fifteen cents week. new orleans, wednesday daily …€¦ · mmmmm i 4 m • fifteen cents week....

mmmmm 4 i m CENTS FIFTEEN WEEK. ORLEANS, NEW WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 1848 VOLUME ..NUMBER ^ ^ S S ^ B w \V GIBBONS. General Broker, No. Customhouse J, slit*!, up fctairs. mylU 1,7-IT" K I ' K A III'. ' "in un n mi u 111/ Jihiriiii' .S '"turn, J >«ju iî.111 k- - Air.ul.-. New « »rlouiis. m'JH ly r.a AIM,KS IjKAKE & CO,, Commission Merchants C aVisViv Itrifi.rrs, HH I '.mwioii ,t. „,1,5 , j.-, ?VV. I'K! ITH AKI», Gluteal Liroinr, .No. t»7 (ira- (jf vier street, Nevv Orleans. m21 6m / VoRDON PLUMMER, Adjuster of A verages—Office (jf ai. Lucien Hermann s, Marine Notary, No. 21 Koyal »t., New Orteaii». mlö 4m c " ic,nnaiL " H„!S U"<>L»KI II. JAMES K. V.LODIU FK. îijHN Ô. V\ i JÜDRL I' I* & CO., Cum mission Merchants J andJgents Jur the Louisiana and New Orleans J.nit tf PacketiSjNo. 00 Camp street. mhfi "TD.ÜKIBFK. 8. A. KINOSLAND. a D.GKlLiiT &CO., Wholesale Dealers m Butter and \. Ckeene, and Agents for Taylor''s Alban}/ Ale and Porter and Newark Cider, Nos. 28, 38 and 4U Old Levee, tfewOrieaiisL inlt>ly_ T~XÂ^B8TER & CO., Wholes ale and Retail Dealers Jj, m Iron, Nails, Spikes, Tin Plate, C opper, Cordage, and a general stock oj articles connected with the Iron „ad's/up Chandlery Trade, 2d Gravier street, Mew (jr- £* ap41y CRESCENT FOUNDRY, No. 55 Girod st., New Orleans. rjTEAMand FIRE EN Ci N KS, Printing Presses and Ma- öchiuery IU general, made and repaired in a satisfactory "'e^ BrasiCastinjr® and Patterns made to order. tnlilo _ A. C. JONES. STORAGE. ~~ At the Fire-Proof Warehouses, Orleans Nos. 1 and 2. corners of Julia and Magazine, : Jg«jÉ| and Magazine and Delord street-., and k : Jljj jflHH 79 Julia street, lor all kinds of merchan- jag! •Mzeanil Produce, at the lowest rates. apaiiin CEO. R. BEARD & CO. nïlJTTALL—HO USKSAU TH and B E LL & J. HANGER, Lajayette st. near Camp, New —JOH B INC», LOCKSMl f HING, etc. fi 1 jjT Bell Hanging done in tiie Liest manner, on iuoderate terms. Store Door Holts and Bar» made to order. mh21 bin OIL PAINTINGS. T HEODORE A. COULD, Portrait Artist., Q<T$S& No. ^44 Cam p, near J ulia sireet. Pat ion B ; / ^sla agere>t>ecUully solicited. 11 ^ VÎL ?|i HAK TN E T T, BOOT AND SHOE » 1. M A N (JF ACT LTRKtt. Sill No. 70 St. Charles street, W mh56m New Orleans. ' J 5 M tl. MtiVER, No. 100 CAMP street. Watch- /-%> . maker and dealer in JEWELRY, COLD PtN.S, FANCV ARTICLES, and WATCHES.JK iW .-v-:. » .i; moderate prices. J. O. PIERSON. J. A. BONNKVAL. » P IERSON & BONN EVA L, A UCTIONEERS, No 67 Gravier street, will attend to the purchase and saleol Real Estare, Negroes and Merchandize; also, to the sale of Cargoes, Successions, Furniture, and all out-door sales ; soli- cit troin tJieir frigpds and the public a portion of their pa- tfouage. mh 10 UTANIC DRUG tiTOKii, No. foyilras st., New Orleans, by I)R. A. A. JONES. I$T AI JEX'R CAMPBELL'S PUBLICATION:? ior alb at No. 80 Poydras street, New Orleans, by Dr. A. A. Josts, his agent tor this city. mhl4 PUMPS AND BATHING- APPARÄTÜS;&C. ~~ FUHN^WECART Y, Plumber, No. 134 Camp street tJ New Orleans, ha« just received a new and large >j»ortnientol liras« Cocks, various sizes ; Force and Lift Pump« ; Beer Pumps, &c. &c; Cooking Rangesî^JHK liathiiitf Tubs and Shower iiaths. Also, laying and repair- lugl^ea<i Pipes, Sheet l^ead work of every description. Ship and Steamboat work promptly put up and repaired. All or- awn promptly attendeu to. îjf* (,'barge* moderate. mh24 ly O WEN B. WITHERS, A.M., M.D.Alate of Kentucky.) having permanently located in NewOrleans, respectfully lenders his services to the public, in all the duties devolving on a physician, lie refers to the following gentlemen : Theo. Freiing] u y sen, N.Y. G. S. Pattison, M.D., N.Y. (Ion. J. R. Lnderwood. Ky. G. S. Bedlord, M.D., N.Y. Hon. J. J. Crittenden. Ky. D. Glass, M.D., N.O. lion. E. M. Ewing, Ky. S. D. Gross, M.D., Ky. Hoo. 0. G. Cafes, Ky. C. W. Short, M.D., Ky. Üon. B. L. Clark. Ky. R. H. Short & Co.. N .O. Hou. Ailier Graham, Ky. Howard Malcom, D.D., Ky. UT Otfice No. 03 HAHOPWK street, between Gravier and l/nion. m28 2m COPARTNERSHIP. T HE UNDERSIGN ED have formed a copartnership, with a view of transacting a COTTON FA< TORAOK and (JÏSIRAL CUM MISSION IU'SINKS^ in this city, under the »tyle of TH URN HILL ù, MdLHENNY, to take eilect titer tiie31*i of May next ; at which time the connection of JoîmTliornbiii with the house of Ward, Jonas Co. will be dissolved. R. MLII.HKNNY ha3 opened an office at No. 61 GRAVIER street lor the purpose of attending to the wants of our Iriends» who may think proper to entrust us with t heir business. [m5 3in] JNO. THORN HILL. rVncOr/iuiis, Jan. 28,1848. R. M<;lLHENNY, A C. A1\H WORTH, Marine and Commercial JVotar u, No. 38 CAMP street, holding Commissions from tne Stales ol TEXAS, MISSISSIPPI, KENTUCKY, FLORIDA, NEW IORE, Missoi 'RI, ILLINOIS, INDIANA, TENNESSEE, PENN- HVLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, VERMONT, NEWIIAMPSIÜRE, OEUWARK, ALABAMA, MAINE. NORTHCAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA, CKOROIA, NEWJERSEY, OHIO, MICHIOAN, ARKANSAS, VIR(ÎINIA, MASSACHUSETTS, MARYLAND, and VONNÏÇTK I T, IS prepared to take depositions, and execute and perfect all kindsof legal instruments to be used or recorded m said States, and the Territory of WISCONSIN. The usual Notarial busi- mh5 mi.D .VINEGAR ESTABLISHMENT. 'pilE Undersigned is constantly manufucturing and has 1 lor sale a \ ery superior art icle of VIN EC A R, winch lie will guarantee to improve by age, and Hill deliver it, free ol charges, in any part ol fjg^s=g.jgj tlie city or Lafayette, ai the following reduced d*+sSsfStSSk Pnce>, to »uiL the t unes, viz: Butts, t>U gallons, $4; Barrels. 3U gallons, $2 Z) ; Barrels, 40 gallons, 7 cents fr' gallon. A übe- . Is lf 0un! 'naiie to wholesale customers. A line dro|>ped in the Postoflice will be tuinctaaily to. [apäü t fJ JOHN 11. WEH li. ' oruer t'oinmon and Marais sts., opposite Charity Hospital. VV WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS, &c. 11 are prejtaied to furnish, at short notice, from the ol' Armstrong &L Danagh. Pittsburg, alldescrip- «inotlUiuHior,»! l-iew.'s, WROUUMT IRON, viz: Shafts w»learners anil Sugar Mills, Piston Koils, Wrists. Pitman w> - 1 otUrn l're>s Screw Moulds, and every variety ol' lorg- »J.lrouiäullis, to ÜUUOIIJS. -»PUâm |„ j. WEBSTER. 26 Gravier st. .SPICE AND COFFEE MILLS, I i i, 130 Jluga:ine st., corner of Lafayette st. I li.BOLUN would respectfully in form the community I * 01 .j.^v Orleans that he is at all times prepare«! at the ,,rif i . ,0 tu "ii»li 'oast anil ground Coffee, ground Spices I all kinds, together with Cornmeal, Hominy and Gritz. ^leainhoaN, (Groceries and Restaurants supplied at the "Wte" notice, ap4 6 m PORTABLE SHOWER EATHS. USS;?. I.MPROVEI) PORTABLE EXTENSION MIOU LR BATHS, have received the diploma at the inn fnsütiite. New York, anil Mechanics'Fair, Bos- mh'^i Shower Baths ever offered to the public. The r r * , wo ' an «»ounce that they have been appointed nîïïlv 0 !- 0 a ' )0Ve real'v excellent bath, and are now pre- «K ' "'nish them at w holesale or retail, at moderate pri- ' m SAMPSON VV KEEN, 67 Bienville st. muv ,, -, , NOTICE. j "I. >Ql»criber, having purchased the interest ol his late * PARTNER ANDREW OL1 VER. in the WHOLE- k ,.fA K S D ^ E T AIL DHI G ESTABLISHMENT, corner T Yfi \l.u, artr , rs a "M Mt n riilr .streets, .Viw Orleans.Ah A •»luuiiln r ot years past conducted jointly by thein^JU"^ ,f7 1" >'vle of A n d r e w Oliver Co.,. has com- ; >,! l> a 1 r, auireinents for a more extended business than hat hitherto (lone by the old honst'. Mv stock of BHI «.s, M LDI Cl .N ES AND CHEMICALS, Sl KOK AL 1 NSTRl'M ENS AND PE KU M ERY, 'n 1 ».ranug, a> I intend il shall, every aiticle needful iiiiihs. Planters and Country Dealers, will excellence of quality or reasonableness of house in thetrade: while as a GENERAL PATENT MEDICINE AGENT, «r r. rs< an ^ addressed to me with a confidence and certainty K and faithfully attended to, not ivre- ilities of trade extended to n »»II» ® «.<* lirai J* 'liein luojierlv ami lait £# ™j]"'" cl «fil iu this place. n,.,?T " sUal credits and fa( costonie io l ' ,e following, a present extensive stock I |»»>Camp|,or; . • • Jalap: Salts; ng otiier articles embraced in uld especially direct attention: î Acid; S °P. t'arb. °Z -Snip. Quin Morphine 100 lb Tarta 150.. Seirllitz Mixture; 5H0 .. I 'ream Tartar; 500.. Gum Arabic; 150.. GnmOpiuin, Turkey; la; 500.. Extract Licorice. CHEMICALS Aeetaie, l«Su"l'olasi; 3JJ » CâjoJ^^agluh; " r. , Heil Prc-i 200 oz. Iodine: 20 .. Iodide Mercury; 20 .. Oil /Egot; 10 .. Strychnine; 1,71 lb Blue Mass: 100 .. Corrosive Sublimate; LI) .. Lunar Caustic; Sliem,. I'ATKNT M I'.IIK 1N ES fc^PreMMinons; lo.lineL„ hQ", ^iid>'. Camomile Pills : Soothing Syrup ; Swavhl' c? Champion's Ague Pills ; ,{ De s>vrnp Wild Cherry; An" bilious do : ^erniifujre : Cohen's Rhm. iTiubrocation ; }• I-"''» Baïïai Wernan'« Untc,», , t'Onorrliièa Mis Keeri\ * Vcni.itinre ^ a nai1i; leti . r >>Cenn Pills:Bull's Ext. Sarsaparilla ; W ildCherry ; Peletier's Syrup " ' S;-nds'« Townsend's IK-ad Shot : Swaini's Vermifuge ; ( 'arpenter'» à: Shermai Magne » -Ml, I, - ('Uli 'jtorrison's Pili gjpha and t >„,Vga Pnh g a »"'e.le .\i„„„ ' ' ' Aiwi,.„, •' P^J-arili»,., . I.iverwo "Dg-» Astrin-e— 'Pil . Brandeth > Pills; Pal Pill« tvappington s PiiU ; Thorn 's Extract ( 'opaiba : Murray^ Fluid Magnesia; t,etc.Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters : NEW CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, YL IV 93 Carondclet st., between Gracier and Union sts /CARRIAGES manufactured Tto order i Vy and workmanship warranted. Also,! Repairing done at all the branclies. mliL-L' to&W AKEN <,v_»V\ A>l). CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, JVos. 81 and 83 Com nam street, between St. Charles stree and Hewlett's Exchange, 1 MARSH DENMAN &l CO. (successors to RALPH MARSH IT Co.) keep constantly on I|g, hand a general assortment of CAR" '' R l A G h S, from the best manufactories in the United States, and aie receiving weekly by the New York Packets, fresh supplies irom their manufactory in NewJersey, Their stock is at all limes large and ample, numbering lrom 100 to 150 CARRIAGES of the most improved styles and patterns, for city and country use. For prices and quality, purchaseis are particularly in- vited to call and examine, and judge for themselves, mh5 8m L MARSH PENMAN & CO. To PLANTERS, MERCHANTS, DRAYMEN and STEVEDORES; r PHE undersigned has on hand, and is constantly reeeiv. A ing, a general assortment of Philadelphia manufactured Wheelwright work, such as IVA GÖNS, CARTS, DRAYS, Extra Wheels, PUSH CARTS, BARROWS. HAND TRUCKS, <brc., manufactured ol i rials, and by the best workmen, on the most reasonable terms. WiM. T1TTLRTON, mhül tlstJe corner of Lafayette and Magazine sts. DAGUERREOTYPE. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC PORTRAITS. B Y the application of the above mysterious agent to Da- guerreotype, (a discovery of the subscribers,) the under- signed is enabled to produce PORTRAIT^ of the most superior kind in a SINGLE SECOND—catching the prtcise expression instantly, and lixing it indelibly upon the silver plate. Those who wish to retain in their families good LIKENESSES of relations or friends can do so at ahnoderate price. Rooms, corner of Canal and Chartres sts.—Entrance No. 3 Chartres street. [my3 ly] W. H. HIJTCHlNCS. MAGUIRE'S DAGUERREOTYPE. J M. would resjKictfully return thanks for the liberal patron- . age bestowed on him *ince he first had the honor ol introducing the DAGUERREOTYPE into NewOrleins, five years ago, during which time he has taken more portraits than any other person in the world. Iiis specimens were exhibited at the Fair, in competition with others taken by t he best operator from New York, and he was awarded the First Premium. No specimens exhibited at his establishment but those taken by himself. J. M. assures the public that his portraits will continue to be what they always have been— the BEST. His long experience, and constant practice are the best inducements to person« desirous of instruction in the beautiful art. Genuine Voigtlander Cameras 20 oer cent, cheaper than any in the city; all other articles the same. Plates at $2 per dozen ; Scorrillis No. 1 for $3 25—guarantied the best plates made in the United States ; Cases $2 lb and $3 50 ; New York Cameras at $18. ßjjf** Orders from the country promptly attended to. Entrance No. 6 CAMP street. nihil tf TOOTH ACHE CURED I N LESS THAN OxVE MINUTE, by Dr. M ENSING'S TOOTH A C H E ELIXIR.—This aricle is devoid ot all Por sQnous ingredients. Try a bottle and you TT r will soon see a wry face turned into smiles. MAUlC TOOTH POWDER.—This article is the best now before the public. It eradicates the Tartar without the aid of,in- struments. Remember that these articles are prepared only by Dr. MENSING, DENTAL SURGEON, office. No. 53, Baronne street, four doors above Common st. my 15 3m W. R. HALL, SURGEON DENTIST, 14 Caronilelet street. New Orleans, \ \7"1LL perform all operations on the TEETH for their W preservation in the most scientific manner. ARTIFICIAL TEETH insert- ed, from one to a whole set. on the most modern and improved principles. TT r Teeth extracted withont the use of Chloroform, and with but slight pain to the patient. From long experience in his profession, and strict applica- tion to business, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. Reference can be given to the most eminent medical men and Surgeon Dentists in the country. myl7 3in J. WEST, Practical Dentist, W OULD respectfully inform the citizens of NewOrleans that he has removed his office to 129 CARONDELET STREET, corner of Poydras^ street, opposite the Church. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, he woud solicit a continuance of the same. After a practice of eight years in the mechanical department , both in Europe and the United States, and having availed him- self of all the late improvements, he feei6 confident that he will give satisfaction to all those who may favor him with a ca "- List of Prices. Single T*oth, mounted on fine gold plate $7 50 ** 44 pivot 3 00 Plugging with fine gold, per cavity 2 00 Cleaning Teeth 3 00 A lull set of Teeth, highly finished, on a ne w principle of adhesion 150 00 The loss of the Palate supplied, witiiout clasps or liga- ments from $30 to 100 00 J. W. warrants all his operations to be the best of work- manship and material, and to give satisfaction to those who may patronize him, or no charge will be made. Old plates remodelled and repaired at the shortest notice. Dentists in the country may rely on having their work promptly attended to, by sending a coirect model. Là/ DENTISTS supplied with Teeth instruments, &c. N. B.