fission and properties of neutron-rich nuclei · proceedings of the third international conference...

Proceedings of the Third International Conference Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Sanibel Island, Florida, USA 3-9 November2002 edited by J H Hamilton Vanderbiit University, USA A V Ramayya Vanderbiit University, USA H K Carter Oak Ridge Associated Universities, USA UNIVERSI World Scientific NEW JERSEY LONDON SINGAPORE SHANGHAI HONGKONG TAIPEI BANGALORE

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Page 1: Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei · Proceedings of the Third International Conference Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Sanibel Island, Florida, USA 3-9 November2002

Proceedings of the Third International Conference

Fission and Properties ofNeutron-Rich NucleiSanibel Island, Florida, USA 3 - 9 November2002

edited by

J H HamiltonVanderbiit University, USA

A V RamayyaVanderbiit University, USA

H K CarterOak Ridge Associated Universities, USA


World ScientificN E W J E R S E Y • L O N D O N • S I N G A P O R E • S H A N G H A I • H O N G K O N G • T A I P E I • B A N G A L O R E

Page 2: Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei · Proceedings of the Third International Conference Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Sanibel Island, Florida, USA 3-9 November2002


Program Committee and Advisory Committee v

Preface vii

Nuclear Structure

Structure of Neutron-Rich Nuclei 3W. Nazarewicz and M. Pioszajczak

Structure of Neutron-Rich Nuclei in the 132Sn Region 14A. Covello. L. Coraggio, A. Gargano and N. Itaco

Isomer Spectroscopy of In-Flight Fission Fragments Near 132Sn at theGSI Fragment Separator 22

M. Hellstrom. M.N. Mineva, A. Blazhev, H.J. Boardman, J. Ekman,K. Gladnishki, H. Grawe, J. Gerl, R. Page, Z. Podolydk, D. Rudolph,the GSI-FRS Isomer Collaboration

Nuclear Structure Studies with ISOL Beams at the HRIBF 30C. Baktash

Anomalous Behavior of 2+ Excitations of Tellurium Isotopes AroundN=82 32

J. Terasaki, J. Engel, W. Nazarewicz and M. V. Stoitsov

Charge Radii and Nuclear Moments Around 132Sn 38F. Le Blanc. E. Cottereau, S. Essabaa, J. Obert, J. Oms, A. Ouchrif,B. Roussiere, J. Sauvage, D. Verney, L. Cabaret, J. Pinard, R. Horn,G. Huber, J. Lassen, J.E. Crawford, J.K.P. Lee, J. Genevey,G. Le Scornet, the ISOLDE Collaboration

Decay of High Spin Microsecond Isomers in ' 9In, l29Sn and130Sb Nuclei 47

7. Genevey. J.A. Pinston, H. Faust, A. Scherillo, G. Simpsonand I. Tsekhanovich

New Evidence for Neutron Magic Number N = 16 at Border Line 55Z. Dlouhv. D. Baiborodin, J. Mrdzek and G. Thiamovd

Probing the Halo Structure of Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei byIntermediate Energy Elastic Proton Scattering 63

P. Eselhof


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High-Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy with Fast Exotic Beams 73CM. Campbell, J.A. Church, D.-C. Dinca, 7*. Glasmacher.P.G. Hansen, H. Olliver, B. Perry, B.M. Sherrill, J.R. Terry,D. Bazin, J. Enders, A. Gade, Z. Hu, W.F. Mueller, P.D. Cottle,K. W. Kemper and L. Riley

Beta Decay Studies at the MSU/NSCL Coupled Cyclotron Facility 79P.F. Mantica

Ground-State Configuration of the Neutron-Rich n B e and 1 7 l 9 2 l 2 3 oNuclei Studied by Coulomb Breakup 87

R. Palit, T. Aumann. K. Boretzky, B. V. Carlson, D. Cortina,U.D. Pramanik, Th.W. Elze, H. Emling, H. Geissel, A. Grunschlofi,M. Hellstrom, S. Ilievski, N. Iwasa, K.L. Jones, L.H. Khiem, J.V. Kratz,R. Kulessa, Y. Leifels, A. Leistenschneider, E. Lubkiewicz, G. Miinzenberg,C. Nociforo, P. Reiter, C. Scheidenberger, H. Simon, K. Siimmerer,E. Wajda and W. Walus

