final major project report

Project Report on Mailing System using Steganography Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science By Pankhuri Kaushik (0709510042) Rohit Gupta (0709510047) Namita Chakravarty(0709510033) Under the Supervision of Mr. Mohammad Asim Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s College of Engineering and Technology, Noida Gautam Buddh Technical University

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Page 1: Final Major Project Report

Project Report on

Mailing System using Steganography 

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

 Bachelor of Technology

in Computer Science


Pankhuri Kaushik (0709510042)

Rohit Gupta (0709510047)

Namita Chakravarty(0709510033)

Under the Supervision of

Mr. Mohammad Asim

Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s College of Engineering and Technology, Noida

Gautam Buddh Technical UniversityLucknow

June’ 2011 

Page 2: Final Major Project Report

Table of Contents

List of Tables……………………………………………………………………….iii

List of Figures………………………………………………………………………iv

Declaration ………………………………………………………………………....v




CHAPTER 1 – Introduction

1.1 Overview……….……………….……………………………………….2

1.2 Problem and Motivation……….………………………………………...3

1.3 Approach of Steganography……….…………………………………….4

CHAPTER 2 – Feasibility Study

2.1 Technical Feasibility..................................................................................6

2.2 Operational Feasibility……….…………………………………………..6

2.3Economical Feasibility……….…………………………………………...6

CHAPTER 3 – Software Development Paradigm.................................................10

CHAPTER 4 – Project Planning

4.1 Activity planning......................................................................................12

4.2 Activity sequencing and scheduling…………………………………….13

CHAPTER 5 – Software requirement specification

5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 Purpose of document……….….…...……………………………..15

5.1.2 Scope……….……………………………………………………..15

5.1.3 Definitions……….….…………………………………………….16

5.2 Overall Description

5.2.1 Product perspective…….….……………………………………...17

5.2.2 Product functionality…….……..…………………………………17

5.2.3 Operating environment…….….…..................................................18

5.2.4 Design and implementation constraint……………………………18

5.3 Specific Requirements


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5.3.1 Non-Functional requirements.……..……………………………..18

5.3.2 Functional requirements.…….....…..…. ………………………....19

CHAPTER 6 – Design

6.1 High level design

6.1.1 Data flow diagrams………………………………………….........21

6.1.2 Sequence diagrams………………………………………………..23

6.1.3 Activity diagrams………….……………………………………....25

6.2 Low level design

6.2.1 Class diagrams………………………………………………........27

6.2.2 Procedural tables..………..……………………………………….28

CHAPTER 7 – Testing

7.1 Unit testing................................................................................................31

7.2 Integration testing……………………………………………………….31

7.3 System testing…………………………………………………………...31

7.4 Test cases………………………………………………………………..31

CHAPTER 8– Snapshots

8.1 Snapshot of Initial Page…........................................................................34

8.2 Snapshot of Receive Mail Interface…...…..…………………………….35

8.3 Snapshot of De-Stegnalizing…………...………………………………..36

8.4 Snapshot of Sending mail Interface after Steganalizing…..…………….37

8.5 Snapshot of Mail sent successfully…………………..………………….38

8.6 Snapshot of De-Steganalized successfully………………………………39

Advantages and disadvantages ……………………………………………………..40

Future Enhancements………...……………………………………………………...41

Conclusion ………………………...………………………………………………..42



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List of Tables

S.No. Chapter No. Table No. Table Name Page No.

1. Ch-1 1.1 Steganography

advantageous over



2. Ch-2 2.1 Input 7

3. Ch-2 2.2 Results 7

4. Ch-2 2.3 Phase Distribution 8

5. Ch-5 5.1 Non-Functional



6. Ch-5 5.2 Functional



7. Ch-6 6.1 Send Mail Module 28

8. Ch-6 6.2 Message

Steganography Module


9. Ch-6 6.3 Message De-

Steganography Module


10. Ch-6 6.4 Receive Mail Module 29

11. Ch-7 7.1 Test Cases 32


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List of Figures

S.No. Chapter No. Figure No. Figure Name Page No.

