fi:ffj iq!,tjf§jx -...

BIBLIOGRAPHY A: :.;')a mtJ.M! .9£. wauou §.t!f!!D!II Pofitx' Opus Posthul\\ous 1957 'l'he Collected PoaDs of Wallace HtevlltnS 1954 The Auroraa of Au11um'l 1950 TX'flnaport to Summ.C' 1947 Parts ot a World 1942, 1951 The !-tan with Bluca GuJ.tar (J.noluding Ideas of Order) 1936, '19371 1n one volunu.t, 1952 Harmonium 1923, 1931, 1937 'l'he Plllr!t at the End of the t·tind t S"ed fi:ffJ IQ!,tJ"f§JX W:tw Steven§ The Angel : Easax;s 9n lteality: sru1 lb! ImM!Mtion 1951 Lettem ot Wallace edited by Holly Stevens 1966 All these are Borzoi n 00 y published by Alfred"· Knopf in Hew Yoi'k: -:oOo:-

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Page 1: fi:ffJ IQ!,tJf§JX -… · fi:ffJ 'l'he IQ!,tJ"f§JX Plllr!t at the End of the t·tind t S"ed W:tw Steven§


A: :.;')a mtJ.M! .9£. wauou §.t!f!!D!II

Pofitx' Opus Posthul\\ous 1957

'l'he Collected PoaDs of Wallace HtevlltnS 1954

The Auroraa of Au11um'l 1950

TX'flnaport to Summ.C' 1947

Parts ot a World 1942, 1951

The !-tan with Bluca GuJ.tar (J.noluding Ideas of Order) 1936, '19371 1n one volunu.t, 1952

Harmonium 1923, 1931, 1937

'l'he Plllr!t at the End of the t·tind t S"ed fi:ffJ IQ!,tJ"f§JX W:tw Steven§ edi~

The t~eceasary Angel : Easax;s 9n lteality: sru1 lb! ImM!Mtion 1951

Lettem ot Wallace Stev~~tnS edited by Holly Stevens 1966

All these are Borzoi n00y published by Alfred"· Knopf in Hew Yoi'k:


Page 2: fi:ffJ IQ!,tJf§JX -… · fi:ffJ 'l'he IQ!,tJ"f§JX Plllr!t at the End of the t·tind t S"ed W:tw Steven§

B. CriticAL Works S A.rtiqlft! Sll Wn1l§cq Stfl!t!Uh

EXistenj;J.nHg a * Oth!£ r,t;l.mmt Theptaji1g


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Achlt~, Kenneth J. "We.llaoe stevens a •ot Idw rue and ChoiC$111 , Bllearch SSYd'!lr 41 (1973) J 141•53.

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ACkerman, Hobert D. 11Wallace Stevens : f.1yt:h, Belie£ and Presence." CQi!!M&s• 14 J 266-76 •

• "Native of Earth s The Growth of Wallace tltevens' - •Fresh Spiritual"'. W, 32 s 5771···A .•

_. "Harold Bloom' a Wallace Stcwens" .Wa11ac!l S;!;e\Jens J!'!!m!!l' , ' 108-10.

_. "Stcwens' 1 Aroa.dea of Philadelphia the l'ast.' • §XPl,, XXIV t Ite~m 80.

Adams, l\lchard P. "Wallace Stevens and Schopenhaner' s 'The ~gr~d1;;_:~ and Idea.'" ~f!-~~d!es_~~J::~!~l!.

Adorno, '!'•'''• "Husserl and the Problem ot Idealism." it'!tlfMl 9J. Philosonnx, 37 ( 1940) : 5-18.

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AlvareUA• The Shaping Spirit I Studies in Modem ~lish ~ American Poett~• Chatto 11. w1JidU8, LOridon, 1 •

An, Vladi.IJier. ed •. 20th Centurx American Literature : A _SOViet Vj,~, Trona. t:rom the Hussian Vroon, i1onala, Howcov, Progress Publishers, 1976.

