final_sec adr guidelines tracking of s & p nasdaq and listing requirements revised

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  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    COURSE:- MFM Batch 2011-14

    SUBJECT:- International Finance

    TOPIC:- SEC, ADR Guidelines, rac!in" o# S$%, &ASDA' and (istin"



    Sr. No. Name Roll No.

    1 Priya Hemani 74

    2 Laxmi Dodeja 69

    3 Sagar Parekh 93

    4 Denil Pin!o 97

    " S#$riyo Seng#$!a 1%3

    6 &anali Panare 91

    7 P#ni! &e'ada (7

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission


    Seal of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

    Flag of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

    Agency overview

    Formed June 6, !"#

    Jurisdiction United States federal government

    $ead%uarters &ashington, '.C.

    Em(loyees ",)#* +--/0

    Agency executive 1ary Jo &hite

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    he U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission SEC is an a"enc. o# the /nited States

    #ederal "oern*ent+ It holds ri*ar. resonsiilit. #or en#orcin" the #ederal securitiesla3s and

    re"ulatin" the securities industr., the nations stoc! and otions e5chan"es, and other electronic

    securities *ar!ets in the /nited States+

    In addition to the Securities E5chan"e Act o# 1674 that created it, the SEC en#orces the

    Securities Act o# 1677, the rust Indenture Act o# 1676, the Inest*ent Co*an. Act o# 1640,

    the Inest*ent Adisers Act o# 1640, theSaranes895le. Act o# 2002, and other statutes+ he

    SEC 3as created . Section 4 o# the Securities E5chan"e Act o# 1674 no3 codi#ied as 1:

    /+S+C+; +

    he en#orce*ent authorit. "ien . Con"ress allo3s the SEC to rin" ciil en#orce*ent

    actions a"ainst indiiduals or co*anies alle"ed to hae co**itted accountin" #raud, roided

    #alse in#or*ation, or en"a"ed in insider tradin"or other iolations o# the securities la3+ he

    SEC also 3or!s 3ith cri*inal la3 en#orce*ent a"encies to rosecute indiiduals andco*anies ali!e #or o##enses 3hich include a cri*inal iolation+

    o achiee its *andate, the SEC en#orces the statutor. re)uire*ent that ulic co*anies

    su*it )uarterl. and annual reorts,as 3ell as other eriodic reorts+ In addition to annual

    #inancial reorts, co*an. e5ecuties *ust roide a narratie account, called the

    ?*ana"e*ent discussion and anal.sis? MD$A, that outlines the reious .ear o# oerations

    and e5lains ho3 the co*an. #ared in that ti*e eriod+ MD$A 3ill usuall. also touch on the

    uco*in" .ear, outlinin" #uture "oals and aroaches to ne3 ro@ects+ In an atte*t to leel the" #ield #or all inestors, the SEC *aintains an online dataase called EDGAR the

    Electronic Data Gatherin", Anal.sis, and Retrieal s.ste* online #ro* 3hich inestors can

    access this and other in#or*ation #iled 3ith the a"enc.+
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    'uarterl. and i-annual reorts #ro* ulic co*anies are crucial #or inestors to *a!e sound

    decisions 3hen inestin" in the caital *ar!ets+ /nli!e an!in", inest*ent in the caital

    *ar!ets is not "uaranteed. the #ederal "oern*ent+ he otential #or i" "ains needs to e

    3ei"hed a"ainst e)uall. li!el. losses+ Mandator. disclosure o# #inancial and other in#or*ation

    aout the issuer and the securit. itsel# "ies riate indiiduals as 3ell as lar"e institutions the

    sa*e asic #acts aout the ulic co*anies the. inest in, there. increasin" ulic scrutin.

    3hile reducin" insider tradin" and#raud+

    he SEC *a!es reorts aailale to the ulic ia the EDGAR s.ste*+ SEC also o##ers

    ulications on inest*ent-related toics #or ulic education+ he sa*e online s.ste* also

    ta!es tis and co*laints #ro* inestors to hel the SEC trac! do3n iolators o# the securities

    la3s+ he SEC adheres to a strict olic. that it neer co**ents on the e5istence or status o# an

    on"oin" inesti"ation+

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    %rior to the enact*ent o# the #ederal securities la3s and the creation o# the SEC, there e5isted

    so-calledlue s!. la3s+ he. 3ere enacted and en#orced at the state leel, and re"ulated the

    o##erin" and sale o# securities to rotect the ulic #ro* #raud+ hou"h the seci#ic roisions

    o# these la3s aried a*on" states, the. all re)uired the re"istration o# all securities o##erin"s

    and sales, as 3ell as o# eer. /+S+ stoc!ro!erand ro!era"e #ir*+

    o3eer, these lue s!. la3s 3ere "enerall. #ound to e ine##ectie+ For e5a*le, the

    Inest*ent Ban!ers Association told its *e*ers as earl. as 161: that the. could ?i"nore? lue

    s!. la3s . *a!in" securities o##erin"s across state lines throu"h the *ail+ A#ter holdin"

    hearin"s on auses on interstate #rauds co**onl. !no3n as the %ecora Co**ission,

    Con"ress assed the Securities Act o# 1677 1: /+S+C+;

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    )uestion+ Since 1664, *ost re"istration state*ents and associated *aterials #iled 3ith the SEC

    can e accessed ia the SECs online s.ste*, EDGAR+

    he Securities E5chan"e Act o# 1674 is also !no3n as ?the E5chan"e Act? or ?the 1674 Act?+

    his act re"ulates secondar. tradin" et3een indiiduals and co*anies 3hich are o#ten

    unrelated to the ori"inal issuers o# securities+ Entities under the SECs authorit. include

    securities e5chan"es 3ith h.sical tradin" #loors such as the &e3 or! Stoc! E5chan"e