1. Ch-1 1.1 Working 4

2. Ch-4 4.1 Work Breakdown



3. Ch-4 4.2 Gantt Chart 13

4. Ch-6 6.1 Context Level

Diagram(Level 0)


5. Ch-6 6.2 Level 1 Data flow



6. Ch-6 6.3 Sequence diagram for

Steganalyzing &



7. Ch-6 6.4 Sequence diagram for

De-Steganalyzing &



8. Ch-6 6.5 Activity diagram for

Steganalyzing &



9. Ch-6 6.6 Activity diagram for

De-Steganalyzing &



10. Ch-6 6.7 Class Diagram for

Mailing System


11. Ch-6 6.8 Class Diagram for




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We Pankhuri Kaushik, Rohit Gupta and Namita Chakravarty hereby declare that the

report of the project entitled “Mailing System using Steganography” is our own

work and that to the best of our knowledge and belief, it contains no material

previously published or written by another person, nor material which to a substantial

extent has been excepted for the award of any degree or the diploma of the university

or the institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been

made in the text.


Name: Pankhuri Kaushik

Roll No.:0709510042


Name: Rohit Gupta

Roll No.:0709510047


Name: Namita Chakravarty

Roll No.: 0709510033



Page 7: Final Major Project Report


This is to certify that the project report (TCS-853) entitled “Mailing System using

Steganography” done by Pankhuri Kaushik(0709510042), Rohit Gupta

(0709510047), Namita Chakravarty (0709510033) is an authentic work carried out

by him/her at Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s College of Engineering and Technology,

Noida under my guidance. The matter embodied in this project work has not been

submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my knowledge

and belief.

(Guide Name)

Mr. Mohammad Asim

Date: Lecturer

Department of CS and IT


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It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the report of the Project undertaken

during B.Tech. Final Year. We owe special debt of gratitude to Lecturer Mr.

Mohammad Asim, Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information

Technology, Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s College of Engineering & Technology,

Noida for his constant support and guidance throughout the course of our work. His

sincerity, thoroughness and perseverance have been a constant source of inspiration

for us. It is only his cognizant efforts that our endeavors have seen light of the day.

We also do not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all

faculty members of the department for their kind assistance and cooperation during

the development of our project. Last but not the least, we acknowledge our friends

for their contribution in the completion of the project.


Name : Pankhuri Kaushik

Roll No.: 0709510042


Name : Rohit Gupta

Roll No.: 0709510047


Name : Namita Chakravarty

Roll No.: 0709510033



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The basis of this project was to create an application using steganography that shows

how steganography can add to the strength of the application. The application that

we have opted for is a mailing system. It includes the facilities of sending

steganalized information using your existing Email addresses along with the options

of attachments and opening your Email accounts to see the received mail along with

your inbox .

Steganography is a technique that provides the facility of hiding secret information in

some other carrier file format (Text, Image, Audio etc.) in such a way that no one

other that the sender and the intended recipient could suspect the existence of the

secret information.

Our project uses Text to Text steganography to resolve the issue that whether the

information being sent on the web is secured or being accessed. We are providing

double protection, one using an encryption process and the other using Text to Text

steganography. The encryption process involves the encryption of the Real message

(Secret message) with a Password both of which are provided by the user.

Steganography involves hiding of this encrypted message behind the Fake message

that is also provided by the user.

The result of the above approach is that now we can send our secret information with

assurance that even if somebody is able to conceal the steganalised encrypted

message then he/she will not be able to guess if it contains some secret information.

So, it can be concluded that Text to Text steganography added strength to our

mailing system by enhancing its working.


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1.1 Overview

Today, email has become the most popular way of communication between

individuals and even organizations. But as the number of people emailing has sky-

rocketed, so have the risks to organizations that their sensitive information being

stolen by hackers. As a click on “send” button does not just send the mail from you

to the person you intended to send to. Although email appears fast, but each mail

hops from system to system in the public internet until it arrives at its intended

destination. Email system is like an electronic post card. If someone wants to copy,

intercept or even alter your emails, they can do it with relative ease. Though there

may exist encryption in the hop going from client to the server, no matter how

unbreakable but still arouse suspicion.

Therefore, keeping both the things in mind we have developed a mailing system with

steganography implementation at the back end. Steganography hide the messages in

such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the

existence of the message. Steganography is more effective than encryption when

used in right way. We have named our mailing system as “StegMail”.

StegMail uses the text to text steganography approach to keep the mails safe from

malicious security incidents, so that there will be no longer worry about sensitive

information being shared with unauthorized individuals. Text to text steganography

involves that both the secret information and the carrier file behind which this

information has to be hidden should be in text format. That is what was required for

providing the security in emails as carrier file as image, audio or video would arouse

suspicion and also unnecessarily will increase the size of the mail.


