fjf case studies

Future Jobs Fund Employees At Kent Enterprise Trust and Enterprising Opportunities

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Case study of Future Jobs Fund employees at Enterprising Opportunities


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Future Jobs Fund

Employees At Kent Enterprise Trust


Enterprising Opportunities

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Imagine this…after years of studying for a qualifications, under the belief that you are making yourself more

desirable to employers, then you find yourself completing them smack bang in the midst of a global


March 2009 saw the highest unemployment rate in the UK since 1997. During February 2009 the amount

of people receiving Job Seeker‟s Allowance reached 1.39 million.

After making the most of a brand new scheme called “Future Jobs Fund” over the past seven months, 26 18

-24 year olds living within the Canterbury/Herne Bay area have been employed for 6 months by

Enterprising Opportunities.

The scheme set out to create 170,000 additional jobs nationwide, a brilliant incentive to a youth nation

demoralised by lack of job opportunities in the current economic climate.

Yvette Cooper, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, stated “Never again must we lose a generation

to work.” However, employers want staff with work experience. Many students partake in retail and bar

work or waiting tables during their studies, or don‟t go on to study at all, but with such a demand for

relevant experience from prospective employers, the work place is a foreign and daunting place for most 18

-24 year olds.

Now that some of the employees‟ 6 month contracts have come to an end, how have they found the



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The Future Jobs Fund employees have now been working within Kent

Enterprise Trust for 6 months. Set up in the 1980s, Kent Enterprise Trust is a

Kent-wide charity with the mission to enable people to overcome individual challenges through training,

support and real opportunities. The Future Jobs Fund has really helped Kent Enterprise Trust with their

remit of work opportunities with jobs in community based projects and in office at Kent Enterprise House.

Kent Enterprise Trust currently runs two community based projects; Hambrook Marshes and Appleseed.

Kent Enterprise Trust

The Future Jobs Fund employees have now been working within

Enterprising Opportunities for 6 months. Enterprising Opportunities

is a Community Interest Company (CIC) and a social enterprise looking

to promote and create innovative ways to support and develop

organisations based in Kent.

We provide employment, work skills and training opportunities for disadvantaged people, taking pride in

the individual‟s needs. Services are provided at a local level to benefit the community and employers,

particularly in areas of deprivation and growth regeneration.

Enterprising Opportunities became a Community Interest Company in 2007 after complying with strict

regulations. Prior to this it had been delivering (with its charity partner Kent Enterprise Trust (KET))

social enterprise solutions since 1981.

The organisation owns, manages and supports Learn to . . . (a City and Guilds approved NVQ assessment

and training centre) and All Seasons (a domiciliary care provider).

The operating arms, Learn to … and All Seasons, enable Enterprising Opportunities to fulfill its

social remit by generating income that can then be donated to Kent Enterprise Trust.

Enterprising Opportunities

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When he was younger, Adam‟s dream job was to work with animals. Although

he is not directly working with animals at Hambrook Marshes, the strong

vision to restore the marshes‟ landscape to its natural condition, helping to

promote bio-diversity and animals‟ natural habitats, means his work is making a

real difference to the wildlife in and around Canterbury.

When Adam was asked what the hardest part of working here was, he laughed it off, stating “There hasn‟t

really been one. My day to day routine consists of working alongside project manager Graham Earl. We

have a great team of volunteers and employed staff who help us to erect fences and other structures, clear

rivers and the land to make way for plant growth. It is coming on leaps and bounds making Hambrook

Marshes 100% accessible to the public. Hambrook Marshes dream is for the site to be utilised for public

use.” This dream has come a long way since the employment of the Future Jobs Fund staff, in particular


Adam would like to thank everyone at Kent Enterprise Trust for their support, “I have come away with

great horticultural skills that I would never have gained if I hadn‟t worked on such a great conservation

project like Hambrook Marshes with the use of raw materials to build structures. My scientific knowledge

about how to assess areas such as this has also improved with ground-surveying and water-testing weekly

tasks taking place at the marshes. I really feel my time here has stood me in good stead in respect of looking

for further work and I am truly grateful to Kent Enterprise Trust and the Future Jobs Fund for this.”

