final major project

THE B I B L E & SCIENCE Benjamin Gardiner 0 7 0 2 3 5 6 Final Major Project Book Cover Design

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Final Major Project


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B I B L E&

SCIENCEBenjamin Gardiner

0 7 0 2 3 5 6Final Major Project

Book Cover Design

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This project was originally born out of the celebration of the 400th year of the King James Bible. To make similar achievements as King James did in making a different through a book that needed updating. I plan to redesign a selection of books of Bible to grab a new audience, an intrigued and interested audience. To spilt up the Bible into genres and to sell individually

for ease of reading. To design covers that represent the individual books. To use ideas that would be unexpected for a religious text. To modernize and replace stereotypical views and expose the true excitement that is buried underneath preconceptions.

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This project seeks not to undermine

the pastel rainbow teachings of

sunday school, not to force an opinion

but to challenge preconceptions.

To respond to the science vs. religion

argument with work that suggests

clues and perhaps answers for both.

To replace a dogmatic way of thinking

with intrigue though interesting,

engaging and intellectual work.

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“The Bible is not one “book,” it is a “library” of sixty-six books that were written over a period of more than a 1,500 years by many different authors.” Dr. Richard J. Krejcir

When I was confidant that I knew I was going to design work for separate books of the Bible, I immediately tried to surround myself with the subject matter. I watched the recent documentaries on the King James Bible and the amazing affect that it had on our modern culture and the national domestic relationships. I read articles such as ‘How good is it?’ by Diarmaid MacCulloch of the London Review of Books, February which commented on the new notion of a personal Bible. This theme is one that drives my project, to produce a series of book covers and by splitting up the Bible into separate parts to allow the reader to pick the book they feel is appropriate to them.

Below, a screen grab from one of the BBC iplayer radio shows along with re-runs of BBC programmes.

I knew from the start that I wanted to put my creative stamp on the project. To create exciting work that carries a weight of intellect behind attractive covers. When describing my project to others, I would refer back to saying that the covers should’nt look as they belong to a religious group. One large problem in the church is that the more dangerous and risky subjects are left out whereas I am seeking to reveal these issues, the darker places. This, I feel, may dispel the ‘pastel rainbow, Jesus holding a lamb’ stereotype and a create a new modern, closer to the truth account.

The images on the right are my first attempts at studying the Bible and it’s stories for possible ideas.

The list of names are the books of the Bible I have selected that I feel are the more important books for a new audience.

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Genesis Exodus


Judges Joshua

1&2 KingsDaniel

Revelation Psalms





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Visual Research

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Theatre poster collection for 2006 - 2007 by the Centro Dramatico National.

Work in collaboration with Nicolas Sanche.



The first thing that hits me is the beautiful black and white. The dark shapes and forms standing boldly perfectly placed on the pristine white page. The black, red on white tying the books together as a set perfectly. The shapes are fascinating, odd collages of elements. The pictures hint at content but keep somethings back, refrained from giving away the whole story. The grenade/perfume bottle on the right page hints at war, destruction but has a female element of the perfume bottle. These sort of subtle visual metaphors that are only noticed on a second glance are a technique that I wish to employ.

The various layout of the typography further keeps each design fresh however on my designs I am working with much less text than these therefore a more consistent approach maybe needed.

This double spread was taken from the very well respected design magazine, Elephant, designed by Studio 8. This current stylish magazine features the best in contemporary design, and for it to feature a double spread of simple black and white (with a small amount of red) shows that working with a limited colour palette can be beautiful and indeed, fashionable. This could be something to bare in mind for my work as I am found of these sorts of limitations to produce work within the boundries of.

Elephant Issue 3 shown below.

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My Bible Genres project will have much more design integrity if I make the books in their real physical form. Not only design the covers and artwork but to ‘print on demand’ a physical product. Therefore, including all texts is important. To research if the Penguin book dimensions would work for my own publication, research has been done into the quanity on texts. The results are as follows:

In Fashion and Death by Giacomo Leopardi,

Page 9 – 298 wordsPage 38 – 297 wordsPage 83 – 328 words

Average of 307.6 words per page.

90 pages long with 3 at the front for contents and publishers note and 8 pages spare as end papers at the end.

Total : (aprox) 27, 690 words long over a 101 page book.


Spine – 6.6mmCover and Back – Width 110mm Height 180mm

Total Flat Book – Width 226.6mm Height 180mm

Cover design ; David Pearson.

As well as the covers being beautiful the back covers are also of huge interest for me and are important for me to research in my own work. The spilt down the back system creates an easy to access environment for information about various other publications within the set, an overview of what the set is about and a blurb explaining some of the content of the book. All this on 12pt type on a small cover is very impressive.

Penguin’s Great Ideas

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The Penguin book covers that have the most impact and power are the pages I have selected here on the left. The top image displays a beautiful set from the early 60s. The bold sans serif typeface in the famous typical Penguin layout ties the books together as a set. Then moving down and right to the 70s with Fletcher/Forbes/Gill producing very simple designs. They again usie the visual metaphor as Isidro Ferrer did in Elephant magazine to capture the audiences sense of wit. To fuse two elements together to get a message across.

A good exercise I have found is to experiment with scale, if as shown the covers work at thumbnail size, which would be approximately the view from a across a book shop or on a website then the design is successful.

In my own work this level of precision is needed. To tie all the covers together as Penguins designers do. To pick a set of specifications, typeface, colour, uniform layout to create an exciting cover designs that fit into a set. The 70s simple, clean, san serif modern feel is something I have always been a fan of and seems appropriate for modernizing the Bible book covers.

Penguinby Design

Phil Baines

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By this point I had a good understanding of the content of the books, enough to begin searching for a style. Being influenced by the ease and beauty of the Penguin covers ranging from early 60s to late 70s, the idea of clean and simple was something to employ and was a good starting point.

Below shows two design layouts. The first at the bottom is a very typographic cover with lots of information. From the start, in order to keep the books tied as a set, stating all the genres and somehow highlighting the appropriate book seemed a perfect solution. All the genres were stated on the left hand side being broken through by vertically running copy explaining in sort terms about the content of the book, with finally on the either side of the copy, the title of the book lining up with its corresponding genre.

