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  • 7/30/2019 Final Full Document.doc



    This project MOBILE SALES AND SERVICE SYSTEM maintains the sales and

    service activities of the company. The task of this organization is to communicate with

    make the customers to provide them a very much user interface to get their needs. The

    project allows the administrator to take easy reports and the sales and service details of

    the company are maintained very well and easy at any time. The main advantage of the

    system is to make available everything on the just clicking way.

    The numbers of products are maintained to satisfy timely. The details are also

    made available even for the customer to take advantage over explain about the products

    to the enquiring persons. So when the Customers entered they are very much satisfied for

    their Time saving activity in the fast moving world.

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    1.1About the Project

    Mobile Sales & Service System is used to store the details of the purchase and

    sales and their orders. The quotation details can be created here to make the users easily

    verify the details of the task.

    The project is suitable for all types of users because its interface is natural and it

    can be helpful for those people that have not got great skills in interacting with a

    computer. Here we maintain the details of the employee work allotment for furtherreference.

    Most wearable computers today derive their interfaces from concepts in desktop

    computing such as keyboards, pointing devices, and graphical user interfaces. If wearable

    computers are expected to become as natural as clothing, we must re-examine the

    interface with different standards of usability.

    The reports on the modules can be derived for the users to take a hard copy with

    them. The project minimizes the problem of forgetting important appointments and also

    gives perfect scheduling.

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    1.2Need for the System

    The system is a manual one, which consumes lot of time as well as manpower.

    In order to elicit the requirements of the system and to identify the elements, inputs,

    outputs and the procedures. The system had to be examined and analyzed in detail. This

    constituted the system study. Records, slips, procedures, rules, etc. were examined

    thoroughly. The system was studied involving a complete co-operation from the

    employees who run the system at present.

    The system is to manage all the works like billing, service application acceptance etc.

    The updation of the system is needed to do the following process.

    Maintain the Customer information

    Maintains Sales details

    Maintains Order details

    Maintains Service Details

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    1.3.1. Hardware Requirements:

    Micro Processor used : Pentium IV

    Clock Speed : 3.0 Ghz.

    Hard Disk Drive : 160 GB

    Display Drive : 17 Samsung Color Monitor

    Keyboard : Multimedia Keyboard

    Mouse : Logitech Mouse (optical)

    RAM : 1 GB

    DVD Writer : Samsung 52x

    1.3.2 Software Requirements:

    Operating System : Windows XP

    Front end used : Visual Basic

    Back end used : MS-Access

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    1.4. FRONT END & BACK END:


    Visual Basic 6.0 is a window based programming language. The first version ofVB was released in the year 1991, by Microsoft. VB like any other windows based

    language provide items like check boxes, command buttons etc. Visual Basic programs

    used commands that are similar to Basic Programming Language.


    MDI is used to opening multiple windows at the same time. All documents

    windows are contained in the parent window which provides a workspace in

    application can have only MDI form at runtime.


    ADO is an application level interface used to access the data from a variety of

    data sources. As the successor to DAO and RDO, ADO presents a single, simplified

    interface for the developer

    .The above statements shows the options and advantages of visual basic as the

    programming language uses the graphical user interface environment. All the controls

    are interacted with the form and the user can easily observe the project for using it.

    The stock maintenance system involves the calculative part of the quantity to be

    purchased and the current asset value on the hand as stock are relatively very much ideal

    and visibility for the users of the system when these are created in visual basic.

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    The Back end that has been used in this project is MS access . This is the Back

    end database engine for Visual Basic. The idea behind this is easy to maintain the table.

    It is also possible to write queries, Import or Export of table from one database to another

    database. It also provides security to data in the database in a way that data can be stored

    in an encrypted form.

    MS Access is a very powerful RDBMS available in the computing

    environment. It comprises of all the features from basic data storage to high level

    data representation techniques in the form of reports. It also comprises of VB

    module programming, which allows embedding VB functions into MS Access.


    A database is similar to a data file in that it is a storage place for data. Like a data

    file, a database does not present information directly to a user; the user runs an

    application that accesses data from the database and presents it to the user in an

    understandable format.

    Relational Database

    Although there are different ways to organize data in a database, relational

    databases are one of the most effective. Relational database systems are an application of

    mathematical set theory to the problem of effectively organizing data. In a relational

    database, data is collected into tables (called relations in relational theory).

    The backend is created using MS-Access because it is user friendly and the

    database management system is very much familiar by all the users and the capability to

    create the tables as much we need and the data retrieval id very good.