—J. W. can refer to many persons who are now en- joying vhe benefits of his practice. ap8 6m KNOWLES & NOEL, P R A C TI ( A IVA T C Jl JJ J K E R .5 No. 35 CANAL street, first door Cr below Camp, New Orleans, keep' constantly on hand a iarge and well selected assortment of Swiss and English LEVER WATCHES, Jewelry, Silver V\ are, PoeketCutlery, Gold Pens, Spectacles, and F'ancy Goods. Our personal attention will be devoted to repairing every description of FINE WATCHES, CLOC KS, and JEWELRY ; w hich .-ii-tii werlo: in sitislactoniy, ,,r i,o cjiarge. inj2lf RE M OVAL.-WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. C 1 REDON respectfully informs his frinds and the public /. thathehas removed his JEWELRÏ STORE to the New Building on the corner of CHAR- 'PRES and C'PS'POMHOUSE Streets, where he will open, on MON DAY, May 1st, a splendid establishment. Delias spared neither pains nor expense to make it in every way worthy the attention and patronage of all, and helherelbre hopes that he will meet with adueshare of encouragent. As heretofore he will constantly have on hand a large and varied selection o; rich and beautiful JEWELRÏ andFANCY ARTICLES, Gold and Silver Watches and Chains, Sliver and Plated Ware, China, Chrystal and Bronze Ware, Clocks and Mantel Ornaments of every de- scription, Work-boxes and Dressing-cases, Papier-mache and Japaned Goods, tine Pocket and Toilet Cutiery, links and Pistols, Choice Perf umery and a variety of other articles.— All of which he is determined to sell at the most moderate prices. ap28 12t WATCHES JEWELRY, ETC, ?DWARD A. TYLER, 39 ( u/np street, would respect- _J fully invite the attention ol' his friends and the public to his fine and well selected stock of JE \V. E ELR Y, etc., comprising Watches of the most ap- proved manufacture, m Gold and Silver, Hunting and Open-laced cases j Silver Ware of every description, consisting in part of 'lea. Table, Sugar, tialt and Mustard Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Castors, Cups, Pitchers, Toast- Racks, etc. A great variety of Jewelry, Cutlery, Rich Fancy Goods, Perlumery, etc. PIANO FORTES. Just received from the manufactories of Messrs. Nunns &. Fischer, and A. H. Gale & Co. a large supply of their superior - PIANOS, in new style ease*—a few with Coleman s /Lohan Attachment, and Ives's Tuneable Reeds. Please call and examine. * aptj tf FLOWER GARDEN AND SEED STORE. T^HE FRESHEST GARDEN SEEDS can be r& A obtained at the Seed feiore of M AT TUE W B i'RNE, at the corner of ST. CHARITES ana GRAZIER Streets ; warranted io be the finest JSsÄ collection now in the city. ALSO—FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, ol the choicest kind ; together with the best collection ol '• S11RUBBERV to be found in the market. BOU- UUETS put up to order at the shortest notice. ap24 3m Persons purchasing Plants or Seeds, and finding them not to be as they are represented, will be returned their money. FRESH GARDEN, FARM and FLOWER SEEDST THE subscriber has now on hand a fresh and well selected A stock ol GARDEN SEEDS, all warranted fresh and genuine. Planters furnished with boxes containing a well assorted variety ol Garden Seeds, at lrom $2 to $20 per box. LdsT Country Merchants supplied with Seed by tl~ or hundred papers, for retailing. Market Gardens supplied seed by the pound or bushel, at moderate prices. D. M AU PA Y, Seedsman and Fiorist.. mhlO 3m No. &> Camp street. SOLDIERS AND VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION ! S OLDIERS AN D VOLL NTEERS' CLAIMS bought and sold by JOHM E. HOLLAND, . Notary Public, No. tftf Gravier street. CP* Office, No. 4, second floor, myüO dStswSm CHEESE. 1 OH BOXES Prime Western, m store, for sale by Al/*J STURGES & WRIGHT, mllj lm 86 Tchoupitouias st. r;nn KEGS aad tlUU sale by mylU lm LARD. barrels Prime Leaf, in store, for STURGES 6i WRIGHT, 86 Tchoupitouias street. STORAGE FOR COFFEE. W r E can take on storage on one Uoor, second story, in a dry and dark place, 15,000 bags. Also, in another store, from 20.000 to 30,000 bags. Merchants having cotfee to store will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine our warehouses. EMERSON, TOURNE 6l CO. ap2u lös Tchoupitouias street. GENTLEMEN'S BOOT AND LADIES SHOE STORE. The subscriber has just received from his Manufactory, a splendid assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, made under his own eye, and of the best material and workmanship, and of the most fashionable and tasty styles, comprising— Gents Extra fine Calf Skin BOOTS; " Fine Calf Skin 44 Fme Morocco 44 4 4 Patent Leather GAITERS; 44 Cloth 44 Fine Calf BROGANS: 44 Rough and Ready HALF-BOOTS; 44 Cloth HALF-GAITERS; NULL1FIERS—Call and Patent Leather; 4 4 Velvet and Calf SL1PPERS ; Hunting and Ridini? BOOTS, etc., etc.: Ladies' BOOTS, GAITERS and SHOES, ot the most fashionable styles; Boys ami Youths' Patent Leather BROGANS; Children's Français GAITERS. Morocco Buttons, Pa- tent Leather, and Calf SHOES, etc. JOll-N H. WORTH, mj'T 3m rnider St. Oharlps HoIpIT enrnpr I 'niiimon ct. NOTICE. ing, by Act o fore D. I. Ricardo, Notary Public, of this city, acquired from William Ferrell, inventorof rhe FIRE-PROOF CON- CAVE CRATE-BAR*, and Patentee of the same, by patent dated April 25, 1£>*J3. the right as sole agent of said Ferrell, of making ami vending ?aid Patent (»rate Bars in the States of Louisiana and Alabama, and on the Mississippi River and its tributaries, now gives notice that he is prepared to fulfil orders for said articles. They are especially recom- mended to sugar-planters and owners of steamboats, as being far more durable than the ordinary Grate Bars. All persons infringing upon upon said patent, by manufacturing or selling similar articles without authority from the patentee, will be prosecuted to the extent ot the law. v- . . î \r t. io 1U.IO 11 A Arn.' i 11 \ xr \ New Orleans, March 18,1848. DANIEL DANA. NEW ORLEANS, March 13,18-16. .Mr. Dana—I have used, in taking off^ two crops of su^ar, the Patent Grate Bars invented by Mr. Win. Ferrell. ami find them far superior, from their concave surface, to the ordinary bars in use, inasmuch as they will, from their peculiar forma- tion. last five times as long. Respect .fully, , miil8 3m G. \V . CAMPBELL. COPPER AND SHEATHING METAL. CASES Sheathing Copper, assorted 12 to oz.; *J\J 50 Cases Yellow Sheathing Metal, assorted 14 to zS oz 40,00ü lbs. Braziers' Copper, assoited 10to 120 lbs.. Copper and Compo>ition Sheathing Nails, and Bolt Copper, assorted. For sale by SLARK, DAY, STAUFFER, & CO., my4 2ind& W corner Canal and Magazine sts. delightful SUMMER RESIDENCE at Man- ^r,rr% deville, measuring two arpents fronting the Lake by tw< mh9 6m Hi. KENNEDY, successor to Andrew- Oliver Ai Co , corner Bieu\iileand SADDLERY, HARNESS AND TRUNK WARE- HOUSE, No. 11 Canal street. New Orleans, J A. HORTON has now on liând a large assortment of . every style of Saddles, Bridles, Martin- gales; Coach, Gig, Buggy, Wagon, and ."Tv, Cart HARNESS; Dray Bridies, Collars, Whips, Stirrups, Bitts liiT R. il mil # and Spurs. Also, a general assortment of IN Dl A RUBBER GOOD;? ; together with the largest stock of Ti unks, Valices, Saddle and Carpet Ba^s. ever before offered m this market, to which he invites the attention of purchasers, as all the above goods will be sold st GREATLY REDI'T ED PRICES. _ C r * The subscriber has also the agency for the sale ol SPANISH SADDLE TREES, of a great variety of pat- tern», and at the manufacture "> prices. mhv 6m SOMETHING" WORTHY OF ATTENTION. r J^HE proprietor of the*St. Charles Loan Office invites the A attention of the public to his large stock of un- redeemed pledges, consisting of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Clothing, Fancy Goods /]* i Books, etc. etc. Persons who wish to purchase txcel-ß^*-^» lent time-pieces for their own wear will find this an excellent ( opportunity to do so at a comparatively little cost. All the | Watches offered for sale have been thoroughly examined and I placed in perfect repair by a skilful European watchmaker, who is employed continually in the establishment expressly for this purpose. Any person acquainted with the nature of the loaning business will feel assured that greater bargains can be offered by the proprietors than persons doing business in a regular manner. \\ atches that originally cost $150 can be offered for less than half that sum. In this establishment no deception is practiced. One price is asked for all the various articles, and no deviation made in any cas«?. By this arrangement the most inexperienced may purchase without learot being "shaved." Citizensantl strangers are requested to call and examine for themselves. Remember, the ist. j Charles Loan Office, under the right wing of the ht. Charles : Hotel, and three doors from the corner of Gravier street. Four or five Pianos, on which advances have i been made and time of keeping expired, are offered for sale as above. ap4 3m AWNINGS. TARPAULINS, ETC. nPHE subscriber would respectfully inform iiis friends and J the citizens of New Orleans that he still continues to manufacture every description of WOOD ami IRON- FRAME AWNINGS, for Stores. Steamboats, Offices, Gal'eries etc etc lie also manufactures every description 1 of Military Tents, Tarpaulins, and Dray, Wagon, aud Horse Covers, at' the shortest notice. Particular attention will be paid to Splicing and furnishing Wheel and other Purchase Robes for Stores, etc. , , ... . . i As there has been a great deal ?aid. within the last yew or : so. about what some parties erroneously call » » A I L.K- PROOFTNG, the subscriber offers his services in that capacity | for a small compensation, and to tiioseot his customers who would prefer saving the expense by doing it themselves, he j will cheerfully give the receipt, which in itself is very simple, and yet most useful in preventing rotor mildew on any article j of cloth or canvas that may be exposed to wet or damp. i All order* left on mv slate, at the Clothing Store ot ALFRED MUNROE & CO., will meet wit h prompt at- | ftiblHtiin O. C.ASfeuliY. 1 SUMMER BOARDING M At the FLORANCE HOUSE, Corner of Camp and South streets, Eafay et te Square—Decidedly the coolest and most airy public house in theciiy.—For iv\u successive Summers this House has beeu well tiiied by those who appreciated, on trial, its extraordinary merits as a Summer Residence—unconnected, il is, with any adjoin- ing buiiding, and surrounded by the Squa e and wide open space. LjtT Libérai arrangements made for the entire seuöon. myll 6w SUMMER RESIDENCE AT MANDEVTLLE. LJ A deligl deville, i : f'" ! " twelve arpents in depth—all fenced in. The im- provements comprises a good and substantial Frame Dwelling of three rooms, fronting the Lake, galleries in front aud rear ; two Cabinets, Kitchen and Servants' Rooms ; one other good building built expressly for visiters, having two large rooms with gallery ; Stables, etc. On the premises is a line Spring, the only one ti.ei# is probably at Mandeville, and in Iront of the property is a fine and beautiful Fiower Par- terre. The property will be sold with all the Furniture, Cows, Horses, Vaces, etc. For Terms, which are liberal, and full particulars, apply to m y 22 PIERSON iV BONNE VAL. 67 Gravieret. i Ö TRA FELLERS. TRUNKS, VALICES AND CARPET BAG WAREHOUSE. J OHN MORRISON, No. 19 Canal C^TTTvil Street, offers to the public for sale a larfje ^assortment of the above articles Persons about to travel for the summer will do well io give him a call. Country dealers supplied at wholesale, on the most liberal terms. Manufactory, Newark, N". J.—Warehouse, 71 Mai- den Lane, New York. my26 lm JOHN STROL 9 JOHN STKOL D, JR U.M. STROUD JOHN STROUD & CO., 145 COMMON Street, between Carondelet and Baronne, DEALERS IN iVT A R B L E M A N T EL- P I E CES, T.. J 1U KSAMKI.I.KD CRATES. MONUMENTS. TUMBU. To,Mb SLA1ÎS, GRAVE STONES,OF anil MARBLE in all its ditierent varieties; T1IO.V1 ASTON LIME, CALCINEO PLAS TER OK PARIS, ROMAN AND II YDRAI LU CEMENT, PLASTERING HAIR, WHITE SAND, ENGLISH, PENSACOLA AND PITTSBURG FIRE BRICKS. m . FURNITURE DEFOT-134 Philippa Street. nHHE Uundersigned. Manufacturer and Dealer in FUR- I N ITU RE. CHAIRS, LOOK- ING-(«LASSES, F U R NI Sil I NG & MATERIALS and MATRASSES- would respectfully infonfi the public " . MS. that he can manufacture and supply all articles in his line, ol superior quality, at as reasonable rates as any house in the city. t.*?" Housekeepers, wishing to consult economy, would do well to call on the subscriber before purchasing, JOS. B. HUBBARD, 134 Philippa street, ap26 lm Between Poydras and Perdidostreets. 'FAMILY"OFÖNEGROES FOR SALE. A FAMILY OF ACCLIMATED NEGROES at private sale, as follows— A NEGRO MAN, aged about 27 years, a good subject, and his Wile, a Negre-s, aged about 22 years, a good cook, washer, and ironer—with their two children, viz: a Boy, aged about 3 years, and an Infant, aged 4 months. 'J he above Negroes are fully guarantied, and come well recommended. They will be sold for one-half cash, balance on 6 and l'J months, for approved endorsed notes, with mort- gage on the Negroes. Apply to my 13 tf PIERSON k BONNEV AL. tf!Gravierst. FAIRBANKS' PATENT PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. rf^Hi: undersigned, sole agents in New Orleans, for the Jl sale of .Messrs. E. ic T. Fairbanks &: Co's (original patentees,) St. Johnsbury. Vermont, celebrated PLATFORM S< ALES, are prepared to furnish them at the manufacturers^ prices. Counter Scales to weigh 1 ;. oz. to 36 lbs.: Druggists' Scales to weigh 1 drachm to8 Portable Platform Scales, 200 to 2500 lbs.: Dormant Platform Scales, 2500 to 5Ü0W lbs.; Iron Scales, 25<)0 to 3000 lbs.; Railroad Track Scales for weighing cars, 10 to («tons ; Railroad Depot and Hay Scales, 4 to 6 tons. The above are particularly recommended to pur. chasers, as being superior to any other article o I the kind, now in use, for correctness and durability, to which lact ample testimon^e^nKi,erumU,eil. ArFFrR & ^ my4 2md&W corner Canal and Magazine sts. N. ORLEANS AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. ! > L. ALLEN. 