finding happiness for privileged and underprivileged

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  • 7/26/2019 Finding happiness for privileged and underprivileged


    Project Report

    Finding Happiness for Privileged andUnderprivileged

    SUBMITTED TO:Mam Faryal Shah


    Sana Ziab 19!"

    Faisal #areem 191$

    %a&ad 'n&ar 1"$MohammadFai(an 19)!*


    How happy are you with your life at this moment? Are you etter than e!er

    efore" #on$t %are" or !ery unhappy? Before answerin& this 'uestion" how

    woul# you #e(ne happiness?

    Most of us proaly #on$t elie!e we nee# a formal #e(nition of happiness)

    we *now it when we feel it" an# we often use the term to #es%rie a ran&e of

  • 7/26/2019 Finding happiness for privileged and underprivileged


    positi!e emotions" in%lu#in& +oy" pri#e" %ontentment" an# &ratitu#e, -hen

    use# in a roa#er sense" the wor# happiness is synonymous with 'uality of

    life. or /well0ein&., In this meanin& it #enotes that life is &oo#" ut #oes not

    spe%ify what is &oo# aout life, The wor# is also use# in more spe%i(% ways"

    an# these %an e %lari(e# with the help of the %lassi(%ation of 'ualities of

    life, Happiness is 1the e2perien%e of +oy" %ontentment" or positi!e well0ein&"

    %omine# with a sense that one$s life is &oo#" meanin&ful" an# worthwhile,3

    45yuomirs*y 1The How of Happiness36

    Althou&h many people thin* that wealth lea#s to happiness" that$s not

    always the %ase, Money %an %ertainly help you a%hie!e your &oals" pro!i#e

    for your future" an# ma*e life more en+oyale" ut merely ha!in& the stu7

    #oesn$t &uarantee ful(llment, Happiness is somethin& e!eryone wants to

    ha!e, You may e su%%essful an# ha!e a lot of money" ut without happiness

    it will e meanin&less,

    That$s why we are e2%ite# with this theme of Happiness, -e will #is%uss this

    topi% an# for sure we will learn a lot, But" efore we mo!e further" it$s a &oo#

    i#ea to &et #eeper un#erstan#in& of the wor# happiness itself, Un#erstan#in&

    what happiness is will &i!e us &oo# &roun# upon whi%h to uil# our


    8esear%h in the (el# of positi!e psy%holo&y an# happiness often #e(ne a

    happy person as someone who e2perien%es fre'uent positi!e emotions" su%h

    as +oy" interest" an# pri#e" an# infre'uent 4thou&h not asent6 ne&ati!e

    emotions" su%h as sa#ness" an2iety an# an&er 45yuomirs*y9;6,

    Is life really aout the .money." the .%ash." who has the i&&est &ol# %hain or

    who #ri!es the shiniest or fastest %ar" who sells the most alums or who has

    the most respe%t? To#ay happiness is !iewe# in many #i7erent ways,

    E!eryone #e(nes happiness a%%or#in& to their personal perspe%ti!es, Ea%h

    in#i!i#ual #es%ries their inner feelin&s in a way that you %an.t %ompare with

    another, Happiness ori&inally an# lo&i%ally means the inner state of well

    ein& or a pleasurale or satisfyin& e2perien%e, It enales you to pro(t from

    your hi&hest: thou&hts" wis#om" intelli&en%e" %ommon sense" emotions"

    health" an# spiritual !alues in your life, 8e&ar#less of where you are on thehappiness spe%trum" ea%h person has their own way of #e(nin& happiness,

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    A%%or#in& to Merriam0-ester$s Online Di%tionary" here is the #e(nition of


    A state of well0ein& an# %ontentment" a pleasurale or satisfyin& e2perien%e

    Happiness is when what you thin*" what you say" an# what you #o are in

    harmony, Mahatma =an#hi

    Happiness is that state of %ons%iousness whi%h pro%ee#s from the

    a%hie!ement of one$s !alues, Ayn 8an#

    Happiness is essentially a state of &oin& somewhere" wholehearte#ly" one0

    #ire%tionally" without re&ret or reser!ation, -illiam H, Shel#on

    Happiness is not somethin& you e2perien%e" it$s somethin& you rememer,Os%ar 5e!ant

