final unit plan

Authored By: Honesty Martin Geometry CP Unit 1 Lesson Plans WOODRUFF HIGH SCHOOL

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Final Unit Plan required upon completion of PACE Program


Page 1: Final Unit Plan

Authored By:

Honesty Martin

Geometry CP Unit 1 Lesson Plans


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Geometry CP Unit 1 Lesson Plans

Lesson 1

Daily Objective: Students will be

able to graph ordered pairs on a

coordinate plane and identify

collinear points.

Hook: A few games of Battleship

will be set up around the room

and desks will be arranged in 3

small groups as students enter.

Hopefully students will ask

themselves and each other, “What

does Battleship have to do with



Students will be assigned a group

as they come in my classroom. (I

will keep in mind the possible

outcomes of how any ED/LD

students and/or ELL students are

grouped) I will allow the class to

discuss possible strategies of

Battleship and how the game is

played (5 minutes). This

approach to coordinate geometry

will appeal to any Kinesthetic/

Tactile learners in the class as

well as those students with

Visual/Spatial and Interpersonal

intelligences. Transition.

Students will be asked to help

return desks to our usual

arrangement and to quickly and

quietly return to their assigned

seat. Reminding students the

purpose of Battleship (to guess

the coordinates of the opponent’s

ships in order to sink all of his boats

and win the game) will introduce the

concept of the Coordinate Plane.

I will have them all draw a

coordinate plane with me and we

will label and discuss the definitions

and purposes of the x and y-axes, the

origin, and the 4 quadrants. I will

explain how the signs (positive or

negative) vary in each quadrant and

we will write the appropriate signs as

ordered pairs (+, +),

(-, +), (-, -), and (+, -) respectively

for each quadrant I – IV. I will then

proceed to place several points in

different positions all over the

coordinate plane that I have

drawn on the

board. I will ask the all-important

question, “How many points could

there be on a coordinate plane?” A

student will probably answer

correctly: Infinitely many. Next, I

will inform the students that any

point on a coordinate plane can

be represented by an ordered

pair of coordinates (as I have

shown with the appropriate signs

for each quadrant). The notation

should be (x-coordinate, y-

coordinate) or simply (x, y). Of

course the x-coordinate

describes how far right (+) or left

(-) the point is located, and then

the y-coordinate describes how

far up (+) or down (-) the point is

located from the x-coordinate. I

will conduct several examples for

students showing both ways of

interpreting coordinates. One

way is given a point or points on

a coordinate plane, give the

appropriate ordered pair(s). The

other way is given an ordered

pair, plot the point on a

coordinate plane. Algebra

integration: Remind students that in

algebra they used an x-y table to find

values that satisfy a given linear

equation. For example, given the

equation y = 2x –1, we can find

values for y for any given value for

x. I call this method “choose x, find

the appropriate y.” The matching x

and y values form ordered pairs and

can be represented with points on a

coordinate plane which show the

graph of the equation (called a line.)

This algebraic concept will help us

to change the direction of the

lesson into the discussion of

collinear or non-collinear points.

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As in the previous example, all

points that satisfy the

equation of a line are considered

to be collinear. If any point that

does not satisfy that equation

was added to this list of any of

the collinear points, then together

the points are now considered to be

non-collinear. The instructional

strategies of today’s lesson are

mostly geared toward visual and

auditory learners. (Instruction time

thus far 30 minutes) Transition: I

will place students in pairs and

give them an assignment that will

count toward their Class

Participation grade. (Informal

Assessment) I will mingle

throughout and observe all

students with a class participation

chart. This includes a roster, and

a place for the date and a check

if participating, a minus sign if not

participating. Students will be

asked to create a fairly simple dot

-dot drawing together with their

partners. Each

pair will be given a sheet of graph

paper and then be required to

design a picture that can be

drawn with straight lines only.

They must write down the

coordinates of each point on a

separate sheet of paper and write

both of their names at the top of

each page. When completed

each pair will be asked to turn in

their page with coordinates only.

I will then distribute those to a

different pair of students. Now

students will be asked to try to

recreate the dot-to-dot drawing

with the coordinates given.

When finished, students may get

together and compare drawings.

(This exercise should take 10-15

minutes) Class Participation

grading policy: Every student

begins each nine weeks with a

100 class participation

grade. For every time I assess

participation, if a student does not

actively participate, I deduct 5-

points from his/her class

participation grade.