    &SE, sel#-re"ulator. or"aniationsSR9s such as the&ational Association o# Securities

    Dealers &ASD, the Municial Securities Rule*a!in" Board MSRB, online tradin"

    lat#or*s such as he &ASDA' Stoc! Mar!et &ASDA' and AS, and an. other ersons

    e.g., securities ro!ers en"a"ed in transactions #or the accounts o# others+
  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised



    he SECs #oundation 3as laid in an era that 3as rie #or re#or*+ Be#ore the Great Crash o#

    1626, there 3as little suort #or #ederal re"ulation o# the securities *ar!ets+ his 3as

    articularl. true durin" the ost-orld ar I sur"e o# securities actiit.+ %roosals that the

    #ederal "oern*ent re)uire #inancial disclosure and reent the #raudulent sale o# stoc! 3ere

    neer seriousl. ursued+

    e*ted . ro*ises o# ?ra"s to riches? trans#or*ations and eas. credit, *ost inestors "ae

    little thou"ht to the s.ste*ic ris! that arose #ro* 3idesread ause o# *ar"in #inancin" and

    unreliale in#or*ation aout the securities in 3hich the. 3ere inestin"+ Durin" the 1620s,

    aro5i*atel. 20 *illion lar"e and s*all shareholders too! adanta"e o# ost-3ar roserit.

    and set out to *a!e their #ortunes in the stoc! *ar!et+ It is esti*ated that o# the H:0 illion in

    ne3 securities o##ered durin" this eriod, hal# eca*e 3orthless+

    President Franklin D.


    Joseph Kennedy

    hen the stoc! *ar!et crashed in 9ctoer 1626, ulic con#idence in the *ar!ets lu**eted+

    Inestors lar"e and s*all, as 3ell as the an!s 3ho had loaned to the*, lost "reat su*s o#

    *one. in the ensuin" Great Deression+ here 3as a consensus that #or the econo*. to

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    recoer, the ulics #aith in the caital *ar!ets needed to e restored+ Con"ress held hearin"s

    to identi#. the role*s and search #or solutions+

    Based on the #indin"s in these hearin"s, Con"ress durin" the ea! .ear o# the Deression

    assed the Securities Act o# 1677+ his la3, to"ether 3ith the Securities E5chan"e Act o# 1674,

    3hich created the SEC, 3as desi"ned to restore inestor con#idence in our caital *ar!ets .

    roidin" inestors and the *ar!ets 3ith *ore reliale in#or*ation and clear rules o# honest

    dealin"+ he *ain uroses o# these la3s can e reduced to t3o co**on-sense notionsJ

    Co*anies ulicl. o##erin" securities #or inest*ent dollars *ust tell the ulic the truth

    aout their usinesses, the securities the. are sellin", and the ris!s inoled in inestin"+

    %eole 3ho sell and trade securities 8 ro!ers, dealers, and e5chan"es 8 *ust treat

    inestors #airl. and honestl., uttin" inestors interests #irst+

    Monitorin" the securities industr. re)uires a hi"hl. coordinated e##ort+ Con"ress estalished the

    Securities and E5chan"e Co**ission in 1674 to en#orce the ne3l.-assed securities la3s, to

    ro*ote stailit. in the *ar!ets and, *ost i*ortantl., to rotect inestors+ %resident Fran!lin

    Delano Rooseelt aointed oseh %+ Kenned., %resident ohn F+ Kenned.s #ather, to sere as

    the #irst Chair*an o# the SEC+

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    OR$!"I%!TIO" O# THE SEC

    he SEC consists o# #ie residentiall.-aointed Co**issioners, 3ith sta""ered #ie-.ear

    ter*s seeSEC 9r"aniation ChartL te5t ersionalso aailale+ 9ne o# the* is desi"nated .

    the %resident as Chair*an o# the Co**ission the a"enc.s chie# e5ecutie+ B. la3, no *ore

    than three o# the Co**issioners *a. elon" to the sa*e olitical art., ensurin" non-

    artisanshi+ he a"enc.s #unctional resonsiilities are or"anied into #ie Diisions and 27

    9##ices, each o# 3hich is head)uartered in ashin"ton, DC+ he Co**issions aro5i*atel.

    7,:00 sta## are located in ashin"ton and in11 Re"ional 9##ices throu"hout the countr.+

    It is the resonsiilit. o# the Co**ission toJ

    interret and en#orce #ederal securities la3sL

    issue ne3 rules and a*end e5istin" rulesL

    oersee the insection o# securities #ir*s, ro!ers, inest*ent adisers, and ratin"s


    oersee riate re"ulator. or"aniations in the securities, accountin", and auditin"

    #ieldsL and

    coordinate /+S+ securities re"ulation 3ith #ederal, state, and #orei"n authorities+

    he Co**ission conenes re"ularl. at *eetin"s that are oen to the ulic and the ne3s *edia

    unless the discussion ertains to con#idential su@ects, such as 3hether to e"in an en#orce*ent


    The &a's That $o(ern the Securities Industr)

    Securities !ct o* +,
  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    9#ten re#erred to as the ?truth in securities? la3, the Securities Act o# 1677 has t3o asic


    re)uire that inestors receie #inancial and other si"ni#icant in#or*ation concernin" securities

    ein" o##ered #or ulic saleL and rohiit deceit, *isreresentations, and other #raud in the sale

    o# securities+

    Purose o* Registration

    A ri*ar. *eans o# acco*lishin" these "oals is the disclosure o# i*ortant #inancial

    in#or*ation throu"h the re"istration o# securities+ his in#or*ation enales inestors, not the

    "oern*ent, to *a!e in#or*ed @ud"*ents aout 3hether to urchase a co*an.s securities+

    hile the SEC re)uires that the in#or*ation roided e accurate, it does not "uarantee it+