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    2.1 Existing SystemThe existing system in the company was maintaining the activities manually. The

    informations provided by the existing system require a lot of manual interventions at the

    time of preparing the system. All the activities are very much difficult to prepare reports

    for monthly and yearly. Hence there is a need for updating of the system.

    Drawback of the Existing System

    The main drawback of the existing system is manual and involves lots of inputs.

    Only manual checking is done

    Searching is very much difficult for the customers

    Timely reports are not generated perfectly

    Unavailability of quick references

    Stocks are very difficult to maintain

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    The purposed of the proposed system is to computerize the exiting system. The

    proposed system is to be developed using Visual Basic 6.0. This new software

    application has been developed with menu driven approach.

    The proposed system package is menu driven. After keying in the input, it is just a

    question of few minutes, after which we get a report, which overcomes all the

    inconvenience and trouble of the present system.


    The report can be prepared in very short notices and in every short time. It reports

    generated is accurate. It is short for the top management to know the result in a glance.

    Eliminating of redundancy of data.

    Faster date retrieval.

    Built-in security features.

    Unique paper work.

    Centralized database. User friendly.

    Easy to access.

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    The most important aspect of building candidate system is database design.

    Instead of each program managing its own data, the authorized persons share data acrossapplications with database software managing the data as an entity.

    It is a logical development, in the methods used by the computers to access and

    manipulates data stored in the various parts of computer system.

    It is information from several files is coordinated accessed and operated upon as

    though it is a single file. A database is collections of inter related data stored with a

    minimum redundancy to serve many users quickly and efficiently. The objective is to

    make information access easy and quick, inexpensive and flexible to the User.

    Input design encompasses internal and external program interfaces and the design of

    user interfaces. Internal and external interface designs are guided by information

    obtained from the analysis model. This defines user tasks and actions either anelaborative or object oriented approach. Design issues such as response time, comma

    structure, error handling and help facilities are considered and a design model for the

    system is defined. A set of generic design guidelines governs general interaction,

    information display and data entry.

    Various input forms are designed categorically according to the need of the

    particular division, which fulfills the every need the user. It allows the user to access the

    source of information according to the security level assigned to the user.

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    Table Name: Product Master

    SNO Field Name Data type Size Description1 Prodcode

    (Primary Key)

    Text 20 Product Code

    2 ProdName Text 25 Product Name

    3 Model Text 25 Model name

    4 Price Number 5 Price of the product

    Table Name: Order

    SNO Field Name Data type Size Description

    1 OrderNo

    (Primary Key)

    Text 20 Order Number

    2 Date Text 25 Date of Order

    3 Name Text 25 Name

    4 Address Text 25 Address5 ProdCode

    (Foreign Key)

    Text 25 Product Code

    6 Prodname Text 25 Product Name

    7 Model Text 25 Model Description

    8 Qty Number 20 Quantity

    9 Rate Number 20 Amount

    10 Total Number 20 Total Amount

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    Table Name: Purchase

    SNO Field Name Data type Size Description

    1 Invoice No

    (Primary Key)

    Text 20 Invoice Number

    2 Date Text 25 Date of Sales

    3 OrderNo

    (Foreign Key)

    Text 25 Order Number

    4 Supplier Code Text 25 Supplier Code

    5 Sname Text 25 Supplier Name

    6 ProdCode

    (Foreign Key)

    Text 25 Product Code

    7 Prodname Text 25 Product Name

    8 Model Text 25 Model Description

    9 Qty Number 10 Quantity

    10 Rate Number 10 Amount

    11 Amount Number 10 Sub Total Amount

    Table Name: Payment

    SNO Field Name Data type Size Description

    1 BillNo Text 20 Bill Number

    2 Date Text 20 Date

    3 Name Text 25 Name

    4 Address Text 25 Address

    5 Amount Number 10 Bill amount

    6 Advance Number 10 Advance amount

    7 Balance Number 10 Balance Amount

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    Table Name: Sales

    SNO Field Name Data type Size Description

    1 Billno

    (Primary Key)

    Text 20 Bill Number

    2 Date Text 25 Date of Sales

    3 OrderNo

    (Foreign Key)

    Text 25 Order Number

    4 Name Text 25 Name

    5 Address Text 25 Address

    6 ProdCode

    (Foreign Key)

