first christian church of fullerton 2013 advent devotional

Fullerton First Christian Church Advent Devotional 2013

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Fullerton First

Christian Church




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Each year our church family and friends at First Christian Church Fullerton bare our

seasonal souls, in that we retell each other the ancient story of how the prophets foretold

the great event when Jesus was born. No two stories are the same; no one tells ourwriters what they should say. Some use very old traditional religious language, while

others seek to tell the story to modern ears in new words.

This year our family telling the story has grown in an important way we celebrate. We

welcome among our writers many of those in our partner in ministry, the congregation of

Casa de Oración de Fullerton. Their faithful witness is printed in English and Spanish.

This helps us tell our story to our Spanish-speaking friends and neighbors. We can makeChristmas/Advent gifts of this booklet by contacting the church office for an electronic

copy or another hard copy.

We also welcome a new page designer this year, Janelle Vannoy. Like the other

storytellers, she has contributed her own sense of visualizing what she hears us saying in

our stories. With a blend of traditional and modern art work, she has graced these pages

with images to stimulate our imagination.

In acknowledging new voices and gifts, we should also note the last year for one of our

main contributors. Since the first year we published this Advent booklet in 2009, ourSenior Pastor, Rev. Darrell McGowan, has written the first day and sometimes the

Christmas day devotion. With his transition to other ways to serve, he will be missed as

the anchor of that first page. We bless him for inspiring us with a steady and clear witness

to the Christ child's birth.

On each Sunday's page, you will find a brief candle lighting service to use at home. If

you do not already have a favorite Advent wreath, make one out of some simple foammaterial you decorate. Add three purple candles and one pink one if you are being

traditional, and then place a white one in the center to be lit on Christmas Eve. This

year's candle lighting readings and prayers were adapted with permission from the

copyrighted material of a retired pastor who continues to write new hymns, F. Richard

"Dick" Garland of Rhode Island.

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Advent itself, the four weeks of the Church's rehearsing the coming of the Christ, thesedays seems rather dated and barely recognizable outside our "enclave of the faithful"; yet

we at FCC say "the church has left the building." Therefore, let us resolve not to dismiss

our distinctive message of the true hope of a world in need of real Light, nor to dilute it

into words only common to the street talk of our time. Let us rather work all the harderto find new ways and words understandable outside our walls, words which retain the

original life-changing power to transform what we by ourselves are at a loss to change.

We used to say "Christ for the world," with an exclusive air of near superiority. That isn't

necessary nor true to the One born at Christmas. We need to hear and learn the ways of

our Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, and other friends in God's creation. But when we shareour own story, we don't need to pare that story of the Christ down to a non-offensive

lowest common denominator of generalized love and peace. Telling our story as though

it's identical with what others mean by love and peace makes it popular but ineffective.And in a very short time in the future, that will sound so uneventful that we'll be telling

our story only to ourselves, with no one new caring to listen! Leaving the building is finefor "taking i t  to the street and living it  in the streets" as a people in mission. We just

need to be sure what the "i t " is we're talking out.

Meditate on these daily readings and prayers as we rediscover the Christ this Christmas.

Many thanks to those sharing their faithful stories with us herein!

Barry Woodbridge, editor

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Home Candle Lighting for the First Sunday in Advent

Reader 1: "In days to come the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established as the highest of

the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; all the nations shall stream to it." (Isa. 2:2)

Reader 2: The one who is coming will bring a new order to life, and teach us the way of peace.

All: We light this candle, trusting that Immanuel will surely come.

(Light the first candle, the candle of hope.)

All: We pray, "In this light we will await the coming of the Lord. Amen."

(Optional hymn "O Come, O Come Emmanuel," verse 1 No. 119 in the Chalice Hymnal.)

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Home Candle Lighting for the Second Sunday in Advent

Reader 1: "A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his

roots. The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit

of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord." (Isa. 11:1)

Reader 2: We relight the first candle to remind us that our hope is in the Lord's anointed one

coming at Christmas. 

(Relight the first candle of hope.)

Reader 1: Today, we now light the candle of peace.

(Light the second candle.)

All: We pray with gratitude for your presence, O God. We will prepare to welcome a new birth

of your Spirit. Amen.

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Home Candle Lighting for the Third Sunday in Advent

Reader 1: "And Mary said, 'My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,

for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations

will call me blessed." (Luke 1:46-48)

Reader 2: The Mighty One has done great things: holy is the name of the Lord.

(Relight the first two candles.)

All: We light a third candle to show the Holy Way of God.

(Light the third candle, that of joy.)

All: We pray, Lord we will walk faithfully in the way of joy and gladness. Amen.

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Home Candle Lighting for the Fourth Sunday in Advent

Reader 1: "Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had

been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from theHoly Spirit." (Matt. 1:18)

Reader 2: The Holy Spirit has come to fulfill what has been promised by the prophets.

A child will be born whose name will be Jesus.

(Relight the first three candles.)

All: We see the light of God dawning over the land. We light a fourth candle in anticipation of


(Light the fourth candle, the candle of love.)

All: We pray that we will prepare room for the Light of lights, even Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Home Candle Lighting for Christmas Eve

Reader 1: "But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid; for see -- I am bringing you good news

of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is theMessiah, the Lord.' "

(Luke 2:10-11)

Reader 2: Tonight, we relight all four of our Advent candles.

(Relight the four candles.)

All: On this night of nights Immanuel is born, full of grace and truth. In the company of a

heavenly host, we are offered an opportunity to join the celebration. We now light the Christ


(Light the center Christ candle.)

All: Together we pray:

We have now waited in the light of hope for the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Glory to God in the highest! Amen.

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Dec 1 –  Darrell McGowan –  Jeremiah 33: 14-16

 Jeremiah 33:14 The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfill the

 promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. 15 In those days and at that

time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David; and he shall execute justiceand righteousness in the land. 16 In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will

live in safety. And this is the name by which it will be called: ‘The Lord is our


 Jeremiah’s message to a people who thirst for a divine word is simple:

God keeps the promises God makes. Jeremiah shares with God’s people that God

will fulfill the twin divine promises of justice and righteousness by raising up a

righteous Branch in David’s lineage. This righteous descendent of David, says

God through Jeremiah, will be God’s means of executing justice and

righteousness in the land.

Christians would later come to see Jeremiah’s prophetic words fulfilled in

the birth, life, and actions of Jesus. While Jesus surely was and is a fulfillment of

God’s promises, perhaps we should see Jesus in much the same way Jesus saw

himself—as one such fulfillment, not the one and only fulfillment of God’spromises.

 Jesus, like Jeremiah, knew God to be one who always and continually 

provides justice and righteousness through the ones who surrender their lives to

the One whom Jesus called Abba. Followers of Jesus are called to do what Jesus

did and to do even greater things than these. (John 14:12)

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Dec. 1 –  Darrell McGowan –  Jeremiah 33: 14-16 (Cont.)

The early church quickly articulated the idea that followers of Jesus are the body

of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27). We are the ongoing fulfillment of God’s promised

 justice and righteousness. When people come into our presence, they should

never experience judgment or condemnation, but the embodiment of justice and

righteousness, so they recognize in us what they need and want. We bring the

fulfillment of God’s promises not in empty words, but in loving, compassionate,

healing action, as did the One whom we call Master and Lord.

Gracious and loving God, help us to surrender our lives to you so we may

experience freedom from our endless desires, joy in the knowledge of your steadfast love,

and an abiding trust in your constant fulfillment of your promises in and through us.

 May we decrease so you might increase. Amen.

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Dec. 2 –  Luiz Orosco –  Luke 21: 25-36

In the year 2000, I didn't yet know of the Lord, but to hear that the world

was going to end scared me. I was a teenager and did not understand that

everything was going end; it filled me with panic.People invested so much time and money to discover when and how all

this would occur, but the truth is that the Bible does not teach it specifically; it

does speak about many things that will occur. We are living in very difficult and

strange times, just by looking at the news we realize everything that goes on in

the world.