Closure: Transition: Everyone

will be asked to please return to

their seats and use the remaining

class time to ask questions. If

students do not have any further

questions they will be asked to

begin independent work that will

be posted on the side of the board.

This work will consist of the Practice

Exercises in their textbooks. See

enclosed copy. (5 –10 minutes)

Lesson 2

Daily Objective: Students will be

able to identify and model points,

lines, and planes. Students will

also be able to identify coplanar

points, intersecting lines, and

planes. At the end of this lesson

students should be able to solve

area problems by listing the


Hook: As students enter, I will

have placed on top of the table at

the front of the classroom a lounge

chair. Also, written on the board

will be the question “Can you

identify the parts of the chair that

represent planes, lines, and points?”

Geometry CP Unit 1 Lesson Plans

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Geometry CP Unit 1 Lesson Plans

Instruction: We will begin class

by defining Space.

(A boundless, three-dimensional

set of all points) I will explain that

planes (represented by the

rectangular seat and back of the

chair) extend into space. Lines

(represented by the arms and

legs of the chair) go through

space. Points can be on either/

both planes and lines.

Incorporating the chair into the

discussion will allow visual

learners to focus better on the

lesson. This should also appeal

to any students who have Visual/

Spatial Intelligences, as well as

give ED, LD, and ELL students a

concrete example that they can

easily relate to. If we consider

part of a line, I will proceed, then,

we are looking at a line segment.

It has endpoints and therefore

does not extend into space. (It is

not infinite.) A line segment can

be expressed with words or

symbols. (See notes/examples

included with this lesson plan)

Notes will be placed on the

overhead projector. This is one

example of the use of technology

as a teaching tool. Next, I will

demonstrate the possible ways of

naming a line segment. To make

the transition to the explanation

of planes, I will again incorporate

algebra. (All Geometry CP students

are required to have taken Algebra I

previously) “In Algebra, you used a

coordinate plane. In geometry, a

plane is a flat surface that extends

indefinitely in all 4 directions.” This

explanation should allow auditory

learners to make a connection

between the chair shown and today’s

lesson. To give another concrete

example, I will proceed to direct the

students to focus on the classroom

walls, floor, and ceiling for a

moment. I will ask them to please

make a conjecture about what is

“going on” at each corner of the

room. Next, I will discuss with them

the idea that at every corner in the

room, planes are intersecting. Down

the length of the walls or along the

ceiling line at each corner, a line

can represent the intersection. At

each top or bottom corner in the

room, a point can represent the

intersection. (Instruction time

thus far 20 minutes) Transition.

Before moving on to the

explanation of the term coplanar,

I will ask students to get out their

math journals and take ten

minutes to reflect on space, lines,

planes, and points. They will be

asked to write in their own words

how they are all connected. (I

will not allow them to use their

book or notes) This exercise is

meant to help all students

understand the lesson, but especially

those students who have

Intrapersonal and Existential

Intelligences. This exercise will also

count toward the students’ class

participation grades. It will be an

informal assessment to be graded in

the same manner as mentioned in

Lesson 1. (Time allotted for

independent study: 10 minutes)

Next, I will help students list all

the possibilities for naming a line

with multiple points contained in

the line and for naming a plane

with multiple points contained in

that plane. (Again see notes/

examples included at the end of

this lesson). Then, we will

discuss together how to

determine if points are coplanar.

In order to be considered

coplanar, all points listed must lie

on the same plane. (5 minutes)

Transition: Group work. I will

place students into 4 or 5 small

groups and give each group 2

sheets of different colored

construction paper, a pair of

scissors, and some tape. The

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goal will be to make a model of

planes M and N that intersect in

line AB. Point C will lie in M, but

not in N. Point D lies in N, but

not in M. Point E lies in both M

and N. I will give them directions

on how to construct the model.

1st: Label one sheet of paper M

and the other as N. Hold the two

sheet of paper together and cut a

slit halfway through both. 2nd

Turn the papers so that the two

slits meet and insert one sheet

into the slit of the other sheet.

Use tape to hold the two sheets

together. 3rd, The line where the

two sheets meet should be

labeled line AB. Draw the line

and label the points A and B.

From there we will draw other

points and answer questions

regarding how some points can

be on one plane or the other.

Also, if a point is on the line of

intersection, then that point is on

both planes. (Time allotted for

group work: 10-15 minutes)

Closure: Transition: Students

will quickly and quietly return their

desks to our normal arrangement

and take their seats. I will

answer any questions and then

tell students that there will be a

short, 10 question quiz on

lessons 1 and 2 the next day. I

will review some of the topics

discussed in lesson one as well.

