final writing process assignment

Ferguson Amanda Ferguson Professor Leslie Wolcott ENC 1101 23 July 2012 “They decided to establish independent. I didn’t even know it was raining and it just thundered.” Although that may not make much sense to most people, it was interruptions like that that were vital to my research. Sondra Perl has done research very similar to what I’ve done, but she observed her subjects where as I observed myself. She also observed them in a sound proof room; I observed myself writing in my normal comfortable environment much like Carol Berkenkotter did. However, my research is not entirely like Berkenkotter’s either. I’m combining the two to make a research plan to effectively gather the data I need. Researchers have studied everything from environment to time constraints but no one has really studied too much into distractions. I focused my research on the effects of distractions on my writing process. This paper will describe 1

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Complete file for Amanda Ferguson's writing process assignment for ENC 1101 taken at the University of Central Florida.


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Amanda Ferguson

Professor Leslie Wolcott

ENC 1101

23 July 2012

“They decided to establish independent. I didn’t even know it was raining and it

just thundered.” Although that may not make much sense to most people, it was

interruptions like that that were vital to my research. Sondra Perl has done research very

similar to what I’ve done, but she observed her subjects where as I observed myself. She

also observed them in a sound proof room; I observed myself writing in my normal

comfortable environment much like Carol Berkenkotter did. However, my research is not

entirely like Berkenkotter’s either. I’m combining the two to make a research plan to

effectively gather the data I need. Researchers have studied everything from environment

to time constraints but no one has really studied too much into distractions. I focused my

research on the effects of distractions on my writing process. This paper will describe the

steps I have used to research my own writing, the results from my study, and what these

results mean.


I started my project off camera, behind the scenes. I researched as much as I could on the

topic. I was writing a paper for my history class. For which my topic was: “Even within

English colonies, the makeup of individual colonies varied greatly. Write an essay

comparing and contrasting Virginia and Massachusetts. In your analysis, make sure to

consider the various pressures on establishing these colonies, the original purpose of the

settlers, and the different areas that dominated each colony’s main concerns.” Remember


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as Perl said though, this project will not explain what I wrote but rather how I wrote it

(Perl, 198). I did most of my research off camera so that when I started to record I would

have to do minimum research and I could just focus on my writing. I was set up in my

room, at my desk. I had my Diet Coke and my laptop; my textbooks were assessable if I

needed them. While I was writing I spoke every thought that crossed my mind, this

research style is called a Think Aloud. I recorded myself using my iTouch. I took a three-

minute break in between my 45-minute writing sessions. I also recorded myself editing

my paper on the following day, but came to find that I had enough information in my

writing recordings alone. My editing process also displayed a very consistent and

predictable pattern of rereading and editing. My first draft of the research paper can be

found in Appendix A.

Then I listened to my recordings and typed everything that I said. I left them

uncensored and direct. The original transcripts can be found in Appendix B. The next

class period my classmates and I devised a code to use when coding the transcripts. A

complete code can be found in Appendix C. Then I coded my entire transcript and wrote

my code out separately. My coded transcript can be found in Appendix D.


From this transcript I have found out a lot about my own writing styles and

techniques. I have found where my strengths and weaknesses are and a lot of factors play

into my writing process. For example, being my dark room with lights on and no outside

light coming in made it much easier to focus. If my blinds were open I can almost

guarantee there would have been many more distractions and pauses in my transcript.

Then it started to rain while I was writing. This added a sense of relief, knowing that I


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couldn’t be doing anything outside anyway and I wasn’t wasting my whole day writing

the paper. I write much better when I am secluded from the outside and it really does

help to know that it is raining outside. Being in my room is also a very positive place to

write. My room has an intellectual feel to it, with my bookcase filled with books, my

bulletin board filled with UCF requirements and helpful and inspiring quotes written on

sticky notes. It makes me get in the mood for academics and promotes concentration.