Annon1 "Words and Things 1n Wal.lnce_ Stevens." 'rimes Lit, Bunnl,_, 6 April l 3'75 (

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tn Honor o.t John_~_..Jtgdaes anq i\;I,.WSJ)_'!'ba...M!£• l'~ a, 'l'enn. • 1961, pp.163-73.

Bar!krt, Martame. "The Meta-Mataphysical Visions of \'lallace Stevena," H.p!S-u 24 a· 47-''J"'.

Barnes, Hazel. E. An BxisSq1gliat l<::thig§. New York, Alfred A. Knopf • 1968.

Barrett, w. 11\-lbat is Existentialhlm?'' (Review), [!wa'W!ft)t 63 s 84, Mr 2 •64.

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Dasin, Yevgtllly, ssoottc fh11oaophv 9S, An., trans. Christopher . Engllsh, Progress ve ~osoow, 1979.

l3asney, Lionel. Iaegination and Object : Stevana• 'No Pos8l.ll, No sop, No Tatter." Markham H.~~. 6 1 54-56.

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Bate, Walter Jackson. !SlJit •..A Co~Xfft!on 9.! yrit!_qal ~· Prantioe-tlall, Inc. _!mO<J ___ , US grsg, 1961+.- -

DaVis, William, "Metaphor in Wallace Stevens"• Senand.oah, XV, 11, 35-48,

Baym, ~1ax I. "Three Moths and a Candle s f• Study ot the Impact of Pascal on Walter Pater Henrey Adallls, and 11/allace Stevens." CO!!!JI!JI'At&vl Jtbernturt, 11, 336-48.

Baym, Nina. "The Transcendental18111 of vlallace Stevens." Emerson Sog1!lt;[ 9uarterlX, 57 ( 1969) 66-?2.

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l3e0k~~4:UCIY• i!.~la&.ft ;u;!(!;!lllb London : (;ambridge Univ.Press,

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lieJ'la8111Al, •. ~11chel. "Wallace stevens and Apollina1re" 9-.cnt!!mQrary L,&tstun. 20 : 200 : 300.

_. "Displaoeent ot Parental Space : American Poetry and French Symbolism." Boundary, 5: 4?1-86.

_. "Jules Latorgne and Wallace Stevens". lWia, 1, 10'7-117.

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aems1 Joan F. "The Late Poetry o! Wall.aoe Stevens \ 1940-1955)" o l.lAI 35 I Yf22 A (l\rand188) o

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Bevis, William. "Metaphor in Stevens" Shanapdpb 15 (',Unter 1964) l 35-48.

_. "Stevens Toneless Poetl"y11• pUs:p Littrfll!'Y Hi§jfo£X.

41 : 2.57-86.

_. "The Arrangement o£ Harmonium," EnglJ.!!h y.tergry Histoa, ,.,, 456..173.

Wallace stw'!l'M. " Partisan 1 895-915. Reprinted In

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Commonweal, 62 : 617-22

Binswanger, Lwlw.ig, Thougbt, 11 trans ..

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• 11Exaiaplea of Wallace :>tevens." Round &~(Jnn-l·iarob - 1932) s 223•!$5. !tcrprinted 1n h1a""'iij- .1D. Modem_ ~~ Garden City, N.Y. : Dwble&iy& ompany, Inc. t 'J9'5'7"tpp. 183•212.

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-· "An ll.batraction Blooded, 11 par!i1aan umg 10 (May"'\June 1943) a 297 .. 301, Reprinted Uiiilir tne m18 "Wallace Stwens I. An Abllltraction Blooded," in bia [Qm .and Val.yp 1n z.toqeF'LPofirv1 Garden City, r;.Y.: DOublitliay ~Olllpany, !iio. , '1957, pJff21 )•18.

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Blessing, RiChard Allen. ··~~ift ~~ syracuse, New Yorlt, s~ ~--~a.

• 11\/allace stevens and the necessa..""Y Reader ' A Teobnique ~-... ~ti!';b !tm!!P..O: Y.lJ..ra.....W! 18 : 251-58.