    Happiness is the spiritual e2perien%e of li!in& e!ery minute with lo!e" &ra%e

    an# &ratitu#e,

    Denis -aitley

    >Happiness is the meanin& an# purpose of life" the whole aim an# en# of

    human e2isten%e,>0 Aristotle

    The %on%ept of happiness is this simple, -hat we are stri!in& for lies in

    oursel!es, It starts from us an# en#s at us, Happiness is essentially &ettin&

    a%* to our true nature, -e are nothin& ut a pure an# #i!ine spe%* of%osmi% ener&y, On%e we realie this" we will *now the ultimate purpose of life

    an# as Dalai 5ama sai#" 1The purpose of our life is to e Happy,3

    Happiness is a state of min#, It is a pleasant emotion ma#e of lo!e" inner

    pea%e" +oy" %ontentment an# ful(llment, How happy %an we e" #epen#s on

    how we %hoose to a%t an# thin*, It is an art that %an e %ulti!ate# y

    fo%usin& on small thin&s in life whi%h are often i&nore#" ut %arry a lot of

    meanin&, -e all stri!e an# spen# our entire li!es for a%hie!in& su%%ess"

    money" %areer an# wealth in or#er to a%hie!e happiness, -e *eep on stri!in&

    without awar#in& the see#s of happiness 0 health" relationships" pea%e ofmin#" &ratitu#e" *in#ness" lo!e" faith an# so forth, -e nee# to e aware" we

    nee# to %hoose happiness@

  • 7/26/2019 Finding happiness for privileged and underprivileged


    Literature Review

    The i#ea of an# sear%h for happiness has intri&ue# thin*ers for thousan#s of

    years" startin& with the An%ient =ree*s 4e,&, Aristotle$s i%oma%hean Ethi%s6"

    ut it has only een stu#ie# an# measure# in a systemati% way within the

    last few #e%a#es,

    Aristotle sou&ht to #e(ne the ultimate en# or 1&oo#3 in life, He hel# that all

    our pursuits as humans were meant to a%hie!e a (nal" ultimate 1&oo#3) that

    of happiness: 15et us resume our in'uiry an# state" in !iew of the fa%t that all

    *nowle#&e an# e!ery pursuit aims at some &oo#" what it is that we say

    politi%al s%ien%e aims as an# what is the hi&hest of all &oo#s a%hie!ale ya%tion, erally there is !ery &eneral a&reement) for oth the &eneral run of

    men an# people of superior re(nement say that it is happiness" an# i#entify

    li!in& well an# farin& well with ein& happy) ut with re&ar# to what

    happiness is they #i7er" an# the many #o not &i!e the same a%%ount as the

    wise3 48oss C6, Aristotle %ontinue# his analysis of happiness: 1ow we

    %all that whi%h is in itself worthy of pursuit more (nal than that whi%h is

    worthy of pursuit for the sa*e of somethin& else,,, an# therefore we %all (nal

    without 'uali(%ation that whi%h is always #esirale in itself an# ne!er for the

    sa*e of somethin& else, ow su%h a thin& is happiness" ao!e all else" is hel#to e) for this we %hoose always for itself an# ne!er for the sa*e of

    somethin& else" ut honor" pleasure" reason" an# e!ery !irtue we %hoose

    in#ee# for themsel!es 4for if nothin& results from them we shoul# still %hoose

    ea%h of them6" ut we %hoose them also for the sa*e of happiness" +u#&in&

    that throu&h them we shall e happy, Happiness" on the other han#" no one

    %hooses for the sa*e of these" nor" in &eneral" for anythin& other than itself3

    48oss C6,

    In other wor#s" a%%or#in& to Aristotle" happiness is the ultimate human

    purpose of life on Earth,In CFFG" o!er 9" years after Aristotle" the Unite# States De%laration of

