fetzer’s solution to the reference class problem causality, probability, and counterfactuals...

Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent <[email protected]>

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Page 1: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent

Fetzer’s Solution tothe Reference Class Problem

Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals

Lorenzo Casini

Philosophy, Kent

<[email protected]>

Page 2: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent



• Two questions (What is RCP)• Two problems (Why does RCP really matters)• Fetzer’s solution of MRCP• A possible defence of Fetzer’s proposal• Applying Fetzer’s solution to CBNs• Summary

Page 3: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent


Two Problems:

• MRCP: existence of a relevant reference class• ERCP: justifying a probability value as the right one

I will focus on:solution of MRCP, which is

• Ontologically acceptable (reference class description points to something out-there-in-the-world)

• Epistemologically acceptable (relevant reference class is knowable in principle)

Page 4: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent


Two Questions:

• What is p that x is A given that x is a ‘such-and-such’ event?Many Rs admissible many answers:

• What is p that x is A because x is a ‘such-and-such’ event?( and related counterfactual)Unique answer requires unique R

Fetzer: MRCP is about single-case true statistical explanations

,...2211 p),P(A|Rp)P(A|R

Page 5: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent


Fetzer’s (and Pearl’s) recipe:

• Explanatory relevance is nomic or causal relevance (‘this x is A because it is R’ if ‘being R c being A’)

• R is a complete set of causally relevant factors

• Factors are objective (mind independent)

• S-R is only a guide to C-R

Page 6: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent


Fetzer’s solution to MRCP

Probability is the disposition of a set-up to:• give an outcome on a single trial• generate long-run frequencies for the possible


Such disposition is possessed by every member of a maximally specific reference class R

Page 7: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent


OntologyThe classifying of x as member of R at t entails necessarily:

• x’s possession of a permanent dispositional property χ at t

Syntax (i) (subjunctive conditional) (ii) (causal conditional)

Semantics of of worlds where is true over worlds

where is true is n


)χ)()(( xtRxttx *)]()[)(( xtOxtTRxttx i


*1atO i

11. atTRat iklim

Page 8: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent


HypothesisingF is C-R if

Testing• Causal conditionals are corroborated if frequency

distribution approximates normal distribution (Bernoulli’s theorem)

• F is C-R if, for :

Notice: Testing requires randomness assumption(i.e.: K’s maximal specificity)

*)..)()(*).(..)()(( xtOFxtxtTRxttxxtOFxtxtTRxttx in



).|().|( FxtRxtOxtFFxtRxtOxtF nn


Page 9: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent


Possible defence of Fetzer’s proposal• Existence:O. Either there are many reference classes at different t or

the relevant one is the closest to the outcome which occurs with p=1 (Hanna, 1982)

P. Completeness assumption refers to a set-up type at under assumption that nothing interferes

• Explanation:O. Completeness is too demanding—prevents any

explanation to be true (Humphreys, 1982)P. F.’s proposal is suitable for HPs on repeatable and

controlled conditions


Page 10: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent


• Knowability:

O. type-level probabilities say nothing about single-case propensities (Pollock, 1990)

P. F.’s proposal is epistemologically acceptable if evidence can confirm completeness of R

• Testability:

O. Completeness is untestable in principle (Gillies, 2002)

P. For frequencies to confirm completeness, we must assume underlying conditions (causal structure & dispositional strength) are stable

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In sum:

assume• randomness of outcomes• stability of causal structure & dispositional strength• sequences are long enough

(Tests are reliable)

then,• we can distinguish causally relevant properties among

prima facie causally relevant ones• if R is objectively homogeneous, no other statistically

relevant property will be causally relevant

Page 12: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent


Applying Fetzer’s solution to CBNs

Causal graph on • Any is probabilistically independent, given , of

any set of variables not containing its descendents (CMC)

• Pearl: the relevant R is the sum total of and (X is deterministically dependent on its known and unknown causes)

• But: what do correspond to? how to know whether CMC holds for ?

• Plus: no genuinely statistical explanations!

• Do we need determinism to solve MRCP?

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Page 13: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent


Under Fetzer’s dispositional interpretation

is single-case, objective, testable

• F.’s solution involves time reference (applicable to dynamic BNs?)

• Only are objective (mind independent)( play the role of ceteris-paribus clauses: ‘nothing interferes’)

• Counterfactual analysis needs no deterministic assumptions to solve MRCP: e.g.: ‘R’=‘L.F’, x belongs to R and brings about O with probability m. Had x belonged to , would O have occurred with probability n, where ?

*)( utxutTutpa ini



FL .nm

Page 14: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent



MRCP is about • the existence of a complete reference class description

which explains the probabilistic possession by an individual of a certain attribute via a statistical dispositionSingle-case dispositional claims

• have their truth conditions in (intensional) limiting frequencies over possible-worlds. When these are true (/corroborated), we know (/have good reasons to believe in):

• completeness of reference class (thereby solving MRCP—without determinism), and

• the ontology of single-case dispositions (which give causal conditionals the desired explanatory power)

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Open issues

Still, when it comes to testing…


F.’s solution does not rely on (extensional) limiting frequencies, yet on other (not less) controversial assumptions. To what extent can we

• rely on (in/)stability of causal structure & dispositional strength to (dis/)confirm completeness?

• extend propensity claims corroborated within a population (where unknown causes might be ‘friendly’) to other populations/individuals?

Page 16: Fetzer’s Solution to the Reference Class Problem Causality, Probability, and Counterfactuals Lorenzo Casini Philosophy, Kent


Thank you

What is What is

your Reference

Class, darling? reference

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