• 11The Dyn.maic Rodt 1 A ltudy o£ the Collected Poems of - Wallace SteYena." ~ 28 1 4165 A (Tulane).

Bloom, Harold.. "Wallace Stevens : lteduotann to First Idea." R!~ 6, 111, 48-57.

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Bradley, (\rdytb. "Wallac' Stevena' 'llecorationa"' Twtntietb CenturY kJ.terat\U'f, \.Vol.VU, April 19G1 .. Jan 1 62) pp.114-117.

Brazeaw, Peter Ao "Poet in a i.'irey av.d.neas Suit : Glimpses of Stevena at Oft ice, • Wallat• Steve• Journal. H 120-2'"/.

Breit, Harvey. ..Sanity that is Magic," Poe;~ 62:48-50 Ap 1 43.

Brooks, Clea:n.tb. "Wallace Stevena ; An lntroduction", MCNrt XIV ( 1963), 3•13.

Brown, Ashley, " A Note on Dante and Stevena," allace .Stevw Journal, 1 : 66-os.

--• and Haller, i\obert s. eds. Dl§ Asma.eveaent H lilall<aQe Stevens, hew York. a J .a. LippinCotitompany, l962.

Brown Mackenzie. Ultimate Concern ' '.H111c;b ..\!1 pialome. New York, 1865.

brown, Merle i;. "Concordia liiscora in the Poetry o! Wallace Stevena, n A!!\!l'ican 1.iteratqre 34 (l!i~:~.y 19621 ; 246-69.

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11rowne, Hobert M. •Grammar ud Rheto;ic 1a Critici•· • .tillY. Studies Ja l:IU•!D!l L'iPRYM'• 3 \Spring 1961) l 1ltl+~

• • keadin& ot 1 The Snow Man' ' SOJU C011111enta tor a .J • -Kayser," (;ollege Ep«HIIh }9 1 22o-23.

Brumleve, Sister Barbara A. •rut~aan an4 SteYena 1 Froa an . Organic to Proceaa Metaphor," .Q61 ;50& .3450 A•51A (St.LouiS) •

Brunsl Gerald. L. •Poetry as Reality : The Orphus Myth and ta Model'D Counterparts , J:insllah W.tspran liiatga,

Y1 l 263-86 •.

i:lryer1 Jackson; and kiddel, Joseph l'l. "A CheclU.iat of Stwena ~.;ritic1811l. 11 'lW!Dtifth keptUry Lriteratyre s (October 1962 -January 1963), 12Zi=i2 •

.!:Iuber, M. l w .Dlml• t.d.inourp, Clark, 19~·

Buchsbaum, Betty Sanders. !~q· rth-~ftlace r,= : Th@ U.ttin it W ~. A.~S~ S_L§:2B oetio 1iiiMlDit1oa, lllJ"""; 36, · Dr O"n v. 19 J

Buchwald, Emile. "Wallace Stevena : .l'he Uelicate &ye ~ the Mind," Ameriqy ~ 14 (SWI!IIer '\962.) s 185•96.

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-rV Butner, H.w. •·rhe H1fb Priest o! the Seeular ; ·rhe Poetry ot

' Wallace Stevena, C2PQfCtigt ~tffiew, 6, 1 ' }4-45.

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•I 3fr/D:•

CIU'Z"ier, warren. "Commonpl.Eice Cuatoru and Existential. Gaudi­ness t \'/allace Stevens' ''I'he Fmperor ot Ice-Cream' •" coutse YJ4a. 1t230-35.

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Carruth, Hayden. "lvithout the Inventicma of Sorrow" (Review) fetrta ss s 2613-93, F • ''·

• "Stevens as Essayist", (Rev.tew) ijation 174 : 584-85 - Je 14 '52.