    In#epen#en%e ar&ue# for 1%ertain inalienale 8i&hts" that amon& these are

    5ife" 5ierty an# the

  • 7/26/2019 Finding happiness for privileged and underprivileged


    In the Unite# inom 4U,,6" eremy Bentham$s utilitarian philosophy helpe#

    popularie the i#ea of happiness, Bentham$s 1&reatest happiness prin%iple3

    ar&ue# that the purpose of politi%s shoul# e to rin& the &reatest happiness

    to the &reatest numer of people, Sin%e then" politi%al interest in happiness

    has persiste# within %ontemporary so%iety,

    Jurthermore" resear%hers re%ently as*e# a sample of %olle&e stu#ents from

    #i7erent %ountries to rate the importan%e of se!eral !alues on a s%ale from C

    to , Happiness %ame out (rst with a s%ore of ," sli&htly ao!e health an#

    lo!eKa7e%tion 4F,6" ut well ao!e wealth 4G,6" amon& others 4Oishi 9L6,

    Most importantly" happiness is a %entral %riterion of mental health, As is

    #is%usse# in more #etail elow" happiness is asso%iate# with a wi#e ran&e of

    tan&ile ene(ts" in%lu#in& enhan%e# physi%al health" superior %opin& s*ills"

    etter so%ial fun%tion" !o%ational su%%ess an# e!en lon&er life, learly" the

    sear%h for happiness %ontinues to e of primary politi%al" so%ial an#

    in#i!i#ual importan%e in the worl# to#ay,

    In or#er to #is%uss (n#in& of happiness an# re!iew the rele!ant literature" it

    is ne%essary to (rst #e(ne some terms su%h as su+e%ti!e well0ein& an#


    Su+e%ti!e -ell0Bein& 4S-B6 refers to how people e!aluate their li!es an# is

    the most wi#ely a%%epte# measure of happiness an# life satisfa%tion,

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    #ays?3 or" 1Ta*en all to&ether" woul# you say that you are !ery happy" pretty

    happy" or not too happy?3 The results of these S-B measurements #isplay

    1mo#erately hi&h le!els of %ross0situational %onsisten%y an# temporal

    staility an#P show a#e'uate !ali#ity" reliaility" fa%tor in!arian%e" an#

    sensiti!ity to %han&e3 4Diener CL6,

    Happiness itself has two #istin%t manifestations: ephemeral an# authenti%

    happiness, Ephemeral happiness refers to rief an# emotional episo#es

    mar*e# y pleasure 4su%h as the +oy an in#i!i#ual may feel when they ha!e

    ma#e a new pur%hase6" whereas authenti% happiness refers to an un#erlyin&

    state of satisfa%tion with one$s life mar*e# y pleasure" en&a&ement an#

    meanin& 4Seli&man 996, Often" what lea#s to ephemeral happiness at a

    &i!en moment in time may not e the same as what pro#u%es authenti%

    happiness" or lon&0term positi!e S-B,

    The (el# of positi!e psy%holo&y has also #e!elope# a more nuan%e# formula

    for #e(nin& happiness that supports the notion that authenti% happiness 4!s,

    ephemeral happiness6 is a more holisti% an# !ali# measure of true happiness

    an# that ephemeral happiness 4or pleasure6 is only one of three %omponents

    4an# the least important of the three6 in #eterminin& an o!erall measure of

    happiness, The formula use# y positi!e psy%holo&ists is:

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    positi!e emotions roa#en their 1thou&ht0a%tion3 repertoires an# uil#

