fight your fright 30 day program


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Fight Your Frightin 30 Days

Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking &Feel Comfortable in Front of Any Audience

by Pamela Wills, CPC

Your Expert Speak with Confidence Coach Author & Blogger

Live Event & Radio Show HostChoreographer

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Welcome!Hi! I’m Pamela Wills, Expert Confidence Coach, Author / Blogger, Live Event / Radio Show Host and Choreographer. I teach that what doesn’t kill you makes you tougher.

If you’ve ever experienced any level of stage fright in front of a crowd, you are as normal as about 75% of all adults. Really!!

Once you learn some of the strategies I’ve included here, you will start to build your confidence level and in time, reduce your stage fright. Then you will be ready to conquer any audience!

Your ProgramIn this program, I share 30 days of my best strategies for successfully boosting your courage and confidence to overcome your fear of public speaking. These tips are exactly the same ones I’ve used my Self and still use when teaching hundreds of other clients.

Your AccessContrary to popular opinion, I did not start out with this much confidence at birth, far from it! In fact, I fought very hard to win my courage and

confidence over the years, especially onstage. 

Now, serving as your Speak with Confidence Coach is the most magical, exciting and rewarding thing I can imagine doing.

Contact me today for your own private access, complimentary 30-minute chat with me. During that call, we shine a spotlight on your challenges, visualize a design for your forward plan and decide which approach is best for you. 

You can totally do this! Hugs,Pamela Wills, CPCYour Speak with Confidence Coach

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Fight Your Frightin 30 Days

DAY #1, Your 6 Good Things

Yippee!!! I am so happy you decided to join me for this 30 day challenge! I just KNOW we are going to make some awesometastic progress on your public speaking confidence together!

No worries, I'm not grading your performance. I am here to help and hold your hand as you work through your fears.

Today, I want you to start this challenge with one simple exercise.

This is the very same exercise I give my private clients during our first session.

This exercise has very little to do with stage fright and public speaking -- on the surface.

It has EVERYTHING to do with loving your Self.

I call it my 6 Good Things exercise.

Here's how it works:

Every day, for the next 30 days, I want you to make a list of 6 Good Things about YOU.

This can be a silent, internal list or an actual written list, whatever works best for you. Make this list every day while you're brushing your teeth, taking a shower, before you sleep, as soon as you wake up... Whatever works best for you.

Good things can be things like "I have great hair", "I'm tall", "People

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say I'm stylish", "I'm a good writer"... Starting with somewhat superficial choices is A-OK. Your choices will deepen as the days pass.There are no rules here. It is absolutely okay to repeat things! If you can only think of three things the first few days, that's fine. Work your way up. If you find your Self listing ten or even 20 things, awesome! Keep going!

The only rule is to DO it. I'll be asking you about how this is going, so no slacking here!... It's that important. =)

Till tomorrow!

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAI'm dedicating this space to an EXTRA daily nugget for you during this 30 day challenge. Fighting the fright is rough! You need all the extra you can get, right??

Today, find just ONE MINUTE to sit quietly, no music, no TV, no noise. Breathe. Listen to your own thoughts. Be aware of your internal chatter. We will use this practice and info later in the challenge...

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DAY #2, What are You Afraid of?

You joined this challenge because you have stage fright, or at least some measure of fear related to public speaking. Right?

So tell me, what exactly are you afraid of?

What is really the worst thing that can happen to you onstage?

Will a hungry tiger rush the podium and make you its lunch??

Will the audience stone you, or worse, boo you until you run off crying?

I know I'm exaggerating here but I really want you to think about the scariest thing that could actually happen onstage. For real.

Okay, so let's go with the tiger scenario, just for kicks. A hungry tiger shows up at your gig and wants to eat YOU for lunch. If this really happens, you will probably see the tiger and have time to run for cover. Or the tiger will get distracted by an appetizer first, lol. Or security will catch and handcuff the rogue before he even reaches the stage. So chill, you're good.

Allright, that was easy. So how about the stoning sitch? Okay, let's imagine that your audience collectively decides that you're so awful you deserve to be stoned to death.