Lesson 3

Daily Objective: Students will be

able to solve problems by using

formulas and find maximum area

of a rectangle for a given


Hook: This lesson focuses on

maximizing area of a rectangle,

so I will draw students in by

having different pictures I haven

taken with my digital camera

laying on the work table as they

come in.

I will also have


my camera

and printer dock. Written on the

board will be the question: “What is

different about these 3 pictures?

What is the same? What shape is

represented by a photograph?”

Instruction: After everyone has had

a chance to look at the pictures and

contemplate my questions, we’ll

begin by discussing the basic

shape of a photograph: A

rectangle. The pictures are all of

the same object (the computer at

my desk), but each one is taken

from a different zoom level. The

photograph approach will

hopefully reach out to the

students who have Visual/Spatial

Intelligences. I could then ask,

“Based on what we know about the

dimensions of my computer and

desk, could we compare the areas

shown in each picture?” While

students ponder this question, I will

go into the 4-step problem-solving

plan that could be used to solve

almost any problem. (Smart board

display of the 4 steps will be used for

this explanation) Next, I’ll explain

that in order to solve the problem

I’ve presented with my photographs,

we’ll need to know the area formula

for a rectangle. I can allow time

here for someone to give me the

area formula.

A = lw, where l represents the

length of the rectangle, and w

represents the width of the

rectangle. Transition: I will then

divide the class into 3 groups,

each group will be given 1

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photograph each. One group at a

time will gather around my desk and

we will measure the length and

width of what’s shown in each

picture. After each group has

measured it’s picture, we will all

return quietly to our seats so that we

can calculate and compare the

areas of the pictures. I will

explain how the picture that was

taken with the closest zoom level

will have the smallest area. I will

let the students form conjectures

about the other two photographs.

The introduction of how perimeter

is involved in maximizing area will

occur next. The formula for

perimeter will be written on the

board. P = 2l + 2w. I’ll ask, “Why

is this formula relevant?” Here’s an

example, if we know the total

number of 1 foot sections that we

have to make a rectangular fence for

our pet, then that number

represents perimeter. However,

there could be multiple

possibilities for forming

rectangles that would make the

perimeter formula true. So we

can calculate the area for each

possibility and the largest area

would be the maximum;

furthermore, we should use the

appropriate length and width for

this possibility when building the

fence. I will do such an example

for the students (see notes/

examples included at end of

lesson 3). Another way to find

the maximum area is graphically,

I will show the students that we

can form a table for width and

Area only, and we can graph the

ordered pairs (w, A), the highest

point would represent the

maximum area (y-coordinate).

Time allotted thus far 30 minutes.

Students will then be asked to

clear their desks as I will give a

formal assessment as previously

mentioned. 10 question quiz.

Students will have the remainder

of the class to complete it. (25


Closure: The quiz will take the

remainder of the class, so for this

particular lesson there will not be

a formal closure. I will review

lesson 3 at the beginning of

lesson 4.

Grading scale for the quiz:

Total possible score: 100

Section I: 1-4, 5 points each

Section II: 5-6, 10 points each

Section III: 7-8, 10 points each

Section IV: 9, 20 points

Section V: 10, 20 points

Lesson 4

Daily Objective: Students will be

able to find the distance between

two points on a number line and

between two points on a

coordinate plane, and use the

Pythagorean Theorem to find the

measurement of a hypotenuse of

a right triangle.

Hook: Have written on the board as

students enter, “What is the idea of

betweenness of points?” Students

should begin to imagine a line

segment with three or more points.

Instruction: I will begin by

reviewing the key points from

lesson 3. (5-10 minutes) To start

the new lesson, I will describe a

few situations in which distance is

appropriate. For example if we

need to know how many feet

there area between the door and

my desk, we could measure that

distance. Then I will ask students

to please take notes from the

board. We will discuss the idea

of betweenness, and then

associate that with the measure

of a line segment, or distance

from one point to another point.

The Ruler Postulate will help

further our associations and help

students to understand that

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distance is always a positive

measurement, no matter what the

situation. (See Ruler Postulate in

notes included at end of lesson).