V.25/32 talks a bit about this. We can realize much of what is happening

and why. Although Jesus speaks these verses prophetically that have not yet

happened, we can realize many of them that we are living right now.

In regard to His coming in v.27, I believe that it is delayed with the

intention that you, me, and all those around can reach the knowledge of His

Word through our testimonies and preaching of His Word. If the world would

have ended in 2000, as many people said it would, I would not have had the

opportunity to share this with you; but something more important is the


V33. What a beautiful promise our Lord makes, in which we can be at

peace and be confident that whatever happens: His Word is eternal for those

who fear Him.

V34/36 (GWT) God entrusts to us to be responsible for our actions and for

us to be prudent, so when we are called to His presence we can come clean

before Him.

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Dec. 2 –  Luiz Orosco –  Luke 21: 25-36 (Cont.)

We are close to the end of this year if God permits us. As many of us are

accustomed to start the year with new plans and goals, I would like to end with a

prayer to ask God for His guidance in our lives and whether He returns soon ordecades later, His favor may be with us.

Father, I want to thank You for letting us live until today. I ask that You may

have compassion and mercy on us and on those who do not yet know You. Save them

Lord, as You have done with me. Strengthen the weaknesses in our lives. We leave this

coming year in Your hands; that in our plans and goals You may be working, according

to Your will. In the name of Your Son Jesus, Amen.

En el año 2000 aún yo no conocía del Señor, pero al escuchar que el

mundo se iba a acabar me daba miedo, yo era un adolescente y no comprendía

muy bien el echo de que todo se terminaría y eso me llenaba de pánico.

La gente invierte mucho tiempo y dinero en poder descubrir cuando y

como todo esto ha de ocurrir, pero la verdad es qué la Biblia no lo enseña con

exactitud pero si nos habla de muchas cosas qué han de suceder. Estamos

viviendo tiempos muy difíciles y extraños, nada mas basta con mirar los

noticieros para darnos cuenta de todo lo que acontece en el mundo.

V.25/32 Nos habla un poco acerca de esto. Podemos darnos cuenta de

mucho de lo que esta ocurriendo y porque es que ocurren esta cosas.

Aun que en estos versos Jesús habla de manera profética que aun no se a

cumplido podemos darnos cuenta de muchas cosas que estamos viviendo hoy.

En cuanto a su venida en vv.27, yo pienso que retrasa su venida con el propósito

de que tu, yo, y todos los

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Dec. 2 –  Luiz Orosco –  Luke 21: 25-36 (Cont.)

que nos rodean puedan llegar al conocimiento de su palabra a través de nuestro

testimonio y predicación de su palabra. Si hubiese sucedido como mucha gente

lo decía que en el año 2000 todo se terminaría, yo no hubiera tenido la

oportunidad de compartir contigo esto; pero algo mas importante que eso es la


1 Timoteo 2:4

V.33 Que hermosa promesa nos hace nuestro Señor en la cual podemos

descansar y estar confiados de que pase lo que pase, su palabra es eterna para

con los que le temen.

V.34/36(Version DHH) Dios nos encomienda que seamos responsables

por nuestras acciones y que seamos prudentes, así cuando seamos llamados a su

presencia podamos presentarnos limpios delante de el.

Estamos cerca de terminar este año si Dios nos lo permite. Como muchos

acostumbramos a empezar el año con nuevos planes y metas, me gustaría

terminar con una oración para pedirle a Dios su dirección en nuestra vida y sea

que el regrese o tarde decadas su favor sea con nosotros.

Padre te doy las gracias por permitirnos llegar hasta el día de hoy . Te pido que

tengas compasión y misericordia para nosotros y los que aun no te han conocido. Sálvalos

Señor como lo has echo conmigo. Fortalécenos en nuestra debilidades y en ti ponemos el

 próximo año. Que todos nuestros planes y metas seas tu obrando en ellas de acuerdo a tu

voluntad; en el nombré de tu hijo Jesús, Amén.

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Dec. 3 –  Scott Richmond –  Isaiah 2: 1-5

Advent is coming. It is a time for preparation, not just for Christmas but

for Jesus, too. We celebrate the memory of Jesus’ birth but also the realization

that he will be coming again. In today’s reading, Isaiah has a vision of the future.

It is the belief that Christians hold to; there will be a second advent.

It begins with the elevation of God. We look up to God and have the

realization that we are not God. “To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall

swear allegiance.” (Isaiah 45:23) Also, His coming is for all peoples and nations,

not just the “chosen ones.” 

People will seek God and His will. The truth and how we apply it to ourlives will be a testimony to others. Our works will show others our justification.

Not only will we seek God’s knowledge but also nations will come to Him

for judgment and to settle their disputes. He is peace on earth. Humanity has not

been able to obtain peace throughout our existence.

We tend to perpetuate and escalate our differences to the point of never ending

wars. But with God, we will not need our weapons any more; they will be able to

turn into more productive items for God’s purpose. Finally, those that walk with God will walk in the light. The time of walking

in darkness and putting our wants and our selves first, will no longer exist.

Are you ready for Advent and its promises to come? Jesus brings the hope of

the Second Advent and the peace that He will bring to our meager existence.


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Dec. 4 - Jackie Brown –  Isaiah 11: 1-10

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse, from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.

The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of

knowledge and of the fear of the Lord—and he will delight in the fear of the Lord.

He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his

ears, but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for

the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of

his lips he will slay the wicked. Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash

around his waist.

The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and

the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. The cow will feed with

the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. The

infant will play near the hole of the cobra, and the young child put his hand into the viper’s

nest. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full

of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. In that day the Root of Jesse will

stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his place of rest will be


God is angry with Israel. It has forsaken righteousness and justice for the poor of the land. It

has even taken up some practices of worshippers of foreign gods. God will punish Israel forgoing astray. But there is Hope for the future, says Isaiah, foretelling the coming of Christ

and his kingdom.

Creator God, help us to love you more, teach us to praise you more, and help me to overcome

 faults that seem to get in the way.

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Dec. 5 –  Bill Martin –  Luke 10: 21-14

Jesus Rejoices

21 At that same hour Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of

heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent andhave revealed them to infants; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. 22 All things have

been handed over to me by my Father; and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, or

who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” 

23 Then turning to the disciples, Jesus said to them privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see

what you see! 24 For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, but

did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it.” 

This scripture says to me that Jesus is grateful that his father trusted himenough to let him decide who will receive the blessings that he has been given.

Many would like to share these gifts, but Jesus turned this over only to the 12

disciples, as their faith had to be incredibly strong.

Have you ever thought how you would react if Jesus appeared before

you? The question I might ask myself is would I be concerned why he picked

me; or, just be grateful that he did pick me? Let us pray that faith will far exceed

fear when the time arrives.My prayer for the day is that I worship and love God without reservation

and with complete trust and that I may be his instrument in serving others.

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Dec. 6 –  Jodie Martin –  Isaiah 25: 6-9

6 On this mountain the LORD of hosts will make for all peoples

a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wines,

of rich food filled with marrow, of well-aged wines strained clear.

7 And he will destroy on this mountain

the shroud that is cast over all peoples,

the sheet that is spread over all nations;

8 he will swallow up death forever.

Then the LORD God will wipe away the tears from all faces,

and the disgrace of his people he will take away from all the earth,

 for the LORD has spoken.

9 It will be said on that day,

Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, so that he might save us.

This is the LORD for whom we have waited;

let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation

Growing up I spent a lot of time with my grandmother who believed that

God could do anything and that he would take care of the woes of the world. I don’t

know exactly why this passage makes me think of her, but it does.

