fjiniiiiiiitsi)!! lilyi' ,1'....tto txzx2 pixoxrio the paoino (commercial bbcdisrr cflmmcrnal...

to T the PAoino TXZX2 Pixoxrio (Commercial bbcdisrr Cflmmcrnal bbcrfiscr rrBLISUFD AT 14 rtaunE Honolulu, IlAwaiianr iHlatxln. Kvoiy Saturday Morning. City aal l.laaa" .t.0 Tear. paca meaoirrd in Nod-- I 1 r. i m. I a i ' J m. j 6 1 11 13.AO for Ala Maalha. parril type. rrla aaowrlliaao. l- - IIO a Trar. fjiniiiiiiiTsi)!! $ $ i t S f I S Uon.. 1 oo a 00 3 00 4 00. 6 00 10 CO Th nnnpkn print prw'll laaay pwtnf 10 Um... 1 bo J W) 40O 1 W 8 00 13 OO rt i. tP a Bouwro, whien ineltate, Uur Assevxaa an.1 II.-rwla- a Ii I.(m-- . .... a oo co e oo t ao' is on u oo All poner. rnpi porta witt brfcal 20 Utm..... 2M I CO 7 M 10 00: 14 Pol 18 OO iiMMt i ..! lew at llWr swat a(Sew. watch Vartea fro 4 t lI Lyi' X 4-4'W- 1- - ,1'. 30 Linn...... 3 (X 00 1? 00 10 110 14 00 25 00 nc. oa aa elnM 99"- - J i Column. .. l0 12 00 IS OO 22 00 3S 00 69 00 t y rs:Birrtia P at aBlb Alit Abvaw-- 1. i Column. .. 10 00 14 0 CO 00 is 00 40 00 0(1 j i Column... 14 00 20 00 30 00 40 OO 60 00 100 fnsa all of tho FartSe will j,. part alwajt i t" Column 20O0 4O00lM)00b00O I2u 00 "JlO v b. ry r"vtnl. JT A.lrtisrni rrsitlmr In Ihr tUatorn rnitfd St.tlra.can j je FfiM peaidln li an? part a" the Pelted atr. can tho aunnt answeri b." itwt ia.. pap, to Aae-rv- - . pty tvr tlwir cards by rnrlofinc Urtrttintekl or IT. Mutt-- a Tji cm tm aanCm teaman, lea to the Uar. Centa r rUmpa. Ii ooch araoanl aa th'jr wb tt puy. and tlicir card U1 be Inarrtcd aa er ai tablr, Kr tlie lus paid f.T. flais iso faxcy XT Baaineas CarJ, ln--n prepaid for m arr allowarf DOOK AND JOB PRINTING. i Uiacount from tbcar rate, wblch arc for trauaiebt atlvrrUac I FLKI.It:i IIK.XKV M. M WIIIT.SKV :tTKt 111' HONOLULU, IIAAVAIIAX ISLANDS, O0TO15KK 24, IS6S. cVO Li. SIX XIII. DOLLARS 11. PEK VVIIGLK AXXl'M No. o4S. m'ata when paid or charccd quarterly. M a " T C"l rrv. ha IM hi() mtjm mi the srt. : id the PAcino Commercial Advertiser. 71 j Uik TV) a Do win a; WautiAO, twliini ftrwa, mr Croat a work ai4 "Tfci Cfcaccd traa i " I lo Ibcna ar Tbal hen to T.Utmt fvJ d Uk k Cata. mtl wttlt the mUtrm al ptUa aorl rnU. Aa4 brjurd l f aay awaet laaaba I kd kin ( . Il rUtiro4 fbc pr- - A Bttla tMHwiwui Ikiua: Ihl a my hmutt Vlmig alwaia, eilfir In wl ofanrt ; I ( ail my Umba I Ivrcil kiim Wsl i Aot J U yt I mut kina 4nf fa llkiaw waite-abrmvl- waa. wlfH bittx teaa. f' aomo aofc-- a tnl aw iIm la aiW 7ara IU anonM kaow aau(M af paaMno, f.Vf, a rar. A I kc knmra. Aailyetacaia TIW Eklef Pnepaent ram. Mf kcart f raw feinf I Hi cUiraml aanthef fcmo, with wntlUu plaint, Aaibr ' wtv, g-- a aoint, r f4' BM pais. A4VWI. 1 litrnea away '. Tkr cat ab, aa Inwety a aa an-I- "a tlream, ller Vicka wlfk cunl!(ht all Mram. Ilr fcoty 3a wtta boa la bi beam I karlt ta pray. U U thf wa r My Father, aay, atwt iri pr lamb be gives ? Oh ! thn haat many auck, UaT Lur4. la bracca." Al o4aai. i - S Mf kaat U.m Uira, B.t prarw, b aUll" I OI ! b-- I wept. A ad clairpat her to aty amm. with a wild And yearning love say bash say pleasant r bud, ii.r, tim, I (. The DttW ancd emlled. And a!ept ami d.L -- Ort,jr,f rrWd. Tmr awe aua that SlepavJ bUd his I " ptia I a aclea at su e an id band i Like a fmm spavn, there k Ink kia atatut, tiaaa so kus aiU. And yet k"W wosklmua sweet The hmh with whurh a. bmwd By paaajnwalc cry, Tnaeb aut aiy btmh ( bin. n bit av dia I - A Uttla aila," lUt aal wUh a smite aad eb, A:kia WC asswt.' ttprlesas I Pnl I Aad bT t fnae In Iff kl had burned en luc, tht fcuut, I ciMstd aut are mj djartuia; ( j, lie had aol btlea aw 6r-w- ll, bat 4t r I fttll Ctrewed. kl ire "teerly, fr. Then 4 my araaa had meopaased that alight foraa. Tat oaakt I bat hr fceard bits call aay ! asother f Bui s keavea tUl be the am. There burn ay eta f lie will at Aanthat lamb, I Ihouni ) ar ectly aae f tbe 4mm4 ia Bfrd t be say , My (iu'. sy ataraf aim Itua USr k dooe i ' My heart Woal bevaa. t tM ! with what thrUI ! I heard bint enter but 1 did aut kiaw (For t. m dark) that he bad robed aw a. The Uut at aiy be cnold aut ( i Oh heart, be atUt ! Came atorni&C. Caa I 111 H.MC Ibla pm fraow Ita aarrowntl tenant kept T fit waking tsar, were arise ) I ; wept. Aad days avauha, years, that weary id kept. Aiaa! hrewetl! lf.w rteo II bt aaid ! I sit anl rhlnk and wrisaler Vm, aome lias. Mow It will exem, whea ha thn happier rtiiae tt aavcr wi.l rto cot like fuaeral chime. Over the eVad. seara ! ao tear ! WUt tJw-r- v a Xiy Cune twu I aaail nut weep T tot 1 beifcrw my pIt ia my eleep. Ira, yew, th;tr,a frtA '. Da ftef tk-- cliiars ebail kerp la weary yeara. ' Ay7 it as well; A ri with my bmba, wU with their rartUIy (aide ; "Piere, pbnwunt rivers Ihey waoiter hraide. H atnke ewer-- t harp, apna their silver tide-- Aye ! it welt. ' ''vary day . T.iev lea Y- - Chrlsd-miiy- . over 3i).ish t'i- - I to flt v. wsk a rate t'w? ct conviTtiair i?2.,'j.0'sj e. at pre-n- t ii Arfl'iric: will be, i.i roiora?mber9, ! i !!) W.iMJt. i A loitnton (Conn. carpe-nter- . a few days ago, ; .yeJ the truta of tt narrative of the .Vi ,a',-.wj"- br,X"aS fWn. ! ft'.lim fro.u a tnd ! bnr- - Hiax a.n.l...r ia the. mi.l.jle ao that bU boc!4 I g nlie.l aa l di-- l. P. ! of w-e- aVCtod iSZurZl V a ? huz- - wtwona.. a."- -t a fearlttl atroguK the I repi.Ie mxnM'xi to ?t around bU neck, an.l In-fo- rf j H wltt could z-- bia iirk-knu- -. life extinct, i Tie. drea.i .: an in lutrioaa nin. and leaves witnanl nine children. Pe t sernati iri inj the walking world is the feAt to l.e a'uaipt"d l.y Mark frrsyaon. wbo bi- - nvrM Into n a -- reia-nt tor - ffilOOOl a i.i tfist he ai'.L ia aevenfy-fira- . m alki.ig days, j thtorug hL own rout, w !' from New York city ! . . . C.a.iH...L'..A.r... 1 - L 1 a oaly causing draw. C.,. U be ac- - lulll ,L4ta3C" b kw tr,nr nd i i Tlirf Am-rt- Tn Freeraton are Djikli? an orer- - f i t.rwof aaiitr b. the IWiical Court, d tP;, IX. Who haa .SO ArnLnrZl tneoe.i- -- ti- .- -- .n.i ..f..h; r .bis. -. I ' " Pm www- -- s ...j.- v All j:. j tor frU.n, trturr, of grl Ur er il ba. ao a.ion- - i taej Holy Father tbt he evm, at a lowi bow i repiy. THaCLrt tr nr arrr a sn.i .Ann. 00i aim Breti.t in r.i i.. ii,. t ! Ti- - wi.r ji ihAt I. w ii.i.t..i ! r-- ia, L. A.. .Iio iba: th- - atimber of rainr dlft k . . . . ., . . - f i V o 1 1 p- -r rooniri since orraoer ad I shvt the verag di!y mrn of the mp-rvr- ire .lurinx th cohiwt month of the win-- I A drrr. whil tlnring ttw bottent month th year it b not arerage.1 co. b" ' a-- k thlt nestWn : How hi Kiccn., Acta .f I V.n-r- M K un. nt' ti i.,nat. r roiiitionary. and void. when the j tieT11"5 reeotoize.1 baaetl on I . y1' fcnd the K.xrciicire of the country has ! i Protect a Sfatf, the organization of w- - ca m aj! by virtue of them!-- ' r'ntric f1' m:0- - more than 79 years of 4VI li th .ing ing prison horiUl a few ay. Ift at the? of 21 with propertr Tit y-l- . And .'and in tbe heart of New York yic wirtii many million, be noon a4 . o" inmate of th State Irion. la fcfahility and rlucatiio, he nercr ' ,ir ''W ia life, an.i wa., thre titne a ConvicL It tHrti1. A"uvr I4oati.rnr. Brgana Young I!i V' "tir,wa ,,a" J""DT men of immoral fuald" 'Kas k-ra- he spoke f having yo,in S.inr, i priri ;e of fUiting 4M. i0,i nd tcooilng ac.uaiQted with hU t"' th"7 werar ia thai habit of pro-d- o " j14,11 f tJ. td tta abided : - I enwi 7 a m7 to bw e tit AD g led with . eea oot aery Go t. I wr.nt.l ther b-- s bo u.Tf tUra fca1'1 f ?Ler I'vrkitM here, "Weaidd U M,red t . wkked wto " I The Hawaii-il- l I!nii! am! the Treaty. TIk) follwin Icttor wm written 1j an Ameri- can ritizrn wb lua (mi-uj-i- 1 a tcrj influential rjoition at tlie Ialatwla fr the laet Un vear. It mn the marks of having lern rrul in manii-rxTi- r.t ery often, arwl ba fnbbjr cither thr.MjS the han-lrf- , or been read lj a lirc num--- r of Senator, an J tauet hare exerted do little iiiocm-- e on the late of the tre&tv : IIONOU'LI', , 1SS. Sia At jour rucat, I draw up for yotir ue with the h.jiKrrl Sretary of State at VV:iliin-t'- n atfl other tiicmf n of the Govern- ment w hom it majr cHH-ern- , the f lliin mcni-raif- Li f o'wrrati ru aiul opinion., revtin the reUtiunn of tlte I iiu-- l State to thete r!iti--a- l : Purine a remlener? of nearlr ten jri-ar- a at this 'Lee. I have enjoyed the omtideiivc of tin Amer- ican Commiacionera and Minister" ridont here, and have at their request, made it a jwrt of mr hufime learn the Tonal oj ifiun of all men ri'!injj here. 1. During tte jwiet ten jcar there has Lecn a gradual ruvtu of American sentiment on the whieb had reat hel a joint of and hih ei.ctati'.n in Julr last, when the rcci- - jr titjr treaty he-kt-l tl.e Uiire lur annexation Vnd 1poi tlutt time to the present a po-iti- ve anti- - AiuTicao feeling has gained strength anl found uiieraoce, eepe aiy aia n in-ie-? ini initretcu in the euringof tlie tretty. Ilcncc tlie strong pint ma' lo in fecunng the pafeKige of the treaty, was that it Would effectually quiet all dtsire and demand for annexation, giving us all the advant-- ages of remitted duties and open n.rts, without J the king and chiefi, and the people, with the no-hea- vr taxation and withut any dixturlaucc of j tion that we arc conijairntively weak. S. . our labor system. j llulhtin, Sept. 21. '1. My honest conviction Fis that should treaty it will lie far more di.'Bcult and far j more conily to obtain the at the end of j seven rears. For the so enriched could ' blotter afford to remain iislojien lcnt, and as in the cae of Canada, reciprocity in trade would aci'orut'Ii.-d- i nothing in securing olitieal friendship. 3. The effect ol the treaty upon the folilics of the a-i- de from any question of annexa- tion, must he very diNtrous. For, however ar- bitrary arsl anii-repuhli.-- nn the administration of affairs here, any a j al to the planting interest to lx Ip thwart a corrupt Mini-tr- y, by putting good men in the Legi-Lttur- e, would le met by the plea, let well enough alone ; we are thnving'and mak- ing money under this (foternrucnt, let us do what we can to entuate it. Wlicreus, witliut reci-proci- ty, tl discontent arsl finanriat depression wouVl rmjcl the i Unters to help induce abetter state of Society and a le- - arbitrary administration of affairs, that bj capital and labor might be at- tracted hither. 4. The present attitude of the Hawaiian !ov-emm- is more adverse to the I'nitcl Mates titan at any farmer period ; though during the war it wa ro re openly manifest. Advantage was then taken of our out posed weakness to expel frouiofhce all Americans known to he atrungly Democratic in their aentimeuu. And the present so-cull-ed King of these Ialaislt, (tlaugh he was never crowned ami never VmtW an ath of olai-- e as was hy ther then existing Constitution), wIk-- he came into iwcr did arbitrarily abrogate that cnatitd- - tion becau-- c of its republican elements arsl f rceJ un the I'e.'plea new one, from whkb tbo ob- - i noxious American elements were exj ungel. j There was i revolution at tlmt time, lecaisc ' there was n friend! v fjwer here to sustain arsl rrvgnize it if it had been siiccdveful. And, as re-s- ps ts the natives, it is dMibtful whether, in any event, sucfi a revolution is likclv to csvur. For . . T a a, a a uisler the training oi tre Ainrm-ai- i .Mif-iona- ries, the HawaiLin ., !c are peeuliarly and ' iii , au'i lire iiiiTH'iBHiiK, me iit-r- e tor no other Uian purely religious purjos. They ttouM sec the List rcstigo of lilierty peac-a-- 1 h)y ennlied out, and would endure any amount of abuse and national odium rather than offer any i resL-tanc-c to the poirrri thnf l, even if those pow- - ! ess were usuri-rs- , ruling witnoui a snaiiow or right, anl ii tliey were as arbitrary auJ as tyran- nical as Nero himself. 5. Let it be settle!, then, in the minds of tlie Cabinet, Senators and peojJe of tlie I'nited States, tlutt in no case eul l either the natives or tlieir missionary teachers 1 depended uton to initiate : or carry to a euecewful icurj a revolution in any I interest or f it any principle ; and Without the! help of t!e mbi iiariCB and the natives, there is t l.t.e ol foreigners largt; enougfi anl wealthy n tne crtittr;ooeh it were a 'et character ui t C. If an honest est rerw.. cf the Tr le were and the out. latter. 7' . Vn untruharra 1 and hone--t exFreft.iun of ''T i"1 I"'wt? w cIfr," ,aP; 'Ie for llie office-- holder who have the power will take d caro never to rermit an unbia?-e- d expneion of tho ropIe on that fjuetion. Annexation hyircha during the life- -. tluj of the present King utterly iinpoible. j Sich is the inten-- e pr j adice of tlic King again't ; all true Americun and buch hi hatre.1 of Ameri. . . : - a. ..ti t ruMt.-M.- -- "aaaa n aa -- t,H43 J SI flmuilitl I til. : . more or ,.1'"s' W,JU.,', Jn -- J : OJ mion, lCoinlnema.l V a ld lirgn.n, f,r the revenue ano: resource u. iroiu tnem c.uli ,,,,t Comnfato f X the extent of def.-ndin- g . tm - I pea now of their yjmniercial value n m r iy a a, piece oi property, ana not oi tneir erratcg.c il-- .i .stance as a naval depot, or a a l3e for the vat network of American commerce ! which lnut sn he prread ever thii wi'ie ocean. arfl Income tl.e ..un-- Ol Untot.l Weilttl to the great civilize.1 nntin !et iti:ated to contred it. I . .... .n..r.i.rv.in1I ..(-.- . V." .... ... in t h ia cf rii-- f r.1 . - arti. .. . , tl... . . . . n.l . ... . f . J . . . . . are not Wi.rtn nuying, noi Wortii Mealing, not w.itli guarding, not w.rih watehing. l;ut of their etrateglc itnportatiee, the .mcri-a- Govern- - ' ment and ople are better able to judge than i the repident of thee NLtnd. who nay I quite I too much in:Iinel t-- tnagnify the irnj-rtan- cc and i resource of the petty king-lor- in whi li tln-- y live. lt. If their e trat-gi- c importance to the I'nitejl Sta'f ii bo great that their evasion on any teraw to any other foreign power woull I a cau.--e for war, then the v.-r- y humanitarian rpiertion ariee whether it would not be letter t- - pave the jo-ihiI- ir .f puch a by a vig- - . orou anned diloinaey hiking to the acjuL-itio- n ; of the at the eirliet je.j,I" moment, pin.-- e it ii morally certain that if tlie Island.- - are once Mceured to the L'nited State, no foreign ; Government will be likely to venture upon an un- - equal onfiitt with a great naval tower now eo ; well tituate J to command thin ocean. , 11. It it for the t'nited States perle and ' their represent itive fc deeJe whether the lettv .l....t;-- . e..- .- I.,.t.i;r, v .1;..,. r,erp.. "" "" ' " - -- il-; 1 y .- - .- - inz IreC UisCUelon, arojeail Jg COncillUll n- -, jeo- - . lardizing a vat amount of foreign cu ital, and j testing aa an incubus upon ail the moral, intel- lectual and industrial iniereef of the Wands, is wcre betttceu auntiatian to England, France, Pru,M. or the Lnite-- J States. nudr doubta thaJ , . . , . .J , - .. Inc vol w'jUii oueiiuinSiy in lavor oi tno to Ik aeo unted a jeq-tua- l to tliat hruad-- r atfl mrc bciiitiant !icv, which under a great natkn muct at once hring new life to thin j riihin j.j.le. j However jr a Ixirnin it might he commer- - eiallj Ir tte L nitel mu- - to purcliase tte lel-an- li at any j.rice, I mor.t eineerely believe it would be a great blearing to the or, opfrcl nntivea, and all claec of foreign residenw on the I.landrf, if by any meant a free and rtron,; gor-crnro- could witlkout delay be established here. 12. If the United Staten has no strong policy to urge, or do not desire the ppeedy acquisition of the Islamic, it remains for the Government and jieople to consider whether it is any longer good : i , . . ir - . - . nn-- y or jy'xt rrrnraT io Keep a .winiMfr rcfel- - i dent here to wntch the "riots of other diplomats, when the rights of Am.-rieai- n citizens here could be ouite as well carcl f.,r hv a Cotioul bavin? di- - i plomatic lowers, la it not tlie effect of the pres- ent expensive policy to magnify the importance of a kingdom not half so populous as the city of San Francisco. Aro they not led by our compli mentary and most mngnanimous plicy of over- - j actel IricnOMtip, an! orhearans to imagine tliat tlie mainteiiitnee of this friendship, even when j the United States are tiiubhtd and iiiMiltt-- 1, is so j important that we cannot a Cord in any event to loso their gml will, le.t it tliould jeopard the peacclul aopiifition of tlieKr li'Ianus at roruo rc-- ; mote Kriod in the future? If a vigorous and rigorous rliv in the maiu- - tonnnce ol American Mens Iiere is not to be pur I sued, then a little wholesome neglect fins far more desirable than a fawning, coaxing obscciui- - I whieh I : i J oi's diplmnaer, r ! t'isel nr all classed of jasmcss cfarSs. C. S. IMKTOW, Aartiourrr, NaSea Itaasas aa l vrrn Strert. one d..r trass, tiA Kaaliumanu atrert. ly . r. Pla. a. c. WILDES. ADAMS A. WILDER, Aartlsa aad Comai..lsa MrrtlianN, FIRK I R'Hr STORK, la Raaiaeaa'a Baildiajf, Hurra Street. frto-l-y F. A. SfllAKKKK V CO. faatmNlsn Mrrchsst. 1IO.XJLI. LL, 64J ly HAW. ISLANDS. l-- O. HAM. Sl SON. Importer and Dratm ia Hardware, Dry Goad., faint. Oil, aad Gtntral MerekanJimt. 6i7 Corner Fort and King Ms. ly a. r. tSLaas. a. Jaaaa. U. F. KIIL.F.RS it CO. Dealers la Dry fevads and Onrral llrrrhandlse, riaa ra.xr uroaa, tS TORT STREET, obov 04d FVZoars Hall, ly JOHX KITSOV. Dealer la Mines. Spirits Ale and Tarter. 13 llaaalala. ly F. A. SCI1I KFKK. Atent af Dredea Board f l aderwrlters. tlX ly II. HACKFEL.D Sc C 0 I General foniniila Asents, 13 llaaalala. JO II X THUS. WATEKIIOt'sK. laparter and Dealer ia General 31rrt hanIIe, 614 Queen Street, Honolulu. ly a lex. J. CARTWK1GIIT. f.mailisa 3Irrrbaat and Oners! Shipping Apent, ajj lleaolala. Cabs. ly TII. C HCL'CK, General Commlsvion .Merehaut, 833 Fart Street. ir c. . snseia. m. aacraaLAX. c II A i N . SPENCER Si CO., General fommiioa 3Iertbant, Qarra Street. 432 ly llaaalala. 1 Lm TORBKRT. Lumber Herder. os; iionh of Qo-e- n and Fort Streets, Ilooolaia. ' -- ' I HA KICUAIIDSOX. Importer and Dealer 111 Cools S?loe and Gentlemen's lurni'.blng Goods Cnrntr of Fort ami Merehaut Street, 616 HoNOLlLt;, II. I. W. N. LADD. i a llardtrarcCntlerv, Meebanie i Jeuienls, j P-i- W. I.. GREEN, General Cmmlion .l-- cnt and Uroker. ''"T"' -- LJJI5I-?Jz 'J2l XOLULU. . FONG Ac A CH UCK, Inmnrter. U hnletr. .n.i it.n n.i.e. i. r:...r.i 3Iertli2udI-- e and tiiiuee Firr.Pr..r M.rr, ..n.. sireet. Coder the liaji. ly NEW SI'A PER KlOliOA, ' , -- itt.i Z mi.. i fatnmllon Merchant and General Isent, I Arf,ntfnr lh. P.okMlM, Amaoulo ?.irr Plantations lm. I port r or t-- s a i.i other Lh.nese aixl I omen uond, and wholesale .lealer in Hawaiian Produce, New Staae Slorr. Nnaaaa St.. be I wot Kit ! 6.7 ly j C. L. RICH A It D5 Si CO. cm iKni.:Lrt mA t,iu. vf.r.hai ..j ' in fn.r.i v.r.h.nHi.. Keep eonsuntly on hand a fu!l assortment of merchandise, fT the supply .f tlhal.r. and Mer-.-han- t vessels. t-- 1 ly .NEVILLE Si UARRKTT, Tlanter aud 'ieneral Store Keepers Kenpuka. North K'm . Hwaii,ner Bay. rri.K ri.-r.i- . etips supp....- - i Beef an I other f.eCe..rie.. A cent at lloooiulu. A. CLEG HORN. 622 ly j J. PERRY. D.'atrr in General Merchandise, SIRE-PROO- F STORE, Coriicr f Hotel y.i'i'iHit .fr.t-f- , JlouoluUt, 11. 1. j A LS' , Celall KjiablMiment on naanu Street. 61 Alte the Iire- - ri.f M'.re. ly I M. S. GRIN II A U M At C( ! Importers and Wholesale Healer In rashlonable ! Clothing. Hats (ps, UooNand shoes ... . -J I .uu .very ..rii w. 'jriiunnwi rara:anin UOOuS ,j CU.r. iormer;y orrupie i ny w . a. AMnch, &S Makte't litoet, tauten t. ly I allen . conway. kawalhae, Hawaii, ; eaud bhippincbasiness re prepared to furnish ae Potatoes, and are required i.y while shirs, at the shortest notice and on tl.e n.oat reasonable terms. art JL7 t ro w oort ou II tUI) can institutions, that he would dubtlcs much' iBI,n'- - "efklj in Itie lUvalian Language, r refer to civo the away to tn-'lan- rather 11 h the cir. u.t...n in the group, aud is read both B of A t. Bf II BsTll.Bna a. lul t mWmwi nea I, ,mm I I a bm b In mm.i ' ' " -- 1 '."t"- - . Even .if the rrrcnt King or any of hi J! ' ' ! WUI conunae Merchan Ii at the above port, where they a the jostly celebrated Kawaih each otherrecraits as JiaSiitfss (farts. DR. J. MUTT SMITH, Drntit, OiBce eoruer of Fort and Hotel Ftrertr. sisi: K. IIOFFM A S X, M . I. Pbjolrlaa and Sarroo, Coraer Merchant ard Kaahomanu ., near Puatofficc. 