The three containing the picture of the Lion have a similar theory. To break up the list of genres with a large title of the book in a different typeface. Both of these approaches are a good starting point to find out what works but fail to draw on any of the research that I conducted. They look very similar but fail to have any strong collective or individual presence. In terms of the modern, the imagery and type mixed with the colour washed out looks cheap and dated. Attempts to add further interest to the design with an image acetate wrap provided little success and in some cases even blocked the type from being readable. A new approach needed.

Initial Work

GenesisAnd it was so.











The very first book of the Bible, not just how

God created the heavans

and the earth but talks of mans fall to tem

ptation, the first gobal flood and adivce of false idols.






It rained down fire BEGINNINGSLAW




REVELATIONBy far the scariest book of the Bibe. Revelation is all the prohecies come true. Theres Angels, women and dragons. A rider with a white horse and all before the final judgement and a new heaven and a new earth. Full on.






The very first book of the Bible, not just how

God created the heavans

and the earth but talks of mans fall to tem

ptation, the first gobal flood and adivce of false idols.

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make sure to do two copies, one with nice paper and then one with acetate to see which looks nicer

printers notes

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A classic trap that all design students fall into a some point, ‘pick a cool typeface and just screenprint it or letterpress would look cool’. The previous covers I felt were a world away from the sort of work that I wanted to produce. I wanted to make current beautiful design but in this instance went too far in the other direction. The typographic covers shown on the right have almost no meaning, no wit, no visual metaphor. The plan to just create something beautiful by applying the latest fashionable print technique is no where near enough justice to the subject matter. At this point the book could have been designs for pretty much anything. The fire covers at the bottom of the page vaguely nod toward Revelation with the idea of fire and hell but this is not communicated, its position is viewed as a background, not an important design feature. The typography had some interest to it, maybe not appropriate for the front cover but works as a way to identify the title and genre it belongs too.

The crude typographic experiment in the middle of the page was an attempt to display all the information needed in a clean, boxed off way. The genre on the left with the titles cascading down to a line with the number on the book underneath. Wrong typeface and very weakly designed, this idea I cut before it could get out of hand.

Too many design tricks


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N 5 o




N 6 o

1&2 Kings His


N 7 o

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At this point I was starting down a

road I knew was leading me to boring,

quick to date, uninteresting and

unintelligent work. It was quick to sink

in that I needed to not just research

the Bible and then close it. It needed

to be glued to my desk, to surround

myself with the subject matter. In

depth understanding was that my

project was crying out for.

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As well as getting caught up in the swell of designing and the passion to keep making things, in depth Bible study sessions were desperately needed for my project to have any truth and authenticity. As well as previous study, I dug a out a Bible I was given and compiled a study folder. Inside was three pages for each book, comparison charts and an overview of the key stories. I was keen to find the little nuggets that are not widely known as these are what an audience will find interesting as it is unexpected. In these sessions I have a notebook with possible design solutions as ideas are sparked and explored.

Bible Study

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Now armed with a better understanding of the Bible books I have chosen and a new passion to combine beautiful design with the information found, I began making these books shown left.

I bought a selection of Muji sketchbooks to act as book blocks, drew up a net and create hard back covers to wrap around them. The bottom two were my attempts to print out covers to wrap around the hard backs. The three above were more of an artists book feel, individually hand crafted designs. A great exercise to book making, and incorporating other processes such as the Letterpressed 300. However the artists book audience I felt may not be who I am aiming for as it hugely narrows my audience. In addition, the artists book are a great way to produce bespoke

New Work

work, my project requires a broader printed method to allow to larger production to reach more people for cheaper and with more ease.

The designs are beginning to take shape with the stories researched directly linking to the cover, for example Leviticus which contains the third time the ten commandments are mentioned plus more instructions on how to live, hence the numbered grid 1 - 10 plus.

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John Morgan Studio

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John Morgan Studio are a design agency in London suggested to me by Ben Branagan. They produce very simple, clean, to the point graphic design with a large emphasis on typography. The website displays a range of their work which mainly consists of book covers, when a book is selected, a PDF can be download (a few pages from which are displayed above). This step by step guide to how they made the Common Worship:

Services and Prayers for the Church of England was perfect research for my project.

It highlights the existing books and takes the reader through the changes they made and why. Their project is very similar to mine, to update and to modernize an existing book. The PDF for this particular project proved helpful when creating my specification sheet and my body copy for the inside of Genesis.

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Change of Angle Following the Mid Point Review

“Nod to Darwin with this one”

The Mid Point review was hugely beneficial for my project. I was deep into creating books and covers that I found were stylish in appearance. However the angle of simply looking nice, or just redesigning the Bible I felt was not enough. I was searching for a more interesting angle, from an artistic approach to a typographic approach. When I took a step back the truth set in, these were not interesting angles, they are just processes. They would of looked okay and I would of put lots of care and attention into the craft but I knew I wanted a weight of intellect behind it which at the time was non-existent.

The ‘Eureka’ moment came after a comment Luke made about one of my covers which was one of the old typographic systems on it with an old image of two seals. I explained they were put there to represent, Noah’s Ark and the idea of Creation. Luke mentioned that it could be a nod to Charles Darwin, the famous atheist and creationist.

This I found fascinating, that things can be interpret differently and that referencing a creationist on the Bible could be controversial and could be something to fear. This is when the idea of the argument between Science and Religion came to me. I have always believed that science is responsible for the ‘how’ and religion was responsible for the ‘why’. Many people use science as a argument against of a God but many use it to support their religious beliefs.

Therefore I thought it would be exciting to combine this paradox for my covers, science would be my angle,

take the stories of the Bible and find the science in them for inspiration for the covers.

Science Museum

See Right.I took a trip the other day to the Science Museum. As a child, my family and I would visit the science museum and others around exhibition road so the trip carried a certain amount of nostalgia.

The visit was not about finding raw imagery for the covers of my books but to explore themes and the general ‘aura’ of a scientific place. A very useful experience in developing the mood of a project. Also a nice amount of design on show, from the diagrams of eyes (very useful for proverbs) to space manuals for early space exploration.A worth while trip through space, medicine and engineering. Heres a brief selection of photos from the Science Museum.

