final part3

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Post on 09-Apr-2018




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  • 8/8/2019 FINAL PART3


    Part 3How effective is the

    combination of the mainproduct and ancillary


  • 8/8/2019 FINAL PART3


    House StyleThe combination of setting, lighting and use of colour creates a

    house style for our music video and ancillary products. The imagesused on the ancillary products were from settings visible in the

    music video. We purposely incorporated a range screen shots from

    the music video onto the DVD so that the buyer has an idea of

    who the artist is and what to expect. We wanted our audience to

    be familiar to the features through our house style. From the

    research we carried out we wanted to acknowledged our target

    audience who were young people living in inner-city surroundings.

    In result of this we focused on the graffiti setting for the ancillaryproducts, we felt that the colours were vibrant and reflected the

    liveliness of the song. The ancillary products hold a consistent style

    as pink is dominant throughout, the colour was used deliberately

    to express the artists feminine side which is girly but quite sexual

    as it is hot pink. This is also shadowed in the music video where

    there are elements of performance where the artist is performing

    with bright pink lighting in the studio. Although the colour pallet

    for our music video is broad we wanted pink to be the focal colour,

    therefore the text on the front cover of the DVD cover is pink alongwith a section on the magazine cover.

    As well as pink we used a variety of colour in the music video

    performance elements. The different coloured lighting in each

    shot worked well with the artists costume change, this was

    intensified by quick cuts, camera movement and a range of shot

    types. The colours gave the music video an exciting vibe as we cut

    to and from various performance settings.

  • 8/8/2019 FINAL PART3


    BrandingThe artists ethos is all about having

    fun, going out, dressing up and dancing.

    We wanted to portray all of these

    aspects of Kyla in the ancillary products

    as well as the music video. Her brand is

    recognised by the images, colours and

    text on the DVD cover and magazine

    advert. On both ancillary products the

    artist looks attractive, part of Kyla's

    brand is to always look good .Image is

    essential within the music industry, if

    the artist is glamorous it will give the

    illusion that they are significant and

    powerful. From viewing the dvd and

    magazine alone the audience would

    expect Kyla to dress well if they were to

    see her on TV or at a concert, her brand

    shines through as her appearance is

    noted as a characteristic that she must

    maintain. In the music video when Kylais performing as the artist the

    glamorous look remains. This puts

    emphasis on the brand as the artist is

    once again pictured looking stylish.

  • 8/8/2019 FINAL PART3



    The theme for our music revolved around

    our contrasting characters. The narrative

    consisted of Kyla acting as two different

    people, herself the artist and the geek. As

    you can see we only shot the the geek role

    in a narrative style and the artist in

    performance settings. This was to

    exaggerate the difference between the two

    characters, we felt the need to not onlychange costume but use indifferent lighting,

    shots and location for both different

    characters. Throughout the music video we

    cut to and from the narrative, performance

    to highlight the change in characters. The

    conceptual elements were included to

    break up the narrative and make the music

    video attention-grabbing which I think we

    achieved. Another theme that can beperceived through the ancillary products

    are the flower style typography and images.

    We also had the artist wearing a flower in

    some shots to strengthen the theme in the

    music video. The flower symbolises the

    artists femininity and freshness so the motif

    is dominant throughout our DVD cover and

    magazine advert.

    Geek Character




  • 8/8/2019 FINAL PART3