After reviewing my coded transcript a little more critically I decided I wanted to

focus on my distraction, or more specifically what I did after I was distracted. I noticed a

pattern in my coding that after my attention was diverted I had a productive streak of

either editing or writing. It is obvious in this portion of my transcript:

…-- D - RR – W – RR – D – E – D – W – D – RR – W – RR – W - E-…

It’s very clear in this portion of my transcript that after being distracted my

productivity increased. This portion is from the end of my writing process where I was

being easily distracted because I had been writing for almost two hours. My distractions

were a variety of things. Sometimes it would be a self-made distraction, such as my mind

just wandering away from the task at hand. Other distractions included my cell phone,

Facebook, and the drastic weather change mentioned before. These distractions varied in

lengths but the time spent distracted didn’t have much of an impact on my writing or

editing streaks. When reviewing my written out transcript you can see after the first

distraction I recorded the silence as “Prolonged writing, no talking.” That distraction was

only me fixing my hair, where as the second distraction was a text that took a longer

amount of time to reply to and I was just as productive after.

Table 1 is a breakdown of the amount of time I spent with each writing process in


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my coded transcript. As seen in Table 1, I spent 16% of my time distracted. That’s a

pretty high number of distractions, all of which benefitted my writing when I refocused

back on my writing.

Table 1: For all the writing processes I recorded I broke them down into the number of times they occurred and the percentage of the entire code they took up.Writing Process Number of times it occurred Percentage of whole

Planning (PL) 7 4.17%

Rereading (RR) 29 17.26%

Relevant Thoughts (RT) 10 5.95%

Writing (W) 46 27.39%

Pause (P) 8 4.76%

Distraction (D) 27 16.07%

Editing (E) 17 10.12%

Complaining (C) 12 7.14%

Rewriting (RW) 2 1.19%

Research (R) 10 5.95%

Total 168 100%

One other interesting thing I noticed in my code is that my relevant thoughts normally

helped spark a writing streak. This piece from my coded transcripts shows what I am

talking about.

… - RT – W – P - … - RT – W – R – W - … C – RT – W – R – W – P - …

It is like my relevant thoughts sparked ideas for what I need to write next. It also

prompted research too. Maybe my relevant thoughts offered my brain a question I did not


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know the answer to. The question may have been a good thing to add into my research

paper. I also think that relevant thoughts are the closest thing to a distraction without

being completely off topic. This is the minds way of wandering without being distracted

from the task at hand. It allows for the mind to take a break from the rigor of writing and

allows for a little creativity and curiosity. This is why it sparks a writing streak and

promotes research to be done.


By observing my writing behaviors I was able to calculate the benefits I

gained from being distracted from time to time. Although I was distracted a total of

27 times during my total writing session, 21 of those times a productive writing task

was preformed after the distraction. This research will help myself, and writers like

me. It will show that their distractions are not just a delay in the writing process and

that distractions are actually beneficial for creating new thoughts. They give the

mind a little bit of a break so that when the brain returns to the writing it is

refreshed and may have created positive new additions to the writing. A little break

from intense writing is a good way to recharge the flow of ideas.

Relevant thoughts are also extremely helpful for my writing. They allow for

my mind to divert away from the sentence currently being written but still let the

ideas pour out. Relevant thoughts spark ideas for research and for writing spurts.

This is almost like having some one else read my paper and jot down the questions

they have as they go along. This helped find the gaps in my research, where I might

lose the reader. Obviously I lost my own attention, there must be something missing.


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Without distractions and relevant thoughts my paper would not be as far

along as it is. I would have fallen behind and would have found myself too caught up

in the detail to get my point across. I also would have felt completely exhausted by

the end of writing my brain would have felt drained. So distractions and relevant

thoughts are a crucial part of my writing process and anyone else who is concerned

that distractions are just a waste of time needs to take a step back and realize that

they serve a valuable purpose.