Chirality of Rotating Nuclei 93V. Dimitrov and S. Frauendorf

Coupled-Cluster Theory for Nuclear Science 101D.J. Dean

HFB Calculations with High Energy Continuum Coupling: NuclearStructure at Neutron Dripline 109

A.S. Umar. V.E. Oberacker and E. Teran

Mass Table Mean-Field Calculations 117M.V. Stoitsov. W. Nazarewicz and J. Dobaczewski

Nano-Second Isomers in Neutron-Rich Nuclei around 68Ni 125T. Ishii. M. Asai, M. Matsuda, P. Kleinheinz, H. Long, J. Hori,A. Makishima, T. Kohno, M. Ogawa, K. Ogawa and H. Nakada

Neutron-Rich Nickel and Cobalt Nuclei — New Results fromFragmentation Studies 135

R. Grzvwacz. M. Sawicka, M. Pfiitzner, J.M. Daugas, H. Grawe,I. Matea, F. Becker, G. Belier, C.R. Bingham, R. Borcea,E. Bouchez, A. Buta, E. Dragulescu, G. Georgiev, J. Giovinazzo,F. Ibrahim, F. Hammache, P. Mayet, V. Meot, M. Lewitowicz,F. De Olivieira, F. Negoita, O. Perru, O. Roig, K.P. Rykaczewski,M.G. Saint-Laurent, J.E. Sauvestre, O. Sorlin, M. Stanoiu, I. Stefan,C. Stodel, C. Theisen and D. Verney

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Fission Fragment Orientation and y-Ray Emission Anisotropy 143P. Adrich, Yu.N. Kopatch, E. Lubkiewicz, H.J. Wollersheimand M. Mutterer

Is There a Shell Closure at N = 32? Spectroscopy of Neutron-RichNuclei Near 56Cr 151

D. Appelbe. R.A.E. Austin, C.W. Beausang, C.J. Barton,J.A. Cameron, M.A. Caprio, J.R. Cooper, C. Malsolmson,M.H. Muikku, J.R. Novak, J. Simpson, J.C. Waddington,D.D. Warner, F.R. Xu andN.V. Zarnfir

Study on Neutron-Rich Nuclei Near 132Sn from the SpontaneousFission on 252Cf 153

J.K. Hwang. A.V. Ramayya, J.H. Hamilton, Y.X. Luo, P.M. Gore,C.J. Beyer, X.Q. Zhang, J. Kormicki, J.O. Rasmussen, S.C. Wu,CM. Folden III, P. Fallon, P. Zielinski, K.E. Gregorich,A.O. Macchiavelli, I.-Y. Lee, T.N. Ginter, M.A. Stoyer, J.D. Cole,R. Donangelo, S.J. Asztalos, G.M. Ter-Akopian, Yu.Ts. Oganessian,A.V. Daniel, A. Covello, A. Gargano and S.C. Pancholi

Exotic Cluster Structure in Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei 159N. Itasaki. S. Hirose, T. Otsuka, S. Okabe and K. Ikeda

Nonlinear Aspects of Quadrupole Excitations in Nuclei withA = 100-170 167

K.A. Gridnev. V.G. Kartavenko and W. Greiner

Deformed Two-Center Shell Model 177R.A. Gherghescu. D.N. Poenaru and W. Greiner

Gamma Rays from Different Fission Sources 183W.R. Phillips

Collective Bands in Mo, Ru, and Pd Nuclei and Chiral Bands in 106Mo 191S.J. Zhu. J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, P.M. Gore, J.O. Rasmussen,E.F. Jones, J.K. Hwang, R.Q. Xu, L.Y. Yang, K. Li, Z. Jiang, Z. Zhang,S.D. Xiao, X.Q. Zhang, J. Kormicki, Y.X. Luo, L. Chaturvedi,W.C. Ma, J.D. Cole, M.W. Drigert, I.-Y. Lee, CM. Folden 111,P. Fallon, P. Zielinski, K.E. Gregorich, A.O. Macchiavelli,M.A. Stoyer, T.N. Ginter, G.M. Ter-Akopian, A.V. Daniel,Yu. Ts. Oganessian and R. Donangelo