633 ly I JOHN S. McGRKW, M. !., rbiclaa and Sarsroa. Office Orer Dr. K. Hcffmann'a Drar Store, corner of Kaaha ; mana anil Merchant Ma., opposite tli Hoft 01Se. Rasipssca Cknptni St., arlirrra .Vauaaa and t ort St. i Orrica liora from to 10 A. and bum 3 lo 6 P. M. 6.M ly j ; , A BLFflM, M. I., t Pbyslrlao anJ Snr-ro- n. omr n1 Atdrich nouae. Fort atreet 611 Sm 1 I IICMIV THOMPSON. Attorofy and ft)on'!or at Law. OJSlc on Qann Strert, opposite tlie Court House, up slair. fc09 ly Am F. Jt DD. Ittornry and ConurlIor at Law, Corner of Kurt and Merchant Streets. 193 ly W. C. JOXES .Ittornry at Law and Land A cent Will practice In all the Cnarts of the Klned'xn. lie win ; a: tend the Circuit Courts in Kauai. Maui and Hawaii, and visit cahcr of ttwe Islands on special business. OJSz opposite Vi Court Jlai.-tf- , un tirrn Street, 637 ly JOHN II. I'ATV 63i 6m K . . DAVIS. Attorney at Law, Will Practice in all the Court of the Kin-do- m, in Loth English and Hawaiian lanRunitrs. 639 0,f r M Quern Street, oppnmite the Court Haunt. ly E. S. FLIGIm Snrvejor and Civil Fnelneer. OrJers left In Box 21. Homdula P. O.. w.ll rveive immediate attention. Butineis attended to in any part of the island. oio oiu GEOKGE G. HOWE. Dealer In Keduood, ortbtst Lumber, Shingles, Doom, Sath, Blind, Vui(, Pitintt, 4c. At hi. Old Fort Street, on the 644 ly I ED. IIOFFSCII t.A EREk Si. CO., Importrrand (omniN-io- ii 3Ierraant$, Career ef Port and Mrrrbaat Street. 61J ly FISCHER Sc. ROTH, I .Merchant Tailors. Fort Street, opposite Odd Fellow', Hall. Honolulu, II. I C19 ly MeCOI.G A N Sc JOHNSON. Dlerrbant TsJIois, FORT STREET, HONOLULU, .., 619 Opposite Theod. C. Heuck's. ly o. Lcwaaa. j. a. uictsos. LEWERS Si. DICKSON. I Dealers In Lnmber and Pnildlug HaterlaN. i 033 Fart Street. ly ; j II . M el X T T tX K , , Tol-icrouis- l, ! 62SI Corner Queen and Streets, Honoluln. ii ED IN JtlNES. Grorer and Ship Chandler, LA HA IN A, MAl'I Money aad Kvcruits furnulied to Ship ou Favorable Terms. 614 ly C. UREWER Si CO. fommKlon aud Shipping Merrbants, U2 lleoelulu, Onhu. II. I. ly II. E. MelNTTRE Si II II OTHER. Grocery, Feed Store and linker;, Corner of King and Fort streets, Honolulu, II. I. 642 ly A. S. CLFGIIORX. ! ueaier in oenerai .nerenaucise, ure-pro- oi More, Ceracr Kanhuumnu anl Q. uera Sta, (Opposite lnrfi UI.M-k.- ) Also. Retail establishment on N unarm street, above King. XT Island Produce bought and sold. 1 .land orders carefully attended to. eoo ly j THOM AM SPENCER, Ship f handler, Dealer ia General Merrbandl-e- , Island ' Frodare, .r., and (ommiNjou Jlerrhant. Byroa'a Hay, Ililw, S. I.. Will keep constantly on hand an extenaivr assortment of every j description of goods required by ships and others. , lhe blithest priw given for Inland Produce. TT Money advanced for Bill...! Ecnan;e at reanova l.leratee 617 lr THEO. II. DA VIES, Late Jinion, lireen A-- Co.) Importer and foniniIdoa Merchant, SCEST Knk. LLOYDS' r THE l l- - f d nrt 1 1 rrvnrinrmrrDr MORTHER.V ASS m.vrl.TOVPivr.Mi ' HklTISH ir FOREIUX MARI.E l.SUKA.CE CO. nn.if ItuiMiiijjs, Kaahiimanu and tineen Streets 610 ly Ship ( handlers and lomiiii... i tern Strtt, Jfoi.rJuiu. ItFIM B T f RRNISII'IN TO Messrs. C. A. Wiliiams at Co. i Messrs. P.reaer ft Co., Mesers. Castle ft Cooke. J Mc-s.r- It. Haekfeld ft Co., Messrs. C L. Richards ft Co. I 1. U Waterman, Eq. 616 ly D C. WATERMAN Si CO.. Cooinilsion .Mrrrhant. Especial attention paid to the interests of the Whalmr Fleet by tne lumisnini; oi 'unns, purchase aca sale of l.s-han- oil, oune, uenerai jierciMmiise, en i the procuring of Ercicht REFERENCES. Measra. Iiaac IIowlaxd, Ja. it Co., New Bedford W. O. E. Porn, Esq.. do. J. C. M (brill ft Co , San I'ranrisoi. 6J3 ly ; '! . CA.STLB. J. B. ATBKHTOk. A. a. c.OK CASTLE Si COOKE. i Importers and General Merrbants, j Klutf air'--1- , appowitr the Seniara'a Chapel. IAO, AGENTS FOR j Ir. Jay ri.hrate a ,m,ir Mallei oca. Wheeler a Wilsou's !ewinic j j The New England Mutual Lite lr...nnca Company ' The a Sua-n- r I'ompany, Hawaii. Tl.e Haiku cUk'ar C otnpny, Maui. The llwaiian ugar Mills. Maui. I The V aiaiua ujrai Plantation. shn. ! The Lumahal ilice Plantation. Ktua.. 609 ly BISHOP Si CO.. Unakrra, nice, In the ea-- t corner of Makre's Clock, Kaahumanu atrect, Honolulu, Iraw Bills of Exchange on The Ba or Calipobia. - Pan Francirro Messrs ai st.L. M iMra ft Co., New York. Lacs A-- Walls,, - - New York, Ticmost National Iiasc, - - licti.n. Obibtal Bank I'obporatiob. London. j Af.nts pAi-in-c Isscsamcc Co. and Mabhattab Lira I.vsta- - ascaCo. ( Will receive deposits. discount flrst-clas- , business paper, and attend toeollectinc.etc. b3-- i ly i fJEVERAI. VAI.I'AIJIJ; PROPERTIES j trr and Lease. Apply to t-i- 3n W. L. ORE EX. A ; K E A T V A RIETVOP N E W A S I) S ECON n iBV baud Purar an.l other .ViCW.Tir f'.r Palp Apply e& am) W. L. UKEKN. j RUCKS RECEIVED FOR o I The Honolulu Irot Works Co., I And ESTIVATES f-- r .Macl.lurry jto. Applyto ui "m W. L. ORU. Iii.t.s of exchange: bought and! PoLD. Apply to V. L UKEKN. Eri-ke- Ac. II A lit T ERS NEGOTIATED AND VESSELS on Itoujtht anJ stld. Apply to U. I.. ORE :n. 63.1 ?m 0 - r. whi Sniunncc (farDs. j SAN FRANCISCO IB0ASD OF UKDEE WRIT EES. MIK I'XDERSKiMCO HAVING BtEX 1 appointed acenta for the a tranctsoo Uuard ol nlor- - writers, repreaeutini; The California Insurance Company, ;The Merchants .Mutual Marine Insurance, The I'acilic Insurance Company, The California Lloyds, and 'The Home Mutual lusurance Company. Beit leore to Inform Maaters of Vewela and the public cener. ally tht all sustained on VtSKI-- and C A ROOKS, insured hy eitlier of tbe above Coiopanit-- a agrainrt perils of tne araa aud older ri.ka, at or near the Sandwich lianls, ill bare to he tirini-- by tbcu. 047 Sm II. IIACKKELD 4 Co. MERCHANTS' M'tTTl'AI. MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Of t-- n imilK I" XI) KUS I N ED HAVING BEEN I H apiioinlrd for the aoove Company, beg leave to ; inlorm ihe public that th. y are row prepared to issue MA III NIC IXSCRAXCK 1'OHCIKS ON I CAKGUKS, FUKIGHT and IKE.VSIHE. 13 ly WALKER k ALLEN. HA HlIURr.Il.HRKMEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. rSIIl K IXDKRSIGXKU, HAVIXU BEEN W Appointed A perns of the Uv.- - Couipany,are prepared to insore risks against Fire on Stone iwi.l Knrk RuiMingv and on Merchamlise rtoml in. on most favoraffle terms. 1 or particulars apply at tht oince of F. A. SCHAEFER A-- CO. IIofoIuIu, May 4. 1S61. 638 Ly NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON ANI KIJINHURKH. EbTABLIr-UED- . Ii09. ! CAPITA l I2.000.000 ! Arcamnlulrd nrd larrslrd Fnnil. 2,010,1311 ' MI K I'XOERSIfi N K l HAVE BEEN AP- - j t'OlNTKD A ti EMS lor the Sandwich Islands, and are uihorisl :. Insure aMit:st Fire upon favorable term, Risks token iu any part of the Islands on Wooden .Buildings, and Merchandise store.! therein. Dwelling Honsea and Furni- - ture, limber. Coals, chips in harbor with or williout carpne, or under repair. (617 ly E0. llJrFi-CHLAKtlK- & CO. THE NORTHERN INSURANCE COMP'Y ; OF LONDON. milK t'XDERSICNED. AGENT FOR THE M. alwe Company, baa recently received instruction, to re--! duce the Rate of l'reiniura on toue and Brick lluiMiiijjs and oo Men-han- ise stored therein, and is now prepared to issue poli-- 1 cie, on more favorable terms than heretnfore-- ! KisVs taken un Buildings Machinerv, kc, on Sucar Plauta-- I ti..ns. THEO. H. DAMES, S'JS-l- y A Rent. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. rimiF. FXDERSIGNED AGENTS OF THE JL alove CompHiiy, hare Inn authorized to insure risks on ' Cargo, Freight and Treasure, by COASTERS from Honolulu tu all ports of Uie Hawaiian , Group, and vice vers. . j 6Ji ly H. II ACKFELD ir CO. ! CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO. raviip: itndf.rsiuned having been i 1 upiinted A?enis f--r the above company, beg leave to j oionnill. llie ;iu.iir,iii.. .itrj arvimw in.rwi.ttiHH 'MARINE INSURANCE POLICIES on Cargo, Freight and Treasure., to and from all part of the world. II U ACKFELD CO. Honolulu, April 2 112. 627 ly domestic prcDiuf. 18CK. 1SGS. NCER-- PZ 1IILO, II. I. Sugar and Molasses. ir tip coming in and for sale IN Vk J quantities to snit purchasers, by 641 tfm WALKER ft ALLEN, Agent,. WILDER PLANTATION. KUALOA, OAIIIT. 647 ly ADAMS A- - WILDER, Agents. llAKEE PLANTATION. 'EW CROP OF SUGAR AND MOLASSES! Now Coming in. For Sale by 64(1 6m C. BREWEH ft Co., apei.ta. W;ai!ii:.pii Plantation, II. Csrawrll, Proprirtor. SUGAR AND MOLASSES FJTItOM THIS PLANTATION FOR SALE j in lou to suit purchasers. Apply to Eu. C. McLEAX, Agent. O NOME A PLANTATION. Fntrnr nnd Molaes Crop 1808, DOMING IN. FOR SALE IN Q.UANTI- - it run-hater- by WALKER & ALLEN', Agents. rry on. 'E'.V ( Ki.. For a... 634 3m C. hij. . SUGAH AND MOLASSES OF THE KOIIALA Sl'GAR COMPANY, sale in quatitilics to suit by 19 6rn CASTLE ft COOKE. iiaivaiiAaV rs:ATiiria! Sole and Saddle Leather and Tanned Goat Skins. 4 REGULAR SUPPLY FROM THE CELE- - UK A TED WAIMEA TANNERY, For sale at the 1 .west market rale, by ftO If ACLEGHORN, Asent. HAWAIIAN SOAP WOEKs! " Ily Ill'DDV & c; RAY', at Lelco. HAVING RECEIVED A LARGE ANDFHLL ar- - prepared to supply their and the public, with the Ix.t Vrllon-.'lirow- n itnd White SOA1. AIO HOF r A'I fIL hOAP, 'larre or small quantities to suit. P. p.-- . c.utp crease always wanted. eoo ly HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY ! R. LOVE & BROTHERS, Tiox-rLetnt- a, NLTANLT street. HILOT. MEDIUM AND NAVY BREAD. - always on l.aiM an 1 made to onier. -- Ij'vo, Hater. Soda and llutter Cra'ker.t, JEXJtV USD CAKErf. ftc. SHIP BRE.4 D REHAKED on the shortest notice. FAMILY BREAD, mad, of tbe Heet Flour, baked daily and alwajs on hand .V. B. BROWN URF.ATi OF THE BEST QUALITY. 636 ly ROSE MARKET, KING STREET. G. R I S EL Y HAS OPEN ED THE A HOVE. MAR-KI- T fur lhe sale of PORII AND PORK SAUSAGE, At SO Heef Sau aire, (orurd Poik and Deef, Spiced Deef, ftc. J. Iii. Iy . made tho bent Pnrk Saurage evrr made lh. se'. and l.e will do It Brain. Thankful for past favors, he will I nwt liappv to supply all All oiy r.iv.r I.i in iiti a rail. ei't ly Sltf&aniral. SAIL LOP T . W. G.WOOLSiEY, SAILMAKER, HAS OPE.VED A SAII I.OFT IX THIS iyj Rtni l'.uildinr. on QO'KEN SlltKKT. formerly occu-V- 1 pted by Aldrich, Walker a" Co., where he ia prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him in tlie roat workmanlike manner. No charire fr storage of aaiis to customers. 045 3m JAS. L. LEWIS, COUPLU .DGAVGER, At the Old Slaad, 1 Corner of King and Bethel Streets. ; A Jarpe Stork of OH. SilOtl KS and all fcifds of Coop rnus Malrrinls centlanCtf on Anna. He hopes by attention to business to merit a coitinnance of t the pivtronape winch he baa hitheilo enjoyed, ami fcr which be Dew returns bis thanks. 646 Sm JOHN TiBBKTS, TUOS. HuRJwNMS. j i Ollip carpenters ailQ Cnillkcrc Ir- - At I). Foster &. Cn.N Old Stand. i Near the " Honolulu Iron Works.' 644 Sm i i IMPORTERfc MAXCFAC- - J IUREK cf All KIKDS of SADDLERY. Carriage Trimming Done tciih Xtatness and Dis- - jxttch. All Urdus promptly attended to. Corner of Fort and Hotel Strrela, lloaolaln. j 645 ly I J Wheelwright and Coach Maker, fiUFOOT OF MT AXI STRKET, At Mr. ireiyhf Stand, Repairs on Wagons, taniugts, rc., atteuded to on reasonable 043 Urmj. am F. H. & C. SECELKEN, Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron Workers, Xanana Street, bet. Merchant aud Queen, ft HAVE CONSTANTLY OX HAXD f it- -. Stoves, Lead Pipe, tialv. Iron Pipe, Plain and Hose t.;3 Hions, Ftnp cocks, India Knbber Hose best In length, uf 2a and 60 fret, with Coupling and Pipe com tdete. Alo, a very larce stock of Tinware of every descrip tion. Jobbing and Repairing lione to order promptly and war- ranted. Particular attention given to Ship Work. Thankful to the citnens of Honolulu, and the Islands gen- erally, for their lilwral patronage in the past, we hope by strict attentiuii to business to merit the same for the fotnre. XT Orders from the other Islands will be carerully attended Ok - 643 ly PACIFIC BRASS FOUNDRY. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE. spectfully inform the public that be is prepared to cast aud finish all kinds of brass aud composition work with dispatch and at reasonable rates. XT All kinds of ship and plantation worV furnished on short notice. XT Constantly on hand, hose coupling, of the following, ixvs: J, 1, 1, 11, 2 and 2J. Also, oil cups and gauge cocks. JAMES A. HOPPER, 612 ly Kine street. .11. T. DOLL, King Street, Eat Side, two doors from Xanana, WILL UUY ASIl SELL Second Hand Furniture. 17 Repairing neatly done. Will also fit Curtains. Carpets, ic. 640 6m. Cabinet Maker and French Polisher, HOTEL STREET, 639 Near tli6 Prog Store or J. Mott Smith e Co. ly ii. CfjAKlK & CO., Soot aud Shoe Makers and Dealers la Leather and Shoe Findings, ITuUl Street, bet. Xwwnu and llaunakea Sis. XT Onlers from the country solicited and promptly attended to on tbe most reasonable terms. 637 ly C. E. WILLIAMS, Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in Furniture Of Every Description. Furniture Ware Rorra on Fort street, opposite E. H. Boyd's Family Market; Workshop at the old stand. Hotel street, near Fort. N. B. Orders from other inlands promptly attended to. 16-l-y G. W. NORTON &. Co., OX THE ESPLANADE, First Door above the Custom-hous- e, Honolulu, II. I. 635 ly Jolts Korr. Sam'l Nott. JOHN NOTT & CO., COPPER AXU TIS.Tl 1 TIIS. flit KE PLEASURE IX XXOU.CIC. TO B. the public tliat tiny are prepared to furnish all kinds of Copper Work, consisting in part of stilu. Main rass, soa CBLM PANS, WORMS, PCMPf, CIC, etc. ANooa haud, a fall assortment of Tinware, Which they oOVr for rale at the lowest market prices. ALL KINDS OP HKPAIHI.fli PONS WTT3 SEATS SK3 ASD DtHPATCW. Orders from the other Islands will meet with prompt attention. Shop on Kaahunanu St., one door above Plitner's. 6-- d 6ra it , xv . a x i it i; xv s , MACHINIST, ' nifK)site Odd fellows' Jl-tll- , Jlonnhdu, :nce of repairing macy articles Machinee, Ac, and make J. II. WICKE, CA BI .' i: T .11 AK 12 It , a ALAKCA STBCKT BCLOW TBC TREATSC. Furniture made and repaired at reasonable prices. 621 ly GEORGE LEONARD, Manufacturer of FURNITURE of nil Dr. pcription. PLANING. SAWING AND TURNING D0$3f. Klonldlngs of all kinds constantly on Hand. 609 ly YV. OIKOX, Catholic Church Premises, Honolulu, av IIA1 I.VH I.ATEL1 ItETlRX. jO ED fn.tu can Francisco With a ew Stock of .materials. He is jtrcpared to Impair WATCHES, CLOCKS AND MUSIC BOXES 613 With prornptneM and dispatclu iy It . Is I. TT , Boot and Shoe Maker.Sjl Hatel St.. Honolulu. ' iaW ouo ly S. P. XOIIKA. PAIUTEIl & PAPE1T HAI7GEH CAN UK FOUND AT THE Shop on HOTEL STREET, near tha iw' .; All wcrk entrusted lo Mr. N0HKA will be done with neatness and dispatch, and at the lowest rates. 606 ly JAS. A. miKIMCIi, COOPER AND CAUCER, Continue tht buxtnttt At his Old Stand on the Esplanade, wot 4 done with Care, and onlers promptly aitc-e(- i to. iJ CiiAnciFg Modkmatc. r bbcrlisfnunfs. THE TOM MOORE TAVERN, BY J. 0NKILXj, S2 CORNER OF KINO AND TORT STREETS. EUREKA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. DURHAM ROBINSON, Proprietor, UESrECTFCLLV INFORM WOClD and the public that he haa re-o- pe oed tha ahore Hot. I and ReMaurant, and will carry on the basis on the moat approved style, and ropectfully solicits a sbar. of patronage. Aa;y Fimiishrd Jlcumut to J. t vjon KeasonubU 641 2Vmur. Sm THE REVERE HOUSE. THIS WELL-KXOW- X EST A BL.I5H- - f MENT offer. T II K REST ACCOMMODATION! TO THE TRAVELING PCBLIC. The Table will always be Supplied with every rary tbe Market affords. 17 Cotnfortablo Lodgings can be accarcd on snort notice. JCt Btrangtrs viiitln, Honolulu will pieaae remember the toca- - tion. Kiug Street, two doors from Fort St. 635 8m SAMCEL LOLL EH, Proprietor. NOTICE. 1VHEREAS. I HAVE APPOINTED KK. Tf T CHARLES II. Jl Dl as my Attorney la fact. Notice is hereby given to ail irsons, that, from and after this dale, he alone is autborixed to collect all rents and monies doe me, and no bills on my account will be paid udIcs contracted for by hiscmssnt orordir. It. K. KAPAKL'H AlU. Honolulu, July 0, 1868. S3 bm Co-laitiier- hip Notice. UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY TIIE into Partnership under the firm Dame and style of TIBBF.TR & 80RENSON, For te pnrptwe of currying on th business of SHIP CAR-PE- N Tl-RIK- AAD CAULKIXG. and, by strict attenlloa to business, Uicy hope to merit a share of public pa'ronare. JOHN T1BB Tfe. TIIOB. BOKENsON. Honolulu, Sept. 17, 1868. 044 lm LIME AND CEMENT, ait HAND AND WARRANTED ALWAYS any in the market, and for sale at kiwost rates. 640 6m C11AS. N. BPKXCEH tX CO. MANILA CORDAGE, SIZES FOR SALE RY ASSORTED CI1A9. W. SPENCER CO. FRESH FLOUR, BAKER'S EXTRA AND FAMILY. constantly oo hand and for sale by 640 0m CHA8. N. SPENCER A CO. TEAS. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CHINA A and Japanese Tea always on hand and fr sale by 640 3m CHA8. V. BPESCKR tt CO. PILOT, NAYY AND MEDIUM DREAD, riRESH AND FOR SALE IN QUANTI- - - I IKS to suit by 640 3m CUAS.H. SPENCER A Ca OYSTERS, SPICED AND STEAMED, OF EVERT 1 and 2 lb tins, for sale by 640 3m CIIAS. M. SPENCZR 4- - CO. BEST ENGLISH FIE FRUITS, JELLIES AXD PICKLES, oo hand and JAMS, by (640 am) CHAS. N.BPKNCKR sjr CO. KEROSENE OIL, - klOWVER'Ij BEST FOR SALE BY JLe 640 3m CHAS, M. BPKNCEK A CO. SALMON, SALMON, I"ECEIYED FRESH BY EVERY PACK IT, hair barrels, and for sole at lowest ratea ALSO.Salsnan Bcllieo,tn half barrels, fur sole by 640 3m CU AS. N. bI KNCER ft CO. A LARGE ASSORTMENT CANNED MEATS A ND PRESERVES, OF for Ships or Families' and just the article for ex- cursions. Picnics, ftc. For sale by 640 3m CHAS. N. SPKSCER e CO. II. L. Chase's Photographic Gallery ! FORT STRECT. take PHOTOGRAPHS of any silo in tlie BkT Sttls sib OX TbB SlOsT R.ASOMABLB TSHMS. COPYING AND ENLARGING done in the beat manner. For Sale Cards of the Hawaiian Kiugs, Queens, Chiefs and other notable persons. Also A full assortment or LARGE AND SMALL F R A M ES, For Sale at Low Prices. 636 ly II. L. CHASE. BUNTING ! OR SALE BY P. 6G5-3r- a BOLLES ft CO. Anchors and Chains. A N ASSORTMENT OF SIZES SUITABLE for coasters, fir sale hy 63. bm BOLLES .V OO. Iltniji and Manila Cordage. . I7OUR STRAND HEMP SIZES FROM 47 Si inch to 7 in sh. -1- UO B .It Rope, Seising, House! ine. Marline, Span Tarn. Btm-Iterlio- e, ftc, Ac. MANILA CORDAGE. A full assorUnent of sixes, for sale by .. B0L1.F8 ft CO. " -- in I.ime, ILXS WE jA. SALE ana , 632 oiu Hemp C.ik "V. O TO C CUT SCOTCU FLAX CAN. is V AS. ForiMleby (S32 6m) BOLLES a CO. Cotton CniiYfiK. TJO. I TO AND THE 11 Lawrence Manufactory. For sale by 632 6m IIOLLES ft CO. Best Kn-li- sh Portland Cement. ROSEN DALE CEMENT. FOR SALE BY UOLLES ft CO. ISosloii Card Ilntchcs. FEW CASES FOR SALE BY A m 3u IMiLLES ft CO. WcstphRli.i limns. FEW OF VERY SUPERIOR O.UA LITT ITS. For aalc by (632 3ni) BOLLES ft CO. Salt "Wafer Soap, A XD CHEMICAL OLIVE SOAP. A. For sale by (032 3m) BOLLES ft CO. Pure Sperm Oil. .Wit DALE IS 6m BOLLES ft CO. DUFFIN'S MaRKET, WOOD Sc Co., KINO STREET, HONOLULU. 63i ly FORT ST., FAMILY MARKET. II. ROYl. Choicest Meats from finest herds, Poultry. Fish, VcrrtaWea sjre., furnished to order. 614 ly SHIP .HASTJERS AND OTHERS HOUND TO SEA AND IN of reading matter, can find a large supply of Illustrated Papers, Afagatints and Mocks, AT WHITNEY'S BOOKSTORE. Files of Har- per's Weekly, Leslie's and other illustrated paper., for 6 or 12 months back, on hand and for sale cheap. ) i. , s I) I i' ii ' I ) '1 V: 7 , -- i 1 : lh r i 1: i t t nil 1 . J el