I remember her singing throughout the day when I was at her home. She

would sing old hymns which talked about a God who would provide for everyone.

She would tell me when I was hurt that God would help to wipe away the tears, and

when I was in trouble or embarrassed by someone, God would help me to feel better

about myself. She didn’t coddle me by any means; she made me work hard and

taught me a lot about living and being a woman.

I miss her a lot and I will be forever grateful that she gave me the love andcaring she did. She also helped to give me a basis for my belief in God which

sustained me while I hunted for the Lord for many years away from religion.

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Dec. 7 –  Bob Hasty –  Baruch 5: 1-3

“…put on your head the diadem of the glory of the Everlasting” Baruch 5:2b 

Have you ever practiced smiling? Have you ever looked at your reflection in a

mirror in order to improve your smile? It sounds silly; however, it takes a lot of

muscles to form a smile. Go on. Try it! It takes more facial muscles to produce a

“genuine” smile than it does a “fake” smile. Seriously! Research has defined the

difference between the two by whether the muscles around the eyes are involved. A

“fake” smile only involves raising the corners of the mouth [zygomaticus major].

Some also refer to this as the “Botox smile.” In order to produce a “genuine” smile,

or the “Duchenne smile,” the muscles which raise the cheeks and form crow’s feet

around the eyes [orbicularis oculi] must be added. If one were to practice thegenuine smile more, one could begin to feel, as well as reflect, more joy. You can’t

make yourself feel happy. But you can practice the one thing that reflects a happy

person: smiling. When you read this passage about putting on a crown, or

"diadem," try practicing to “put on a happy face?” Certainly the promise of eternal

life should provoke a smile on our faces. The Advent season is reminding us that

God has for once, and for all, offered us eternity in the birth of a child.

“Gloria in excelsis Deo!” 

Prayer: Dear God, help us to practice being happy. Sometimes the very idea of practicing

happiness hurts. There are so many reasons for being seriously concerned and sad about our

world. May the spirit of Advent imbue us with the promise of joy everlasting, and bring a smile

to our faces. Amen. 

"Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is

 pure, whatever is lovely, what ever is commendable...think about these things." Philippians 4:8

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Dec. 8 –  Ed Linberg –  Matthew 3: 1-3

Prepare the Way of the Lord

This text automatically brings two pieces of music to my mind. One is the

tenor solo that opens Handel’s masterwork, “Messiah.” Its rising and falling

musical lines express hope for the impending release of the Hebrews from

captivity in Babylon in the 6th century BCE. The other one is the opening solo

and chorus from “Godspell,” one of the first musicals that employed rock style

music. It features many repetitions of this phrase: “Prepare ye the way of the

Lord” as it builds to a crescendo with an increasingly strong drumbeat. 

In quoting part of Isaiah 40, Matthew links the prophetic voice in thisancient text to John the Baptist, the forerunner, who baptized our Lord, as well as

many others, in the Jordan River as Jesus began his ministry. John’s message was

clear. A new day is coming. In fact it is so close at hand that John says: “ . . . the

kingdom of heaven is near.” (Matthew 3:2a) What does this new day call for as

 John sees it? People are to take a single action. They are to repent. This word

prompts the writer to quote a portion of Isaiah 40:

“Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” (Matthew 3:3b) 

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Dec. 8 –  Ed Linberg –  Matthew 3: 1-3 (Cont.)

Every Advent, the annual season the Church uses to help all of us prepare for the

celebration of Christ’s birth, we encounter John the Baptist. Most of us, if not all

of us, find him to be annoying, if not down right unacceptable. We are excitedabout remembering the birth of the baby Jesus because the birth of babies

declares, among other things, that God’s future is still open. John’s talking about

repentance instead of telling us a more comfortable story about a baby being

born in a manger. We know that repenting involves taking a hard look at

ourselves. We know, too, that if we take that hard look, and are honest about

what we see, there are things about us that need to be changed. When so

confronted, our first response is usually to compare ourselves with others. “I’m

not as self-centered as he is.” Or, “I don’t hold grudges like she does.” That

doesn’t cut it. God is not interested in our reports on the faithfulness, or lack of it

on the part of others. God is interested in our actions and the attitudes behind

our actions. So, to prepare the way for the coming of the infant Jesus to come into

our lives once again, we need both to hear and to heed John’s one-word message:


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Dec. 8 –  Ed Linberg –  Matthew 3: 1-3 (Cont.)

The literal meaning of “repent” is “to turn around.” So, I ask this question of

both you and me: “What needs to be turned around in MY life?” Is it my attitude

toward people who are different from me--socially, politically, economically,racially, sexually and theologically? Is it my spending habits? Is it my pre-

occupation with all the trivial stuff of life? Is it my unwillingness to speak the

truth, as I understand it, when confronted by someone who holds a view that I

reject? Is it my lack of discipline in my relationship with God? Is it my

unwillingness to forgive those who hurt me? Is it my penchant to not only enjoy

hearing gossip, but to delight in passing it on? Is it my tendency to think that

 Jesus came to save individuals, like me, and not the whole world? No one can

answer these questions about your life and the way your faith intersects with

your life for you. No one can answer them for me. Only I can do that. Likewise,

no one can force you, or me, to take an honest look at ourselves to determine if

it’s time for us to really hear, perhaps for the first time, John the Baptist’s call to

repent. And if we take steps to repent, the promise of the Christ Child, whose

birth celebration is a little more than two weeks away, is this: The God whom he

reveals is ready to welcome home and to embrace in his “arms of love” all those

who repent.

Prayer: God, whom we know best in Jesus, the child who came into this world as

an infant born at Bethlehem long ago, we give you thanks for your amazing grace that he

revealed. Help us to take a hard look at ourselves. Then help us, through the guiding

 presence of your Holy Spirit, to repent of all that in our lives that is not in harmony with

the way of Christ, our Lord. Amen. 

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Dec. 9 –  Mitch Hanlon –  Isaiah 35: 1-4

Isaiah 35:1-4

1 The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the

crocus, 2 it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanonwill be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the LORD, the

splendor of our God. 3 Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; 4 say to those

with fearful hearts, "Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance;

with divine retribution he will come to save you." 

Calming fears is something that speaks to many. Some translations change ‘fearful

hearts’ to ‘those who are discouraged.’ The timelessness of the message still rings

true. We live in a world that can make us fearful, can make us discouraged. ButGod is stronger than our weakest day. That is the good news. That strength is what

 Jesus came to earth to show. Even our most base fear, fear of death, is one that

God’s plan can handle. 

There is a wonderful promise of God with us in this passage. Even if you don’t

know the glory that was Lebanon, nor the fertileness of the fields of Carmel and

Sharon, you feel the author going to great lengths to show the wonderfulness of

God’s coming. 

Christ is the fulfillment of that promise of God to come and save us. Jesus is the way

to understand the beauty that God offers those who believe.


Oh God, whose plan for us is revealed in Christ, thank you for being our source of strength in

an uncertain world. Keep us ever mindful of the strength we have in you. Thank you for

sending your Son and your plan for conquering fear and death. With reverence, joy and peace through Christ, your son.


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Dec. 10 –  Chris Fee –  Isaiah 35: 5-9

Walking The Highway Of Our God” 

In this passage Isaiah talks about a future highway where

only the holy and redeemed will be able to walk. As I read this

passage and reflect on its meaning for our lives today I think

about the road that each of us walks with Jesus. This is a walk

that we must each individually choose to make. To stay on the

road we need to give ourselves over to God, letting the Spirit fill

us to help us follow the teachings of Jesus. Practically what does

that mean? We need to let go of control and let God be in the driver’s seat. We

need to strengthen our spiritual practices of prayer, study, giving, and worship.

