first report of klebsiella pneumonia carbapenemase-producing ... · abdolaziz rastegar lari, leila...

Washington University School of Medicine Digital Commons@Becker Open Access Publications 2014 First report of Klebsiella pneumonia carbapenemase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burn patients in Iran: Phenotypic and genotypic methods Abdolaziz Rastegar Lari Iran University of Medical Sciences Leila Azimi Iran University of Medical Sciences Mohammad Rahbar MInistry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran Reza Alaghehbandan Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Mahboobeh Saarzadeh-Tabrizi Tehran University of Medical Sciences Follow this and additional works at: hp:// is Open Access Publication is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons@Becker. It has been accepted for inclusion in Open Access Publications by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Becker. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Lari, Abdolaziz Rastegar; Azimi, Leila; Rahbar, Mohammad; Alaghehbandan, Reza; and Saarzadeh-Tabrizi, Mahboobeh, ,"First report of Klebsiella pneumonia carbapenemase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burn patients in Iran: Phenotypic and genotypic methods." GMS Hygiene and Infection Control.9,1. Doc06. (2014). hp://

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    Open Access Publications


    First report of Klebsiella pneumoniacarbapenemase-producing Pseudomonasaeruginosa isolated from burn patients in Iran:Phenotypic and genotypic methodsAbdolaziz Rastegar LariIran University of Medical Sciences

    Leila AzimiIran University of Medical Sciences

    Mohammad RahbarMInistry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran

    Reza AlaghehbandanWashington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

    Mahboobeh Sattarzadeh-TabriziTehran University of Medical Sciences

    Follow this and additional works at:

    This Open Access Publication is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons@Becker. It has been accepted for inclusion in OpenAccess Publications by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Becker. For more information, please contact [email protected].

    Recommended CitationLari, Abdolaziz Rastegar; Azimi, Leila; Rahbar, Mohammad; Alaghehbandan, Reza; and Sattarzadeh-Tabrizi, Mahboobeh, ,"Firstreport of Klebsiella pneumonia carbapenemase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burn patients in Iran: Phenotypicand genotypic methods." GMS Hygiene and Infection Control.9,1. Doc06. (2014).[email protected]

  • First report of Klebsiella pneumonia carbapenemase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burnpatients in Iran: phenotypic and genotypic methods

    Erster Bericht über Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemase-bildendePseudomonas aeruginosa-Stämme, isoliert von Verbrennungspatientenim Iran: phenotypische und genotypische Methoden

    AbstractWound infection associated with carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonasaeruginosa in burn patients is a growing problem. One of the main

    Abdolaziz RastegarLari1,2

    mechanisms of resistance to carbapenem antibiotics is the ability ofLeila Azimi1,2P. aeruginosa to produce carbapenemase enzymes. Klebsiella pneumo-Mohammad Rahbar3nia carbapemenase (KPC) is an important type of carbapenemasewhich

    can hydrolyze carbapenem antibiotics. The Modified Hodge Test (MHT) Reza Alaghehbandan4and boronic acid as a KPC inhibitor are two phenotypic methods used


    for detection of carbapenemase. The sensitivity and specificity of thesetwo phenotypic tests for the identification of KPC can be measured byPCR.In this study, 241 P. aeruginosa strains were isolated from wounds ofhospitalized burn patients. Carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates

    1 Department of Microbiologyand Razi Drug Research

    were determined by the disk diffusion method. KPC-producing car- Center, Iran University ofbapenem-resistant strains were examined using the Modified Hodge Medical Sciences, Tehran,

    IranTest, followed by boronic acid. Further, strains with positive responsesto MHT and boronic acid tests were analyzed with the PCR molecular 2 Department of Microbiology,

    Tehran University of MedicalSciences, Tehran, Iran

    method. One hundred eighty-six of 241 isolates were resistant to car-bapenems and 75 were positive in the MHT. Three exhibited an at least5-mm diameter difference when meropenem was combined with 3 Department of Microbiology,

    Iranian Reference Healthboronic acid vs meropenem alone in the boronic acid test. Two strainshad a specific band with primer No.1 after gel electrophoresis. Laboratory, Ministry of HealthThis study showed that MHT, despite excellent sensitivity, has variablespecificity independent of bacterial species. Further, the use of KPC

    and Medical Education,Tehran, Iran

    inhibitors such as boronic acid did not yield favorable sensitivity and 4 Department of Pathology andImmunology, Washingtonspecificity among the specimens from Iranian patients. Thus, it seems

    that sequencing after PCR should be considered the gold standard forthe detection of KPC-producing P. aeruginosa.