    Inestors 3ho urchase securities and su##er losses hae i*ortant recoer. ri"hts i# the. can

    roe that there 3as inco*lete or inaccurate disclosure o# i*ortant in#or*ation+

    The Registration Process

    In "eneral, securities sold in the /+S+ *ust e re"istered+ he re"istration #or*s co*anies #ile

    roide essential #acts 3hile *ini*iin" the urden and e5ense o# co*" 3ith the la3+ In

    "eneral, re"istration #or*s call #orJ

    a descrition o# the co*an.s roerties and usinessL

    a descrition o# the securit. to e o##ered #or saleL

    in#or*ation aout the *ana"e*ent o# the co*an.L and

    #inancial state*ents certi#ied . indeendent accountants+

    All co*anies, oth do*estic and #orei"n, *ust #ile their re"istration state*ents electronicall.+

    hese state*ents and the acco*" rosectuses eco*e ulic shortl. a#ter #ilin", and

    inestors can access the* usin" EDGAR+ Re"istration state*ents are su@ect to e5a*ination #or

    co*liance 3ith disclosure re)uire*ents+&ot all o##erin"s o# securities *ust e re"istered 3ith

    the Co**ission+ So*e e5e*tions #ro* the re"istration re)uire*ent includeJ
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    riate o##erin"s to a li*ited nu*er o# ersons or institutionsL

    o##erin"s o# li*ited sieL

    intrastate o##erin"sL and

    securities o# *unicial, state, and #ederal "oern*ents+

    B. e5e*tin" *an. s*all o##erin"s #ro* the re"istration rocess, the SEC see!s to #oster

    caital #or*ation . lo3erin" the cost o# o##erin" these o# securities to the ulic+

    Securities Exchange !ct o* +,/

    ith this Act, Con"ress created the Securities and E5chan"e Co**ission+ he Act e*o3ersthe SEC 3ith road authorit. oer all asects o# the securities industr.+ his includes the o3er

    to re"ister, re"ulate, and oersee ro!era"e #ir*s, trans#er a"ents, and clearin" a"encies as 3ell

    as the nations securities sel# re"ulator. or"aniations SR9s+ he arious stoc! e5chan"es,

    such as the &e3 or! Stoc! E5chan"e, and A*erican Stoc! E5chan"e are SR9s+ he Financial

    Industr. Re"ulator. Authorit., 3hich oerates the &ASDA' s.ste*, is also an SR9+

    he Act also identi#ies and rohiits certain o# conduct in the *ar!ets and roides the

    Co**ission 3ith discilinar. o3ers oer re"ulated entities and ersons associated 3ith the*+

    he Act also e*o3ers the SEC to re)uire eriodic reortin" o# in#or*ation . co*anies 3ith

    ulicl. traded securities+

    Cororate Reorting

    Co*anies 3ith *ore than H10 *illion in assets 3hose e)uit. securities are held . *ore than

    a seci#ied nu*er o# holders *ust #ile annual and other eriodic reorts+ hese reorts are

    aailale to the ulic throu"h the SECs EDGAR dataase+

    Prox) So0icitations

    he Securities E5chan"e Act also "oerns the disclosure in *aterials used to solicit

    shareholders otes in annual or secial *eetin"s held #or the election o# directors and the

    aroal o# other cororate action+ his in#or*ation, contained in ro5. *aterials, *ust e #iled

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    3ith the Co**ission in adance o# an. solicitation to ensure co*liance 3ith the disclosure

    rules+ Solicitations, 3hether . *ana"e*ent or shareholder "rous, *ust disclose all i*ortant

    #acts concernin" the issues on 3hich holders are as!ed to ote+

    Tender O**ers

    he Securities E5chan"e Act re)uires disclosure o# i*ortant in#or*ation . see!in" to

    ac)uire *ore than : ercent o# a co*an.s securities . direct urchase or tender o##er+ Such

    an o##er o#ten is e5tended in an e##ort to "ain control o# the co*an.+ As 3ith the ro5. rules,

    this allo3s shareholders to *a!e in#or*ed decisions on these critical cororate eents+

    Insider Trading

    he securities la3s roadl. rohiit #raudulent actiities o# an. !ind in connection 3ith the

    o##er, urchase, or sale o# securities+ hese roisions are the asis #or *an. o#

    discilinar. actions, includin" actions a"ainst #raudulent insider tradin"+ Insider tradin" is

    ille"al 3hen a erson trades a securit. 3hile in ossession o# *aterial non ulic in#or*ation in

    iolation o# a dut. to 3ithhold the in#or*ation or re#rain #ro* tradin"+

    Re"istration o# E5chan"es, Associations, and 9thers

    he Act re)uires a ariet. o# *ar!et articiants to re"ister 3ith the Co**ission, includin"

    e5chan"es, ro!ers and dealers, trans#er a"ents, and clearin" a"encies+ Re"istration #or these

    or"aniations inoles #ilin" disclosure docu*ents that are udated on a re"ular asis+

    he e5chan"es and the Financial Industr. Re"ulator. Authorit. FI&RA are identi#ied as sel#-

    re"ulator. or"aniations SR9+ SR9s *ust create rules that allo3 #or discilinin" *e*ers #or

    i*roer conduct and #or estalishin" *easures to ensure *ar!et inte"rit. and inestor

    rotection+ SR9 roosed rules are ulished #or co**ent e#ore #inal SEC reie3 and


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    !1R 2 !merican deositar) receits3

    A*erican deositar. receits, or ADRs, are a it o# #inancial *a"ic that delier the 3orld to the

    doors o# /S inestors+

    First introduced . the inest*ent house o# % Mor"an in 162

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    (i!e nor*al stoc!s, ADRs tend to trade at leels that trac! the #inancial health o# their" co*anies+ Still, there are i*ortant di##erences et3een an ADR and a directl.