We have to be committed to this kind of life every day. This Advent and

Christmas season is the perfect opportunity for us to recommit to walking side

by side with Jesus. As we await the celebration of Jesus’ birth we are reminded of

what God has given to us and how blessed we are. We are grateful that we have

such a loving companion to walk alongside us on this Highway of Our God.Prayer:

Dear Lord, Be with us daily as we commit ourselves to walk on your highway. We thank

you for the gift of your son Jesus who walks alongside us. Provide us with opportunities

to strengthen our spiritual practices and give us the strength to stay on the road,

 following you in every way we can. Help us to be the best that we can be. In Jesus’ name

we pray. Amen.

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Dec. 11 –  Greg Gonzales –  James 5: 7-10

“Be patient, therefore, beloved, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the

 precious crop from the earth, being patient with it until it receives the early and the late

rains. You also must be patient. Strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is

near. Beloved, do not grumble against one another, so that you may not be judged. See,

the judge is standing at the doors! As an example of suffering and patience, beloved, take

the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord”. 

A farmer must wait patiently for his crops to grow; he cannot speed up theprocess. In his waiting, the farmer cannot sit around and be negligent; there is

much work to do in order to make sure there is a good harvest. Likewise, we

should patiently wait for Jesus to return. We cannot speed up the process, but

while we wait, there is much work to do for the advancement of the Kingdom of

God. The farmer and the believer must live by faith. Let us not live as if our king

will not come, but rather, let us work faithfully in the building-up of the

Kingdom because the King will come when the time for the harvest arrives. In

doing so, let us not highlight the faults of others; the true judge will evaluate

each and every one of us. In our sufferings for the sake of Christ, in our patiently

waiting for the Lord to return, we must ultimately remember that the Lord is

merciful and compassionate. The patience and faith of the prophets for a coming

Messiah to redeem the world should inspire us. They did not see or know the

savior but they trusted in the word and promise of God. They faithfully

proclaimed this message knowing that God would come through, even if it

meant going through 

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Dec. 11 –  Greg Gonzales –  James 5: 7-10 (Cont.)

tribulations. The promise was fulfilled and we know who the Messiah is, Jesus of

Nazareth. Now with the same faith and patience of the prophets we should trust

in the word and promise of God that Jesus will return, only this time not asMessiah, but as King.

Santiago 5:7-10

“Por tanto, hermanos, tened paciencia hasta la venida del Señor. Mirad cómo el labrador

espera el precioso fruto de la tierra, aguardando con paciencia hasta que reciba la lluvia

temprana y la tardía. Tened también vosotros paciencia, y afirmad vuestros corazones;

 porque la venida del Señor se acerca. 

Hermanos, no os quejéis unos contra otros, para queno seáis condenados; he aquí, el juez está delante de la puerta. Hermanos míos, tomad

como ejemplo de aflicción y de paciencia a los profetas que hablaron en nombre del Señor”.  

Un agricultor debe esperar con paciencia que crezca lo que sembró. No

puede acelerar el proceso. Al estar a la espera, el agricultor no puede ser

negligente y hacer nada; más bien tiene mucho trabajo para asegurar que tenga

una buena cosecha. Nosotros tenemos que ser pacientes en nuestra espera por la

venida de Cristo. No podemos acelerar el proceso. Mientras tanto, hay mucho

trabajo que hacer para que avance el reino de Dios. Tanto el agricultor como el

creyente deben vivir por fe. No viva como si Cristo nunca va a volver; más bien,

trabajemos fielmente en la edificación del reino de Dios porque el Rey vendrá

cuando el tiempo de la cosecha haya llegado. Al hacer esto, no deberíamos

enfocarnos en las debilidades o errores de otros porque solo hay un juez, el juez


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Dec. 11 –  Greg Gonzales –  James 5: 7-10 (Cont.)

 Jesús. Recordemos que aun en nuestras aflicciones por Cristo y en nuestra fiel

espera por la venida del Rey, El Señor es misericordioso y compasivo. Los

profetas de Dios, que tuvieron fe en una salvación venidera, que proclamaron aun Mesías venidero para la redención de toda la humanidad, aunque no lo

vieron confiaron en la palabra y promesa de Dios que el Mesías llegaría; fueron

fieles y pacientes en su espera porque sabían que el Señor cumpliría su promesa.

La promesa se cumplió, el Mesías llego y lo conocemos. Ahora, con la misma fe y

paciencia que tuvieron los profetas de Dios, tenemos que confiar en la promesa y

palabra de Dios de que el Mesías regresara; no como Mesías, pero como Rey.

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December 12 - Barry Woodbridge - Isaiah 29: 17-24

Shall not Lebanon in a very little while

become a fruitful field,

and the fruitful field be regarded as a forest?

On that day the deaf shall hear

the words of a scroll,

and out of their gloom and darkness

the eyes of the blind shall see.

The meek shall obtain fresh joy in the Lord,

and the neediest people shall exult in the Holy One of Israel. 

Do you have an Advent Garden?

So many Advent scriptures depict this great coming of God's Chosen One

and the new Kingdom as an abundant, verdant garden. Here, that is translated

as a "fruitful field." Elsewhere it's a springing forth of righteous shoots -- Isa.

61:11 "For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to

grow, so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up

before all nations." One of my favorite Advent hymns is "Lo, Ere a Rose

Bloometh," which in the original German has the verb "entspringen," as though

the rose is to "spring up" in the dead of winter, just as the Christ is born right out

of the time of "gloom and darkness."

It is as though scripture, and Isaiah in particular, is envisioning this future

as a making right of the original Garden in Genesis. What humans now toil to

make productive, God's creativity renews throughout the earth's nations (yes,

this is an international garden, and not just an individual's backyard event in


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December 12 - Barry Woodbridge - Isaiah 29: 17-24 (Cont.)

Everyone of us can celebrate Advent with a symbolic one-pot

"Advent Garden" of our own! We have taught this in ourcongregations and in the local intermediate care facilities where

we have donated these potted bulbs: plant a Christmas

Amaryllis bulb in a pre-filled pot they come in this time of year (at hardware

stores and garden centers) early enough in, or just before, Advent; everyone can

have four quite large red blooms around Christmas. All it takes is a little water

now and again, and God does the rest. Four to six weeks and it blooms,

irrespective of the color of your thumb. We can't create such things of beauty out

of such a dry brown bulbs or in cracked pots by ourselves, but God can.

We must remember, however, this is not our individual garden to possess

for ourselves. This great news and glad tidings comes for all the nations, so our

blooming potted plant stands as a sign to the nations.

Prayer:  Lord, plant and water your shoots of transforming righteousness in us;

 grow what we cannot make happen by ourselves. May Christ spring up in us this

Christmas. Amen.

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December 13 – Ivan Segura Micah 5: 1-5

 Micah 5:1-5

 Now gather yourself in troops, O daughter of troops, He was laid siege against

us; They will strike the judge of Israel with a rod on the Cheek. The Coming Messiah 2

"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah,

Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth

are from of old, From everlasting"3 Therefore He shall give them up, Until the time that

she who is in labor has given birth; Then the remnant of His brethren shall return to the

children of Israel.4 And He shall stand and feed His flock in the strength of the Lord, In

the majesty of the name of the Lord His God; And they shall abide, For now He shall be

 great to the ends of the earth;5 and this One shall be peace

This is truly a special season, the season of Advent. A time when people

can find hope in their moments of pain and suffering. A time of deliverance in

the midst of trials and tribulations when least expected. A season of love and a

time of giving and receiving. A time we take to remember that our God came

into this world to give us hope and peace that surpasses all understanding. That

the one from Bethlehem is truly our bread of life and our sustainer. A time when

we come together and rejoice that He came and in Him we shall abide. I greatly

rejoice with the prophet for the long awaited second advent into this world

where we will live with the One who shall bring peace and who shall be great to

the ends of the earth. It is truly a great joy as we enter into the season of advent

and rejoice once again with our Savior for what He has done and what He will

continue to do. 