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    the PAoinoTXZX2 Pixoxrio(Commercial bbcdisrr Cflmmcrnal bbcrfiscr

    rrBLISUFD AT14 rtaunE Honolulu, IlAwaiianr iHlatxln.

    Kvoiy Saturday Morning.City aal l.laaa" .t.0 Tear. paca meaoirrd in Nod-- I 1 r. i m. I a i ' J m. j 6 1 1113.AO for Ala Maalha. parril type.rrla aaowrlliaao. l- - IIO a Trar. fjiniiiiiiiTsi)!! $ $ i t S f IS Uon.. 1 oo a 00 3 00 4 00. 6 00 10 COTh nnnpkn print prw'll laaay pwtnf 10 Um... 1 bo J W) 40O 1 W 8 00 13 OO

    rt i. tP a Bouwro, whien ineltate, Uur Assevxaa an.1 II.-rwla- a Ii I.(m-- . .... a oo co e oo t ao' is on u ooAll poner. rnpi porta witt brfcal 20 Utm..... 2 M I CO 7 M 10 00: 14 Pol 18 OO

    iiMMt i ..! lew at llWr swat a(Sew. watch Vartea fro 4 t lILyi' X 4-4'W- 1- - ,1'. 30 Linn...... 3 (X 00 1? 00 10 110 14 00 25 00nc. oa aa elnM 99"- - J i Column. .. l0 12 00 IS OO 22 00 3S 00 69 00t y rs:Birrtia P at aBlb Alit Abvaw--1. i Column. .. 10 00 14 0 CO 00 is 00 40 00 0(1j i Column... 14 00 20 00 30 00 40 OO 60 00 fnsa all of tho FartSe willj,. part alwajt i t" Column 20O0 4O00lM)00b00O I2u 00 "JlO vb. ry r"vtnl.

    JT A.lrtisrni rrsitlmr In Ihr tUatorn rnitfd St.tlra.canj je FfiM peaidln li an? part a" the Pelted atr. cantho aunnt answeri b." itwt ia.. pap, to Aae-rv- - . pty tvr tlwir cards by rnrlofinc Urtrttintekl or IT. Mutt--a Tji

    cm tm aanCm teaman, lea to the Uar. Centa r rUmpa. Ii ooch araoanl aa th'jr wb tt puy.and tlicir card U1 be Inarrtcd aa er ai tablr, Kr tlie luspaid f.T.

    flais iso faxcyXT Baaineas CarJ, ln--n prepaid for m arr allowarf

    DOOK AND JOB PRINTING. i Uiacount from tbcar rate, wblch arc for trauaiebt atlvrrUacI FLKI.It:iIIK.XKV M.MWIIIT.SKV:tTKt 111' HONOLULU, IIAAVAIIAX ISLANDS, O0TO15KK 24, IS6S. cVO Li.SIXXIII.DOLLARS11. PEKVVIIGLK

    AXXl'MNo. o4S. m'ata when paid or charccd quarterly.

    M a " T C"l rrv. ha IM hi() mtjm mi the srt. :


    the PAcinoCommercial Advertiser.

    71 j UikTV) a Do win a; WautiAO, twliini ftrwa, mr Croat a work

    ai4 "Tfci Cfcaccd traa i "I lo Ibcna ar

    Tbal hen to T.Utmt fvJ d Uk kCata. mtl wttlt the mUtrm al ptUa aorl rnU.Aa4 brjurd l f aay awaet laaaba

    I kd kin ( .Il rUtiro4 fbc pr- -

    A Bttla tMHwiwui Ikiua: Ihl a my hmuttVlmig alwaia, eilfir In wl ofanrt ;I ( ail my Umba I Ivrcil kiim Wsl i

    Aot J U ytI mut kina 4nf

    fa llkiaw waite-abrmvl- waa. wlfH bittx teaa.f' aomo aofc--a tnl aw iIm la aiW 7araIU anonM kaow aau(M af paaMno, f.Vf, a rar.

    A I kc knmra.Aailyetacaia

    TIW Eklef Pnepaent ram. Mf kcart fraw feinf IHi cUiraml aanthef fcmo, with wntlUu plaint,Aaibr ' wtv, g-- a aoint,

    r f4' BM pais.A4VWI. 1 litrnea away '.

    Tkr cat ab, aa Inwety a aa an-I- "a tlream,ller Vicka wlfk cunl!(ht all Mram.Ilr fcoty 3a wtta boa la bi beam

    I karlt ta pray.

    U U thf wa rMy Father, aay, atwt iri pr lamb be gives ?Oh ! thn haat many auck, UaT Lur4. la bracca."Al o4aai. i - S Mf kaat U.m Uira,

    B.t prarw, b aUll"I

    OI ! b-- I wept.A ad clairpat her to aty amm. with a wildAnd yearning love say bash say pleasant r bud,ii.r, tim, I (. The DttW ancd emlled.And a!ept ami d.L

    -- Ort,jr,f rrWd.Tmr awe aua that SlepavJ bUd hisI " ptia Ia aclea at su e an id band iLike a fmm spavn, there k Ink kia atatut,

    tiaaa so kus aiU.

    And yet k"W wosklmua sweetThe hmh with whurh a. bmwd By paaajnwalc cry,

    Tnaeb aut aiy btmh ( bin. n bit av dia I- A Uttla aila," lUt aal wUh a smite aad eb,A:kia WC asswt.'

    ttprlesas I Pnl IAad bT t fnae In Iff kl had burned en luc,tht fcuut, I ciMstd aut are mj djartuia; ( j,lie had aol btlea aw 6r-w-ll, bat 4t r

    I fttll Ctrewed.

    kl ire "teerly, fr.Then 4 my araaa had meopaased that alight foraa.Tat oaakt I bat hr fceard bits call aay

    ! asother f Bui s keavea tUl be the am.There burn ay eta flie will at

    Aanthat lamb, I Ihouni ) ar ectly aaef tbe 4mm4 ia Bfrd t be say ,

    My (iu'. sy ataraf aim Itua USr k dooe i 'My heart Woal bevaa. t

    tM ! with what thrUI !I heard bint enter but 1 did aut kiaw(For t. m dark) that he bad robed aw a.The Uut at aiy be cnold aut ( i

    Oh heart, be atUt !Came atorni&C. Caa I 111

    H.MC Ibla pm fraow Ita aarrowntl tenant kept Tfit waking tsar, were arise ) I ; wept.Aad days avauha, years, that weary id kept.

    Aiaa! hrewetl!lf.w rteo II bt aaid !

    I sit anl rhlnk and wrisaler Vm, aome lias.Mow It will exem, whea ha thn happier rtiiaett aavcr wi.l rto cot like fuaeral chime.

    Over the eVad.seara ! ao tear !

    WUt tJw-r- v a Xiy Cune twu I aaail nut weep Ttot 1 beifcrw my pIt ia my eleep.Ira, yew, th;tr,a frtA '. Da ftef tk-- cliiars ebail kerp

    la weary yeara.' Ay7 it as well;A ri with my bmba, wU with their rartUIy (aide ;

    "Piere, pbnwunt rivers Ihey waoiter hraide.H atnke ewer-- t harp, apna their silver tide-- Aye

    ! it welt. '''vary day

    .T.ievleaY- -

    Chrlsd-miiy- .over 3i).ish t'i-- I to flt v .wsk a rate t'w? ct conviTtiair i?2.,'j.0'sj pre-n- t ii Arfl'iric: will be, i.i roiora?mber9, !i !!) W.iMJt. i

    A loitnton (Conn. carpe-nter- . a few days ago, ;.yeJ the truta of tt narrative of the.Vi

    ,a',-.wj"- br,X"aS fWn. !ft'.lim fro.u a tnd !bnr- -Hiax a.n.l...r ia the. mi.l.jle ao that bU boc!4 Ig nlie.l aa l di-- l.

    P. !ofw-e-


    iSZurZl V a ?huz-- wtwona.. a."--t a fearlttl atroguK the Irepi.Ie mxnM'xi to ?t around bU neck, an.l In-fo- rf jH wltt could z-- bia iirk-knu- -. life extinct, iTie. drea.i .: an in lutrioaa nin. and leaves

    witnanl nine children.Pe t sernati iri inj the walking world is the

    feAt to l.e a'uaipt"d l.y Mark frrsyaon. wbo bi- -nvrM Into n a -- reia-nt tor - ffilOOOl ai.i tfist he ai'.L ia aevenfy-fira- . m alki.ig days, jthtorug hL own rout, w !' from New York city !

    . . .C.a.iH...L'..A.r... 1 - L 1 aoaly causing draw. C.,. U be ac- -

    lulll ,L4ta3C" b kw tr,nr nd iiTlirf Am-rt- Tn Freeraton are Djikli? an orer- - f


    t.rwof aaiitr b. the IWiical Court,d tP;, IX. Who haa .SO ArnLnrZl

    tneoe.i- -- ti- .- -- .n.i ..f..h; r .bis. -. I' " Pm www- -- s ...j.- v All j:. jtor frU.n, trturr, of grl Ur er il ba. ao a.ion- - itaej Holy Father tbt he evm, at a lowi bow i

    repiy.THaCLrt tr nr arrr a sn.i .Ann.00i aim Breti.t in r.i i.. ii,. t !

