fiware mexico workshop: learn about fiware, the open … · 2016-09-26 · programme of the...

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union Ciudad de México, 7 Septiembre, 2016 Yolanda Ursa FIWARE Mexico Workshop: Learn about FIWARE, the Open platform you should be in!

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Page 1: FIWARE Mexico Workshop: Learn about FIWARE, the Open … · 2016-09-26 · Programme of the European Union Upcoming events FIWARE Mexico Workshop - Learn about FIWARE, 7 Sept 2016,

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union

Ciudad de México, 7 Septiembre, 2016 Yolanda Ursa

FIWARE Mexico Workshop: Learn about FIWARE, the Open platform you should be in!

Page 2: FIWARE Mexico Workshop: Learn about FIWARE, the Open … · 2016-09-26 · Programme of the European Union Upcoming events FIWARE Mexico Workshop - Learn about FIWARE, 7 Sept 2016,

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union

FIWARE Mexico project •  Horizon 2020 CSA - Coordination & Support


•  Cooperation between Europe and Mexico

•  DG CONNECT - Unit E3 - Next-Generation Internet & CONACYT

•  2 years duration: starting date 1 September 2016

•  7 Partners from EU and Mexico


Page 3: FIWARE Mexico Workshop: Learn about FIWARE, the Open … · 2016-09-26 · Programme of the European Union Upcoming events FIWARE Mexico Workshop - Learn about FIWARE, 7 Sept 2016,

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union

What is FIWARE Mexico

•  FIWARE Mexico helps accelerate the market uptake of FIWARE technologies in Mexico. –  FIWARE Mexico allows developers, integrators, contributors

and end users benefit from a dynamic FIWARE innovation ecosystem in Mexico.

–  Users will be able to embrace FIWARE as a standard context information management and IoT platform, joining experimental activities on the FIWARE Lab.

–  FIWARE Mexico stimulates EU-Mexico cooperation in FIWARE.

–  FIWARE Mexico is the gateway to FIWARE in Latin America

Page 4: FIWARE Mexico Workshop: Learn about FIWARE, the Open … · 2016-09-26 · Programme of the European Union Upcoming events FIWARE Mexico Workshop - Learn about FIWARE, 7 Sept 2016,

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union

Our offering & Outcomes (1/2)

1  Training  plan  for  FIWARE  technology  engagement  

•  FIWARE  kow-­‐how  transfer  from  EU  to  Mexican  key  stakeholders  •  Network  of  400-­‐600  stakeholders  engaged  with  FIWARE  technology  in  Mexico  will  join  the  FIWARE  community,  including  trainers,  developers,  integrators  and  contributors  

2  Working  Groups  to  support  the  take-­‐up  of  FIWARE  in  Mexico    •  3  FIWARE  WGs  to  engage  with:  (1)  Industry  (2)  Research  and  EducaPon,  (3)  Users/smart  ciPes  (+30  experts)  

•  Input  Papers  and  recommendaPons  to  engage  with  FIWARE  •  Open  FIWARE  Camp  MX-­‐EU  

Page 5: FIWARE Mexico Workshop: Learn about FIWARE, the Open … · 2016-09-26 · Programme of the European Union Upcoming events FIWARE Mexico Workshop - Learn about FIWARE, 7 Sept 2016,

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union

Our offering & Outcomes (2/2)

3  Priority  seCng  for  cooperaDon  in  ICT  and  FIWARE  

•  ICT  PrioriPes  in  Mexico  for  R&I  cooperaPon  with  EU  •  Guidelines  for  ICT  roadmapping  (Input  to  EU-­‐Mexico  S&T  Dialogue)    •  Mexico-­‐EU  FIWARE  Roadmap  

4  FIWARE-­‐driven  synergies,  networking  and  joint  acDons,  built  on  FIWARE  iniDaDves  

•  Transfer  of  know-­‐how,  success  stories  and  lessons  learned,  networking  with  FIWARE  iniPaPves  in  LATAM,US  and  Canada.    

•  Good  pracPces  for  EU-­‐Mexico  collaboraPon  •  Joint  internaPonal  acPons  and  events  

Page 6: FIWARE Mexico Workshop: Learn about FIWARE, the Open … · 2016-09-26 · Programme of the European Union Upcoming events FIWARE Mexico Workshop - Learn about FIWARE, 7 Sept 2016,

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union

Our target groups/audience

•  Developers, Integrators and contributors (+600 in Mx) •  FIWARE Open Source Community (+ 5000) •  FIWARE and ICT industry (+1000 flagship industry) •  Research and education communities (+260 Uni in Mx) •  Potential sponsors and/or investors •  EU-Mexico dialogue’ decision makers in STI, and other

relevant ICT interlocutors •  End users, including Mexican smart cities stakeholders

and SMEs (+90 smart cities OASC) •  Standardization Bodies

Page 7: FIWARE Mexico Workshop: Learn about FIWARE, the Open … · 2016-09-26 · Programme of the European Union Upcoming events FIWARE Mexico Workshop - Learn about FIWARE, 7 Sept 2016,

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union

Upcoming events FIWARE Mexico Workshop - Learn about FIWARE, 7 Sept 2016, Mexico city. Organized by FIWARE Mexico and SmartSDK

Open FIWARE Camp MX-EU 2017, Co-located with Future Internet & FIWARE events

FIWARE Working Groups meetings in MX and EU

FIWARE Joint Events in MX and EU

Page 8: FIWARE Mexico Workshop: Learn about FIWARE, the Open … · 2016-09-26 · Programme of the European Union Upcoming events FIWARE Mexico Workshop - Learn about FIWARE, 7 Sept 2016,

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union


Yolanda Ursa [email protected]

Page 9: FIWARE Mexico Workshop: Learn about FIWARE, the Open … · 2016-09-26 · Programme of the European Union Upcoming events FIWARE Mexico Workshop - Learn about FIWARE, 7 Sept 2016,

Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union

Key benefits

•  Training programmes to developers, integrators, hardware and software contributors

•  Working Groups open to stakeholders from the industry, academia and government to engage with the FIWARE ecosystem

•  Open FIWARE Camp MX-EU •  ICT and FIWARE priority topics for EU-MX collaboration •  FIWARE success stories and know-how transfer •  Networking with FIWARE initiatives in Latin America and

North America