75 ( am,, sired— Exclusively for the . sale of Plantation Implements, Seeds, etc. etc.—This establishment embraces as iarge an assortment ol ^ \< the best and latest improved imple- ments a< is to be found in the I 'nited Slates, containing more than fifty patterns of tfie celebrated E AGLE, sward, cultr vatingMouble mould board fiukes ; SI B'SOIL, self-sharp- ening and sugar PLOWS; Carey s, the improved Moo.'. Pittsburg and three-furrow Plow; expanding CUL1 IV A* TORS of all sizes ; Harrows, Rollers, Seed Sowers and ( orn Planters; GRAIN MILLS of all sizes; Corn and < ol» Crushers; Corn Shelters and Straw Cutters, of ten patterns each : Hor^e Powers, Saw Mills, Cotton Gins. Thra-hin-r Ma- chines and Fan Mills ; Sugar Mills ; Root Pullers ; Brush Scythes; G rass Cradles ; Shovels: Spade.«: Axes. etc. A complete assortment of HORTICULTURAL Tools, mcludmg Garden Engines, Pumps, Flower Syringes, Rakes, A large assortment of fresh GARDEN SEEDS. FERTILIZERS, Plaster of Paris, Lime, Guano. The MISSISSIPPI RIFLE, used atMonterey and Bnena Vista, will carry a half-ounce ball 350 yard» with effect. äm«w ARE'S POLITICAL ECONOMY-Every politi- - - cian should have this Book at this juncture in the political tunes. For sale by MILES C. SALE CO., ^ öt. Charles street. riAIHOLlC MANUALS AND BIBLES, elegantly V/ bound m gilt will, gold elaii.ä ; Common ilo.; " Flower, ol Piety inc. For sale by All LES C. SALÉ feci !i 17 St. Charles street. BUTTER. Extra New Western. in store, for sale ÄOO by STURGES it WRIGHT, myiy Hn 86 Tchoupitouias st. LARD OIL— CONSTANTLY on liancfc from, the manufactories of VV Kice, Mitchei ii Co., ot Thomas Eme.v, and of Justu- VV right, lor sale m lots to suit puichasers by miy lm SI URGES it VV RIGHT, 86 Tchoupitouias. R OBT. VV WORTH INGTON, General Agent and Collector, Rodney, Jefferson county, Mississippi, will attend punctually to the Collection of Notes, Drafts, Ac- counts, ice., in this and the southern part of Claiborne county. ReJ'ers to---Drake & Evans, Bronghton & Murdock, rinckawl, Warren &i Co, Rodney, Miss; John Goodin, Richard Beck, R. 11. & G.M.Bayly, New Orleans; VV. K. llenry, T. A. S. Doniphan, Natchez; James Goodin, Cincinnati ; Jas. Hand, Phladelphia ; J. G. James, Lexing- on ; Tlios. Freeland, Claiborne county, Miss. ap29 HEMP! HEMP!! HEMP!'! r ^ II E undersigned, in order further to meet the views of the A Board of Underwriters, have set apart, exclusively for the storage ol Hemp and other extra-hazardous articles of merchandize, the ONE-STORY fire-proof Warehouse, (Orleans N o. 2,) corner Delord and Magazine streets. The locality and lucihty ol receiving and delivering at the Warehouse (there being no hoisting to the second story required; renders this the most desirable place for this description of storage. ap5 6m GEO. R. BEARD & CO. W _C<NN HEMP WAREHOUSES. ESTERN AND PHŒN1X.—The subscribers, having devoted the upper floors of the Phoenix and Western Warehouses, exclusively to the storage of Hemp, in order to meet the views of the Board 01«^^» Underwriters, are prepared to receive and store the ariicie on accommodating terms. Having a number of presses in the same buildings, they are also prepared at any moment to se- lect and re-bale it in the neatest manner, and at low rate«. R".\11.DTnl'UVL' kr iu\ ap20 EMERSON, TOÜRNE & CO. 158 Tchoupitouias 3'. GILT AND SILVER PLATING. ' H LAM BERT, ST. CHARLES Street, opposite the . Theatre, respectfully informs the oublie that he is prepared to Gild and Silver Plate Wares in a superior and durable manner, by the galvanic pro- cess and on the most reasonable terms. Guns, Pistols and Knives repaired and put in ex- cedent order, at short notice; and all work pertaining to House and Loeksmithing done in a workmanlike manner. ap26 OPPOSITION. 'pilE ROUGH AND READY LINE OF OMNIBUS- A ES are now running lrom the upper end of Lafayette to the Lower Cotton Press. The carriages are all new and inle-*-®2—3a^a#L rior to none, if not superior to any ever brought to or made in this city. At present there are but four running, but there will soon be a sufficient number to accommodate all who mav wish to ride in them. Smoking and racing are strictly prohibited; intoxicated persons are not permitted to ride, and the public may rest assured that strict attention will be paid to the comfort and convenience of all who may favor eaid line with their patronage. J, B. SLAVVSON k CO. Fare, 10 cents. Tickets, $7 per hundred, for sale by ap21 Collectors in the Omnibuses. TRUNK REPOSITORY. R HOVEY, Manufacturer of Trunks, No. 188 PEARL . STREET, New York, would inform the public that he has established a branch ot his house in this city at No. 9 CANAL STREET, wher he is now prepared to sell' at wholesale and retail the following articles, viz: 1 raveiling and Packing TRUNKS. VALISES, CARPET BAGS, LADIES' TRAVELLING BAGS, Hobby Horses, etc. Thoae persons purchasing cannot fail to receive satisfaction, as all articles sold by him are oi his own manufacture. u203m MAYO'S MUSIC STORE, , « No. Ô Camp street near Canal, J3IAN0 r ORTES, manufactured by the best houses, and A fully guarantied lor permanency of tone aud durability of workmanship; ^Eolianf Piano Fortes, from .the best manufactory.' and guarantied to remain at concert pitch _ w lor five years. MUSIC for all instruments received aaily from all the publishers in the United States. NEW MUSIC published every week from the most popular authors. MU- SICAL INSTRUMENTS of every kind, embracing, m part, Harps, Double Bass, Violoncellos, Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Drum, bass and tenor ; Tamborines, Flutes, Clar- ionets, Flageolets, Files. BRASS INSTRUMENTS— Tiombones, bass, tenor and alto; Cornet-a-Pistons, Orphe- clides, French Horns, Trumpets, valve and plain ; Bugies. Cavalry Trumpets, Hunting Horns, Cymbals. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of every kind. STRINGS lor the Harp, Bas Viol, Violin and Guitar. INSTRUCTION BOOKS for all instruments by the most approved authors. IN STRUCTION on the Piano, Harp, Violin, Guitar, Flute, and in Vocal Music. Pianos tuned, repaired, and taken in part payment tor new Pianos. Musical instruments repaired. MUSIC BOUND. The above-named merchaudise is re- ceived and sold on consignment, and consequently offered at much lower prices than if purchased on private account. Purchasers are respectfully invited to examine the articles belorc purciiasing elsewhere. »rrvia im WM. T. MAYO, Agent. II C 1EMENT.—400 bbls. Denman's and Nelson Brown s Rosen dale Cement, for sale by mS JOHN STROUD k CO., 146 Common st. TO PLANTERS AND FAMILIES. COM STOCK & CO., No. 59 Poydras street. AVE on hand the following genuine MEDICINES, Inch every family ought to be supplied with, viz : Hays's Liniment, warranted to cure any case of Piles. Dr. McNair's Acoustic Oil, a certain cure lor Deafness. East Indian Hair Dye—will color the Hair a jet black—not the skin. [Pains. Jew David's, or Hebrew Plaster, for Rheumatism and ail Juno and Lucina Cordial, for married ladies and others. The Genuine Oldridge's Balm of Columbia, for the Hair. Comstock's Sarsaparilla, for purifying the Blood—price50c. Hews's Liniment and Elixir, warranted to cure the Rheu- matism or Gout, Contracted Cordsand Stiff" Joints. Oil Tanin, for Boo«. Shoes, Harness and Carriage-tops ; and it will double the wear of all leather that it is used 011. Mother's Relief, for Ladies about becoming Mothers. It relieves all Weakness and Nervousness. Warranted. SICK HEADACHE.—Dr. Spon's Remedy will cure any case, either Nervous or Bilious. Warranted to do this. Green's Fever and Ague Mixture, warranted to cure any case, or all pay is refused for it. Try it 011 these terms. CAUTION.—DaUey's Original and only Genuine Magical Pain Extractor, which cures Burns, Scalds, Erysipelas and all Eruptions of the Skin, Piles. Barber's Itch, Fever Sores. Rheumatism, Sore Eyes and Nipples.—Sold, remember, at Poydras street—so that merchants can make 100 per cent, on it. WORMS IN CHILDREN.—Kolmstock's Vermifuge is the most extraordinary xemedy ever used. Should there be no worms, it will do good. CONSUMPTION CURED—Also, Coughs, Colds, Pain in the Side and Breast, and all Lung and Liver Complaints—by Dr. Barthomew's Pink Expectorant Syrup. This is the only article that can be relied on for these complaints, and ha* cured cases aller all other articles have failed. The Military Shaving Soap is the best article in this city. Price cts. It makes a rich cream lather that does not dry on the face. To THE LADIES .—Balm of Columbia, for restoring the Hair— , " Long hair is a glory to woman, says Paul, And all feel the truth of the pious quotation. Preserve it then, ladies—your glory may fall, I In less you protect it with this preparation. The Genuine Balm of Columbia is not only a I lair Restor- ative. but the best coloring fluid in the worW. It makes the Hair glossy and line, stops it at once from falling out, and restores it on Bald Heads, and keeps the Hair free from dan- druff' and scurf. DR. SPOHN'S SICK HEADACHE REMEDY is warranted to cure any case, either Nervous or bilious. Will you try it I It has cured cases of twenty years' standing. NEW DISCOVERY —Dr. Connell's Mixture, for Gonorrhoea and Cleet, Seminal Effusions and Weakness of the Uteraor Bladder. This Mixture contains no injurious article what- ever, but possesses tonic properties of real efficacy, and more congenial to the constitution, than any other medicine used for these complaints. Freed from the nauseating qualities attending copavia and the common mixtures, it w ill be found agreeable to the pa'ate and pleasant to the stomach, and will cure any case, or all pay is refused for it. It is equally good and certain for females.—Sold only at 59 Poydras street. CONNEL'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR will prove a bless- ing to all those who use it. It is asovereign remedy for all Burns, Sore Eyes. Felons, Ulcers, Bruises, Tic Doioreux, Erysipelas, and all complaints which need an external appli- cat on. By its use. Inflammations are removed. Swellings reduced, and even Mortification stayed. It will be supplied to all clergymen gratis, for their use, and the poor 01 their parishes.—Sold only at 59 Poydras street. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINT CURED, and \ EL- LOW FEVER PREVENTED, in every case, by the use ol Long- ley's Great Western Indian Pauacea—warranted to cure the most severe cases of the above complaints. Lo s of Apuetite, Bilious Affections and Indigestion are permanently cured by its use. The great points are. it is not bad to take. It does not leave the bowels costive, and never gives pain in its ope- rations This Panacea will remove all the bad bile lrom the stomach, and give tone to the system, and thus keeps off all attacks of malignant Fevers. If the stomach is in a healthy state, and the pores ol the skin are open, so as to admit of tree exalaiion fiom tlie bodv, there can be no attack ot 1 ellow Fever. This office the Panacea will positively perform, and we recommend the and others to try the article, if they wish to insure health during the summer. As a fami- ly Medicine, it is unequalled for Coughs, C o!:ls and all Dis- eases of the Blood, and Kidney Complaints ; for all these things it is warranted unequalled, and ail who do not hndit so may return the bottle, and get their money again DR LVRZETTI'"* JUNO CORDIAL OR PRO« REATIVE ELIMR.— For both Male and Female-prescribed as an effect- uai restorative in cases of Debility, Impotency or Barrenness, and ail Irregularities of Nature.. It is ail that it professes to ; be viz" Nature's grand restorative and remedy for those 111 the married state'without offspring. It is a certain cure for j Seminal Emissions, General Debility, Weakness oi the Gen- ; ital Orirans, Nervous Affections, Lencorrhœa or Whites, j and all complaints of Females. As a Female Medicine, it j is tin-quailed. Also, a certain remedy for Incipient Con- ! sumption. Indigestion, Loss of Muscular Energy. Physical Latitude. Female Weakness, Debility, etc. ect.—Sold only ! ai 59 Poydras street. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD a nd Breaking out of the Skin ; effectually cured by a bottle of Comstock's Extract of Sar- j saparilla, which will purify the blood, and act as a tonic to < strengthen the system, and enable it to bear up against the j debilitating heat of summer. Price only 50 cts. per bottie, or $4 per dozen—and equal to any Sarsaparilla sold for $1 per boltle. C3TCAI TION.—All the above articles are sold ONLY by COM STOCK & CO.. No. 59 POYDRAS street, N. O. 69 Second street. St.Louis; 50Royal street. Mobile; Bell & La- tham, Bayou Sara and by Comstock ù Co., 21 Conrtlandt sueet, NewYork. «««*•«*> istp DAILY CRESCENT. OCf A youiig gentleman just becoming imbued with the " humanities," ami ever ready to display his lore, 011 being asked by the gentleman who nat- tered himself with being his progenitor, if he would be helped to some more beans, replied, " Not a single bean, sir ; or as the Romans had it, tiol-a- bene." PIGS OR I'IOOI'I.E.—The Boston Post says : " We sae advertisements continually of ' cured shoulders'' Irwn the West. Of rheumatism probably." JKT" In some of the Northern cities the ladies are forming Physiological Societies. NEARLY A GENTLEMAN.—The Quarterly Re- view says that NajKiIeon used to say of Gen. Mon- thoion, " ll lie were not a coward and a liar, he would be a fine iellow ; and bating these two little defects, lie is a perfect gentleman." COAL IN OREGON.—A fine coal bed lias been dis- covered on tiie Canolitz, in Oregon territory, which w ill aid the project of a line of steamers to Oregon, soon to be put in operation. COMMON SCHOOLS IN CONNECTICUT.—From the Report of the Commissioner of the School Fund, just published, it appears that the capital has in- creased to §2,077,641 l'J; of this sum !jl,fiü3,333 - J3 is invested in contracts, bonds and mortgages; $311,(XX) in Connecticut bank stock; in cultivated lànus and buildings, and the balance, $62,260 63, in wild lands in Ohio, New York and Vermont. In the Suite are »7,512 children be- tween the ages of ibur and sixteen years. The in- come of the school fund the past year, lias been $126,126 SO, being §1.45 lo each scholar. BANGOR.