Adam Roberts (Volunteer Officer)

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When he was younger, Sam had dreams of becoming an architect. However,

during the past 6 months of working at Kent Enterprise Trust (KET) his

aspirations have changed, “I now feel I would be great as a Caribbean barman”,

he laughed.

Working on the Haymaking day - a day of traditional farming, local trade stalls, and family fun at Hambrook

Marshes, was one of Sam‟s major projects. He found the build-up to the event hard work but on the day it

was one of his favourite memories of his time at KET. “It was a great relief to see it all come together on

the day. Something everyone appreciated and I enjoyed because I felt I played a key role.”

Working for the charity Sam has loved the people that he has met, and he “I am helping the community

rather than just helping an organisation to develop for personal gain.”

“The Future Jobs Fund scheme has boosted my confidence, whilst offering a financial safety net during times

of national debt and despair. My CV now has some substance and I feel that the experience I‟ve gained during the last 6 months has both motivated me and possibly opened up some future opportunities if I wish

to pursue them. Most importantly I can now wake up before 2pm, which is vital in surviving this dog-eat-

dog world.”

Sam says, “I would like to thank KET for the opportunity to learn some important skills required within

most businesses”, and feels he has improved his communication skills whilst in his placement.

Sam Vesey (Admin Assistant)

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Dorian Moore spent most of his teen years aspiring to be a pilot, “I spent time in

Air Cadets Squadron 2433. I was also in the Territorial Army part time. My

ambitions haven‟t died, I have become more grounded. Having such a diverse

group of companies within the building, my days are filled with out-of-the-ordinary

tasks and I am constantly busy.”

“I have learnt some great skills since working here; I was a complete novice with regards to administrative

work or manning a reception to such a large office, or any office, come to think of it.”

“I have really enjoyed my roles whilst working here such as, sales and marking, having the freedom to come

up with new ideas as to how to sell the conference rooms to organisations. Also speaking to people over

the phone, working in the front of house greeting people in the morning and just giving a helping hand to

every one in the office. This has been such a grate experience, I think I now know where I want to go in life,

only time will tell though.”

“The Future Jobs Fund has helped me financially. It has also given me some thing to wake up in the morning

for… giving me experience within an office environment. I would recommend this to any anyone seeking

employment whether or not they have experience.”

“I would like to thank Jo Corris for not throwing my application form in the bin.”

Dorian Moore (Admin Assistant)

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Whilst working at Kent Enterprise House as a facilities assistant, Sarah has gained

experience in working as part of a team, communication skills, cleaning, and

looking after conference facilities. This is a world away from Sarah‟s childhood

ambition of becoming a beautician. Although Sarah‟s dream job has not changed,

working at Kent Enterprise House has taught Sarah many different aspects of working in a team. “The skills

I have learnt here are invaluable and I believe they will benefit my professional life wherever that may be.”

Sarah has enjoyed rising to any challenge, “When the conference rooms are fully booked, that‟s when the

pressure is really on and it‟s quite hard, but all the staff are helpful, polite and always willing to help. It‟s

great having a team like that around you then.”

“There are so many reasons I like working here but mainly the people I work with make me love my job.”

“My manager Trevor is a really nice guy and you can always have a laugh with him, which is great when the

pressure is on. I would also like to thank Shaun Foad who is always there if I need help with anything.”

Sarah Capper (Facilities Assistant)

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“It‟s funny, I never really had a dream job when I was younger, but between the

ages of 5-10 I was fascinated by dustbin lorries. Since leaving secondary school I

was unsure of what I really wanted to do and I still have no fixed idea of what I

would like to do in the future. My day to day role is a variety of setting up

conference rooms, preparing and serving tea and coffee, as well a large range of maintenance jobs around

the building. Furthermore I support the cleaners if they require help.”

“Kent Enterprise House can be a manic place to work. Not only does it house Learn to … (a training

provider), All Seasons (a domiciliary care company), and Kent Enterprise Trust, but on days when there are

conferences on in every room, they all want tea and coffee at the same times and some wanted the room

layouts changed, it has been absolute chaos. It‟s a bustling working environment but as facilities assistant it‟s

my job not to let that show and make sure everything runs smoothly. That‟s no mean feat…believe me.”

