fisheries management plan 2007-2012

Fisheries Management Fisheries Management Plan 2007 Plan 2007 - - 2012 2012 Idaho Department of Fish and Game Idaho Department of Fish and Game

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Page 1: Fisheries Management Plan 2007-2012

Fisheries Management Fisheries Management Plan 2007Plan 2007--20122012

Idaho Department of Fish and Game Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Page 2: Fisheries Management Plan 2007-2012

Plan HistoryPlan History

19811981--1985 Plan1985 PlanSeparateSeparate anadromousanadromousplanplanEvolved from 5 to 6Evolved from 5 to 6--year year planplanAngler Opinion SurveyAngler Opinion Survey

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The ProcessThe Process

PublicPublic--AgencyAgency scopingscopingAngler Opinion SurveyAngler Opinion Survey

Commission Briefing Commission Briefing Commission approval for public reviewCommission approval for public review

Internal coordination Internal coordination DirectorDirector’’s Office briefings Office briefingSecond public review Second public review Commission action to approve Commission action to approve

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PublicPublic--Agency CommentsAgency Comments

3 months of public comment3 months of public commentReceived via email, IDFG website, letters, Received via email, IDFG website, letters, phone calls, opinion surveys, open houses, & phone calls, opinion surveys, open houses, & public meetingspublic meetingsReviewed by IDFG staff Reviewed by IDFG staff Make needed changes to PlanMake needed changes to PlanSummarize for Commission Summarize for Commission

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Purpose of PlanPurpose of Plan

Comprehensive plan for managing publicComprehensive plan for managing public’’s s fisheries resourcesfisheries resourcesMultiMulti--year work plan for staffyear work plan for staffEstablishes Department goals, objectives, and Establishes Department goals, objectives, and management direction management direction Other agencies, Tribes, and interested parties Other agencies, Tribes, and interested parties take notice of Departmenttake notice of Department’’s Plans Plan

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Strategic Plan (Compass)Strategic Plan (Compass)

Adopted by Commission in 2005Adopted by Commission in 2005Management plans must align with strategic planManagement plans must align with strategic plan20072007--2012 Fish Plan was first2012 Fish Plan was firstAdded complexityAdded complexity

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WhatWhat’’s In the Plan?s In the Plan?

Part 1Part 1 is statewide direction & management is statewide direction & management principles principles Issues and strategiesIssues and strategies2006 AOS results2006 AOS resultsManagement programsManagement programsPerformance measuresPerformance measures

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Performance MeasuresPerformance Measures

Compass directs us to measure progress towards Compass directs us to measure progress towards attaining goalsattaining goals20072007--2012 Plan contains measures2012 Plan contains measures……a first!a first!Makes us accountable to public, Commission, Makes us accountable to public, Commission, and elected officialsand elected officialsMonitoring and evaluation result in selfMonitoring and evaluation result in self--correction, performance improvement, & correction, performance improvement, & accountabilityaccountability

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Example Example

Program: Protect and restore fish habitatProgram: Protect and restore fish habitatMeasure: Restore 5 or more miles of stream Measure: Restore 5 or more miles of stream channel for nativechannel for native salmonidssalmonids annuallyannuallyMetric: Miles of stream restoredMetric: Miles of stream restoredEach region maintains recordsEach region maintains recordsAnnually compile statewide for reporting in Annually compile statewide for reporting in DirectionsDirections document which is provided to document which is provided to multiple stakeholdersmultiple stakeholders

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Example Example (from YCT Plan)(from YCT Plan)

Metric 1: Miles of stream Metric 1: Miles of stream occupied by genetically occupied by genetically pure YCT populationspure YCT populationsMetric 2: Number of Metric 2: Number of genetically pure YCT genetically pure YCT populations populations Documented by longDocumented by long--term monitoring term monitoring

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Plan Contents continuedPlan Contents continued

Part 2Part 2 represents drainage managementrepresents drainage managementDrainage description & overviewDrainage description & overviewObjectives and programs for each drainageObjectives and programs for each drainageManagement direction by species for ALL Management direction by species for ALL important water bodiesimportant water bodies

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Priest River Drainage Priest River Drainage

Objective: Restore native fish populations in Upper Objective: Restore native fish populations in Upper Priest LakePriest LakeProgram: Continue yearly removal of lake trout with gill Program: Continue yearly removal of lake trout with gill nets and other means to reduce lake trout numbersnets and other means to reduce lake trout numbers

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Payette River DrainagePayette River DrainageObjective: Monitor the yellow perch fishery recovery in Cascade Objective: Monitor the yellow perch fishery recovery in Cascade Reservoir.Reservoir.Program: Monitor yellow perch recruitment with otter trawl Program: Monitor yellow perch recruitment with otter trawl surveys,surveys, hydroacoustichydroacoustic surveys and creel catch ratessurveys and creel catch ratesProgram: Monitor northernProgram: Monitor northern pikeminnowpikeminnow abundance, size and abundance, size and age structure, with biage structure, with bi--annual gill net surveys and annualannual gill net surveys and annualhydroacoustichydroacoustic surveyssurveys