    #urale physi%al" so%ial" an# intelle%tual resour%es 4Isen C6,

    O!erall" happy in#i!i#uals are more li*ely to e Nourishin& people" oth

    inwar#ly an# outwar#ly, As a result" enhan%in& peoples$ happiness le!els

    may in#ee# e a worthy s%ienti(% &oal" espe%ially after their asi% physi%al

    an# se%urity nee#s are met,

    Althou&h there is no one *ey to a%hie!in& happiness" positi!e psy%holo&y has

    #emonstrate# that there are in fa%t a spe%i(% set of in&re#ients that pro!e

    !ital in a%hie!in& happiness, These in%lu#e ha!in& stron&" positi!e

    relationships with family an# frien#s" elie!in& that one$s life has meanin&

    an# ha!in& &oals eme##e# in your lon&0term !alues that you (n#

    en+oyale" are wor*in& towar#s an# employ your stren&ths an# ailities

    4Seli&man 996, The shorthan# formula positi!e psy%holo&ists ha!e#e!elope# an# %ontinue to resear%h is simply that pleasure plus en&a&ement

    plus meanin& e'uals happiness 4BB 9F6,

    A%%or#in& to Martin Seli&man" the 1father3 of positi!e psy%holo&y" there is

    in#ee# a formula for a%hie!in& lastin& happiness: H R S Q Q

    In this e'uation" H is #e(ne# as authenti%Ken#urin& happiness" S is your set

    ran&e" is the %ir%umstan%es in one$s life" an# represents fa%tors un#er

    your !oluntary eha!ioral %ontrol,

    A%%or#in& to Seli&man" the S !ariale is" in part" &eneti%ally pre#etermine#,

    Durin& the Cs" personality stu#ies of twins an# a#opte# %hil#ren

    #emonstrate# two interestin& fa%ts: C, the psy%holo&y of i#enti%al twins is far

    more similar than that of fraternal twins" an# 9, a#opte# %hil#ren are more

    similar to their iolo&i%al parents then their a#opte# ones, These an# other

    stu#ies #emonstrate" a%%or#in& to Seli&man" that rou&hly ; of most

    personality traits %an e attriute# to &eneti% inheritan%e 4e!en thou&h

    heritaility #oesn$t mean the trait is un%han&eale6, In other wor#s" 18ou&hly

    half of your s%ore on happiness tests is a%%ounte# for y the s%ore your

    iolo&i%al parents woul# ha!e &otten ha# they ta*en the test, This may mean

    that we inherit a /steersman$ who ur&es us towar# a spe%i(% le!el ofhappiness or sa#ness3 4Seli&man 996,

    This steersman results in a 1happiness thermostat3: a (2e# an# primarily

    inherite# le!el of happiness 4S" the set ran&e6 that we e!entually re!ert to

    #espite temporary perio#s of e2treme +oy or sa#ness eyon# or elow that


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    In a##ition" it is often %hallen&in& to raise one$s le!el of happiness e%ause

    of what has een referre# to as the 1He#oni% Trea#mill,3 The He#oni%

    Trea#mill refers to the ten#en%y of humans to rapi#ly a#apt to oth positi!e

    an# ne&ati!e life e2perien%es an# retain a relati!ely stale le!el of happiness

    re&ar#less of %ir%umstan%es, In other wor#s" this theory su&&ests that

    happiness" for most people" is a relati!ely stale an# %onstant state, In#ee#"

    stu#ies ha!e shown that ma+or e!ents" su%h as ein& (re# or promote#" ha!e

    e2tremely low %orrelations to happiness 4Seli&man 996,

    Ta*en to&ether to form the S !ariale" one$s set ran&e" &eneti% steersman

    an# he#oni% trea#mill ten# to pre!ent one$s le!el of happiness from

    in%reasin& in a sustainale way,

    In#ee#" there is relati!ely little s%ienti(% support for the i#ea that people$s

    happiness le!els %an permanently %han&e for the etter, Jor e2ample" thehappiness0enhan%in& te%hni'ues propose# in the %opious self0help literature