*blink* *blink*

Really?? I can't even do this one, it's too out there! Luckily, our First World problems don't include stoning. =/

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So how about the boos or the Gong Show hook? Not likely either but okay, suppose that happens. You get booed or pulled off the stage.

And?? So what?? At least you're still alive, right?? So your audience isn't with you one time. So? What happens after that?

You probably go home and cry, then work on making your presentation better for next time. Right?

Is that it? Yeah, that's probably it.

*blink* *blink*

NBD, right??

Go through this exercise whenever you start to get uptight about your gig. What's the worst thing that can happen? And then what? Okay, so, then what?

I'm willing to bet that the end result is NBD.

Till tomorrow!

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRALet's spin today's exercise in a positive direction: Take that thing you're afraid of and picture your Self staring it down. Standing tall while you face that fear.

Imagine your Self walking right through your fear, then turning around and realizing you did it! Success is so sweet, isn't it? ;)

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DAY #3, Listen to This

Today, I am gifting you with my Master Class audio download.

Just press Control plus right click to listen (link opens in a new window):

Master Your Stage Fright


Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAWhen you're listening to this audio, take note of how it makes you feel. Uptight, stressed, scared? Calm, centered, relaxed? Excited, focused, ready? Take notes. We will refer back to these feelings later. =)

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DAY #4, Comfort Equals Death

Hello Sunshine! I hope you are feeling great today!

Have you been doing your 6 Good Things exercise?... If so, YAY for YOU!! If not, jump right in with both feet today. You will be glad you did.You may already read my weekly newsletter and blog, but since we are here, I thought it would be a good idea for you to read a post that I use as part of my signature system.

Just press Control plus right click to listen (link opens in a new window):

Comfort Equals Death

Feel free to leave me a comment on the blog page!

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRADo something different today! Even if you simply brush your teeth with the other hand, challenge your Self to step out of your dreaded Comfort Zone and shake things up a bit!

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DAY #5, What Do You Know?Today, I want to know what you think you know. What do you know?

I'm talking about your skills, talents, experiences, knowledge, expertise... What subjects could you talk about intelligently for a few minutes if you wanted to?

Gardening tips? Pharmaceutical industry secrets? 80s music? Rocket science?...

List them all.See how much you know?? =)

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAYou probably know more than you think you know... So once you have this list together, create a few sub lists with specific topics. If it's gardening tips you've listed, which tips specifically? Rose bush pruning? Herb garden care? Get specific. See how much you know! You never know, you might be able to use your knowledge onstage someday...

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DAY #6, Take a Walk

Okay peeps, it is time for us to work out!

That's right, you heard me.

Physical exercise is one of the best confidence builders available. And it's FREE!

Go take a walk. ;^)Exercise doesn't just build confidence, it also does wonders for your mood, your health and your sleep.

But you know all of this already, so I'm just here to be your friendly Coach and give you a gentle reminder/push...Enjoy that walk! Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAHave you tried yoga? If not, I highly recommend you try it SOON. Any method helps calm your brain, strengthen your muscles, loosen your tightness and tighten your looseness! It's also a great way to center your Self before a gig.

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DAY #7, Check-In Time

Hey there, it's Check In Time! How are you doing?

Do you feel a little more confident than you did a week ago?

Drop me a line and tell me all about your thoughts and feelings related to stage fright during this past week. I want to know! Ask questions, make comments...whatever you like.

Meanwhile, pat your Self on the back! You made it through Week One of Fight Your Fright in 30 Days!

Go YOU!!Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAPat your Self on the back. No, really, go ahead! Reach around and give your Self a big fat GOOD JOB! Somebody's gotta do it. ;)

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DAY #8, Collect Your Successes

Today is another day, another day to celebrate your successes!

Today, you are going to start a Success Jar, a receptacle for collecting your successes. Here is what you need:

1) A jar2) Pretty paper3) A special pen4) Your successes

Every time you succeed at something, achieve something, meet a challenge head-on, win something, overcome something, accomplish something -- HECK, just get that one thing DONE that's been sitting at the top of your To-Do List for ages -- write it down on a pretty piece of paper with that special pen.

Fold it up.

Put it in your jar.

Collect a whole bunch of successes in one place.