In addition to other research, there is always constant research into the Bible to find the science within the stories.

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The recent BBC Wonders of the universe series with Professor Brian Cox has played a role in this project following my change of angle towards science and the Bible. Brian Cox explains the world of physical in simple easy to understand language using visual experiments and demonstrations. This ease of conveying what in most cases in a difficult scientific subject provided me with inspiration to parallel Brian’s teaching method. To use his simple way to explain things but also add my own elements to make the designs cryptic enough to draw intrigue. My designs are both

a teaching method and one to create interest for people to pick them up.

Combining my Bible studies with watching Wonders of the universe allowed for a science and religion balance and I was able to draw similarities and differences between the two. Wonders of the universe was in fact, the inspiration for putting Hydrogen the first element on the cover of Genesis, the first book of the Bible that tells of the creation of the universe.

Wonders of the Universe

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Following my decision to move to a science approach, in order to surround myself with science imagery and literature, as well as visits and television I visited the local libraries and charity book shops to get my hands on as much stuff, be it good or bad as I could find.

I found some amazing textbooks and encyclopedias with facts and diagrams, perfect to bring out the science elements found in Bible stories.

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Following my trip to the Science Museum, taking notes and soaking up the atmosphere, I began a sketchbook with my the new science theme at the fore front. As the photos on the left display, the working style is still of an arts and crafts theme. Working with hand drawn and letraset type, not only to show as art boards but also as suggestions to how a final cover would look. At this stage, various process were employed in experimentation. For example, the Hydrogen symbol for the cover of Genesis has been screen printed for a worn 70s modernism effect.

Found imagery from science dictionaries and encyclopedias as well as images printed from the internet form the cover art. When working at this stage, referring back to my written research is vital.

The above image is the full collection of Headers for each book. This was an illustrative way to categorize my books up into their corresponding genres. The title would therefore reveal the name of the book and the header its housed in would display the genre that it belongs too.

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In addition to designing the front covers for this project, I also thought it would greatly strengthen it if I were to design the inside also. To completely modernize the Bible, the inside would move away from the classic two column Times New Roman style. I would am to design body copy layout with more a modern feel.

When I had emailed the Bible Society on where I could find online copies of the Bible, they directed me to where the Bible is available for free download. I always spoke to Brian Whitehead for some advice and he kindly offered to sit down with me for the day and teach me various ways I could go for designing the inside. He also advised before

our meeting that I should look at Upper and Lower Case magazine as they have some brilliant examples of typography ranging from the early 70s up to the 90s, the key period that I was drawing my inspiration from.

The collection of images on the left display the amazing variation of complex and simple designs that are always beautiful. In particular was drawn to the simpler blocks of text, the Bible project requires quick easy to find information, like U&LC beautifully spaced sans serif type sitting on the baseline grid. Lots of white space providing a buffer for fingers when turning the page, a large gutter and space for notes around the text.

Below are my experiments and with Brian’s expert help a paragraph style that I was happy with. A list format, the numbers of the verses which normally have to be searched for within the text now sit along the left side for the reader to find the desired verse in an instant. The experiments opened my eyes to what the possibilities are with the body copy however do not fit with the easy to read modern feel of the project.

Body Copy Research and Experiments

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This is the final printed A5 black and white copy of all the 50 chapters of Genesis including footnotes. Typed in Univers 12pt on a baseline grid with headers in Univers 12pt Bold and numbers in 24pt Helvetica Neue also set in Bold.

As stated in body copy research and experiments, optically spaced with lots of space around the body copy and a large gutter and margins for notes and fingers

when hold the book. One change from the paragraph style that I finalized was to change the numbers from the serif typeface of Trajan Pro to Helvetica, the ultimate modern typeface. Also to turn the bright red to a more subtle light grey.

Body Copy

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Pauls letters to the christians in Corinth. Letters on how to build the body of the church, of offerings and how to stop being jews and start being christians.




good newsletters



letters - corinth


corinthians.indd 1 25/4/11 22:36:16

Daniel put up with alot, put in a furance, thrown into the lions den and forced to interpt the dreams of the king. His trust he God more than once saved his life.




good newsletters




phecy - d



daniel.indd 1 25/4/11 22:28:02

Exit.Isralities living in Eygpt under corupt government and slavery until the birth of Moses. Instructions of God, burning bushes, a time of plague and the parting of the red sea.




good newsletters



law - exo



exodus.indd 1 25/4/11 21:57:34

40 long years in the desert after being driven out, the search for the holy mount siani and Gods law passed down to moses.




good newsletters




law - d




deuteronomy.indd 1 25/4/11 22:08:56

Pauls letters to those living in Rome. Instructions of how to build the christain church and spend to the rest of the world.




good newsletters ro



letters - rom


romans.indd 1 25/4/11 22:38:02

Pauls letters to the people living in Ephesis. Letters on how they should live their lives in the christian faith and teach others to do the same.




good newsletters ep



letters - ephesians

ephesians.indd 1 25/4/11 22:44:45

Bang! The fall of man and the first global flood. Two cities burning to the ground, temptation and the worship of false idols.




good newsletters




innings - g


genesis.indd 1 25/4/11 21:58:14

This spread shows my first batch of ideas taken from my research to create a set of covers. The imagery at present is very static and the crude mock ups do not have a light feel but instead a far too lose, unconsidered feel. The ideas however are hitting the mark, taking verses from the Bible or stories and characterizing or creating metaphors for them.