    &enerally ha!e little &roun#in& in s%ienti(% theory" an# little empiri%al

    %on(rmation of their e7e%ti!eness 4u%*erman 96,

    Unfortunately" %ontemporary a%a#emi% psy%holo&y #oesn$t pro!i#e mu%h

    &ui#an%e, 8esear%h psy%holo&ists ha!e i#enti(e# many pre#i%tors of

    people$s &eneral or a!era&e le!els of happiness or S-B, Jor e2ample"

    stu#ies of %on%urrent S-B ha!e shown that it is inNuen%e# y a !ariety of

    fa%tors" in%lu#in& #emo&raphi% status 4Myers 96" personality traits 45u%as

    C, Jurthermore" #espite these a#!an%es" little is *nown aout how to

    %han&e S-B V that is" the possiility of 1e%omin& happier,3 One e2planation

    is that few stu#ies ha!e e2amine# S-B lon&itu#inally 4Diener C6, Another

    reason for this ne&le%t is the #iW%ulty of %on#u%tin& lon&itu#inal an#

    inter!ention stu#ies" a prolem that is further %ompoun#e# y the #earth of

    applie# resear%hers fo%usin& on positi!e mental health rather than on

    patholo&y, Jinally" a ma+or reason for the ne&le%t of this 'uestion is the

    %onsi#erale s%ienti(% pessimism o!er whether it is e!en possile to oost


    In#ee#" there is only a small amount of s%ienti(% resear%h fo%use# on how

    S-B %an e in%rease#" mu%h less sustaine#, Althou&h some of this resear%h

    has %on%lu#e# that the pursuit of happiness is all ut futile #ue to our

    &eneti% pre#ispositions an# the he#oni% trea#mill" some resear%hers ar&ue

    that sustainale in%reases are in#ee# possile,

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    C0C;, In a##ition" Son+a 5yuomirs*y elie!es that an 1in#i!i#ual$s %hroni%

    happiness le!el is &o!erne# y three %lasses of fa%tors V 4C6 his or her

    &eneti%ally0#etermine# set point 4or set ran&e6 for happiness" whi%h is

    relati!ely immune to inNuen%e" 496 happiness0rele!ant %ir%umstantial fa%tors

    4su%h as lo%ation" in%ome" an# marital status6" whi%h are #iW%ult ut not

    impossile to %han&e" an# 46 intentional %o&niti!e" moti!ational" an#

    eha!ioral a%ti!ities that %an inNuen%e well0ein&" an# are feasile ut

    e7ortful to #eploy3 45yuomirs*y 96, 5yuomirs*y &oes on to state that 1It

    is throu&h the intentional a%ti!ities in the thir# %lass that we elie!e that

    sustainale in%reases in well0ein& are possile3,

    The fa%t is that happiness %an an# #oes impro!e with time, Jor e2ample" a

    990year stu#y that followe# appro2imately 9" healthy !eterans foun# that

    life satisfa%tion in%rease# o!er these men$s li!es" pea*e# at a&e G;" an# #i#

    not start notaly #e%linin& until a&e F; 4Spiro 9;6, A positi!e %orrelationetween a&e an# well0ein& measures has also een foun# in a 90year

    lon&itu#inal stu#y of four &enerations of families 4=at 9C6 an# in a %ross0

    se%tional stu#y of a#ults a&e# CF to 9 4asser 9C6, Althou&h these #ata

    are merely su&&esti!e" they imply the possiility that true %han&es in well0

    ein& may e relate# to people$s %apa%ity to resist a#aptation,

    +eterminants of Happiness

    what is *nown aout the %on#itions" lifestyles an# eha!iors that lea# to

    happiness? In or#er to etter un#erstan# the etiolo&y of happiness" it is

    important to (rst e2amine the %hara%teristi%s of in#i!i#uals who rate

    themsel!es hi&hly in S-B sur!eys, A%%or#in& to Diener 4CG6" these

    in#i!i#uals ten# to ha!e hi&h le!els of self0esteem) !iewin& them as

    healthier" smarter" easier to &et alon& with" more ethi%al an# less pre+u#i%e#

    than others, They feel in %ontrol of their li!es an# are oth optimisti% an#


    A##itional resear%h has shown that personal psy%holo&i%al fa%tors 4in%lu#in&

    those mentione# ao!e6 a%%ount for of the !ariation in happiness le!els"9; are attriute# to life e!ents 4marria&eK#i!or%e" a irthK#eath" illness6"

    C is attriute to so%ial en&a&ement 4in%lu#in& wor* an# marria&e6" an#

    only C is asso%iate# with wealth 4

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    #eterminant of happiness 4Hamilton 9L6, Other #eterminants in%lu#e:

    healthy marria&e" +o satisfa%tion an# spirituality 4eyes C;6, In a##ition"