Transition: I will put several

examples of points on a number

line on the board and call on a

few students to come up and

calculate the distance between

points either by counting the units

between them or using absolute

value of the difference between

two points. Another important

concept is the Segment Addition

Postulate. If a point is between

two other points on a line

segment, then the larger segment

can be broken down into two

smaller segments. So, by adding

the measure of the two smaller

segments together, the result or

sum is the measure (or distance)

of the larger segment. (An

example of the segment addition

postulate with algebraic

incorporation is included in the

notes as well.). I will then explain

that when a line segment that can

be drawn on a coordinate plane,

the Pythagorean Theorem can be

used to calculate the measure of

the segment. Most students

should have already been

exposed to the Pythagorean

Theorem, but I will define the

theorem in detail if any student

does not remember it. This

theorem applies to a situation

where a right triangle can be

drawn. If you know the measure

of at least two sides of the right

triangle, then the third side (or

missing side) can be calculated

with the following formula:

a2 + b2 = c2 . I will have an

example of using the

Pythagorean Theorem on the

board for students to work

through with me as I go. The final

approach to distance is in this

lesson is given by the actual

distance formula, distance equals

the square root of the sum of the

difference in x-values squared

and the difference in y-values

squared. I will let students know

that for now, to use this formula

they will be given the coordinates

of the two points for which

distance is asked for. I will briefly

show them that using algebra,

they could solve for a missing

coordinate. (Time allotted for

instruction: 25


Transition: Informal Assessment.

Students will be placed in their

usual group of 3-4. Each person

will get a blank sheet of paper, a

compass, and a

straightedge. I will give them

instructions (written on the board)

for how to construct a line

segment congruent to another

line segment with the materials I

have provided for them. I will

give students a chance to read

the directions and ask any

questions before they begin.

While they are working I will

check for participation and grade

as I have previously mentioned.

If a student is participating, a

check will go beside his/her

name. If not, then 5 points will be

deducted from their current class

participation grade. If I notice

that at this point some of their

class participation grades are

becoming drastically lowered,

then I will remind them that this

counts toward their nine-weeks

average. (Time allotted for

groupwork: 10 minutes)


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1. Draw a line segment.

Label its endpoints X and Y


2. Elsewhere on your

paper, draw a line and one point

on that line. Label that point P.

3. Place your compass at

point X and adjust the setting so

that the pencil is at point Y.

4. Using the same

setting, place the compass at

point P and draw an arc that

intersects the line. Label the

point of intersection Q.

The conclusion of their

constructed segment should be

that its measure is the same as

the measure of segment XY.

Closure: Transition: I will ask

students to quickly return

themselves and their desks back

to normal. I will give a summary

of the 4 ways we learned to

calculate distance or measure

between points. (Time allotted

for closure: 5 minutes)

Lesson 5

Daily Objective: Students will be

able to find the midpoint of a

segment, and complete proofs

involving segment theorems.

Hook: As students enter, I will

hand each of them a blank sheet

of paper. On the board will be

the following directions:

1. Draw points A and B

anywhere on your sheet of paper.

Draw a line to connect the points

forming a line segment.

2. Fold the sheet of paper

so that the endpoints lie on top of

one another.

3. Now as you unfold the

paper put a point on the line

segment where you can see the

crease in the paper and label it C.

Instruction: The directions should

be easily understandable and

students should follow the

instructions pretty quickly. (only

5 minutes will be allowed for this

exercise)..After time is called, I

will begin again with notes on the

board. First will be the definition

of Midpoint. The idea of a

midpoint is to create two equal

halves of a line segment. There

are two ways to calculate

midpoint. If you are given 2 points

of a segment on a number line, then

the midpoint can be found by taking

half of the sum of the endpoints. In

a coordinate plane, the coordinates

of the midpoint of a segment are

found by taking the average of the x

–values of the endpoints and the

average of the y-values of the

endpoints. I will perform a few

examples illustrating these two

formulas. The other main term in

this lesson is segment bisector. I

will tell students as they follow

along with my notes that any

segment, line, or plane that

intersects a segment at its

midpoint is called a segment

bisector. (Time allowed for

instruction thus far: 25 minutes)

Transition: To illustrate further

this concept we will move into

groups, but these groups will be

different than normal. I will

reassign new groups for today

only. Once again students will be

using a compass and

straightedge. This time they will

bisect a segment.

Directions and Conclusion of this

exercise will be as follows:

1. Draw a segment and

label it XY.

2. Place the compass at

point X. Adjust the compass so that

its width is greater that ½ of segment


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3. Draw arcs above and

below segment XY.

