ferguson avenue baptist church - amazon s3 · 2019-04-19 · special music ˝up from the grave ......

Ferguson Avenue Baptist Church 10050 Ferguson Avenue v Savannah, Georgia 31406 FABC Elders Bob Dimmitt Pastor 912-398-4363 [email protected] Tim Wade Assoc. Pastor/ Youth 912-231-7199 [email protected] Tom Keller Assoc. Pastor/ Senior Adults 912-308-3767 [email protected] Steve Posner Elder 912-704-5617 [email protected] Church Phone: 912-355-0949 [email protected] Where Christ Is Exalted and the Fellowship Is Exciting Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019 FABC Deacons Shawn Champion 433-0098 Ron Fowler 901-409-8628 Jimmy Kicklighter (CH) 355-5616 Jack Moore 547-5000 Joe Morris 398-0125 Jay Rowe 547-5770 John Sumner 658-4186 Michael Walker 655-2497 This Week at FABC Today Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Morning Worship with Communion 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Dinner: Pork Chops 5:45 p.m. Youth & Awana 6:30 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Thursday Senior Adult Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Welcome to the celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection!

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Page 1: Ferguson Avenue Baptist Church - Amazon S3 · 2019-04-19 · Special Music ˝Up from the Grave ... Check out the signup sheet in the hall. New Security Procedures As we strive to

Ferguson Avenue Baptist Church 10050 Ferguson Avenue v Savannah, Georgia 31406

FABC Elders Bob Dimmitt Pastor 912-398-4363 [email protected] Tim Wade Assoc. Pastor/Youth 912-231-7199 [email protected] Tom Keller Assoc. Pastor/ Senior Adults 912-308-3767 [email protected] Steve Posner Elder 912-704-5617 [email protected] Church Phone: 912-355-0949 [email protected]

Where Christ Is Exalted and the Fellowship Is Exciting

Easter Sunday, Apr i l 21 , 2019

FABC Deacons

Shawn Champion 433-0098 Ron Fowler 901-409-8628 Jimmy Kicklighter (CH) 355-5616 Jack Moore 547-5000 Joe Morris 398-0125 Jay Rowe 547-5770 John Sumner 658-4186 Michael Walker 655-2497

This Week at FABC

Today Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Morning Worship with Communion 10:00 a.m.

Wednesday Dinner: Pork Chops 5:45 p.m. Youth & Awana 6:30 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Thursday Senior Adult Bible Study 10:00 a.m.

Welcome to the celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection!

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Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019

* All those who are able, please stand.


Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen

10:00 a.m.

Welcome and Announcements

* Opening Chorus & Greeting “Worthy Is the Lamb”

Words are on the back of the bulletin

* Call to Worship Mark 16:8

* Hymn #137 “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”

Prayer of General Confession Steve Posner

Isaiah 53:6-12

Special Music “Up from the Grave with Christ Arose”

Words on p. 7 to follow along

Scripture Reading Exodus 9:1-12

Napoleon Martin

Receiving of Tithes And Offerings

* Hymn #103 “One Day!”

Message Bob Dimmitt Gentle Restoration

Isaiah 42:1-4


* Hymn, below “Doxology”

Old Hundred tune

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A .M. Notes

Gentle Restoration Easter 2019 Isaiah 42:1-4 Verse 2 Shout = Cry out = Raise his voice = The intention is to create a cumulative emphasis on a_________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ John 21:14-19 Peter is a bruised reed, he feels like he is a___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Mark 14:69-72 Details of the conversation Jesus had with Peter 1. Verse 15 “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love (agapao) Me more than these?” He said to

Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love (phileo) You.” He said to him, “Feed My lambs.”

• Agapao = a love of the will

• More than these = meaning more than the other disciples. Remember that at the last supper Peter claimed that he loved Jesus more than the others. Mark 14:29-31 & Matt 26:33-35

• Peter answered- phileo - Peter was saying that he could no longer claim that he had agape love for Jesus

• Feed my lambs = baby believers need to be fed with the milk of the Word of

God. Peter fulfilled this when he wrote 1 Peter. 2. Verse 16 “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love (agapao) Me?” He said to Him, “Yes,

Lord; You know that I love (phileo) You.” He said to him, “Tend My sheep.” • Agapao = a love of the will

• More than these is dropped. Cont. on p. 4

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Announcements Wednesday Night Dinner is Pork Chops. Please sign up in the hall.

Joy Class Their next meeting is Tuesday morning, April 23, at 9:00 a.m. All ladies are in-vited.

Senior Saints’ Bible Study Thursday, April 25, at 10:00 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall.

Secret Church Friday, April 26, 7:00 p.m. Prayer, Fasting, and the Pursuit of God. There is a signup sheet in the hall. More details are on page 6.

Quarterly Meeting for April Our normal quarterly congregational meeting in April is being moved to the after-noon of April 28, due to Easter. The time for the meeting will be announced.

