a!e !ea $ to !o'n $o"!sel&es

    In the ance.676

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice



    Once mo!e shall m$ &oice !eso"n .Whithe! i $o" go f!om me:

    5o"! &oices eafeneOn the !oc,s. No mo!e can I isting"ish5o"! &oice f!omA falling %!anchf!om the flightOf a mig!ating %i! . M$ callsTo $o" also 'e!e !o'ne .I o not ,no' 'hethe! $o" 'ill go2"t I still longTo !each the height. The stonesAl!ea $ stan %a!e. The moss %ecomesFainte!( an the 0"nipe!Withe!s an stan s 'ea,l$.5o"! !ope 'o"l %e "sef"lTo me too %"t also alone

    I shall ascen .676

    THO? 4HALT 4EE

    What 'a!ms m$ face:/

    The s"n shines. It fillsWith 'a!mth o"! ga! en./

    What !eso"n s:/

    The sea !eso"n s. Altho"gh %ehinThe !oc,$ mo"ntain( it is "nseen./

    Whence the f!ag!ance of almon t!ees:/

    The %i! )che!!$ t!ee is %lossoming.White %lossoms o&e!flooThe t!ees. Apple t!ees a!e alsoIn %lossom. M"lti)colo!e (E&e!$thing glimme!s./

    What lies ahea :/

    Tho" stan est on the hill.2efo!e "s a ga! en slants.

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    2ehin the mea o'( the %a$ !ises %l"e.On the othe! si e a!e hills anFo!ests. The pine mo"ntains a!eDa!,ening. The o"tlines a!e lostIn the %l"e space./

    When shall I4ee all that:/

    Tomo!!o'Tho" shalt see./


    THE 1?ARD

    1"a! ( tell me 'h$Tho" ost close this oo!: What4o constantl$ ost tho" g"a! :/

    I g"a!The sec!et of this cham%e!./

    2"t empt$ is theCham%e!. Wo!th$ peopleHa&e ecla!e The!e is nothing.J/

    The sec!et of the cham%e! I ,no'.To g"a! it( I am appointe ./

    2"t empt$ is th$ cham%e!=/

    Fo! thee it is empt$=/ ans'e!e the g"a! .


  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    A tempest. An tho" 'al,e st li,e a sha o' of thatWhich ha to happen.An tho" shalt %ecome a chilIn o! e! that shame shall not hin e! thee.

    Tho" 'ast sitting at the gates of the passe!s)%$Accessi%le to e&e!$ !og"e.Tho" as,e st 'ho 'ante to ef!a"Thee: Is it astonishing: A s"ccessf"l h"nte! shall finA 'o!th$ h"nt. He shall fin it 'itho"t fea!.

    2"t( achie&ing m$ #"a!!$(Lea&ing( I ,no' that not all of $o"I ha&e seen. The %estMeetings !emaine 'itho"tAn iss"e. An man$ 'o!th$ ones9asse %$ o!Ha&e not $et attaine . 2"t I i not ,no' them.An isg"ise I sat ami st $o".An $o" '!appe $o"!sel&esIn iffe!ent 'e%s. 4ilentl$5o" g"a! e the !"st$ ,e$s

    Of the gates.676

    TO HIM

    Finall$ I fo"n the he!mit.5o" ,no' ho' iffic"lt it isTo fin he!e on ea!th a he!mit.I as,e him 'hethe! he 'o"l sho' meThe path an 'o"l he accept1!acio"sl$ m$ 'o!,s:

    He ga e a long time an as,eWhat is the most lo&e that I ha&e.

    The most %elo&e :/ I ans'e!e .2ea"t$ it is./

    The most %elo&eTho" m"st lea&e./

    Who comman s it:/ I as,e .

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    1o (/ ans'e!e the he!mit.

    Let 1o p"nish meI shall not lea&e the most %ea"tif"lThat 'ill lea "s

    To Him./678K

    O?R 9ATH

    T!a&ele!s( no' 'e a!e passingA co"nt!$ !oa . The fa!msAlte!nate 'ith fiel s an 'oo lan s.Chil !en a!e ta,ing ca!eOf the he! s. The$ app!oach "s.A %o$ gi&es "s 'ho!tle%e!!iesIn a !ee )%as,et. A $o"ng gi!l e-ten sA han f"l of f!ag!ant g!asses. A little la1i&es "p to "sHis se!!ate little cane.He thin,s 'ith itWe shall 'al, mo!e lightl$.

