final group publication


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Post on 19-Mar-2016




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The little publication that was produced in the publishing workshop.


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1 harrypooleMy project comments on how the past relationship Farnham had with the wool industry has been somewhat forgotten about.

The project is one of which is coming along nicely as I’ve started to experiement with type, and as you can see from the image on the right I’ve started to experiemnt with imagery.

The image is an illustration of a ball of wool of which will be incorperated into my narrative, and this style of illustration is something of which I will be using throughout my publication so that it gives the book a medieval yet contemporary look to reflect how the content of my book is predominantly about the past.

Following on the opposite page is a picture of a draft layout of the book that I may create. This design is an initial one of which has then made me think about the type of paper I would like to use and to consider the layout more to create a stronger narrative.

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2 michaelhirst

Farnham is an iconic English town with historic heritage that has survived the test of time as other towns have transformed into hubs for chain brands to grow.

Farnham has been able to stay iconic and a hub for families to descend upon from around Surrey. This has been achieved through the strict design guidelines for the high street and the support for independent brands. There is a large number of independent shops in Farnham which offer a variety of shop fronts and a high street which is made up of graphics and logos we are not normally used to.

A lot of the chain brands have an independent equivalent which allows comparisons of different styles. With this comparison we can see the graphic elements the shops use to draw people in. The chain brands with more money being able to hire designers and spend larger amounts of money on different elements. The independent brands using a smaller budget to create more inventive and experimental ways to draw people into there shops.

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This is the story of Farnham, Surrey told through glitches, purposeful mistakes, a tale told in broken code. The purpose is not to show the subjectivity of the image but to show how it can be manipulated at the base level by the simplest of arbitrary alterations. Why trust the image when you can bend it? The purpose of the glitches is to represent the space of the environment, the gaps between the object we see. Through breaking the code of images in text edit and video footage through broken codecs and the sound programme audacity, my intention is to break the information to find a balance between the forms and the space within them and around them. Like many other places, Farnham has many dual realities, it is peaceful but capable of chaos, natural but constantly imposed on by humanity. My narrative will be told in a book documenting my glitches images, using song lyrics to reinforce the theme of space, and also life and death, the temporal realm there is no need to be afraid of.


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4 alsmithThe man in the woods is a story about a man named Terry who ended up living in the woods in Farnham park.

He started out his journey as a soldier and a hero, but the reality of battle began to wear away at his sanity and the killing never stopped as he journeyed across europe. The book aims to describe his journey both litterally his travels, but also the journey of losing his sanity.

The book is designed to be a childrens book using papercut to layer and collage each scene on each page. A childrens book seems counter intuative given the nature of the narrative itself, but there were a number of reasons I chose to work to this format. Firstly, the book is based on a true story, the man himself is a real person, who I have met myself around 5 years ago, however some of the details in regard to his life had been exadurrated by our childhood minds, which informed my decision to use create an anthropomorphic fox character.

I often work with a dark content or subject matter, but I usually reflect that in the style of my work. This project is an

opportunity for me to work in a more childlike and innocent style of illustration, whilst keeping the narrative more sinister.

This style of darker or more adult childrens book has become a popular medium for story telling as it provides an interesting juxtaposition between the innocent and the guilty.

Because an important part of the story was Terry’s loss of sanity, I have chosen to feature subliminal messaging to communicate that. On every page the words ‘kill everyone’ are featured in a subtle way, that the reader may not even be aware of until it is pointed out by someone else (example overleaf). In the example, I used the branches of the trees to create typography displaying the subtle message, which I tested with a number of audiences who did not realise that the words were even there at first, although when pointed out, their shock at the subliminals were exactly the reaction I hoped for.

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5 rachelcollis

Not very many people know that the stories of J.M. Barrie are based around Black Lake which is located on the border of Farnham. My project looks in depth of the story ‘The Boy Castaways’ and taking their made up scenarios, I have looked into where the imagery from the book is actually based on in real life.

From this, I will be creating a map by using illustrated symbols to show these places to match the quotes from the book. The theme of the map will be inspired by the cover of the book itself and will be inspired by a pirate treasure map. This is because the story is based on pirates and adventure and think this will tie the theme together nicely.

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6 sorchawhelanMy idea for my narrative and publication is to analyse the life of the late Illustrator, Pauline Baynes. Pauline grew up for part of her young life in Farnham, and attendended ‘UCA’ when it was still an Art college. It was here where she was trained up to become of the the worlds most famous and successful Illustrators of all time. Having Illustrated books for C.S Lewis , Tolkien and many other famous authors, Pauline became renowned for her rare and unique talent.My idea is to look at the life of Pauline, what inspired her, and what makes her images so unique and different, The main thing I am focusing upon is her inspirations, so that I can see what really made her draw in such a magical way. My inspiration for picking this as my main theme for this project is mostly because of the popularity of the Tolkien books, becoming famous again recently due to the recent release of the film ‘The Hobbit’. This film having been so successful has brought up the popularity and awareness of Pauline’s great work again.

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7 jackburcham

I am looking at the history of the Town Hall within Farnham and how it has developed in the last two centuries. I am researching the clock tower of the town hall and how it has changed. My research included a trip to the museum and taking photos. I found some images in some historical books about Farnham dating from the 1830s to the present day. I am making the oldest photos pale and the recent photos a lot more lighter with a better quality of colour. The change of colour is part of my narrative.

Farnham became a very wealthy market town in the 18th and 19th century. It had the greatest corn-market outside of London. Between 1500 and 2004, the area changed as medieval timber framed buildings gave way to red brick Georgian town houses built with money made from corn and hops. Many of the old timber-framed buildings disappeared and new red brick symmetrical Georgian town houses rose in their place. The railway arrived in 1848. This event had a significant effect on Farnham. The fast link with London meant city businessmen could think of having a house in the country and still be in close contact with the office; Farnham thereby became an early example of a commuter town.

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8 sarahhayter

No. 10 Castle Street has always intrigued me - it is the only house in the street to be set back away from the pavement, and it looks just like a dolls house with its symmetrical Georgian structure.

I am focusing my project around the three separate staircases inside the house, and what they tell us about the narrative and history behind it. I am interested in this because before going inside the house, I initially assumed that there would be one continuous staircase, as a central feature throughout all four floors.

A side door entrance used to function as a trade entrance leading to a staircase down to the cellar. A grand staircase covers the two middle floors of the house, with higher ceilings and decorative carvings. The top staircase is much narrower and more discrete, leading to the rooftop spaces where the servants used to live.

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9 emilymcdougall

Redgrave’s opening production was shakespere’s tradegy Romeo and Juliet. The story of The Redgrave and the Star Crossed Lovers ends in tradegy and seem doomed from the start. This interested me as I could compare the two storys which I would like to show visually.

Romeo and Juliet are surrounded by conflict, the relationship being fated from the outset; the redgrave theatre is plagued by financial conflict and like Romeo and Juliet poor choices are made leading to their ultimate demise.

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Projects created by: Harry PooleMichael HirstMyles BrockAl SmithRach CollisSorcha WhelanJack BurchamSarah HayterEmily McDougall

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