Magnetic Moments and Lifetimes in Zr-Mo NucleiSmith (Contribution not received)

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Shape Coexistence, Shape Transitions, and Triaxial Deformation inNeutron-Rich A ~ 100 Nuclei Populated by Fusion-Fission Reactions 199

C.Y. Wu. H. Hua, D. Cline, A.B. Hayes, R. Teng, R.M. Clark,P. Fallon, A. Goergen, A.O. Macchiavelli and K. Vetter

Gamma-Ray Emission from Fission of Heavy Nuclei 207L. Krupa. G.N. Kniajeva, A.A. Bogatchev, G.M. Chubarian,0. Dorvaux, I.M. Itkis, M.G. Itkis, S. Khlebnikov, J. Kliman,N.A. Kondratiev, EM. Kozulin, V. Lyapin, T. Matema, W. Rubchenia,1. V. Pokrovsky, W. Trzaska, D. Vakhtin and V.M. Voskresenski

Structure Studies of Fission Products at IGISOL-Facility 215A. Jokinen. A. Nieminen, S. Rinta-Antila, Y. Wang, J. Aystoand P. Campbell

Decay of the Neutron Rich Nucleus ' 16Ag 221J.C. Batchelder. J.-C. Bilheux, C.R. Bingham, H.K. Carter, J.D. Cole,D. Fong, P.E. Garrett, R. Grzywacz, J.H. Hamilton, D.J. Hartley,J.K. Hwang, W. Krolas, D. Kulp, Y. Larochelle, A. Piechaczek,A.V. Ramayya, K.P. Rykaczewski, E.H. Spejewski, D.W. Stracener,M.N. Tantawy, J.A. Winger, J. Wood, E.F. Zganjar, A. Casares,D.C. RadfordandH. Wollnik

Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy for Neutron-Rich A = 160-170 Nuclei: Thep" Decay of 159Pm, 16°-'62Sm, 162Eu, 1M-166Gd, and 166"168Tb 227

M. Asai. S. Ichikawa, K. Tsukada, A. Osa, I. Nishinaka, Y. Nagame,Y. Kojma and M. Shibata

Qp Measurements of Neutron-Rich Rare Earth Nuclei Produced withProton Induced Fission of 238U 233

M. Shibata. O. Suematsu, K. Kawade, M. Asai, S. Ichikawa,Y. Nagame, A. Osa, K. Tsukada, Y. Kojima and A. Taniguchi

Population of Neutron-Rich Fission Fragments Following Heavy-IonFusion Reactions 239

J.A. Cizewski and N. Fotiades

Band Structures in Fission Fragments of Rhodium and Neighbors 244J.O. Rasmussen. J. Gilat, S.C. Wu, Y.X. Luo, J.K. Hwang,A.V. Ramayya, J.H. Hamilton, S.J. Zhu, R.Q. Xu andR. Donangelo

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Nuclear Structure of Neutron-Rich N=83 Isotones by ^ C f Fissionat Gammasphere 252

Y.X. Luo. J.O. Rasmussen, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya,J.K. Hwang, C.J. Beyer, S.J. Zhu, J. Kormicki, X.Q. Zhang,E.F. Jones, P.M. Gore, T.N. Ginter, I.-Y. Lee, K.E. Gregorich,A.O. Macchiavelli, G.M. Ter-Akopian, Yu.Ts. Oganessian,A.V. Daniel, M.A. Stoyer, S.J. Asztalos, J.D. Cole, R. Donangeloand S.C. Wu

A Study of Neutron-Rich Cl Isotopes by Using Deep-Inelastic Reactions 259X. Liang, R. Chapman. F. Haas, K.-M. Spohr, P. Bednarczyk,S.M. Campbell, P.J. Dagnall, M. Davison, G. De Angelis, G. Duchene,Th. Kroll, S. Lunardi, S. Naguleswaran and M.B. Smith