    Text 25 Product Code

    7 Prodname Text 25 Product Name

    8 Model Text 25 Model Description

    9 Qty Number 10 Quantity

    10 Rate Number 10 Amount

    11 Subtotal Number 10 Sub Total Amount

    12 Discount Number 10 Discount Amount

    13 GrandTot Number 10 Payable Amount

    Table Name: Stock

    SNO Field Name Data type Size Description

    1 Prodcode Text 20 Product Code

    2 ProdName Text 20 Product Name

    3 Model Text 20 Model name

    4 OpenSt Number 10 Opening Stock

    5 Purchase Number 10 Purchase Qty

    6 Sales Number 10 Sales Qty

    7 Closest Number 10 Closing Qty

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    Table Name: Service

    SNO Field Name Data type Size Description

    1 ServiceID Text 20 Service ID

    2 Date Text 20 Date

    3 Bill No Text 25 Bill Number

    4 Date Text 25 Name

    5 ProdCode Text 25 Product Code

    6 ProdName Text 25 Product Name

    7 Model Text 25 Model Description

    8 Problem Text 50 Nature of Problem

    9 Amount Number 10 Service Amount

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    3.3 Input Design

    Input design encompasses internal and external program interfaces and the design

    of user interfaces. Internal and external interface designs are guided by information

    obtained from the analysis model. This defines user tasks and actions either an

    elaborative or object oriented approach. Design issues such as response time, comma

    structure, error handling and help facilities are considered and a design model for the

    system is defined. A set of generic design guidelines governs general interaction,

    information display and data entry.

    Various input forms are designed categorically according to the need of the

    particular division, which fulfills the every need the user. It allows the user to access the

    source of information according to the security level assigned to the user.

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    3.4 Module Design

    The System Consists of Three modules

    1. Order

    2. Sales & Service

    3. Stock

    Module 1: Purchase

    This module deals with the details of purchase details such as ordering for the

    purpose of purchasing from the supplier for the needed mobiles, then the Purchase billingand the items purchased and the value of the purchased items.

    Module 2: Sales & Service

    This module is used to maintain sales orders received and the billing activities

    takes place here. All the details of the order received for sales have been maintained to

    takes how many items sold and the values of the sales are calculated here. The service

    system is created to make service facilities for the customer.

    Module 3: Stock

    This module is for maintaining stock details and for the purpose to find the value

    of current stock. The stock details are maintained till date to easy retrievement of the

    closing stock of the Current Item.

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    The output design minimizes the intellectual distance between the software and

    the problem, as it exists in the real world. The design is uniform and integrated. The

    output generated is clear and optimized. Output design builds coherent, well planned

    representation of programs that concentrate on the inter relationships of parts at the

    higher level and logical operations involved at the lower level. Outputs are created

    precisely to match the expectations of the users and presented with careful verifications

    with the works manager. Every report are outputs presented with all attribute regarding

    every subject in a single report

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    Testing is an important stage in system development life cycle (SDLC). Software

    testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate view of

    specification, design and coding.

    Testing begins at the module level and work towards the integration of entire

    computer based system. Nothing is complete without testing, as it is a vital success of the


    There are three ways to test a program

    1. For Correctness

    2. For Implementation efficiency

    3. For Computational Complexity

    Tests for correctness are supposed to verify that a program does exactly what it was

    supposed to do. This is much more difficult than it may first appear, especially for large


    Tests for implementation efficiency attempt to find ways to make a correct program

    run faster and use less storage. It is a code refining process, which re-examines the

    implementation phase of algorithm development.

    Tests for computational complexity amount to an exceptional analysis of complexity

    of an algorithm or an experimental comparison of two or more algorithms, which solve the

    same problem.

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    The entire testing process can be divided into 3 phases

    Unit Testing

    Integrated Testing

    Final/System Testing

    Unit Testing

    As the system was totally GUI based, the following were tested in this phase.

    1. Tab Order

    2. Field Length

    3. Menu Testing

    4. Front end Validation

    Unit testing focuses verification efforts on the smallest unit of software design

    module. To check whether each module in the software works properly so that it gives

    desired output to the given input.

    The code modules were tested individually one after another. The following were

    tested in each module.1. Loop testing

    2. Boundary value analysis

    Control paths are tested to ensure the information properly flows into and out of the

    program unit. Boundary conditions are tested to ensure that modules operate at boundaries

    and restrict processing when gone beyond the set boundary. All independent paths through

    the control structure ensure that the statements have been executed at least once. Finally the

    error handling paths were tested.

    In our testing the test data was given to each and every module in all respects and got

    the desired results. Each module was found to be working properly.