—A late census of the city of Bangor, 3Ie., gives a population of 13,280—6,530 males and 6,850 females. ££S^ Deaths in Philadelphia, week before last, 133. By consumption 12, fevers 13, drowned 3, old age 7. Adults 51, children 82. !ZJ~ Louis Blanc is said to be a itative of Spain, born in Madrid. DCf- A collision on the Columbia railroad, on the 27th ult., lorced the forward car on to the locomo- tive, and the passengers were rolled back into the lower end pell-mell. Gatherings. [From the N. Y. Snnday Times.] "Can a man be arrested for using indecent and im- proper language to his wife!" It is a mistaken idea that some husbands have, that they possess a pro- prietary right over their wives, the same as ihey have over their lands and hereditaments. It is not so. .Marriage is a mutual contract, in which every personal right that a woman possess before marriage is secured to her afterwards. She parts with some legal rights, it is true, but never the right to be treat- ed with as much delicacy and propriety as she was when single, if a man can be punished for an as- sault and battery on his wife, he can be punished for any other outrage. A correspondent complains of ineffectual efforts to prevent his boys smoking, and wishes to know if there is any harm in it. A minister once said that there was no harm in smoking tobacco, except that it leads to drinking—.drinking to intoxication— intoxication to bile—bile to indigestion—indigestion to consumption—consumption to death—that's all. "Tall oaks from little acorns grow." The office of Lord Lieutenant of Counties in England still exists, but is a mere honorary title, with some patronage, and but lillle duties. "Was Napoleon regularly divorced from Josephine before he married Maria Louisa, and by whom ?" The dispensation to marry was granted by Pope Pius Vil, upon the decree of the courts annulling the marriage. A sheriff's court in England, recently awarded a Miss Kodgers $350, against a man named Batchelor, for breach of the marriage promise, iiis letters were a perfect thermometer of love, fluctuating and changing with the weather. They began with " Yours, J. C. B ;" then fired up to " My ever dear- est Maria ;" then softened into "My darling ;" then cooled into " Dear Maria;" then formalized into Dear Miss Kodgers ;" and broke off with the fol- lowing announcement :—" You wish to know how 1 intend to settle. AU i can say is, that I cannot be more settled than 1 am." A report having been circulated in England that Guizot was about to resume his old profession of lecturer, ihe President of a literary institution al Liverpool wrote to the ex-premier to inquire if he would deliver a course there—and suggested mod- ern history as the subject. This was touching the expatriated minister in the raw. He declined, ahhough his recent experiences would have en- abled him to deliver a most instructive discourse on the theme proposed. ^ The packet ships Andrew Foster and New World arrived here on Thursday with about a thousand steerage passengers and not o«csick ! The British Ship jenny Lind, that arrived here on Wednesday, landed fifty-two at the hospital, down with the Ship Fever, some of them in its last stages. Most like- ly want of ventilation, scarcity of water, and no regulations as to cleanliness, is the cause. The way some banks take care, or rather do no/ take care of their unsigned bills, deserves the high- est censure. In tearing down the old bank and vaults of the Trenton State Bank, N. J., large numbers of bank-notes, partially signed «nd tin- signed, were found by the boys, and, in some in- stances passed off! Ought not the bank to lie the loser in such cases? In Austria, bedsteads are seldom over five feet in length. When a gentleman, stopping at a hotel, goes to bed, one of the servants accompanies him, doubles him up like a jack-knife, arid then rolls him in a sheet and blanket. Here is a double advan- tage, he can neither walk in his sleep, nor trot off' in the morning leaving liis-landlord minus. The strangest suicide on record was committed in Cincinnati the other day. A man named Bruce d HT hj.s grave, put his coffin in, drew the lid on, and then placing a pistol to his head, blew his brains out. This is the first time we ever heard of a man conducting his ow n funeral. Sir Hudson Lowe's defence of his conduct to Napoleon, is about to be published in England.— The deceased jailor of the Emperor has left behind him twenty-seven volumes of manuscript memo- randa of his conversations with Napoleon and his sta (I'. That portion of the correspondence between Marcy and Scott, which treats of the greeness and ripeness of the various generals in the army, is one of the richest things out. Scott is a ripe general, bill as a politician and controversalist, he is green- er than his own laurels, and that is saying a good deal. Elisha Jenkins died in this city last week. He had been Secretary of State, Canal Commissioner, Comptroller, and, at the time of his death, was senior regent ot the State University. He was in the 79th year of his age. On the shores of the Rio Grande, cities are rising with classic names. Already Bagdad begins to rear its spires, and the new pacha, or rather we should say mayor, is a popular steamboat captain named Folger. Perhaps another Haronn AI Raschid will arise to bless the Bagdad of the new world. Look out for modern Thebes, C'onstantinoples, Ispahans and Jerusalems in abundance. The gas houses in Canal street are to be removed as soon as the company have their new buildings completed tip town, on the margin of the East River. A member of the Ohio Legislature recenlly made a speech which occupied ten hours. VV hat bottom he would hav e in a foot race ! Illinois contains 730,000 inhabitants, and pro- duced last year. l.'JOO/XK) bushels of wheat, and 33.000.000 bushrls of corn What a country, which was forty years ago a wilderness ! Valley of the City of Mexico, we should say was the correct manner of speaking of that place. Remarkable Story. In Sir Jonah Harrington's " Personal Sketches of his Own Times " there is an authentic account of one of the most remarkable occurrences of which we ever heard. A Mrs. O'Flaherty and a Mr. Lanegan, private tutor to her son, w T ere arrested for the murder of her husband by jioison. The lady betrayed her accomplice and lied ; and Lanegan was tried, convicted and sentenced to be hanged and quarteted at Dublin, which sentence was car- ried into execution. And now* comes the story : A Templar and a friend of mine, Mr. David Lauder, a soft, fat, good-humored, superstitious young fellow was sitting hi Iiis lodgings i.Devereux Court, London) one evening at twilight. I was with him, and we were afieeably employed in eat- ing strawberries and drinking Madeira. While chatting away in a cheerful mood, and laughing loudly at some remark made by one of us, my back being toward Ihe door, 1 perceived my friend's color suddenly change ; his eyes seemed fixed and ready to start out of lus head ; his lips quivered con- vulsively ; his teeth chattered ; large drops of perspiration flowed down his forehead, and his hair stood nearly erect. As 1 saw nothing calculated to excite these emo- tions, 1 naturally conceived my friend was seized w'ith a fit, and rose to assist him. He did not re- gard my movements in the least, but seizing a knife which lay on the table, with the gait of a palsied man retreated backward, his eyes still fixed, to a distant part of the room, where he stood shiv- ering and attempting to pray ; but not at the mo- ment recollecting any prayer, he began to repeat his catechism, thinking it the next best thing he could do : as, "What is your name? David Lau- der! Who gave you that name? My godfathers and godmothers in my baptism! " etc., etc. i instantly concluded the man was mad ; and turning about to go for some assistance, was myself not a little siartied at sight of a tall, rough-looking personage, many days unshaved, in a very shabby black dress, and altogether of the most uncouth ap- pearance. The stranger and 1 stood for a moment opposite each other, staring and motionless : at length he broke silence, and addressing ray friend, said, in a low croaking voice, "Do n't be frightened, Mr. Lauder ; sure't is me that 's here." When Davy heard the voice, he fell on his knees, and subsequently flat upon his face, in which posi- tion he lay motionless. The spectre (as I now began to imagine it was) stalked toward the door, and I was in hopes he in- tended to make his exit thereby ; instead of which, however, having deliberately shut and bolted it, he sat himself down in the chair I had previously occu- pied, with a countenance nearly as full of horror as that of Davy Lauder himself, I was now totally bewildered j and scarce know- ing what to do, was about to throw a jug of water over my friend, to revive him if possible, when the stranger, in his croaking voice, cried«-" For the love of God, give me some of that, for I am perish- ing!" I hesitated, but at length did so : he took the jug and drank immoderately. My friend Davy now ventured to look up a littt«i and perceiving that I was becoming so fanulinr with the goblin, his courage somewhat revived, al- though his speech was still confused! he stammered, rose upon lus knees, held up his hands as if in sup- plication, and gazed at the figure for some time, but at length made tip his mind that it was tangible and mortal. The effect of this decision on the face of Davy was as ludicrous as the fright had been. He seemed quite ashamed of his former terror, and af- fected to be stout as a lion, though it was visiblft that he was not at his ease. He now roared out in the broad, cursing Kerry dialect, " Why then, blood and thunder, is that you, Lanegan ?" " Ali, sir, speak low," said the wretched being. " How the devil," resumed Davy, " did jrou get your four quarters stitched together again, alter the hangman cut them off you at Stephen's Green ?" " Ah! gentlemen," exclaimed the poor culprit, " speak low ; have mercy on me, master Davy; you know it was I taught you your Latin. I'm starv- ing to death !" ® " You shall not die in that way, you villanous schoolmaster!" said Davy, pushing toward him a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine that stood on the table ; but standing aloof himself, as though not yet quite decided as to the nature of the intruder. The miserable creature having eaten the bread with avidity, and drunk two or three glasses of wine, the lamp of life once more seemed to brighten up. After a pause, he communicated every cir- cumstance relating to his sudden appearance before us. He confessed having bought the arsenic at the desire of Mrs. O'Flaherty, and that he was aware of the application of it, but solemnly protested that it was she who had seduced him; he then proceeded to inform us that after having been duly hanged, the sheriff had delivered his body to his mother, but not until the executioner had given a slight cut on each limb, just to save the law; which cuts bled pro- fusely, and were probably the means of preserving his life. Iiis mother, conceiving that the vital spark was not extinct, had put him into bed, dressed hi» wounded limbs, and rubbed his neck with hot vin- egar. Having steadily pursued this process, and accompanied it by pouring warm brandy and water down his throat, in the course of an hour he was quite sensible, but experienced horrid pains for sev- eral weeks before his final recovery. His mother filled the coffin lie was brought home in with bricks, and got some men to bury it the same night in Kil- mainham burial-ground, as if ashamed to inter him in open day. For a long time he was unable to de- part, being every moment in dread of discovery: at length, however, he got off'by night in a smuggling boat, w hich landed him on the Isle of Man, and from thence he contrived to reach London, bearing a letter from a priest at Kerry to another priest who had lived in the borough, the purport of which was to get him admitted into a monastery in France. But finding the Southwark priest was dead, he then went to Scotland, using various disguises ; and re- turning to town, was afraid, though possessing some little money, sent him by his mother, even to buy food, for fear of detection ; but recollecting that Mr. Lauder, his old scholars-lived somewhere in the Temple, he had got directed by a porter to the lodg- ing the night before. My friend Davy, though he did not half like it, suffered this poor devil to sit in the chamber till the following evening. Ile then procured him a place in the night, coach to Rye, from whence he got to St. Vallery, and was received, as I afterward» learned from a very grateful letter which he sent, to Lauder, into the monastery of La Frappe, near Abbeville, where he lived in strict seclusion, and died, as 1 heard, some years since. I NGENIOUS.—The tavern keepers of Syracuse, N. Y., have adopted a very ingenious mode of get- ting on one side of an ordinance, lately passed by the Common Council, prohibiting the ringing of dinner bells in the street. One man stands on the side walk shaking a bell without a clapper, and another stands within the door ringing one, loud enough to attract the attention of all strangers, and the pantomine of the fellow outside directs them to the place of eating. As GOOD AS A YANKEE TRICK.—A New Yorker in Vermont, being " dead broke" and wishing to reach Hudson, gave a fellow his jacket to start the report there, that he was Mosher, the anti-renter, for whom a reward ha« been offered by Gov. Young, The trick took, a Vermont constable arrested the- broken merchant, and took him nothing loath to Hudson. When he reached that place, instead of pocketing the $1000, he was surprised to find that, he had got the wrong man, who gave not the least intimation that he ihtended to return to the consta- ble the cost of passage to Hudson. THE CORONER CHEATED.—At Rochester, N.Y., a man was taken from the canal, who was thought to be drowned. The Coroner w as sent for, proceed- ed to call a jury and ascertain the facts in the case. But lie fore the inquest was fairly commenced the person supposed to be deceased, an »se upon his feet and walked away. A grave question arises in this case—whether the Coroner is entitled to his fee. EXTRAORDINARY MARRIAGE.—In Leicester, Mass., May 7th, Mr. Joseph Furrar, a lad of fifty, to Miss Mary A. Knight, a lady of fourteen !