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Steganography is a technique of hiding the message in such a way that others cannot

discern the presence or contents of the hidden message.

Steganography advantageous over Cryptography

Cryptography Steganography

The word originates from Greek, which

means "hidden, secret".

The word originates from Greek, which

means "covered, hidden writing".

In this, messages may attract attention to

themselves. Plainly visible encrypted

messages, no matter how unbreakable

will arouse suspicion.

In this, messages do not attract attention

to themselves. It will not arouse


Cryptography protects the contents of a


Steganography can be said to protect

both messages and communicating


Table 1.1

1.2 Problem and motivation

To discuss the problem with the existing system, let us take into account a widely

used email service .We notice that the advertisements displayed while accessing our

email accounts are solely based on the type of mails we are accessing. For instance,

if the opened mail consists of even a single word ‘job’. Then the ads in the margin

are related somewhat to jobs like - need a job, job vacancy, jobsite etc.

By this we concluded - it may be possible that the email services are accessing our

information and they are not that much secured. This was the prime factor behind the

motivation of pursuing this project because as we know there are millions of users

transferring information on the web and it is obvious that everybody needs that

his/her information must be secured in some way or the other.

Unencrypted, plain-text emails can easily be intercepted, read, and edited. In fact,

sending an unencrypted email is a bit like sending a postcard written in pencil:

whoever intercepts it can read it with ease.


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1.3 Approach of steganography used in project

To provide security to the mailing system, we have used Text to text steganography

technique before sending the mail. The objective of the proposed system is to send

and receive steganalyzed messages i.e. encrypted and embedded in another text


The user can choose the fake message according to him/her. Our system is able to

evaluate the chosen fake message will be able to carry the real message or not.

The user has to set a different key for every message he steganalyzes and sends. This

enables the user to send different messages (more than 1) with 2 different keys using

the same fake message.

At the time of receiving, user will have to de-steganalyze the stego-object by

entering the same key value by which the sender steganalyzed it.


Figure 1.1


Real message

a b c d


a b c d


1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0


(Encrypted text)

P q r s t u v . . .

Stego-Object (Ready for transmission)

(Fake message given by user)

Steganalizing Process

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The concept of feasibility is to determine whether or not a project is worth doing.

Types of Feasibility

1. Technical Feasibility

2. Operational Feasibility

3. Economic Feasibility

2.1 Technical Feasibility

This deals with whether project requisites are feasible. Our project uses Gmail server

to login and access the Gmail accounts. And the access to Gmail server can be done

easily without any charges. All the technology for our project’s composition is easily

available. To run our application we just need a workstation with the facility to

access internet. Therefore our project will perform and there are no production


2.2 Operational feasibility

This is a measure of how well a new proposed system solves the existing problem.

Our project satisfies all GUI and processing requirements. The goal of our proposed

system is to provide security to the information that is being sent on the internet. For

this purpose a technique called steganography is defined. We use the concept of Text

to Text steganography which can be easily implemented. So our project is

operationally feasible.

2.3 Economic Feasibility

This is done to evaluate effectiveness of the new proposed system. In this the cost of

developing is estimated depending on which the project is taken up.

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Cost estimation of the project:

The cost plays an important role in deciding the feasibility of new system, so it must

be identified and estimated properly.

We have used the online COCOMO software cost model

It computes software development effort and cost as a function of program size.

Program size is expressed in estimated thousands of lines of code (KLOC).


Delivered Source Instructions (thousands) (KDSI) 3.7

Development Mode Organic

Average Cost Rate ($/PM) 1000


KDSI added (annual) 0

KDSI modified (annual) 0

Average Cost Rate ($/PM)

Table 2.1


Effort 9 person-months (PM)

Schedule 6 months

Development Cost 9000  

Productivity 411 instructions per person-month

Average Staffing 1.5 full-time-equivalent software personnel

Annual Maintenance Effort 0 person-months

Annual Maintenance Cost NaN  

Table 2.2


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Phase Distribution  Effort (PM) Schedule (mo.) Staff (avg.) Cost