The Yrast Spectroscopy of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Produced inDeep-Inelastic Processes 266

J. Oilier. R. Chapman, X. Liang, M. Labiche, K.-M. Spohr,M. Davison, G. De Angelis, M. Axiotis, Th. Kroll, D.R. Napoli,T. Martinez, D. Bazzacco, E. Farnea, S. Lunardi andA.G. Smith

Unexpected Decrease in Moment of Inertia Between TV = 98-100• 162,164/-< j T7O

in ud 211E.F. Jones. J.H. Hamilton, P.M. Gore, A.V. Ramayya, J.K. Hwang,A.P. Delima, S.J. Zhu, C.J. Beyer, Y.X. Luo, J. Kormicki, X.Q. Zhang,W.C. Ma, J.O. Rasmussen, I.-Y. Lee, S.C. Wu, CM. Folden HI,P. Fallon, P. Zielinski, K.E. Gregorich, A.O. Macchiavelli,T.N. Ginter, M.A. Stoyer, J.D. Cole, R.V.F. Janssens, I. Ahmad,A.V. Daniel, G.M. Ter-Akopian, Yu.Ts. Oganessian, R. Donangeloand S.J. Asztalos

Calculated Groundstate Properties of Erbium Isotopes in Comparisonwith Measured 2+-States 278

T. Cornelius. J.A. Maruhn, W. Greiner, P. Fleischer, P.-G. Reinhard,T. Burvenich, M. Bender, S. Schramm and J.H. Hamilton

Observation of Unusually Neutron-Deficient Fission Fragments inHeavy-Ion-Induced Fusion Reactions 282

N. Fotiades. J.A. Cizewski, R. Krucken, D.P. McNabb, J.A. Becker,L.A. Bernstein, W. Younes, R.M. Clark, P. Fallon, I.-Y. Lee andA.O. Macchiavelli

Collective Nuclear Structure of Neutron Rich 104~108Mo 288J.B. Gupta

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Nanosecond Isomers in Neutron-Rich N ~ 19 Nuclei 295M. Asai. T. Ishii, A. Makishima, M. Ogawa and M. Matsuda

Nuclear Wave Functions for Spin and Pseudospin Partners 298P.J. Borvcki. J. Ginocchio, W. Nazarewicz and M. V. Stoitsov

Gamma Ray Spectroscopy of Nuclei Near N = Z Line 301L. Chaturvedi

Gamma Spectroscopy of 235U and 234mPa 306J.B. Patin. M.A. Stoyer, K.J. Moody, D.A. Shaughnessy, N.J. Stoyer,J.F. Wild, P.T. WooddyandE. Gutman

Level Structure of 141Ba and 139Xe and Level Systematics of N= 85Even-Odd Isotones 310

Y.X. Luo. J.O. Rasmussen, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya,J.K. Hwang, C.J. Beyer, S.J. Zhu, J. Kormicki, X.Q. Zhang,E.F. Jones, P.M. Gore, T.N. Ginter, I.-Y. Lee, K.E. Gregorich,A.O. Macchiavelli, G.M. Ter-Akopian, Yu.Ts. Oganessian,A.V. Daniel, M.A. Stoyer, S.J. Asztalos, J.D. Cole, R. Donangeloand S.C. Wu

High Spin Studies of Neutron-Rich 166Er 317M. Burns. R. Chapman, M. Labiche, X. Liang, J. Oilier,K.-M. Spohr, M. Axiotis, E. Farnea, T. Martinez, Th. Kroll,D.R. Napoli and C.A. Ur

Anomaly of the Moment of Inertia Expression for High Spin States 320J.B. Gupta

Nuclear Astrophysics

Astrophysics of Neutron Rich Nuclei 327M. Wiescher

Beta-Decay Studies of r-Process Nuclides in the 132Sn Region 337A. Wohr. W.B. Walters, K.-L. Kratz, O. Arndt, B.A. Brown,I. Dillmann, D. Fedorov, V. Fedoseyev, L. Fraile, P. Hoff,U. Koster, A.N. Ostrowski, B. Pfeiffer, H.L. Ravn, M.D. Seliverstov,D. Seweryniak, J. Shergur, B. Truett, the ISOLDE Collaboration