On New Year's Eve, -- or any time you need a boost of HELL YEAH, look at what I did! -- read them all.

You're the BOMB, you know that, right??Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRANo worries about writing down your successes and adding them to your jar. Just do it whenever you remember. Add successes way after the fact if you want to. Your collection will grow no matter what!

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DAY #9, Posture is Key

Tell me something, how's your posture? I'm talking serious business here.

Slouchers look and feel louche and less confident than their upright and straight backed sisters. Take it from me, your Choreographer and Confidence Coach: Posture is KEY.

Start improving yours by gently drawing your chin back towards your spine. Roll your shoulders back and down, feeling your shoulder blades squeeze your back muscles together. Push your ribcage forward just slightly. Pull in your abs. Tuck your hip bones/pelvis under slightly. Keep breathing.

There. That's miles better!

It might feel like hard work at first, but trust me, it takes more effort to slouch than it does to stand up straight, the same way it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. =)

The DAILY EXTRAWalking tall makes a huge impression, too. Hold your head up high and level your gaze straight ahead. Keep your shoulders back and stride forward. This stance gives you INSTANT cred. Powerful!

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DAY #10, Go Ahead, I’ll Never Tell!

Why not start the day by listening to my Playlist Reboot of kickass confident tunes?! (Press Control plus right click on the link!)

Betcha can't listen all the way through without getting up and dancing!

Go ahead! Crank up the volume. Have a dance party!

I'll never tell. ;^)

The DAILY EXTRADancing is CRAZYliciously good for your mind body soul! Music, movement, creativity, social-tivity... It's all there in one big soup! Like gazpacho!! Must try.

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DAY #11, Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the BRAVEST of them all?

YOU are, of course!


Stand in front of a mirror today and tell your Self (out loud) how absolutely AWESOMEtatious you are! Brave, beautigorgeous, smart, funny, talented and whatever else is important to you.

The more you say it and hear it, the more you believe it.

The DAILY EXTRAIt's okay to look at and admire your Self in the mirror. Just sayin’.

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DAY #12, Use Your Voice

Today, I want you to practice using your voice. Have you ever really listened to your Self talk?

Try this:

Use your phone to record your Self talking, about anything at all. Then play it back and listen.

Listen without judging! Be nice to your Self. Pretend you're listening to a friend and giving constructive criticism. Notice what works and what doesn't. Critique your Self NICELY, like you would your friend.

Then record again, using and applying your own NICELY suggested suggestions. Keep this up until you feel comfy enough to practice in front of an actual friend!

Keep this practice up (especially the BE NICE part), and you WILL feel comfy. I promise!

The DAILY EXTRAEver sing in the shower? In the car with the radio? That's using your voice, way to go! Feel how good that feels to hum along? It's like an internal massage, right?? Do more of that. Sing, hum, speak, shout, make funny noises... It's all good. =)

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DAY #13, Make the Camera Your Bestie

Meet your new BFF and say, "Cheese!"

That's right, the video camera is your new best friend.

Believe me, I know it's not easy! I used to spend hours shooting, deleting and re-shooting video footage, saying, I don't like this, I don't like that...judging my Self for every little nuance. Jeez, it's amazing that anyone shoots videos at all, right??

Eventually, though, I just dropped the judgment and learned to accept my Self for who I am. And not just accept, but LOVE!

This video is a perfect example of how I let go of judging my Self. Today in the car, I did four takes. In the end, the one I chose to share was #1. No lie.

To be honest, I was happy with the others, too, but this first one just captured the essence of what I wanted to share with you best. Sure, I'm not thrilled that I gulped a big thirsty swallow of nothing about halfway through, lol... but in take #4, my thumb photobombed poor Barbie, so I figured I'd best go with the best content and forget the rest! ;^)

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That's what I'm talking about. Perfect is not the goal. Your goal is the goal.

Enjoy (remember, press Control plus right click to listen, link opens in a new window):

Make the Camera Your Bestie

Hugs,Coach Pam

PS: This video is unlisted and only available for Fight Your Fright challenge participants at this time.

The DAILY EXTRAVideo is FUN. Just keep telling your Self that. Fake your smile. Pretend you're talking to your best friend. Forget about the camera. It really does get easier.