4. Using the same

compass setting, place the

compass at point Y and draw

arcs above and below segment

XY so that they intersect the arcs

previously drawn. Label the

points of the intersection of the

arcs as P and Q.

5. Use a straightedge to

draw line segment PQ. Label the

point where it intersects segment

XY as point M.

Conclusion: Point M is the

midpoint of segment XY, and

segment PQ is a bisector of XY.

Also, XM = MY= ½ XY.

This exercise will not be formally

assessed. (Time allowed for

groupwork: 10 minutes)

Transition: Everyone will be

asked to return desks to normal

and to keep out their notes for

Lessons 3 and 4. An open notes

pop-quiz will be given next.

Formal Assessment.

Grading for Quiz:

10 questions, total possible grade

of 100. Each question is work 10

points. Time allowed for quiz 25


Closure: As students take their

pop quiz I will give back their

other graded quizzes along with a

handout on paragraph proofs. I

will review midpoint at the

beginning of Lesson 6.

Lesson 6

Daily Objective: Students will be

able to identify and classify

angles, use the Angle Addition

Postulate to find measures of

angles, and identify and use

congruent angles and the

bisector of an angle.

Hook: I will have displayed in the

room a picture showing the

Japanese art of Ikebana that I

would have had to borrow from a

friend. Written on the board will be

“What does the concept of exploring

angles have to do with this picture?”

Instruction: Before I begin my

lecture on angles, I will ask

students if they have any

questions regarding midpoint or

the handout on paragraph proofs

from the previous day. If so, I

may have to adjust my time

allowance for this lesson. If not,

the following layout should be

appropriate. (Allow 5-10

minutes) I will then give a brief

history of the Japanese art of

Ikebana, a name given to a

picture that shows great

appreciation of nature,

incorporating flowers and

branches. When creating an

arrangement, an angle of a

specific size determines the

placement of each branch or

flower. Now that I have their

attention, I will explain how an

angle is formed by two rays. I will

then proceed to put notes up on

the board. We will then define

opposite rays. If you choose any

point on a line, that point will

determine and become the vertex

of opposite rays. An angle is

formed by two noncollinear rays

with a common endpoint. The

two rays are called the sides of

the angle, and the common

endpoint is called the vertex of


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angle. Like other geometric

representations (lines and

planes), there is more than one

way to name an angle. (Please

refer to notes at end of lesson for

drawings of these) Next, I will tell

students that when letters are

used to name an angle, the letter

that names the vertex is used

either as the only letter or as the

middle of three letters. The

concept of interior and exterior

should be fairly easy for most

students to comprehend. I will

draw on the board with colored

markers a picture representing

this concept. An angle separates

a plane into three parts, the

interior of the angle, the exterior

of the angle, and the angle itself.

If a point does not lie on the

angle, but it does lie on a

segment whose endpoints are on

the sides of the angle, then that

point is in the interior of the

angle. Neither of the endpoints

of the segment can be the vertex

of the angle. Ask students why

they think this is so. Also, ask

someone to give me a unit of

measurement for angles. Degrees.

I’ll explain what a protractor is and

how to use it. The center point of

the protractor is placed over the

vertex, then one side is aligned with

the mark labeled 0. Then, we can

move into the Angle Addition

Postulate. I’ll let someone recall the

segment addition postulate and see if

someone can form a conjecture

regarding the new postulate. All

students should know the definitions

of a right, acute, and obtuse

angle so I will briefly touch on

these but will not do examples.

Right angle-90 degrees. Acute

angle- less than 90 degrees.

Obtuse angle- greater than 90

degrees. I will then go into the

topic of congruent angles, which

like congruent segments, are

angles with the same measure.

The last term mentioned in this

lesson will be angle bisector. An

angle bisector divides and angle

into two congruent angles. At

this point, students should really

see the similarities in the terms

used to describe segments and

angles. (Time allotted for

instruction: 25 minutes)

Transition: Students will move to

their original groups of 3-4 and be

prepared to construct congruent

angles by constructing an angle


Directions to be written on board:

1. Draw an acute angle A

on your paper.

2. Put your compass at

point A and draw a large arc that

intersects both sides of the angle.

Label the points of intersection B

and C.

3. With the compass at

point B, draw a small arc in the

interior of the angle

4. Keeping the same

compass setting, place the

compass at point C and draw

another small arc that will

intersect the arc drawn in step 3.

Label the point of intersection D.