Plans and requirements * 0.5 0.6 0.8 500

Product Design 1.4 1.1 1.3 1400

Programming 6.1 3.8 1.6 6100

Detailed Design 2.3     2300

Code and unit test 3.8     3800

Integration and test 1.4 1.1 1.3 1400

Table 2.3


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The prototyping is a concept that bases its development by creating prototypes after

prototypes until the “perfect” software is created. Prototyping has several benefits:

The software designer and implementer can obtain feedback from the users early in

the project. The client and the contractor can compare if the software made matches

the software specification, according to which the software program is built. It also

allows the software engineer some insight into the accuracy of initial project

estimates and whether the deadlines and milestones proposed can be successfully


The process of prototyping involves the following steps:

1. Identify basic requirements

Determine basic requirements including the input and output information desired.

Details, such as security, can typically be ignored.

2. Develop Initial Prototype

The initial prototype is developed that includes only user interfaces.

3. Review

The customers, including end-users, examine the prototype and provide feedback on

additions or changes.

4. Revise and Enhance the Prototype

Using the feedback both the specifications and the prototype can be improved.

Negotiation about what is within the scope of the contract/product may be necessary.

If changes are introduced then a repeat of steps 3 and step 4 may be needed.

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Project planning involves the development of action items and scheduling that will

keep the project moving forward on a consistent basis.

4.1 Activity Planning

Activities must be defined so that they meet these criteria.

A project is composed of a number of interrelated activities

A project may start when at least one of its activity starts

A project will be completed when all of the activities it encompasses have been


Some activities might require that others are completed before they can begin

Work break down Structure

A project is made manageable by first breaking it down into individual components

in a hierarchical structure, known as the work breakdown structure, or the WBS.

Figure 4.1

STEGMAILMailing System

using Steganography

Mailing System

Level 1

1.1 1.2

1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2


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4.2 Activity sequencing and scheduling

Gantt Chart


Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April

A Research and


B Design Part I

C Design Part II

D CodeModule1

Sending Mail

E Code Module2


F Code Module3

Receiving Mail

G Code Module4


H Testing

I Documentation

Figure 4.2

Mail receiving Module

Mail sending Module

Message De-Steganalyzing Module

Message Steganalyzing


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5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 Purpose of document

This is the software requirement specification for the Mailing system using

Steganography. This document provides a description of the purpose, requirements,

and scope of the software. In this software requirement specification, constraints and

other specification is addressed

The purpose of our project is to develop such a mailing system which can provide

security to our secret message from being fetched by unauthorized user.

5.1.2 Scope of development project

The Product Scope (the whats) of our project includes –

To develop a Mailing system i.e. provision of sending and receiving

Enhance the security as compared to existing systems

Facility of attachments

User friendly interface

The Project Scope (the hows) of our project includes-

Sending of mail through Gmail SMTP server

Steganography implementation rather than just encryption

Steganalizing the message to be sent

De-Steganalizing the message when received

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5.1.3 Definitions

(i) Steganography: It is the art and science of hiding messages in such a way

that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the

existence of the message, a form of security through obscurity

(ii) Steganalyzing: This means to hide the secret message behind some other file

(carrier file).

(iii) De-steganalyzing: This means to extract the secret message from the other

file (stego object).

(iv) Real Message: It is the message or mail which user wants to keep secured

from unauthorized fetch.

(v) Fake Message: It is the message behind which real message will be hidden.

This message can be fetched if anybody tries to access the mail in between.

so it should not contain any important information.

(vi) Carrier File: This term is used in steganography. This is the file which

carries the secret message behind itself. It can be Text file, image, audio etc.

(vii) Stego Object: Output of steganalyzing is stego object. It is that fake message

which has secret message embed behind it. [Real message + carrier file].

(viii) Fake character count: This is the minimum length required for a fake

message, so that real message can be embed into it.

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5.2 Overall Description

5.2.1 Product Perspective

Email system is like an electronic post card. If someone wants to copy, intercept or

even alter your emails, they can do it with relative ease. Though there may exist

encryption in the hop going from client to the server, no matter how unbreakable but

still arouse suspicion. Therefore, keeping this in mind we have developed a mailing

system with steganography implementation at the back end. Steganography hide the

messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient,

suspects the existence of the message. Steganography is more effective than

encryption when used in right way. We have named our mailing system as

“StegMail”. StegMail uses the text to text steganography approach to keep the mails

safe from malicious security incidents, so that there will be no longer worry about

sensitive information being shared with unauthorized individuals. Text to text

steganography involves that both the secret information and the carrier file behind

which this information has to be hidden should be in text format. That is what was

required for providing the security in emails as carrier file as image, audio or video

would arouse suspicion and also unnecessarily will increase the size of the mail.