    1A sense of meanin& an# purpose is the sin&le attitu#e most stron&ly

    asso%iate# with life satisfa%tion3 4-earin& C6,

    A%%or#in& to Seli&man" 1if you want to lastin&ly raise your le!el of happiness

    y %han&in& the e2ternal %ir%umstan%es of your life you shoul# #o the


    C, 5i!e in a wealthy #emo%ra%y" not in an impo!erishe# #i%tatorships 4a

    stron& e7e%t6

    9, =et marrie# 4a roust e7e%t" ut perhaps not %ausal6

    , A!oi# ne&ati!e e!ents an# ne&ati!e emotion 4only a mo#erate e7e%t6

    L, A%'uire a ri%h so%ial networ* 4a roust e7e%t" ut perhaps not %ausal6

    ;, =et reli&ion 4a mo#erate e7e%t6

    As far as happiness an# life satisfa%tion are %on%erne#" howe!er" you nee#n$t

    other to #o the followin&:

    G, Ma*e more money 4money has little or no e7e%t on%e you are %omfortale

    enou&h to uy this oo*" an# more materialisti% people are less happy6

    F, Stay healthy 4su+e%ti!e health" not o+e%ti!e health matters6

    , =et as mu%h e#u%ation as possile 4no e7e%t6

    , han&e your ra%e or mo!e to a sunnier %limate 4no e7e%t6

    4Seli&man 996

    Many of these stu#ies #emonstrate that happiness is often #e(ne# y

    relati!e fa%tors: 1

  • 7/26/2019 Finding happiness for privileged and underprivileged



    ,ype of ResearchThe type of resear%h that we will e usin& in this stu#y is 'ualitati!e

    resear%h, These type of resear%hes aim to &ather an in0#epth un#erstan#in&

    of human eha!ior an# it aims to (n# the reasons that &o!ern su%h *in# of

    eha!ior, Xualitati!e 8esear%h is primarily e2ploratory resear%h, This type of

    resear%h is use# to a%hie!e an un#erstan#in& of un#erlyin& reasons"

    opinions" an# moti!ations, Xualitati!e 8esear%h is also use# to un%o!er

    tren#s in thou&ht an# opinions" an# #i!e #eeper into the prolem, Xualitati!e

    #ata %olle%tion metho#s !ary usin& unstru%ture# or semi0stru%ture#

    te%hni'ues, Some %ommon metho#s in%lu#e fo%us &roups 4&roup

    #is%ussions6" in#i!i#ual inter!iews" an# parti%ipationKoser!ations,4snapsur!eys,%om6

    -vervie& of the Research +esignOur resear%h fo%uses on Happiness for pri!ile&e# an# un#erpri!ile&e#" for

    this purpose Inter!iews will e %on#u%te# with the people who are pri!ile&e#

    an# those who are un#erpri!ile&e#,

    A %omplete o!er!iew of the resear%h woul# e &i!en to the parti%ipants

    efore inter!iewin& the parti%ipants an# they woul# e as*e# if they are

    willin& to &i!e the inter!iew with their %onsent, -e plan to %on#u%t

    inter!iews with 9 people, The answers of the parti%ipants will e !i#eo

    re%or#e# #urin& the inter!iew,

    .mportance of .ntervie&s in /0alitative Research

    -e will e %on#u%tin& inter!iews to &et the re'uire# answers for our

    resear%h, -e sele%te# inter!iew e%ause it is more important in 'ualitati!e

  • 7/26/2019 Finding happiness for privileged and underprivileged


    resear%hes an# there are many ene(ts of inter!iews in 'ualitati!e resear%h,

    The 'ualitati!e resear%h inter!iew see*s to #es%rie an# the meanin&s of

    %entral themes in the life worl# of the su+e%ts, The main tas* in inter!iewin&

    is to un#erstan# the meanin& of what the inter!iewees say, 4!ale"CG6

    Inter!iews are parti%ularly useful for &ettin& the story ehin# a parti%ipant$se2perien%es, The inter!iewer %an pursue in0#epth information aroun# the

    topi%, 4M%amara"C6

    ParticipantsThe parti%ipants in this resear%h will e %omin& from two lo%ations0 Bahria