    University School ofMedicine, Barnes JewishHospital, St. Louis, MO, USAKeywords: P. aeruginosa, KPC, boronic acid, Modified Hodge Test,

    blaKPC 5 Motahhari Burn Hospital,Tehran University of MedicalSciences, Tehran, IranZusammenfassung

    Wundinfektionen bei Verbrennungspatientenmit Carbapenem-resisten-tem Pseudomonas (P.) aeruginosa sind ein wachsendes Problem. Einerder hauptsächlichen Resistenzmechanismen gegen Carbapeneme istdie Fähigkeit von P. aeruginosa, Carbapenemase-Enzyme zu bilden.Klebsiella pneumonia Carbapenemase (KPC) ist eine wichtige Carbape-nemase, die Carbapeneme hydrolysieren kann. Der modifizierte Hodge-test (MHT) und Boronsäure als KPC-Inhibitor sind zwei phenotypischeMethoden zur Detektion der Carbapenemase. Die Sensitivität undSpezifität beider Tests zur KPC-Identifikation kannmittels PCR bestimmtwerden.

    1/5GMS Hygiene and Infection Control 2014, Vol. 9(1), ISSN 2196-5226

    Research ArticleOPEN ACCESS

  • In der Studie wurden 241 P. aeruginosa-Stämme von Wunden hospita-lisierter Verbrennungspatienten isoliert. Carbapenem-resistente P. ae-ruginosa-Isolate wurdenmittels Plättchendiffusionstest bestimmt. KPC-bildende Carbapenem-resistente StämmewurdenmittelsmodifiziertemHodgetest (MHT) und anschließendmit Boronsäure detektiert. Stämmemit positiver Reaktion wurden mittels PCR analysiert.168 Isolate waren resistent gegen Carbapenemeund 75waren imMHTpositiv. Drei Isolate exhibierten mindestens 5-mm Durchmesser alsDifferenz, wenn Meropenem mit Boronsäure kombiniert wurde vs Me-ropenemallein imBoronsäuretest. Zwei Stämmehatten eine spezifischeBande mit Primer Nr. 1 in der Gelelektrophorese.Die Studie zeigt, dass derMHT neben seiner hohen Sensitivität abhängigvon der Bakterienspecies eine unterschiedliche Spezifität aufweist.Ferner erhöht der Einsatz eines KPC-Inhibitors wie Boronsäure nichtdie Sensitivität und Spezifität bei den isolierten Stämmen. Daher scheintdie Sequenzierungmittels PCR der Goldstandard für die Detektion KPC-bildender P. aeruginosa-Stämme zu sein.

    Schlüsselwörter: P. aeruginosa, KPC, Boronsäure, modifizierterHodge-Test, blaKPC

    BackgroundResistance to carbapenems such as broad spectrumbetalactamantibiotics in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is anincreasing challenge wordwide [1], [2], [3]. A growing in-cidence of carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa is associ-ated with KPC production, especially in burn patients,and is an important concern in health-care systems [1].The importance of this resistance is due to the potentialfor resistance to all betalactam antibiotics in KPC-produc-ing microorganisms, which is one of the main choices fortreatment of wound infection [4], [5], [6], [7]. KPC-produ-cing bacteria are emerging in various countries and re-gions, such as Greece, Iran and Latin America [4], [8],[9]. Rapid and accurate detection of KPC-producing bac-teria is necessary for preventing the spread of the kpcgene, given that it is located in transferable genetic ele-ments (i.e. plasmids and transposons) [4], [5], [10]. Ac-cording to CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Insti-tute), MHT is one of the phenotypic methods of KPCconfirmation ([11], Supplemental Table 2A-S2); however,some studies suggest that MHT may not have a highspecificity for the identification of KPC and may onlyconfirm carbapebemaseenzymesbut not carbapenemasetypes. Nevertheless, most researchers believe that MHThas a high sensitivity rate [12].The use of boronic acid – a KPC inhibitor – is anotherphenotypic method for confirming KPC. Moreover, PCRfor the kpc gene is utilized for molecular detection of thisenzyme. The aim of this study was to evaluate these twophenotypic methods (MHT and boronic acid) for the de-tection of KPC by PCR as a molecular test.