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DAY #14, Take a Bow!

Hello my dear!

Listen to that audience ROAR!

Take a bow! You've just completed Week #2 of this awesome throwdown!

Great job!!

(You know what to do! Play this as often as you like/need!)

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAHave you ever stopped to listen to the applause when you're finished speaking onstage? Next time, don't race off! Stand center stage and absorb all of that love! Applause energy is fantabugorical! Enjoy it, don't throw it away.

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DAY #15, Stop Talking and Start Walking

It's time to push through the icky stuff and get moving. Yep.

Read this blog, I think it might help. It's a post I wrote awhile back about pushing through blocks.

Just substitute "presentation" or "speech" for "marathon". =)

Take a look at some of the comments and add your own, too. Reading about how others deal with similar challenges always helps!

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRABlocks are just that: Road blocks.

Whenever we are faced with them on the road, we double back, find a detour, keep moving, right?? We don't just pull up at some gas station, turn off the ignition and park there indefinitely, do we? Of course not.

We get creative. Find ways to get through or around those blocks somehow, anyhow. Above all, we move forward so that we can reach our destination. That's the normal course of things, right??


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DAY #16, Smallest Action

Tell me, what is the smallest action you can take right now that will help move you towards your goal of overcoming stage fright?

LOL I know you, my awesometastic overachiever peeps. You're all going to say stuff like, speak to 1,000 people without breaking a sweat or plan a series of live events for me to speak at around the country next year or build a space station where I can speak to a captive audience whenever I want...

Yeah, okay, I like it when you think big. =D

But right now, I want you to think SMALL. We're trying to eat the elephant here, one bite at a time! Take it down a notch.

How about practicing your speech or script in the mirror?

Maybe taking a practice video selfie?

That's a bit better. But now take it down even one notch smaller. What can you do that is even smaller than that to move you towards your goal?

You could plan your script, write out some bullet points, right?

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Or you could watch a few videos that your competitors or colleagues have done, check them for what you like and don't like. Take a few notes.

Getting the picture?

Good, now go and do that!

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAThink small bites. Chew thoroughly. Take time to breathe in between.

Elephants are BIG.

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DAY #17, Be the Lioness

Step up your game and learn to be the lioness!

What do I mean by that? I mean you have to get used to practicing courage daily.


*Take a chance on doing something you really want to do.*Stand up for what you believe in, for a friend, for your Self. *Speak your truth and OWN it, don't hide who you are.*Stop avoiding conflict!  Embrace it and learn from it. 

Courage is a muscle, too — build it, flex it, keep it limber.

If you keep your courage up, it will never let you down!

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAHere's what I do for courage practice: Stuff that scares the sh!t out of me!

No joke.

In my lifetime, I've traveled solo, lived abroad, learned to speak German, moved from insular small town to big cities a couple of times, driven on the Autobahn, driven through twisty turny mountain

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passes, started several new ventures, had a child and almost died, got divorced and finally started living, choreographed live theater after a break of two decades, started a new relationship, raised my daughter on my own, accepted my entrepreneurial DNA, gave up sugar and dairy!

The list is kind of long.

Point being: If I can do it, you can totally do it, too!

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DAY #18, Mute Your AutoCritic

Are you hard on your Self? Do you hear the words you tell your Self when you make a mistake? Are you being nice?...

I ask because we took some time at the beginning of this challenge

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to turn that around, remember? Remember your Six Things? Are you still practicing that exercise?

You know, I only ask because if you continue to spend time judging and criticizing your Self, I guarantee you will never get anywhere. 

So sorry, I know that might be tough news to swallow.

But seriously, if you want to stay stuck, go ahead, keep on complaining about everyone judging you all the time. Keep on judging your Self. 

However, if you want to move forward, put your AutoCritic on MUTE. 

And move it!

Hugs,Coach Pam

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The DAILY EXTRAQuick! Give me Six Good Things about your Self right now!

Email me! =)

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DAY #19,Believe in Your Own Dreams

I am sure you know this, but it bears repeating: You MUST believe in your own dreams. If you don't do it, who will??

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As women in business, we often run into skeptics and disbelievers who think we can't reach our big goals. Those naysayers can be anyone -- our friends, our family, even our partners.