Weak r-Process Experiments with Fast Radioactive Beams 345H. Schatz. P. Hosmer, R.R.C. Clement, T. Elliot, A. Estrade,M. Goupell, P.F. Mantica, F. Montes, A.C. Morton, M. Ouellette,P. Santi, M. Steiner, A. Stolz, A. Wohr, W.B. Walters, K.-L. Kratz,B. Pfeiffer and P. Reeder

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r-Process Abundance Signatures 353J.J. Cowan and C. Sneden

The Single-Particle Structure of Neutron-Rich Nuclei of AstrophysicalInterest at the ORNL HRIBF 361

D. W. Bardavan. J.C. Batchelder, J.C. Blackmon, C.R. Brune,A.E. Champagne, J.A. Cizewski, T. Davinson, U. Greife,A.N. James, M. Johnson, R.L. Kozub, J.F. Liang, R.J. Livesay,Z. Ma, CD. Nesaraja, D.C. Radford, D. Shapiro, M.S. Smith,J.S. Thomas, P.J. Woods, E.F. Zganjar, the UNIRIB Collaboration

Open Questions in Stellar Helium Burning Studied with Real Photons 369M. Gai

Nuclear Data on Neutron-Rich Nuclei for Astrophysics 377M.S. Smith and R.A. Meyer

Fragmentation and Fission

The Structure of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Investigated Through Reactionsof High-Energy Beams 383

T. Aumann

Isomer Spectroscopy of Heavy Neutron-Rich Nuclei Produced inRelativistic Fragmentation 391

M. Pfutzner. P.H. Regan, Zs. Podolydk, P.M. Walker, J. Gerl,M. Hellstrom, P. Mayet, Ch. Schlegel, the GSI IsomerCollaboration

Reaction Mechanisms Involved in the Production of Neutron-Rich Isotopes 400J. Benlliure. K. Helariutta, K.-H. Schmidt andM.V. Ricciardi

Fragment Excitation and Kinetic Energies in Nuclear Fission 408H.R. Faust

Experimental Studies of Prompt Neutron and Photon Emission inIntermediate Energy Neutron-Induced Fission 418

T. Ethvignot. T. Granier, P. Casoli, R.O. Nelson, R.C. Haight,M. Devlin, R. Drosg, N. Fotiades, J.M. O'Donnell, W. Younes,P.E. Garrett and J.A. Becker

Search for Limits of Stability: 16Be 426T. Baumann, N. Frank, B.A. Luther, D.J. Morrissey, J.P. Seitz,B.M. Sherrill, M. Steiner, J. Stetson, A. Stolz, 1. Wiedenhoverand M. Thoennessen

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239Pu(N,F) at Resonance Energies and its Multi-Modal Interpretation 431F.-J. Hambsch. H. Box, I. Ruskov and L. Dematti

Fission Barrier Physics, Resonance Fluctuations and Isomer FissionCross-Sections 439

J.E. Lynn and A. C. Hayes

Yields of Fragment Pairs in Ternary Fission of 252Cf 448M. Jandel, J. Kliman, L. Krupa. M. Morhdc, J.H. Hamilton,J. Kormicki, A.V. Ramayya, J.K. Hwang, Y.X. Luo, D. Fong,P. Gore, G.M. Ter-Akopian, Yu.Ts. Oganessian, A.M. Rodin,A.S. Fomichev, G.S. Popeko, A.V. Daniel, J.O. Rasmussen,A.O. Macchiavelli, M.A. Stoyer, R. Donangelo and J.D. Cole

Hot Bimodal Ternary Fission in 252Cf 454D. Fong. M. Jandel, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, J.K. Hwang,P. Gore, J. Kormicki, Y.X. Luo, J. Kliman, L. Krupa, A. V. Daniel,A.S. Fomichev, G.S. Popeko, A.M. Rodin, G.M. Ter-Akopian,Yu.Ts. Oganessian, J.O. Rasmussen, A.O. Macchiavelli, I.-Y. Lee,M.A. Stoyer, R. Donangelo, J.D. Cole, W. Greiner and D.N. Poenaru