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December 13 – Ivan Segura Micah 5: 1-5 (Cont.)

 Miqueas 5:1-5

Rodéate ahora de muros, hija de guerreros; nos han sitiadeo; con vara heririán en la

mejilla al juez de Israel. 2Pero tú, Belén Efrata pequeña para estar entre las familias de Judá,

de ti me saldrá el que será Señor en Israel; y sus salidas son desde el principio, desde los dias

de la eternidad. 3Pero los dejará hasta el tiempo que dé a luz la que ha de dar a luz; y el resto

de sus hermanos se volverá con los hijos de Israel. 4Y él estará, y apacentará con poder de

 Jehová, con grandeza del nombre de Jehová su Dios; y morarán seguros, porque ahora será

engradecido hasta los fines de la tierra. 5Y ésta será nuestra paz. Cuando el asirio viniere a

nuestra tierra, y cuando hollare nuestros palacios, entonces levantaremos contra él siete

 pastores, y ocho hombres principales;

Esta temporada es verdaderamente un tiemp especial, la temporada de

adviento. Un tiempo cuando la gente puede encontrar esperanza en sus momentos

de dolor y sufrimientos. Un tiempo de liberacion en medio de pruebas y

trubulaciones. Un tiempo de amor para dar y para recibir. Un Tiempo en querecordamos que nuestro Dios vino a este mundo para darnos esperanza y paz que

sobrepasa todo entendimiento. El que es de Belen es verdaderamente nuestro pan de

vida y nuestro sostenedor. Un tiempo que nos acercamos y nos regocijamos en el. El

vino y en el permaneceremos. Me regocijo grandemente con el profeta despues de

una larga espera. Me regocijo por la segunda venida del Senor a este mundo donde

viviremos con El. Verdaderamente es un gran gozo al entrar a esta temporada de

adviento con nuestro Salvador por lo que a hecho y por lo que va hacer. 

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Dec 14 –  Sammie Adams –  Luke 1: 46-55

Mary’s Song 

“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for

he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. For behold, henceforth all generations

will call me blessed;” 

Pregnancy and hormones raging can be a bit trying to the expectant mom

and all around her. When I was having children we had to go to a doctor to

confirm that, because we had no tests available. Of course there were symptoms,

but we couldn’t be sure about that without the visit to the doctor. There were no

ultrasounds, no pictures of the baby before birth, and no knowledge of the sex of

the baby. It was a mystery until the baby arrived. But even with all of the new

technology the mystery remains until we cuddle, feed and love our newborn and

personally welcome them to this world.

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Dec 14 –  Sammie Adams –  Luke 1: 46-55 (Cont.)

Imagine before my time, over 2000 years ago what that experience must have

been for Elizabeth and Mary. This song of Mary, The Magnificat, Canticle of

Mary or Prayer of Mary, what ever title you prefer, gives us a clue of howspiritual women of God received the news. Even if an angel hadn’t been

involved, the mighty act of conception is a great thing. Mary is a teenager and

betrothed but not with her husband as yet. Adultery in those days was a capital

offense. She could have been stoned to death. She is to bear the Savior who will

save the world. Her faith in God gave her strength and peace. This song

demonstrates that peace, adoration and love of God that was evident in every


How about us? Do we have that kind of trust in God? We can say we do

or think we do but when nausea, pain and all that goes with childbirth or for that

matter the trials of living -- what ever they are: male or female -- visit us, can we

calmly lift our voices to God and sing a song of love and praise as Mary did, and

wait upon the Lord?


Dear Lord, may I have the strength and faith of Mary. Help me to face what life brings

with her grace and devotion. Thank you for sending your son, Mary’s baby to us to show

us the way and to save us. Amen.

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Dec. 15 –  Ben Stuart –  Matthew 11: 2-11

I’d like to file a complaint with the U.S. Government Department of

Holiday Scheduling. (I think this is an actual department.) Sometime in the last

several years, without any notification, the number of days between

Thanksgiving and Christmas was drastically reduced. I’m sure that when I was

4 or 5 years old, we had to wait at least 340 days after Thanksgiving for

Christmas to finally arrive. Now, that number has been cut to about three, or

maybe four days.

When I was in elementary school, there was no evidence that Christmaswas coming until Thanksgiving had passed and we’d finished eating all the left-

over turkey. I seem to remember that city workers did not install Christmas

decorations across Main Street, and no one would have a Christmas tree or

colorful house lights until at least December 1st. The true signal that Christmas

was coming was the arrival of the Sears Christmas catalog.

Now, Christmas-themed products, merchandise and advertising begins

even before Halloween. Perhaps the earlier start of the Christmas retail season is

therapy for kids who are having trouble recovering from the horror of seeing the

“Back to School” specials at Walmart .

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Dec. 15 –  Ben Stuart –  Matthew 11: 2-11 (Cont.)

There’s a young woman I work with named Nicole who is a Christmas fanatic.

No matter what time of year you see her, you can ask her how many days remainbefore Christmas and she can, without hesitation, give you the correct number.

But while Nicole’s enthusiasm for Christmas is amazing, I was disappointed to

realize her interest seems to miss the true meaning of Christmas. Nicole took full

control of handling Christmas decorations for the apartment she shares with

three of her friends. Her exuberance created a conflict with one of her

roommates, who is Jewish, and only wanted a small portion of a wall to hang a

Hanukkah banner. This lack of sensitivity runs counter to the spirit of the season.

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, we should all be sensitive to

the traditions and beliefs of our friends and neighbors. Let us give thanks that

our Christian faith is the true reason we celebrate Christmas.

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Dec. 15 –  Ben Stuart –  Matthew 11: 2-11 (Cont.)

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Dec. 16 –  Pedro Barona –  Zephaniah 3: 114-16

“Oh Righteous Daughter of Zion!” 

14 Sing, Daughter Zion; shout aloud, Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart,

Daughter Jerusalem! 15 The Lord has taken away your punishment, he has turned back

your enemy. The Lord, the King of Israel, is with you; never again will you fear any harm.

16 On that day they will say to Jerusalem, “Do not fear, Zion; do not let your hands

hang limp.” 

We should understand that GOD gives the message to His prophet to giveto the people who corrupted Israel. And it is a message in which God will rise

up against all those who are against His precepts (commandments).

Zephaniah talks to the people of Israel, giving them a different message

than the other people. Change your attitude toward what is going on in your life.

Ver 14. Isn’t it true that when things are going bad for us, we feel that everyone is

against us? And when everything is bad we have an attitude of sadness,

especially when we know that it’s our fault. The Lord demands that Israel

changes their attitude, that they lift their heads and rejoice because He has

decided to abide in them once again (Ver 15). This message includes the promise

that you will not fear problems because God will use them as a way for you to

get closer to Him. Once God’s presence is in your life, the fears will leave you.

I give thanks to God for His incomparable mercy toward us, for His

infinite love, His grace poured on us, for His forgiveness.

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Dec. 16 –  Pedro Barona –  Zephaniah 3: 114-16 (Cont.)

Oh Justa Hija de Zion!

14 Canta, oh hija de Sion; da voces de júbilo, oh Israel; gózate y regocíjate de todo corazón,

hija de Jerusalén. 15 Jehová ha apartado tus juicios, ha echado fuera tus enemigos; Jehová

es Rey de Israel en medio de ti; nunca más verás el mal. 16 En aquel tiempo se dirá a

 Jerusalén: No temas; Sion, no se debiliten tus manos.

Sofonías 3:14-16

Debemos entender que Dios da el mensaje a su profeta para dar a la genteque corrompió a Israel. Y es un mensaje, en el que Dios se levantará contra todos

aquellos que están contra sus preceptos (mandamientos).