    We a!e passing on. Ne&e! again shall 'e meetThese chil !en.2!othe!s( 'e 'ent not fa!F!om the fa!ms2"t $o" a!e al!ea $ ti!e of gifts.5o" ha&e scatte!e the f!ag!ant g!asses.5o" ha&e %!o,en the little !ee %as,et.5o" ha&e th!o'n into the g"tte! the little cane1i&en %$ the $o"ng la . Wh$ o 'e neeIt: On o"! long path.2"t the chil !en ha nothing else.The$ ha&e gi&en "s the %est of 'hatThe$ ha to a o!n

    O"! path.676


    Lea&e th$ smile( O m$ f!ien .Tho" ost not ,no' 'hatI ha&e hi en he!e. Witho"t thee

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    I ha&e fille this chest.Witho"t thee I ha&e co&e!e it 'ith a 'e%An I ha&e t"!ne the ,e$ in the loc,.To p!o%e tho" shall not s"ccee .An if tho" 'o"l st gossip

    Tho" 'o"l st ha&e to spea, falsel$.In&ent( falsif$( to th$ nee .2"t the t!eas"!e)chest again

    I shall not !e&eal.676



    Th$ %ene&olence fillsM$ han s. In p!of"sion it is po"!ingTh!o"gh m$ finge!s. I shall not

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    It is %ea"tif"l as ne&e! %efo!eI o not !emem%e!4"ch anothe!.Onl$ $este! a$Cassiopeia 'as sa an mist$(

    Al e%a!an t'in,le fea!f"ll$An ;en"s i not appea!.An no' the$ a!e all a%la e.O!ion an A!ct"!"s a!e shining.Fa! %ehin Altai!

    Ne' sta!!$ signsA!e gleaming an the mistinessOf the constellations is clea! an t!anspa!ent.

    Dost tho" not see The path to thatWhich tomo!!o' 'e shall fin :The sta!!$ masses ha&e a'a,ene .Ta,e th$ fo!t"ne.The a!mo! 'e shall not nee .The shoes p"t tightl$ on(Tightl$ gi! le th$self(O"! path 'ill %e ston$.The East is aflame.Fo! "s

    Is the ho"!.676


    Tho"( Coming One( in the night)silence(The$ sa$ Tho" a!t "nseen(2"t this is not t!"e.I ,no' h"n !e s of peopleAn each has seen Thee4een Thee at least once.A fe' poo! an igno!ant onesDi not s"ccee in seeing Thine image.

    Tho" changing( man$)g"ise =Tho" ost not 'ant to hin e! o"!Life. Tho" ost not 'ant to te!!if$ "s.An Tho" passest %$ in silence an in stillness.Thine e$es can spa!,le(Th$ &oice can th"n e!(An the han can %e hea&$E&en fo! %lac, stone.

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    2"t Tho" ost not spa!,le(Tho" ost not th"n e!(Tho" ost not %!ing fo!th est!"ction. Tho" ,no'estThat est!"ction is less than !est.Tho" ,no'est that stillness

    Is lo" e! than th"n e!. Tho" ,no'estIn the stillness( Coming anCalling One.



    I o not ,no' an I cannot.When I esi!e( I thin,4omeone has st!onge! esi!e.When shall I asce!tain:Does one ,no' 'ith ,no'le ge still st!onge!:When I cancannot someone2ette! an eepe!:An so I o not ,no' an I cannot.

    Tho"( Coming One( in the stillnessTell m"tel$ 'hat I ha&e esi!eIn life an 'hat attaine :La$ Th$ han on meI shall again esi!e an %e &aliantAn the esi!e of the night)ho"!s 'ill %e ,no'n

    In the mo!ning.676


    M$ gift accept( O ea! f!ien .Th!o"gh la%o! an ,no'le ge I gathe!eThis gift. In o! e! to gi&e itI gathe!e it. I ,ne' I 'o"l gi&e itA'a$. On m$ gift tho" shalt pileThe 0o$s of spi!it. 4ilence an #"iet" e.Ami st the !e&olt of spi!it( i!ect thine e$e?pon m$ gift.An if tho" 'antest to comman the se!&antTo %!ing the gift(

    Name it2ene&olence.


  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice



    On Th$ shel&es along the 'alls

    Man$ phials a!e stan ing.;a!i)colo!e the$ a!e. Ca!ef"ll$All of them a!e close . 4ome a!e '!appeTightl$( that light shall not penet!ate.What is in them:I o not ,no'2"t a"ste!el$ Tho" ost g"a! them.Remaining alone at nightThe fi!es Tho" lightest an a ne'C!eation Tho" ma,est.Tho" ,no'est the p"!pose of c!eationTh$ help I neeIn Th$ c!eations o I %elie&e.The one "sef"lFo! me( that one no'


    I LEFT

    I am p!epa!e fo! the !oa .All that 'as mine I !eno"nce .5o" 'ill ta,e it( m$ f!ien s.

    No' fo! the last time( I shall s"!&e$M$ ho"se. Once mo!eI shall &ie' m$ possessions. ?pon the imagesOf f!ien s I shall loo, once mo!e.Fo! the last time.I ,no' al!ea $That he!e nothing of mine !emains.9ossessions an all that impe e meF!eel$ I am gi&ing a'a$. Witho"t themI shall %e mo!e f!ee. 2efo!e the OneWho calls me( li%e!ateI shall appea!.