Sometimes, it's a b!tch to keep on chugging along, keep motivating our Selves day after day, right??

Well, that is exactly why you are here with me, so that I can help you keep your eyes on the prize.

Here's what I call my Cape Cod Motivational Catch of the Day, fresh out of the water:

Go ahead GF — dream BIG!! The bigger your dream, the better. In fact, if your dream doesn't scare the cr@p out of you, it's just not BIG ENOUGH!

Go ahead, dream even BIGGER!!!

That's better.

Now, tell your Self over and over again that you can DO this thing.

Tell your Self that YOU are the person in charge of making your dreams reality.

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Guess what will happen? You will end up being right.

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAWhile you're at it, why not tell your Self that making speeches and presentations is EASY PEASY?...I betcha you'll end up being right about that, too!

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DAY #20, Ditch the Crabs

Ever notice that surrounding your Self with negative people can totally drag you down?

Ever heard of my Crabs in a Bucket Theory? It goes like this:

If you put a bunch of crabs in a bucket and one tries to climb out, the others will do whatever they can to drag that poor sucker back down into the bucket with them. No lie.

How about my Crickets Under the Porch Theory? Listen up:

Crickets chirp and sing at the top of their, uh, lungs as long as you're out of earshot and out of sight. However, as soon as you get too close -- SILENCE.

Even if it seems impossible in your current circumstances, vow to ignore your haters. Treat them like crickets: Ignore them. Or, you could treat them like crabs: Ditch them, kick them to the curb, leave them behind. Whatever works best for you.

Instead, surround yourself with people who support and uplift you, who treat you with respect, just the same as you do for them.

Kind of obvious, right?

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Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAAre you still doing your Six Good Things exercise? If so, yippee for you!! If not, now is the perfect time to recommit and start practicing. Celebrating good things about your Self regularly will help you shake off those haters. I promise!

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DAY #21, Way to Go!

Way to go! Three weeks have passed and you are still hanging with me! I am soooo proud of you!

You are now 3/4 of the way through this challenge. Guess what -- I have a secret for you: The hard sh!t is over!

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Yeah, that's right. You have made your way -- quite gracefully, might I add! -- through my basic training for the holistic, emotional and spiritual components of what it takes to feel confident in front of people.

Betcha didn't know we'd go through all of that, did you.

Well, kudos to you for sticking with it! You ROCK, sista! =)

Now we get to have some fun.

Till tomorrow...

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAToday, just chillax! You've earned it.

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DAY #22, Move with Purpose

Remember when I talked about how posture is key on Day #9?

Today I want to build on that. Today I want to talk about how when you're onstage, in front of an audience, you absolutely want to move with purpose.

I'm your Choreographer, too remember? So listen. When you're nervous, what do you do with your body? What do you do with your hands, arms, feet? You fidget, right? Right.

Newsflash: Onstage, there is no room for fidgeting. Nope.

Onstage, you have to master your movements. Fidgety limbs distract the audience from what you're saying.

Think of it this way: Mastering your movements can help distract YOU from having to master your stage fright! I call that Divide and Conquer, lol.

So here's what you do:

Basic:Clasp your hands together, low, either in front of or behind your back. Don't cross your arms in front of your chest, that is too off-

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putting. Hold your own hand, essentially. And stand up tall. Don't slouch. Don't move around. Keep your body facing the audience. NO FIDGETING.

Intermediate:Hold your own hand only intermittently. Use your hands to gesture but ONLY for pre-choreographed moments. Bend your knees, take a few pre-determined steps now and then. Keep your body facing the audience. NO FIDGETING.

Advanced:Tomorrow. =)

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAOMG I can hear you already, "pre-choreographed whaah?? WTF???"!!

LOL Yes, honey. If you're going to be onstage you are going to need some choreography. No worries, nothing complicated! Just enough to help you move with purpose, power and confidence. You can totally do this.

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DAY #23, Advanced Movement Tip

Yesterday, I gave you my Basic and Intermediate tips to master your movements onstage.

Today, I'm giving you the Advanced tip.

First of all: NO FIDGETING. Remember, onstage, there is no room for fidgeting. No way, no how.