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5.2.2 Product Functionality

To carry out the proposed work we have followed a systematic approach. Firstly

steganalizing the mail provides two fold securities. One is by encrypting the real

message with the password both of which are requested from the user. Encryption is

carried out by applying XOR between the real message and the password. Second is

to hide this encrypted text behind the fake message provided by the user.

De-steganalizing involves the coded message and the password as input from the

receiver and it finally gives the secret information.


5.2.3 Operating Environment

Hardware Specification

Pentium III or higher

128MB RAM(512MB recommended)

1 GB hard disk space (minimum)

Software Specification

Windows XP Service Pack 2 or above

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

5.2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints

The proposed project should have a simple and user friendly interface such that any

of the users who are not having extensive knowledge of computers can use it.

Also the security consideration is the main constraint which cannot be neglected at

all. Reliability and portability of the project are some other issues which should be

kept in mind. Cost is also a constraint from the point of view of services that are to

be made available.

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5.3 Specific Requirements


It specifies the criteria based on which we can judge the operation of the proposed

system. It defines how a system is supposed to be.

(i) High Security (iv) Portability

(ii) Reliability (v) Efficiency

(iii) Usability (iv) Extensibility

Table 5.1


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It consists of the specific functionality that defines what a system is supposed to


(i) Any of the existing Gmail ids can be used to send the mail from the proposed

system named “StegMail”.

(ii) Proposed system will also receive the mails by logging in their respective ids

and will show in their full inbox.

(iii) Security through obscurity – i.e. the security which even hides the existence

of secret message from eavesdropper.

(iv) Facility of file attachments in mailing system

(v) Email notifications of “mail sent” and “mail not sent”

(vi) More secured than the existing systems

(vii) Technique of the text to text steganography should be carefully chosen

Table 5.2


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6.1 High Level Design

High Level Design (HLD) is the overall system design. It describes the relation

between various modules and functions of the system. Data flow, flow charts and

data structures are covered under HLD.

6.1.1 Data Flow Diagrams


Senders Email

Receivers Email

Senders Password



Real Message

Fake Message


Receivers Email

Receivers’ password


Steganalized Mail

Real message


Figure 6.1 Context level diagram (Level 0)

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6.1.2 Sequence Diagrams

Encrypt Sender Send



Fake Message

Real Message


Senders Mail

Receivers Mail

Senders Password


Steganalized Mail


Steganalized Mail

Receivers Email

Receivers passwordKey

Real Message

Inbox Database Gmail Database

If Valid

Download Inbox




Figure 6.2 Level 1 Data Flow diagram

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Figure 6.3 Sequence Diagram for Steganalizing and Sending


Sender Form1 Steganalize Send Receiver

To ,From ,Password



Fake Message



Coded Message

Coded Message

To ,From ,Password



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Figure 6.4 Sequence Diagram for De-Steganalizing and Receiving


Username ,Password


Stego Object



De-Steg Receiver Form1 Receive

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6.1.3 Activity Diagrams (Activity Diagram of Steganalizing and Mailing)

Figure 6.5


Start Start

Get Real msg


Get Real msg

Get Fake msg and key


Store Stego-Object

Get Login Details

Mail Sent



Start Start

Get Real msg


Get Real msg

Get Fake msg and key


Store Stego-Object

Get Login Details

Mail Sent



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(Activity Diagram of De-Steganalizing and Receiving)

Figure 6.6


Start Start

Get Real msgEnter Login Details


Enter Key

Connect to inbox

Select Required msg

Get Real Msg



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6.2 Low Level Design

Low Level Design (LLD) is like detailing the HLD. It defines the actual logic for

each and every component of the system. Class diagrams with all the methods and

relation between classes comes under LLD.

6.2.1 Class Diagrams

Figure 6.7 Class Diagram For Mailing System

Figure 6.8 Class Diagram For Steganography


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6.2.2 Procedure Tables

Send Mail Module

Method Name Parameters Description


SendTo It calls the


method so that

validation is applied

before sending the mail

and then sends the email

using SMTP.