    No' once mo!eI shall s"!&e$ the ho"se. ;ie' once mo!eThat f!om 'hich I am !elease (F!ee an li%e!ate an fi!mIn tho"ght. The images of f!ien s an the &ie'Of m$ fo!me! thingsDo not conf"se me. I am going. I am h"!!$ing.

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    2"t once mo!efo! theLast time I shall s"!&e$ all that

    I left.676G


    5o" %ea"tif"l %i! s of

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice




    Ho' shall 'e %ehol Thine Image:The all)penet!ating Image(Deepe! than feeling an !eason.The intangi%le( the silent(The "nseen. I s"mmonThe hea!t( 'is om an la%o!.Who has app!ehen e that 'hich has

    No fo!m( no so"n ( no taste(Which has no en an no %eginning:An the a!,ness 'hen all shall cease:The thi!st of the ese!t an the salt of theOcean:

    I shall a'ait Th$1lo!$.2efo!e Thine imageThe s"n oes not shine. The moon oes not4hine. No! the sta!s no! the flame

    No! the lightning. The !ain%o' oes not shine.The Light of the No!th oes not glimme!.The!e shines Thine Image.E&e!$thing gleams th!o"gh Th$ light.In the a!,ness a!e shining9a!ticles of Th$ glo!$.An in m$ close e$es

    Da'ns Th$ 'on !o"s light.676G

    TH5 4MILE

    At the 'ha!f 'e em%!ace each othe! an sai fa!e'ell.In the gol en 'a&es the %oat isappea!e .We a!eon an islan . O"! ol ho"se.The ,e$ of the templeis 'ith "s. O"! ca&e.O"!s a!e also the !oc,s an the pines an the sea)g"lls.O"!sthe lichens. O"!sthe sta!s a%o&e "s.We shall s"!&e$ the islan . We shall !et"!nHome onl$ at night. Tomo!!o'(2!othe!s( 'e shall !ise ea!l$.4o ea!l$( e&en %efo!e the s"n has5et !isen. When the East

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    Is lighte %$ a &i&i !a iance(When onl$ the ea!th is a'a,e.9eople 'ill $et %e sleeping.Li%e!ate ( !elease f!om ca!e(4hall 'e !ecogni e o"!sel&es: We shall %e

    As tho"gh 'e 'e!e no longe! men. We shall !each the %o! e!)lineAn loo, in. In silence an stillness.An the 4ilent One 'ill ans'e!.

    I 4HALL 1?ARD

    Come nea!e! to me( l"mino"s OneI shall not ist!ess Thee 'ith an$thing.5este! a$ Tho" 'ante st to app!oach2"t m$ tho"ghts 'an e!e an mine e$esRo&e . I co"l not seeThee. When Tho" ha st epa!te (I felt Th$ %!eath(2"t al!ea $ it 'as late. 2"t to a$I shall lea&e all that hin e!e me.The tho"ghts I shall s"%me!ge in silence.In the 0o$ of spi!it I shall fo!gi&e allThe male&olent ones to a$. "ietI !emain. Nothing ist"!%s me.4o"n s of cas"al lifeDo not ist!ess me. I a'ait. I ,no' Tho" 'ilt notLea&e me. Tho" 'iltApp!oach me. Thine image in silence

    I shall g"a! .676


    What %ecame of f!ien shipWhen I 'as a mitteInto the h"n !e )gate ash!am:If th$ f!ien ( fo!me!l$ ea! to Thee( has ange!e Thee(Do not p"nish him( O Might$(Acco! ing to his ese!t. All sa$That tho" hast fo!sa,en "s.When With comfo!te hea!t( shall I seeThee !econcile : Accept=The so"!ce of m$ 'o! s Tho" ,no'est.He!e a!e the sins an m$ achie&ements=I am %!inging them to Thee.

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    Ta,e the one an the othe!.He!e a!e ,no'le ge an igno!ance=Ta,e the one an the othe!.The e&otion to Thee( lea&e me=He!e a!e p"!it$ an m" iness=

    I 'ant neithe! one no! the othe!=He!e a!e goo an ha!mf"l tho"ghts.The one an the othe! I %!ing to Thee.D!eams lea ing to sin( anD!eams of t!"th I offe! Thee.1!ant that I ma$ !emainWith e&otion an lo&e

    To Thee.