Investigation of Neutron Multiplicity Distributions in SeparateReaction Channels Using Gadolinium Loaded Large LiquidScintillation Counters 460

A.S. Vorobyev, A.B. Laptev, O.A. Shcherbakov, V.A. Kalinin,V.N. Dushin, V.A. Jakovlev, B.F. Petrov and F.-J. Hambsch

Fission Fragment Deformation and Dynamical Effects in SpontaneousFission of 252Cf and 248Cm 466

V.A. Kalinin. V.N. Dushin, B.F. Petrov, V.A. Yakovlev,A.S. Vorobyev, A.B. Laptev, O.A. Shcherbakov and F.-J. Hambsch

Metal Cluster Fission 472A.G. Lyalin, A.V. Solov'yov, W. Greiner and 0.1. Obolensky

New Behavior of Heavy-Ion Fusion Reactions at Extreme Sub-BarrierEnergies 480

C.L. Jiang. H. Esbensen, K.E. Rehm, B.B. Back, R.V.F. Janssens,J.A. Caggiano, P. Collon, J. Greene, A.M. Heinz, D.J. Henderson,I. Nishinaka, T. O. Pennington and D. Seweryniak

What Could We Learn from Parity Violating Effects in NeutronInduced Fission? 487

V. Gudkov

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Fission Modes Studied with Multi-Dimensional Langevin Equation 494T. Ichikawa. T. Asano, T. Wada, M. Ohta, S. Yamajiand H. Nakahara

The Fission Time Scale Measured with an Atomic Clock 502V.L. Kravchuk. H.W. Wilschut, M. Hunyadi, S. Kopecky, H. Lohner,A. Rogachevskiy, R.H. Siemssen and A. Krasznahorkay

Fission Studies on 238U (1 AGeV) + Pb 509T. Enqvist. J. Benlliure, F. Rejmund, K.-H. Schmidt, P. Armbruster,M. Bernas, C. Stephan, L. Tassan-Got, A. Boudard, R. Legrain andC. Volant

Neutron-Induced Fission of 233U, 238U, 232Th, 239Pu, 237Np, natPb and209Bi Relative to 235U in the Energy Range 1-200 MeV 515

O.A. Shcherbakov, A.B. Laptev. G.A. Petrov, A.S. Vorobyev,A.V. Fomichev, A.Y. Donets, A.V. Evdokimov, S.M. Soloviev,Y. V. Tuboltsev, T. Fukahori, A. Hasegawa and V.M. Maslov

Symmetric/Asymmetric Uranium Neutron-Induced Fission up to200 MeV 521

V.M. Maslov

Heavy Ion Radioactivities 527D.N. Poenaru. W. Greiner, R.A. Gherghescu, J.H. Hamiltonand A.V. Ramayya

Spontaneous Fission of 252Cf in the Light of Prompt Gamma Rays 535G.M. Ter-Akopian. J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, A.V. Daniel,G.S. Popeko, A.S. Fomichev, A.M. Rodin, Yu.Ts. Oganessian,J.D. Cole, J. Kormicki, J.K. Hwang, D. Fong, P. Gore,J.O. Rasmussen, A.O. Macchiavelli, I.-Y. Lee, M.A. Stoyer,W. Greiner, R. Donangelo, M. Jandel, L. Krupa and J. Kliman

Influence of the Excitation Energy on the Ternary Triton EmissionProbability of the 248Cm Fissioning System 543

O. Serot. C. Wagemans, J. Wagemans and P. Geltenbort

Theory of Binary and Ternary Cold Fission 552D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu. S. Misicu and W. Greiner

Semiclassical Approximations for the Breakup of Weakly Bound Nuclei 560R. Donangelo. L.F. Canto and H.D. Marta

First Direct Measurements of the 233Pa Fission Cross-Section up to8.5 MeV 567

F.-J. Hambsch. F. Tovesson, S. Oberstedt, A. Oberstedt,B. Fogelberg and E. Ramstrom