Sofonías habla al pueblo de Israel, dándoles un mensaje diferente que a los

demás. Cambia tu actitud hacia lo que está pasando en tu vida. Ver 14. Es cierto

que cuando las cosas están mal en nosotros, nos sentimos que todos están en

contra de nosotros. Y cuando todo está mal tenemos una actitud de tristeza,

especialmente cuando sabemos que es nuestra culpa. El señor exige que Israel

cambie su actitud, que levante la cabeza y que se alegre porque ha decidido

habitar en medio de ellos una vez más (Ver 15). Este mensaje incluye la promesa

de que nunca más estarás temeroso de los problemas porque el Señor los usará

como una manera de acercarte a él. Una vez que la presencia de Dios está en tu

vida los temores se irán de ti.

Doy gracias a Dios por su incomparable misericordia para con nosotros, por su

infinito amor, por su gracia derramada en nosotros, por perdonarnos

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Dec. 17 –  Patty Segura  –  Isaiah 7: 10-17

10 Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz, 11 “Ask the Lord your God for a sign, whether in the

deepest depths or in the highest heights.” 12 But Ahaz said, “I will not ask; I will not put

the Lord to the test.” 13 Then Isaiah said, “Hear now, you house of David! Is it not

enough to try the patience of humans? Will you try the patience of my God also?

14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth

to a son, and will call him Immanuel. 15 He will be eating curds and honey when he

knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, 16 for before the boy knows

enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, the land of the two kings you dread will

be laid waste. 17 The Lord will bring on you and on your people and on the house of your

 father a time unlike any since Ephraim broke away from Judah—he will bring the king of


A lot of times we want to see a sign that God is with us, but the greatest

sign is to be able to feel our Savior, His Holy Spirit touching us, talking to us

through his word. Remember when we are in need, feeling sad, or afflicted the

greatest sign is to understand that we have a Savior to take refuge in. He will

give us what we need according to His will. In this time of year as we celebrateAdvent, let’s remember the biggest, greatest most wonderful sign, the Son of

God, Jesus, He is the greatest sign that has come to this world for us.

Lord your words are clear. You have sent The Savior for the forgiveness of the

world’s sins. Blessed are you forever! 

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Dec. 17 –  Patty Segura  –  Isaiah 7: 10-17 (Cont.)

Isaias 7:10-17

“10 Habló también Jehová a Acaz, diciendo: 11 Pide para ti señal de Jehová tu Dios,

demandándola ya sea de abajo en lo profundo, o de arriba en lo alto. 12 Y respondió Acaz: No pediré, y no tentaré a Jehová. 13 Dijo entonces Isaías: Oíd ahora, casa de David. ¿Os es poco el

ser molestos a los hombres, sino que también lo seáis a mi

Dios? 14 Por tanto, el Señor mismo os dará señal: He aquí que la virgen concebirá, y dará a luz

un hijo, y llamará su nombre Emanuel. 15 Comerá mantequilla y miel, hasta que sepa desechar lo

malo y escoger lo bueno. 16 Porque antes que el niño sepa desechar lo malo y escoger lo bueno, la

tierra de los dos reyes que tú temes será abandonada. 17 Jehová hará venir sobre ti, sobre tu

 pueblo y sobre la casa de tu padre, días cuales nunca vinieron desde el día que Efraín se apartó de Judá, esto es, al rey de Asiria.” 

Muchas veces queremos ver una señal de que Dios esta con nosotros. Pero,

que señal mas grande que poder sentir a nuestro Salvador, Su Espiritu Santo

tocandonos, hablandonos por medio de su palabra. Recordemos cuando estemos

necesitados, tristes o, afligidos la señal mas grande es entender que tenemos a ElSalvador para refugiarnos en El y el nos dara lo que necesitemos conforme a su

voluntad. En este tiempo al disfrutar el adviento, acordemonos de la señal mas

importante el hijo de Dios, Jesus la señal mas grande que a venoa este mundo

para nosotros.

Señor tus palabras son claras. Tu enviaste a El Salvador para perdon de los pecadosdel mundo. Bendito eres por siempre!

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Dec. 18 –  Donna Woodbridge –  Romans 1: 1-7

Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, the gospel

he promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy scriptures, the gospel concerning his son,who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be the Son of God with

 power according to the spirit of holiness by resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord,

through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among

all the Gentiles for the sake of his name, including yourselves who are called to belong to Jesus

Christ. To all God's beloved in Rome, who are called to be the saints: Grace to you and peace

 from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here Paul is writing to a congregation that he has not yet visited or even

known, and for what purpose? I believe he was getting them ready for when he

was coming to Rome and to get them reflecting on what is the “Gospel of God.”

Paul had met Jesus on the road to Damascus and therefore could call himself an

apostle, “one sent out.” God called Paul and sent him out into the world to tell

the story of the Gospel.

In verse 2 God promised through his prophets that he would send his son

who would have power according to the spirit of holiness, and through his

resurrection we would receive grace.

We are about to celebrate that time when God sent Jesus as a baby boy,

born of a virgin so everyone would know there was something special about this

child. Little did the people of that time know what we know today - how

powerful and life changing this event would mean to us all.

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Dec. 19 – Lisa Parks – Psalm 80: 17-19

But let your hand be upon the one at your right hand, the one whom you made strong for

yourself. Then we will never turn back from you; give us life and we will call your name.

Restore us, O Lord God of hosts, let your face shine, that we may be saved.

Have you noticed that the face of God is more evident to us this time of

year? As we light the candles of Hope, Joy, and Love all around us shimmers.

The holy season that heralds the newborn King’s birth fills us with wonder,

whether we are celebrating our fifth or seventy-fifth Christmas. We carefully

unwrap the manger scene and arrange it in a place of honor. We decorate the

tree with treasured ornaments and place carefully selected gifts beneath it.

No wonder it is at this time of year, perhaps more than any other, that we

clearly see God in the faces of those around us —our beloved family and friends,

neighbors, coworkers, and those we meet every day. We greet each other with alighthearted gentleness. We smile easily. We stop to chat. And our hearts are

deeply touched when we recognize God’s face in those who are alone, in need,

and without hope. We reach out to help those we do not know or will never

meet again.

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Dec. 19 – Lisa Parks – Psalm 80: 17-19 (Cont.)

Until I was in my late thirties, I was surrounded by a very large extended

family. Our Christmas dinners were noisy, multigenerational celebrations. My

photos from that time are more precious than any gift I ever received. But, as weall know, time changes every family. We’ve endured the heartbreak of saying

good bye to loved ones and we’ve joyfully welcomed new lives into our circle.

Today, when I look around our Christmas table my family looks different than

the one I knew when I was younger. But, the peace, joy, and love that fill my

heart are the same. And, as always, I see the face of God smiling back at me.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord, please help me to see your face in everyone I meet today. May I remember

that although families and traditions may change, your love is constant --- and that your

 face will always shine upon me. Amen.

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Dec. 20 – Roberto Cruz – Luke 7: 18-23

Luke 7:18-23

18 John’s disciples told him about all these things. Calling two of them, 19 he sent them

to the Lord to ask, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?”

20 When the men came to Jesus, they said, “John the Baptist sent us to you to ask, ‘Are

you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?’” 21 At that very time

 Jesus cured many who had diseases, sicknesses and evil spirits, and gave sight to many

who were blind. 22 So he replied to the messengers, “Go back and report to John what

you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy

are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the

 poor. 23 Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.” 

A lot of times we doubt that the Lord has sent someone to help us in the

situation that we are in -- knowing that it is Him helping us through people that

have listened to God’s will. Most of the time we need to see to believe, but let’s

remember that we walk by faith, not by sight. If we have faith the Lord is with

us when we are sick, the Lord will heal us physically, spiritually and mentally.