    The 'o!, %eg"n Tho" i st lea&e me.That I contin"e it Tho" ost esi!e.I feel Th$ faith in me.I shall f"lfil the 'o!, attenti&el$An a"ste!el$. Tho" hast one this 'o!,Th$self. I shall sit at Th$Ta%le. I shall ta,e Th$ pen.I shall sp!ea Thine o%0ects as2efo!e. Let them help me.2"t m"ch 'as not !e&eale %$ TheeWhen Tho" epa!te st. 2efo!e the 'in o'sOf the me!chants the!e is noise an clamo!.The footfall of ho!ses is hea&$ "ponThe stones. An the clango! of the i!on)co&e!eWheels. 2eneath the !oof is the 'histling ofThe 'in s. The c!ea,ing of the !igging at theHa!%o!. An the hea&$ impact of theAncho!s. An the moaning of the4ea)%i! s. I co"l not as, TheeDi this ist"!% Thee:Whethe! f!om all that li&esTho" hast !a'n inspi!ation: As fa! as I ,no'(In all the ecisions f!om ea!th

    Tho" hast not gone a'a$.6767


    What a a$= 4o man$ people

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    Came to "s at once.The$ %!o"ght 'ith them some?n,no'n to "s. E!e thei! comingI co"l not as, a%o"t them.Most isma$ing( the$ spo,e

    In "n,no'n lang"ages.An I smile ( listening to thei!4t!ange speeches.

    The tong"e of someResem%le the c!$ of mo"ntainEagles. Othe!s hisse li,e se!pents.The %a!,ing of ogs I sometimes !ecogni e .Li,e metal spa!,le the speeches. The 'o! s2ecame th!eatening. Th!o"gh themTh"n e!e the mo"ntain stones.Th!o"gh them po"!e the hail.Th!o"gh them the 'ate!fall sang.2"t I smile . Ho' co"l I

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    To the 'in s. On the moist"!e han the 'a&esWe!e catching them. The 'in s %ecame still. The fo!estsThinne . We 'ent along a !oc,$C!est. Li,e 'hite %onesThe 0"nipe! t!ees stoo o"t. Th!o"gh light

    ;eins masses of stones impacteIn the ancient 'o!, of c!eation.The$ clim%e o'n'a! th!o"ghC!e&ices. 2ehin the c!ests of !oc,sWas nothing seen. Night lo'e!e .

    On the steps of the giant templeWe shall escen lo'e!. Clo" s. It %ecomesDa!,. 2elo' mists4p!ea . The steps %ecome steepe!An steepe!. With iffic"lt$ 'e clim% o'nOn the moss. 2elo' the foot canTo"ch nothing. He!e 'e4hall lo ge o&e!night. On the moss$ pa!apetWe shall sl"m%e! "ntil mo!ning. A long4ilent night.

    A'a,ening( 'e hea!Onl$ the 'histling of imme flights.In !h$thmic t!emo! came the istant g!oan.The East fl"she 'ith a'n. Mists co&e!eThe &alle$. 4ha!p as iceIn %l"e masses( the$ impacteTightl$. Fo! a long time 'e sat o"tsi eOf the 'o!l . ?ntil the mists ispe!se .A%o&e "s !ose a 'all.2eneath "s an a%$ss loome %l"e(


    I 4EE ARO?ND ME/

    A st!ange! ma e his 'elling Nea! o"! ga! en. E&e!$ mo!ningHe pla$s on the psalte!$An sings his song. We thin,4ometimes that he !epeatsThe song %"t the song of the "n,no'n oneIs al'a$s ne'. An al'a$s peopleA!e c!o' ing nea! his gate.

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    Time passe .... No' o"! %!othe!2egan his 'o!, an o"! siste! 'as2et!othe . 2"t the "n,no'n one

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    In life the!e is so m"ch of 'on e!.E&e!$ mo!ning nea! o"! sho!e4'ims %$ an "n,no'n singe!.E&e!$ mo!ning slo'l$ f!om %ehin the mistMo&es a light %oat an

    A ne' song al'a$s !ings.An as al'a$s the singe!Is hi ing %ehin the ne-t c!ag.An it seems to "s 'e shall ne&e!

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    Messenge!( m$ Messenge!=Tho" stan est an smilest

    An tho" ost not ,no' 'hat tho" hast %!o"ghtMe. Tho" hast %!o"ght me the giftOf healing. Each tea! of mine4hall heal the 'o"n s of the 'o!l .

    2"t( R"le!( 'hence shall ITa,e so man$ tea!s an to 'hichOf the 'o"n s of the 'o!l shall I gi&eM$ fi!st to!!ent:

    Messenge!(O m$ Messenge!( tho" stan estAn smilest. Dost tho" not ha&eA comman to heal so!!o'

    Th!o"gh smile:6786



    2o$( tho" sa$estThat to'a! s e&ening( tho" ma,est !ea $ to lea&e2elo&e 2o$( o not ela$In the mo!ning 'e shall lea&e 'ith thee.

    We shall ente! the f!ag!ant fo!estAmi st silent t!ees(In the cool glimme! of the e'.?n e! light an !a iant clo"We shall ta,e the !oa 'ith thee.If tho" goest slo'l$( it meansTho" ost not $et ,no' thatThe!e is a %eginning an 0o$( the p!imo! ial( an

    The ete!nal.676

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    2o$( 'ith a 'hole)hea!te so!!o'

    Tho" hast tol me that the a$ %ecomes sho!te!(That again the a$ %ecomes a!,e!.