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Appendix A

Although the colonies were all inhabiting the same land they were drastically

different. The colonies were all established for different purposes. Most came in hopes of

finding profits. The unchartered land of the Americas held vast opportunities for the

settlers. IN this paper, I will be addressing the difference between the Massachusetts

colony and the Virginia colonies. They were different in many different ways, but also

had a few similar traits.

Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in the New World. It was

not planned to be a permanent settlement either, but when the colonists arrived they were

expecting to make a quick profit and go back to England. However, they did not make the

quick profit they were expecting. The Englishman had to stay in Virginia much longer

than expected because they had loans to pay back to their investors. The settlers failed at

their only two missions. They had come to find gold and also to find a passageway to the

Indies, but they spent most of their time drinking and gambling. The settlers were not

self-sufficient and relied on the Indians to survive (Out of Many, 57). John Ralfe is

essentially the savior of the Jamestown settlement (Hoeschen). He discovered that

tobacco grew very well in Virginia. Tobacco became the cash crop for Virginia. Virginia

was able to pay back all the loans to the investors in England.

Virginia community had several unique characteristics. First of all, after a harsh

winter more than three-fourths of the population was killed. A death toll that high was not

a very effective advertising poly for getting more Englishman to the Americas. Therefore

family sizes were very small and very few women lived at Jamestown. When one

husband would die the woman would often remarry within that week (Out of Many, 60).


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Virginia also kept close emotional ties with England; they still went by the English laws

(Out of Many, 61). Jamestown earned itself a reputation for being a cruel town to the

American Indians. They believed the land that the Indians were using went to waste and

therefore they could use it. “Indians were savages with no rights that Christians were

obligated to respect” (Out of Many, 56).

England later established a new settlement. This settlement was planned to be a

permanent settlement and was established be angry Christians. England’s church had

become corrupt; they were pushing that the people could pay their way into heaven.

Many people found that this was wrong. The first group to speak out against the church

was a group at that time called Separatists, more commonly known at the Pilgrims. They

believed the church was corrupt beyond return. These angry Christians decided they had

to establish independent congregation (Out of Many, 61). The Pilgrims sailed to America

on the Mayflower in 1620. The Mayflower Compact mention that the Pilgrims were

undertaking this dangerous voyage for glory of God and for the advancement of Christian

faith (Mayflower Compact). They landed in Massachusetts Bay. The Pilgrims after some

initial help from the American Indians were able to establish a self-sufficient community.

They supported themselves by farming, and paid of the investor’s debts with fishing for

cod (Out of Many, 61).

The next group of Christians to make a move against the church was a group

called the Puritans. They believed in reforming and purifying the church from within

(Out of Many, 61). The Puritans differed from the Pilgrims in that the Pilgrims never

considered returning the Church of England even if a reform was made. The Puritans

believed the Church of England could be repaired and could function successfully again.


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However, the Puritans eventually decided “the only way to protect their congregations

was by emigration” (Out of Many, 61). So, the Puritans sailed to Massachusetts Bay and

lived in the same community as the Pilgrims. The Puritans wished to make what John

Winthrop called “a city on a hill”, or a city with a perfect church (Out of Many, 61).

The clustered settlements and strong communities distinguished the

Massachusetts colonies from the dispersed and weak communities of Virginia colonies

(Out of Many, 64). Another major difference between the two colonies is Massachusetts

impressive education system. Any town with more than 50 families was required to have

a public school (Hoeschen). The Puritans also created their own government system upon

arrival in the new world. The Massachusetts Bay Charter shows that they were creating

laws that resemble laws close to that current American laws. In the Charter of

Massachusetts Bay they granted rights to all children born in the New World and the

children born on the passage to the New World. The Charter granted all the children the

same freedoms as those living in the colony currently (Charter of Massachusetts Bay).