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    Integration Testing

    Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure,

    while conducting test to discover error associated with interfacing. Integration test has been

    carried out successfully. The different modules of the system were combined together to

    form an integrated working application.

    Final/System Testing

    This is the final step of testing. In this testing the entire system was tested as a whole.

    This form of testing is known as Black Box Testing. Black Box testing enables us to derive

    sets of input condition that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program.

    Black Box testing has been successfully carried out with test data and got the desired output.

    Test Data

    Test data should be prepared carefully since data only determines the efficiency and

    accuracy. All the above testing was successfully carried out for the month of March 2003.

    The output given by the system agreed with test data output created manually. Crosschecking

    has also been done with the existing System for accuracy.

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    Implementation is one of the most important tasks in the project. Implementation is

    the phase, in which one has to be cautious, because all efforts undertaken during the project

    will be fruitful only if the software is properly implemented according to plans made.

    Implementation phase is less creative than system design. It is primarily concerned

    with User-Training, Site preparation and File Conversion. Depending upon the nature of the

    system, extensive user training may be required. Implementation is used here to mean the

    process of converting a new revised system design into an operational one. Conversion is one

    aspect of implementation.


    Conversion means changing from one system to another. The objective is to put the

    tested system into operation while holding costs, risks and personal irritation to a minimum

    involves the following.

    Creating Computer-Compatible Files

    Training the operating staff

    Installing terminals an Hardware4.2.2 Operational Documentation

    Once the implementation plan is described, it is essential that the user of the system is

    made familiar and comfortable with the environment. Operational document includes the

    information of how the program has to be operated.

    Depending on the nature of the system, extensive user training may be required.

    The initial parameters of the MIS should be modified as the result of programming

    efforts; programming provides a reality test for the assumption made by the analyst.

    The system testing checks the readiness and accuracy of the system to access

    update and retrieve data from new files. Once the programs available, the test data are

    read into the computer and process.

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    The system development titled Mobile Sales & Service System was designed keeping

    in mind to provide maximum flexibility to the users. The system was tested with sample

    data and the performance of the system was found to be efficient. All efforts have been

    made to understand the system wholly and understand all the details.

    Almost all aspects regarding simple billing have been take into consideration

    when developing the system and are included into the system. Much of the process is

    automated and hence the chance of human errors is limited.

    However, there have been certain limitations the system would be better off

    without. More security could have been given to the system by the way authorization and

    further features could have been added to make the system more robust.

    Due to time constraint are being a notice to the subject of Mobile Sales and

    Service System. Through the system has been built with ease of use in mind, a little

    training would make the user understand the system much better. The systems

    performance is little slow due to the use Data Environment feature in programming.

    Closing other programs and freeing up the memory would improve the systems

    performance. The system requires users to take regular backups using backup feature in

    Access. Also further internal documentation could be added to make the maintenance

    quick and easy.

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    1. ED KOOP, ANNE PRINCE, JOEL MURACH, Murachs Visual Basic 6,BPB publications 1999 Edition

    2. BRIAN SILER, Special Edition: Using Visual Basic 6,

    Prentice-Hall of India 1998 Edition

    3. ELIAS. M. AWAD, System Analysis and Design,

    Galgotia Publications 1997 Edition.

    4. ROGER S.PRESSMAN Software Engineering Tata McGraw-Hill

    Publishing company, Vth Edition, 2001.

    5. D M DHAMDHERE. Systems Programming and Operating

    Systems. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, II Edition, 2002.

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    Systems Flow Chart


    User Login






    Main Menu

    Orders Purchase




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    E-R Diagram



    O No









    Bill No



    Inv No





    No ofItems

    Bill NoAmount

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    LEVEL 0


    Customer Processing



    LEVEL 1




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    Stock Details

    Stock Update

    Bill Verification

    Paying Details

    Paying Details

    Order Processing

    Product Delivery

    LEVEL 2

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    Sample Codings

    Dim strq As String

    Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection

    Dim rs As New ADODB.RecordsetDim rs2 As New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim msg As String

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

    rs.Open "select * from SalesInvoice", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

    Text1.Text = ""

    Text2.Text = ""

    Text3.Text = ""Text4.Text = ""

    Text5.Text = Format(Date, "dd/MM/yyyy")Text6.Text = ""

    Text7.Text = ""

    Text8.Text = ""

    Text9.Text = ""Text10.Text = ""



    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()

    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

    rs.Open "select * from SalesInvoice", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimisticIf Text1.Text = "" And Text2.Text = "" Then

    msg = MsgBox("cannot insert NULL values", vbInformation, "NOTE")

