fertility treatment


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Post on 14-Sep-2015




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Fertility TreatmentIntroductionFertility treatment is used when people cannot conceive naturally, usually because of a medical problem e.g. a man is not producing enough sperm, or a woman is not ovulating. There are different forms, depending on the problem. Often, couples may have to try many fertility treatments for months or years in the hope of success. It doesnt always work. It can be very expensive. However, it can bring great pleasure if it is successful. Childless couples may face the following options: IVF In Vitro Fertilisation (in glass): Egg and sperm are brought together in a test-tube. Embryo is put back inside the womans body. AI Artificial Insemination: Sperm is collected and placed in the womans uterus artificially. AIH Artificial Insemination (Husband): Artificial Insemination using the husbands healthy sperm. AID Artificial Insemination (Donor) Artificial Insemination using an anonymous donors sperm, e.g. if the husbands sperm are not healthy, or a woman has no partner. Surrogacy If a woman cannot have children, her husbands sperm is used to impregnate another woman a 3rd party. She gives birth and hands the baby back to the couple.Hindu ViewsHinduism also looks to their holy scriptures to answer questions regarding IVF treatment, below are some of the key points; Hindus believe: That the law of Manu encourages infertile couples to adopt a relative AIH and IVF are acceptable as they use sperm and egg from husband and wife The discarded embryos are not foetuses as no soul has been transferred to them AID and embryo donation are not allowed as caste is passed down through the father.