    held stoc!+

    For e5a*le, there are di##erent #laors o# ADRs, each o# 3hich carries a di##erent leel o#

    reortin" resonsiilit. - in other 3ords transarenc. in reortin" their #inancial health - to /S

    re"ulators and inestors+

    Unsonsored shares:hese o##er the lo3est leel o# entr. into the A*erican *ar!et+

    /nsonsored shares trade onl. on oer-the-counter *ar!ets - not on the *a@or /S stoc!

    e5chan"es - and ear no resonsiilit. to reort to /S re"ulator. a"encies+ he. are rarel.

    issued toda.+

    &e(e0 I:

    hese shares can also onl. e traded on oer-the-counter *ar!ets, ut the. are "enerall. issued

    throu"h onl. one /S a"ent - their deositar. ?sonsor+? Re"ulator. reortin" re)uire*ents are

    still *ini*al+ 'uarterl. or annual reorts are not re)uired+ Een i# such reorts are issued, the.

    are not re)uired to adhere to /S standards o# "enerall. acceted accountin" rinciles, or

    GAA%, and the co*anies can ost their results in a #orei"n currenc.+

    &e(e0 II:

    Co*anies that 3ant to sell ADRs to /S inestors at this leel hae to re"ister 3ith the

    Securities and E5chan"e Co**ission and #ile an annual reort that co*lies 3ith GAA%

    standards+ his is the lo3est leel o# shares that can e listed on a /S stoc! e5chan"e+

    &e(e0 III:

    his is the "old standard o# ADR ratin"s+ It allo3s #orei"n co*anies to issue shares directl.

    into the /S, rather than si*l. allo3in" the indirect urchase o# alread. created shares+ In

    e5chan"e, the co*an. is re)uired to #ile annual reorts that co*l. 3ith GAA% standards,

    t.icall. so*ethin" !no3n as a #or* 20-F co*ared to the re"ular 10-K #ilin" . co*anies

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    in the /nited States+ And it is re)uired to share an. ne3s that it distriutes 3ithin its ho*e

    countr. to /S inestors as 3ell+

    !1Rs5 Secia0 Ris4s9# course, een thou"h the. trade in /S dollars and can, at least on the sur#ace, closel. *i*ic

    the loo! and #eel o# A*erican stoc!s, ADRs co*e 3ith their o3n set o# secial considerations

    to !ee in *ind+

    Currenc) ris4: I# the alue o# the /S dollar rises a"ainst the alue o# the co*an.s ho*e

    currenc., a "ood deal o# the co*an.s intrinsic ro#its *i"ht e 3ied out in translation+

    Conersel., i# the /S dollar 3ea!ens a"ainst the co*an.s ho*e currenc., an. ro#its it

    *a!es 3ill e enhanced #or a /S o3ner+ For *ore in#or*ation on ho3 this could da*a"e or

    in#late .our results, read he Dan"er o# Inestin" in International Bonds+

    Po0itica0 ris4:ADR status does not insulate a co*an.s stoc! #ro* the inherent ris! o# its

    ho*e countr.s olitical stailit.+ Reolution, nationaliation, currenc. collase or other

    otential disasters *a. e "reater ris! #actors in other arts o# the 3orld than in the /S, and

    those ris!s 3ill e clearl. translated throu"h an. ADR that ori"inates in an a##ected nation+

    In*0ation ris4:Countries around the "loe *a. e *ore, or less, rone to in#lation than the /S

    econo*. is at an. "ien ti*e+ hose 3ith hi"herin#lation rates *a. #ind it *ore di##icult to

    ost ro#its to an /S o3ner, re"ardless o# the co*an.s" health+

    In other 3ords, ADRs are @ust 3hat the. see*J a reresentation o# a #orei"n stoc!, rather than

    an actual holdin" in the co*an.+ Because o# all o# the considerations listed aoe, an ADR o#

    a #orei"n co*an. in the /S+ *a. trade a little ahead or a little ehind the rice the co*an.

    co**ands in its o3n currenc. in its o3n ho*e ase+ But its sa#e to sa. that" an ADR is

    the closest an A*erican inestor can co*e to articiatin" directl. in the rest o# the 3orlds

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    $uide0ines *or !1R6$1R issues 7) the Indian Comanies -1isin(estment o*

    shares 7) the Indian comanies in the O(erseas mar4et through issue o*


    i Diest*ent . shareholders o# their holdin"s o# Indian co*anies, in the oerseas*ar!ets 3ould e allo3ed throu"h the *echanis* o# Sonsored ADRGDR issue in

    resect o#J-

    a Diest*ent . shareholders o# their holdin"s o# Indian co*anies listed in IndiaL

    Diest*ent . shareholders o# their holdin"s o# Indian co*anies not listed in India

    ut 3hich are listed oerseas+

    ii he rocess o# diest*ent 3ould e initiated . such Indian co*anies 3hose shares are

    ein" o##ered #or diest*ent in the oerseas *ar!et . sonsorin" ADRGDR issues

    a"ainst the loc! o# e5istin" shares o##ered . the shareholders under the roisions o#

    these "uidelines+

    iii Such a #acilit. 3ould e aailale ari-assu to all cate"ories o# shareholders, o# the

    co*an. 3hose shares are ein" sold in the ADRGDR *ar!ets oerseas+ his 3ould

    ensure that no class o# shareholders "ets a secial disensation+

    i he sonsorin" co*an., 3hose shareholders roose to diest e5istin" shares in the

    oerseas *ar!et throu"h issue o# ADRsGDRs 3ill "ie an otion to all its shareholders

    indicatin" the nu*er o# shares to e diested and the *echanis* ho3 the rice 3ill e