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Statewide ProgramsStatewide Programs Protect and Restore HabitatProtect and Restore Habitat

Most important program to publicMost important program to public

Increase involvement in habitat restoration Increase involvement in habitat restoration efforts and collaborate with othersefforts and collaborate with others

Have hired a number of regional habitat Have hired a number of regional habitat biologists across statebiologists across state

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Diverse AnglingDiverse Angling

Idaho anglers want diversityIdaho anglers want diversity

Support special regulations but want harvest Support special regulations but want harvest opportunityopportunity

Department will address this need by using a Department will address this need by using a mixture of regulations and species in a variety of mixture of regulations and species in a variety of settings settings

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Protect Native TroutProtect Native Trout

Maintain fishing opportunitiesMaintain fishing opportunities

Continue emphasis using special regulations, Continue emphasis using special regulations, habitat protection, & educationhabitat protection, & education

Increase restoration actionsIncrease restoration actions

Seek balance between native and sport fisheriesSeek balance between native and sport fisheries

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Recruiting/Retaining AnglersRecruiting/Retaining Anglers

Majority of anglers fished >20 years and 50 Majority of anglers fished >20 years and 50 years old years old New angler recruitment and lapse in adult New angler recruitment and lapse in adult participationparticipationContinue clinics, classroom educationContinue clinics, classroom educationWork with fishing clubs/organizations to Work with fishing clubs/organizations to address youth fishingaddress youth fishingMentoring Mentoring

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Species PlansSpecies Plans

Species plans in developmentSpecies plans in development

Establish goals, objectives, and strategiesEstablish goals, objectives, and strategies

Emphasize persistence, habitat restoration, & sport Emphasize persistence, habitat restoration, & sport fishingfishing

Reinforce Department ability to protect and manage Reinforce Department ability to protect and manage native speciesnative species

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Species Management PlansSpecies Management Plans

In FMP, IDFG committed to completing a In FMP, IDFG committed to completing a number of plans for individual subspecies and number of plans for individual subspecies and speciesspeciesCompleted YCT, BCT, white sturgeon, BLR Completed YCT, BCT, white sturgeon, BLR MWF, WCT in pressMWF, WCT in pressRedbandRedband trout, nontrout, non--game fishes, and alpine game fishes, and alpine lakes pendinglakes pendingPacific lamprey plan Pacific lamprey plan

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Management Plan for Conservation of Management Plan for Conservation of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in IdahoYellowstone Cutthroat Trout in Idaho

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YCT Management ActionsYCT Management Actions What IDFG Intends to DoWhat IDFG Intends to Do

Involves 3 IDFG regionsInvolves 3 IDFG regionsMaintain fishing opportunitiesMaintain fishing opportunitiesExpand range and persistenceExpand range and persistenceCollaborative & cooperative Collaborative & cooperative Involve private landowners Involve private landowners LongLong--term effortterm effort

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Management Plan for Management Plan for Conservation of Bonneville Conservation of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in IdahoCutthroat Trout in Idaho

Prepared by Idaho Department of Fish and Prepared by Idaho Department of Fish and Game and USDA Forest ServiceGame and USDA Forest Service

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BCT Management ActionsBCT Management Actions

Maintain fishing opportunities on BCT and Maintain fishing opportunities on BCT and other compatible speciesother compatible speciesExpand range; increase persistenceExpand range; increase persistenceIDFGIDFG--USFS will cooperate with others to USFS will cooperate with others to enhance habitatenhance habitatInvolve private landownersInvolve private landownersLongLong--term effortterm effort

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Management Plan for Conservation of Snake River White Sturgeon in Idaho

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White SturgeonWhite Sturgeon

Involves 6 regionsInvolves 6 regionsDue to fragmentation and lack of exchange, Due to fragmentation and lack of exchange, resigned to manage as 9 separate populationsresigned to manage as 9 separate populationsManagement objectives for each reachManagement objectives for each reachSupplementation of reproduction limited sitesSupplementation of reproduction limited sitesHighly collaborative with adjoining states, Idaho Highly collaborative with adjoining states, Idaho Power, and NezPower, and Nez PercePerce Tribe (WSTAC)Tribe (WSTAC)

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CoCo--Management of fish and Management of fish and wildlifewildlife

By statute (I.C. Section 36By statute (I.C. Section 36--103), all wildlife, including all 103), all wildlife, including all wild animals, wild birds, and fish, within the state of wild animals, wild birds, and fish, within the state of Idaho, is hereby declared to be the property of the state Idaho, is hereby declared to be the property of the state of Idaho. It shall be preserved, protected, perpetuated, of Idaho. It shall be preserved, protected, perpetuated, and managed. It shall only be captured or taken at such and managed. It shall only be captured or taken at such times or places, under such conditions, or by such times or places, under such conditions, or by such means, or in such manner, as will preserve, protect, and means, or in such manner, as will preserve, protect, and perpetuate such wildlife, and provide for the citizens of perpetuate such wildlife, and provide for the citizens of this state and, as by law permitted to others, continued this state and, as by law permitted to others, continued supplies of such wildlife for hunting, fishing and supplies of such wildlife for hunting, fishing and trapping.trapping.