First Batch

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Good kings and bad kings, really big wars and some much smaller wars.




good newsletters

1&2 kin


history - 1&

2 kings


1&2kingss.indd 1 25/4/11 22:24:48

The walls of Jechico stood high and strong and for weeks, no part weakend for Gideons army to enter. God told the army to play their battle trumpets outside the walls for 5 days and on the fith day the sound waves brought the city walls down.




good newsletters




ry - josh


joshua.indd 1 25/4/11 22:16:14

h 02

A huge war, the recurtment of 30,000 soliders, God does not want to see mass murder and advises whoever washes their face and hands in the river without dunking their head is fit to be in the lords army.




good newsletters




ry - jud


judges.indd 1 25/4/11 22:10:29

Plus.The Ten Commandments extended eddition, guides on law and sacrifice.




good newsletters


law - leviticu



Leviticus.indd 1 25/4/11 22:04:03

Some classic one liners. Brilliant sort poems and sayings, much like psalms but of a different time and from different authers.




good newsletters





- pro


proverbs.indd 1 25/4/11 22:30:25

The beautiful book of the Bible, love and guilt, pain and strength. Written by kings and shepards.




good newsletters




etry - psalm


psalms.indd 1 25/4/11 22:29:33

The final, quite scary conculsion to the Bible, all the propechies coming ture. The end of the world and creation of a new heaven and of a new earth.




good newsletters




ecy - revelation

revelation.indd 1 25/4/11 22:28:57

Trusting God through thick and thin, losing everything of worth, family, money and health and still trusting that God will sort it. The outcome is, he does.




good newsletters




- job

job.indd 1 25/4/11 22:32:27

The image on the left displays my attempt to make a digital version of the covers with the hand drawn headers as a guideline. The result looked very tacky, unprofessional and a massive step away from what I was trying too achieve. The fusion between the digital form created on the computer and what physically exists is a concept that excites me, however in this instance it was unsuccessful. I felt at this point the headers may be weighing the design down too much, cluttering the space and an element I seemed to be shoe horning in when the work is crying out for simplicity.

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Looking at an image on the screen and looking at physical production creates totally different reactions. As a result, to print everything out and see the quality in the flesh allows to write down changes or comments, good or bad. This page displays a selection of alterations to be put in place in the design is to be successful.

Criting Work

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The Hydrogen symbol shown on the left represents the visual change that occurred deep into the project. The modern feel was being distorted and in some cases, the ideas were getting lost behind the distress and complexity of trying to make the imagery too exciting.

Following a conversation with Ben Branagan, I asked him about this problem that I was having. He said that I shouldn’t worry. My idea is very strong so does not need polishing up with lots of designer tricks, the idea will speak for itself. It the idea was rubbish then to cover that fact up, all sorts of techniques would be employed to try and make it look good. However the idea is best displayed and exploited in its simplest form.

The transition is demonstrated here between the old, distressed symbol to the strong cleaner symbol at the bottom. I still have opted to colour a few of the designs for an added level but in essence they are kept to a minimal form.

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Getting the Gospel Right

The other 15 books I have had success in finding suitable cover ideas that fit into a collective illustration style. However the four books of the Gospel have proven very difficult. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are essentially the same book written from four different peoples perspectives. Therefore finding something unique is very difficult. I used comparison charts to try and pin point the differences.

Read up on various literature and found some very interesting points.Their literary introductions all vary, Mark is known as Beginning of Good News, Matthew is known as ‘The Book of Genealogy’, Luke is known as an ‘Orderly Account’ and John is known as a ‘Cosmic Hymn’. On the right are my experiments in including their introductions on the front covers.

Another angle was to use their biblical symbol, Mark, the lion, Matthew, the angel/human, Luke the Ox and John the Eagle. However this felt like too much an easy way out, it also only loosely touches on a science theme through zoology.

The four circles shown on the left displays the idea of having one constant element true to all the overs as is fitting with the books. To substitute a different element amongst the constant circles for each book. This idea of a constant was taken further by my next idea.

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LukeGood News









Luke - Go




Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.


Met, consequam dolumsan vulla feuguer at velisis endiam incil iriusto odigniam quatisi.Olum quis dunt ipsumsa ndreet prat, vel iure dui ea corem ilit nos eu feu facin enisit utpat ea feu feugait ea con vero consequ ipismod modio

Met, consequam dolumsan vulla feuguer at velisis endiam incil iriusto odigniam quatisi.Olum quis dunt ipsumsa ndreet prat, vel iure dui ea corem ilit nos eu feu facin enisit utpat ea feu feugait ea con vero consequ ipismod modio in


ModernLuke.indd 1 20/4/11 15:09:02

LukeGood News

Luke - Go




Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds fi rst gobal fl ood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.


Met, consequam dolumsan vulla feuguer at velisis endiam incil iriusto odigniam quatisi.Olum quis dunt ipsumsa ndreet prat, vel iure dui ea corem ilit nos eu feu facin enisit utpat ea feu feugait ea con vero consequ ipismod modio exerosto

Met, consequam dolumsan vulla feuguer at velisis endiam incil iriusto odigniam quatisi.Olum quis dunt ipsumsa ndreet prat, vel iure dui ea corem ilit nos eu feu facin enisit utpat ea feu feugait ea con vero consequ ipismod modio exerosto

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Main Stories

Jesus BornHealing -Blind Man -Dead Man -Paralytic Man -Possessed ManFeeding the 5000Jesus walks on waterLost sheepLast SupperWater to Wine12 DisciplesCrucifixionDead 4 DaysResurrectionAscension

Gospel Grids

The idea for the grid sytem was born out the fact the four books are essentially the same book written from four different peoples perspectives so instead of trying to find something unique about each one, I could celebrate the fact they are similair with very similair designs for the covers.

The numbers on the gird correspond with the chapters within the Gospel (Good News). The four books have varying amounts of chapters but are approximately 30 chapters long each. The main stories that appear in the Gospel are displayed under Main Stories. The grid works whereby a story for example, the lost sheep appears in chapter 8 of Matthew, 9 of Mark,

Symbols look to cluttered and rather ugly. Photgraphs also did not have the desired affect. The two image based designs give too much away and the system is too overcrowed and confuse the design.

9 in John but does not exist in Luke therefore squares remain for the books that contain the story but a square is removed where the story does not appear.

This result in an interesting pattern with a modern feel. The images below display how I went through removing the squares then removed the numbers to simplify the design and to ensure it is cryptic enough to draw interest. As with the other books, an explanation on the reverse of the book is needed to clarify the idea. I am a strong believer that work should not give answers but ask questions, it should hint at clues but not give the full picture.