    It is that a ne' 0o$ ma$ %e c!eateThe e-"ltation fo! the %i!th of light.The coming 0o$ I ,no'.We shall a'ait it patientl$.2"t no' as the a$ %ecomes sho!te!(Wo! lessl$ sa ene ( 'e sa$ fa!e'ell

    To the light.676


    All I ha&e hea! f!om g!an fathe!I !epeat to thee( m$ %o$.F!om g!an fathe! hea! also m$ g!an fathe!.E&e!$ g!an fathe! spea,sE&e!$ g!an chil listens.To th$ g!an chil ( m$ %elo&e %o$(Tho" 'ilt !elate all that tho" lea!nest.

    The$ sa$ that the se&enth g!an chil 'ill f"lfill.Do not f!et o&e!m"ch ifTho" sho"l st not o as I ha&e sai .Remem%e! that 'e a!e still h"man %eings.2"t I can st!engthen thee.2!ea, off f!om the n"t)t!eeA %!anch ca!!$ it in f!ont of thee.It 'ill help thee to see?n e! the g!o"n ( that gi&en %$ me

    The scepte!.676


    Do not app!oach he!e( m$ chil .The!e( %ehin the co!ne!( a!e pla$ing the g!o'n)"ps.The$ a!e sc!eaming an th!o'ing &a!io"s thingsEasil$ the$ can ha!m thee.

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    H"man %eings an animals( o not to"ch 'hile the$ pla$.Fie!ce a!e the games of g!o'n)"ps.Th$ games the$ o not !esem%le.The$ a!e not li,e a 'oo en shephe!An s"%missi&e sheep( 'ith paste 'ool.

    Waitthe gam%ole!s 'ill ti!e(The games of the people 'ill enAn tho" shalt go the!e'he!e

    Tho" a!t sent.676


    2o$( %e'a!e of things.Often the o%0ect that 'e possessIs fille 'ith sna!es an maliceMo!e ange!o"s than all "phea&als.With "s 'e ca!!$ fo! $ea!s an e&il) oe!

    Not ,no'ing that this is o"! enem$.At the co"nsel of p!ope!t$( a small

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    He a !esse him th"sTho" ancient one( impe!isha%le(Tho" e&e!lasting( ete!nal( tho" st!i&ing to the heights(3o$o"s( !e%o!n./

    The !elati&es plea e9!a$ alo"That 'e ma$ hea!.The p!a$e! consoles "s./

    Do not ist"!%. I shall en (Then I shall spea, alo"An a !ess the %o $( that 'ent

    Into the ea!th./676


    Tho" a!e mista,en( %o$= The!e is no e&il.The 1!eat One co"l not c!eate e&il. The!e is impe!fection.2"t it is 0"st as ange!o"s as thatWhich tho" callest e&il.The!e is no ,ing of a!,ness an emons.2"t 'ith each eeOf igno!ance( falsit$( ange!(We c!eate n"m%e!less c!eat"!es(?gl$ an te!!if$ing in thei! aspect(2loo thi!st$ an hi eo"s.

    The$ follo' "s(O"! c!eations= Thei! imensionsAn thei! aspect a!e c!eate %$ "s.2e'a!e of est!o$ing thei! s'a!m.Th$ %!ee s 'ill commenceTo e&o"! thee. Ca!ef"ll$To"ch the c!o' . To li&e is a t!ial.

    M$ %o$( !emem%e! the comman Not to fea! life an to %elie&e(To !emain f!ee an st!ongAn then tho" 'ilt attain to lo&e.The a!, c!eat"!es o not th!i&e "n e!All this. The$ 'ithe! an pe!ish


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    Tho" thin,est tho" hast finishe :Th!ee #"estions ans'e! Ho' can I fin o"t

    Ho' man$ $ea!s a c!o' li&es:To the fa!thest sta!Ho' g!eat is the istance:What o I no' esi!e:

    F!ien ( again 'e o not ,no'.Again all is "n,no'n to "s.Again m"st 'e %egin.

    Nothing has en .676

    NOT TO

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    2en ing o&e! the 'ellThe %o$ e-claime in ecstas$What a %ea"tif"l s,$=Ho' it is !eflecte =It is self)colo!e ( %ottomless=/

    M$ %elo&e %o$(Tho" a!t enchante onl$ %$ the !eflection.It is eno"gh fo! thee'hat is %elo'.2o$( o not loo, o'n'a!?p'a! t"!n thine e$es

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    The 1!eat One 'ill a&ail.676


    Tho" 'antest to 'eep an tho" ost not ,no'Whethe! tho" hast the !ight. Tho" fea!est to 'eep2eca"se man$ people ga eAt thee. 4hall one she tea!sIn the sight of all: 2"t the so"!ce of th$ tea!sIs 'on e!f"l. Tho"Wantest to 'eep fo! the innocentl$9e!ishe . Tho" 'antest to sheTea!s o&e! the $o"ng 'a!!io!sFo! the goo . O&e! all 'ho ga&eAll thei! 0o$s fo! the &icto!$Of othe!sfo! the so!!o' of othe!s. Tho"Wantest to 'eep o&e! them.