Okay, here goes:

Advanced:Use pre-choreographed movements as in the Intermediate tip. Sprinkle these with IMPROVISED movements that punctuate your words.

However, improvised does NOT have to mean unpremeditated, chaotic, purposeless movement. NO. Improvised just means spontaneous. Not choreographed.

So, just like you map out your spoken content, you benefit from mapping out your physical content. If you know you're going to describe tall buildings and want to emphasize your description, depending on your mood and audience you could use your hands and bending moves to show all the different levels of buildings... Or

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you could pretend you're Superman, able to leap tall buildings... You get the picture.

If you were me, you might underscore a story about my childhood stage fright days with a few moves from the Lettuce Dance (Peter Rabbit, 4th grade) or the Hustle (with my friends after lunch, on the cafeteria stage, almost every day in 5th grade, lol).

The whole point is to keep your audience engaged. And keep your energy level UP.

Remember: Keep your body facing the audience, most of the time. And NO FIDGETING!

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRADon't worry if you don't feel comfortable with the Advanced movement stuff right away. It takes time to work up to this level. Be gentle with your Self!

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DAY #24, Prep and Practice

Moin Moin! (That's colloquial Hamburg German for good morning. I just like how it sounds. Moin Moin. Just like coin coin. Fun, right?? Did I mention I lived in Germany for two decades?... But, I digress.)

Did you know that preparation is one of the best ways to keep your nerves steady before and during a speaking gig?

And did you know that practicing your speech or presentation is one of the best ways to prepare and help you master your (dwindling) stage fright?

Yep. It's the truth.

So once you've got your content together, your moves planned and your props gathered (such as product samples to show or slides to explain), it's time for you to start practicing.

If you're still smacking up against your stage fright at the very thought of actually presenting your stuff, no worries. Start small. Just you and the mirror. Seriously! It feels weird but it really helps.

Another option is to set up some substitute audience members. Teddy bears work great! Or mops and brooms (add sunglasses for kicks and giggles!). Framed pictures of friends and family. Cereal boxes with smiley faces drawn on the front. Pets.

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Then arrange everyone into a seating plan as your audience would sit for real and have at it!

The next step is to add real live people... Friends and family members, the supportive and friendly ones only! If you're feeling bold, ask them to take notes and give you constructive criticism.

Remember: Practice makes (practically) perfect!

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRASuggestion: Video any and all practice sessions. Even the ones with the mops and brooms. You will get a sense of your energy level, your movement style, your volume and whether you need to connect with your audience more. Oh, and don't forget to smile! =)

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DAY #25, Know Your Audience

When you're presenting to an audience, really, the audience is everything. So it's very important to know your audience. As you're prepping and practicing, ask your Self a few questions:

* Who is my audience? Who is the typical audience member for this gig? Where is she from? What does she like and know?

* What does your audience want from you and your presentation? Why are they there listening to you?

* What do YOU want from your audience? Why are you speaking to this particular group?

The answers to these questions can help you focus your presentation even more. They can also help you to shape your speech from the get-go. If your content is already finished and you have some time, why not go back over it after answering these questions? You might come up with some great extras like a funny story or some different moves based on your audience preferences.

See? You're becoming a total rock star!

Hugs,Coach Pam

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The DAILY EXTRAUse the answers to these questions as motivation whenever you get a case of the jitters. Jot them down as bullet points and pull them out as needed. They will remind you of your big WHY and keep your eye on the prize! 

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DAY #26, Dress the Part

We are coming into the final stretch of our 30 day challenge to Fight Your Fright. But we are not finished yet -- we still have some work to do.

Today, I want you to think about dressing the part when you make your presentation or speech. What you wear is just as important as what you say, how you say it, how you move and all the other stuff we've been talking about. Think of it as the icing on the cake.

Essentially, you want to dress the way you want to be perceived. Are you a corporate executive headed for the big corner office? You

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know which power suit and heels to wear for that, I am sure. Are you the creative entrepreneur who wants to share your gifts with the world? Then show your flair with what you wear! Are you a coach who wants to convey approachability and likability to your potential clients? Then keep your dress flattering and polished but relaxed.