    Materials and methods

    Bacterial strains

    In this study, 241 Pseudomonas spp. were isolated fromhospitalized burn patients in Motahari Hospital in Tehran,Iran. The species of bacteria were determined by specificbiochemical tests such as oxidase, TSI, and gelatinase.PCR was used to confirm identification of Pseudomonasaeruginosa strains using specific primers for oprI forbacteria genus and oprL for species [13]. Pseudomonasaeruginosa ATCC 27853 and Acinetobacter baumanniiATCC 19606 were used as the positive and negativecontrols, respectively.Antibiotic susceptibility testing was conducted againstcarbapenems (Imipenem, Meropenem and Ertapenem)using the disk diffusion method according to the CLSIrecommendation. ThemodifiedHodge test was performedfor carbapenem-resistant strains.

    Modified Hodge Test

    According to CLSI, MHT is one of the confirmatory testsfor phenotypic identification of the KPC enzyme. In thisstudy, MHT was performed according to the CLSI recom-mendation by using E. coli ATCC 25922. K. pneumoniaeATCC BAA-1705 – MHT-positive was used as a positivecontrol.

    Use of KPC inhibitor

    Using 400 µg 3-amino phenyl boronic acid (APBA) as aKPC inhibitor, per disk plus Meropenem vs Meropenemalone is another phenotypic method for confirming iden-tification of KPC. Strains with an increase of at least 5mmaroundMeropenemplus APBA vsMeropenemalonewere

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    Lari et al.: First report of Klebsiella pneumonia carbapenemase- ...

  • Table 1: Five different primer sequences used in this study

    Figure 1: PCR amplification fragments for detection of the kpc gene among Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolatesM: 1kb DNA size marker; lane 1–3 and 5–7: punctuation here is confusing negative strains; lane 4: negative control; lane 8 and

    10: positive strains.

    considered KPC-producing strains. On the other hand,the synergistic effect of Meropenem plus Oxacillin(750 µg/disc) was used to eliminate false positive re-sponses.

    PCR of the kpc gene

    PCR was used to confirm the kpc gene in MHT-positiveP. aeruginosa with 5 different specific primers (Table 1,Figure 1). PCR program was performed as follows. Initialdenaturation for each of the genes was performed at95°C for 5min and thereafter 30 cycles with denaturationat 95°C for 1min. The annealing temperatures consistedof blaKPC 64°C, blaKPCA 56°C, blaKPCB 56°C, blaKPCc60°C and blaKPCD55°C , the annealing timewas 1min.The extension time was 1 min at 72°C. The final exten-sion for all genes was done at 72°C for 5 min.

    ResultsIn this study, 241 strains were identified and confirmedas P. aeruginosa. One hundred eighty-six strains wereresistant to all tested carbapenems (Imipenem,Meropenem and Ertapenem). Seventy-five strains hadMHT-positive test results. A synergism effect betweenMeropenem and APBA was observed in 11 P. aeruginosastrains with positive MHT test results. On the other hand,only 3 strains had synergism with APBA alone and theremaining 8 strains had synergism with Oxacillin simul-taneously. Further, PCR with different specific primersshowed specific bands after gel electrophoresis in onlytwoMHT-positive strains with primer No. 1. The proportionof positive results frommolecular testing of carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa is 0.01 (1.07%). One of two strainshad a synergistic effect with APBA.

    3/5GMS Hygiene and Infection Control 2014, Vol. 9(1), ISSN 2196-5226

    Lari et al.: First report of Klebsiella pneumonia carbapenemase- ...

