final drafts

FINAL DRAFTS 3 Final Pages

Upload: jessicalouisej8

Post on 09-Aug-2015




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FINAL DRAFTS 3 Final Pages

FRONT COVERThis is my Final draft of my Front cover for my Music Magazine ‘Shuffle’ I feel it has matched well with my original design. However I removed the logo to go under my masthead and changed the colour scheme. This is because I felt it worked better how I have completed it so I am happy with my final design


This is the final Draft of my contents page. I matches the design I originally made before starting the making process. I am very pleased with how my contents page has turned out. I feel it fits the purpose and the genre of my music magazine. However, I again dropped the image from under my masthead

DOUBLE PAGE SPREADThis is the final version of my Double Page Spread. It again matches my original design. However, the initials behind my article were not planned. I decided upon my initials after I completed my First draft and looked at existing magazines such as Q. I then decided to add the initials as I felt they would make the page stand out more rather than having nothing there.