“There are so many reasons why working here has been a great experience. Working within a social

enterprise and the third sector in comparison to profit making organizations does not seem to vary much at all in the sense of doing the job. However, knowing that you are not lining the pocket of a businessman but

rather giving back to the community is comforting and something to proud of. I will remember the

friendliness of the staff here. I have had some great and funny times, such as the several occasions that

Trevor was scared by the hand dryers coming on in the toilets when he did not expect them to and his

outbursts of singing.”

“The Future Jobs Fund has been important to me in a variety of areas. It has helped me gain my first job, it

has given me a large amount of experience as well as new skills such as customer service and being more

confident when talking to people. I have gained several new friends but for me the most important factor is

the financial backing which has allowed me to save some money each month to put towards getting my first

car, which hopefully I will have by Christmas or early in 2011.”

“My thanks would go to all the staff for making my time here a pleasant one, but especially to Trevor and

Samantha who were always there if I needed help or guidance as well as all the laughs they have given me.”

Shaun Foad (Facilities Assistant)

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When Peter was younger he dreamed of working in the film industry, “I

didn‟t care where, I just didn‟t want to end up in a boring office job.”

Since finishing his degree in Film Studies at Christ Church University his

aspirations have changed “I didn‟t want to move home after living away from my parents for 4 years, I needed a job that paid well enough to pay rent and bills. If I had got a job in

the film industry I would have had to start at a very low wage, I don‟t think I have let my dreams slip, I am

still working in a very creative job which is very important to me.”

Whilst working at Enterprising Opportunities his day to day role consists mainly of design work, writing

case studies, press releases and publishing the company‟s magazines. “My favourite memory whilst working

here is when I first started; the feeling of working full time and claiming my own independence after signing

on at the Job Centre for so long was very up-lifting.” However, it was a challenge for Peter as this is his first

full-time job and the only one he has had outside the retail industry. One of the hardest aspects that he has

had to deal with is having to juggle creativity with selling a product or service. “I love working with the

people here and the feeling that every effort I make isn‟t just to make a CEO richer. Everything we do is

for a social purpose.”

Peter has gained many skills in writing and designing whilst working at Enterprising Opportunities. “The

greatest skill I have gained is learning how an entire industry works. I have gained so much knowledge of

the third sector and social enterprise during my time here that I believe it will greatly further my career in

the future.”

“The Future Jobs Fund has helped me so much. Being un-employed is so demoralising, you feel worthless

and on top of that you‟re skint. I feel happy to get out of bed in the morning and work in such a creative


Peter would like to thank Rebecca Smith for being supportive, caring and believing in him enough to

encourage his creativity, and Sarah Goodman for making him smile every day even when the pressure is on.

“She is a brilliant member of our team and the driving force behind the marketing department.”

Peter Bennett (Marketing Assistant)

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When Owen, now 23, was younger, his dream job varied but generally it

revolved around working in music and film. Ideally looking to work as a

music video director or in any job that allowed him to express a degree

of creativity, Owens dream has taken a new direction. “Having never

worked in an office I now feel more comfortable in this sort of environment.” At Enterprising

Opportunities, Owen has taken on a variety of roles, from putting together marketing reports and

projections for potential growth of sales and business to new start up businesses like IT training. "The

hardest time working here has been cold calling as I do not enjoy this approach to sales. However, by

researching the data of previous customers and trends in booking, I now feel more confident in making

these calls as I have a better idea of the customer‟s profile and hopefully have a better rapport with the

customer.” Owen has had a lot of great times in the last 3 months, from general fun with the marketing

team, getting to work with an old university friend (Charles Facey) and meeting all the staff and newcomers.

“I love working here because there is a real drive in our department and passion for progression. The

people who work here are all friendly and there is space for creativity and different approaches to thinking across all levels of the business.” Owen feels he can take many new skills from his time at Enterprising

Opportunities, mainly the experience of working in an office and a renewed confidence after long term

unemployment following recession job losses. Owen enjoys working for a social enterprise as each of the

companies within Enterprising Opportunities “has its own values and staff but all are aiming for a common

goal. Any increase in profit has a directly positive effect on the local community as it goes into funding

projects for multiple groups of people. This community focus over corporate edge to the business gives a

real incentive to help the business succeed and grow.” Owen would like to thank all the staff who have

made him feel welcome here.

Owen Longuet (Sales Assistant)

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With literary admiration for authors such as George Orwell and J. G.