The Puritans also believed strongly in a “well-ordered” community, where the

wealthy families owned vast amounts of land and the rest of the land was distributed by

social status. Families were also “well-ordered” in that the parents handpicked the

spouses for the children and the children were married off in order of age (Out of Many,

63-64). However, don’t be mistaken the Puritans were not exactly what one would

imagine them to be. They did not live as close to the bible as one would think. The article

by Carl Degler points out how the Puritans were not nearly as puritanical as they were

said to be. For example, their religion says they are suppose to be completely opposed to

music and art, however come well-known American Puritans were said to love music and


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art. Most just didn’t believe music had a place in the church house (Forging the American

Character, 28). The Puritans also participated in passionate love and marriages. There are

still poems and letters written between a wife and husband hints at compassionate

marriage, which was also against the puritanical way. So although the Puritans name

would imply that they were the most by the book Christians they actually bent the rules

as well.

Although the colonies were different in a lot of ways, the colonies also had a few

similarities. The most obvious being that both colonies came from the same Mother

Country. They also both held the Christian belief that they had the right to the land. Both

Massachusetts and Virginia pushed the American Indians off their lands. Virginia needed

the land to grow more tobacco and Massachusetts needed the land because they had a

never-ending population increase. The colonist said that the Indians didn’t use the land

properly so therefore it was unused land (Out of Many, 59).

These highly contrasting colonies show how even though the two colonies both

originally came from England they have vastly different purposes for being in the New

World and their cultures were very different. The Virginia colonies were established for

profit for England. The Massachusetts colonies were almost like an escape for religious

freedom. Massachusetts was almost like the banishment lands for the Christians who

spoke out against the church. The two colonies eventually succeeded in their original

goals and both maintained permanent establishment.


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Appendix B


Okay introduction time. Okay… Although (typing). I’m going to have to rewrite my

opening that’s for sure. Diet Coke. Colonies all (typing). Most came for profit erase; most

came for in hopes of finding profits. The uncharted land of the Americas made for. The

unchartered land of the Americas made for. Pause. I hate when I can’t find the word that I

want to use. The unchartered land of the Americas held vast opportunities for the settlers

in this paper we will be addressing, I will be addressing, the differences between

Massachusetts colony. I hate spelling Massachusetts because I always spell it wrong, just

like that. Massachusetts’s colony and the Virginia colony. They were different in many

different ways. Many different ways but also had a few similar traits, maybe. Period.

I don’t want to do this. And distractions, cell phone. Okay fix my printer. Okay let’s see.

Ohh big distraction, phone call. Hello. Hi. Because you don’t have anything else to do

today. Yes. Clicking on computer. Editing. Yeah I’m working on it right now. Long

pause, listening on phone. Yeah well I have to finish this within the hour because my

mom wants to do something. She asked me do you have to do homework and I was like

kinda and she was like I have about an hour worth of yard work do you think you could

be the majority of the way done in an hour? I was like I guess and I’m probably going to

be really tired of writing within the hour too, I mean I’ve done the research part of it

already, so you should actually see my wall is it a disaster it has sticky notes all over it

from the notes I took from the book. Yeah I don’t know what we are going to do she just

asked me. Okay. I’ll talk to you, I’ll probably text you.


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Okay not that I don’t enjoy little distractions but I’m only one paragraph in, and it’s a

really poopy paragraph but I don’t worry about that yet. Jamestown was the first English

settlement, permanent English settlement. English settlement in the New World. All I’m

thinking about is I don’t think about nearly the things they talk about in these studies, I

just sit here and think about writing. Maybe I would have been better doing the weeklong

study. Oh well, don’t care. Okay let’s indent these paragraphs. Jamestown was the first

English settlement in the New World. I don’t think they planned on it being a permanent

settlement though. Yep. Was not planned to be a permanent settlement either. But when

the colonist arrived they were expecting to make a quick profit and go back to England.

When the quick. I hate using the word however, because I end up using it a thousand

times. However. They did not make the quick profit they were expecting. Prolonged

typing. I don’t know how to spell sufficient. I think I have it on one of these sticky notes.