    Ti- - wi.r ji ihAt I. w ii.i.t..i !r-- ia, L. A.. .Iio iba: th-- atimber of rainrdlft k . . . . ., . . - fi V o 1 1 p-

    -r rooniri since orraoerad I shvt the verag di!y mrn of the

    mp-rvr- ire .lurinx th cohiwt month of the win-- IA drrr. whil tlnring ttw bottent monthth year it b not arerage.1 co.

    b" ' a--k thlt nestWn : Howhi Kiccn., Acta .f I V.n-r- M K un.

    nt' ti i.,nat. r roiiitionary. and void. when the jtieT11"5 reeotoize.1 baaetl on I. y1' fcnd the K.xrciicire of the country has !

    i Protect a Sfatf, the organization ofw- - ca m aj! by virtue of them!-- 'r'ntric f1' m:0- - more than 79 years of

    4VI li th .ing ing prison horiUl a feway. Ift at the? of 21 with propertrTit y-l- . And .'and in tbe heart of New York

    yic wirtii many million, be noona4 . o" inmate of th State Irion.

    la fcfahility and rlucatiio, he nercr',ir''W ia life, an.i wa., thre titne a ConvicLIt tHrti1. A"uvr I4oati.rnr. Brgana YoungI!i V' "tir,wa ,,a" J""DT men of immoralfuald" 'Kas k-ra- he spoke f having

    yo,in S.inr, i priri ;e of fUiting4M. i0,i nd tcooilng ac.uaiQted with hUt"' th"7 werar ia thai habit of pro-d- o

    " j14,11 f tJ. td tta abided : - Ienwi 7a m7 to bw e tit AD g led with. eea oot aery Go t. I wr.nt.l ther b-- s

    bo u.Tf tUra fca1'1 f ?Ler I'vrkitM here,"Weaidd U M,red t . wkked wto " I

    The Hawaii-il- l I!nii! am! theTreaty.TIk) follwin Icttor wm written 1j an Ameri-

    can ritizrn wb lua (mi-uj-i- 1 a tcrj influentialrjoition at tlie Ialatwla f r the laet Un vear. Itmn the marks of having lern rrul in manii-rxTi- r.t

    ery often, arwl ba fnbbjr citherthr.MjS the han-lrf- , or been read lj a lirc num---r

    of Senator, anJ tauet hare exerted do littleiiiocm-- e on the late of the tre&tv :

    IIONOU'LI', , 1SS.Sia At jour rucat, I draw up for yotir ue

    with the h.jiKrrl Sretary of State at VV:iliin-t'- natfl other tiicmf n of the Govern-

    ment w hom it majr cHH-ern- , the f lliin mcni-raif- Lif o'wrrati ru aiul opinion., revtin the

    reUtiunn of tlte I iiu--l State to theter!iti--a- l:

    Purine a remlener? of nearlr ten jri-ar- a at this'Lee. I have enjoyed the omtideiivc of tin Amer-

    ican Commiacionera and Minister" ridont here,and have at their request, made it a jwrt of mrhufime learn the Tonal oj ifiun of allmen ri'!injj here.

    1. During tte jwiet ten jcar there has Lecn agradual ruvtu of American sentiment on the

    whieb had reat hel a joint of euthiL.inand hih ei.ctati'.n in Julr last, when the rcci- -jr titjr treaty he-kt-l tl.e Uiire lur annexationVnd 1poi tlutt time to the present a po-iti-ve anti- -

    AiuTicao feeling has gained strength anl founduiieraoce, eepe aiy aia n in-ie-? ini initretcuin the euringof tlie tretty. Ilcncc tlie strongpint ma' lo in fecunng the pafeKige of the treaty,was that it Would effectually quiet all dtsire anddemand for annexation, giving us all the advant--ages of remitted duties and open n.rts, without J the king and chiefi, and the people, with the no-hea- vr

    taxation and withut any dixturlaucc of j tion that we arc conijairntively weak. S. .our labor system. j llulhtin, Sept. 21.

    '1. My honest conviction Fis that shouldtreaty it will lie far more di.'Bcult and far jmore conily to obtain the at the end of jseven rears. For the so enriched could 'blotter afford to remain iislojien lcnt, and as inthe cae of Canada, reciprocity in trade wouldaci'orut'Ii.-d-i nothing in securing olitieal friendship.

    3. The effect ol the treaty upon the folilics ofthe a-i- de from any question of annexa-tion, must he very diNtrous. For, however ar-bitrary arsl anii-repuhli.-- nn the administration ofaffairs here, any a j al to the planting interest tolx Ip thwart a corrupt Mini-tr- y, by putting goodmen in the Legi-Lttur- e, would le met by the plea,let well enough alone ; we are thnving'and mak-ing money under this (foternrucnt, let us do whatwe can to entuate it. Wlicreus, witliut reci-proci- ty,

    tl discontent arsl finanriat depressionwouVl rmjcl the i Unters to help induce abetterstate of Society and a le-- arbitrary administrationof affairs, that bj capital and labor might be at-tracted hither.

    4. The present attitude of the Hawaiian !ov-emm-is more adverse to the I'nitcl Mates titan

    at any farmer period ; though during the war itwa ro re openly manifest. Advantage was thentaken of our out posed weakness to expel frouiofhceall Americans known to he atrungly Democratic intheir aentimeuu. And the present so-cull-ed Kingof these Ialaislt, (tlaugh he was never crownedami never VmtW an ath of olai-- e as washy ther then existing Constitution), wIk-- he cameinto iwcr did arbitrarily abrogate that cnatitd- -tion becau-- c of its republican elements arsl f rceJun the I'e.'plea new one, from whkb tbo ob-- inoxious American elements were exj ungel. jThere was i revolution at tlmt time, lecaisc 'there was n friend! v fjwer here to sustain arslrrvgnize it if it had been siiccdveful. And, as re-s-ps

    ts the natives, it is dMibtful whether, in anyevent, sucfi a revolution is likclv to csvur. For

    . . Ta a, a auisler the training oi tre Ainrm-ai- i .Mif-iona- ries,the HawaiLin ., !c are peeuliarly and '

    iii , au'i lire iiiiTH'iBHiiK, me iit-r- e torno other Uian purely religious purjos. TheyttouM sec the List rcstigo of lilierty peac-a-- 1h)y ennlied out, and would endure any amount ofabuse and national odium rather than offer any iresL-tanc-c to the poirrri thnf l, even if those pow- - !ess were usuri-rs- , ruling witnoui a snaiiow orright, anl ii tliey were as arbitrary auJ as tyran-nical as Nero himself.

    5. Let it be settle!, then, in the minds of tlieCabinet, Senators and peojJe of tlie I'nited States,tlutt in no case eul l either the natives or tlieirmissionary teachers 1 depended uton to initiate :or carry to a euecewful icurj a revolution in any Iinterest or fit any principle ; and Without the!help of t!e mbi iiariCB and the natives, there is

    t l.t.e ol foreigners largt; enougfi anl wealthyn tne crtittr;ooeh it were a


    character ui tC. If an honest est rerw..

    cf the Tr le were and the out.

    latter.7' . Vn untruharra 1 and hone--t exFreft.iun of

    ''Ti"1 I"'wt? w cIfr," ,aP; 'Ie for llie office--holder who have the power will take d caronever to rermit an unbia?-e- d expneion of thoropIe on that fjuetion.

    Annexation hyircha during the life- -.tluj of the present King utterly iinpoible. jSich is the inten-- e pr j adice of tlic King again't ;all true Americun and buch hi hatre.1 of Ameri.

    . . : - a. ..ti truMt.-M.--- "aaaa n aa -- t,H43 J SIflmuilitl I til. : .more or ,.1'"s' W,JU.,', Jn --J :OJ mion, lCoinlnema.l V a ld lirgn.n, f,r therevenue ano: resource u. iroiu tnem c.uli,,,,t Comnfato fX the extent of def.-ndin- g .tm - I pea now of their yjmniercial valuen m r iy a a, piece oi property, ana not oi tneirerratcg.c il--.i .stance as a naval depot, or a al3e for the vat network of American commerce !which lnut sn he prread ever thii wi'ie ocean.arfl Income tl.e ..un-- Ol Untot.l Weilttl to thegreat civilize.1 nntin !et iti:ated to contred it.I . .....n..r.i.rv.in1I..(-.- . V." .... t h ia cf rii-- f r.1. -arti.. . . , tl.... . . . n.l. ... . f . J

    . . . . .are not Wi.rtn nuying, noi Wortii Mealing, notw.itli guarding, not w.rih watehing. l;ut oftheir etrateglc itnportatiee, the .mcri-a- Govern- - 'ment and ople are better able to judge than ithe repident of thee NLtnd. who nay I quite Itoo much in:Iinel t-- tnagnify the irnj-rtan- cc and iresource of the petty king-lor- in whi li tln-- ylive.

    lt. If their e trat-gi- c importance to the I'nitejlSta'f ii bo great that their evasion on any terawto any other foreign power woull I acau.--e for war, then the v.-r- y humanitarianrpiertion ariee whether it would not be letter t- -pave the jo-ihiI- ir .f puch a by a vig- - .orou anned diloinaey hiking to the acjuL-itio- n ;of the at the eirliet je.j,I" moment,pin.-- e it ii morally certain that if tlie Island.- - areonce Mceured to the L'nited State, no foreign ;Government will be likely to venture upon an un--equal onfiitt with a great naval tower now eo ;well tituate J to command thin ocean. ,

    11. It it for the t'nited States perle and 'their represent itive fc deeJe whether the lettv.l....t;-- . e..- .- I.,.t.i;r, v .1;..,. r,erp.."" " " ' " - -- il-;1 y .--.--inz IreC UisCUelon, arojeail Jg COncillUll n--, jeo- - .lardizing a vat amount of foreign cu ital, and jtesting aa an incubus upon ail the moral, intel-lectual and industrial iniereef of the Wands, is

    wcre betttceu auntiatian to England, France,Pru,M. or the Lnite--J States. nudr doubta thaJ, . . , . .J , - ..Inc vol w'jUii oueiiuinSiy in lavor oi tno

    to Ik aeo unted a jeq-tua- l to tliathruad-- r atfl mrc bciiitiant !icv, which undera great natkn muct at once hring new life to thin j

    riihin j.j.le. jHowever jr a Ixirnin it might he commer- -eiallj Ir tte L nitel mu- - to purcliase tte lel-an- liat any j.rice, I mor.t eineerely believe it

    would be a great blearing to the or, opfrclnntivea, and all claec of foreign residenw on theI.landrf, if by any meant a free and rtron,; gor-crnro-

    could witlkout delay be established here.12. If the United Staten has no strong policy

    to urge, or do not desire the ppeedy acquisition ofthe Islamic, it remains for the Government andjieople to consider whether it is any longer good :

    i , . . ir - . - .nn-- y or jy'xt rrrnraT io Keep a .winiMfr rcfel- - ident here to wntch the "riots of other diplomats,when the rights of Am.-rieai- n citizens here couldbe ouite as well carcl f.,r hv a Cotioul bavin? di-- iplomatic lowers, la it not tlie effect of the pres-ent expensive policy to magnify the importance ofa kingdom not half so populous as the city ofSan Francisco. Aro they not led by our complimentary and most mngnanimous plicy of over-- jactel IricnOMtip, an! orhearans to imagine tliattlie mainteiiitnee of this friendship, even when jthe United States are tiiubhtd and iiiMiltt--1, is so jimportant that we cannot a Cord in any event toloso their gml will, le.t it tliould jeopard thepeacclul aopiifition of tlieKr li'Ianus at roruo rc--

    ; mote Kriod in the future?If a vigorous and rigorous rliv in the maiu- -

    tonnnce ol American Mens Iiere is not to be pur Isued, then a little wholesome neglect fins farmore desirable than a fawning, coaxing obscciui- -

    I whieh I : i Joi's diplmnaer, r! t'isel nr all classed of

    jasmcss cfarSs.

    C. S. IMKTOW,Aartiourrr,

    NaSea Itaasas aa l vrrn Strert. one d..r trass,tiA Kaaliumanu atrert. ly. r. Pla. a. c. WILDES.

    ADAMS A. WILDER,Aartlsa aad Comai..lsa MrrtlianN,

    FIRK I R'Hr STORK,la Raaiaeaa'a Baildiajf, Hurra Street.


    F. A. SfllAKKKK V CO.faatmNlsn Mrrchsst.

    1IO.XJLI. LL, 64J ly HAW. ISLANDS.l-- O. HAM. Sl SON.

    Importer and Dratm ia Hardware, Dry Goad.,faint. Oil, aad Gtntral MerekanJimt.

    6i7 Corner Fort and King Ms. lya. r. tSLaas. a. Jaaaa.

    U. F. KIIL.F.RS it CO.Dealers la Dry fevads and Onrral llrrrhandlse,

    riaa ra.xr uroaa,tS TORT STREET, obov 04d FVZoars Hall, ly

    JOHX KITSOV.Dealer la Mines. Spirits Ale and Tarter.

    13 llaaalala. lyF. A. SCI1I KFKK.

    Atent af Dredea Board f l aderwrlters.tlX ly

    II. HACKFEL.D Sc C 0 IGeneral foniniila Asents,

    13 llaaalala.JO II X THUS. WATEKIIOt'sK.

    laparter and Dealer ia General 31rrt hanIIe,614 Queen Street, Honolulu. ly

    a lex. J. CARTWK1GIIT.f.mailisa 3Irrrbaat and Oners! Shipping Apent,

    ajj lleaolala. Cabs. lyTII. C HCL'CK,

    General Commlsvion .Merehaut,833 Fart Street. ir

    c. . snseia. m. aacraaLAX.c II A i N . SPENCER Si CO.,General fommiioa 3Iertbant,

    Qarra Street. 432 ly llaaalala.1 Lm TORBKRT.

    Lumber Herder.os; iionh of Qo-e- n and Fort Streets, Ilooolaia.'--'

    I HA KICUAIIDSOX.Importer and Dealer 111 Cools S?loe and Gentlemen's

    lurni'.blng GoodsCnrntr of Fort ami Merehaut Street,

    616 HoNOLlLt;, II. I.

    W. N. LADD. ia llardtrarcCntlerv, Meebanie i

    Jeuienls, j


    W. I.. GREEN,General Cmmlion .l-- cnt and Uroker.

    ''"T"'-- LJJI5I-?Jz 'J2lXOLULU.. FONG Ac A CH UCK,

    Inmnrter. U hnletr. .n.i it.n n.i.e. i. r:...r.i3Iertli2udI-- e and tiiiuee

    Firr.Pr..r M.rr, ..n.. sireet.Coder the liaji. lyNEW SI'A PER KlOliOA,


    , -- itt.i Z mi.. ifatnmllon Merchant and General Isent, IArf,ntfnr lh. P.okMlM, Amaoulo ?.irr Plantations lm. I

    port r or t--s a i.i other Lh.nese aixl I omen uond,and wholesale .lealer in Hawaiian Produce,

    New Staae Slorr. Nnaaaa St.. be I wot Kit !6.7 ly j

    C. L. RICH A It D5 Si iKni.:Lrt mA t,iu. vf.r.hai ..j' in fn.r.i v.r.h.nHi..Keep eonsuntly on hand a fu!l assortment of merchandise, fT

    the supply .f tlhal.r. and Mer-.-han- t vessels.t-- 1 ly

    .NEVILLE Si UARRKTT,Tlanter aud 'ieneral Store Keepers

    Kenpuka. North K'm . Hwaii,ner Bay. I.landrri.K ri.-r.i-. etips supp....- - i Beef an Iother f.eCe..rie..

    A cent at lloooiulu. A. CLEG HORN. 622 ly j

    J. PERRY.D.'atrr in General Merchandise,

    SIRE-PROO- F STORE,Coriicr f Hotel y.i'i'iHit .fr.t-f- , JlouoluUt, 11. 1. j

    A LS' ,

    Celall KjiablMiment on naanu Street.61 Alte the Iire- - ri.f M'.re. ly


    M. S. GRIN II A U M At C( !Importers and Wholesale Healer In rashlonable !

    Clothing. Hats (ps, UooNand shoes... .- J I.uu .very ..rii w. 'jriiunnwi rara:anin UOOuS ,jCU.r. iormer;y orrupie i ny w . a. AMnch,

    &S Makte't litoet, tauten t. ly I

    allen . conway.kawalhae, Hawaii, ;

    eaud bhippincbasinessre prepared to furnish

    ae Potatoes, andare required

    i.y while shirs, at theshortest notice and on tl.e n.oat reasonable terms. art

    JL7 t ro woort ou II

    can institutions, that he would dubtlcs much' iBI,n'- - "efklj in Itie lUvalian Language,r refer to civo the away to tn-'lan- rather 11 h the cir. u.t...n in the group, aud is read bothB of A t. Bf II BsTll.Bna a. lul t mWmwi nea I, ,mm I I a bm b In mm.i

    ' ' " -- 1 '."t"- -. Even .if the rrrcnt King or any of hi J! ' ' !

    WUI conunae Merchan Iiat the above port, where they a

    the jostly celebrated Kawaiheach otherrecraits as

    JiaSiitfss (farts.

    DR. J. MUTT SMITH,Drntit,

    OiBce eoruer of Fort and Hotel Ftrertr. sisi:K. IIOFFM A S X, M . I.

    Pbjolrlaa and Sarroo,Coraer Merchant ard Kaahomanu ., near Puatofficc. 633 ly I

    JOHN S. McGRKW, M. !.,rbiclaa and Sarsroa.

    Office Orer Dr. K. Hcffmann'a Drar Store, corner of Kaaha ;mana anil Merchant Ma., opposite tli Hoft 01Se.

    Rasipssca Cknptni St., arlirrra .Vauaaa and t ort St. iOrrica liora from to 10 A. and bum 3 lo 6 P. M.

    6.M ly j;

    ,A BLFflM, M. I., t

    Pbyslrlao anJ Snr-ro- n.omr n1 Atdrich nouae. Fort atreet 611 Sm1 I

    IICMIV THOMPSON.Attorofy and ft)on'!or at Law.

    OJSlc on Qann Strert, opposite tlie Court House, up slair.fc09 ly

    Am F. Jt DD.Ittornry and ConurlIor at Law,

    Corner of Kurt and Merchant Streets. 193 ly

    W. C. JOXES.Ittornry at Law and Land A cent

    Will practice In all the Cnarts of the Klned'xn. lie win ;a: tend the Circuit Courts in Kauai. Maui and Hawaii,

    and visit cahcr of ttwe Islands onspecial business.

    OJSz opposite Vi Court Jlai.-tf- , un tirrn Street,637 ly


    63i 6m

    K . . DAVIS.Attorney at Law,

    Will Practice in all the Court of the Kin-do- m, in Loth Englishand Hawaiian lanRunitrs.

    639 0,f r M Quern Street, oppnmite the Court Haunt. lyE. S. FLIGIm

    Snrvejor and Civil Fnelneer.OrJers left In Box 21. Homdula P. O.. w.ll rveive immediate

    attention. Butineis attended to in any part of the island.oio oiu

    GEOKGE G. HOWE.Dealer In Keduood, ortbtst Lumber, Shingles,

    Doom, Sath, Blind, Vui(, Pitintt, 4c.At hi. Old Fort Street, on the 644 ly


    ED. IIOFFSCII t.A EREk Si. CO.,Importrrand (omniN-io- ii 3Ierraant$,

    Career ef Port and Mrrrbaat Street.61J ly


    .Merchant Tailors.Fort Street, opposite Odd Fellow', Hall. Honolulu, II. I

    C19 ly

    MeCOI.G A N Sc JOHNSON.Dlerrbant TsJIois,

    FORT STREET, HONOLULU, ..,619 Opposite Theod. C. Heuck's. ly

    o. Lcwaaa. j. a. uictsos.LEWERS Si. DICKSON. I

    Dealers In Lnmber and Pnildlug HaterlaN.i

    033 Fart Street. ly ;j

    II . M el X T T tX K , ,Tol-icrouis- l,


    62SI Corner Queen and Streets, Honoluln. iiED IN JtlNES.

    Grorer and Ship Chandler,LA HA IN A, MAl'I

    Money aad Kvcruits furnulied to Ship ou Favorable Terms.614 ly

    C. UREWER Si CO.fommKlon aud Shipping Merrbants,

    U2 lleoelulu, Onhu. II. I. lyII. E. MelNTTRE Si II II OTHER.

    Grocery, Feed Store and linker;,Corner of King and Fort streets, Honolulu, II. I. 642 ly


    ueaier in oenerai .nerenaucise, ure-pro- oi More,Ceracr Kanhuumnu anl Q. uera Sta,

    (Opposite lnrfi UI.M-k.- )Also. Retail establishment on N unarm street, above King.XT Island Produce bought and sold. 1 .land orders carefully

    attended to. eoo ly j

    THOM AM SPENCER,Ship fhandler, Dealer ia General Merrbandl-e- , Island '

    Frodare, .r., and (ommiNjou Jlerrhant.Byroa'a Hay, Ililw, S. I..