Ballard, Lilly Rigden had dreams of becoming a writer. As she has got

older her dream is still alive, but she realised that to earn a living she

may have to try something more “normal” first. “I used to want to work

in relatively easy jobs just to earn a living; money was my driving motivation, as I‟ve always been scared of

responsibility and challenges; but working here has made me realise that working towards something I‟ll

actually enjoy and benefit from would be a lot better. The confidence and self worth I have managed to gain

whilst working for Enterprising Opportunities has given me a real drive to try to get into either writing or

body piercing.”

“I am in charge of data entry and any other general tasks that pop up here and there. When I started here I

was scared of learning anything new. However, being seated amongst a creative team has given me the

confidence to give other things a go, and speak out and get involved in other tasks I am more interested in.”

“I had brief experiences in retail and telesales before I signed on at the Job Centre. There‟s more of a sense of “togetherness” here and none of that corporate gloom. Having been given the freedom to work in an

environment with less facts, figures and rigidity has really allowed me to blossom.”

“I would like to thank Bec and Sarah for being so surprisingly patient, encouraging me to do well and making

me realise that I can do anything I set my mind to. Also many thanks to Joe, Pete and Owen for helping me

to come out of my shell more and really allow me to grow as a person as well as an employee. Everyone

I‟ve met and spoken to has been just as lovely and deserve a big thank you too.”

“Whilst working here I have gained self-confidence and learned to strive for something more. I have had

such a great time here but just know administration work isn‟t for me. I‟m only 19 and know I will look back

on this as a fantastic learning curve for the rest of my life, and look forward to a future of punching holes

into people and writing about it in the style of the late great George Orwell.”

Lilly Rigden (CRM Assistant)

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James Smith is 19 years old and has now been working within

Enterprising Opportunities in the IT department for 6 months as a

Web Project Assistant.

Growing up, James always dreamt of being a full time DJ. “I can‟t think of a better way to make a living than

working with something you have such love and passion for, in my case, music. That would be an ultimate

driving force for me. My day to day role here is to run the IT helpdesk, and I also help with general IT jobs,

getting used to a new system and new software, but everyone is so easy to get along with here and you can

work at your own pace without being rushed and help is always offered when needed.”

“I have achieved some great personal skills whilst working here. My general IT support knowledge has

improved and my skills in speaking to other people have increased to a better level. I would like to thank

Paul Danvers, Jon Butterworth and Janice Squires for helping me get to where I am now.”

James Smith (Web Project Assistant)

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Hazel Ellis could stun any future employer with her wish list of job roles;

when she was younger she wanted to be a “racing driver, astronaut,

countryside ranger, graphics designer, chef, vet, scientist, camera lady,

photographer, author, ballerina and a pilot. Basically everything!” And her

job role here has taught her that may not be a totally unrealistic feat. “I didn‟t know for certain I would do

this job well. I came for the interview and hoped for the best, and now I have a great, varied job role. Since I

have worked for Enterprising Opportunities, I know that I can face any challenge head on and I will give it

my best effort to have the job done perfectly.”

“I have loved making the friends I have here. I get to talk to many different people on a day to day basis and

being a people person makes this a great aspect of my role. The greatest thing I have gained from working

here is my ability to organise and time-manage my work load and use different computer software.”

The Future Jobs Fund project has been important to me to be able to start off my career and gain

experience in a time when jobs are difficult to find. It has provided me with a good starting point for gaining knowledge and experience of the working environment and to start earning money so that I can be on

route to a time in the future when I can pay back my student loan.

“I would like to thank everybody who has helped me through these months, especially Elisabet and Cath

who have been great!”

Hazel Ellis (Personal Assistant)

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“Since I was 12 I have wanted to get into graphic design, I love

photography and working in Photoshop. My aspirations are growing

stronger by the day and this job has given me a great platform to work in

graphic/web design, with scope to learn more through the IT Support

side of the job. My day usually consists of IT support when the second-line helpdesk needs it, and working

on the redesign of the websites, which is really enhancing my corporate knowledge and IT skills.”

