fight stubborn acne


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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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Want to get rid of pimples fast? Ex-pimple sufferer reveals how to get rid of pimples using this unique home remedy that cured his pimples.


Page 1: Fight Stubborn Acne

If You or Someone You Love is Suffering from Acne, Then This Will Be the Most Important Report You Will Ever Read...


Former Severe Acne Sufferer Finally Reveals The Only Holistic System In Existence That Will Show You How

To Permanently Cure Your Acne,End The Breakouts, Regain Your Natural

Inner Balance And Achieve The Lasting Clear Skin You Deserve,Using A Unique Step-By-Step Method

No One Else Will Tell You About...

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Page 2: Fight Stubborn Acne

What Causes Acne?

You probably know someone who completely neglects their skin or care much about what they eat, and rarely get a pimple. While you or someone else you know takes great care of their skin and still struggles with breakouts. Why do some people get breakouts more frequently than others?

The truth is there are only three major factors that contribute to pimple breakouts, and they have absolutely nothing to do with skin care or a lack of it. The combination of these three factors is what leads to your breakouts. All three of these components must be present in order for acne to form.

1. Overactive Sebaceous Glands

Sebaceous glands produce sebum, or oil, which is needed to lubricate your skin. Those who are prone to acne have oil glands that produce more oil than is required. Excess oil remains in the pore, blocking the sebaceous duct and creating a blockage within the follicle.

The International Dermal Institute claims that the sebum of those who suffer from severe or frequent acne outbreaks is also different in its composition. The institute claims they have increased levels of squalene and wax esters than usual, as well as lower levels of free fatty acids and linoleic acid. This makeup creates an almost perfect environment for acne causing bacteria.

2. Abnormal Shedding of Skin Cells

The epidermis, the top layer of your skin, is shedding dead skin cells on a daily basis through a process called desquamation. These dead skin cells fall away from the stratum corneum and are replaced by new cells. For those who suffer from constant outbreaks and severe acne this process goes haywire, with four to five times more skin cells being produced than in others with normal skin.

There are also less Lamellar granules in the skin of acne sufferers. Lamellar granules are found within the cells of the stratum corneum. They are charged with releasing enzymes that digest the substance that that holds cells together. In plain English, skin that is prone to acne acne produces more dead skin cells than is usual, and the skin cells are not falling away properly. Instead, the cells remain suck inside the follicle creating a comedo.

3. Proliferation of Bacteria

Propionibacteria acnes (P. acnes) are bacteria commonly found on most people’s skin. For those suffering with acne the P. acnes breeds out of control. The plug of dead cells and oil within the pore creates an environment that lacks oxygen, the exact type of condition P. acnes needs to thrive and reproduce.

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Page 3: Fight Stubborn Acne

The P. acnes that form within the pores of your skin, eat and digest the oil trapped within the pore, producing a fatty acid waste. This waste irritates your pore’s lining, causing redness and inflammation. You should always remember that cleaning your skin does not wash P. acnes away, their presence does not mean you lack personal hygiene.

Why Isn’t My Treatment Working?You, just like everyone else, wants your skin to clear up quickly. We all want our acne treatments to start working right away. But two weeks usually isn’t long enough, in most cases, to see real results.

Does this mean your acne treatment isn't working? No, not at all! It can take up to eight weeks before you really start to notice a difference in your skin, and that improvement can often take as long as 12 weeks. This is assuming, of course, that you are using your treatments consistently and as directed.

Many individuals anticipate that pimples will stop forming right after beginning treatment. The harsh reality is that you will still get new breakouts even after beginning treatment for a period of time. Again, this doesn't mean your treatment isn't effective. Over time, you'll probably notice your breakouts are getting smaller and healing more quickly. This is a sign that your treatments are starting to work.

With certain treatments, like Benzamycin or Retin-A, your skin may actually go through a period of worsening breakout activity before clearing begins. Although this is annoying and somewhat disheartening, understand that this is part of the clearing process.

Of course, not all acne treatments will work for everyone. If you have given your skin at least 10 to 12 weeks and still haven't seen any change, you may need to try a different medication. If you are using over-the-counter acne products, you may need to ditch them in favor of a prescription. If you're already using a prescription product, you may need a different medication. An even better route than prescription medication is to try a holistic approach to fighting acne break outs.