    Ho' shall it %eThat othe!s ma$ th$ tea!s not see:Come nea!e! to me.I shall co&e! thee 'ith m$ ga!mentAn tho" can@st 'eep.2"t I shall smile an allWill %elie&e that tho" hast 0esteAn la"ghe . Ma$%e tho" hastWhispe!e me 'o! s of me!!iment.La"gh one ma$

    In the face of all.676


    Wh$ i st tho" 'ant to tell me4omething "npleasant: M$ ans'e!Is !ea $. 2"t fi!st tellMe. Thin, 'ell. Decla!e=Wilt tho" ne&e! changeTh$ %elief: Wilt tho" !emainFaithf"l to that 'hich tho" hast lance against me:

    A%o"t m$self( ,no'M$ ans'e!I am he!e to fo!get.

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    Loo,( 'hile 'e spo,eAl!ea $ all a!o"n "s has change .All %ecomes ne'. That 'hichTh!eatene "s( s"mmons "s no'.That 'hich s"mmone "s( &anishe .

    We o"!sel&es ha&e change .A%o&e "s the s,$ is t!ansfo!meAn alte!e ( the 'in . The !a$s of the s"n4hine othe!'ise. 2!othe!( let "s lea&eAll that is fleeting. Othe!'iseWe shall ha&e no timeTo thin, of that 'hichFo! all is "nchanging. To thin,

    Of the ete!nal.676


    Tho" a!t silent: Do not fea! to spea,.Tho" thin,est that th$ taleI ,no'that tho" hast tol it to meAl!ea $ man$ times:

    ;e!il$( I ha&e hea! itF!om thee not once.2"t ca!essing 'e!e th$ 'o! sThine e$es spa!,le softl$.Th$ tale !epeat once mo!e.

    E&e!$ mo!ning 'e ente! the ga! en.E&e!$ mo!ning 'e !e0oice %efo!eThe s"n. An the sp!ing 'inRepeats its !"stling.With the 'a!mth of the s"n '!apTh$ ea! tale.With the f!ag!ant 'o! (Li,e the sp!ing 'in (4mile in th$ tale.An loo, as !a iantAs al'a$s( 'hen th$ tale

    Tho" !epeatest.676G


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    On the po'e!f"l col"mn of a temple sitsA %i! ling. On the st!eet chil !en2"il o"t of m" "ncon#"e!a%leCastles. Ho' m"ch mo&ement fl"tte!s a!o"n

    This pla$= The !ain has 'ashe a'a$Thei! st!onghol s "!ing the night an the ho!seT!ampe o'n thei! to'e!s. 2"tMean'hile( let the chil !en %"ilA castle o"t of m" an letA %i! ling sit on the col"mn.1oing to'a! s the temple( I shall not app!oachThe col"mn( %"t pass %$

    The chil !en@s castles.678K


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    I %ehol glo!io"s &icto!iesAn ho' man$ so!!o'f"l signs=2"t &icto!$ is estine fo! theeIf &icto!$ tho" 'ilt




    The spea! 'e shall th!"st into ea!th.En e is the fi!st %attleMight$( m$ tempe!e s'o!Calm 'as m$ spi!it an &aliant.2"t "!ing the %attle( I sa'( %o$(That tho" 'ast ist!acte %$ glamo! of flo'e!s(When 'e enco"nte! the hostAflame %e 'ith %attle( m$ chil .2elie&e in the nea!ness of &icto!$.With an e$e "nflinching of steel

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    Di Roe!ich gi&e it:Accept it.Di A)Lal)Ming( 4h!i Ish&a!a( gi&e it:Accept it.I am 'ith him.

    At the ho"! of s"n!ise I shall fin thee a'a,e al!ea $(O h"nte!=A!me 'ith th$ net tho" 'ilt ente! the fo!est.Tho" hast p!epa!e th$self.Tho" a!t la&e an ale!t.Th$ ga!ments hampe! thee not.1i! e "p a!e th$ loinsAn th$ tho"ghts a!e f!ee.5es( tho" hast p!epa!e th$selfAn %i en fa!e'ell to the maste! of the ho"se.Tho"( O h"nte!( hast come to lo&e the fo!estAn %$ th$ h"nting 'ilt %!ing goo "nto th$ clan.Tho" a!t !ea $ to %lo' th$ ho!n.Tho" hast ma!,e o'n fo! th$self a no%le #"a!!$An hast not fea!e the 'eight the!eof.2lessings= 2lessings= O tho" 'ho hast ente!e =A!e th$ nets st!ong:Hast tho" st!engthene them 'ith p!olonge la%o!:Hast tho" t!ie them 'ith testing %lo's:A!t tho" gleesome:An sho"l th$ la"ghte! sca!e pa!t of the #"a!!$( fea! not.2"t clash not th$ 'eapons

    No! call lo" l$ on the h"ntsmen.Ah= 4ho"l st tho" %e "ns,illf"l(F!om a h"nte! tho" shalt %e ma e a %eate!An e&en the h"ntsman 'ill %e th$ maste!.