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\V GIBBONS. General Broker, No. Customhouse J, slit*!, up fctairs. mylU 1,7-IT" K I ' K A III'. ' "in un n mi u 111/ Jihiriiii' .S '"turn, J >«ju iî.111 k- - Air.ul.-. New « »rlouiis. m'JH ly r.a AIM,KS IjK A K E & CO,, Commission Merchants C aVisViv Itrifi.rrs, HH I '.mwioii ,t. „,1,5

, j.-, ?VV. I'K! ITH AKI», Gluteal Liroinr, .No. t»7 (ira-(jf vier street, Nevv Orleans. m21 6m / VoRDON PLUMMER, Adjuster of A verages—Office (jf ai. Lucien Hermann s, Marine Notary, No. 21 Koyal »t., New Orteaii». mlö 4m


" H„ !S U"<>L»KI I I . JA MES K . V .LO D IU FK. îijHN Ô. V\ i JÜDRL I' I* & CO., Cum mission Merchants J andJgents Jur the Louisiana and New Orleans J.nit tf PacketiSjNo. 00 Camp street. mhfi "TD.ÜKIBFK. 8 . A . KINOSLAND.

a D.GKlLiiT &CO., Wholesale Dealers m Butter and \. Ckeene, and Agents for Taylor''s Alban}/ Ale and Porter and Newark Cider, Nos. 28, 38 and 4U Old Levee, tfewOrieaiisL inlt>ly_ T~XÂ^B8TER & CO., Wholes ale and Retail Dealers Jj, m Iron, Nails, Spikes, Tin Plate, C opper, Cordage,

and a general stock oj articles connected with the Iron „ad's/up Chandlery Trade, 2d Gravier street, Mew (jr-£* ap41y

CRESCENT FOUNDRY, No. 55 Girod st., New Orleans.

rjTEAMand FIRE EN Ci N KS, Printing Presses and Ma-öchiuery IU general, made and repaired in a satisfactory

"'e^ BrasiCastinjr® and Patterns made to order. tnlilo _ A. C. JONES.

STORAGE. ~~ At the Fire-Proof Warehouses, Orleans Nos. 1 and 2. corners of Julia and Magazine,

: Jg«jÉ| and Magazine and Delord street-., and k : Jljj jflHH 79 Julia street, lor all kinds of merchan- jag!

•Mzeanil Produce, at the lowest rates. apaiiin CEO. R. BEARD & CO.

nïlJTTALL—HO USKSAU TH and B E LL & J. HANGER, Lajayette st. near Camp, New

—JOH B INC», LOCKSMl f HING, etc. fi 1 jjT Bell Hanging done in tiie Liest manner, on

iuoderate terms. Store Door Holts and Bar» made to order. mh21 bin


THEODORE A. COULD, Portrait Artist., Q<T$S& No. ^44 Cam p, near J ulia sireet. Pat ion • B;/ ̂sla

agere>t>ecUully solicited. 11 ^ VÎL ?|i HAK TN E T T, BOOT AND SHOE » 1. M A N (JF ACT LTRKtt. Sill

No. 70 St. Charles street, W mh56m New Orleans. '

J 5

Mtl. MtiVER, No. 100 CAMP street. Watch- /-%> . maker and dealer in JEWELRY, COLD

PtN.S, FANCV ARTICLES, and WATCHES.JK iW .-v-:. » .i; moderate prices.


PIERSON & BONN EVA L, A UCTIONEERS, No 67 Gravier street, will attend to the purchase and saleol

Real Estare, Negroes and Merchandize; also, to the sale of Cargoes, Successions, Furniture, and all out-door sales ; soli­cit troin tJieir frigpds and the public a portion of their pa-tfouage. mh 10

UTANIC DRUG tiTOKii, No. 8Ü foyilras st., New Orleans, by


I$T AIJEX'R CAMPBELL 'S PUBLICATION:? ior alb at No. 80 Poydras street, New Orleans, by Dr. A. A. Josts, his agent tor this city. mhl4

PUMPS AND BATHING- APPARÄTÜS;&C. ~~ FUHN^WECART Y, Plumber, No. 134 Camp street

tJ New Orleans, ha« just received a new and large >j»ortnientol liras« Cocks, various sizes ; Force and Lift Pump« ; Beer Pumps, &c. &c; Cooking Rangesî^JHK liathiiitf Tubs and Shower iiaths. Also, laying and repair-lugl^ea<i Pipes, Sheet l^ead work of every description. Ship and Steamboat work promptly put up and repaired. All or-awn promptly attendeu to.

îjf* (,'barge* moderate. mh24 ly

OWEN B. WITHERS, A.M., M.D.Alate of Kentucky.) having permanently located in NewOrleans, respectfully

lenders his services to the public, in all the duties devolving on a physician, lie refers to the following gentlemen : Theo. Freiing] u y sen, N.Y. G. S. Pattison, M.D., N.Y. (Ion. J. R. Lnderwood. Ky. G. S. Bedlord, M.D., N.Y. Hon. J. J. Crittenden. Ky. D. Glass, M.D., N.O. lion. E. M. Ewing, Ky. S. D. Gross, M.D., Ky. Hoo. 0. G. Cafes, Ky. C. W. Short, M.D., Ky. Üon. B. L. Clark. Ky. R. H. Short & Co.. N .O. Hou. Ailier Graham, Ky. Howard Malcom, D.D., Ky. UT Otfice No. 03 HAHOPWK street, between Gravier and

l/nion. m28 2m COPARTNERSHIP.

THE UNDERSIGN ED have formed a copartnership, with a view of transacting a COTTON FA< TORAOK and

(JÏSIRAL CUM MISSION IU'SINKS^ in this city, under the »tyle of TH URN HILL ù, MdLHENNY, to take eilect titer tiie31*i of May next ; at which time the connection of JoîmTliornbiii with the house of Ward, Jonas Co. will be dissolved.

R. MLII.HKNNY ha3 opened an office at No. 61 GRAVIER street lor the purpose of attending to the wants of our Iriends» who may think proper to entrust us with t heir business.

[m5 3in] JNO. THORN HILL. rVncOr/iuiis, Jan. 28,1848. R. M<;lLHENNY,

AC. A1\H WORTH, Marine and Commercial JVotar u, • No. 38 CAMP street, holding Commissions from tne


Notarial busi-mh5

mi.D .VINEGAR ESTABLISHMENT. 'pilE Undersigned is constantly manufucturing and has 1 lor sale a \ ery superior art icle of VIN EC A R, winch lie will guarantee to improve by age, and Hill deliver it, free ol charges, in any part ol fjg^s=g.jgj tlie city or Lafayette, ai the following reduced d*+sSsfStSSk Pnce>, to »uiL the t unes, viz: Butts, t>U gallons, $4; Barrels. 3U gallons, $2 Z) ; Barrels, 40 gallons, 7 cents fr' gallon. A übe-. Islf0un! 'naiie to wholesale customers.

A line dro|>ped in the Postoflice will be tuinctaaily to. [apäü tfJ JOHN 11. WEH li.

' oruer t'oinmon and Marais sts., opposite Charity Hospital.


11 are prejtaied to furnish, at short notice, from the ol' Armstrong &L Danagh. Pittsburg, alldescrip-

«inotlUiuHior,»! l-iew.'s, WROUUMT IRON, viz: Shafts w»learners anil Sugar Mills, Piston Koils, Wrists. Pitman

w>-1 otUrn l're>s Screw Moulds, and every variety ol' lorg-»J . lrouiäullis, to ÜUUOIIJS. -»PUâm |„ j. WEBSTER. 26 Gravier st.

.SPICE AND COFFEE MILLS, I i i, 130 Jluga:ine st., corner of Lafayette st. I li.BOLUN would respectfully in form the community I * 01 .j.^v Orleans that he is at all times prepare«! at the

,,rif i . ,0 tu"ii»li 'oast anil ground Coffee, ground Spices I all kinds, together with Cornmeal, Hominy and Gritz.

^leainhoaN, (Groceries and Restaurants supplied at the "Wte" notice, ap4 6 m


MIOU LR BATHS, have received the diploma at the inn fnsütiite. New York, anil Mechanics'Fair, Bos-mh'^i Shower Baths ever offered to the public. The

r r* ,wo ' an«»ounce that they have been appointed nîïïlv0!- 0 a')0Ve real'v excellent bath, and are now pre-«K ' "'nish them at w holesale or retail, at moderate pri-

' m SAMPSON VV KEEN, 67 Bienville st.

muv ,, -, , NOTICE. j "I. >Ql»criber, having purchased the interest ol his late * PARTNER ANDREW OL1 VER. in the WHOLE-

k , . f A K S D ^ E T A I L D H I G E S T A B L I S H M E N T , c o r n e r T Y f i \l.u,artr,rs a"M Mt n riilr .streets, .Viw Orleans.Ah A

•»luuiiln r ot years past conducted jointly by thein^JU"^ ,f7 1" >'vle of A n d r e w Oliver Co.,. has com-; >,!l> a

1r,auireinents for a more extended business than

• hat hitherto (lone by the old honst'. Mv stock of BHI «.s, M LDI Cl .N ES AND CHEMICALS,

S l K O K A L 1 N S T R l ' M E N S A N D P E K U M E R Y , 'n1 ».ranug, a> I intend il shall, every aiticle needful

iiiiihs. Planters and Country Dealers, will excellence of quality or reasonableness of house in thetrade: while as a

GENERAL PATENT MEDICINE AGENT, «r< an ^ addressed to me with a confidence and certainty

K and faithfully attended to, not ivre-

ilities of trade extended to

• n »»II» ® «.<* lirai

J* 'liein luojierlv ami lait £# ™j]"'"cl«fil iu this place.

n,.,?T "sUal credits and fa( costonie io l',e following, a

present extensive stock I |»»>Camp|,or;

. • • Jalap: Salts;

ng otiier articles embraced in uld especially direct attention:

î Acid;

• S°P. t'arb.

°Z -Snip. Quin Morphine

100 lb Tarta 150.. Seirllitz Mixture; 5H0 .. I 'ream Tartar; 500.. Gum Arabic; 150.. GnmOpiuin, Turkey;

la; 500.. Extract Licorice. CHEMICALS



3JJ » CâjoJ^^agluh; I» " r. , „ Heil Prc-i

200 oz. Iodine: 20 .. Iodide Mercury; 20 .. Oil /Egot; 10 .. Strychnine;

1 ,71 lb Blue Mass: 100 .. Corrosive Sublimate;

LI) .. Lunar Caustic; Sliem,. • „ I'ATKNT M I'.IIK 1N ES fc^PreMMinons; lo.lineL„ hQ",


Camomile Pills : Soothing Syrup ;

Swavhl' c? Champion's Ague Pills ; ,{De s>vrnp Wild Cherry; An" bilious do :

^erniifujre : Cohen's Rhm. iTiubrocation ;

}• I-"''» Baïïai Wernan'« Untc,»,

, t'Onorrliièa Mis Keeri\ * Vcni.itinre ^anai1i;


Pills:Bull's Ext. Sarsaparilla ; W ildCherry ; Peletier's Syrup " '

S;-nds'« Townsend's IK-ad Shot : Swaini's Vermifuge ; ( 'arpenter'» à: Shermai

• Magne » -Ml, I, - ('Uli 'jtorrison's Pili gjpha and t >„,Vga Pnh • ga»"'e.le .\i„„„ ' ' '

Aiwi,.„, •' P^J-arili»,., . I.iverwo

• "Dg-» Astrin-e—

'Pil . Brandeth > Pills; Pal Pill« tvappington s PiiU ; Thorn 's Extract ( 'opaiba : Murray^ Fluid Magnesia;

t,etc.Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters :

NEW CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, YL IV 93 Carondclet st., between Gracier and Union sts

/CARRIAGES manufactured Tto order i Vy and workmanship warranted. Also,! Repairing done at all the branclies.

mliL-L' to&W AKEN <,v_»V\ A>l).

CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, JVos. 81 and 83 Com nam street, between St. Charles stree

and Hewlett's Exchange,

1 MARSH DENMAN &l CO. (successors to RALPH • MARSH IT Co.) keep constantly on • I|g,

hand a general assortment of CAR" '' R l A G h S, from the best manufactories in the United States, and aie receiving weekly by the New York Packets, fresh supplies irom their manufactory in NewJersey, Their stock is at all limes large and ample, numbering lrom 100 to 150 CARRIAGES of the most improved styles and patterns, for city and country use. For prices and quality, purchaseis are particularly in­vited to call and examine, and judge for themselves,


STEVEDORES; rPHE undersigned has on hand, and is constantly reeeiv. A ing, a general assortment of Philadelphia

manufactured Wheelwright work, such as IVA GÖNS, CARTS, DRAYS, Extra Wheels, PUSH CARTS, BARROWS. HAND TRUCKS, <brc., manufactured ol i rials, and by the best workmen, on the most reasonable terms. WiM. T1TTLRTON,

mhül tlstJe corner of Lafayette and Magazine sts.


BY the application of the above mysterious agent to Da­guerreotype, (a discovery of the subscribers,) the under­

signed is enabled to produce PORTRAIT^ of the most superior kind in a SINGLE SECOND—catching the prtcise expression instantly, and lixing it indelibly upon the silver plate. Those who wish to retain in their families good LIKENESSES of relations or friends can do so at ahnoderate price. Rooms, corner of Canal and Chartres sts.—Entrance No. 3 Chartres street. [my3 ly] W. H. HIJTCHlNCS.