 Jesus responded to John’s disciples by His actions, not by words. God has sent

His son to die for us, so that we can celebrate not only in these times, but always,

that He has paid the price for our sins. Let’s celebrate life walking by faith, not

by sight, in Jesus Christ’s name. 

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Dec. 20 – Roberto Cruz – Luke 7: 18-23 (Cont.)

Lucas 7:18-23

18 Los discípulos de Juan le dieron las nuevas de todas estas cosas. Y llamó Juan a dos de

sus discípulos, 19 y los envió a Jesús, para preguntarle: ¿Eres tú el que había de venir, o

esperaremos a otro? 20 Cuando, pues, los hombres vinieron a él, dijeron: Juan el Bautista

nos ha enviado a ti, para preguntarte: ¿Eres tú el que había de venir, o esperaremos a

otro? 21 En esa misma hora sanó a muchos de enfermedades y plagas, y de espíritus

malos, y a muchos ciegos les dio la vista. 22 Y respondiendo Jesús, les dijo: Id, haced saber

a Juan lo que habéis visto y oído: los ciegos ven, los cojos andan, los leprosos son

limpiados, los sordos oyen, los muertos son resucitados, y a los pobres es anunciado el

evangelio; 23 y bienaventurado es aquel que no halle tropiezo en mí.

Muchas veces dudamos que Dios ha enviado a alguien que nos ayude en la

situación en que estamos . Sabiendo que es El quien nos ayuda a través de

personas que han escuchado la voluntad de Dios. La mayoría de las veces

necesitamos ver para creer, pero recordemos que caminamos por fe no por vista.

Si tenemos la fe de que El Señor está con nosotros cuando estamos enfermos, el

Señor nos sanará físicamente, espiritualmente y mentalmente. Jesús respondio a

los discípulos de Juan por sus acciones, no palabras. Dios envio su hijo para

morir por nosotros, para que podamos celebrar, no sólo en estos tiempos, sino

siempre porque ha pagado el precio por nuestros pecados. Celebremos la vida

caminando por fe no por vista en el nombre de Jesúcristo.

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Dec. 21 – Aida Valladarez – Luke 1:26-38 

26 In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in

Galilee, 27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The

virgin’s name was Mary. 28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! 

The Lord is with you.” 29 Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of

 greeting this might be. 30 But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor

with God. 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 32 He will be

 great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father

David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” 34 “How

will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” 35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit

will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born

will be called the Son of God. 36 Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age,

and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. 37 For no word from God will

ever fail.” 38 “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then

the angel left her.

The announcement in the Bible of the birth of Jesus is truly astounding! It is

exciting every time I read it. The name "Jesus", or "Yeshua" means SALVATION! In

verse 34 Mary asks "how?", and in verse 38 she simply accepts it: "I am the Lord's

servant...may your word to me be fulfilled." I truly believe that if we seek to be morelike God --not only every Sunday, or every day --but every minute of our lives, we will

be able to recognize His wonderful plans for us. In verse 30 the angel said: "...Mary, you

have found favor with God". Let us rejoice not only during Advent but all year knowing

that this announcement of the angel is the best and most complete promise all mankind

can receive, and it is up to each of us to simply accept it.

Lord, thank you for your amazing grace and unconditional love towards us! We pray for

spiritual strength today so we may remember your birth all year long and honor you by living

our lives in a way that only pleases you. Amen. 

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Dec. 21 – Aida Valladarez – Luke 1:26-38 (Cont.)

Vamos a Lucas 1:26-38

26 Al sexto mes el ángel Gabriel fue enviado por Dios a una ciudad de Galilea, llamadaNazaret, 27 a una virgen desposada con un varón que se llamaba José, de la casa de

David; y el nombre de la virgen era María. 28 Y entrando el ángel en donde ella estaba,

dijo: !!Salve, muy favorecida! El Señor es contigo; bendita tú entre las mujeres. 29 Mas

ella, cuando le vio, se turbó por sus palabras, y pensaba qué salutación sería esta. 30

Entonces el ángel le dijo: María, no temas, porque has hallado gracia delante de Dios. 31

Y ahora, concebirás en tu vientre, y darás a luz un hijo, y llamarás su nombre JESÚS. 32

Este será grande, y será llamado Hijo del Altísimo; y el Señor Dios le dará el trono deDavid su padre; 33 y reinará sobre la casa de Jacob para siempre, y su reino no tendrá fin.

34 Entonces María dijo al ángel: ¿Cómo será esto? pues no conozco varón. 35

Respondiendo el ángel, le dijo: El Espíritu Santo vendrá sobre ti, y el poder del Altísimo

te cubrirá con su sombra; por lo cual también el Santo Ser que nacerá, será llamado Hijo

de Dios. 36 Y he aquí tu parienta Elisabet, ella también ha concebido hijo en su vejez; y

este es el sexto mes para ella, la que llamaban estéril; 37 porque nada hay imposible para

Dios. 38 Entonces María dijo: He aquí la sierva del Señor; hágase conmigo conforme a tu palabra. Y el ángel se fue de su presencia.

El anunciamiento del nacimiento de Jesús en la biblia es verdaderamente

asombroso! Es emocionante cada vez que la leo. El nombre “Jesús” o “Yeshua”

significa salvación. En el verse 34, María pregunta “cómo?”, y en el verso 38,

simplemente lo acepta; “Yo soy la sierva del Señor…….

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Dec. 21 – Aida Valladarez – Luke 1:26-38 (Cont.)

Tu palabra para mi sea cumplida.” Realmente creo que si buscamos ser más 

como Dios, no solamente cada domingo, o cada día, sino cada minuto de

nuestras vidas podremos reconocer sus magníficos planes para nuestras vidas.En el verso 30, el ángel dijo; “María, haz encontrado favor delante de Dios.”

Regocijémonos no solamente en el tiempo de adviento pero en todo el año

reconociendo que el anuncio del ángel es lo mejor y completo que toda

humanidad puede recibir, y está en nosotros el simplemente aceptarlo.

Señor gracias por tu maravillosa gracia y tu amor incondicional para nosotros!

Oramos que nos des fortaleza espiritual hoy, para recordar tu nacimiento todo el ano

honrándote viviendo nuestras vidas como te plazca a ti. Amen.

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Dec. 22 –  Pedro Valladarez –  Luke 1: 46-55. 

 Prayer: Lord, your love has been showed to the whole world, through the

sacrifice of Christ on the cross. And in these times we can remember the birth of

 Jesus and be thankful and grateful. 

46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God

my Saviour.48 For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from

henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.49 For he that is mighty hath done to me

 great things; and holy is his name.50 And his mercy is on them that fear him from

 generation to generation.51 He hath showed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the

 proud in the imagination of their hearts.52 He hath put down the mighty from their seats,

and exalted them of low degree.53 He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich

he hath sent empty away.54 He hath helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his

mercy;55 As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed forever.

It is ironic that many people think Mary was supernatural. But the truth is

that she was a woman who feared God, whose life was pure and she was

obedient.Mary was the Mother of the Christ but she humbled herself and

proclaimed that she needed a savior. She was blessed by being the instrument

God used to bring his Son to the world.

I think we should all ask God for a heart like Mary’s, to be pure, obedient

and willing to do anything for the kingdom of God. 

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Dec. 22 –  Pedro Valladarez –  Luke 1: 46-55.  Cont.)

Oracion: Señor, tu amor se ha demostrado al mundo entero, a través del

sacrificio de Cristo en la cruz. Y en estos momentos podemos recordar el

nacimiento de Jesús y ser agradecidos. 