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3 4 5

6 7

11 12 13

16 17 19 20

21 22 23 24 25


4 5

6 8 9




1 2 3 5

6 7 9


17 18 19


8 9 10

14 15





1 2 5

6 97

19 20



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1&2 KingsHistory

1&2 K

ings - H


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

The book of good kings and bad kings. One and two Kings is taken from the genre of history books of the Old Testament. Thrones established through God’s wisdom, royalty being taken from kings by the natural passing of time or by the force of war. Various rituals, customs and costumes are explained. We also see the single kingdom divided into Israel and Judah.

Throughout time there are good and bad kings. There is always one constant element that remains in that fact, that there is always a ruler whatever their nature and attitude to ruling.

1&2 Kings

Good King Bad




y - Law

This book brings us the Jews wandering around the clear days and nights in the desert of Sinai on their way from Egypt to the promised land. The book contains the third time that the 10 commandments are repeated as well as many instructions and practice for living in regard to clean food, false worship and marriage. Joshua is told to succeed Moses as leader and the end of Moses life is recorded.

The years spent in the desert were baron. The one single moving unit in the desert under the stars hearing and learning about God’s word. Messages sent from above to break the monotony of the time in Sinai.




WisdomGood News


Ephesians Letters



s - Letters

Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

This book is Paul’s letters to the Christians in the city of Ephesus. Paul who was a Jew but was later called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ advises Christians (the Children of Light) how to live. How to be like Christ. How to wear the “armour of God”. How to be strong by using the power God gives. How to cultivate good relationships between children and parents as well as wives and husbands.

The Fraunhofer lines shown on the front of Ephesians display the board spectrum of light that are in and out of out human vision. Joseph Von Fraunhofer first discovered this in 1814, there is a parallel to be drawn from Paul’s letters. Paul addresses a broad spectrum of different people, some he refers to as ‘Children of Light’.




s - Law

Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

Exodus literally translates as “exit” - referring to the exit of the Jews from captivity in Egypt. In Exodus we read of the birth, life and events surrounding the prophet Moses. The book of Exodus is an instruction manual of how to live in accordance with God’s ways. The first time God passes his law in the form of the ten commandments which summarises the optimum way to live life and serve God as well as others.

The diagram is a symbolic understanding of how many parts and instructions are put together to form something amazing. The option of choice, to build as instructed to create or to ignore instructions and face the consequences. A free will attitude to learning how to live.

Exodus ExodusLaw

Bang! This book has it all; the birth of the galaxies and the Earth we inhabit, a perfect garden and a very tempting apple, the worlds first global flood, the start of being carnivores, the worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground. H





esis -Beg



Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

Science shows us that the world was created by the most powerful reaction that exists, the reaction of fusion. Science explains to us the ‘how’, whereas the Judeo-Christian faith explains the ‘why’. When the world was created, by God via the ‘Big Bang’ the first element formed was Hydrogen, the base element for all life.



- Wisd


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

Perhaps the oldest book in the Bible, Job’s life tests his trust in God which he passes with flying colours. He has faith in God when this previously very wealthy man, not only loses his money but his family, health and the comfort of his friends. God is pleased with his trust and Job is rewarded.

The man is an image of a modern day character of Job working in the Stock Exchange. This modern equivalent displays Job’s fluctuating financial situation. He is untroubled by the highs and lows, ups and downs and keeps faith in what he believes and is therefore rewarded with the correct investment.



JohnGood News


n - Go




Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

John was a normal Jewish man in abnormal times. The book of John is his account of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. To witness the miracles and in turn have his own life changed. To be there at the end, the crucifixion and the resurrection but especially he writes of the ascension of Jesus to heaven.

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the accounts of the journey of these men with Jesus. The books share many of the same stories but each from a different perspective. The squares shown in a grid represent the stories and parables which are shared in all four books. They cover the main stories such as the birth of Christ, the healing power of Jesus, the miracles He performed and finally the crucifixion, resurrection and glorious ascension.



ua - H


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

In this book we read of the man who Joshua takes over from Moses and takes the Jews from the baron wilderness to the promised land. Greeted with fighting but with help from God, Joshua and army, trumpets in hand cause the fall of Jericho. The domino effect of this leads to more of the land being taken and divided into areas for each of the 12 tribes.

The sound waves from the armies trumpets, with help from God, were enough to bring down the mighty walls of Jericho. The waves and the different heights of their crests and troughs show the varying amplitude, the deeper notes enough to shake bricks to the ground.





es - Histo


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

Judges in biblical terms means leaders. The book of Judges records the various leaders of the Jewish nation who were set up in Israel. It is from this book that we get stories of the worlds strongest man, with a little help from his hair, the giant army of 30,000 whittled down to the wisest 300 before the battle (which they won, with God’s help) and the many fights between the Jews the Philistines.

The large water molecule takes centre stage as it is responsible for turning a 30,000 strong army down to a army of 300. God advised whoever cupped their hands to drink from the river and not dunk their whole head under the flowing water, is to be trusted in battle, 300 did so, and God provided this select few with supernatural strength to ensure a victory.




s - Law

Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

The book of Leviticus could be described as the ten commandments bumper pack. The explanation of more detailed laws such as burnt, sin and guilt offerings. The day of atonement and the forbidding of eating blood. The keeping of the Sabbath, advised by God by way of Moses on Mount Sinai.

Many scientists and pilgrims have ventured to Sinai in exploration of the mount mountain where God passed his holy law on to Moses. Many Geologists have tried to discover the location and even predict what the famous stone tablets would have looked like. Leviticus talks of much more than the commandments plus more of God’s teachings.


1234 5678910+

LukeGood News

Luke - Go




Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

Luke the doctor shares many of the same stories as the rest of the gospels. Luke discusses the birth of Jesus, the parables He told, the miracles He preformed. Being a doctor, Luke is very careful observer and particularly reports Jesus’ miraculous healing of the sick . Luke also speaks of the ascension following Jesus appearing to the disciples when after four days, he came back from the dead.