JM. would resjKictfully return thanks for the liberal patron-. age bestowed on him *ince he first had the honor ol

introducing the DAGUERREOTYPE into NewOrleins, five years ago, during which time he has taken more portraits than any other person in the world. Iiis specimens were exhibited at the Fair, in competition with others taken by t he best operator from New York, and he was awarded the First Premium. No specimens exhibited at his establishment but those taken by himself. J. M. assures the public that his portraits will continue to be what they always have been— the BEST. His long experience, and constant practice are the best inducements to person« desirous of instruction in the beautiful art. Genuine Voigtlander Cameras 20 oer cent, cheaper than any in the city; all other articles the same. Plates at $2 per dozen ; Scorrillis No. 1 for $3 25—guarantied the best plates made in the United States ; Cases $2 lb and $3 50 ; New York Cameras at $18.

ßjjf** Orders from the country promptly attended to. Entrance No. 6 CAMP street. nihil tf



ELIXIR.—This aricle is devoid ot all Por sQnous ingredients. Try a bottle and you TT r will soon see a wry face turned into smiles. MAUlC TOOTH POWDER.—This article is the best now before the public. It eradicates the Tartar without the aid of,in-struments. Remember that these articles are prepared only by Dr. MENSING, DENTAL SURGEON, office. No. 53, Baronne street, four doors above Common st. my 15 3m

W. R. HALL, SURGEON DENTIST, 14 Caronilelet street. New Orleans,

\ \7"1LL perform all operations on the TEETH for their W preservation in the most scientific

manner. ARTIFICIAL TEETH insert-ed, from one to a whole set. on the most modern and improved principles. TT r

Teeth extracted withont the use of Chloroform, and with but slight pain to the patient.

From long experience in his profession, and strict applica­tion to business, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage.

Reference can be given to the most eminent medical men and Surgeon Dentists in the country. myl7 3in

J. WEST, Practical Dentist,

WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of NewOrleans that he has removed his office to 129

CARONDELET STREET, corner of Poydras^ street, opposite the Church. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, he woud solicit a continuance of the same. After a practice of eight years in the mechanical department , both in Europe and the United States, and having availed him­self of all the late improvements, he feei6 confident that he will give satisfaction to all those who may favor him with a ca"- List of Prices. Single T*oth, mounted on fine gold plate $7 50

** 44 pivot 3 00 Plugging with fine gold, per cavity 2 00 Cleaning Teeth 3 00 A lull set of Teeth, highly finished, on a ne w principle

of adhesion 150 00 The loss of the Palate supplied, witiiout clasps or liga­

ments from $30 to 100 00 J. W. warrants all his operations to be the best of work­

manship and material, and to give satisfaction to those who may patronize him, or no charge will be made.

Old plates remodelled and repaired at the shortest notice. Dentists in the country may rely on having their work promptly attended to, by sending a coirect model.

Là/ DENTISTS supplied with Teeth instruments, &c. N. B.—J. W. can refer to many persons who are now en­

joying vhe benefits of his practice. ap8 6m


No. 35 CANAL street, first door Cr below Camp, New Orleans, keep' — constantly on hand a iarge and well selected assortment of Swiss and English

LEVER WATCHES, Jewelry, Silver V\ are, PoeketCutlery, Gold Pens, Spectacles,

and F'ancy Goods. Our personal attention will be devoted to repairing every

description of FINE WATCHES, CLOC KS , and JEWELRY ; w hich .-ii-tii werlo: in sitislactoniy, ,,r i,o cjiarge. inj2lf


C1 REDON respectfully informs his frinds and the public /. thathehas removed his JEWELRÏ STORE

to the New Building on the corner of CHAR-'PRES and C'PS'POMHOUSE Streets, where he will open, on MON DAY, May 1st, a splendid establishment. Delias spared neither pains nor expense to make it in every way worthy the attention and patronage of all, and helherelbre hopes that he will meet with adueshare of encouragent. As heretofore he will constantly have on

hand a large and varied selection o; rich and beautiful JEWELRÏ andFANCY ARTICLES, Gold and Silver Watches

and Chains, Sliver and Plated Ware, China, Chrystal and Bronze Ware, Clocks and Mantel Ornaments of every de­scription, Work-boxes and Dressing-cases, Papier-mache and Japaned Goods, tine Pocket and Toilet Cutiery, links and Pistols, Choice Perf umery and a variety of other articles.— All of which he is determined to sell at the most moderate prices. ap28 12t

WATCHES JEWELRY, ETC, ?DWARD A. TYLER, 39 ( u/np street, would respect-_J fully invite the attention ol' his friends and the

public to his fine and well selected stock of JE \V. E ELR Y, etc., comprising Watches of the most ap­proved manufacture, m Gold and Silver, Hunting and Open-laced cases j Silver Ware of every description, consisting in part of 'lea. Table, Sugar, tialt and Mustard Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Castors, Cups, Pitchers, Toast-Racks, etc.

A great variety of Jewelry, Cutlery, Rich Fancy Goods, Perlumery, etc.

PIANO FORTES. Just received from the manufactories of

Messrs. Nunns &. Fischer, and A. H. Gale & Co. a large supply of their superior

- — PIANOS, in new style ease*—a few with Coleman s /Lohan Attachment, and Ives's Tuneable Reeds.

Please call and examine. * aptj tf

FLOWER GARDEN AND SEED STORE. T^HE FRESHEST GARDEN SEEDS can be r& A obtained at the Seed feiore of M AT TUE W

B i'RNE, at the corner of ST. CHARITES ana GRAZIER Streets ; warranted io be the finest JSsÄ collection now in the city.

ALSO—FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, ol the choicest kind ; together with the best collection ol

'• S11RUBBERV to be found in the market. BOU-UUETS put up to order at the shortest notice. ap24 3m

Persons purchasing Plants or Seeds, and finding them not to be as they are represented, will be returned their money.

FRESH GARDEN, FARM and FLOWER SEEDST THE subscriber has now on hand a fresh and well selected A stock ol GARDEN SEEDS, all warranted

fresh and genuine. Planters furnished with boxes containing a well assorted variety ol Garden Seeds, at lrom $2 to $20 per box.

LdsT Country Merchants supplied with Seed by tl~ or hundred papers, for retailing.

Market Gardens supplied seed by the pound or bushel, at moderate prices. D. M AU PA Y, Seedsman and Fiorist..

mhlO 3m No. &> Camp street.



. Notary Public, No. tftf Gravier street. CP* Office, No. 4, second floor, myüO dStswSm

CHEESE. 1 OH BOXES Prime Western, m store, for sale by Al/*J STURGES & WRIGHT,

mllj lm 86 Tchoupitouias st.

r;nn KEGS aad

tlUU sale by mylU lm

LARD. barrels Prime Leaf, in store, for

STURGES 6i WRIGHT, 86 Tchoupitouias street.


WrE can take on storage on one Uoor, second story, in a dry and dark place, 15,000 bags. Also, in another

store, from 20.000 to 30,000 bags. Merchants having cotfee to store will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine our warehouses. EMERSON, TOURNE 6l CO.

ap2u lös Tchoupitouias street.


The subscriber has just received from his Manufactory, a splendid assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, made under his own eye, and of the best material and workmanship, and of the

most fashionable and tasty styles, comprising— Gents Extra fine Calf Skin BOOTS; " Fine Calf Skin 44 Fme Morocco 44

4 4 Patent Leather GAITERS; 44 Cloth

44 Fine Calf BROGANS: 44 Rough and Ready HALF-BOOTS; 44 Cloth HALF-GAITERS;

NULL1FIERS—Call and Patent Leather; 4 4 Velvet and Calf SL1PPERS ;

Hunting and Ridini? BOOTS, etc., etc.: Ladies' BOOTS, GAITERS and SHOES, ot the most

fashionable styles; Boys ami Youths' Patent Leather BROGANS; Children's Français GAITERS. Morocco Buttons, Pa­

tent Leather, and Calf SHOES, etc. • JOll-N H. WORTH,

mj'T 3m rnider St. Oharlps HoIpIT enrnpr I 'niiimon ct.

NOTICE. ing, by Act o

fore D. I. Ricardo, Notary Public, of this city, acquired from William Ferrell, inventorof rhe FIRE-PROOF CON­CAVE CRATE-BAR*, and Patentee of the same, by patent dated April 25, 1£>*J3. the right as sole agent of said Ferrell, of making ami vending ?aid Patent (»rate Bars in the States of Louisiana and Alabama, and on the Mississippi River and its tributaries, now gives notice that he is prepared to fulfil orders for said articles. They are especially recom­mended to sugar-planters and owners of steamboats, as being far more durable than the ordinary Grate Bars.

All persons infringing upon upon said patent, by manufacturing or selling similar articles without authority from the patentee, will be prosecuted to the extent ot the law. v- . . î \r t. io 1U.IO 11 A Arn.' i 11 \ xr \ New Orleans, March 18,1848. DANIEL DANA.

NEW ORLEANS , March 13,18-16. .Mr. Dana—I have used, in taking off^ two crops of su^ar,

the Patent Grate Bars invented by Mr. Win. Ferrell. ami find them far superior, from their concave surface, to the ordinary bars in use, inasmuch as they will, from their peculiar forma­tion. last five times as long. Respect .fully, ,

miil8 3m G. \V . CAMPBELL.

COPPER AND SHEATHING METAL. CASES Sheathing Copper, assorted 12 to oz.;

*J\J 50 Cases Yellow Sheathing Metal, assorted 14 to zS oz 40,00ü lbs. Braziers' Copper, assoited 10to 120 lbs..

Copper and Compo>ition Sheathing Nails, and Bolt Copper, assorted. For sale by

SLARK, DAY, STAUFFER, & CO., my4 2ind& W corner Canal and Magazine sts.

delightful SUMMER RESIDENCE at Man-^r,rr% deville, measuring two arpents fronting the Lake by


mh9 6m Hi. KENNEDY, successor to Andrew-

Oliver Ai Co , corner Bieu\iileand

SADDLERY, HARNESS AND TRUNK WARE­HOUSE, No. 11 Canal street. New Orleans,

JA. HORTON has now on liând a large assortment of . every style of Saddles, Bridles, Martin-

gales; Coach, Gig, Buggy, Wagon, and ."Tv, Cart HARNESS; Dray Bridies,

Collars, Whips, Stirrups, Bitts liiT R. il mil # and Spurs. Also, a general assortment of IN Dl A RUBBER GOOD;? ; together with the largest

stock of Ti unks, Valices, Saddle and Carpet Ba^s. ever before offered m this market, to which he invites the attention of purchasers, as all the above goods will be sold st GREATLY REDI'T ED PRICES. _

C r * The subscriber has also the agency for the sale ol SPANISH SADDLE TREES, of a great variety of pat­tern», and at the manufacture "> prices. mhv 6m

SOMETHING" WORTHY OF ATTENTION. r J^HE proprietor of the*St. Charles Loan Office invites the A attention of the public to his large stock of un-

redeemed pledges, consisting of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Clothing, Fancy Goods /]* i Books, etc. etc. Persons who wish to purchase txcel-ß^*-^» lent time-pieces for their own wear will find this an excellent ( opportunity to do so at a comparatively little cost. All the | Watches offered for sale have been thoroughly examined and I placed in perfect repair by a skilful European watchmaker, who is employed continually in the establishment expressly for this purpose. Any person acquainted with the nature of the loaning business will feel assured that greater bargains can be offered by the proprietors than persons doing business in a regular manner. \\ atches that originally cost $150 can be offered for less than half that sum. In this establishment no deception is practiced. One price is asked for all the various articles, and no deviation made in any cas«?. By this arrangement the most inexperienced may purchase without learot being "shaved." Citizensantl strangers are requested to call and examine for themselves. Remember, the ist. j Charles Loan Office, under the right wing of the ht. Charles : Hotel, and three doors from the corner of Gravier street.

Four or five Pianos, on which advances have i been made and time of keeping expired, are offered for sale as above. ap4 3m •

AWNINGS. TARPAULINS, ETC. nPHE subscriber would respectfully inform iiis friends and J the citizens of New Orleans that he still continues to

manufacture every description of WOOD ami IRON-FRAME AWNINGS, for Stores. Steamboats, Offices, Gal'eries etc etc lie also manufactures every description 1

of Military Tents, Tarpaulins, and Dray, Wagon, aud Horse Covers, at' the shortest notice. Particular attention will be paid to Splicing and furnishing Wheel and other Purchase Robes for Stores, etc. , , ... . . i

As there has been a great deal ?aid. within the last yew or : so. about what some parties erroneously call » » A I L.K-PROOFTNG, the subscriber offers his services in that capacity | for a small compensation, and to tiioseot his customers who would prefer saving the expense by doing it themselves, he j will cheerfully give the receipt, which in itself is very simple, and yet most useful in preventing rotor mildew on any article j of cloth or canvas that may be exposed to wet or damp. i

All order* left on mv slate, at the Clothing Store ot ALFRED MUNROE & CO., will meet wit h prompt at- |

ftiblHtiin O. C.ASfeuliY. 1


MAt the FLORANCE HOUSE, Corner of Camp and South streets, Eafay et te Square—Decidedly the coolest and most airy public house in theciiy.—For

iv\u successive Summers this House has beeu well tiiied by those who appreciated, on trial, its extraordinary merits as a Summer Residence—unconnected, a» il is, with any adjoin­ing buiiding, and surrounded by the Squa e and wide open space. LjtT Libérai arrangements made for the entire seuöon. myll 6w


deville, i :f'"! " twelve arpents in depth—all fenced in. The im­

provements comprises a good and substantial Frame Dwelling of three rooms, fronting the Lake, galleries in front aud rear ; two Cabinets, Kitchen and Servants' Rooms ; one other good building built expressly for visiters, having two large rooms with gallery ; Stables, etc. On the premises is a line Spring, the only one ti.ei# is probably at Mandeville, and in Iront of the property is a fine and beautiful Fiower Par­terre. The property will be sold with all the Furniture, Cows, Horses, Vaces, etc.

For Terms, which are liberal, and full particulars, apply to m y 22 PIERSON iV BONNE VAL. 67 Gravieret.



JOHN MORRISON, No. 19 Canal C^TTTvil Street, offers to the public for sale a

larfje ^assortment of the above articles

Persons about to travel for the summer will do well io give him a call. Country dealers supplied at wholesale, on the most liberal terms.