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Neutron Multiplicity, Spectra and Fission Cross Section Evaluationswithin the Multi-Modal Fission Model for 237Np(n,f) and 235U(n,f) 570

F.-J. Hambsch. S. Oberstedt, G. Vladuca and A. Tudora

Study of Compound Nuclei Produced in Low Energy NuclearReactions in Solids 573

G.H. Milev and H. Hora

Development of a 235mu Generator for Measurement of NeutronCross Sections 576

D.A. Shaughnessv. Y.M.X.M. Dardenne, J.M. Kenneally, C.A. Laue,K.J. Moody, J.B. Patin, M.A. Stoyer, N.J. Stoyer and J.F. Wild

Many-Phonon States as Doorway to Fission within the ComplexTrajectory Approach 580

F.F. Karpeshin

Ternary Fission of 252Cf: Identification of l0Be Clusters 5 81A.V. Daniel, G.M. Ter-Akopian, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya,J. Kormicki, G.S. Popeko, A.S. Fomichev, A.M. Rodin,Yu.Ts. Oganessian, J.D. Cole, J.K. Hwang, D. Fong, P. Gore,J.O. Rasmussen, A.O. Macchiavelli, I.-Y. Lee, M.A. Stoyer,W. Greiner, R. Donangelo, M. Jandel, L. Krupa and J. Kliman

Cold Deformed Valleys of Heavy and Superheavy Elements 587§. Misicu and W. Greiner

New Experimental Techniques and Directions

SASSYER: Current Status and Future Prospects 597C. W. Beausang

Cross-Section Measurements with the Radioactive IsotopeAccelerator (RIA) 604

M.A. Stoyer. K.J. Moody, J.F. Wild, J.B. Patin, D.A. Shaughnessy,N.J. Stoyer and L.J. Harris

Challenges of Fission Research at the Improved IGISOL Facility 611H. Penttild. T. Eronen, P. Dendooven, J. Hakala, W. Huang,J. Huikari, A. Jokinen, A. Kankainen, V.S. Kolhinen, S. Kopecky,A. Nieminen, A. Popov, S. Rinta-Antila, Y. Wang and J. Aysto

New Reactions for Determining y-Ray Linear Polarization Sensitivitieswith Compton Polarimeters 617

G.D. Jones

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Digital Signal Processing in Decay Studies 624K.P. Rykaczewski

The Fundamental Properties of the Neutron 630G. Greene

Induced Fission Studies: Experimental Capabilities, Data Correlations,and Applications 631

J.D. Cole. M.W. Drigert, R. Aryaeinejad, E.L. Reber, J.K. Jewell,J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, G.M. Ter-Akopian, Yu.Ts. Oganessian,A.V. Daniel, R.V.F. Janssens, I. WiedenhoverandR. Klann

First Experiments with Accelerated Radioactive Ion-Beams atREX-ISOLDE 639

J. Cederkall. F. Ames, U. Bergmann, V. Fedosseev, L. Fraile,U. Koster, T. Nilsson, T. Sieber, B. Wolf, F. Wenander, S. Emhofer,D. Habs, O. Kester, R. Von Hahn, M. Lauer, O. Niedermaier,H. Scheit, D. Schwalm, P. Van Duppen, M. Huyse, P. Mayet,J. Eberth, P. Reiter, N. Warr, D. Weisshaar, G. Schrieder, H. Simon,M. Pantea, REX-ISOLDE and MINIBALL Collaborations

Production of Neutron-Rich Nuclides at HRIBF 647E.H. Spejewski, J.C. Batchelder, H.K. Carter, J.-C. Bilheux,R. Grzywacz, D.J. Hartley, W. Krolas, Y. Larochelle, A. Piechaczek,K.P. Rykaczewski, D.W. Stracener and M.N. Tantawy

The Use of the Photofission of 238f/ for a Neutron-Rich Radioactive IonBeams Generation 650

O. Szb'llos and J. Kliman

Mass Measurements and Mass Formula

Precision Mass Measurements on Neutron-Rich Nuclei with thePenning Trap Mass Spectrometer ISOLTRAP 655