46 Entonces María dijo: Engrandece mi alma al Señor; 47 Y mi espíritu se regocija en

Dios mi Salvador. 48 Porque ha mirado la bajeza de su sierva; Pues he aquí, desde ahora

me dirán bienaventurada todas las generaciones. 49 Porque me ha hecho grandes cosas el

Poderoso; Santo es su nombre, 50 Y su misericordia es de generación en generación A los

que le temen.51 Hizo proezas con su brazo; Esparció a los soberbios en el pensamiento de

sus corazones.52 Quitó de los tronos a los poderosos, Y exaltó a los humildes.53 A los

hambrientos colmó de bienes, Y a los ricos envió vacíos. 54 Socorrió a Israel su siervo,

 Acordándose de la misericordia 55 De la cual habló a nuestros padres, Para con Abraham

y su descendencia para siempre.

Es irónico que mucha gente piensa que María era sobrenatural. Pero la

verdad es que ella era una mujer que temia a Dios, cuya vida era puro y

obediente. María fue la Madre del Cristo, la cual se humilló y proclamó que ella

necesitaba un salvador. Ella fue bendecida por Dios para ser el instrumento queDios usó para traer a su hijo al mundo.

Creo que todos debemos pedir a Dios un corazón como la de María, para

ser puro, obediente y dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa para el reino de Dios.

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Dec. 23 –  Pedro Barona –  Matthew 1: 18-25

The angel of the Lord appeared to a young girl, letting her know that she

was about to bring into this world the one true King -- the boy that was about tochange everything for His people, bringing freedom, health, light to the blind.

One thing that really gets my attention is that once

she got pregnant, and knowing everything she was about to

go through, she was not scared. The main reason for that was

because God Himself gave her a task, to be the mother of a

new life, to be the way God wants to come and live among us,

bringing us His beautiful love and mercy. Have you ever

asked yourself what is within you, what has God given you?

Let the Master lead you and use what is inside you. Allow our Master to do with

you ordinary things and then to do the extraordinary things, with the natural

and the supernatural for the blessing of His people!

It is my prayer that today is the day that we stand up and lift up our

heads and start walking as Kings and Queens of the Most High, showing the

world that we are ready to give them what the Lord has placed inside of us. His

love, mercy, forgiveness, power, glory, joy, and happiness. In Jesus name I pray,


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Dec. 23 –  Pedro Barona –  Matthew 1: 18-25 (Cont.)

De una joven mujer sale un Salvador

Mateo 1: 18-25

El ángel del Señor, se le aparece a una joven mujer,

dejándole saber que va a traer al mundo un verdadero

Rey. El niño que cambiaría todo por Su gente, trayendo

libertad, salud, luz a los ciegos. Una cosa que realmente

toma mi atención es que cuando ella esta embarazada,

sabiendo todo lo que iba a pasar, no tenía miedo. La

mayor razón era porque Dios mismo le dio una tarea, ser

la madre de una nueva vida, ser de la manera que Dios

quiere vivir en medio de nosotros, trayéndonos su hermoso amor y misericordia.

Alguna vez te has preguntado. ¿Que hay dentro de ti, que te ha dado Dios? Deja

que El Maestro te guie y que use lo que hay dentro de ti. Deja que el Maestro

haga lo ordinario, y deja que haga lo extraordinario, con lo natural y

supernatural para las bendiciones de Su pueblo!

Es mi oración hoy que nos paremos y levantemos con nuestras cabezas en

alto y comencemos a caminar como Reyes y Reinas del Altísimo. Debemos de

enseñar  al mundo que estamos listos para dar lo que El Señor ha puesto dentro

de nosotros. Su amor, misericordia, perdón, poder, gloria, gozo, y felicidad. En

el nombre de Jesús, Amen!!!

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Dec. 24 –  Tim Acquistapace –  Luke 2: 1-20

I began appreciating classical art at a very young age by playing a board game by

Parker Brothers called Masterpiece, and it wasn’t until high school that I realized

that I had an aptitude for creating it as well. In that early time of exploration I had

little interest in the Gothic period. However, once I discovered that much of the

Gothic art mannerisms were achieved through a careful consideration of visual

elements and color for the purpose of establishing a religious symbology, which I

began to find rather compelling. Additionally, though I felt the figures in Gothic

work never appealed to me due in part to the fact that they always looked so

emaciated and weak, but this also was done to convey a sense of otherworldliness

which in turn fascinated me.

The painting above is titled The Adoration of The Magi by the Italian Gothic artist

Gentile Da Fabriano. It is an altarpiece which depicts not a typical serene manger

setting but more a siege of the newly born Christ and his modest environs by

throngs of noblemen, royalty, religious leaders and the like. It may be our natural

inclination to assume that the realization of such a glorious event would create such

fervor in the simple agrarian

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Dec. 24 –  Tim Acquistapace –  Luke 2: 1-20 Cont.

fold as well as those that comprise the upper echelons of their society, though I

doubt that it was the case then and certainly neither today as well. Sadly, so many

today are far more self assured of their place in the universe and content in our

mastery of the matter that constitutes our collective “reality” to be hornswoggled by

something as sublime as the event depicted above. Yet, I believe that it is precisely

that which we find so extraordinary that draws us in as a people longing for a

universal wholeness. I doubt that we would be so drawn into the birth of Jesus if it

came to us with only half of the cast of players in a form which we are familiar.

There are two very distinct and well defined visual presentations at work in the

depiction of the birth of Jesus. The first is that of the common people so destitute

they are delivered to the least hospitable shelter for the birth of any child, let alone

our Messiah. The second is that of the Heavenly Host declaring for all to hear that

God is now among us. The first is as terrestrial as one can imagine and the other is

one we aren’t expected to understand because they are from the invisible realm

which we are not obliged to see. As surreal and enthralling as these pair of images

occurring within the same proximity may be it is the exchange andacknowledgement of each that galvanizes the event. “And suddenly there was with the

angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God saying glory be to God in the highest,

and on earth peace, goodwill toward men” - Luke 2:13-14.

Prayer: Let us all this day strain our eyes, minds and hearts to perceive those things which

may very well grant us the wholeness with which we may finally understand and accept one

another through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

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Dec. 25 –  Debra Todd –  John 1: 1-18

The Word Became Flesh” 

 John 1:5: The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. 

I don’t remember exactly when it happened, sometime when I was old

enough to know and experience and understand on a new level, but I’m not sure

when it was. It may have been as late as high school, but all of a sudden, I fell in

love with a midnight Christmas Eve service that ended at Midnight. That means

that Christmas Eve ended with everyone holding candles, circled around the

sanctuary singing ‘Silent Night’ acapella in the dark. What a powerful and

profound moment, to be in communion with others, allowing the light to shine

bright in the darkness as we usher in Christmas Day, as we usher the Christ child

into the world.

Christmas day is truly about light, salvation, joy, love, and hope. Into the

darkness of our lives, we remember again that precious new life that entered the

world, the word, which was and is God, became flesh in a baby named Jesus.I invite you to light a candle and keep it lit this Christmas Day as a visual

reminder of the birth of the Light into the world. Embrace the joy that comes

from giving and receiving of gifts, but take time to pause and see the light and

remember that the greatest gift came in the most unexpected time and place in a

perfect vulnerable child named Jesus.

Blessings to you on this Christmas Day!! 

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Barry Woodbridge, Editor

Janelle Vannoy, Designer

Worship Ministry, Team 2013

Anna VanDiest

Barry Woodbridge

Edie Stahnke

Jack Townsend

Janelle Vannoy

Mitch Hanlon

Leslie Beck

Lin Garcia

Laura Miller

Ex Officio

Darrell McGowan, Senior PastorDebra Todd, Associate Minister

Deb Taylor, Council of Elders Chair

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First Christian Church

109 E. Wilshire Ave.

Fullerton, CA 92832