“Although getting to grips with a new Content Management System to develop the websites has been a

challenge for me, I am the sort of person who takes it in my stride. I am constantly looking to the future and

am looking forward to see how each of these challenges will benefit my future knowledge, career and life in


“I do find aspects of working for a social enterprise hard. It is obvious that they are more careful with what

they spend their money on. Some of the tools and software that I would be used to using aren‟t as readily

available because of financial restraints, but Enterprising Opportunities is concerned about social impact and the idea that everything we do here is for a social purpose, allowing things to seem more relaxed and


“The Future Jobs Fund has been important as it gave me an opportunity that allowed me to get a job which

I enjoy and also to now earn steady money.”

“I would really like to thank everybody who has made me feel welcome here from the get go.”

Kai Patel (IT Assistant)

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Troy is 20 years old and has now been working within Enterprising

Opportunities in the finance department for 6 months.

His dream since he was younger has been to become a deep sea diver and he still has a passion for this. Whilst at Enterprising Opportunities, Troy has been working with the finance team carrying out general

administration tasks and working with the accounting system. He has also been helping out at Hambrook

Marshes, a Kent Enterprise Trust project.

Troy found it very hard at the start of his contract. “Getting into the routine of office life was totally new to

me, even though I think working at Enterprising Opportunities is a lot more relaxed than at most other


Recently Troy has been joining the Kent Enterprise Trust team at Hambrook Marshes. “I‟m really enjoying

being at Hambrook Marshes with Kent Enterprise Trust. It‟s nice being outdoors and more hands-on as

that‟s what I enjoy doing, So far I‟ve learnt lots of new and different skills, from putting up fences to scything and making tent pegs out of pieces of wood. “

Troy Larkin (Finance Assistant)

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From the age of 15 Joe dreamed of working in marketing. “Before that I

wanted to be an architect but realised I couldn‟t stand heights and may

need to go up a ladder once in a while, and before that it was a doctor,

but I don‟t like needles!"

Since working as a Marketing Assistant for Enterprising Opportunities, Joe‟s aspirations have only

strengthened. “My feelings towards a career in marketing have become stronger and I now have my heart set

on it. Even the harder aspects of working here are great, such as preparing for events, exhibitions etc.

There is a lot of pressure to get stuff done in very little time, but it all pays off when its goes well.”

“There have been so many highlights during my six months here, but a personal favourite had to be winning

2nd place for Local Trade at the Herne Bay Carnival, as I had such fun designing and building the float, as well

as on the day. It was great to be there with our team. I love the people that I work with; everyone in the

office is so nice and helpful, it‟s a pleasure to work with them.”

“The only other office job I have had was with a charity in London, so it‟s very similar here with the small

budgets and trying to get discounts for everything. The private companies I have worked for seem a lot

stricter, with hundreds of rules, making it difficult to “think outside the box” in terms of marketing. I feel I

have a real creative free rein at times, which is very uplifting. I feel trusted, which I never expected after

being employed through a government scheme.”

“I would like to thank all the staff for making these six months enjoyable, especially Sarah Goodman for

really guiding me through the office policies and helping me understand the many businesses housed at Kent

Enterprise House.”

“The Future Jobs Fund has given me a lot more confidence in my work. I now have the money to enjoy my

weekends. Without the Future Jobs Fund I would not have been able to get into the industry that I work in,

as every employer asks for experience, which I did not have enough of. I think the greatest skill is from my

Skills For Life training which has improved my spelling and proof reading, meaning people can focus on the

look of a document instead of just looking for mistakes when reviewing it.”

Joe Nicell (Marketing Assistant)

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When Chris was younger his dream job was to become a footballer. Now working

within an office environment, he feels that he may want a 9-5 job but if he was

offered a footballer‟s wage he may be swayed!

“It was hard in the first few weeks of starting, having to learn everyone‟s names, all the policies and

procedures, as well as getting used to working in an office environment.” After that it got a lot easier for

Chris and he settled in well. He loves the people that he works with and really enjoys his job. He has gained

a lot of knowledge and skill whilst working for Learn to … and feels the skills gained with databases and

spreadsheets will serve him well in his future.

“Since my new responsibility with the routes into work courses, I have been tasked with organizing and

helping to prepare the paperwork needed for the courses, taking phone interviews and helping the trainers

with all the much needed admin work.”

“The Future Jobs Fund was very important for me, specifically that I got the job here. The work experience helps so that it will be easier for me to get a job in the future. The financial side of it also helps me out a lot.