K. Blaum. F. Herfurth, A. Kellerbauer, D. Beck, H.-J. Kluge,C. Scheidenberger, D. Rodriguez, G. Sikler, C. Weber, G. Bollen,S. Schwarz, R-B. Moore and L. Schweikhard

Results from JYFLTRAP at IGISOL 663J. Szervpo. V.S. Kolhinen, T. Eronen, J. Hakala, A. Jokinen,S. Kopecky, A. Nieminen, S. Rinta-Antila and J. Aysto

Microscopic Mass Formulas and the Fission Barriers ofNeutron-Rich Nuclei 671

J.M. Pearson. M. Samyn, S. Goriely, A. Mamdouh and M. Rayet

Page 13: Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei · Proceedings of the Third International Conference Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Sanibel Island, Florida, USA 3-9 November2002

Realistic Fission Barrier Calculations within the SkyrmeHartree-Fock Theory 679

M. Samvn. S. Goriely and J.M. Pearson

Superheavy Nuclei

Exotic Clusters Composed of Matter and Antimatter 689W. Greiner and T. Biirvenich

Thermal Emission of Intermediate Mass Fragments and theLiquid-Vapor Phase Transition 702

L.G. Moretto. J.B. Elliott, L. Phair andG.J. Wozniak

Inhibition of Fusion by Quasi-Fission in Heavy Element Formation 712D.J. Hinde. M. Dasgupta and A. Mukherjee

Fusion-Fission for Superheavy Nuclei 720G.G. Adamian. N. V. Antonenko and W. Scheid

Study of Superheavy Elements at GSI — Recent Resultsand Perspectives 728

S. Hofmann

Superheavy Element Research at DGFRS 736Yu.Ts. Oganessian, V.K. Utvonkov. Yu.V. Lobanov, F.S.H. Abdullin,A.N. Polyakov, I.V. Shirokovsky, Yu.S. Tsyganov, G.G. Gulbekian,S.L Bogomolov, B.N. Gikal, A.N. Mezentsev, S. lliev, V.G. Subbotin,A.M. Sukhov, O. V. lvanov, G. V. Buklanov, A.A. Voinov, K. Subotic,M.G. Itkis, K.J. Moody, J.F. Wild, N.J. Stoyer, M.A. Stoyer,R.W. Lougheed, C.A. Laue, J.B. Patin and D.A. Shaughnessy

Production of Element 110 in the ^Pb^Ni .n ) Reaction 745T.N. Ginter. K.E. Gregorich, W. Loveland, DM Lee, U.W. Kirbach,R. Sudowe, CM. Folden III, J.B. Patin, N. Seward, P.A. Wilk,P.M. Zielinski, K. Aleklett, R. Eichler, H. Nitsche and D.C. Hoffman

Competition Between Fusion-Fission and Quasifission in Heavy-IonReactions Leading to Superheavy Elements 751

L. Krupa. A.A. Bogatchev, G. Giardina, F. Hanappe, l.M. Itkis,M.G. Itkis, M. Jandel, J. Kliman, G.N. Kniajeva, N.A. Kondratiev,I.V. Korzyukov, EM. Kozulin, T. Materna, Yu.Ts. Oganessian,I. V. Pokrovsky, V.A. Ponomarenko, E. V. Prokhorova, A. Ya. Rusanov,N. Rowley, L. Stuttge and V.M. Voskresenski

Page 14: Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei · Proceedings of the Third International Conference Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Sanibel Island, Florida, USA 3-9 November2002

Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities

Progress on the Concepts and Design of the Rare Isotope Accelerator 761D.F. Geesaman

Rare Isotope Research Capabilities at the NSCL Today and at RIA inthe Future 770

C.K. Gelbke

The GSI Future Facility: Beams of Ions and Antiprotons 780W.F. Henning

The SPIRAL II Project at GANIL 787M. Lewitowicz

The Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility, Present and Future 789J.R. Beene

ISAC at TRIUMF: Status and Future 799A.C. Shotter

Participant List 807

Author Index 817

Conference Photos 825