    1athe! ,no'le ge.Watch th$ t!ail.

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    Wh$ ost tho" loo, a!o"n thee:?n e! the !e stone lies the !e se!pentAn the g!een moss hi es the g!een &ipe!.2"t its sting is all)fatal.F!om th$ chil hoo tho" hast %een tol of se!pents an sco!pions

    A 'hole teaching of fea!=Man$ of the chi!ping an hissing 'ill fl$ afte! theeAn a !"stle 'ill c!eep %$ th$ pathAn ho'ling 'ill pie!ce thine ea!.Wo!ms g!o' into 'halesAn the mole %ecomes the tige!.2"t tho" ,no'est the essence( O h"nte!=All this is not thine.Thine is the #"a!!$=Hasten= Dela$ not( O tho" 'ho hast ente!e =Waste not th$ nets on the 0ac,al.The #"a!!$ is ,no'n to the h"nte!.It seems to thee that tho" 'ast 'ise $este! a$5et tho" ,no'est not 'ho lai the ci!cles of stonesOn the o"ts,i!ts of fo!ests.What o the$ mean:An fo! 'hom is the sign of 'a!ning on the to'e!ing pine: Tho" ost not e&en ,no' 'hofille 'ith s,"lls the !a&ineInto 'hich tho" i st cast th$ glance.2"t e&en sho"l st tho" %e in ange!(1o not o'n into the !a&ine no! hi e %ehin a t!ee.Th$ 'a$s a!e 'itho"t n"m%e! an the foe has %"t one.F!om the p"!s"e %ecome tho" the attac,e!.Ho' st!ong a!e the acc"se!sAn ho' 'ea, the efen e!s of self=Defense of self lea&e to othe!s.Do tho" attac,.Fo! tho" ,no'est 'he!efo!e tho" hast come fo!thAn 'h$ tho" hast not fea!e the fo!est.

    O sac!e an te!!i%le an %lesse fo!est(Let the h"nte! pass th!o"gh thee=Hol him not %ac,.Hi e not the 'a$s an the t!ail.An te!!if$ him not.Fo! I ,no' that tho" a!t man$)&oice2"t I ha&e hea! th$ &oicesAn m$ h"nte! 'ill ta,e his #"a!!$.An tho"( O h"nte!( ,no' thine o'n #"a!!$.

    2elie&e not those 'ho call thee No! t"!n "nto those 'ho 'o"l co"nsel.

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    Tho"( onl$ tho"( ,no'est th$ #"a!!$An 'ilt not choose a small #"a!!$.An 'ilt not %e etaine %$ the sha o's.Who o"%ts is al!ea $ the enem$@s p!e$.Who gi&es 'a$ to m"sing loses his nets.

    An he 'ho has lost them t"!ns %ac,'a! isma$e .2"t tho"( O h"nte!( go fo!'a! =All that is left %ehin is not fo! theeAn tho" ,no'est this as 'ell as o I.Fo! tho" ,no'est allAn canst !emem%e! all things.Tho" ,no'est of 'is om(Tho" hast hea! of co"!age(Tho" ,no'est of fin ing(An th!o"gh the !a&ine tho" passest to mo"nt to the hill.An the flo'e!s of the !a&ine a!e not th$ flo'e!sAn not fo! thee is the %!oo, in the hollo'.4pa!,ling 'ate!falls 'ilt tho" finAn sp!ings shall !ef!esh theeAn %efo!e thee shall %lossom the heathe! of happiness.2"t it %losoms onl$ on heightsAn the %est h"nting 'ill not %e at the foot of the hill2"t th$ #"a!!$ 'ill flee o&e! the c!est.An flaming in the s,ies( !ising o&e! the s"mmitIt 'ill come to a stanAn 'ill loo, a!o"n it.Then o tho" not ela$This ho"! is thine.Tho" an th$ #"a!!$ 'ill %e on the heightsAn neithe! tho" no! the #"a!!$ 'ill esi!e to go o'n to the hollo'.

    This is thine ho"!.2"t 'hen th!o'ing th$ net tho" ,no'estThat tho" a!t not a &icto!Tho" hast ta,en onl$ thine o'n.