There it is. S-u-f-f-i-c-i-e-n-t. And passageway is one word, quick little editing half way

through a paragraph. Okay. I don’t even know how to spell my teachers name to cite her,

oops. Ignore. Okay the settlers were not self-sufficient and relied on the Indians to

survive. Diet Coke. Eventually. Oops, Eventually these settlers. Well eventually John

Ralfe. Might as well put his name in there. Led Jamestown to. Pause. He didn’t really

lead them to anything. Eventually John Ralfe made money for. Eventually John Ralfe.

John Ralfe, alright let’s take out eventually. John Ralfe is the savior of the Jamestown

settlement. He. Okay. John Ralfe is essentially the savior of Jamestown. He finds that

tobacco grew very well in Virginia. Oops I spelled Virginia wrong. Virginia. Distraction

making faces in the camera. I have sticky notes all over the wall. Tobacco became the

cash crop for Virginia. I spelled Virginia wrong again, come on Amanda. Tobacco.


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Virginia was able to pay back all the loans to the investors in England. Okay. Virginia

settlement. There are too many “I’s” in Virginia. Man I’m already at 17 minutes man I

hope this thing can record for a long time. Diet Coke. Okay. The Viriginia community

had several unique characteristics. I don’t know how to spell that, oh yes I do. Unique

characteristics. First of all, after a harsh winter more than three fourths of the population

was killed. This made. This did not bode well. Well for. Advertising. This did not bode

well for advertising. Erasing. Ploy. Faces in camera. Ploy. Ploy. Whatever I will have to

come back to that. Advertisement ploy. That’s poly, no that might be ploy. For getting

more Englishmen to the Americas therefore family sizes were small and very few

women. I should probably look up how to spell my teachers name before I spell it wrong

all the way through and have to go back and redo it. Oh I was close, spelled it right the

first time, wrong the second, figures. When one husband would die the woman would

often remarry within the week. That’s pretty fucked up. Chesapeak kept close emotional

ties to it’s mother country. I haven’t even mentioned Chesapeak yet so I should probably

just keep calling it Virginia. Virginia kept close ties to England. They still went by the

English laws. My Grandma’s dogs is here which means my Grandma’s here, yayy!

What’s wrong with England, I hate when. Hey I’m almost done with the first page, that’s

cool. Close ties with England. English laws. Good things this teacher says over cite

instead of under cite because I just cited two different sentences. Out of Many, 57. I keep

getting distracted and editing. I’m so bored with this paper and I’m only 321 words in. I

think it is going to get easier when I get to the Puritans and the Pilgrims because I have a

lot of information from them. I didn’t have that much from Virignia so this is kind of the

harder part. It’s going to get easier once I get to Pilgrims and Puritans. Okay both of my


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book sources, and online sources are from Massachusetts, man I have so much

information for Massachusetts. Virginia section is going to be dwarfed by the

Massachusetts section. Okay. When one husband would die the woman would often

remarry within the week. Indians were savages. Jamestown earned itself a reputation for

being a cruel town to the American Indians. They believe the land that the Indians were

using went to waste and therefore they could use it. Ooo text message. Christians were

obligated to respect. Pause, rereading. Alright I’m just going to keep writing and come

back and make this better later. Going to take all the Virginia sticky notes off my wall

real quick because it is kind of distracting. I only had 4 sticky notes for Virginia and 10

for Massachusetts. England. The Church of England. No. I have to start the

Massachusetts part in England so they know why they were coming to America in the

first place. Long pause, Writing streak. Alright put these down here, I want to flip in my

notes until Massachusetts. Pushing that people could pay there way into heaven. Many

people found that this was wrong. The first group to speak out against it, against the

church was a group then called Separatists. Prolonged typing. No talking. Decided they

had to establish independent. I didn’t even know it was raining and it just thundered. I’m

going to look outside real quick. It’s not that bad it was a big thunder I thought it would