And I am finding it more enjoyable to work with the people here too.”

“I would like to thank all the staff in Learn to … for showing me the ropes and making my job as fun as it


Chris Back (Administration Assistant)

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Kirsti Tappenden, with her love of animals, always dreamt of becoming a pet shop

owner. “My job role here at Learn to … couldn‟t be more different from my

childhood dream of owning a pet shop. My aspirations haven‟t changed but when I

started to work here I was adamant I wanted to work in the IT department. I‟m more willing now to

partake in administrative tasks over IT.”

“I presumed administration work would be tiresome. I wanted to get my hands dirty, if you like, and work

with the technology in the office. However the administration I have partaken in hasn‟t been easy or

mundane. There have been days when I‟ve been overrun with certificates to organise and send out. But it‟s all

part of the job, and it‟s so satisfying when hard tasks are completed. I have achieved so much personally

through the support of my peers. I used to hate making phone calls to people I didn‟t know, but it‟s second

nature to me now, and I believe my telephone manner has greatly improved.”

“Alongside my surprise at loving the administrative role, I am so grateful to have met and got along with

everyone who works here. That has to be my highlight of working here, my peers. I would like to thank everybody based at Kent Enterprise House for that.”

Kirsti Tappenden (Admin/IT Assistant)

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Nathan is 20 years old and has now been working within Enterprising

Opportunities at All Seasons for 6 months.

Nathan always dreamt of becoming a footballer or an electrical engineer and is still pursuing his dream. In

the mean time, he has been working at All Seasons with general administration tasks and answering phone

calls from clients and carers alike.

Nathan has learnt a lot during his time and he has gained vital skills in administration and customer services.

His favourite aspect of the job is the people he works with and he would like to thank everyone at

Enterprising Opportunities for making his time so far very enjoyable.

Nathan Amos (Office Administrator)

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Nicola aspired to be an air hostess or a singer when she was younger.

Even though this has not changed much recently, Nicola strives to reach

her full potential. “I just want to do the best I can, wherever I can.”

Nicola‟s day to day role is to answer the phone for All Seasons and deal with all queries from care staff out

in the field and clients. She also carries out general administration tasks. ”It can get quite stressful at times,

but it helps you to push yourself to be the best you can.”

Nicola hasn‟t got a favourite memory of working from the last 6 months as she feel she has too many to

choose from. “I love all the friends I have made whilst working at All Seasons and the rewarding feeling I get

from helping people.”

Many of the Future Jobs Fund employees have enjoyed the difference of working for a social enterprise.

Nicola says ; “Working for a social enterprise is a lot more rewarding as you are helping people.” She has

learnt a lot in her time at Enterprising Opportunities, most notably customer service. Nicola would like to

thank “everyone who has helped me get to where I am today, especially the All Seasons team.”

Nicola Port (Office Administrator)

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“As a child, I had a great interest in books and so I wanted to grow up

to be a librarian. As I grew older, my ambitions did change and the

„childhood dream‟ no longer seem suited to me. At the other end of

the spectrum, I have always had a great passion for computer games and still can imagine myself in that

industry of work; specifically level and character design.”

“My aspirations have not changed as such during my employment at All Seasons. My highest ambition has

always been and always will be to enjoy life and keep happy. However, I will not deny that my interest in the

care sector has heightened as I have grown to understand the work that is done. My day-to-day role

includes carrying out numerous tasks with various bits of paperwork, including care plans for clients and

confirming work from timesheets sent in by the carers. I am often asked to complete miscellaneous tasks

for my line manager and the care co-ordinators.”

“I would say the hardest times here have been the days where work piles up and deadlines draw very close

very quickly. There can often be a mad rush which can get stressful, but I do feel it just pushes me to work harder and faster with the same strong efficiency as if I was taking my time. I have numerous fond memories

of working in the All Seasons office, it would be difficult to pick just one in particular. Every day the team as

a whole has a giggle amongst ourselves and we each make the day fun and energetic between us all. The

aspect of working for All Seasons I love the most is the family-oriented environment. Every employee is

treated equally, and they have all made me personally feel extremely warm and welcome.”

“As this is my first job I cannot really comment on the difference between a social enterprise and a profit-

making organisation. However I can imagine that the employees working in the care sector in particular are

much more sensitive and caring than those who purely wish to „get rich quick‟.”