5. Draw ray AD

Conclusion: By construction, ray

AD is the bisector of angle BAC,

the measure of angle BAD is

equal to the measure of angle

DAC. Therefore Angle BAD is

congruent to angle DAC.

This groupwork will be given the

usual class participation

assessment. (Allowable time for

this exercise: 10 minutes)

Closure: Transition: Students

will return to their seats. I will

allow time at the end to review all

terms discussed in this lesson. I

would also like students to ask

questions regarding any lesson

thus far in the Unit. If there is

class time left after questions,

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students will be asked to reflect

on this unit in their math journals

until class is dismissed. (Time

allotted 10 minutes)

Lesson 7

Daily Objective: Students will be

able to identify and use adjacent,

vertical, and linear pairs of angles

and perpendicular lines.

Students should also be able to

determine what information

cannot be assumed from a


Hook: I will have written on the

board, “What could a geophysicists

do to incorporate angle relationships.

Instruction: Explain to students

that Geophysicists study the way

that the continents and seas have

been formed. In order to do this

accurately, they measure the strike

and dip of the area of a section of the

earth’s crust.

The dip of the plane is the angle that


plane makes with a horizontal line

that is perpendicular to the strike.

The strike of a plane is the

compass direction of a horizontal

line on the plane. I will then

introduce (or re-introduce for

students who have already seen)

perpendicular lines.

Perpendicular lines are special

intersecting lines that form right

angles. I will also remind

students that not all intersecting

lines are perpendicular lines.

When any two lines intersect,

they form 4 angles. Certain pairs

of these angles have special

names used to describe the

relationship between these pairs.

3 such relationships are as

follows. (At this point students

who have not already will be

asked to begin taking notes from

the overhead) Adjacent angles

are angles in the same plane that

have a common vertex and a

common side, but no common

interior points. Vertical angles

are two nonadjacent angles

formed by two intersecting lines.

A linear pair consists of adjacent

angles whose noncommon sides

are opposite rays. (An illustration

can be seen on the notes that

follow) I will tell students that

Vertical angles are congruent and

the sum of their measures is 180

degrees. Next we will do and

example that incorporates

algebraic expressions that

represent angle measurements.

(See notes: Allowed instructional

time: 25 minutes). Transition:

For this exercise students will be

paired with a partner only. No

groups today. With the usual

materials required, a compass

and straightedge, students will be

asked to construct perpendicular


Directions will be put on board:

1. Draw a line AB, recall

how to construct the midpoint, do

so, and then label the midpoint C.

2. Open the compass to a

setting greater than AC. Put the

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Geometry CP Unit 1 Lesson Plans

compass at point A and draw and

arc above the line.

3. Using the same

compass setting as in Step 2,

place the compass at point B and

draw an arc intersecting the arc

previously drawn. Label the point

of intersection D.

4. Use a straightedge to

draw line CD.

Conclusion: By construction, line

CD is perpendicular

to line AB at point C

Assessment: A class

participation assessment will be

conducted during this exercise.

(Time allowed for exercise: 15-

20 minutes)

Closure: Transition: Students

will be asked to quietly return to

their seats for an overview of the

terms describing angle

relationships. Remind students

that the next lesson will conclude

the unit and a unit review will be

conducted to informally assess

how well the students know the

content and applications

presented in the unit. I will also

hand back out the open-notes

pop-quiz that I have graded. (10-

15 minutes)

Lesson 8

Daily Objective: Students will be

able to identify and use formulas

for supplementary and

complementary angles.

Hook: Continuation Hook from

previous lesson. As students

enter, have them start looking for

5 examples of perpendicular lines

in the classroom. Can they prove

they are perpendicular.

Instruction: Students will be

asked to explain some of the

examples of perpendicular lines

they found in the classroom.

Explain that my husband was a

welder and he used Geometry

and angle relationships all the


Define supplementary and

complementary angles.

Supplementary angles are angles

whose measures have a sum of

180 degrees. Complementary

angles have a sum of 90

degrees. (They form a right

angle). Tell students to write this

down and repeat the definitions,

(auditory learners) because there

will be no notes placed on the

overhead for this lesson. Once

again, incorporate algebraic

expressions into an example

involving supplementary and

complementary angles. Ask if

there are any questions regarding

angles and their relationships.

(instructional time allowed: 25


Closure: Students will be taking

a Unit Test the following day so

we will go back to our notes for

lesson one and I will go through

and recap for the students every

important term they need to

understand. I will also do any

examples that they aren’t clear

about. (Time allowed for review:

30 minutes)