    Will keep constantly on hand an extenaivr assortment of every jdescription of goods required by ships and others. ,

    lhe blithest priw given for Inland Produce.TT Money advanced for Bill...! Ecnan;e at reanova l.leratee

    617 lrTHEO. II. DA VIES,

    Late Jinion, lireen A-- Co.)Importer and foniniIdoa Merchant,

    SCEST Knk.LLOYDS' r THE l l- - f d nrt 1 1 rrvnrinrmrrDrMORTHER.V ASS m.vrl.TOVPivr.Mi 'HklTISH ir FOREIUX MARI.E l.SUKA.CE CO.

    nn.if ItuiMiiijjs, Kaahiimanu and tineen Streets610 ly

    Ship ( handlers and lomiiii...i tern Strtt, Jfoi.rJuiu.

    ItFIM B T f RRNISII'IN TOMessrs. C. A. Wiliiams at Co. i Messrs. P.reaer ft Co.,Mesers. Castle ft Cooke. J Mc-s.r- It. Haekfeld ft Co.,Messrs. C L. Richards ft Co. I 1. U Waterman, Eq.

    616 lyD C. WATERMAN Si CO..

    Cooinilsion .Mrrrhant.Especial attention paid to the interests of the Whalmr Fleet by

    tne lumisnini; oi 'unns, purchase aca sale of l.s-han- oil,oune, uenerai jierciMmiise, en i the procuring of Ercicht

    REFERENCES.Measra. Iiaac IIowlaxd, Ja. it Co., New Bedford

    W. O. E. Porn, Esq.. do.J. C. M (brill ft Co , San I'ranrisoi.

    6J3 ly ;'! . CA.STLB. J. B. ATBKHTOk. A. a. c.OK

    CASTLE Si COOKE. iImporters and General Merrbants, j

    Klutf air'--1- , appowitr the Seniara'a Chapel.IAO, AGENTS FOR j

    Ir. Jay ri.hrate a ,m,ir Mallei oca.Wheeler a Wilsou's !ewinic jjThe New England Mutual Lite lr...nnca Company 'The a Sua-n- r I'ompany, Hawaii.Tl.e Haiku cUk'ar C otnpny, Maui.The llwaiian ugar Mills. Maui. IThe V aiaiua ujrai Plantation. shn. !The Lumahal ilice Plantation. Ktua.. 609 ly

    BISHOP Si CO.. Unakrra,nice, In the ea-- t corner of Makre's Clock,

    Kaahumanu atrect, Honolulu,Iraw Bills of Exchange on

    The Ba or Calipobia. - Pan FrancirroMessrs ai st.L. M iMra ft Co., New York.

    Lacs A-- Walls,, - - New York,Ticmost National Iiasc, - - licti.n.Obibtal Bank I'obporatiob. London. j

    Af.nts pAi-in-c Isscsamcc Co. and Mabhattab Lira I.vsta- -ascaCo. (

    Will receive deposits. discount flrst-clas- , business paper, andattend toeollectinc.etc. b3-- i ly i

    fJEVERAI. VAI.I'AIJIJ; PROPERTIES jtrr and Lease. Apply tot-i- 3n W. L. ORE EX.

    A ; K E A T V A RIETVOP N E W A S I) S ECON niBV baud Purar an.l other .ViCW.Tir f'.r Palp Apply


    The Honolulu Irot Works Co., IAnd ESTIVATES f-- r .Macl.lurry jto. Applyto

    ui "m W. L. ORU.Iii.t.s of exchange: bought and!PoLD. Apply to V. L UKEKN.


    Ac.II A lit T ERS NEGOTIATED AND VESSELS onItoujtht anJ stld. Apply to U. I.. ORE :n.

    63.1 ?m 0 - r. whi

    Sniunncc (farDs.


    MIK I'XDERSKiMCO HAVING BtEX1 appointed acenta for the a tranctsoo Uuard ol nlor--writers, repreaeutini;The California Insurance Company,

    ;The Merchants .Mutual Marine Insurance,The I'acilic Insurance Company,The California Lloyds, and

    'The Home Mutual lusurance Company.Beit leore to Inform Maaters of Vewela and the public cener.

    ally tht all sustained on VtSKI-- and C A ROOKS,insured hy eitlier of tbe above Coiopanit-- a agrainrt perils of tnearaa aud older ri.ka, at or near the Sandwich lianls, ill bareto he tirini-- by tbcu.

    047 Sm II. IIACKKELD 4 Co.


    Of t-- nimilK I" XI) KUS I N ED HAVING BEEN I

    H apiioinlrd for the aoove Company, beg leave to ;inlorm ihe public that th. y are row prepared to issue


    13 ly WALKER k ALLEN.


    W Appointed A perns of the Uv.- - Couipany,are preparedto insore risks against Fire on Stone iwi.l Knrk RuiMingvand on Merchamlise rtoml in. on most favoraffle terms.

    1 or particulars apply at tht oince ofF. A. SCHAEFER A-- CO.

    IIofoIuIu, May 4. 1S61. 638 Ly



    CAPITA l I2.000.000 !Arcamnlulrd nrd larrslrd Fnnil. 2,010,1311 'MI K I'XOERSIfi N K l HAVE BEEN AP-- j

    t'OlNTKD A ti EMS lor the Sandwich Islands, and areuihorisl :. Insure aMit:st Fire upon favorable term,

    Risks token iu any part of the Islands on Wooden .Buildings,and Merchandise store.! therein. Dwelling Honsea and Furni- -ture, limber. Coals, chips in harbor with or williout carpne, orunder repair. (617 ly E0. llJrFi-CHLAKtlK- & CO.


    milK t'XDERSICNED. AGENT FOR THEM. alwe Company, baa recently received instruction, to re--!

    duce the Rate of l'reiniura on toue and Brick lluiMiiijjs and ooMen-han- ise stored therein, and is now prepared to issue poli-- 1cie, on more favorable terms than heretnfore-- !

    KisVs taken un Buildings Machinerv, kc, on Sucar Plauta-- Iti..ns. THEO. H. DAMES,

    S'JS-l- y A Rent.


    rimiF. FXDERSIGNED AGENTS OF THEJL alove CompHiiy, hare Inn authorized to insure risks on '

    Cargo, Freight and Treasure,by COASTERS from Honolulu tu all ports of Uie Hawaiian ,Group, and vice vers. . j

    6Ji ly H. II ACKFELD ir CO. !


    raviip: itndf.rsiuned having been i1 upiinted A?enis f--r the above company, beg leave to joionnill. llie ;iu.iir,iii.. .itrj arvimw in.rwi.ttiHH

    'MARINE INSURANCE POLICIESon Cargo, Freight and Treasure., to and from all part of theworld.

    II U ACKFELD CO.Honolulu, April 2 112. 627 ly

    domestic prcDiuf.

    18CK. 1SGS.NCER-- PZ

    1IILO, II. I.Sugar and Molasses.

    ir tip coming in and for sale INVk J quantities to snit purchasers, by641 tfm WALKER ft ALLEN, Agent,.


    647 ly ADAMS A-- WILDER, Agents.


    SUGAR AND MOLASSES!Now Coming in. For Sale by

    64(1 6m C. BREWEH ft Co., apei.ta.

    W;ai!ii:.pii Plantation,II. Csrawrll, Proprirtor.


    in lou to suit purchasers. Apply toEu. C. McLEAX, Agent.

    O NOME A PLANTATION.Fntrnr nnd Molaes Crop 1808,

    DOMING IN. FOR SALE IN Q.UANTI- -it run-hater- by

    WALKER & ALLEN', Agents.


    'E'.V ( Ki..For a...

    634 3m C. hij. .SUGAH AND MOLASSES

    OF THE KOIIALA Sl'GAR COMPANY,sale in quatitilics to suit by19 6rn CASTLE ft COOKE.

    iiaivaiiAaV rs:ATiiria!Sole and Saddle Leather and Tanned


    WAIMEA TANNERY,For sale at the 1 .west market rale, by


    Ily Ill'DDV & c; RAY', at Lelco.HAVING RECEIVED A LARGE ANDFHLLar-- prepared to supply their

    and the public, with the Ix.t Vrllon-.'lirow- n itndWhite SOA1. AIOHOF r A'I fIL hOAP,

    'larre or small quantities to suit.P. p.-- . c.utp crease always wanted. eoo lyHONOLULU STEAM BAKERY !

    R. LOVE & BROTHERS, Tiox-rLetnt- a,NLTANLT street.

    HILOT. MEDIUM AND NAVY BREAD.- always on l.aiM an 1 made to onier.

    -- Ij'vo, Hater. Soda and llutter Cra'ker.t,JEXJtV USD CAKErf. ftc.

    SHIP BRE.4 D REHAKED on the shortest notice.FAMILY BREAD, mad, of tbe Heet Flour, baked daily and

    alwajs on hand.V. B. BROWN URF.ATi OF THE BEST QUALITY.

    636 ly


    HAS OPEN ED THE A HOVE.MAR-KI- Tfur lhe sale of


    Heef Sau aire, (orurd Poik and Deef, Spiced Deef,ftc. J. Iii. Iy . made tho bent Pnrk Saurage evrr made

    lh. se'. and l.e will do It Brain.Thankful for past favors, he will I nwt liappv to supply all All

    oiy r.iv.r I.i in iiti a rail. ei't ly



    HAS OPE.VED A SAII I.OFT IX THISiyj Rtni l'.uildinr. on QO'KEN SlltKKT. formerly occu-V- 1pted by Aldrich, Walker a" Co., where he ia prepared to

    execute all orders entrusted to him in tlie roat workmanlikemanner. No charire fr storage of aaiis to customers. 045 3m


    At the Old Slaad, 1Corner of King and Bethel Streets. ;

    A Jarpe Stork of OH. SilOtl KS and all fcifds of Cooprnus Malrrinls centlanCtf on Anna.He hopes by attention to business to merit a coitinnance of t

    the pivtronape winch he baa hitheilo enjoyed, ami fcr which beDew returns bis thanks. 646 Sm



    Ollip carpenters ailQ CnillkcrcIr-- At I). Foster &. Cn.N Old Stand. i

    Near the " Honolulu Iron Works.' 644 Smi



    All KIKDS of SADDLERY.Carriage Trimming Done tciih Xtatness and Dis- -

    jxttch. All Urdus promptly attended to.Corner of Fort and Hotel Strrela, lloaolaln. j

    645 lyI


    Wheelwright and Coach Maker,fiUFOOT OF MT AXI STRKET,

    At Mr. ireiyhf Stand,Repairs on Wagons, taniugts, rc., atteuded to on reasonable

    043 Urmj. am

    F. H. & C. SECELKEN,Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron Workers,

    Xanana Street, bet. Merchant aud Queen,ft HAVE CONSTANTLY OX HAXD

    f it- -. Stoves, Lead Pipe, tialv. Iron Pipe, Plain and Hoset.;3 Hions, Ftnp cocks, India Knbber Hose best Inlength, uf 2a and 60 fret, with Coupling and Pipe com

    tdete. Alo, a very larce stock of Tinware of every description. Jobbing and Repairing lione to order promptly and war-ranted. Particular attention given to Ship Work.

    Thankful to the citnens of Honolulu, and the Islands gen-erally, for their lilwral patronage in the past, we hope by strictattentiuii to business to merit the same for the fotnre.

    XT Orders from the other Islands will be carerully attendedOk - 643 ly

    PACIFIC BRASS FOUNDRY.THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE.spectfully inform the public that be is prepared to castaud finish all kinds of brass aud composition work withdispatch and at reasonable rates.

    XT All kinds of ship and plantation worV furnished on shortnotice.

    XT Constantly on hand, hose coupling, of the following,ixvs: J, 1, 1, 11, 2 and 2J. Also, oil cups and gauge cocks.

    JAMES A. HOPPER,612 ly Kine street.

    .11. T. DOLL,King Street, Eat Side, two doors from Xanana,

    WILL UUY ASIl SELLSecond Hand Furniture.

    17 Repairing neatly done. Will also fit Curtains. Carpets,ic. 640 6m.

    Cabinet Maker and French Polisher,HOTEL STREET,

    639 Near tli6 Prog Store or J. Mott Smith e Co. ly

    ii. CfjAKlK & CO.,Soot aud Shoe Makers and Dealers la Leather and

    Shoe Findings,ITuUl Street, bet. Xwwnu and llaunakea Sis.

    XT Onlers from the country solicited and promptlyattended to on tbe most reasonable terms. 637 ly

    C. E. WILLIAMS,Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in Furniture

    Of Every Description.Furniture Ware Rorra on Fort street, opposite E. H. Boyd's

    Family Market; Workshop at the old stand.Hotel street, near Fort.

    N. B. Orders from other inlands promptly attended to. 16-l-y

    G. W. NORTON &. Co.,


    First Door above the Custom-hous- e,Honolulu, II. I. 635 ly

    Jolts Korr. Sam'l Nott.

    JOHN NOTT & CO.,COPPER AXU TIS.Tl 1 TIIS.flit KE PLEASURE IX XXOU.CIC. TOB. the public tliat tiny are prepared to furnish all kinds ofCopper Work, consisting in part of stilu. Main rass, soaCBLM PANS, WORMS, PCMPf, CIC, etc.

    ANooa haud, a fall assortment of Tinware,Which they oOVr for rale at the lowest market prices.


    Orders from the other Islands will meet with prompt attention.Shop on Kaahunanu St., one door above Plitner's. 6-- d 6ra

    it , xv . a x i it i; xv s ,MACHINIST,

    ' nifK)site Odd fellows' Jl-tll-, Jlonnhdu,:nce of repairing macy articles

    Machinee, Ac,and make

    J. II. WICKE,C A B I .' i: T .11 A K 12 It ,a

    ALAKCA STBCKT BCLOW TBC TREATSC.Furniture made and repaired at reasonable prices. 621 ly

    GEORGE LEONARD,Manufacturer of FURNITURE of nil Dr.

    pcription.PLANING. SAWING AND TURNING D0$3f.

    Klonldlngs of all kinds constantly on Hand.609 ly

    YV. OIKOX,Catholic Church Premises, Honolulu,

    av IIA1 I.VH I.ATEL1 ItETlRX.jO ED fn.tu can FranciscoWith a ew Stock of .materials.

    He is jtrcpared to ImpairWATCHES, CLOCKS AND MUSIC BOXES

    613 With prornptneM and dispatclu iy

    It . Is I. T T ,Boot and Shoe Maker.Sjl

    Hatel St.. Honolulu. ' iaWouo ly



    iw' .; All wcrk entrusted lo Mr. N0HKA willbe done with neatness and dispatch, andat the lowest rates. 606 ly


    Continue tht buxtntttAt his Old Stand on the Esplanade,wot 4 done with Care, and onlers promptly aitc-e(- i to.iJ CiiAnciFg Modkmatc. r





    DURHAM ROBINSON, Proprietor,UESrECTFCLLV INFORMWOClD and the public that he haa re-o- pe oed tha

    ahore Hot. I and ReMaurant, and will carry on the basison the moat approved style, and ropectfully solicits a sbar.of patronage.Aa;y Fimiishrd Jlcumut to J. t vjon KeasonubU

    641 2Vmur. Sm


    f MENT offer.


    The Table will always be Supplied with everyrary tbe Market affords.

    17 Cotnfortablo Lodgings can be accarcd on snort notice. JCtBtrangtrs viiitln, Honolulu will pieaae remember the toca--

    tion.Kiug Street, two doors from Fort St.

    635 8m SAMCEL LOLL EH, Proprietor.


    Tf T CHARLES II. Jl Dl as my Attorney la fact. Noticeis hereby given to ail irsons, that, from and after this dale,he alone is autborixed to collect all rents and monies doe me,and no bills on my account will be paid udIcs contracted forby hiscmssnt orordir. It. K. KAPAKL'H AlU.

    Honolulu, July 0, 1868. S3 bm

    Co-laitiier- hip Notice.UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAYTIIE into Partnership under the firm Dame and style of

    TIBBF.TR & 80RENSON,For te pnrptwe of currying on th business of SHIP CAR-PE- N

    Tl-RIK- AAD CAULKIXG. and, by strict attenlloato business, Uicy hope to merit a share of public pa'ronare.


    Honolulu, Sept. 17, 1868. 044 lm

    LIME AND CEMENT,ait HAND AND WARRANTEDALWAYS any in the market, and for sale at kiwost rates.

    640 6m C11AS. N. BPKXCEH tX CO.


    FRESH FLOUR,BAKER'S EXTRA ANDFAMILY. constantly oo hand and for sale by

    640 0m CHA8. N. SPENCER A CO.

    TEAS.COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CHINAA and Japanese Tea always on hand and fr sale by

    640 3m CHA8. V. BPESCKR tt CO.



    SPICED AND STEAMED, OF EVERT1 and 2 lb tins, for sale by640 3m CIIAS. M. SPENCZR 4-- CO.



    SALMON, SALMON,I"ECEIYED FRESH BY EVERY PACK IT,hair barrels, and for sole at lowest ratea

    ALSO.Salsnan Bcllieo,tn half barrels, fur sole by640 3m CU AS. N. bI KNCER ft CO.

    A LARGE ASSORTMENTCANNED MEATS A ND PRESERVES,OF for Ships or Families' and just the article for ex-

    cursions. Picnics, ftc. For sale by640 3m CHAS. N. SPKSCER e CO.

    II. L. Chase's Photographic Gallery !FORT STRECT.

    take PHOTOGRAPHS of any silo in tlie BkT Sttls sibOX TbB SlOsT R.ASOMABLB TSHMS.

    COPYING AND ENLARGING done in thebeat manner.

    For Sale Cards of the Hawaiian Kiugs, Queens, Chiefs andother notable persons.

    Also A full assortment or LARGE AND SMALLF R A M ES, For Sale at Low Prices.

    636 ly II. L. CHASE.



    for coasters, fir sale hy63. bm BOLLES .V OO.

    Iltniji and Manila Cordage. .I7OUR STRAND HEMP SIZES FROM47 Si inch to 7 in sh.

    -1- UOB .It Rope, Seising, House! ine. Marline, Span Tarn. Btm-Iterlio- e,

    ftc, Ac.

    MANILA CORDAGE.A full assorUnent of sixes, for sale by

    .. B0L1.F8 ft CO." -- in I.ime,


    jA. SALE ana ,632 oiu

    Hemp C.ik"V. O TO C CUT SCOTCU FLAX V AS. ForiMleby (S32 6m) BOLLES a CO.

    Cotton CniiYfiK.TJO. I TO AND THE11 Lawrence Manufactory. For sale by

    632 6m IIOLLES ft CO.

    Best Kn-li- sh Portland Cement.ROSEN DALE CEMENT. FOR SALE BYUOLLES ft CO.

    ISosloii Card Ilntchcs.FEW CASES FOR SALE BYA m 3u IMiLLES ft CO.

    WcstphRli.i limns.FEW OF VERY SUPERIOR O.UA LITT

    ITS. For aalc by (632 3ni) BOLLES ft CO.

    Salt "Wafer Soap,A XD CHEMICAL OLIVE SOAP.A. For sale by (032 3m) BOLLES ft CO.

    Pure Sperm Oil..Wit DALE IS

    6m BOLLES ft CO.



    II. ROYl.Choicest Meats from finest herds, Poultry. Fish, VcrrtaWea

    sjre., furnished to order. 614 ly

    SHIP .HASTJERSAND OTHERS HOUND TO SEA AND INof reading matter, can find a large supply of

    Illustrated Papers, Afagatints and Mocks,AT WHITNEY'S BOOKSTORE. Files of Har-per's Weekly, Leslie's and other illustrated paper., for 6 or 12months back, on hand and for sale cheap.



    , s



    ii 'I

    )'1V:7 ,

    -- i

    1 :





    nil1.J el

  • COPSXtZ JCHCX.AX.SArtmnr. n. ivw, -r - tfm rr-y- .f 'kin tfm lha Nitt the mmm aratxaa g"w liitfj tmt tnir .--. and g.w-- mm streets

    . lrw(n W lava toit? eotna thirty e la irt,a-i-d kite ntmlee w 1 S leereaead a c rTtjirT of tbt Cmesaw lav A wd be seat by reVr-nx-- v to fear t tha aril (fWS tie averag thai tar K very f--". ;

    Th St 90In ka.1 lnagr aii 4. wn fSui baa knot .nt In any tr--p f tVe Una able ivy roanakanccat mavvlog.bat else hf wu-.d- e and ca-m- a aJ tb riw. Mlaa ber nfwe, tab !aj a fair carg-- . f iav'aaftf fmtiacr, 'a- - f nfsr M Kluai, w at". lat'-- r artteV, we mnoVroajsd. .

    arr-- a Ja as ( "T-- ao anv aai.--rg TtarlTV CX wtitH w iVr FJJ, 2! aa f fcrtn- -. !