    deter*ined under the ADRGDR nor*s+ I# the shares o##ered #or diest*ent are *ore

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    than the re-seci#ied nu*er to e diested shares 3ould e acceted #or diest*ent in

    roortion to e5istin" holdin"s+

    he roosal #or diest*ent o# the e5istin" shares in the ADRGDR *ar!et 3ould hae

    to e aroed . a secial resolution o# the co*an. 3hose shares are ein" diested+

    i he roceeds o# the ADRGDR issue raised aroad shall e reatriated into India 3ithin a

    eriod o# one *onth o# the closure o# the issue+

    ii Such ADRGDR issues a"ainst e5istin" shares arisin" out o# the diest*ent 3ould also

    co*e 3ithin the urie3 o# the e5istin" SEBI a!eoer Code i# the ADRsGDRs are

    cancelled and the" shares are to e re"istered 3ith the co*an. as


    iii Diest*ent o# e5istin" shares o# Indian co*anies in the oerseas *ar!ets #or issue o#

    ADRsGDRs 3ould e rec!oned as FDI+ Such roosals 3ould re)uire FI%B aroal as

    also other aroals, i# an., under the FDI olic.+

    i5 Such diest*ent inductin" #orei"n e)uit. 3ould also need to con#or* to the FDI sectoralolic. and the rescried sectoral ca as alicale+ Accordin"l. the #acilit. 3ould not e

    aailale 3here the co*an. 3hose shares are to e diested is en"a"ed in an actiit.

    3here FDI is not er*itted+

    5 Each case 3ould re)uire the aroal o# FI%B #or #orei"n e)uit. induction throu"h o##er

    o# e5istin" shares under the ADRGDR route+

    5i 9ther *andator. aroals such as those under the Co*anies Act, etc+ as alicale

    3ould hae to e otained . the co*an. rior to the ADRGDR issue+

    5ii he issue related e5enses coerin" oth #i5ed e5enses li!e under3ritin" co**issions,

    lead *ana"ers char"es, le"al e5enses and rei*ursale e5enses #or ulic issue shall

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    e su@ect to a ceilin" o# 4N in the case o# GDRs and

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    Standard 8 Poor9s: ! a;or $0o7a0 Rating !genc)

    Standard $ %oors is a #inancial ulishin", *edia, and in#or*ation co*an. 3ith dee roots inthose usiness se"*ents+ It alies *an. o# the sa*e rinciles that #inancial ne3saers and

    *a"aines do in order to resere their @ournalistic indeendence and inte"rit.+

    he credit anal.sis er#or*ed . Standard $ %oors anal.sts is in so*e 3a.s si*ilar to the

    credit anal.sis that anal.sts at an!s or other #inancial institutions er#or*+ o3eer, ratin"

    anal.sts so*eti*es hae access to con#idential in#or*ation that is roided . issuers, or

    inest*ent an!ersarran"ers, o# structured #inance transactions as art o# the ratin" rocess+

    Standard $ %oors also "ains a aluale ersectie #ro* 3or!in" on a 3ide ran"e o# credit

    ratin"s throu"hout the 3orld+

    Standard $ %oors er#or*s indeendent ealuation and reortin" o# credit ris!, and is not

    other3ise inoled in caital *ar!et transactions+ As a result, Standard $ %oors credit ratin"s,

    3hich are assi"ned ased on transarent criteria, hae lon" een utilied . caital *ar!et


    The Origin O* Standard 8 Poor5s Credit Ratings

    Standard $ %oors Ratin"s Serices traces its histor. ac! to 1=>0, the .ear that enr. Oarnu*

    %oor ulished the istor. o# Railroads and Canals o# the /nited States+ %oor 3as concerned

    aout the lac! o# )ualit. in#or*ation aailale to inestors and e*ar!ed on a ca*ai"n to

    ulicie details o# cororate oerations+ Standard $ %oors has een ulishin" credit ratin"s

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    since 161>, roidin" inestors and *ar!et articiants 3orld3ide 3ith indeendent anal.sis o#

    credit ris!+

    Rating ethodo0ogies 6 !roachesRatin" a"encies use di##erent aroaches in #or*in" and ulishin" their oinions aout credit

    ris!+ So*e a"encies use anal.sts, so*e use *athe*atical *odels, and so*e use a co*ination

    o# the t3o+ As ratin" a"enc. *odels di##er 3ith re"ards to their criteria, rocesses, and ratin"s

    de#initions, users o# ratin"s should consider such di##erences i# the. are usin" credit ratin"s as


    !na0)st-1ri(en Credit Ratings

    Credit ratin" a"encies, such as Standard $ %oors, that use the aroach e*lo.

    anal.sts to ealuate and e5ress an oinion on the relatie credit3orthiness o# issuers and the

    relatie credit )ualit. o# det issues+ In ratin" an issuer, such as a cororation or *unicialit.,

    anal.sts conduct a reie3 o# the #inancial er#or*ance, olicies, and ris! *ana"e*ent

    strate"ies o# that issuer as 3ell as o# the usiness and econo*ic eniron*ent in 3hich the issuer

    oerates+ In addition to ealuatin" #inancial data, credit anal.sts t.icall. 3ei"h )ualitatie

    in#or*ation, such as lon"-ter* strate"ies, as the. assess the issuers ailit. and 3illin"ness to

    *eet its #inancial oli"ations in a ti*el. *anner+

    Ratin" a"encies that use the aroach o#ten e*lo. anal.sts 3ith e5erience in

    ealuatin" the relatie credit ris! o# an entit. or securit.+ In addition to their e5erience 3ith

    and understandin" o# the credit *ar!ets, anal.sts are trained to thin! criticall. and to ealuate

    co*le5 usiness, #inancial, and accountin" issues+ Man. anal.sts also rin" to ear

    secialiations in seci#ic industr. se"*ents and transaction structures in ealuatin" credit ris!s


    ode0-1ri(en Credit Ratings

    A s*all nu*er o# ratin" a"encies use the *odel-drien aroach, #ocusin" *ore e5clusiel.