It's not uncommon to try several medications before finding the one that works. It can be a frustrating process, but just know that each treatment you try will ultimately get you closer to your goal of clearer skin.

And, as always, you can talk with your dermatologist about your treatment questions or concerns.

In this fast-paced world, we often expect instant results. But the human body works at its own pace, so your skin will take some time to heal. Try to be patient, be consistent, and wait for the results.

3 Things You Must Do To Cure Your Acne:

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Page 4: Fight Stubborn Acne

• Consistently apply your treatments or holistic approach. Although I never go to bed without washing my face, I usually wait until I see pimples before applying acne treatments. By that time, though, it's too late. Better to stop zits before they start by applying treatments every day.

• Don’t go overboard with your spot treatments. After acne shows up, I usually break out the spot treatment like it’s going out of style. This morning I woke up with a huge red spot on my left cheek because of it. Less is definitely more with spot treatments.

• Don’t pop pimples! This is very tempting, and something everyone, including me is guilty of doing, and I know better. However, when spot treatments don't clear up a pimple within eight minutes of application, I take matters into my own hands. Not pretty.

These small changes won't take much time at all, but I'm sure they'll pay off big with healthier skin.

5 Common Acne Treatment Mistakes

1. Forgetting to Use Medications

To clear up your acne, you’ll need to apply your treatment consistently and as directed. Try not to skip days, or miss doses of medications. Treatments will be most effective when they are used consistently and as directed. If you have trouble remembering your treatments, try using them at the same time every day, or setting up other visual reminders to jog your memory like a post-it note.

2. Using Too Much Medication

In an effort to get your acne to clear up faster, you may be tempted to slather on your treatment products several times (or more) per day. Using more medication can't hurt, right? Besides, won't your acne clear up faster if you apply your medications more frequently?

However, the opposite is actually true. Applying too much medication, or applying it too often, won't clear acne up any faster. What it will do is lead to excessive drying, redness, peeling, and

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irritation. Using your medications exactly as directed is the best way to clear acne, without harming your skin.

3. Looking For a "Quick Fix"

Everyone wishes their acne would clear overnight. Who hasn't, at some point, bought into those ads that promise clear skin in just days? Most likely, the results were disappointing.

Instead of trying those hyped-up "wonder" cures, you'd be better off sticking with proven acne treatments. Some you can find over-the-counter. Others you can get with a prescription from your doctor. There is no one medication that works for everyone, so it may take several tries to find the treatment that's best for you. For most people a simple holistic acne treatment is all they need to clear up acne.

There is no cure for acne, and no quick fix, despite what some products claim. Remember, clear skin takes at least 8 weeks.

4. Not Using Sunscreen

Although sunscreen is the last thing you may wish to put on your acne prone face, it is necessary. Avoiding sunscreen can harm your skin in the long run as UV rays can cause premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and skin cancer. Moreover, many acne treatments cause photosensitivity, so you can't afford to not use sunscreen.

Most sunscreens available in stores have come a long way in recent years. Those made for the face aren't thick and greasy, and don't have that "day at the beach" smell. Look for sunscreen that is labeled noncomedogenic to prevent breakouts from happening.

You can also find moisturizer and sunscreen combinations, so you get your sun-protection along with your daily skin moisturizing.

5. Stopping Treatment When Acne is Clear

Hooray! Your skin is clear! But don't toss out your acne treatments just yet.

Acne medications don't cure acne. They just do a good job of controlling breakouts. You may be able to scale back use of your topical treatments, but if treatment is stopped altogether pimples will return. The best way to prevent outbreaks is take a holistic approach to treating your acne.

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Page 6: Fight Stubborn Acne

One notable exception to this rule is Accutane. Just one course of treatment is usually enough to clear acne, and you don't have to continuously use Accutane to keep pimples from returning. Accutane is the closest thing we have to an acne "cure", as of yet. But this powerful drug comes with many potential side effects, and not everyone can take it. But if you have severe, cystic, or nodulocystic acne, you may want to talk to your doctor about Accutane.

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