    'C 'arw a t rvrf-i-l Pha la advcniav4 K aUitb 4. ci f r Raw FnaciafThe kara J. C. Ja array rA.blj Irfc fUa J raar .a- - an (Va ,

    IT'S -r lt)t, aad atC b 4m kI la Srxt la Neakev.Tie AaxiVjn acbaoarr " la fr-a- a rhtsa, w..a fir,

    hoav a. wVrb ae far salt.- ixl Ar.cai. Cans! htut. mtsrr tlf arrat 'f the; a--i 1 Ja lat: g an kltutr tn 4 awl hoie, at eLh af e sbiaQ b peU (TM th ..l.a.r4 &gars 1 atxrns. M Crcfa fntmi aU, tj Cca'a i;,) evnfa ArrtiC tana. caato j DrKak hnor, IT 'km tOHl.raV bnaa. it rcttta. 7 r . U kL co

    a.Jx, kt raJl'r a aWUna, t rU rrms irti"l-Uaar- .Aoajaaat A'Uii(T kUi aitj: cr l of aaat

    fea)a jaatcnl, aairfc ru Mtntr a4 ynllf U I yrx- - ,anc4.

    .trr BtoroPD on. mjuskt ofri t- - 21- -faaaai n:tl:r,8vi ia f 4 iw;-ial- . and tnic aairaaf I3u bntaia at 1 T J kirrtJ In aaccast Kl i aat

    lauiua ia rftvita1 mt. tern nmitT9.M tta Otfc-l- la eamCuai 4 i avcaarai, ar f rrK 1

    1 1 a wk mm J l.Ua aarrU faaa taaacfaxa.

    Wauitat-ito-af :3 o0. rctc at It 3.ablBM Maala.

    fea aUa f lawt aei Tr aa Vaqnaca. atla , Ort. ia-ra- aIrt Kaia Laa. Ia-t- a a 4al(7.fa Kiol-r- M MaTbaMarrll'. UeiIa.TT?T?T !

    VOItT OX IIOUOLULU. n. X. I,. .IKUit A I..

    Oct. to Vhr ho:, ba MjU. ,1 V Mary. Cmaa Kaoat.1 PW-- V1 lina. taa. fntn IfsataX tI rVar Haiti. iaa, n ICanaJ. ilaa;a ttaa MarnU. 1 mlort, ran KacaLIP atV Laka.frwa Kao-- t.

    lai Mai Muotaaa, bafrT. i:( -- ja (raa rvurraerlacn. !

    !Ni Iba Arc.wja7o kola aib aU aal VM K- - bo.

    JO Aaaaait Oofa Hoacd. Kanaa'M. Crana tiutarcx.e, aita ki t aaH ajbua fta boor. ,30-aa- .a.rb a4Ja-- w,.b, fr-- aa Iba ARW, ;

    liO ta.a ab " a&a t I.'"a ta ajo.ZV Aa aa bark Jaa, t---o kM-a- -, ar.& 3a bbU

    wb . It Ma aj i." abat .GJO tta buot. I3AAaa b abla Tbrra br .tf.-a-. Tik r. fam taa Arr- -ik, iu 1.1) fetr-- a a atl ana) IXua) IL Laaar.

    2J I. h Kaataila. Uaaw. fra K arvli. frnaa

    A a. wb Rne4r. iyf. Cmaa the Arrur,Ua LAj bMa ah U aa1 2 a bona.

    It A"a aa'c laaxlr. Hj4Uv. tmai K-a- ajlta! bbta aib aaL at bla an aa4 l.a p-- bnaje.

    31 An wb aftjp Oay H. k'lrT. fmaa Kadiar, witk 'A kaia wb aal aad .() Sa bnoa.k23 rVbr frtsra. rltnac, Irat llawa .f -- A- -- a aa,, Clumpy from Arr-- , A

    wttb bMa wb aal and tM Wa.Hrhr laabWJk. ft--aa M'tctoa.

    ii Aai wa task .Noraian. Ttwar. froaa Kgrf.c, iiX) bria wb oil and t.MAi iba bja. I

    T3 "i hr iia. broei Xasi. i1i i lw Kata Laa. Craiac. fmaa Man.XI etrar Marr. Iron fcaaai. I

    Oct. 21 An wb barb tvlerra, Faon, frw CadarwitJI 0 It.ola ak oil aad Z ' Iba a..r.

    H Fr wb efcip NofTiao. Mrbntrrtrr. tt--m it Arrtc, :alik dni bb wb ai ana) 2ai Iba buo In Am barb Coaaat, Atr, 21 a tSan Fraricnca. I

    tr .Vmara Cait-r- a, i , Ti.'aya froe AaaU. ItJ Am wa bar B Imairl 1Abaor. taria. fta ta Are-- f

    tie, w1t: a-- kb3 w b eii,TJ bba nt, ail H.OfWl? bnaja. !

    31 rar Prtnea. from Laaa.'aa. jI!X rtrar Kaiv.u--e. AXuna, fraa M aokat. i34-a- w.b Ka 24-h- . rrwr. Iraoa Mrai. i

    DEPARTCKK.Oct. 1 rtfmv fClLvvw. tie Wfcjwari Pa ta. J

    I Hear UMa, Powcra, r .Vaai. Jfc Active. t,xarj t t IUai:L

    il frrtt ria. In Slaou ;71 larfir MarrtU, I am ba-r- t, I Kaaat. I21 MrUe Wrwlca,tr Miuka '21 tw-b-r fld Ftw, LM'V.. lur HawaJ.Tl eV-h-r lUcrie. ia. kaual

    rb Ptmw. Ilarrtann. HaWait. IXI Hear tkaasatM. AUaaaa. tr HaaaL

    MEMOH XDA.roa-- ar INtia CCTtaw 4aiJa4 Star lib f" 1 Preatdrat

    aada, wnfb vary lliibt braara (rxn X aW VV. afMay ia, ha 4 W, aperumead a baavy gajatoa a W. aiita baa rrraM aa ruritir.r i dttnr Iba dabaeu awa &. taa 4iak and avpa earns blU e wata. waJerrakabrlu c rrbal away aiarter beat, and atuawiabulwark afrorwartl bad ttnr f braetea Iron tba rsatwara.)ba h aameai iotatft M.basg 31 VY.ll data Hrroa Caiiao, aaaa ahlp tWmrrtmffnm. 6a da rmaa tba aaa part.rr aaid ina Ua la VW waa crT Cap 0c oa.e af

    ttaya ia rnmpaav auk aevaral araee viaaaia Had kwtwaatbat froaa tbarata ad . VVaa dajt Irnra M wkt'

    bad vary baavy wearbar a(f tba Car. wt!b a baavy fail ofana. raa larf aaaailrtra af Ice. amatly Inar acd a unbar af mi-- a Iba hum way. Froaa J to

    In a ia tfmtitf. bad brava lalra aod contrary rarrtnta. N.Crauai 1 Via Mna ta lc 12 W. 14J uUt a oar. and from tbancaj

    a A, irwti a Ha awn a great aaaay he a asd aticaa !af Caabar. Mta HawaU Ucv.bcl ltb aa aevetai Area aa jrbat ssEunktlaa, acd plenty af ka. T. F. TitTO. Mwtrt. ta

    IMPORT.' -

    . Paaw Roa roa Trr Ceylon, Ormbrg 8ib iaga. ca. ... MawHaa. ra.. 3Ieiie and FUruraa .... . 6 kga U iavtttng. a..M. 2 Omtm XV ;

    ca ........ .... lkam. ka!ra ......... 0 Ilacaa ca .......... ta Ou, (coal acd her) ra... ,l0) tliavla ami window a, pkj H K. (alm),cah 1 a

    aaata (wba). ......... 0 Orgn 1 i0aoi.a. ca. ....... ...... Faint, pltgs. ........... 1V i of

    raaal, caaa..... ....... 1 lalfU, fas... ....... im I IK.raws. kata... . 17 l lanca. 4

    0. noma, ca). ........... 4 Tar. tb:a 10 aodataaia,ca ........... 40 Fork. In la '

    llitKaira. re ............ 5 Fraaagvaa, bsa 44 ;aSuuga, bbla . .. II Rnata, bta ............ a.) !

    aalaa ......... 1 MIU..., I I In3 Rieata. brga. 10 j

    Caaattc (anda,pkga.. 13 Bibber g aata, pkga..... A IOrwU. aa .......... CV1 aaaatary, ca.. ......... U iCovewa. cab.. 1 Jkalt. ltOflae, ra ... ....... 1 MaJtpetr. arga.. ....... b i tug

    3X bingtea, bd 111 .Crmimf ; gkga....... a 'Omara. ............. Mhonaa and beada, pk.. 41Dried avoir, l(v... 91 f ap. bts ............. u?Dry tVwalav ra. ..... 30 Stabnrtary.ea... ....... a mmwmOry OiaaJa, baJra.... C6 btxara ................Vtab, ba tttovs farot tars, fkga ... 6--i buatFtao, klcta i& H igar, bf bbla 3 i'l aaawara, pkga..... . Thrna.1. ra. ............ fa Tia baa myO rareras pUa..... 9t Tin ware. ca. .......... T . or.cJonarea, balra...... U Tabs, easts ttBaaaa, tea.......... 19 IdHardware, pir. .... 44i Tenia, pkrs.. .........H Ida Prtaoa, kga. ... la; Wag ma and carta, pkgs .7Iraa. bdla. Waaaicg macblcaa, baa.

    37 WaabNaard., bdia...... ,IS Wiclt . baics ........ 2 i day

    Lambeg (nak), pea . 1 Yost Fowjar.cs. I -Marble, ak..... ., tieFaow Raa Faasctaco Per tUrnr. Mieuaa, Ort:bct 2Cth Itpelra, bxa. 117 Lias, bbla. .... l.M. i0aaf AJ Oata. bags(prea) es.......... I , gqodBearaa, brua. ........... !tche, a...Sacr. ca 2S Provtaiona. faga.. ...... a.

    a sal alMiea. ke.. 1 PnTalnes, bg .......... iBread, ca. ............. IO ce.bbia , .i iBattar, (kga. .......... 3 rtunglea, ......... !Drugs. pka..... ...... I laap, be..... ......... 21 I aVtbFbaar, bbia. A bt. ............ ! I ka 17 Vinegar, bal IFavar, qr aba .......... a ! Wine. pkga... - g:ng.H ar wars, p k gs....... . t I' oapcUid avise, pks. "tea, tne V - 1 thc

    Faow Haw Faatriaco Ter rm. v-- IAgnrultTlair4la, (kg . 1 "- - -- n.23d:Beef itt. I0u?i .a. ....... I tbe

    1V4 OiLr mLca iroo Ira3 f HI. rtnaved, r. ........ SOO allb ........... 34wtass, m Faint, pkga.

    read, pkga 13 Taprr. bale. ........... 1caaa. .......... la Piaaaa, ca. ............ 1 got

    Brwabas, ra. ... .... 1 Ft iUura. t.e.. ......... 1VJ anyCamaga Malta, pkg.... 1 Kabaoo. bb!.. IS is.CaUsr. ft 3310: b( bbia CO ka.Clothta;. ra ........... 13 ra. 4Crockery. AC. pkg--Pr- y 1 r Iks. bu. l'

    gnada, knlra...... . I MhtBgwa,! 24JPry g mia, c. ...... Mtor aa. M-- a n aodFancy ( nU c. ....... 1 bap, ba ............. 61 lFioar, kf aka. ......... . " Varnish. bM 1 dealFlour, qr ........... r V.orgar, bb-- laHardware, ca.......... 14 VA'tcs. ftpes. .......... 10 ofHay. bale to Twlna, 1.taila. bga il YsUow n!ta!.ca. ...... 4)


    PAK.ut:ir.Fa vVlsawaaa FoSTa Ft Kitaara, Oct. ma CUflJi Makai.wilW anrl c&iid. l- -a W Makes, Jll--a J Mak.c. ilre

    I MeOraw, X m Iirkie. Vltaa F. TVanpaori. Miaa R R..rtarj.J utrOrg. M Trtvicr, J Cojnmtra, A Jfloea U cbio ar.--: VjO Iapatecfe imrgrra.

    Fanw Baa Fa .r laco r Mia-v- . Ortor-- r SO- -C I. I ailklurda al wUr.Jtaa h 4 aticbaivs, A t V uroa. 1 aptaiaMara men. R II ChaaocU, rapta.a famor I Crrea. C W Faher,

    I B W V bita. R D acta, II VV llytnan, M FhlUipa, J V ir.wtra, II irBryan. It I hapel, 11 Cost, U Torner, W U Itmtr,Jack f aula li.

    faow Saa F Fee Comet. Ortuber OT Robertfteaiy. K C Sanbora. O twn, 3 VV Biahuo. Mr Wrllct, C aadAktwelr. B aUoutng. Waa Brady. Jos bradlay. C Hatch la lat

    MayMARRIED. of

    CcttaTotB Btraar la lloool.i.u, Oct inn, Jaa. &oU ofatoaa ta J. K. Eerodt--j make

    t'.c! ttff- - -- ' " ... 7 I anld

    Uall--Os Mnwfc7, taa. , f capillary broorbilia, .- -;Rasa fJlbary Halt. only aoa of W. W. aad EUsabrth V.C. Ilail,ajaat SO raontna aad 1 day. ,r,.i

    J.cgvoa la Boooluiia. Oct.ber JT-- af eraitioaoe la werel.... Vr liia--l Jackaoa.afetf a6 I ear ana a a as. ihcik.I aa if waa Ml ia .ovTj;aii. .--- i irutaa tbraa lawuwla kt it year, lie bwora it dann- - ;tXaKal ava graodcbUdrvo to awaara b. k--a. - Yea, tbough ,iWtarouitb laa VaUrF f tha ablw f death. I will t ar ! mimmMrt Thoa art w,tH mc; Tiy lod aod Uyautfilvy ,TT Sew llpura sad V.rascat pupes Uh,fTTcUT! 'and

    Sairoaa-I- a Ubaioa, Mani. SVptestber ia J.tVwbooninw ftears. Lury.TJ'. '1 wT4W rwa aiontba. fSS twZ7--. akav Anrvliaa. child flha above, agrdhwf..r4 raa p . . iaalaperyejraad lra aauaib. ,ew

    Late .w. froni (lie Arctic Offan..jr.t -

    in Ul avf ih l'4n iarrct ft aArcts, mmi a c k u fi:r.o ja frt. tu o?r.4 'l& falva-- ( Mac l!t cf !1 kmuli

    3p--'. friu. Bnt.o'T ' Am hi

    ii " kv ii ju, r.:iOT .... ....i m i) t :.fc ltaa- - - 'ri .... ....1.. ft

    jH-- Aia Owl .viil. jcaci ....; -ti;t" . ..,..I"01j Aa but .tj.-- e, ., ..-- H ... .. t CO2f--a liw llnacJ, arl; 1 -i Ac j 1 ira Br-act- a, Ttxr .. 1.1i"--a Ul Ja'a, Liva........tlk2 ' t 4 lrfi :1 An a,;. Rti- -at .ia i.b I v--r. n .v ....'it Km atp .;a.i. . 4 w1 Am 1i iajsfj-ta- , WciJ. .. ..rj Askul .VimTn4... (iSAaa aoxa Crf-rro- , fa&n. ...... .. 3Ar5- -l' ! p , ria, Vui.U(... ..a !. . Vtaur.... ..Bii :U Uli tat Leat rrcra t'-e-i tSa ana. a a'UIetl. 1 k fin v r-- arna al w a ct-- lai utronnl

    orrr laa iaa ahica ) that th a kux'i a 41wr-- l jraaa a ZvJara. It o at l!c aac-a-- Jl

    aa mora byw Uat ria4a- - l t Ita ir.i.: cf iciat.wet.y a tv ba uo is iaa Arrl, U.t a.Tcr tattiejp Ueania aficaacr, arvd n ll wrzlber aa(j1,

    alt.fa ca;taxad a hva aa taat aa tj fail atoar use eC lna.Sajloxaatrra lii.-r- l oa laat Iba iUn tn lha Arctic Iftiaaaano rf.5e Ib-a- a iacr laat yar, ity krli-- j lr tha av-a-t'"J'1 't - Tiw ttri 1.1 itrycaaja boot Ua Tn f fy e frscn CraaaUod. aa tay ra--araaUad lt Crrrtas4 ait.aa.

    Taa kzf'.hj raporta trfb ftbilah bIoa, aoow lha traaaat H:rk:ca cf tba Arct ahUtan. avwa tiUI: thaaaajrtauif c!aa w cas fxuab. Sijrg Uwa ara cU th(. luaa lUri: CaLrrtDca rciaaiual out lata tU tha aibvacacoava4 fnaa atiia1 f r lhair r.attxraLu. ktrott, iiJiL(Uvea and .ip, i'a a brartrj aia;h U 1o.y arr?.!a.Tbra rJ' I vnt Wk ilurr t tiaat aaUora wi. aa Ira, avar. .at.iott. abrt:y atii-- y I tht tnwa la lh Ui a.

    Ta ablp C-i- -, rrn, Lcat.of Nrw EM J, Wia vakn Aca4 '--' ta luk iaa .,aaa cfIloo.iuro. on ooca ico, n.irsrD'r S--J. tatta ona tanq.

    aarvi barrel cf tC aaa ka tzj'aj cf Urir baa,aa baa act aptc la ia mv.La tea Rrparl fraaa bi aa aiaf jrriael.

    fVct. J-- Act., R--- j )'aha:ca.i Acra--a bitrsra. Jtffcry. ....... ........ 325 Ai-Vca- , N ....... .......... 5p1 1 ifn A-'- ts. ...... .......... ..... barr- -.rVj-t-. S C a--:l rti, tA n JOaJaka.

    V t'tia.. aa II aU'tf, U asao. ........ .. J J -1' f w Jtara ..... SjW .rj i'L 1 m m 1 2 a ks: i am U In ...a r- --.. .. . ' .STrT- - C .... 3f0 berrVa.

    F . l--- uJ .... ! --....era 31 Fn'KiA. tMrataw... ........ i- -Tt Flr.r.1. Frirrr , :)'.o

    Belt. 1 -- cr;. t.ijk .... I -li--c r--1 r'.tt. A'aa5.1ra....

    Vr- - SJ Ha Hi! . l.e-j- w I i a ; arr acd S3 in A rrllr.Ji ra Var. Hrre5tt. ......... ...... 6 .bxa.1! fltira esaj. C'axsjtatU 10 -

    Oct. 1 Java vero. 7: barre'a... , 4 Jiort A Urn. Wuie. ....... 10 h i a.j iti . arver, & -'f. 1 .hu H.w Uac!. V. bt n. . 3 r e t a: i ( tar ah.1 j S'Mu Vu. ......... 4iin.? J t h.i. f 'Ata. ........ K

    .iaa. Lcbbr: .......... HVft- - l I T4.a, at .... .. ....... C'barrc'a.V,'A AAtf'.lU. I fcU'ra. , - '4aare5art'a, Vtfan., 12 -

    il 4aej.iiatla, W uc-- x. ...1 y, Daaia 2 "

    fWpC I Orao. Ci'jrT A -!. w nvcm-- . ......... 1 -8 v'. Ii.?r. ... 14JJ -Pfrr. 12 -rVpt. K air.Vi-- .. tik-- f . . 1 whale 4-- barr- -;t l t"rg---. 101

    fLt IV . I -- "ii.V. TrUrct. U- - ......... .l.lUrr'3 Taaici Jae. Wlnaajar...... .......... it.Auiajard. fluut ........ , -Reaarl af M.lp firarje llawlaMal.

    O. M. WajiTaiTrf Air . Ib' rui woull l.k a refrtmy exwtm Us eas la tba Arctic Ocean, I eecd tuc f Xoa.kri Weaard Iroaa, tb a port Arnl 1st, awl Wajmca Aril

    aaada tba Ira ArtJ M'a, L'ar Navarie In a!.t Cltl f UaSrta eat It ah:s tba ift. Tht wtsd at tlua t ine waabowmf from iba 8 W, crcar.jacd by a fctmvj- - twt2 from tba

    C Sitarlad eoral-Ta-b Cocker and ahealbicj. On tha 2dMay a baavy anowtsa caea oa rVrn the N Z, aod iba .rfp frcaa In. I di ar.t cal aa I alain aniil Iba Jiat of May.