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the accounts of the journey of these men with Jesus. The books share many of the same stories but each from a different perspective. The squares shown in a grid represent the stories and parables which are shared in all four books. They cover the main stories such as the birth of Christ, the healing power of Jesus, the miracles he performed and finally the crucifixion, resurrection and glorious ascension.


MarkGood News

Mark - G


d N


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

The book of Mark is the shortest account of Jesus life, it is written in a very precise way with just the highlights noted. As one of the twelve he was with Jesus throughout his life and saw the incredible healing miracles performed by Jesus. He saw a lot of hungry people fed and the control that Jesus had over the elements.

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the accounts of the journey of these men with Jesus. The books share many of the same stories but each from a different perspective. The squares shown in a grid represent the stories and parables which are shared in all four books. They cover the main stories such as the birth of Christ, the healing power of Jesus, the miracles he performed and finally the crucifixion, resurrection and glorious ascension.


MatthewGood News


ew - G


d N


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

Matthew was a tax man. Mathew was a Jew and he begins his book to prove that Jesus was also a Jew by giving with the genealogy of Jesus Christ from Adam up to His birth. In a similar way to the other disciples Matthew was witness to many healings and teachings; to the finding of things lost and even to Jesus’ control over the weather.

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the accounts of the journey of these men with Jesus. The books share many of the same stories but each from a different perspective. The squares shown in a grid represent the stories and parables which are shared in all four books. They cover the main stories such as the birth of Christ, the healing power of Jesus, the miracles he performed and finally the crucifixion, resurrection and glorious ascension.




n - Pro



Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

The final book of the Bible is by far the scariest, with many verses picturing foul beasts and the end of the world. The warning of the apocalypse and the comfort of a new heaven and of a new earth. Advice not to seal up the pages of the Bible as the time of the second coming is closer than you think.

E = MC2. Albert Einstein’s discover of Nuclear Fusion, the energy created and harvested from the splitting of the atom. A fine discovery but with modern day danger, the same science is responsible for the Atomic Bomb, one tool that could end the world and perhaps in this way Revelation’s prophecies would be fulfilled?


Page 43: Final Major Project





After much deliberation, black and white created the biggest impact. The colour versions failed to tie in as a set and had a juvenile feel that I was very much trying to avoid for this project. I am confidant that black and white works as Isidro Ferrer’s work which I explored during my research worked beautifully in keeping the idea at the heart of the design.



le - examp








this is were the blurb will sit. Aprox 50 - 70 words explaining some of the cover and a brief overview of the book.

example exampleexampleexampleexampleexampleexampleexample

example exampleexampleexampleexampleexampleexampleexample


Above is an early specification sheet for the layout of my designs. Once I had picked a typeface and had the images ready, the spec sheet would allow my designs to be unified. Further alterations were made for the final set.

Page 44: Final Major Project

1&2 K

ings - H


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.

1&2 Kings

Good King Bad


esis -Beg



Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.



ua - H


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters




ges - H


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.



s - Po


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.



n - Pro



Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.


Illustration Boards

Beginnings - Genesis

Prophecy - Revelation, Daniel

History - Judges, Joshua, 1&2 Kings

Poetry - Psalms

Ben Branagan made a suggestion after I had a good set of work to show. This was, in order to see the flow of covers in their set and as a whole, its good practice to create an illustration board. The board can allow covers to be mixed around, edited and then replaced into the board to see what works best.

As previously stated these covers have a much more modern, cleaner feel. The idea is not tainted or confused by needless ‘graphic design tricks’. As a result the strength of the idea can shine through with ease.

Page 45: Final Major Project


n - Go




Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.



- Wisd


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.



Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters



s - Letters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the grou



s - Law

Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.

Exodus DeuteronomyBeginnings



WisdomGood News




y - Law

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.


s - Law

Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.

Leviticus 1234 5678910+



s - Letters

Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.




s - Letters

Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.



s - Wisd


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.



ew - G


d N


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.


Luke - Go




Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.


Mark - G


d N


Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

BANG! The worlds first gobal flood,a perfect garden and a very tempting apple. Worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.


Wisdom - Job, Proverbs

Good News - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Letters - Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians

Law - Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus

Page 46: Final Major Project

Its important not to become to precious or protective about your work. Being considerate and to take pride is important but pointing out mistakes is a necessary practice. To see work, especially book covers in a the ‘flesh’,to move away from the computer, to print out and feel the work is vital. The following pages display my notes and suggestions.

To see the complete set of notes as an Issuu Document, vist the link shown below...

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Page 48: Final Major Project

Genesis Blurb

Bang! This book has it all; the birth of the galaxies and the Earth we inhabit, a perfect garden and a very tempting apple, the worlds first global flood, the start of being carnivores, the worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.

Genesis Cover Note

Science shows us that the world was created by the most powerful reaction that exists, the reaction of fusion. Science explains to us the ‘how’, whereas the Judeo-Christian faith explains the ‘why’. When the world was created, by God via the ‘Big Bang’ the first element formed was Hydrogen, the base element for all life.

Exodus Blurb

Exodus literally translates as “exit” - referring to the exit of the Jews from captivity in Egypt. In Exodus we read of the birth, life and events surrounding the prophet Moses. The book of Exodus is an instruction manual of how to live in accordance with God’s ways. The first time God passes his law in the form of the ten commandments which summarises the optimum way to live life and serve God and others.

Exodus Cover Note

The diagram is a symbolic understanding of how many parts and instructions are put together to form something amazing. The option of choice, to build as instructed to create or to ignore instructions and face the consequences. A free will attitude to learning how to live.

Leviticus Blurb

The book of Leviticus could be described as the ten commandments bumper pack. The explanation of more detailed laws such as burnt, sin and guilt offerings. The day of atonement and the forbidding of eating blood. The keeping of the Sabbath, advised by God by way of Moses on Mount Sinai.

Leviticus Cover Note

Many scientists and pilgrims have ventured to Sinai in exploration of the mount mountain where God passed his holy law on to Moses. Many Geologists have tried to discover the location and even predict what the famous stone tablets would have looked like. Leviticus talks of much more than the commandments plus more of God’s teachings.