    Elsemsg = MsgBox("Do you want to save ?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "OPTION")

    If msg = vbYes Then

    cn.Execute ("insert into SalesInvoice values('" & Trim(Text1.Text) & "','" &

    Trim(Text2.Text) & "','" & Trim(Text3.Text) & "','" & Trim(Text4.Text) & "','" &Trim(Text5.Text) & "','" & Trim(Text6.Text) & "','" & Trim(Text7.Text) & "','" &

    Trim(Text8.Text) & "','" & Trim(Text9.Text) & "','" & Trim(Text10.Text) & "')")

    Call updatestk

    msg = MsgBox("Records are saved", vbExclamation, "SAVE")End If

    End If

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    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordsetrs.Open "select*from SalesInvoice", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command3_Click()

    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordsetrs.Open "select * from SalesInvoice", cn, adOpenDynemic, adLockOptimistic

    msg = MsgBox("Are yuo sure to delete the record?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion,

    "OPTION")If msg = vbYes Then

    cn.Execute ("delete from SalesInvoice where InvoiceNo='" & Trim(Text1.Text) & "'")

    Text1.Text = ""

    Text2.Text = ""

    Text3.Text = ""Text4.Text = ""

    Text5.Text = ""Text6.Text = ""

    Text7.Text = ""

    Text8.Text = ""

    Text9.Text = ""Text10.Text = ""

    msg = MsgBox("Records are deleted", vbExclamation, "DELETE")

    End Ifrs.Close

    Setrs = New ADODB.Recordset

    rs.Open "select*from SalesInvoice", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command4_Click()



    End Sub

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    Private Sub Command5_Click()


    Text1.Text = rs(0)

    Text2.Text = rs(1)Text3.Text = rs(2)

    Text4.Text = rs(3)

    Text5.Text = rs(4)Text6.Text = rs(5)

    Text7.Text = rs(6)

    Text8.Text = rs(7)Text9.Text = rs(8)

    Text10.Text = rs(9)

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command6_Click()


    If rs.BOF = False Then

    Text1.Text = rs(0)

    Text2.Text = rs(1)Text3.Text = rs(2)

    Text4.Text = rs(3)

    Text5.Text = rs(4)Text6.Text = rs(5)

    Text7.Text = rs(6)

    Text8.Text = rs(7)

    Text9.Text = rs(8)Text10.Text = rs(9)


    MsgBox "This is your first record"rs.MoveNext

    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command7_Click()


    If rs.EOF = False Then

    Text1.Text = rs(0)

    Text2.Text = rs(1)Text3.Text = rs(2)

    Text4.Text = rs(3)

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    Text5.Text = rs(4)

    Text6.Text = rs(5)Text7.Text = rs(6)

    Text8.Text = rs(7)

    Text9.Text = rs(8)

    Text10.Text = rs(9)Else

    MsgBox "This is your last record"

    rs.MovePreviousEnd If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command8_Click()


    Text1.Text = rs(0)Text2.Text = rs(1)

    Text3.Text = rs(2)Text4.Text = rs(3)

    Text5.Text = rs(4)

    Text6.Text = rs(5)

    Text7.Text = rs(6)Text8.Text = rs(7)

    Text9.Text = rs(8)

    Text10.Text = rs(9)

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Load()

    cn.Open "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\data.mdb;"

    strq = "select * from SalesInvoice"rs.Open strq, cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

    Text1.Text = ""

    Text2.Text = ""Text3.Text = ""

    Text4.Text = ""

    Text5.Text = Format(Date, "dd/MM/yyyy")

    Text6.Text = ""Text7.Text = ""

    Text8.Text = ""

    Text9.Text = ""

    Text10.Text = ""rs.MoveLast

  • 7/30/2019 Final Full Document.doc


    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)


    Unload Mecn.Close

    End Sub

    Private Sub Text13_Change()

    Text10.Text = Val(Text13.Text) - Val(Text14.Text)

    End Sub

    Private Sub Text14_Change()

    Text10.Text = Val(Text13.Text) - Val(Text14.Text)

    End Sub

    Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

    If KeyAscii = 13 ThenSet rs3 = New ADODB.Recordset

    rs3.Open "select * from Customer", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic


    Do While Not rs3.EOFIf Trim(Text2.Text) = Trim(rs3.Fields(0)) Then

    Text3.Text = rs3(1)

    Exit SubEnd If



    End If

    End Sub