    Tba la tba Coroavccrd cnir In airHe, utbltn oa to aafc ;aMTM bradaa I aaw q a r.col-- r cf wbaaa, but fm.d notwork oar bwu to tba m, aod rnnaqovtttiy tber ajatrt much 'wba'tc- - dotac Trk anjr firat aba Hay in lat J 30

    Tf K4 W. 6'dia have tu itlo the use on.-- lb . taa I cvev kcew ibrm ta bc&ra. aad tha ca ta r

    ?KT" 1IT " wbaka st-- lwrcoca'aad abuut tha lat f Jnc irio Iba Arctic No wbaahave been anrn in tbe wr.i i1ra ib year, wbrra all tha

    baa beas daa I r iba U.t Ibrra aaaanea barb. 1 vti. mytrlahia traia tba Arct.e Awruut 14tb. tu lat Ii 2jt , ao4 aa actcilrg... lua every day unld I hfi.Pert bib I bB d ir la atl. .i Ibe Srtb of Aocast a h avysanwtona act in from toe north, acd lha Ire made aroond tha

    abip so wa rccjil bar-il- '( Iwr gM into tar fat boms ofa.ur, tal uant mi an lil'Sanca Pa-We- . Oo lhaautb It mnderaird i aa -- p .t c'apt t 'n,of aM!pov,epoka m. and .l ave cf thc Inaa o Uta ship t anaMiaa.watcb went aaaa Um day bxiure oo bUmn alua Bc4j mm

    total wreck. '.y b at wrc elf wbsl-n- at lb l:n ; wtejthey retorrtrd. t.k lV"fi r g ,i ox sod maia ail saa tj aarcb

    lUa wreck, w Lira I f ui aiaj anartled tl sma U kindfS-r- -l .i.l. r-- ., .f . rri ....te ..4 . t . . M r

    Iraa aen ao board t Iba li la!- - and wife, male. 4 tnaia 'f asrtb mtaiu tA t V sh.p it ngtl b. Cat Iaialcuaird ti ctrnt buck l tna sUin, but 1 br'tevs wa BA nLm taaccount of b m--n ct to pua turn back v.,iur igH oo bnard a.ia 0 wltl c!f tbe aa-.- . aod they aarbrrd ber .acvra faikoena of water. Cai la.a Joors. J ran.

    Fraaef and Mnitbaxa tint oa Uwrl. My b"ala atUtt g ab at taa aama line. I bad to Ira.a and wrar auy abu.?rll ,tll1.r.:J:i'saw taem a.l get under way ami leave, iba tea ahutticg la. Hs--.. . .ai. anakine It . . . . ithere. Tbry aTcry ktary offend as uke lha crew off. or I

    KiTrrv'.... . r4? ,f.Jand .r1.0'. U,J timv. - v. a ua Kk accnor. IBeaing a a gaal anil fl.rcgoo br--l tha f.arrafAraa. 1 took aivaod w.oi cn ao.1 fcud ail bands gwtttrg ready io

    Mr. M:trhu,witb hia bou'a crew, went oo iKkari tha iI'tarids, i:apt Frar. and tba rrat w wbir.g to on tvnari

    abip, I txik Ibem. arvd m.)o t.'a bmr. witb lb exrei-tio- a ofbo.t me-- s ana a aaii. iaaa oy Air. MitcBcU oa beard tba

    fariiti a u ova atC4U.LAfter gvttirf La bc ao-- t craw out, I tutd to ahalj !

    XZlJ2Z?.Vi .rJ ;.T,L.a:.T.t went on bnrd. and wnb ceoa rare yard rlrd lurr. ' ' Mhip, g4 at'te, mata and miam .lat sail art oa ber, and imui :

    aid work ber ty wcl, I ma letup my mtnd n uke her toLawrence Bay, zA if ra.hie, Ito the lalani. Irurinc a

    isica anora ttorm eo the 6th. we run hi to t ic. but bad rtialor a tu, get cot ot it wttn-- ut any atamage I bad tt beat

    nearly tba aboiaa.t&nc to Capa F aat. I n-r- a Ca; Earl to. U.. ft. . 4 rHt, Mtlil. . I . . tatjhi knots an lrtr. wlra J arrived tba la-.- h -t- -dhaving been faat V ttai wreck aaleen d- -- rVpUrm'ier,diirlrg Ihia lime I tvl towed t- - . - I ralcuUte that

    1 ta:-- i wreck 10 mini Oathsa brave htnw i ' . cut her ciL.asd tiiatcizhl Iberecame



    II. r.". K. and ta? flp commcned,.'.... anchor gi fmn ahip, aod threw frm lha,ria4i-Ta- . aad eorcteucd to brlngirg her up oo to

    bcacb la eva of water (ao cluae in that I couldhave taroarn a bwwt oa a:te'),aod rrde col tha gale, etillbotaling cut o'X Ihil'it t'liol th 22d lha w.rt baulrdto

    eaat, acd rr.'.l cr cluju-iH-y until 1 t lar.-- br ofdriitirg iuto tbe bay oa Ibe CII. The nativestold rce tf tbe cri!i wtbd. art In tt wool I btk me in f tba

    winter, wbwb mie ua oiea.y, as we hal r f o5rciil pro-va?- ralo laat tbe winter. thc aigM cf tae 34th

    aa lha cil oo bnard, a.ter worklr.g d!M and day. I or opaarAnra, and wttb a kcd;e warprd off from InMvntr time fariaftaaa Waa baicaed In wilb

    and !working Ire,

    w.tbthree alienors diss i and Ibe naiiv.a d .poo board

    laae of bwr uitJ next r m:g fr lb brtad and moirrt-- ar.d oe.l simiuer 1 t;.i-- k 1 aial be allc to uvea great

    fram Lrr. 1 I Qi ' t k'M in brr Nntom. butiathefc--badlv alraiiad.aiid iu bad wuibr kceraber agotegmrattaaarnc. It. -- r preant 1 dn rmt ceauir h- -r

    s'aeretby t uk io lb: ur any other prt Tbear ie rata rf the mn ie oo r er i hit .lilp belorg.u aria' it ra i K II k M V ao

    Andrew ii.ul r :raj I. Ac tone ;arke.r.iro, J ar R bi.l K'etorga, Cbarke Bitunoos,Peters. J wa v any am. aTl Faul- -

    I aer.d a of w halve taken in I'.i fir as kaiarito Uuaa lc i"ig. tv.t ta. raaaed tbrcica lhapan(', Fo laLisdv Oa-- t 1, ari f l,i't lo this port

    I bvnr.bia win and a piaage. f4ricac larknff et. Ilcr la oc rgbt w hale Ihi

    l fJct a.Cf pnuc.y. i.aowse..Muter tkf Ocryi HomrlanJ.Krpsrl af

    J4B. WaiTsty, Dear 5ir . I send yea tt Klowise, reportofourcfuje.' atlKOoaootjc suit cf March, ad

    a flo paaaaa op i naai ia ic oo tac - t ti ,60 N t aaw aa wba ao g tip hc.! ca the I&th of

    west lata it. ar.1 atotd t vorlh ia C' tn.aaT with re jat ;itha txjJ the ir moch ackt-4- , aad biucs couUl

    saake no headway f t ire of f ur da, aa-- a crurgwind of roTrst tba ke wouU oja subtly, etabar.g os tt ;

    a Uttia bradwiy. Oa the 2i:a n a b : (bW: gi ilrw nr. acd I at Mot. the I Jusa waa

    Caf Agen. I1U ire, to ba jtsa IWa. wbca I3e ire oroaa up. ip im. iiihiih

    m fa,. Oa ta jt-- ib 4 June talered lb Arcticwh.e in lha to the 17 in cf Auguat. and afterDlrntv of Ibem s Wx g aa wa remained. The !

    bki .!.! ter tba Und fa Icy Cap lo Point Bar-row, but the ice brtiig qu t near Ibe abore, ajd a air.jig car- -

    wiirrur r-c- r.ttn , j. cf Kepiember rr--l obaervatinra I waa

    v V. oi Icy car, wua air eg waidafrom I. .N t.andU unt.; ii Zit, abi it .'ai.M .Z-r- ?t

    a.r. cirtiiu found our IjMude .N.tap. V Pt) Fratk'la bearing M live rr.Crad..laCt. ailab.r.l. tn li ) ban t ! brfB mini otl'V, !... a , , r - uul, ihf .h..--. wuf ibe time.- - curnmt ..-- ft go.

    . and nr:, .rH r.wIVntMlrr r'h. w- - ' I! m.a, s- - cauie d a

    ; m w aciK. id- - i uui ;.':!) ep c t--' oi. ir. fi tt t.ri uv.i u,, are hid r croo.i jo u. a

    it.i. ttu aw.: r.ijnurr. aad tar ice xtuo ia ab-- r ui. I; )umu4 l W ; ia. U inif. a: arj ta on land v iahter ia ai fron. ti -' c:rUi jr I iood ia. &jcV ?n'c?Zt2ZZt?ZZ. u--1 a biJ t.ti vm irr. u i.p irouaw. Tat jnu ma d,a a ted aji ;riv.o., tue c jst are ratsa 4 c'-.j"- outa: lc

    oa raa I acre pa.1 prrtcc-- 1 aa itm lh- - aca. clmocT. aaw ta rark Mae Hitca-- i w.ij ru d tre

    ' firt: l!r; at aaritur D nixa I j t j-- ! --at . ua. At o'rx-c-be nn; en - ths a"jure. tbj aca breakir; orcrberaa

    aa brr loarT jarda. Wuntcwj. d r. iau no Uairil 1' ta lc UlU S.x wcatScr, wisl L,Tfr.t aaitinx W, acd woJi:Rt" a .U ahora ; (

    t a at.'.;-- . ait ia U. h:p rlT itSoot 1 er dun re. atarti about jjO barr of 4: a.-- d blabncr, ajwliibl'iil (; Oa lb: if i trmlvrr I nursaV''i.miiir.( IT ta nairtr. l.tJ rrr a cf ci!b;o Left tac Arctic Ui:.".li. Ull!e.:U-- T' diet. 1 ea aa-- i bajd frcut tuc (C' the kU 'f ASiTSat tie h: l'o-.a'- ia wer.l hf eoE.-4- a K. aCa. Ill ar:cd tw--a - hear Ifrj iLc N W". After

    r:tiX I't) tar rotate. Cai-- t I aj . ,t tuc mi :3 h'.- -tjli.i.4 thrr tjn' rrra a. A.Ur br.c.r eii'aed inar lieu b ur. ti-- came tjaiI f ti in tiearia (f.f Cvd.ii o. -'- , - a.trrwar'Ja a rut ua trd Ibe Jr.'it t. Ci.; k'toD. aui aill fo rvu I'raoCACa. Ta ctal uimaixa Kat 1.1 V Urnli luIbe bark r iarjarrf ae ft.d ui ibe ir-- oa tbe Zi xft j ic.-iib- by ttr (a, as-- !wt a Lo.e i br af.riid

    lruct ai7 tir aralrr Uia ; Vl n j-- u .bct-.L- C Wiiii rrtaj.a U tt Ibe a tj CjCij-acy- . v uul lau pc La:coeBt acd rcj-alr- .

    Tbai..?7oi'; ajar and ltj' .Vutj:r. V;:iiam. aletrora oa ba'it rnna a ; te liieccd t r h'uviri

    , ovtrUai uacL:lira cf Ml ai.d b"ot ; ti iatur r jt i f ii)iila. I rttn-w- n y jora tiJ y.Ckwaat W. BtTo,Mvltr t--f ttujt T'lHif. rr.

    Iteparl f V.ntU. 1'rraidrwi.I eft TjTaVjJiu Ftbrnary fir Arcix ; bad a f- l-

    peaavg op to lat 0 N,or(iers 5S1 V,fcm e bad aLraey fw Um tba 8 C "Urre ia lU gt.Uf aid tuiv-ka-raaeed lir"ah the inj Paaa ou the r. ht of March loth.Paw tba firt ice .Varcb fcta. ia lat 60 IV N.loaf 1T" HTT. Maxrb V.:h bad a very ejl fron tbe aaat. anib tha

    wrather ILit I T as a at aea The tbcritotnrter arer Idoara tao degraa bciow aero. The ahip'a freae ft I, aadU ra Itnpnaaib kerp tbe acatprr b ka clear. Tbe abiplay ocder bare poiea, ospklcl bHra e cxi'-- DX arrar

    O p. aa ale waa aJ d"n by Ibe b-- 4 atiU Ibe ol ice.r r e part cf one tu furling :. train frai:t e oftbPD bad.r I br i is-- benefit of .h:- t-caiara i.aai aaaea ma nas a aamja Dy aenHn; iBrtn wetuc-e-ca ou. am aid d--.i prick iba biiaua, and ia ia-- k. ail !th- - Baa era oo duty.

    ! Mm bad baj waalhrr mot of Ibc aeaa-.o- . ur.ta wbraw aa.1 irr. weathrr All the Aral (art of Iba aauaoa wabad a bad awril frw--n t 8 t. Tbe e fl-- tt cf ahija ia nvr' tt daaoad by arJ ba-- t duao trrrjr por.y up t heih of AiKUal. ll Ihej h ta ti Arcsic ainca titI d- - fc koaw, aa I ! 1 1 ft. fau.'a r.hl hicf. rUw nrBrt tj the ad of May IK the fl.-- ooc lb: Juth of Vlay'j jaaw Yrry Urn whalra, aid tb ar fc try wiH. We ktL at at acd f rr- - T r thrr ab!a at .1'aui'a bavc dfoa mr ; but t tb aboe Utrt, (try have

    ar!, and a.iku lhr do brtier late in tu a'0.'it la abod failure. Sal aa Iba arather aufxd late, the tcay gM a:r arrvfa. Left ft. Paui'a Oct.Ajrt 3-- : came tlifotuh I'MITil Paanrr October 4lb ; bad JtoJ wetirr nioat if tha :wa d an bar ooe raar cf aca.-- on bir-l- . acd kt noe mant ir.r.imrjuii cf UvjwrV Tb f a tbe report cf jab'a cS fu I'aoi'a. Kiur, :.ifr of oa4 frcfiJfar.


    Commercial Advertiser. j

    SAT VI!DA 1'. OCTOBER 24.We the unJeragned rraidenH tf the Hawaiian Id-an- Js,

    haviur rrcentlr aJ Ji-fc- -l a ineitiTial to Hisr.Ii't-tv- -

    .xH- -t , r t the rreafrtice (T an Arrent cf 1 i in4 J - - n m c iMKty AVashingtcn. desire tockpreaour surprise i

    and rrgrt at the nr.sccn'truetxii wLicli baap' ioej on the intention of ths rueruoiinl by the editor

    I of the . C Jl iT'Ttiter.V'e tale this opportunity cf publicly do-- ;

    nvinjr the truth ef the statement that 44 the mer- -cnntile community have httle f i:th in the pood

    ; tht Lis been, or may be acreiDplhed by him, HisMsjaTy'9 Ute Envoy anl HJ fcot ly ar.y meaus, bytlia tri.inf-- . i,l ft.fAii t ews..iitrti.ri.'1 li:m

    'W further declare, that it waa ;.n l intention.

    ty means tf our aaiil me morial, to manifest tur high .aprRowt;bv His Ex. C C. Harris, Ilia Ma:tty a late Euvoy

    ; a't iu pursuance tl.e t.l ject cf l.ia mis--sicn. j

    tt bilat prayir.jr that the n.i --ht be couUuued,. we did net pit-suu.- e to reeoTouiCnd atT ''iC to tnencminati.u of II a M.j-t- y. tut w are unam- - jrnoua io tbe conviction tbnt in f theexperience ? the ability and !


    C. llairis iu bis ' TO ADVANCE TVHAL-IpastUUr.- atWasb:i.'ton. can c,n. i"C that firet memorial is INU captains to

    , tinue the so cr wiU, eo much .ZVZl?:X ZlX5bever den- - rem. uer

    Known Ur. Mnilh been named ai- - beea to hie aincrre to Capta.n I. I . . . . ....jrOTtd ' vspt. of tbs

    "eniorial published. The K;JsurpriM4, a j 1"':":':


    I lletiiao,

    act ArrtMaa"I


    Beet; at


    w.tb continued










    ftas.aU M. Caatla.,' t: p Jp.' II llckkld aV t i, baaio'l M Pam-a- j,

    by Aty J lTioii, r. r tiwiac.',C N ainor Ca. Ilccrv Uv.IV lha ax C", II A V.' dcnanr,M a Gnnhattoi Ar Vs. .'arraThomas J I'. rlritr,Tf-.--o II Itavire, II tlimi-- t A,A M irejJwu, K II Rjvd.J 8 fs.thiea. 1. 1. Torbrrt.C rt Bartow, J B Alb. rt a.J I I "eett. c"lrr-- i I trt.51 C Moneamt. F-- l H'S"t .arr A Co.t ha R Bhrjs J- Ua 1 b i:1M Wat. rhuuae,P C Jor--a Ir. ." A Caati-:- ,Katnncl G W Wer, R Vee.irbiojr,M l,Ma.kerA. A'.ka, L O l.a.l,W" L C.reea, .ewers or Pkkaai,A F Jund. U r AdVtna,

    .HAP Carter. I W Au.t:a.M Rtpler. rb Krrwrr,O'ifrey RhnVa, t" M lewcrs.II K at Prn, A Ir A Krbarltr, R W Vcd, M U.

    If any evid.jnca were nciil of tLe etmi'.H Viwhich our otamunily brought, theaSjve m?ta 'rial, bigned ly many tf our a jtblo citizens,

    - the parpoj of extolli..g His .daj-- ,esty's late Envoy to WaMiIngOii, at our exjenm;and that of the editor of the Government pret, i'aBOrda an instance The G.'fcsys tl e memo-- ,rial erT.lnini. -ir.e-t-f . " T!. . r.inlr-ir-rv ....... ia l!m...w fnr-- r .. I1and to understand it licl.tly, rcnt-irc-s further ex- -j ianation.

    At a Privy Council held Saturday, ofmention U made in the official orgt,

    the name of Ur. J. Mott editor ot the J'gOTetTment TrcfS, Wa0 rropose--i as ag'-n- t of theHawaiian Govercmen t to proceol to Wasliington,and. ar tarently without much difccuaaion. thn

    -- 0unal approve-- I the nomimttiun. Immediately 'on tbe adjournment of the Council, it ,

    diaapprintment and chagrin was shown in cverfiiVin I a An lA.n.n K. . 1 V. .u. . ' Ia.. , wuuinu "m(sl r .

    the &VTTiC who was an ent' , . I- "ranger at " o011". . . . ...- - . . .n L' i 1 1 .ii a - H1 Of lew of the qtiallh'UtlunS j

    --uuy. it iiiuicaicu iLwi tun U'licrauiciiihad cither determinel to give a mere formal rce-pon- ao

    to prayer of mcmorialistri, bytho person who could hot bo eparcd fjr a

    pleasure trip, or else that it had lot all faith inthe of treaty.

    Thus matter rented until Monday, when ar 1 i ...aruujiuiiicc; ui uau iiaiii-'- . .duoi in ihq uiiiimtcia.....inquire cause of the untspected action. of ;

    i V. n.iv.mrinnt un.l tla. a . t . ,rl, .....if. It i . 1 u; hj mim .uv amo-i- i hj umii-- . j' could not go. At this meeting the language ofj the Camnurrial Adcertistr was quoted by the

    good that has been or may be aieomplished by! him Mr. Ilarri and did n-.- t bv any means in--, tend the t j r;miaend him,in the gentlemen present siatei that they

    not respourible fjt the langniigo which ha-- i' been uttete!, and dii not in it. It was; then suggctei aa the bimplcat way to correctj thc matrer, that if a memorial wan prej-are- andrent in, stating the otini n of tiio meiaorialisis iregarding bim as envoy, and disavowing the lan- - ;guage of this tair, it rc&ult in a change. Jn? .l......r..e- - drwun tin and !iuc memorial .. nn.v.. - -- t -cireuUtrd. of the binorsMng un- -j

    ijtrrfa.ti it merely called f.-- r themeat of Mr. Il-irii- It if addressed to no one in jparticular, received only a rortion of the


    . . . : --u tlio fi r.f Tn rw-- r T'ai.l.aBUtvia'J sijjiuivj v.. 11'' v.,bestowing uncallexl fr flaturyon late Envoy,aii-- 1 insisting that no other person is so competent

    'for the sen ice which form of dictating to a sov- -ereign is not modeat, to eay itdlavows the language of andthe inference that in opinion of thc uieinorial--'ists, the gentleman who I ad naiue-- fr tlie

    ' service was entirely unqualified. It is' a most unfortunate ard probably unintentionalstab at one oEccr f thc go'.etnment at the ex-- I

    iii.e of another, who wtius willing to sacrifice' everything to his amolii'jn.! When we bt week objecte-- l n

    m-i- t of Mr. Il.irri". r ittdel any r tlirr man t ;

    the ntiv vra-k'.r- g ar md ber. UA oudtr way. and minintCFS, in Whli'O It W8S SlaiCJ 44 that the mer-sft- rrtttrvuh aia wi; rf got out of the bay. : - .I kft the inii.u in what a c::d a aafe barber, . can tile community here have little in thel"t









    rTnunrled aod


    br 24

    At nikn r


    ev-n.a- a


    Iba avlad


    wot al


    aad eti

    tcaa toa








    j terji frum Lere, au 1 suzcsted name of. enoral ManliMll, icjt tie srore of

    --Vn cnroT caunut be nt from Lere ata rvai of le tJian one thousand dollars jwr I

    ' month fr every month h.c uiaj he awav. "WhileI the --ni of a jr.,n m-idin- g in cue of the j. Atlantic cities mar be eecart-- d at a nominal fg--: - I

    tire. Tbe cirer.K?, whatever it may he, mustcoirxe ovt of the jocltts cf tht tu payers; and a !tl e j of th?-- jasge of t!:C treaty nvery eider indot-d- , it is important tliat dueeiinomy rhouli 1 cserci!eJ ia the matter, as itIjM already cft us over tirrnty-Jir-e thousanddollar. Iii-ieiv- if a T:i:ijti were t-- cir-cul- ati

    y.rayir. that no envoy be pent or em-- jloyeJ, unloM it couIJ he dne without cspenfc

    t- - thi Ternuicnt, it wulJ bo tigr.ei by Mo-vers 1 hundrod luuces.