Deuteronomy Blurb

This book brings us to the Jews wandering around the clear days and nights in the desert of Sinai on their journey from Egypt to the promised land. Deuteronomy contains the third time that the 10 commandments are repeated as well as many instructions and practice for living in regard to clean food, false worship and marriage. Joshua is told to succeed Moses as the leader and the end of Moses life is recorded.

Deuteronomy Cover Note

The years spent in the desert were baron. The one single moving unit in the desert under the stars hearing and learning about God’s word. Messages sent from above to break the monotony of the time in Sinai.

Judges Blurb

Judges in biblical terms means leaders. The book of Judges records the various leaders of the Jewish nation who were set up in Israel. It is from this book that we get stories of the worlds strongest man, with a little help from his hair. We learn of the giant army of 30,000 whittled down to the wisest 300 before the battle (which they won, with God’s help) and the many fights between the Jews the Philistines.

Judges Cover Note

The large water molecule takes centre stage as it is responsible for turning a 30,000 strong army down to a army of 300. God advised whoever cupped their hands to drink from the river and not dunk their whole head under the flowing water, is to be trusted in battle, 300 did so, and God provided this select few with supernatural strength to ensure a victory.

1&2Kings Blurb

The book of good kings and bad kings. One and two Kings is taken from the genre of history books of the Old Testament. Thrones established through God’s wisdom, royalty being taken from kings by the natural passing of time or by the force of war. Various rituals, customs and costumes are explained. We also see the single kingdom divided into Israel and Judah.

1&2 Kings Cover Note

Throughout time there are good and bad kings. There is always one constant element that remains in that fact, that there is always a ruler whatever their nature and attitude to ruling. The cover sums this fact up.

Daniel Blurb

The prophetic book of Daniel talks of his life. Stories of Daniel’s faith in God’s protection against lions and a furnace. Enough to test anyone’s belief in the power of prayer. Daniel’s service to the king of Babylon as a dream interpreter, and how he ended up in Babylon. Daniel’s book has many prophecies of the coming on Jesus Christ (490 years later.... 70 lots of 7).

Daniel Cover Note

The typographic cover of Daniel displays the fascinating way in which the prophecy of the coming of Jesus had been delivered.

Revelation Blurb

The final book of the Bible is by far the scariest, with many verses picturing foul beasts and the end of the world. The warning of the apocalypse and the comfort of a new heaven and of a new earth. Advice not to seal up the pages of the Bible as the time of the second coming is closer than you think.

Revelation Cover Note

E = MC2. Albert Einstein’s discover of Nuclear Fusion, the energy created and harvested from the splitting of the atom. A fine discovery but with modern day danger. The same science is responsible for the Atomic Bomb, one tool that could end the world and perhaps in this way Revelation’s prophecies would be fulfilled?

Psalms Blurb

Psalms is the poetic book of the Bible, many of which are used as a way to show worship to God. Songs and verses about love, sin and righteousness. Most famously the Psalms written by David are particularly interesting.

Psalms Cover Note

The dark, scientific diagram has been cut open to reveal the ventricles and sections of the human heart. The Psalms touch, slice and provide growth for the human soul and spirit, the “heart”, not always sunshine and roses but sometimes sorrow and sadness. They are a place to pour out the troubles of the heart to God and receive his love and wisdom.

Blurbs andCover Notes

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The list of the eight genres, this information along with the name of the book next to its corosponding genre is also on the back of the books.

Proverbs Blurb

The book of Proverbs is very similar to Psalms and is part of the Wisdom genre. Some classic one liners. Verses on warning, on wisdom and on love. Themes of praise and amazing metaphors that capture the imagination. Relevant to all walks of life, to kings and queens to the farmer and the servant.

Proverbs Cover Note

The span of the book of Proverbs is huge, a brilliant insight to the way the message of the Bible can be poetically stated. The diagram of the eye visualizes this insight, in addition eyes are mentioned in many of the Proverbs as well as in the poetic book of Psalms.

Job Blurb

Perhaps the oldest book in the Bible, Job’s life tests his trust in God which he passes with flying colours. He has faith in God when this previously very wealthy man, not only loses his money but his family, health and the comfort of his friends. God is therefore pleased with his trust and Job is rewarded.

Job Cover Note

The man is an image of a modern day character of Job working in the Stock Exchange. This modern equivalent displays Job’s fluctuating financial situation. He is untroubled by the highs and lows, ups and downs and keeps the faith in what he believes and is therefore rewarded with the correct investment.

Matthew Blurb

Matthew was a tax man. Mathew was a Jew and he begins his book to prove that Jesus was also a Jew by giving with the genealogy of Jesus Christ from Adam up to His birth. In a similar way to the other disciples Matthew was witness to many healings and teachings; to the finding of things lost and even to Jesus’ control over the weather.

Matthew Cover Note

Mark Cover Note

Luke Cover Note

John Cover Note

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the accounts of the journey of these men with Jesus. The books share many of the same stories but each from a different perspective. The squares shown in a grid represent the stories and parables which are shared in all four books. They cover the main stories such as the birth of Christ, the healing power of Jesus, the miracles he performed and finally the crucifixion, resurrection and glorious ascension.

Mark Blurb

The book of Mark is the shortest account of Jesus life, it is written in a very precise way with just the highlights noted. As one of the twelve he was with Jesus throughout his life and saw the incredible healing miracles performed by Jesus. Mark saw a lot of hungry people fed and the control that Jesus had over the elements.

Luke Blurb

Luke the doctor shares many of the same stories as the rest of the gospels. Luke discusses the birth of Jesus, the parables He told, the miracles He preformed. Being a doctor, Luke is very careful observer and particularly reports Jesus’ miraculous healing of the sick . Luke also speaks of the ascension following Jesus appearing to the disciples when after four days, he came back from the dead.




Good NewsLetters


John Blurb

John was a normal Jewish man in abnormal times. The book of John is his account of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. To witness the miracles and in turn have his own life changed. To be there at the end, the crucifixion and the resurrection but especially he writes of the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven.

Corinthians Blurb

This book is Paul’s letters to the Christians in the city of Corinth. Paul who was a Jew but was later called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ wrote of how to build Christians into the body of the church, the importance of one body with many parts. Paul here, gives practical advice on matters of marriage, of sacrifice and of worship, he also gives teaching on a personal level of love and faith.