    on )uantitatie data that the. incororate into a *athe*atical *odel to roduce their ratin"s,

    3hich are "enerall. oint-in-ti*e assess*ents+ For e5a*le, an a"enc. usin" this aroach to

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    assess the credit3orthiness o# a an! or #inancial institution ealuates that entit.s asset )ualit.,

    #undin", and ro#itailit. ased on #i"ures that aear in that entit.s #inancial state*ents and

    re"ulator. #ilin"s+ he *athe*atical #or*ulas used to *easure credit3orthiness are o#ten

    rorietar. and hi"hl. co*le5+

    Standard 8 Poor5s !na0)st-1ri(en Rating Process

    $0o7a0 (s. "ationa0 Ratings !gencies

    So*e ratin" a"encies #ocus onl. on issuers and issues 3ithin a seci#ic countr. or re"ion, 3hile

    others roide a "loal ersectie+

    Gloal credit ratin" a"encies, such as Standard $ %oors, ulish ratin"s and research aout the

    credit3orthiness o# issuers and the credit )ualit. o# det issues around the 3orld+ B."

    standardied ratin" criteria on a "loal asis, Standard $ %oors ratin"s roide a ench*ar!

    #or assessin" the relatie credit )ualit. o# issuers and instru*ents+ hese "loal scale ratin"s

    *a. e use#ul to institutional inestors 3ho see! "eo"rahic diersi#ication in their det

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    inest*ents 3hile at the sa*e ti*e adherin" to internal inest*ent "uidelines that re)uire a

    "loal ench*ar!+

    &ational ratin" a"encies can roide a #ra*e o# re#erence di##erent #ro* that o# "loal a"encies

    . concentratin" on a articular countr. and a s*aller unierse o# securities+ For e5a*le,

    3hile "loal a"encies *a. consider national econo*ic and olitical ris! in their ratin"s,

    national a"encies *a. e*lo. a countr.-seci#ic ratin" scale+ he national scale *a. e hel#ul

    in co*arin" the relatie ris! o# securities issued in a sin"le countr.+ Gloal ratin" a"encies

    *a. also o##er countr.-seci#ic scales in addition to their "loal scale ratin"s, as Standard $

    %oors does+

    Histor) o* Standard 8 Poor5s Credit Rating Ser(ices

    he #ollo3in" ti*eline roides *ilestones in Standard $ %oors ratin"s histor. and "loal


    +arnum Poor u70ishes a ?@@-age 7oo4 containing oerationa0 and *inancia0

    detai0s on more than +?@ rai0road and cana0 comanies



    First credit ratin"s on cororate onds and soerei"n det



    First ratin"s on *unicial onds

    16 to 24 *onths+

    P0acing ratings on Creditatch+

    his occurs 3hen there is a one-in-t3o li!elihood o# a ratin" chan"e in the near ter* as a result

    o# an eent, a si"ni#icant and une5ected deiation #ro* anticiated er#or*ance, or a chan"e

    in criteria has een adoted that necessitates a reie3 o# an entire sector or *ultile issues+

    Raisin" or lo3erin" a ratin"+

    Standard $ %oors discloses chan"es to ulic ratin"s, "enerall. 3ith a short e5lanation, and*a!es the* aailale at333+standardandoors+co*+ Actions *a. include credit ratin"

    u"rades, do3n"rades, 3ithdra3als, and susensions, as 3ell as chan"es in credit ratin"

    outloo!s and Creditatch lace*ents and re*oals+

    T)e and #reDuenc) o* Sur(ei00ance

    Standard $ %oors considers a nu*er o# di##erent #actors in deter*inin" the t.e o#

    sureillance to er#or* on a articular ratin"+ For e5a*le, the #re)uenc. and e5tent o#

    sureillance *a. deend on seci#ic ris! considerations that are releant to an indiidual, a

    "rou, or a class o# rated entities+ In addition, the re"ularit. o# sureillance *a. e related to
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    the ti*in" and aailailit. o# #inancial and re"ulator. reortin", transaction-seci#ic

    er#or*ance in#or*ation, and other ne3 in#or*ation #ro* arious sources+

    For cororate and "oern*ent ratin"s, it is routine to schedule eriodic *eetin"s 3ith

    *ana"e*ent+ hese #ace-to-#ace *eetin"s 3ith issuers assist anal.sts in" arised o# an.

    chan"es in the issuers lans and allo3 the* to discuss ne3 deelo*ents, er#or*ance relatie

    to rior e5ectations, and otential role* areas+ For structured #inance ratin"s, dedicated

    sureillance anal.sts *onitor er#or*ance data and other ertinent in#or*ation+

    Creditatch: The &i4e0ihood o* a Rating Change

    As art o# its sureillance rocess, Standard $ %oors *a. co**unicate the otential #or a

    credit ratin"s chan"e . lacin" the ratin" on Creditatch+ Ratin"s #or an issuer or issue aear

    on Creditatch 3hen, ased on Standard $ %oors anal.sis, an eent or deiation #ro* an

    e5ected trend has occurred, or *a. occur, that is li!el. to cause a ratin"s chan"e in the near

    ter*, usuall. 3ithin 60 da.s+ Seci#icall., a Creditatch listin" si"ni#ies that Standard $