be worse outside. Back to writing. Why does this computer have a problem with

Pilgrims, I thought that was a pretty common word. Am I spelling it wrong? Let’s see, I

don’t think so. The Pilgrims sailed to America on the Mayflower in. What year did they

sail here I wrote that down somewhere, ah here, 1620. I hate the word Massachusetts I

hate it so much. The Pilgrms landed in Massachusetts Bay. Prolonged writing. No



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The next group of Christians to make a move against. The next group of Christians. I

can’t focus because my grandma’s talking and my mom’s talking. I can’t focus. Faces in

camera. The next group of Christians to make a move against the Church was a group

called the Puritans. They believed the church, in reforming and purifying the church from

within. Yes (responding to Mother). Here comes my mother. My stupid mom and her

stupid computer.

Okay I guess she fixed it before I got there. It doesn’t want to stay right there

anymore. Okay. Where was I? Oh wait I was up there. The Mayflower Compact

mentions the Pilgrims were undertaking this voyage for the glory of God and the

advance. I think I reworded this. Yes I really did reword this so I don’t have to leave

everything that was capitalized capitalized. Have you ever realized in old documents they

always capitalize random ass shit that doesn’t need to be capitalized? Okay. The pilgrims.

Okay that’s kind of a random thing. These angry Christians decided they had to establish

independent congregation The Pilgrims sailed to America on the Mayflower in 1620. The

Mayflower Compact mentions that the Pilgrims were undertaking this dangerous voyage

for glory of God and for the advancement of the Christian faith (Mayflower Compact).

The Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts Bay. The Pilgrims. Too many “the pilgrims”. Diet

Coke. I will put they landed in Massachusetts Bay it’s kind of obvious who I’m talking

about there. They landed in Massachusetts Bay. The Pilgrims after some initial help from

the American Indians were able to establish a self-sufficient community. They supported

themselves by farming, and paid of the investor’s debts with fishing for cod. That’s a

little rough but it’s okay.


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The next group of Christians to make a move against the church was a group

called the Puritans. They believed in reforming and purifying the church from within.

The Puritans differed from the Pilgrims in that they. In that the Puritans. In that the

Pilgrims never considered returning to the Church of England even if a reform was made.

Okay. Typing. No talking. Distraction. The Pilgrims differed from the Puritans in that the

Puritans never considered returning to the Church of England even if a reform was made.

The Puritans sailed to Massachusetts. Typing. No talking. The Mayflower Compact,

done. Massachusetts. Hey I spelled Massachusetts right. The Dispersed communities.

Okay. Looking through notes. Was required to have a public school and. Prolonged

typing. No talking. The next group of Christians to make a move against the church was a

group called the Puritans. They believed in reforming and purifying the church from

within. The Puritans differed from the Pilgrims in that the Pilgrims never considered

returning the Church of England even if a reform was made. The Puritans believed the

Church of England could be repaired and could function successfully again. However, the

Puritans eventually decided “the only way to protect their congregations was by

emigration”. So, the Puritans sailed to Massachusetts Bay and lived in the same

community as the Pilgrims. The clustered settlements and strong communities

distinguished the Massachusetts colonies. Diet Coke. from the dispersed and weak

communities of Virginia colonies. Another major difference between the two colonies is

Massachusetts impressive education system. Any town with more than 50 families was

required to have a public school. Pause. Look for more information. Typing. No talking.

Distributed by social status. Typing. I just had a thought about how if it still worked like

this and children were still married off by age, I’d be screwed because my sister is never


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going to get married therefore I would never get married. Depressing. Married by age.

Distracted. Pause in writing. Writing. No talking. I don’t know if this is called

Massachusetts Bay Charter or the Charter of Massachusetts Bay. I don’t have much

longer. These. These highly contrasting colonies show how even though the two colonies

both originally came from England they have vastly different purposes for being in the

New World and their cultures were very different. Awe crap I’m missing two sources. No

talking. Just writing. Back to the book, guess I didn’t do my research well enough. Carl.