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The State of Idaho does The State of Idaho does not recognize conot recognize co--

management of fish and management of fish and wildlife resources:wildlife resources:

However: However: •• Management is complex and our Management is complex and our

responsibilities overlap those of other state responsibilities overlap those of other state and federal agencies, tribal governments, and federal agencies, tribal governments, NGOs, private landowners, and business NGOs, private landowners, and business interests. interests.

•• This has increased the need to coordinate, This has increased the need to coordinate, collaborate, develop partnerships, AND in collaborate, develop partnerships, AND in some cases share responsibilities for fish and some cases share responsibilities for fish and wildlife management. wildlife management.

•• We have to consider a greater diversity of We have to consider a greater diversity of views and interests when making management views and interests when making management decisionsdecisions

•• We recognize the important role that tribal We recognize the important role that tribal government has in shared responsibility for government has in shared responsibility for protecting and perpetuating fish and wildlife protecting and perpetuating fish and wildlife resources as per treaty right or court decisionsresources as per treaty right or court decisions

Except Except by adjacent by adjacent state fish and wildlife state fish and wildlife agencies in boundary agencies in boundary waterswatersExceptExcept by FWS and by FWS and

NOAA with regards to NOAA with regards to federally listed speciesfederally listed species

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Relationship with Indian TribesRelationship with Indian Tribes

The State believes management The State believes management authority is theirs except under authority is theirs except under special circumstancesspecial circumstancesWe support collaborative and We support collaborative and creative partnerships that assist us creative partnerships that assist us in management decisionsin management decisionsWe have philosophical, cultural, We have philosophical, cultural, and scientific differences of and scientific differences of opinion but we generally figure out opinion but we generally figure out how to work together for the how to work together for the greater good greater good IDFG and Tribes work together IDFG and Tribes work together effectively in many venueseffectively in many venues

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Cooperation with TribesCooperation with Tribes

Salmon and steelhead population managementSalmon and steelhead population managementHabitat restorationHabitat restorationRecreational fishingRecreational fishingTechnical committeesTechnical committeesWhite sturgeonWhite sturgeon

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Endangered Species Act and State Endangered Species Act and State Management AuthorityManagement Authority

The ESA of 1973 most far reaching and powerful of The ESA of 1973 most far reaching and powerful of federal laws federal laws It poses challenges and opportunities for IDFGIt poses challenges and opportunities for IDFGLoss of state management authorityLoss of state management authorityFrustratingly process drivenFrustratingly process drivenRecovery is excruciatingly slowRecovery is excruciatingly slowPermits, reports, meetings, committees and agent statusPermits, reports, meetings, committees and agent statusTies the court system in knots and paralyzes agency Ties the court system in knots and paralyzes agency progress on important issuesprogress on important issues

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IDFG ViewsIDFG Views

Listings largely fueled and propelled by petitions and Listings largely fueled and propelled by petitions and litigationlitigationOur science is sometimes treated improperly or without Our science is sometimes treated improperly or without due deferencedue deferenceWe are best equipped technically, logistically, and We are best equipped technically, logistically, and personnel wise to effectively manage fish and wildlifepersonnel wise to effectively manage fish and wildlifeThe federal government is not generally viewed The federal government is not generally viewed favorably by hunters and anglersfavorably by hunters and anglersRecovery and reclassification is elusiveRecovery and reclassification is elusive

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Bull Trout ExampleBull Trout Example

Listed in 1998 despite IDFG evidence that they are plentifulListed in 1998 despite IDFG evidence that they are plentifulOur science was not considered robust enoughOur science was not considered robust enoughRecovery Plan efforts faltered and must be revisitedRecovery Plan efforts faltered and must be revisitedCritical habitat designation had to be reconsidered Critical habitat designation had to be reconsidered Reclassification effort faltered after IDFG and other agencies Reclassification effort faltered after IDFG and other agencies spent over a year working with FWSspent over a year working with FWSEfforts to recover BT populations and other native fishes are Efforts to recover BT populations and other native fishes are significant but money is tightsignificant but money is tightOur management staff are spread thinOur management staff are spread thinWe are not optimistic about collaborating on another recovery We are not optimistic about collaborating on another recovery planplan

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IDFG MotivationsIDFG Motivations

Avoid listings where scientifically defensible (WCT, Avoid listings where scientifically defensible (WCT, YCT, BCT, Big Lost MWF)YCT, BCT, Big Lost MWF)Fuels management/research to collect best scientific Fuels management/research to collect best scientific information for FWS/NOAAinformation for FWS/NOAAThe process is endless and frustrating with few rewardsThe process is endless and frustrating with few rewardsThe courts are the wrong place to make sound The courts are the wrong place to make sound management decisionsmanagement decisionsWe want to maintain our statutory authoritiesWe want to maintain our statutory authorities

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Thank youThank you

Good luck in your careers!Good luck in your careers!