    %oors eliees that a seci#ic ratin" has at least a one-in-t3o li!elihood o# ein" u"raded or

    do3n"raded in the near ter*+

    A ariet. o# eents and #actors, includin" *er"ers, recaitaliations, re"ulator. actions,

    unanticiated oeratin" deelo*ents, or criteria chan"es *a. tri""er a Creditatch listin"+

    hile the listin" *eans that the otential #or a ratin" chan"e is sustantial in the near ter*, it

    does not *ean that a ratin"s chan"e is ineitale+ Rather, it indicates that *ore in#or*ation or

    anal.sis is re)uired e#ore ta!in" action+ heneer ossile, the rationale e5lainin" the

    Creditatch lace*ent indicates a ran"e o# ossile ratin"s outco*es that can e anticiated,

    articularl. the e5tent o# the chan"e, u or do3n+

    Standard $ %oors *a. also ad@ust a credit ratin" 3ithout lacin" the issuer or issue on

    Creditatch e#orehand+ Standard $ %oors does not dela. a ratin"s chan"e *erel. ecause it

    has not si"naled a otential chan"e on Creditatch+ I# all the necessar. in#or*ation is

    aailale, Standard $ %oors chan"es the ratin" to re#lect the altered circu*stances+

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    Exressions O* Change: Out0oo4 !nd Creditatch

    9utloo!s and Creditatch use a secial ocaular. to cone. the li!elihood o# a ratin"s


    ?Positi(e? indicates a ratin" *a. e raised+

    ?"egati(e? indicates a ratin" *a. e lo3ered+

    ?1e(e0oing? alies to unusual situations 3here the e##ect o# #uture eents is so

    uncertain that Standard $ %oors is not .et clear 3hether it *i"ht raise or lo3er a

    seci#ic ratin"+

    ?Sta70e? is used onl. in outloo!s and si"nals that a ratin"s chan"e is unli!el., ut does

    not e5ress an oinion that the #inancial er#or*ance o# the issuer or issue 3ill

    necessaril. re*ain stale+

    Out0oo4: &onger-Term >ie' o* a Potentia0 Rating Change

    Standard $ %oors also assesses the otential #or a ratin"s chan"e . assi"nin" an outloo! to

    *ost lon"-ter* credit ratin"s 9utloo!s hae a lon"er ti*e #ra*e than Creditatch listin"s and

    address trends or ris!s 3ith the otential, not the certaint., o# a##ectin" credit )ualit.+ he ti*e

    #ra*e #or an outloo! "enerall. is u to t3o .ears #or hi"h-"rade ratin"s and "enerall. u to one

    .ear #or seculatie-"rade ratin"s+ An outloo! is not an indication that a ratin" 3ill e listed on

    Creditatch+ 9utloo!s use a si*ilar ocaular. to Creditatch to si"nal 3hether a ratin" is

    ositie, ne"atie, deeloin", or stale+

    "!S1! Stoc4 ar4et

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    .e Stoc! e5chan"e

    (ocation &e3 or! Cit.,&e3 or!,/nited States

    Founded Feruar. 4, 16

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    elieed that inestors could *a!e *ore *one. . closin" the rice "as et3een u.ers and

    sellers, and technolo". had eoled enou"h at that oint to *a!e it haen+

    On #e7ruar)

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    &ASDA' is slit into three tiersL the Gloal Select Mar!et, Gloal Mar!et and Caital Mar!et+

    Co*anies listed on &ASDA' reresent dierse industries #ro* retail to health care and #ro*

    #inance to technolo".+ But the. all share the sa*e alue 8 to oerate e##ectiel. and to *oe

    the 3orld #or3ard+

    &asda) Caital Mar!et is a e)uit. *ar!et #or co*anies that hae relatiel. s*all leels o#

    *ar!et caitaliation+ (istin" re)uire*ents #or such ?s*all ca? co*anies are less strin"ent

    than #or other &asda) *ar!ets that list lar"er co*anies 3ith si"ni#icantl. hi"her *ar!et


    &ASDA' Gloal Mar!et is *ade u o# stoc!s that reresent the &asda) Gloal Mar!et+ he

    &ASDA' Gloal Mar!et consists o# 1,4:0 stoc!s that *eet &asda)s strict #inancial and

    li)uidit. re)uire*ents, and cororate "oernance standards+ he Gloal Mar!et is less

    e5clusie than the Gloal Select Mar!et+

    &ASDA' Gloal Select Mar!et is a *ar!et caitaliation-3ei"hted inde5 *ade u o# /+S+-

    ased and international stoc!s that reresent the &ASDA' Gloal Select Mar!et Co*osite+

    he &ASDA' Gloal Select Mar!et consists o# 1,200 stoc!s that *eet &ASDA's strict#inancial and li)uidit. re)uire*ents and cororate "oernance standards+ he Gloal Mar!et

    Select is *ore e5clusie than the Gloal Mar!et+ Eer. 9ctoer, the &ASDA' (istin"

    'uali#ications Deart*ent reie3s the Gloal Mar!et Co*osite to deter*ine i# an. o# its

    stoc!s hae eco*e eli"ile #or listin" on the Gloal Select Mar!et+

    Histor)&ASDA' 3as #ounded in 16

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    ul. 2, 2002, under the tic!er s.*ol&DA'+ It is re"ulated . the Financial Industr.