Not nearly as puritanical. I kind of wonder about the puritans because they are Christians,

and I guess it’s because we don’t have many people that pure anymore because this book

says that they were suppose to be opposed to music and art, but most just didn’t approve

of it in the meetinghouse. Cause I don’t get that because now every Christian church

plays music. Maybe that is just something we have outgrown. Their religion said they are

suppose to be completely opposed to music and art. Back to the book. Some well-known

American Puritans. Writing no talking. Pause. Puts book up. Writing. No talking. Pause.

My mom and Grandma are talking about me, so that means they are going to walk in

soon. So although the Puritans name would imply that they were the most by the book

Christians they actually bent the rules as well.

These highly contrasting colonies show how even though the two colonies both originally

came from England they have vastly different purposes for being in the New World and

their cultures were very different. Distraction from my mom asking me to fix the TV. Oh

my gosh I’m so close to finishing and she is so annoying. Okay. These highly contrasting

colonies show how even though the two colonies both originally came from England they

have vastly different purposes for being in the New World and their cultures were very


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different. . The Virginia colonies were established for. Pause, research. The Virginia

colonies were established for profit for England. The Massachusetts colonies. WHAT?

Now I can’t focus, thanks mom. The Virginia colonies were established for profit for

England. The Massachusetts colonies were almost like a dump. Were almost like a. I

didn’t even mention the city on a hill thing. Oops. I should probably go back and add

that. Pause. Rereading to self. Prolonged typing. Okay. Big sigh. . The Massachusetts

colonies were almost like a. It’s not like a dump yard it is like. . The Massachusetts

colonies were almost like an escape for religious freedom. Typing. NO talking. Pause.

Distraction. Fixing hair. Rereading while fixing hair. The Massachusetts colonies were

almost like an escape for religious freedom. Massachusetts was almost like. Typing. No

talking. Both Massachusetts and Virginia colonies pushed the American Indians off their

lands. Distraction. Text. Editing. Replying to text. Okay. Sigh. Writing. No talking. Text

message, ignored. My hair is gross, I’ve got like a dreadlock. Distraction. Okay. They

also both held the Christian belief that they had the right to the land. Both Massachusetts

and Virginia pushed the American Indians off their lands. Virginia needed the land to

grow more tobacco and Massachusetts needed land because they had a never-ending

population increase. Typing. No talking. Both colonies. Also. They had the right to the

land. Typing. No talking. Editing. Facebook distraction. I want to take a nap but I’m not

going to. I need to find where all this information came from, because there is a part in

the book that sounds kinda like that. Let’s try 60 something that’s where all this

information came from. It was like right at the beginning. I’m really not looking forward

to listening to these recordings, these almost 2 hours of recordings to do what I have to do

for this project. I think I’m going to be done for now because I don’t know how to end


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this exactly. Typing. No talking. Well I will save this as my first draft. And I will turn it

in with the rest of the stuff I will turn in with this project. And my edits whenever I get to

them, which won’t be anytime soon because this paper isn’t due until the 19th.

Appendix C


Planning- PL


Relevant Thoughts- RT

Writing- W

Pause- P

Distraction- D

Editing- E

Complaining- C

Rewriting- RW

Research- R


Page 20: Final Writing Process Assignment


Appendix D

Coded Transcript









Page 21: Final Writing Process Assignment


Work Cited

Berkenkotter, Carol. “Decisions and Revisions: The Planning Strategies of

Publishing Writing.” Writing about Writing. Eds. Elizabeth Wradle, Doug Downs.

Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011. 218-229. Print.

Perl, Sondra. “The Composing Process of Unskilled College Writers.” 1979.

Writing About Writing. Eds. Elizabeth Wardle, Doug Downs. Boston: Bedford/St.

Martin’s, 2011. 191-213. Print.