_. "Ideality and Jiletaphor", E,.o,2t;a 72: 'Z7Q.J73 Ag '46.,

Casey, Beth A. "~>t;-ange Rhetoric : Wallace Stevens and Poetics of Hodemism" (Lit.Am.) DAI, 39-P.2269Ao

cavitch, Da'lfitl nsteven.s1 'The Man tdth Blue Guitar• •", Expl, Zl ( 1968) : Italll 30.

Cecil c. David. "Audience :for WeUace Stevens", ~!388.£>' J.D Critic.i§J!t XV t 193-206.

Chamberlin, John E. ''\/allnce Stevens and The Aeethectija of Hodern Art." ruq: 32:910"'1A (l'oranto).

Ciard:t 1 John. !!Di,:.l.Oii,'Ua with the Audience", Q.tLW~ ~ XL! (22 Nov.) 10.12-42 (On l\eading Poetr:(:-rnus.-w- -­Hallaoe Stevens).

__ • "Praise of Good Poeta 1n A Bad Age", Sa.turday amu 39:13 1\ug 11 '56.

• "Wallace Stevens • Absolute llusic11• Nation 119: 346-7

- o 16 1 54. (Reply Feldman, ;>. 179:1naide COVIll' N 20 • 54).

Clough, \'lilson o. *Stneru# Notes Toward a supreme I-'i.cUon, Part III, Section III" • ~. 28sitl'llll. 24.

Cohen, Sandy, "A Celculus o£ the Cycle l \'/allace Stevens' Credences of Summer' an Alternate View", BSUF 17 1 11: 31·36. -

Collie, M •. J. "The khetoric ot Accurate Speech : A llote on the Poetry ot 'iallace ;.it evans" , .Q£ XII , 54-66.

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Collins, J. "Ex1atential1am and God by A.a. Cochrani"(Review} America 97 c 131 Ap z:r • 57.

Congewere t Robert J • 11Walle.ce I FiVe Crucial Words, n Pgpt0t1V,!h 17, 111 I 198•206.

Cook, Eleanor. "Wallace Stevens : 'Jjhe Comedian .U. SO !dt;Sttr £&." ~~r1qg L;S.terature ~ • 192-~5.

Corrington, John \'l. •Wa.J.lace St8Yens and the Problem of Orders A Study of Three Poems." A.r11ne1on 9J'fl£'W'ly, 1, 1v< 1968) 1 5C'-63.

Co~n, N. "Dec»ne and Fe.ll of Exiatential.Um11 Satu@X RftX,i§lf• 37:22 Jl 10 ',54.

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1 S~:V~ 2( 1960) 38-47.

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__ • "Tbeais and Anti-Theaie in Wallace Stevens' Concept of !1etaph.or", Gynsx S9hoJ.QF 4, 96-122.

Daly. n. 11/i.:tter the Death o! God the Father", C919onweeJ. 94-7-11 T1r 12 171. •

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-· Walter

-· -·


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McCann, Janet P. •Wallaoe SttWerliJ1 'Not; I4NS alMiut tbe ThiDS But the 1'ht.n8 ltaelt' • I!DU SS Modern Mtri9P LJ.Juttatun 11 It• ,2. • "'Ps!jr•s to What 1a Pouiltle' sWallace Stevtmll and J

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-· Wal.~f" W'eJ''U Steyens. Ithaca Correll unrv. aa •

_. 3;~~· Rock and Cr1t1c11111 as Q.are11 g a ft 3Qa5-31,

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St.9VfM s A CoUr§ion ot ct1r1oal E8pya, Edited 'iJt.~ie "Borot'.t, Bnslewoocl ut.ts, N.J. PrentiOftio.Hall, I no. l:JI'ol3, pp.96-110.

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• "The Never Ending Meditation: A Survey of Myth, -~Metapij.or, and a Poetry of Order in the iforks of Wallace

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• '"Poets• Politics'-\fa.lle.ce Stevcms' Owl's Clover'"• --· .... ~gde~ Philology, LVI, 118·132 •

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*T 4543* -;- AJ:;A?

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Wallace-Existentialism. 'ITl<f<O

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