Your personality, perspective and prerogative can totally shine through in what you wear. Jeans and a tee? Probably not. Jeans and a loosely constructed jacket over a tee with a couple of accessories and great shoes? Yeah, that could work, depending on your profession, your speech, your audience and your goals (both for the speech and your career).

See where I'm going here?

Just make like Cinderella: Dress for who you want to be, for who you know you already are.

Bibbidi bobbidi boo!Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAThe Daily Extra today is a video that revisits using your voice (press Control and right click to open this YouTube link in a new window!). Apologies for the bright sunshine! =)

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DAY #27, Now Act the Part!

Ciao bella!

So. You know how yesterday, we talked about dressing the part? Today, I want you to think about ACTING the part.

Think about it this way:

When you get up in front of an audience, you want to APPEAR confident. Doesn't matter so much whether you really ARE feeling confident. (Psst!...This is how you fake it till you make it!) All that matters is that you appear confident. That way, the audience can believe what you're saying.

Let me repeat that:Appearing confident inspires confidence in your audience. If you seem confident about what you're saying, they will believe what you're saying is true.

Important, right??

Here are my key points for appearing confident onstage:

*Stand up straight*Smile*Speak loudly, clearly and slowly

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*Move with purpose*Keep going, even if you mess up (if you don't mention your flub, they might never notice it!)*Pause, take a drink of water, check your notes if you get lost or overwhelmed and refocus*Breathe

Yes, that's it. Make like Cinderella again and be the Princess you know you already are!

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAWhen was the last time you gave your Self a pep talk? I'm talking about a really good, really rousing, cheerleading squad pep rally? If it's been longer than one week, get your Self in front of that mirror today and lay it on thick, GF! You KNOW you need it. You KNOW it's gonna do you sooo much good! Go ahead, no one needs to know. It's just between you, me and the hairbrush. ;^) 

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DAY #28, Almost There!

Can you believe you've reached Day #28? That makes FOUR WEEKS of Fight the Fright training! You are practically finished with this course!

I am soooo proud of you for sticking with it, especially during such a busy time. I know that fighting stage fright is daunting so I want you to know that I totally applaud you for taking action with this challenge.

Way to go, rock star!!!

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAHow are your 6 Things coming along? Are you still telling your Self 6 good things about YOU every day? If not, I'm gifting you with another opp to recalibrate, take stock of your accomplishments and pat your Self on the back. Go for it! 

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DAY #29, Watch Your Self Succeed

Today I'm reposting an article I wrote for Holistic Fashionista magazine's August 2013 issue, "Future You":

Let’s take a ride through time and space... Let’s do this old school, close our eyes and flip the switch on our imaginations... Let’s sit back and picture our future Selves... ON STAGE! That’s right, you heard me. Today is the day you imagine your Self on stage and UNAFRAID. It’s a brave new world, peeps! Get comfy. I hope you’ve gotten your Self a beverage and some popcorn. This is going to be one HELL YEAH of a show! You’re about to watch your Self knock it out of the park! 1) Check out that entrance!

The host announces you. You feel a little tingle of excitement and remind the butterflies in your chest to make like an air show and fly in formation. You break into a huge happy grin as you rise to the challenge.     You walk – no, wait... You STRIDE with confidence and flair from your

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seat, down the aisle and up the steps to the podium at center stage. You have arrived! 2) Your opening grabs the audience’s attention and never lets them go!

Your confident entrance leads right into your first sentence, which mesmerizes your audience and keeps them glued to your words. Your dynamic delivery and stellar content keep them sitting on the edge of their seats, hanging on your every word! 3) Hahaha you’re funny!

Every once in awhile, you drop a funny line or tell a funny story that has them chuckling, giggling and outright laughing out loud. Hey Funny Girl, have you ever considered a career in stand up?? ;)

4) The content you provide is out of this world!

You’ve done your homework. Your prep really pays off. Details, stories, anecdotes all backed up with facts and figures that your audience eats up like homemade chocolate chip cookies – with the big fancy dark chocolate chunks! Stellar. 5) I love the stories you tell as a way to illustrate your points, great narrative skills!