Manufactory, Newark, N". J.—Warehouse, 71 Mai­den Lane, New York. my26 lm


JOHN STROUD & CO., 145 COMMON Street, between Carondelet and Baronne,



FURNITURE DEFOT-134 Philippa Street. nHHE Uundersigned. Manufacturer and Dealer in FUR-I N ITU RE. CHAIRS, LOOK-

ING-(«LASSES, F U R NI Sil I NG & MATERIALS and MATRASSES-would respectfully infonfi the public " . MS. that he can manufacture and supply all articles in his line, ol superior quality, at as reasonable rates as any house in the city. t.*?" Housekeepers, wishing to consult economy, would do well to call on the subscriber before purchasing,

JOS. B. HUBBARD, 134 Philippa street, ap26 lm Between Poydras and Perdidostreets.


private sale, as follows— A NEGRO MAN, aged about 27 years, a good subject,

and his Wile, a Negre-s, aged about 22 years, a good cook, washer, and ironer—with their two children, viz: a Boy, aged about 3 years, and an Infant, aged 4 months.

'J he above Negroes are fully guarantied, and come well recommended. They will be sold for one-half cash, balance on 6 and l'J months, for approved endorsed notes, with mort­gage on the Negroes. Apply to


PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. rf^Hi: undersigned, sole agents in New Orleans, for the Jl sale of .Messrs. E. ic T. Fairbanks &: Co's (original

patentees,) St. Johnsbury. Vermont, celebrated PLATFORM S< ALES, are prepared to furnish them at the manufacturers^ prices. Counter Scales to weigh 1

;. oz. to 36 lbs.: Druggists' Scales to weigh 1 drachm to8 Portable Platform Scales, 200 to 2500 lbs.: Dormant Platform Scales, 2500 to 5Ü0W lbs.; Iron Scales, 25<)0 to 3000 lbs.; Railroad Track Scales for weighing cars, 10 to («tons ; Railroad Depot and Hay Scales, 4 to 6 tons. The above are particularly recommended to pur. chasers, as being superior to any other article o I the kind, now in use, for correctness and durability, to which lact ample testimon^e^nKi,erumU,eil.ArFFrR & ^

my4 2md&W corner Canal and Magazine sts.


!> L. ALLEN. 75 ( am,, sired— Exclusively for the . sale of Plantation Implements,

Seeds, etc. etc.—This establishment embraces as iarge an assortment ol ^ \< the best and latest improved imple­ments a< is to be found in the I 'nited Slates, containing more than fifty patterns of tfie celebrated E AGLE, sward, cultr vatingMouble mould board fiukes ; SI B'SOIL, self-sharp­ening and sugar PLOWS; Carey s, the improved Moo.'. Pittsburg and three-furrow Plow; expanding CUL1 IV A* TORS of all sizes ; Harrows, Rollers, Seed Sowers and ( orn Planters; GRAIN MILLS of all sizes; Corn and < ol» Crushers; Corn Shelters and Straw Cutters, of ten patterns each : Hor^e Powers, Saw Mills, Cotton Gins. Thra-hin-r Ma­chines and Fan Mills ; Sugar Mills ; Root Pullers ; Brush Scythes; G rass Cradles ; Shovels: Spade.«: Axes. etc.

A complete assortment of HORTICULTURAL Tools, mcludmg Garden Engines, Pumps, Flower Syringes, Rakes,

A large assortment of fresh GARDEN SEEDS. FERTILIZERS, Plaster of Paris, Lime, Guano. The MISSISSIPPI RIFLE, used atMonterey and Bnena

Vista, will carry a half-ounce ball 350 yard» with effect. äm«w

ARE'S POLITICAL ECONOMY-Every politi-- - cian should have this Book at this juncture in the

political tunes. For sale by MILES C. SALE CO., ^ öt. Charles street.

riAIHOLlC MANUALS AND BIBLES, elegantly V/ bound m gilt will, gold elaii.ä ; Common ilo.; " Flower, ol Piety inc. For sale by All LES C. SALÉ feci

!i 17 St. Charles street. BUTTER.

Extra New Western. in store, for sale ÄOO by STURGES it WRIGHT,

myiy Hn 86 Tchoupitouias st. LARD OIL—

CONSTANTLY on liancfc from, the manufactories of VV Kice, Mitchei ii Co., ot Thomas Eme.v, and of Justu-VV right, lor sale m lots to suit puichasers by

miy lm SI URGES it VV RIGHT, 86 Tchoupitouias.

ROBT. VV WORTH INGTON, General Agent and Collector, Rodney, Jefferson county, Mississippi, will

attend punctually to the Collection of Notes, Drafts, Ac­counts, ice., in this and the southern part of Claiborne county.

ReJ'ers to---Drake & Evans, Bronghton & Murdock, rinckawl, Warren &i Co, Rodney, Miss; John Goodin, Richard Beck, R. 11. & G.M.Bayly, New Orleans; VV. K. llenry, T. A. S. Doniphan, Natchez; James Goodin, Cincinnati ; Jas. Hand, Phladelphia ; J. G. James, Lexing-on ; Tlios. Freeland, Claiborne county, Miss. ap29

HEMP! HEMP!! HEMP!'! r • ̂ II E undersigned, in order further to meet the views of the A Board of Underwriters, have set apart, exclusively for

the storage ol Hemp and other extra-hazardous articles of merchandize, the ONE-STORY fire-proof Warehouse, (Orleans N o. 2,) corner Delord and Magazine streets. The locality and lucihty ol receiving and delivering at the Warehouse (there being no hoisting to the second story required; renders this the most desirable place for this description of storage.

ap5 6m GEO. R. BEARD & CO.

W_C<„NN HEMP WAREHOUSES. ESTERN AND PHŒN1X.—The subscribers, having devoted the upper floors of the Phoenix and

Western Warehouses, exclusively to the storage of Hemp, in order to meet the views of the Board 01«^^» Underwriters, are prepared to receive and store the ariicie on accommodating terms. Having a number of presses in the same buildings, they are also prepared at any moment to se­lect and re-bale it in the neatest manner, and at low rate«.

R".\11.DTnl'UVL' kr iu\ ap20

EMERSON, TOÜRNE & CO. 158 Tchoupitouias 3'.


. Theatre, respectfully informs the oublie that he is prepared to Gild and Silver Plate Wares in a superior and durable manner, by the galvanic pro­cess and on the most reasonable terms.

Guns, Pistols and Knives repaired and put in ex- — cedent order, at short notice; and all work pertaining to House and Loeksmithing done in a workmanlike manner. ap26

OPPOSITION. 'pilE ROUGH AND READY LINE OF OMNIBUS-A ES are now running lrom the upper

end of Lafayette to the Lower Cotton Press. The carriages are all new and inle-*-®2—3a^a#L rior to none, if not superior to any ever brought to or made in this city. At present there are but four running, but there will soon be a sufficient number to accommodate all who mav wish to ride in them. Smoking and racing are strictly prohibited; intoxicated persons are not permitted to ride, and the public may rest assured that strict attention will be paid to the comfort and convenience of all who may favor eaid line with their patronage. J, B. SLAVVSON k CO.

Fare, 10 cents. Tickets, $7 per hundred, for sale by ap21 Collectors in the Omnibuses.


RHOVEY, Manufacturer of Trunks, No. 188 PEARL . STREET, New York, would inform the

public that he has established a branch ot his house in this city at No. 9 CANAL STREET, wher he is now prepared to sell' at wholesale and retail the following articles, viz: 1 raveiling and Packing TRUNKS. VALISES, CARPET BAGS, LADIES' TRAVELLING BAGS, Hobby Horses, etc.

Thoae persons purchasing cannot fail to receive satisfaction, as all articles sold by him are oi his own manufacture. u203m

MAYO'S MUSIC STORE, , « No. Ô Camp street near Canal,

J3IAN0 r ORTES, manufactured by the best houses, and A fully guarantied lor permanency of tone aud durability of workmanship; ̂ Eolianf Piano Fortes, from .the best manufactory.' and guarantied to remain at concert pitch _ w lor five years. MUSIC for all instruments received aaily from all the publishers in the United States. NEW MUSIC published every week from the most popular authors. MU­SICAL INSTRUMENTS of every kind, embracing, m part, Harps, Double Bass, Violoncellos, Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Drum, bass and tenor ; Tamborines, Flutes, Clar­ionets, Flageolets, Files. BRASS INSTRUMENTS— Tiombones, bass, tenor and alto; Cornet-a-Pistons, Orphe-clides, French Horns, Trumpets, valve and plain ; Bugies. Cavalry Trumpets, Hunting Horns, Cymbals. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of every kind. STRINGS lor the Harp, Bas Viol, Violin and Guitar. INSTRUCTION BOOKS for all instruments by the most approved authors. IN STRUCTION on the Piano, Harp, Violin, Guitar, Flute, and in Vocal Music. Pianos tuned, repaired, and taken in part payment tor new Pianos. Musical instruments repaired. MUSIC BOUND. The above-named merchaudise is re­ceived and sold on consignment, and consequently offered at much lower prices than if purchased on private account. Purchasers are respectfully invited to examine the articles belorc purciiasing elsewhere.

»rrvia im WM. T. MAYO, Agent.


C1EMENT.—400 bbls. Denman's and Nelson &£ Brown s Rosen dale Cement, for sale by

mS JOHN STROUD k CO., 146 Common st.


No. 59 Poydras street. AVE on hand the following genuine MEDICINES,

Inch every family ought to be supplied with, viz : Hays's Liniment, warranted to cure any case of Piles. Dr. McNair's Acoustic Oil, a certain cure lor Deafness. East Indian Hair Dye—will color the Hair a jet black—not

the skin. [Pains. Jew David's, or Hebrew Plaster, for Rheumatism and ail Juno and Lucina Cordial, for married ladies and others. The Genuine Oldridge's Balm of Columbia, for the Hair. Comstock's Sarsaparilla, for purifying the Blood—price50c. Hews's Liniment and Elixir, warranted to cure the Rheu­

matism or Gout, Contracted Cordsand Stiff" Joints. Oil Tanin, for Boo«. Shoes, Harness and Carriage-tops ;

and it will double the wear of all leather that it is used 011. Mother's Relief, for Ladies about becoming Mothers. It

relieves all Weakness and Nervousness. Warranted. SICK HEADACHE .—Dr. Spon's Remedy will cure any case,

either Nervous or Bilious. Warranted to do this. Green's Fever and Ague Mixture, warranted to cure any

case, or all pay is refused for it. Try it 011 these terms.

CAUTION .—DaUey's Original and only Genuine Magical Pain Extractor, which cures Burns, Scalds, Erysipelas and all Eruptions of the Skin, Piles. Barber's Itch, Fever Sores. Rheumatism, Sore Eyes and Nipples.—Sold, remember, at 5Ü Poydras street—so that merchants can make 100 per cent, on it.

WORMS IN CHILDREN .—Kolmstock's Vermifuge is the most extraordinary xemedy ever used. Should there be no worms, it will do good.

CONSUMPTION CURED—Also, Coughs, Colds, Pain in the Side and Breast, and all Lung and Liver Complaints—by Dr. Barthomew's Pink Expectorant Syrup. This is the only article that can be relied on for these complaints, and ha* cured cases aller all other articles have failed.

The Military Shaving Soap is the best article in this city. Price 2Ö cts. It makes a rich cream lather that does not dry on the face.

To THE LADIES .—Balm of Columbia, for restoring the Hair— „ „ „ ,

" Long hair is a glory to woman, says Paul, And all feel the truth of the pious quotation.

Preserve it then, ladies—your glory may fall, I In less you protect it with this preparation.

The Genuine Balm of Columbia is not only a I lair Restor­ative. but the best coloring fluid in the worW. It makes the Hair glossy and line, stops it at once from falling out, and restores it on Bald Heads, and keeps the Hair free from dan­druff' and scurf.

DR . SPOHN'S SICK HEADACHE REMEDY is warranted to cure any case, either Nervous or bilious. Will you try it I It has cured cases of twenty years' standing.

NEW DISCOVERY —Dr. Connell's Mixture, for Gonorrhoea and Cleet, Seminal Effusions and Weakness of the Uteraor Bladder. This Mixture contains no injurious article what­ever, but possesses tonic properties of real efficacy, and more congenial to the constitution, than any other medicine used for these complaints. Freed from the nauseating qualities attending copavia and the common mixtures, it w ill be found agreeable to the pa'ate and pleasant to the stomach, and will cure any case, or all pay is refused for it. It is equally good and certain for females.—Sold only at 59 Poydras street.

CONNEL'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR will prove a bless­ing to all those who use it. It is asovereign remedy for all Burns, Sore Eyes. Felons, Ulcers, Bruises, Tic Doioreux, Erysipelas, and all complaints which need an external appli-cat on. By its use. Inflammations are removed. Swellings reduced, and even Mortification stayed. It will be supplied to all clergymen gratis, for their use, and the poor 01 their parishes.—Sold only at 59 Poydras street.

DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINT CURED , and \ EL-LOW FEVER PREVENTED, in every case, by the use ol Long-ley's Great Western Indian Pauacea—warranted to cure the most severe cases of the above complaints. Lo s of Apuetite, Bilious Affections and Indigestion are permanently cured by its use. The great points are. it is not bad to take. It does not leave the bowels costive, and never gives pain in its ope­rations This Panacea will remove all the bad bile lrom the stomach, and give tone to the system, and thus keeps off all attacks of malignant Fevers. If the stomach is in a healthy state, and the pores ol the skin are open, so as to admit of tree exalaiion fiom tlie bodv, there can be no attack ot 1 ellow Fever. This office the Panacea will positively perform, and we recommend the and others to try the article, if they wish to insure health during the summer. As a fami­ly Medicine, it is unequalled for Coughs, C o!:ls and all Dis­eases of the Blood, and Kidney Complaints ; for all these things it is warranted unequalled, and ail who do not hndit so may return the bottle, and get their money again

DR LVRZETTI'"* JUNO CORDIAL OR PRO« REATIVE ELIMR.— For both Male and Female-prescribed as an effect­uai restorative in cases of Debility, Impotency or Barrenness, and ail Irregularities of Nature.. It is ail that it professes to ; be viz" Nature's grand restorative and remedy for those 111 the married state'without offspring. It is a certain cure for j Seminal Emissions, General Debility, Weakness oi the Gen- ; ital Orirans, Nervous Affections, Lencorrhœa or Whites, j and all complaints of Females. As a Female Medicine, it j is tin-quailed. Also, a certain remedy for Incipient Con- ! sumption. Indigestion, Loss of Muscular Energy. Physical Latitude. Female Weakness, Debility, etc. ect.—Sold only ! ai 59 Poydras street.