    Town Islamaa# an# Slum areas of se%tor H) we %hose these two areas

    e%ause of the %on#itions present in the areas that are rele!ant to the stu#y

    an# also as it (ts our time frame an# resour%es, The parti%ipants will e

    as*e# for their %onsent an# appro!al for the inter!iew until the #esire#numer of respon#ents whi%h is 9 is rea%he#,

    Research /0estions1The resear%h 'uestions for this stu#y were:

    C, -hat is the meanin& of happiness for you an# how #o you #e(ne it?9, -hat are the thin&s that ma*e you happy?, Are you satis(e# with your life?L, Do you thin* money is ne%essary to li!e a happy an# prosperous life?

    Research -bjectives1The resear%h o+e%ti!es for this stu#y were:

    C, To %ompare the happiness of pri!ile&e# an# un#erpri!ile&e#9, To i#entify the fa%tors asso%iate# with the happiness of pri!ile&e# as

    well as un#erpri!ile&e#,, Is money really playin& a !ital role in their pursuit of happiness?

    L, To (n# that the meanin& of happiness is same for pri!ile&e# an#un#erpri!ile&e# or not,

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    Our resear%h was %on%erne# with the happiness of pri!ile&e# an#

    un#erpri!ile&e# people" The resear%h o+e%ti!e was to i#entify the fa%tors

    asso%iate# with the happiness of pri!ile&e# an# un#erpri!ile&e# people" an#

    to (n# whether money is important in pursuit of happiness an# %an money

    uy happiness,

    -e woul# li*e to %on%lu#e that 1Money #oesn$t uy happiness" neither #oes

    po!erty3" an# that -ealth Doesn.t Ma*e the 8i%h Happier" But

  • 7/26/2019 Finding happiness for privileged and underprivileged


    money, Howe!er" we foun# the fa%t that happiness is not +ust #etermine# y

    one fa%tor ut many others su%h as your frien#s" relati!es" an# pleasant


    1It seems natural to assume that ri%h people will e happier than others"3

    But money is only one part of psy%holo&i%al wealth" so the pi%ture is


    There is a stron& %orrelation etween wealth an# happiness" 18i%h people are

    happier than their poor %ounterparts) -hile there #oes appear to e some

    %orrelation etween happiness an# in%ome when asi% nee#s are not yet

    met" ut note that money$s impa%t on happiness isn$t as lar&e as you mi&ht

    thin*, If you ha!e %lothes to wear" foo# to eat" an# a roof o!er your hea#"

    in%rease# #isposale in%ome has +ust a small inNuen%e on your sense of well0


    So" yes" money %an uy some happiness" ut as you$ll see" it$s +ust one pie%e

    of the pule, An# there$s a real #an&er that in%rease# in%ome %an a%tually

    ma*e you miseraleif your #esire to spen# &rows with it, , Jinally: how

    people spen# their money may e at least as important as how mu%h money

    they earn, Spe%i(%ally" spen#in& more of one$s in%ome on others results in

    &reater happiness, So &o ahea#" e &enerous, You$ll e &la# you #i#,


    -hen #oin& resear%h we fa%e# #iW%ulties in (n#in& people an#

    approa%hin& them, In future one must e proa%ti!e in sear%hin& people

    to &et samples,

  • 7/26/2019 Finding happiness for privileged and underprivileged


    -e were not ein& ale to &et inter!iews of the females e%ause they

    were 'uite hesitant, In future they shoul# e %on!in%e# on or#er to &et

    a%%urate results,

    Sometimes" people #o not want to share their personal life e2perien%es

    with others" so we shoul# use# those metho#s for resear%h whi%hinno!ate people to share their life e2perien%es with others whether to

    hesitate, So in this way we %an &et a%%urate answers from people,