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Your narrative abilities when you tell those funny stories and illustrative anecdotes make all the difference. The meat of your content shines with these additions. 6) Way to call the peeps to action at the end, check you out!!!

Great job for remembering to give your audience something specific to do after listening to your talk! You tell them exactly where, when, why and how they should take that action, too. Way to go! 7) Standing OOOOO!!!

Did you see that you got a standing ovation?? Did you hear all of that applause?? You are a huge hit! Speaking is definitely your thing, you are so good at it! 8) Awesometastic feedback, my friend!

You got soooo much great positive feedback after you finished! So many peeps came up and congratulated you on your presentation! Congratulate your Self, too! Way to go, Self!! I think you deserve a spa day. At the very least. See?? You are wonderific on stage! You can totally do this.

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Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRAToday's Future You visualization MUST replace all the worrying you do before presentations, speeches and videos! Watching your Self succeed MUST substitute for the insomnia you suffer in advance of your gigs! Promise me you will do this. If you do nothing else from this 30 day challenge, this is the ONE thing you MUST practice for success! 

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DAY #30, You Did It!

OMGosh! You did it!!! You got through 30 days of Fight Your Fright training!

Thank you so very much for making time for your Self and working on something that was not very easy.

I know it wasn't easy to keep facing your fear of public speaking. I know it wasn't easy to think about becoming confident onstage. I know it wasn't easy to imagine your Self in front of an audience every time you came back here for more info.

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But you did it!

My last piece of advice to you for this program is to take a moment to center your Self and focus. Do whatever it takes for you to regain your calm. Breathe slowly while counting to 100. Pace back and forth in the parking lot. Chew on a cinnamon stick. Listen to your iPod. Rub your lucky rabbit's foot!

Do whatever it takes to bring you to that quiet place in your mind where your palms are dry, your chest rises and falls in rhythmic peace, your knees stand firm and your voice speaks clearly and steadily.

We all own this calm space, somewhere in space. Claim it for your onstage Self, too.

You can totally do this!

Hugs,Coach Pam

The DAILY EXTRATake a moment to go back through some of the toughest parts of this challenge and rethink them. Those tough parts are most likely the parts you need to work on the most. Remember, overcoming a fear is a process, not a race. You will get there! 

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PS: Thank You!

I want to thank you for the opportunity to help you start fighting your stage fright. It has truly been an honor and a privilege to hold your hand while you work through this very challenging issue.

I would love to hear your feedback on what you felt worked best (and least) for you in this program. Would you like more audios or videos? Would you like more interaction with other participants and with me in a private Facebook group? Would you like more access to me via telephone classes or Google Hangouts? Your opinion is very valuable to me!

Also, if you would like to schedule a 30 minute complimentary chat with me, please contact me directly here:

[email protected]

I would be thrilled to support you further in your mission to Fight the Fright™!

You can totally do this!

Hugs,Coach Pam

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Former geek and painfully shy bookworm. Cast as a Head of Lettuce in her fourth grade production of “Peter Rabbit”. Always a dancer, never a lead actress. Used to prefer speech writing over speech giving. Now a confident author, speaker, coach, radio show host and choreographer. Able to get up and speak without passing out. Loves to teach everyone that what doesn’t kill you makes you tougher.

Pamela earned her Certified Professional Coach (CPC) credential from Fowler-Wainwright International and her BA in English Lit from Georgetown University. She’s been writing and teaching for over 20 years with a unique background that includes awards and projects in New England, Washington, DC and Germany.

Now an expert for Holistic Fashionista Network, SoulWoman Sanctuary, LifeBusinessGrowth, Clarity, Betterfly and more, Pamela has helped hundreds of clients build courage and confidence. Her articles appear in numerous newspapers, magazines and online communities as well as her own weekly blog and eZine. She is an experienced speaker on stage and radio and is part of the leadership team for a women’s networking group and her alma mater, Georgetown University, both on Cape Cod.

Helping clients increase confidence for public speaking is Pamela’s mission. To learn more about mastering stage fright and to schedule your own complimentary telephone chat with Pamela, get started at

 Pamela Wills is also available for speaking engagements on these topics:

Master Your Stage Fright * Small Talk for Networking * I’m Onstage, Now What?

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