DISEASES OF THE BLOOD a nd Breaking out of the Skin ; effectually cured by a bottle of Comstock's Extract of Sar- j saparilla, which will purify the blood, and act as a tonic to < strengthen the system, and enable it to bear up against the j debilitating heat of summer. Price only 50 cts. per bottie, or $4 per dozen—and equal to any Sarsaparilla sold for $1 per boltle.

C3TCAI TION.—All the above articles are sold ONLY by COM STOCK & CO.. No. 59 POYDRAS street, N. O. 69 Second street. St.Louis; 50Royal street. Mobile; Bell & La­tham, Bayou Sara and by Comstock ù Co., 21 Conrtlandt sueet, NewYork. «««*•«*> istp

DAILY CRESCENT. OCf A youiig gentleman just becoming imbued

with the " humanities," ami ever ready to display his lore, 011 being asked by the gentleman who nat­tered himself with being his progenitor, if he would be helped to some more beans, replied, " Not a single bean, sir ; or as the Romans had it, tiol-a-bene."

PIGS OR I'IOOI'I.E.—The Boston Post says : " We sae advertisements continually of ' cured shoulders'' Irwn the West. Of rheumatism probably."

JKT" In some of the Northern cities the ladies are forming Physiological Societies.

NEARLY A GENTLEMAN.—The Quarterly Re­view says that NajKiIeon used to say of Gen. Mon-thoion, " ll lie were not a coward and a liar, he would be a fine iellow ; and bating these two little defects, lie is a perfect gentleman."

COAL IN OREGON.—A fine coal bed lias been dis­covered on tiie Canolitz, in Oregon territory, which w ill aid the project of a line of steamers to Oregon, soon to be put in operation.

COMMON SCHOOLS IN CONNECTICUT.—From the Report of the Commissioner of the School Fund, just published, it appears that the capital has in­creased to §2,077,641 l'J; of this sum !jl,fiü3,333-J3 is invested in contracts, bonds and mortgages; $311,(XX) in Connecticut bank stock; in cultivated lànus and buildings, and the balance, $62,260 63, in wild lands in Ohio, New York and Vermont. In the Suite are »7,512 children be­tween the ages of ibur and sixteen years. The in­come of the school fund the past year, lias been $126,126 SO, being §1.45 lo each scholar.

BANGOR.—A late census of the city of Bangor, 3Ie., gives a population of 13,280—6,530 males and 6,850 females.

££S^ Deaths in Philadelphia, week before last, 133. By consumption 12, fevers 13, drowned 3, old age 7. Adults 51, children 82.

!ZJ~ Louis Blanc is said to be a itative of Spain, born in Madrid.

DCf- A collision on the Columbia railroad, on the 27th ult., lorced the forward car on to the locomo­tive, and the passengers were rolled back into the lower end pell-mell.

Gatherings. [From the N. Y. Snnday Times.]

"Can a man be arrested for using indecent and im­proper language to his wife!" It is a mistaken idea that some husbands have, that they possess a pro­prietary right over their wives, the same as ihey have over their lands and hereditaments. It is not so. .Marriage is a mutual contract, in which every personal right that a woman possess before marriage is secured to her afterwards. She parts with some legal rights, it is true, but never the right to be treat­ed with as much delicacy and propriety as she was when single, if a man can be punished for an as­sault and battery on his wife, he can be punished for any other outrage.

A correspondent complains of ineffectual efforts to prevent his boys smoking, and wishes to know if there is any harm in it. A minister once said that there was no harm in smoking tobacco, except that it leads to drinking—.drinking to intoxication— intoxication to bile—bile to indigestion—indigestion to consumption—consumption to death—that's all. "Tall oaks from little acorns grow."

The office of Lord Lieutenant of Counties in England still exists, but is a mere honorary title, with some patronage, and but lillle duties.

"Was Napoleon regularly divorced from Josephine before he married Maria Louisa, and by whom ?" The dispensation to marry was granted by Pope Pius Vil, upon the decree of the courts annulling the marriage.

A sheriff's court in England, recently awarded a Miss Kodgers $350, against a man named Batchelor, for breach of the marriage promise, iiis letters were a perfect thermometer of love, fluctuating and changing with the weather. They began with " Yours, J. C. B ;" then fired up to " My ever dear­est Maria ;" then softened into "My darling ;" then cooled into " Dear Maria;" then formalized into

Dear Miss Kodgers ;" and broke off with the fol­lowing announcement :—" You wish to know how 1 intend to settle. AU i can say is, that I cannot be more settled than 1 am."

A report having been circulated in England that Guizot was about to resume his old profession of lecturer, ihe President of a literary institution al Liverpool wrote to the ex-premier to inquire if he would deliver a course there—and suggested mod­ern history as the subject. This was touching the expatriated minister in the raw. He declined, ahhough his recent experiences would have en­abled him to deliver a most instructive discourse on the theme proposed. ^

The packet ships Andrew Foster and New World arrived here on Thursday with about a thousand steerage passengers and not o«csick ! The British Ship jenny Lind, that arrived here on Wednesday, landed fifty-two at the hospital, down with the Ship Fever, some of them in its last stages. Most like­ly want of ventilation, scarcity of water, and no regulations as to cleanliness, is the cause.

The way some banks take care, or rather do no/ take care of their unsigned bills, deserves the high­est censure. In tearing down the old bank and vaults of the Trenton State Bank, N. J., large numbers of bank-notes, partially signed «nd tin-signed, were found by the boys, and, in some in­stances passed off! Ought not the bank to lie the loser in such cases?

In Austria, bedsteads are seldom over five feet in length. When a gentleman, stopping at a hotel, goes to bed, one of the servants accompanies him, doubles him up like a jack-knife, arid then rolls him in a sheet and blanket. Here is a double advan­tage, he can neither walk in his sleep, nor trot off' in the morning leaving liis-landlord minus.

The strangest suicide on record was committed in Cincinnati the other day. A man named Bruce d HT hj.s grave, put his coffin in, drew the lid on, and then placing a pistol to his head, blew his brains out. This is the first time we ever heard of a man conducting his ow n funeral.

Sir Hudson Lowe's defence of his conduct to Napoleon, is about to be published in England.— The deceased jailor of the Emperor has left behind him twenty-seven volumes of manuscript memo­randa of his conversations with Napoleon and his sta (I'.

That portion of the correspondence between Marcy and Scott, which treats of the greeness and ripeness of the various generals in the army, is one of the richest things out. Scott is a ripe general, bill as a politician and controversalist, he is green­er than his own laurels, and that is saying a good deal.

Elisha Jenkins died in this city last week. He had been Secretary of State, Canal Commissioner, Comptroller, and, at the time of his death, was senior regent ot the State University. He was in the 79th year of his age.

On the shores of the Rio Grande, cities are rising with classic names. Already Bagdad begins to rear its spires, and the new pacha, or rather we should say mayor, is a popular steamboat captain named Folger. Perhaps another Haronn AI Raschid will arise to bless the Bagdad of the new world. Look out for modern Thebes, C'onstantinoples, Ispahans and Jerusalems in abundance.

The gas houses in Canal street are to be removed as soon as the company have their new buildings completed tip town, on the margin of the East River.

A member of the Ohio Legislature recenlly made a speech which occupied ten hours. VV hat bottom he would hav e in a foot race !

Illinois contains 730,000 inhabitants, and pro­duced last year. l.'JOO/XK) bushels of wheat, and 33.000.000 bushrls of corn What a country, which was forty years ago a wilderness !

Valley of the City of Mexico, we should say was the correct manner of speaking of that place.

Remarkable Story. In Sir Jonah Harrington's " Personal Sketches of

his Own Times " there is an authentic account of one of the most remarkable occurrences of which we ever heard. A Mrs. O'Flaherty and a Mr. Lanegan, private tutor to her son, wTere arrested for the murder of her husband by jioison. The lady betrayed her accomplice and lied ; and Lanegan was tried, convicted and sentenced to be hanged and quarteted at Dublin, which sentence was car­ried into execution. And now* comes the story :

A Templar and a friend of mine, Mr. David Lauder, a soft, fat, good-humored, superstitious young fellow was sitting hi Iiis lodgings i.Devereux Court, London) one evening at twilight. I was with him, and we were afieeably employed in eat­ing strawberries and drinking Madeira. While chatting away in a cheerful mood, and laughing loudly at some remark made by one of us, my back being toward Ihe door, 1 perceived my friend's color suddenly change ; his eyes seemed fixed and ready to start out of lus head ; his lips quivered con­vulsively ; his teeth chattered ; large drops of perspiration flowed down his forehead, and his hair stood nearly erect.

As 1 saw nothing calculated to excite these emo­tions, 1 naturally conceived my friend was seized w'ith a fit, and rose to assist him. He did not re­gard my movements in the least, but seizing a knife which lay on the table, with the gait of a palsied man retreated backward, his eyes still fixed, to a distant part of the room, where he stood shiv­ering and attempting to pray ; but not at the mo­ment recollecting any prayer, he began to repeat his catechism, thinking it the next best thing he could do : as, "What is your name? David Lau­der! Who gave you that name? My godfathers and godmothers in my baptism! " etc., etc.

i instantly concluded the man was mad ; and turning about to go for some assistance, was myself not a little siartied at sight of a tall, rough-looking personage, many days unshaved, in a very shabby black dress, and altogether of the most uncouth ap­pearance. The stranger and 1 stood for a moment opposite each other, staring and motionless : at length he broke silence, and addressing ray friend, said, in a low croaking voice, "Do n't be frightened, Mr. Lauder ; sure't is me that 's here."

When Davy heard the voice, he fell on his knees, and subsequently flat upon his face, in which posi­tion he lay motionless.

The spectre (as I now began to imagine it was) stalked toward the door, and I was in hopes he in­tended to make his exit thereby ; instead of which, however, having deliberately shut and bolted it, he sat himself down in the chair I had previously occu­pied, with a countenance nearly as full of horror as that of Davy Lauder himself,

I was now totally bewildered j and scarce know­ing what to do, was about to throw a jug of water over my friend, to revive him if possible, when the stranger, in his croaking voice, cried«-" For the love of God, give me some of that, for I am perish­ing!" I hesitated, but at length did so : he took the jug and drank immoderately.

My friend Davy now ventured to look up a littt«i and perceiving that I was becoming so fanulinr with the goblin, his courage somewhat revived, al­though his speech was still confused! he stammered, rose upon lus knees, held up his hands as if in sup­plication, and gazed at the figure for some time, but at length made tip his mind that it was tangible and mortal. The effect of this decision on the face of Davy was as ludicrous as the fright had been. He seemed quite ashamed of his former terror, and af­fected to be stout as a lion, though it was visiblft that he was not at his ease. He now roared out in the broad, cursing Kerry dialect, " Why then, blood and thunder, is that you, Lanegan ?"

" Ali, sir, speak low," said the wretched being. " How the devil," resumed Davy, " did jrou get

your four quarters stitched together again, alter the hangman cut them off you at Stephen's Green ?"

" Ah! gentlemen," exclaimed the poor culprit, " speak low ; have mercy on me, master Davy; you know it was I taught you your Latin. I'm starv­ing to death !" ®

" You shall not die in that way, you villanous schoolmaster!" said Davy, pushing toward him a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine that stood on the table ; but standing aloof himself, as though not yet quite decided as to the nature of the intruder.

The miserable creature having eaten the bread with avidity, and drunk two or three glasses of wine, the lamp of life once more seemed to brighten up. After a pause, he communicated every cir­cumstance relating to his sudden appearance before us. He confessed having bought the arsenic at the desire of Mrs. O'Flaherty, and that he was aware of the application of it, but solemnly protested that it was she who had seduced him; he then proceeded to inform us that after having been duly hanged, the sheriff had delivered his body to his mother, but not until the executioner had given a slight cut on each limb, just to save the law; which cuts bled pro­fusely, and were probably the means of preserving his life. Iiis mother, conceiving that the vital spark was not extinct, had put him into bed, dressed hi» wounded limbs, and rubbed his neck with hot vin­egar. Having steadily pursued this process, and accompanied it by pouring warm brandy and water down his throat, in the course of an hour he was quite sensible, but experienced horrid pains for sev­eral weeks before his final recovery. His mother filled the coffin lie was brought home in with bricks, and got some men to bury it the same night in Kil-mainham burial-ground, as if ashamed to inter him in open day. For a long time he was unable to de­part, being every moment in dread of discovery: at length, however, he got off'by night in a smuggling boat, w hich landed him on the Isle of Man, and from thence he contrived to reach London, bearing a letter from a priest at Kerry to another priest who had lived in the borough, the purport of which was to get him admitted into a monastery in France. But finding the Southwark priest was dead, he then went to Scotland, using various disguises ; and re­turning to town, was afraid, though possessing some little money, sent him by his mother, even to buy food, for fear of detection ; but recollecting that Mr. Lauder, his old scholars-lived somewhere in the Temple, he had got directed by a porter to the lodg­ing the night before.

My friend Davy, though he did not half like it, suffered this poor devil to sit in the chamber till the following evening. Ile then procured him a place in the night, coach to Rye, from whence he got to St. Vallery, and was received, as I afterward» learned from a very grateful letter which he sent, to Lauder, into the monastery of La Frappe, near Abbeville, where he lived in strict seclusion, and died, as 1 heard, some years since.

INGENIOUS.—The tavern keepers of Syracuse, N. Y., have adopted a very ingenious mode of get­ting on one side of an ordinance, lately passed by the Common Council, prohibiting the ringing of dinner bells in the street. One man stands on the side walk shaking a bell without a clapper, and another stands within the door ringing one, loud enough to attract the attention of all strangers, and the pantomine of the fellow outside directs them to the place of eating.

As GOOD AS A YANKEE TRICK.—A New Yorker in Vermont, being " dead broke" and wishing to reach Hudson, gave a fellow his jacket to start the report there, that he was Mosher, the anti-renter, for whom a reward ha« been offered by Gov. Young, The trick took, a Vermont constable arrested the-broken merchant, and took him nothing loath to Hudson. When he reached that place, instead of pocketing the $1000, he was surprised to find that, he had got the wrong man, who gave not the least intimation that he ihtended to return to the consta­ble the cost of passage to Hudson.

THE CORONER CHEATED.—At Rochester, N.Y., a man was taken from the canal, who was thought to be drowned. The Coroner w as sent for, proceed­ed to call a jury and ascertain the facts in the case. But lie fore the inquest was fairly commenced the person supposed to be deceased, an »se upon his feet and walked away. A grave question arises in this case—whether the Coroner is entitled to his fee.

EXTRAORDINARY MARRIAGE.—In Leicester, Mass., May 7th, Mr. Joseph Furrar, a lad of fifty,

to Miss Mary A. Knight, a lady of fourteen !