  • DiscussionResistance to carbapenems in P. aeruginosa is a growingproblem worldwide [1], [2], [3]. Resistance to car-bapenems associated with KPC production is an alarmingproblem for health care systems [1], because the kpcgene can transfer between P. aeruginosa strains or evenfrom P. aeruginosa to enterobacteria [4], [5]. In addition,KPC-producing carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosastrains have potential resistance to all betalactam anti-biotics except Azthronam [5], [6]. This can cause complic-ations in the treatment of infections related to KPC-pro-ducing bacteria.Our findings showed thatMHT had an excellent sensitivity(100%) but low specificity (2.6%) for the detection of KPCamong Iranian bacterial specimens.We suggest thatMHTcan be used as a primary screening test, since only twoout of 75 MHT-positive strains were confirmed by PCR.In Argentina, sensitivity and specificity of MHT for car-bapenemase-producing P. aeruginosa were reported tobe 78% and 57%, respectively [14], [15]. However, theuse of inhibitor boronic acid led to a significant increaseof 97% in sensitivity and specificity [14]. Despite highsensitivity, MHT can have variable specificity due to dif-ferent incidences of carbapenemase in different geograph-ical areas (57%–≥90%) [12], [14], [15]. For instance, inColombia in 2007, three KPC-producing P. aeruginosastrains were identified [16], and in 2009, one KPC-pro-ducing P. aeruginosa strains was isolated [17]. A studyconducted in the USA in 2009 reported one KPC-produc-ing P. putida strain and one E. cloacae strain from onepatient, where MHT was positive for both [18]. Addition-ally, in 2010, one KPC-producing P. aeruginosa strainwas isolated in the USA [2]. Despite global emergence ofKPC-producing strains of P. aeruginosa, it still uncommonand is thought to be sporadic (yet its rapid detection isnecessary) [2], [16], [17], [18]. In our study, two KPC-producing P. aeruginosa strains were identified, which isthe first report from Iran to the best of our knowledge.On the other hand, the results of this study confirmedthat only one of three strains with positive result in com-bination diskmethod (meropenem plus APBA) confirmedby PCR as a KPC producer.These findings indicate that the sensitivity and specificityof inhibitory test (use of boronic acid) could not be ex-plained by our results. This is despite the fact that falsepositive results were eliminated using Oxacillin plusMeropenem in our methodology. Thus, our findings maysuggest that MHT, despite its excellent sensitivity, hasvariable specificity dependent of species of isolatedbacteria and also depending on different geographicalareas. Also, the use of a KPC inhibitor such as boronicacid may not lead to a reasonably high sensitivity andspecificity among Iranian bacterial specimens. Therefore,PCR should be considered as the gold standard for thedetection of KPC-producing P. aeruginosa for the timebeing.


    Competing interests

    The authors declare that they have no competing in-terests.


    This study was supported by a grant (M/T 91-01-134-17129) from Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran.

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    Corresponding author:Abdolaziz Rastegar Lari, PhDDepartment of Microbiology and Razi Drug ResearchCenter, Iran University of Medical Sciences, P.O. Box14515-717, Tehran, Iran, Phone/Fax: +98 21 8670 [email protected]

    Please cite asLari AR, Azimi L, Rahbar M, Alaghehbandan R, Sattarzadeh-Tabrizi M.First report of Klebsiella pneumonia carbapenemase-producingPseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burn patients in Iran:phenotypic and genotypic methods. GMS Hyg Infect Control.2014;9(1):Doc06.DOI: 10.3205/dgkh000226, URN: urn:nbn:de:0183-dgkh0002269

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    Published: 2014-03-07

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    5/5GMS Hygiene and Infection Control 2014, Vol. 9(1), ISSN 2196-5226

    Lari et al.: First report of Klebsiella pneumonia carbapenemase- ...

    Washington University School of MedicineDigital Commons@Becker2014

    First report of Klebsiella pneumonia carbapenemase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burn patients in Iran: Phenotypic and genotypic methodsAbdolaziz Rastegar LariLeila AzimiMohammad RahbarReza AlaghehbandanMahboobeh Sattarzadeh-TabriziRecommended Citation