“I would give a huge thank you to all those within the various organisations in Kent Enterprise House who

really helped me settle in quickly, and soon make me feel a part of the family with their comforting and

encouraging words. I feel the greatest thing I have obtained personally while working here is my confidence. I

have certainly grown in that aspect and do believe in myself more now than before.”

Jodie Culver (Office Administrator)

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Since the first of the Future Jobs Funded employees started at Enterprising Opportunities and Kent Enterprise Trust, many have achieved great things in their professional lives. Five months since the first employees started, Enterprising Opportunities were able to offer many of the Future Jobs Funded employees permanent contracts due to their hard work and contribution to the company, making them invaluable. Jodie Culver and Nicola Port have retained their roles as Office Administrators for All Seasons, Chris Back will keep his role within Learn to … , Shaun Foad will keep his role within Kent Enterprise House and Hazel Ellis, Joe Nicell, Peter Bennett and Owen Longuet will continue their roles working for Enterprising Opportunities. Other members of the Future Jobs Fund who have progressed to other forms of employment include Sarah Hirst, a former Facilities Officer who is now working full time in a care home. Steven Aslett, who was working within our Finance department, has now progressed to becoming a HSBC Finance Advisor. Office Administrator for All Seasons, Nathan Amos, has recently left his role after being offered a position at an engineering company. Davit Rashion, former Sales Advisor, has progressed to a full time Sales position working for a car dealership. Charles Facey, worked in Kent Enterprise House as receptionist relocated to London. The Future Jobs Fund is a fund of around £1 billion to support the creation of jobs for long term

unemployed young people and others who face significant disadvantage in the labour market. The aim was

to provide work experience to a demographic struggling to progress in the working world. With the help of

Kent Enterprise Trust and Enterprising Opportunities we have helped twenty-six 18-24 year olds gain up to

six months work experience, been able to offer eight of these employees permanent contracts and help five

of them progress to further employment. This is definite proof of how the Future Jobs Fund and

Enterprising Opportunities, whose remit is to provide employment opportunities to disadvantaged groups,

has made a real difference to the lives of the 26 employees.

Has the Future Jobs Fund Worked?

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Having worked at Enterprising Opportunities CIC for 5 years I have gained a great understanding and

appreciation of the challenges the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors face, many of which

are financial. I am proud that Enterprising Opportunities, itself a social enterprise, donates 100% of its

surplus profit via gift aid to registered charity Kent Enterprise Trust. In the financial year 2009 - 2010 this

amounted to an impressive £45, 000 which will be used on various projects to enable people to overcome

individual challenges, through training, support and real opportunities.

In order to gift aid as much money as possible we have to be very conscious about how our money is

invested which has, in the past, led to constraints on employing additional staff. The Future Jobs Fund has

allowed us to combat this. With the Government paying minimum wage for each position, we could create

roles never before possible.

The Future Jobs Fund positions had to be additional, meaning they could not exist without this funding, this

really allowed our organisation to think outside of the box. We were able to asses which parts of the

business would benefit from new skills and expertise. At the beginning of 2010 the Office of the Third Sector performed a review of our service and recognised the need for more marketing skills specifically in

the light of the personalisation agenda in the care sector. The Future Jobs Fund allowed us to employ a new

dynamic workforce enabling us to tackle this new challenge, for example by analysing the market we work

in and working on the website to improve its visibility in searches.

The amount of quality work being produced within our organisation is phenomenal, I would like to say a

huge thank you for the work put in by all of the Future Jobs Fund employees. Enterprising Opportunities is

dedicated to providing employment, work skills and training opportunities for people looking to enter into

employment. I would strongly recommend any employer to make the most of this fabulous scheme. It has

enabled our organisation to grow and provided 26, 18-24 year olds either permanent positions or 6 months

experience, which is invaluable in this current working climate when jobs are not abundant.

Rebecca Smith - HR Development Manager

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For more information please contact:

Enterprising Opportunities

Tel: 01227 844 499

[email protected]

All Seasons

Tel:01227 265 899

[email protected]

Learn to …

Tel: 01227 844 449

[email protected]

Kent Enterprise Trust

Tel: 01227844 500

[email protected]

Kent Enterprise House

The Links

Herne Bay



Fax: 01227 200 120