    We bhou'd not deemed then? explanations Inecessary. Lad not tlie government organ iven a jfal; co!"rin to the matter. And when va- -

    I fer.t to Washington a? proof of the late !Envoy's jiopulariry, it hould le known that it J-- prung from hi fuggetlon, and inust carry jut

    vreight to n doeumcnt proeurJ under jeu."h circumstantrcd, and more. j

    While we willingly concede what the first me--rorial exprced that Mr. Harris labored while in jWashington, with 44 untiring fidelity"' for the jpassage ot the treaty, we oelievetnat no realwas aocom j 1 i.he3 by Lira there, and that moregxd would have resulted had he remained here,and kept quiet the mischievous pen of the Minis-ter of Foreign Affairs, who forwarded def patchesto Washington that resulted in defeating theratification which was so keenly expressed in theterse larzuace of a letter from ashinzton,. arigny A co. have killed the treaty. '

    While we should not oeasft to ufo every reasonable effort to the ratifiscion of the treaty,we inuct bear in mind the exjense attending it,and be govjrned by a judicious economy. Werethe whole facts that transpired in the secret ses-sion of the disclosed and made known totho public here, we believe that few would anylonger entertain hopes of ita ratification ; andwe do not believe that tbe late Envoy hns anystrong faitb in its parage, or that he cares to makeany further special efforts in ita behalf. Butwhether hopclcslv laid on the table or not,or whether its friends in the Senate still entertainany idea of it paviagc, we should not cease toiaaka efforts in behalf of a tneai-ur- o calculated Imore than any other to further the mercantileand agricaltural prosperity of group and en- - jrure the independence of this Kingdom. But iu jd .irg thl", we should not stultify ourselves beforo iti n . , imp imimi.maiil. . t a mmi. wiiratl.To, i" . j v v. tiv v.wa a Ifacts. I

    Despite t!e cdoii of interested parties to laud j

    F,jr Sa,e at Lhe FamiI and FeJGrocerywhich the memorial tacitly reflect on gentle- - jlm By I. bartlett.government, Dr. J. Mott

    devotkn Ex. FI'ERS FCXDS TOthe praver of fully .afflcict .?e..t ; pay the,rexpeoar,work etScient.y justly ttuewercJ. Whether second memorial, lmving j

    aaurance of btn addreieuxl to one. retiched other interrst month.

    tliat and reque.te.1 return tkankeas envoy to in to "woncordia, tlicnao iMrtnoVj-,-.- . ,

    we last week com- -:- -iJ taken by and leoling of tnrMgh tbe !

















    the the send-ing

    rasaage the

    i, by andreply







    verythis paper, carries











    the dueno





    the Te-m-

    Ilia tl.etho





    Smith ba3 been coinrai-ione- as Aficnt of thcHawaiian Government, and will rroceed to Wath--igton, g in the steamer Montana to-da- y.We uudcrttand that Le is authorized to secure the

    gentlemen in Boston, and that they Jct ,n concert. Ibis nppi.intment, however,

    clearly indicates that little hope is entertain- - jc, hthis government fjr its ratification ; and tho i.ail-u:m- ei.t may be looked upon as furnishing a.j;'veT.mtnt officer with a pk&eurc escurbiun to.Wai-binrto-n at the raildia midm. at the mn-.- o '

    I tinnticn than Gazette office, m8v never boj

    i known. I"oibly Lad our name been attached to! it, it might have carried some weight. We would

    tMiggcst to thoee who are so anxious to get up pe-- jtitiotis, to conr-ide-r hereafter, whethur they wUl!gain anything by their signature, or whether the jobject they have in Tie may not he defeated by itheir own rainess. '

    ijincc writing tho furrgoing, one of the memo-- jriaiists nan oanuea in tuo luiiowing proiceit to trietire made by the Gazette of the memorial, and wehear that others object to the language of thoolik'ial organ :

    Mb. r.iiiTOR : As a of both the memorialsbittly published respecting tbe advisability of eendiug )

    tu Wahliinctnn the Envov vhu has fur itnf f imn Ipast liven representing this government at that place, ;1 teg to protest apainst tue consiructiou placl upon i.i . : i i . i. r l r ... i i . :mo meiiiui tat lj t iuv x.iiici vi iuc tru.riK, nuru jits :. h , th.neinorial must convince 44 our friendsabroad that this community are williuc to intru-- t to"im (the Envoy) Its most important aflairs." whilecordially ascribing to tho Envoy ail credit due for j

    in ..t tho TrAt 1 - tA ,.,e--r i.u. . i u : : l 'iu,i ,uri a ai a oviuw iuius ui'ii a tuijv4 in 1. 1 iunu e. t ufl.a 1 rrafv anrl f alnnhf mnh if a mitiriritr r.r fr.a :irvpmnrialinf hsvr-- anv such wi!linnies an u.cribed to them by the To recommend a j

    "ci rxt.A m& 4su lu vj v4aAv ta m vrijr uiuncu. iuiij ifrom reeommending bim for a position, sucb for in-- j

    r, ZPUDli WOuld dPlT , P"00 Wlth "Ucha political record appointed. j

    Vonrs, " I

    A CARD. Oa behalf af Cant. ValrallaeLew a.of tha h!n Corinthian, which vessel wa lost on BUS- -ool fcbe- -, Arcue 0c.,D. on the soth , Au,a,, i llk

    tsj" crew. to Capt. Riyncr and hi lady, forI S T : . i l .!... !intir unoiini, .wn mnim ac. uu u (

    boarJ iba Reindeer, In a condition more dead than alive, afterhaving been In an otn boat ia a anowjtorm fcr twelve hours. !10 ,u theae penon CapL Lew. fel under a debt of gratitude

    mw,- - i ....--"....- ..- ,ALF.X. J. CARTWRIGHT,

    643 it Ajent hip Corinthian.

    A CA RD We, the andertlgneil. be.a wartof the crew of the wrecked ship Corinthian, would respcc'.fully .

    retain our thank to Captain KN0WL1, cf the ship George iHoelaoJ. and to his ctSorrs and crew, for tbetr kludness in Uk- - ,lngorir the wreck and bringing u to Ilonolalo, and 1of-- r .iMiuii in trvirnr tn save tbs hlp and cargo. Signed: ,- tR K Hedden. Augusuu Tan Meter, Andrew Kcklcr, Manue'

    x y.rk. Robert Green. Charles Simmon. I. . . .. . . c tJihn Peters, Joe Korotonja, tiu lioruiorga, waca cpuayaro

    Paul. g4a.?t

    AUFFORDERUNGFiriR GEFAELLIGEN RET II El lalG tNCATA an dcr Vermn.lung dr Mitclicdcr ds ' liuelfsvereins jOer aJautseben" hflht. am Sonutaite, Oct. Si. IU L hr MoT-- jgrn. ira aa.a der Public Hall- - j

    D.e lierren Slititlirdrr und Andre die Zwcck d.r Oeaet- - ;rhaft freundl:ebt oitrratu.lien aoilcu, wrrden iu Vcr.Samoluog hocfliebst elnveia len.

    Fuer den Vorstaud. ;6S THEOD- - C. HErCfC. PrctMent. !

    ."VOTflJia ! i

    rwtllE CNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INKORMM the patI:c that iHe ha Juit Received direct from Purls,

    A Full Assortment of Merchandise,41 .ft. . .... . Ct.U l1... I .rwl

    mioa. rnANCuls Viii.LK. Tailor,64i lm Merchant Street, the bailors' lluBit.

    5iSSOlutioii of Co-parliicrs- hip. ,. . . . nvi'uciiin ii r n i" T n . -

    l tjtat tx.4?ing under o erm of aUasa t, aPO. bathi dieaolvei by aTUtuai conseut. AU oebia will ha'TJ.,.,i,mu il.. Luiimii lur hjoei iKOUOt. AlIANA.' ". Al-O- .

    Sale or Valuable Ileal Kiatale.j

    BE SOLD AT PL BLIC Al CTION.ytILLOa Ucnday, ths 9th day of November next.

    At 12 ''clock noon. jAt the Auction taom of C. 5. Bartow?. '

    THE ILI OF KlPlKiM IX VilKELE, Oinr, !Coufnlalag 43 Arte Lnad.

    Tb'a tract i. rr.ot adantagMO:y a:?otl. la eseellei.t Taro orKrf-- e land, aith a atuad fortuo 4 Kula. and a liv.og streamof fir.h aatcr Oowiue turouri It. It In :gbt of l aa Bay orPrari K.rer,anl wouid be a desirable Invrstuwat. j


    by W. C. JO.M. Itrii il.r Attorney in fj-- t.

    The Stiiras or icar;. Tbe oulj reterence that wefind m our an t mnc:co psrers to the cargo ol tne

    ram&l the

    C L- -







    and Alo,



    Idaho, which mj seiie-i- , is the following from theBtt'Utin of October 7th, the Latest date at hand:

    In the United StMes District Court to-da-y, in thecaa of the United State r. the steamer Jiako. afuneral uffuilt was entered and claimant given tendavs in which to answer.

    TLe axTe prtbablr laeons that the claimant of theengar d:i not appear on the dj set for a hearing cftae case, an 1 ten dr s longer wm grren ; wnea, u nonotwe is taien tf it, the cmm mill be connscatcJ totbe government.

    Foe. tux East. The steamer Ajnana sails to--dyft.r San FrncLjco, at 4 o'clock T. M. The mailscloee at the Poet OfSce at 2 o'clock. For the benefitof strangers, we will repeat that the U. S. Governmentrequires stamps ou all letter and papers before beingmailed.

    Files of the .1 itr!Ufr for the three wetks, sincethe sailing of the IJaho, can be procured at cur coun-ter, ready for mailing. They contain all the newsfrom the whaling fleet, full particulars of the civilwar on Hawaii, and all the loc;d news worth noticing.

    M - RAPLEE.Shipping and fomnUslon Igent,

    oaoe vitb K. P. Adam, Eq ,Q T t S STREET, HOXOLVLV

    Krraaa ar toMeasra. C. L. Richard ai Co. Walker A Allen.IMrsn.Meaara. C. llrewer Jc Co. 648 ly

    Dovners Kerosene Oil.CASKS FOR SALE RVsoo 63 lm C. BKEWER ft CO.

    Gunnies.A ffWi crxxi-- ha gs jrsT KECKIVED-- UU7 J aadfuraaiebyM lat BOLLES ft CO.

    Japan Rice.ASM A LL LOT OF SUPERIOR Qt'AMTTle by Qi8 lm) ltOLLt-- 3 CO.


    atll Jaat received, per CETLO.V Jror aJe rtH4 lm COLLKS ft CO.


    American Beef and Pork,'IN BOND FOR SALE BV64 a lm BOLLES k CO.

    Bread in Bond.IN WII lK.M EX'S CASKS FOB.BREAD (44$ lm) BOLLES s CO.



    Fresh Lalifornia Cheniea. in tins.Boxes Fresh Applet,

    Caaes Califurnla Tbyme.

    Bags California Potatoes, California Oats,

    DProsli Onions.

    Pure Cider Vinegar,tfST RECEIVED PER CEYLON'. FOB

    (643 lm) tale L BAKTLEIT.

    English Dairy Cheese,"MUST YECEIVKD PER CEYLON, IN FINEr OKt'fcK. tar tale by64s lm I. BARTLETT.


    --V GUAM,

    (Ai ita V. A- - SCnAKFER & CO.

    T ii s t ? c c i v e cl !Per Am. Ship Ceylon, from Boston,

    lOO CSDSOS lCTOKCllC Oil,TfcE VOE'S BRILLIANT. OF BEST QTJAL--M. W lTk . For sale Very rraoni.b:y to suit the market, by

    r4a 2m F. A. SCliALFbU CO.

    J.m t?Qaa?a? & OOaEXPECT TO ARRIVE,

    Per Harraiiaui Uark "Wilhelm I."ENGLISH FANCY GOODS,

    irill-aii- : VICTORIA LAWNS,Clack Victoria Laa n.

    Dyed bileaias,W hite Cot on Vodershirts,

    White-brow- n Cctlon Drawers,White imtn Cotton VnJershirt.

    Black CoiMHirgs,Black Thibet,

    Black Cachemere,A aplendid Assort meet of

    "A." a 23 S AlaY--c Style and of the Latest Fashion.

    Jlack and fjlae DrOaddotll.Black Silk Cmbrella.

    T.obin.. Extract.,Sardines,

    Raisins in 10 ft tin.Currant, in 10 lb Un,

    Ebelled Alaonda, In deren...a., sao. in demijohn.

    Westphalia Hams,Lead Pipe,

    Whiting, &C., C.


    Rhine Wine and Ilochheimer,GERMAN PALE ALE.


    Goods of every description !.Vomrj



    French DreSS (.COds & Fancy Articles,Silk and Velvet Eibbons,

    m.Mu:i: iii:ip ca.was,And Sail Twine.

    Eorlsps, Letter and Wravpirg Pier,Blacked Calf.kios,

    Lamp Chimnrys, Shicgle Nails.

    Paint and I'.iiiit tlil,Hardware !

    Er.r.ns, wirs ixn jpiuits .f., kt,A" of ichich are r,if,ri at rtasnnahtc Pricci and on

    tr.attt Fawrable TerM.

    REC El VEDPer Hawaiian Bark "R. C. Wylie,"

    PROM BREMEN.Vxtl Assoi'tmont of

    Wines JLiquors & I5cer.,COXSISTIXO OF

    Cocnsc, in ita. and pta.Coenac of very Superior quality.

    Holland Gin in green cases.

    French Wines,CLaieau Caiatemerle,

    MiUnCleik,Margeaaz d Tertre.

    Sherry, Sherry Cordial.DKHTJEN'S PALE ALE Jt PORTER,

    In and pints, ic, Ac.FOR SAI.K AT F". A.HC1IAEPER k CO.'

    ".4-- i i!in 4

    jTlieWor.d Renoed fonder alin

    TVT .V "37 1 1J .IT THE R011L U1W11UX TIIEITUE,


    ThisEveiungr, Saturday, October 24. 186S, j! Tornire aa if with a Mae:e W and, thi popiuar plJa of amuae, Jrtuto.rrfWa,eochaa.ed .

    m i r ai : J it t I. Nixh, iD the Vender HorlJ, loftier arith ianomcrab i

    ; i ,uVfBtriIarjnlm acd Mffhanltal Flgnrrs.


    iP A XI T I . ILLUSION ARYPart II. Vei.trlloqiittsm. j

    flpnor Martin wi'l iotmdace wocderfnl poarr of Tertrilo- - !qi ers, coeiatmi: of a eariiay of LaarHahle and Aaein( loci- -


    Rxbitition, reccivn g the appreciation of tba Jrea aad i

    I'AUT III. j'Wonderful Second-sig- ht Mystery,!

    Or, Snpeinatural VisionB Y MRS. CLARA MARTIN

    PART IV.j A Magic Theatre of Ten Performers !

    Of apparently animated Automaton, which have invariablyj been preet-- d with ectbuiatic applauae from every! Three Sire hare been broaebt to ocb a Mate of perfection aa; to dery cocapeuuoo, aorpaasicg anythiac of tbe kind.! Giarvl Pole Dance.... Coont Robert !j Turkish Ball Tiaaing, Plata Balaocing, Flirts Jack Billiard !

    A nee langee-iria- n jig.. ........................ ...MickeyUrand Set-T- o. Mickey and Lire YaokrcFancy Uanee. Scarry Mack


    Creak Doan Dance, Plan Lallan Negro... ...... .Diana WipginTo opnclude with the grotewjne and laoghter-prorokln- g ca-

    per of lha Clown,J O E V GRIMALOI, JR..

    With hia Adventorra, Cooveraatiorts and Ezplolta, intenperaedwith Mechanical Tricts, terminating with an attempt at

    IIoreman.bIp. so his Dore, Spot.ADMISSION. Dreaa Circle aal Paraetle, 1




    Hardware, Faints, Oils,AND

    A Choice Selection of Cutlery!tSCLVDISG

    LOCKS. WEST. LOCKS.RIM Chest 'xk. Padlocka,BatU.T Hine,

    Blind Hinres and Facts.Bra and Iron Screw, aayt.

    Watlt' Fhip Adxea and Axes,Ship Carprotrr' Beve!, Role,

    Coopors Anvil, Adsea, Rivet,Blackmitha' Hammer, aitt. aisea.

    New London Horse Naila,6d, 6d,Charooa Iron, $i, J3, $4 ; Clothes Pin and Lines,Uarden Iloae, Leather PreaervaUve, 8ponee BlaxkiDg.Ilarnaa Oil in qt and pi. Door Mat, Foot Scrapera,Knife, Maiket and Clothes Baskets all Sites,

    . Grind Stone 35 to 90 Iba., Oil Stones, Scythe Stones,II at and Coat Hooka, Koamelled Kettles, Bake Ovens,Charcoal Furnace SI, $3. 3, $4; French Sauce Pan.Scythes and (Snaths heavy. Socket Hoes, Planter do.W heelb rrowt aaiorted siaes.

    Horee Bniil e Icatlier back Jewelers Binihcs,Scrub. Centrifugal, Dut and Crumb Brnht,

    Wood Saws, Hatchet, Axes, Boys' do.Wood and Zinc Wash Board.

    Tin Cash Boxes, Japanned SpittoonaiBest LiniMed Oil, WLite Lead. Zinc,

    Litharge, Bt. Umber, Copal and Damar Yarniah,Shellac, Pro. B!ne. Ch. Green, Pari Green,

    Venetian Red, Yellow Ochre, Putty, Ro in.Nail 3d to 60-1- , Finishing Nails assorted sisrs.

    Boat Nail. Imn and Copper Tacks.Fairbanks' Grocer, Counter, Union and E. B. Scales.

    Shortly Expected per Garstang,Bent riateil Table Spoons, best Plated Tea Spoon.

    64S 6t Bert PUtcd Table Fork, Soup Ladle. Ac.

    Cheap ! Cheaper ! Cheapest !




    Largest and best Selected Stock


    .Merchants and Whalemen..




    Boots and Shoes, flats,


    Whalemen's Slops. Via

    We Coll the Attention of the Public atLarge, and particularly the



    Our Extremely Low Prices,



    f A"HYPAW BROS.,

    Capt. Snow's Ruilding, Merchant Street,648 HONOLI'Ltr. 3m On

    LK STANDS.4 FIVE ASSORTMENT OF HEAVY GLASSX. INKSlANbS, fmm$l l0 to $5 each. For sale byH. M. WHITNEY. K



    T"cBucLE?ZJ&t' mu rjjjp Ha waUaii Steamer "Kilanea"

    414 TONS PER REGISTER.With a3 her Eo-in- Dotlera, Buata, Tackle, Apparel and ia.parteeaDcra, aa abe a ill arriaa oa tbe ltth at Snrmbn Ktrtwciplctiot a taclre aaooiba cootract aiih tba llaaaiiao tiu.ernmet