    Re"ulator. Authorit. FI&RA, the successor to the &ASD+

    hen the &ASDA' stoc! e5chan"ee"an tradin" on Feruar. =, 16

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    9n &oe*er =, 200

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    e5chan"e+ 9nl. co*anies 3ith a solid histor. and to-notch *ana"e*ent ehind the* are


    he &ASDA' has three sets o# listin" re)uire*ents+ Each co*an. *ust *eet at least one o#

    the three re)uire*ent sets, as 3ell as the *ain rules #or all co*anies+

    &isting ReDuirements *or !00 Comanies

    Each co*an. *ust hae a *ini*u* o# 1,2:0,000 ulicl.-traded shares uon listin",

    e5cludin" those held . o##icers, directors or an.ene#icial o3ners o# *ore than 10N o# the

    co*an.+ In addition, the re"ularid rice at ti*e o# listin" *ust e H4, and there *ust e at

    least three *ar!et *a!ers #or the stoc!+ o3eer, a co*an. *a. )uali#. under a closin" rice

    alternatie o# H7 or H2 i# the co*an. *eets" re)uire*ents+ Each listin" #ir* is also

    re)uired to #ollo3 &asda) cororate "oernance rules such as distriution o# annual interi*

    reorts, indeendent director, Audit Co**ittee, Co*ensation o# e5ecutie o##icer,

    &o*ination o# directors, Code o# conduct, annual *eetin", 'uoru*, Ootin" ri"hts etc+

    Co*anies *ust also 2,200 total shareholders or ::0 total shareholders 3ith 1+1 *illion

    aera"e tradin" olu*es oer the ast 12 *onths+ In addition to these re)uire*ents, co*anies

    *ust *eet all o# the criteria under at least one o# the #ollo3in" standards+

    &isting Standard "o.+

    he co*an. *ust hae a""re"ate re-ta5 earnin"s in the rior three .ears o# at least H11

    *illion, in the rior t3o .ears at least H2+2 *illion, and no one .ear in the rior three .ears can

    hae a net loss+

    &isting Standard "o. ?

    he Co*an. *ust hae a *ini*u* a""re"ate cash #lo3 o# at least H2

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    Co*anies can e re*oed #ro* the cash #lo3 re)uire*ent o# Standard &o+ 2 i# the

    aera"e *ar!et caitaliation oer the ast 12 *onths is at least H=:0 *illion, and

    reenues oer the rior #iscal .ear are at least H60 *illion+

    A co*an. has three 3a.s to "et listed on the &ASDA', deendin" on the"

    #unda*entals o# the co*an.+ I# a co*an. does not *eet certain criteria, such as the oeratin"

    inco*e *ini*u*, it has to *a!e it u 3ith lar"er *ini*u* a*ounts in another area li!e

    reenue+ his hels to i*roe the )ualit. o# co*anies listed on the e5chan"e+

    It doesnt end there+ A#ter a co*an. "ets listed on the *ar!et, it *ust *aintain certain

    standards to continue tradin"+ Failure to *eet the seci#ications set out . the stoc! e5chan"e

    3ill result in its delistin"+ Fallin" elo3 the *ini*u* re)uired share rice, or *ar!et

    caitaliation, is one o# the *a@or #actors tri""erin" a delistin"+ A"ain, the e5act details o#

    delistin" deend on the e5chan"e+

    &isting Time0ine

    hile it "enerall. ta!es #our to si5 3ee!s to rocess a listin" alication, this ti*e #ra*e is

    ariale and *a. e shortened consideral., i# the alication raises no issues and the co*an.

    resonds )uic!l. to Sta## co**ents+ee! 1+ Co*an. su*its alication #or listin" and &ASDA' (istin" 'uali#ications Sta##

    e"ins its reie3+

    ee!s 2-7+ Sta## co*letes its reli*inar. reie3 and reares co**ent letter+

    ee!s 7-4+ Co*an. addresses an. issues raised . Sta##+

    ee!s :->+ Sta## co*letes their reie3 and co*an. is aroed #or listin"+

    Short 1ocument Chec40ist

    Since &ADA' is ale to "ather *uch o# the in#or*ation needed to eri#. co*liance #ro*

    ulicl. aailale sources, the #or*s and suortin" docu*entation listin" co*an. need to

    al. to &ASDA' should ta!e onl. a short ti*e to reare+
  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised


    S.*ol Reseration For*+ his #or* is re)uired to resere or chan"e .our tradin" s.*ol+

    S.*ol reseration re)uests *a. e su*itted u to t3o .ears in adance and can e

    co*leted online throu"h the (istin" Center+

    (istin" Alication+ his #or* can e co*leted online throu"h the (istin" Center+

    (istin" A"ree*ent+ his #or* can e co*leted online throu"h the (istin" Center+

    Cororate Goernance Certi#ication+ his #or* can e co*leted online throu"h the (istin"


    Chec! %a.*ent For*+ Co*anies *ust su*it the alication #ee alon" 3ith their alication+

    he #ull entr. #ee is due rior to the #irst da. o# tradin"+ All a.*ents to &ASDA' *a. e

    *ade . 3ire or chec!+ his #or* is onl. re)uired 3hen *a!in" a.*ents . chec!+

    (o"o Su*ission For*+ his #or* can e co*leted online throu"h the (istin" Center

    Entr) #ees

    Entr. #ees are ased uon the a""re"ate nu*er o# shares outstandin" at the ti*e o# initial

    listin"+ he alication #ee, 3hich is included in the a*ounts elo3, is non-re#undale and

    *ust acco*an. the alication su*ission+ he re*ainder o# the entr. #ee is due rior to the

    #irst da. o# tradin"+

    "!S1! $0o7a0 Se0ect ar4et and "!S1! $0o7a0 ar4et

    otal Shares


    Entr. Fee

    / to 70 *illion H12:,000, includin" H2:,000 alication #ee

    70 to :0 *illion H1:0,000, includin" H2:,000 alication #ee

    :0 to 100 *illion H200,000, includin" H2:,000 alication #ee

    9er 100 *illion H22:,000, includin" H2:,000 alication #ee

    "!S1! Caita0 ar4et

    otal Shares


    Entr. Fee

    / to 1: *illion H:0,000, includin" H:,000 alication #ee

    9er 1: *illion H

  • 8/12/2019 Final_SEC ADR Guidelines Tracking of S & P Nasdaq and Listing Requirements Revised




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