ValidateEmailAddress emailAddress

It validates the Email

address passed to it as a


Table 6.1

Message Steganalyzing Module

Function Name Parameters Description


Key It first encrypts the secret

message with the key &

then hides this encrypted

msg behind the fake msg.




Table 6.2


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Message De-Steganalyzing Module

Function Name Parameters Description


SourceText It decrypts the source text

using key to finally give

the secret message.



Table 6.3

Receive Mail Module

Function Name Parameters Description

Connect_Click ___

It checks whether

connected to internet or


CheckInputValidationForPop Username It checks the username

and passwordPassword

ReceiveEmails ___

It retrieves Emails from

the receivers mail




It downloads the

attachment and also

gives the option to save

the file.

Disconnect_Click ___ It disconnects with the


Table 6.4


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The basic levels of testing are:-

7.1 Unit Testing

In our project each service can be thought of a module. There are so many modules

like sending mail, receiving mail etc. Each module has been tested by giving

different sets of input. When developing the module as well as finishing the

development process, the module works without any error. The inputs are also

validated when accepting them from the user and it prompts the user to enter the

correct value for the particular field making it more users friendly.

7.2 Integration Testing

In this program units are combined and tested as groups in multiple ways. In our

project we carried out the integration testing in an iterative manner i.e. after

developing one module it is integrated with the previous one and then tested by

giving different sets of input. Various improvements were carried out such as while

integrating sending and the encryption module certain buttons have to be disabled

while encrypting and then after its completion they were enabled. All the modules

were then tested after integrating them and were working without any error.

7.3 System Testing

Here the entire software system was tested. The reference document in this process

was requirement document and the goal was to see if the software meets its

requirement. The system was tested by giving different sets of input and observing

whether the output of the system was as expected by the requirements. While

executing the system it was working without any error.

7.4 Test Case

A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester determines whether

the project is working correctly or not. Test summary is as follows:


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S.No. Bench-Mark Test Inputs and Observations

Expected Output

1.Checking functionality of send mail module

Unfilled secret message textbox & click on Encrypt button

Generates a message box that secret message empty.

2.Checking functionality of send mail module

Unfilled sender’s email textbox & click on Send button

Generates a message box that sender’s Email empty.


Checking functionality of send mail module

Unfilled sender’s password textbox & click on Send button

Generates a message box that sender’s password empty.

4.Checking functionality of send mail module

Unfilled receiver’s email textbox & click on Send button

Generates a message box that receiver’s email empty.

5.Checking functionality of send mail module

Click on Send button before steganalizing

Nothing happens as send button is disabled at that time.

6.Checking functionality of message steganalizing module

Unfilled key textbox & Click on steganalize button

Generate a message box that key empty.

7.Checking functionality of message steganalizing module

If length of fake message is empty or shorter than expected

Generates a message box that fake message not enough

8.Checking functionality of Receive mail module

Unfilled username password & click on Connect

Generates a message box that username password empty

9.Checking functionality of Receive mail module

Invalid username password & click on Connect

Generates a message box that cannot connect (Invalid username & password)

10.Checking functionality of message de-steganalizing module

Unfilled source or key & click on de-steganalize

Generates a message box that source or key empty.

Table 7.1


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Initial page

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Receive mail interface

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Sending mail interface after Steganalizing

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Mail sent successfully

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De-Steganalized successfully

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Mails are securely sent using steganography

Steganography is a more secure technique than cryptography as it does not arouse suspicion of some hidden secret information to the eavesdropper as was the case in cryptography.


The Existing Email accounts containing a very large number of files in their inbox will take a large amount of time in the receiving process.

If the real confidential message entered by the user is large, then the fake message acting as carrier file should also be very large.

Only text can be concealed and no image or audio file can be concealed.

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In future our system can be extended to a web application.

Information other than text can be concealed such as an image, an audio file


Users other than Gmail account users could also send the mail using our


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The project “Mailing system using steganography” that was designed to provide

security to the user’s information that travels through the web has been successfully

developed. It can be concluded that the project is working correctly in the way it was

intended to behave. As well as it is competent enough as along with providing

security to information, it also provides the facility to send and receive emails.

All and all it could be commented that the project works as been desired and the

remaining flaws could be overcome


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[3] Book- Sams teach yourself C# in 21 days, Page 460-485





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