Corinthians Cover Note

The church is built on the people that attend it not just the building in which they meet. In Paul’s letters he explains how to design and build the church with people at the heart who are ready to learn Gods word.

Romans Blurb

This book is Paul’s letters to the Christians in the city of Rome. Paul who was a Jew but was later called to be an apostle, here describes himself as a servant of Jesus Christ Paul writes of Gods wrath against mankind but also of the comfort God brings. He offers similar advice as he did in letters to other cities, including advice on marriage and other practical issues in addition to teachings on peace and love.

Romans Cover Note

The column, for which the Romans are famous is a visual metaphor for the building blocks for the church in Rome. The local church which was established by believers in Rome became the starting point for the growth of the Christian faith in Europe.

Ephesians Blurb

This book is Paul’s letters to the Christians in the city of Ephesus. Paul who was a Jew but was later called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ advises Christians (the Children of Light) how to live. How to be like Christ. How to wear the “armour of God”. How to be strong by using the power God gives. How to cultivate good relationships between children and parents as well as wives and husbands.

Ephesians Cover Note

The Fraunhofer lines shown on the front of Ephesians display the board spectrum of light that are in and out of out human vision. Joseph Von Fraunhofer first discovered this in 1814, there is a parallel to be drawn from Paul’s letters. In Ephesians, Paul addresses a broad spectrum of different people, some he refers to as ‘Children of Light’.

Joshua Blurb

In this book we read of the man who Joshua takes over from Moses and takes the Jews from the baron wilderness to the promised land. Greeted with fighting but with help from God, Joshua and army, trumpets in hand cause the fall of Jericho. The domino effect of this leads to more of the land being taken and divided into areas for each of the 12 tribes.

Joshua Cover Note

The sound waves from the armies trumpets, with help from God, were enough to bring down the mighty walls of Jericho. The waves and the different heights of their crests and troughs show the varying amplitude, the deeper notes enough to shake bricks to the ground.

Page 50: Final Major Project

Above is a hardback book bound onto an A5 book block. When investigating book production, I had already tried wrap around covers on hardbacks for my artists books. Hardback however, does not say modern, its the exact opposite of what I am trying to create. It is inappropriate for a modern project.

Following my book production experiments, I arrived at a solution that worked. To remove all tabs and to use double sided tap and not glue to bind the covers onto the books, this makes for a smooth finish and the chance to cut off any overlapping paper and creating a perfect bleed. A much more professional and modern look to the books.

The page on the right displays my various sets of print outs ready to be bound to the book. It take 7 attempts to finally get the batch that was satisfactory. Problems included, visible lines in the black ink where it had fed through the rollers. Spotting widows in the typography after being printed. Books being slightly larger than the other dummy book I had so a resize was in order. The final books came out perfectly with a beautiful dark, pure black.

The above image and the image at the top right of this page display wrapping my books with a cover complete with tabs to wrap to the underside of the cover and back cover. It provides a nice bleed round the book but the extra paper under the cover raises it slightly in at the corners and makes it look messy.

Even when trying a tab only on sides of the books, the paper will still be raised by the extra paper. In addition, the fold also tended to be uneven leaving a wobbly edge instead of a good crisp, modern edge.

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Page 52: Final Major Project
Page 53: Final Major Project

Final complete set of books to display book in their genre.

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Page 56: Final Major Project
Page 57: Final Major Project

Final complete set of books to display front cover designs.

Page 58: Final Major Project

Final complete set of books to display back cover designs.

Page 59: Final Major Project

Bang! This book has it all; the birth of the galaxies and the Earth we inhabit, a perfect garden and a very tempting apple, the worlds first global flood, the start of being carnivores, the worship of metal shaped like a cow and two cities burned to the ground.



esis - Beg



Beginnings Law

History Prophecy


Good NewsLetters

Science shows us that the world was created by the most powerful reaction that exists, the reaction of fusion. Science explains to us the ‘how’, whereas the Judeo-Christian faith explains the ‘why’. When the world was created, by God via the ‘Big Bang’ the first element formed was Hydrogen, the base element for all life.


Above is a final print ready document ready to be printed, cut out and bound onto an A5 book block. Seeing a design in the flat form is totally different from experiencing the product as a book. The flat book allows attention to be drawn to the details, the margins between the illustration keeping it perfectly centrally aligned. The header of the book in 24pt, the

name with its genre sitting below in 16pt balancing the page. Seeing the flat also allows for a better view of the relationship between the cover, the spine and the back cover. Plenty of space around the body copy of the lower panel of the back cover and the white on black of the title and genres system along with the spine give a crisp finish.

Page 60: Final Major Project


The Bible New International VersionHodder and Stoughton

Penguin by DesignPhil Baines

Elephant MagazineStudio 8

Upper and Lower Case Influencing Design and Typography John.D. Berry

Creative Review April 2011

Grid SystemsKimberley Elam

Woders of the Universe BBC Iplayer

The Explosion of Science The Physical UniverseDr. Bernard Lovell

Science and Technology Encyclopedia Philps

Visual Encyclopedia of Science Kingfisher

MathematicsDavid Bergamini

Typo - Circular SixteenTypographic Circle

Typography in MagazinesLaura Meseguer

Medium is the Massage Marshall McluhanQuentin Flore

How Good is it?Diarmaid MacCullochLondon Review of Books February 2011

Page 61: Final Major Project


O NIn the introduction I stated how I wanted to create a project that challenges preconceptions, a project that could sit between the science and religion debate that suggests the two can co-exist as one of the same.

This project has defiantly challenged me. This is just the sort of work that I hope to be producing when I enter the working world, work with an element of risk, work that affects people and is thought provoking. This project has ticked those boxes, the evidence of this is in the level of interest I receive when I explain what my FMP is about.

In addition, phrases like ‘never seen the Bible like that’ or ‘your the first to ever put a bomb on the Bible’ mean it is having an impact and people are keen to pick the books up and read them.

A journey from the very basic, empty work to a more interesting considered body of work.

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