    No! th$self co"nt a &icto!Fo! all a!e &icto!s( tho"gh the$ !emem%e! it not.I ha&e %!o"ght thee to the %!oa !i&e!sAn to the %o"n less la,esAn I ha&e sho'n thee the ocean.He 'ho has seen the infinite 'ill not %e lost in the finite(Fo! the!e is no infinite fo!estAn one ma$ go !o"n an$ mo!ass( O h"nte!=Togethe! 'e ha&e 'o&en th$ nets(Togethe! 'e ha&e so"ght the h"ntsmen(Togethe! 'e ha&e chosen the places %est fo! h"nting(

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    Togethe! 'e ha&e a&oi e ange!(Togethe! 'e ha&e ma e s"!e o"! 'a$.Witho"t Me tho" 'o"l st not ha&e ,no'n the oceanWitho"t thee I sho"l not ,no' the 0o$ of th$ 'inning h"nt.I lo&e thee( m$ h"nte!=

    An I shall gi&e th$ #"a!!$ to the 4ons of Light.An e&en sho"l st tho" e!!4ho"l st tho" fo! a time escen into the hollo'(4ho"l st tho" e&en loo, %ac, "pon the s,"lls(4ho"l st tho" %$ la"ghte! !i&e a'a$ a pa!t of the #"a!!$5et I ,no' that tho" goest "n'ea!ia%l$ fo! the h"nt(That tho" a!t not isco"!age an 'ilt not lose th$ 'a$.Tho" ,no'est ho' to fin th$ t!ail %$ the s"nAn ho' to t"!n to the !oa g"i e %$ 'hi!l'in s.2"t 'ho set it afi!ethe s"n:An 'ho !o&e it he!ethe 'hi!l'in :2"t I spea, to thee o"t of the sphe!e of the s"nI( th$ F!ien ( th$ Teache!( Companion on th$ 'a$.

    Let the h"ntsmen an the lea e!s of the %eate!s %e f!ien sAn afte! the chase( !esting on the hill(Call "nto thee the h"ntsmen an lea e!s of the %eate!s.Tell them ho' tho" i st go "nto the hillAn 'h$ the h"nte! m"st not l"!, in !a&ines(An ho' on the c!est tho" i st meet th$ #"a!!$An ho' tho" ,no'est that this #"a!!$ is thine.An ho' one m"st lea&e asi e all smalle! p!e$Fo! he 'ho t!ails it( 'ith it 'ill !emain.Tell them also ho' the h"nte! %ea!s on him all the signs of the h"ntingAn ho' he alone ,no's his a!t an his #"a!!$.Tell not of the h"nting to those 'ho ,no' not the #"a!!$.In the ho"! of t!o"%le( in the ho"! of a!,ness(The$ 'ill engage themsel&es as %eate!sAn in the !ee s ta,e pa!t in the h"nting.2"t( O h"nte!( !ecogni e the h"ntsmenD!in, 'ate! 'ith them %$ the fi!e of !est.Disce!n( O insightf"l one=An ha&ing finishe th$ h"ntingMen th$ nets an plan a ne' h"nt.2e not ala!me see, not to ala!m.Fo! sho"l st tho" ala!m( a still g!eate! fea! 'ill t"!n "pon thee.9lan simpl$.Fo! all is simple.All is %ea"tif"l.2ea"tif"l is that 'hich is planne .All fea! shalt tho" con#"e! %$ thine "ncon#"e!a%le essence.

  • 8/12/2019 Flame in Chalice


    2"t sho"l st tho" %egin to t!em%le( then efeateAn !e "ce to na"ght(

    Neithe! c!$ing alo" no! ,eeping silence(Ha&ing lost conscio"sness of time( place an life(Tho" 'ilt lose the !emnant of th$ 'ill.

    Whithe! then 'ilt tho" flee:2"t sho"l an$ of the e-ha"ste lea e!s 'a!n theeagainst the h"nting( Hea! them not( O m$ h"nte!= Demeano!s of the 'ill a!e these 'hoseshiel is a o"%t.What 'ill thei! h"nting %e:An 'hat 'ill the$ %!ing to thei! clans:An empt$ net again:Again "nf"lfille esi!es:Lost a!e the$( as is lost thei! p!ecio"s time.The h"nte! e-ists fo! the h"nting.Hea!,en not to the ho"!s of 'ea!iness.In these ho"!s tho" a!t not the h"nte!.Tho" a!t the #"a!!$=

    The 'hi!l'in 'ill passDo tho" %e silent.An again tho" shalt ta,e th$ ho!nWitho"t %eing late fea! not that tho" 'ilt %e lateAn 'hen o&e!ta,ing( t"!n not %ac,'a! .All that is comp!ehensi%le is incomp!ehensi%le.Whe!e is the limit to mi!acles:

    An one last en0oinment( O m$ h"nte!=If on the fi!st a$ of the h"ntingTho" sho"l st not come "pon the #"a!!$(1!ie&e notTo thee is al!ea $ estine the #"a!!$=He 'ho ,no'ssea!ches.He 'ho 'ins ,no'le geachie&es.He 'ho has fo"n is ama e at the ease of the capt"!e.He 'ho has sei e sings h$mns of attainment.

    Re0oice= Re0oice= Re0oice=O th!ice)calle h"nte!=