VBS Needs We need your old, ugly, out-dated or unneeded neckties for VBS crafts! Please bring them in before May 1. Thanks!

• Peter answered – phileo - Peter was saying that he could no longer claim that he had agapao love for Jesus, he could only claim that he love Jesus as a friend.

• Tend my sheep = the Greek word for tend is poimanaino meaning to exercise authority and oversight. Peter fulfilled this commission, as recorded in the book of Acts, which describes his activities in the early church and his au-thority as the chief of the Apostles.

3. Verse 17 “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love (phileo) Me?” Peter was grieved because

He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” and he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love (phileo) You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep.”

• “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love (phileo) Me?” This word change grieved Peter.

• Yes, Lord; phileo

• Feed my sheep = Sheep refers to older believers who need to be fed the meat of the Word of God. Peter fulfilled this when he wrote 2 Peter.

The Bruised Reed: “Are you bruised? Be of good comfort, Christ calls you. Conceal not your wounds, open all before Him and…go to Christ…There is more mercy in Him than sin in you.”

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Weekly Catechism Question

Question #100: What is Baptism? Answer: Baptism is a holy ordinance, in which immersion in the water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, signifies our being joined to Christ and our sharing the benefits of the covenant of grace, and our engagement to be the Lord’s. Scripture: Matthew 28:19; Romans 6:3-5; Colossians 2:12; Galatians 3:27.

Young Adult Bible Study Thursday, May 2, at 6:30 p.m., at the Sheffields’. Homeless Ministry Tom Keller preaches and serves lunch at the Old Savannah City Mission on the first Saturday of each month. May 4 is the next date. Contact Tom if you would like to help! Men’s Fellowship Fun Tom Keller has planned an opportunity for 12 men to go out to a shooting range in Richmond Hill to fire their pistols (no rifles or shotguns). This is sched-uled for May 11. Sign up, meet at the church at 9:30 a.m., and convoy to-gether to the range. After this, you will meet for lunch at Southern Image Res-taurant at 12:00 noon. If you miss the 12 man cutoff, or do not want to shoot, you can still meet for lunch. So sign up for that, too! Check out the signup sheet in the hall.

New Security Procedures As we strive to boldly display the light of the gospel in an increasingly hostile world, it is important that we continue to monitor our procedures and evaluate pos-sible areas which someone seeking to do us harm might exploit. To that end, based on the recommendation of law-enforcement officials, the deacon board has moved to install panic bar exits on essential points of entry into the church. These mecha-nisms will allow those within the church to exit freely in the case of an emergency, but can be locked securely so that no unauthorized persons can gain access to the church building during our times of worship. Eventually there will be three en-trances with the panic bar installations including the office entrance doors, the fel-lowship hall doors, and the hallway doors, which have already been modified. The goal of this change is to ensure the safety and security of those worshipping to-gether. There have been no specific threats against our church, but rather these changes have been made in an attempt to be proactive and prudent. The primary change that you may experience as you worship with us, is that if you have to leave the sanctuary during the worship service, you will not be able to reenter the building at any other door besides the main entrance to the sanctu-ary. Therefore, if you need to leave the sanctuary during the worship service for any reason, you will need to exit the sanctuary through the exits on either side of the stage, or through the overflow room exits. If you have any questions, please contact the church office or speak with one of the deacons, we would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Attention, Graduates! Any of you who are graduating this spring, please send your picture and a short paragraph about from where you are graduating, and your immediate and/or long-term future plans to [email protected].. We will honor our graduates on May 19, in the Eve-ning Worship service. An After Church Fellowship will follow the service.

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Our culture is constantly telling us that we can achieve anything we set our minds to. Sadly, many followers of Christ and many churches have adopted this self-sufficient mindset, relying on their own wisdom and abilities instead of relying on God. But what if we were never intended to be self-sufficient? And what if God has designed us so that our greatest satisfaction is found as we depend on Him fully for everything we need?

In Secret Church 19 we’ll take an in-depth look at the Bible’s teaching on prayer and fasting. We'll see that our inabilities and weaknesses are the very place where God meets us with His strength and sufficiency. We’ll also see that faithfulness to the mission of Christ requires depending on the Spirit of Christ. Through prayer and fasting, we demonstrate our need for God’s power and our desire for His glory.

Friday, April 26 7:00 p.m.

Secret Church

Prayer, Fasting and the Pursuit of God

Save These Dates! D3 Youth Camp June 16 - 21 Vacation Bible School June 24 - 28 Online registration is open!

Children’s Music Camp Wed. nights, July 3-Aug. 14

Children’s Camp July 22 - 25

Camp Scholarships Each year we are blessed to have many children and teens who wish to participate in our excellent summer camps. How-ever, some of them are not able to come up with all the money for costs, and therefore we offer need-based scholarships. Please consider contributing to our scholarship fund. Just mark it on the memo of your check, or on a pew envelope, if you use one. Please talk to Bob Dim-mitt, Tim Wade, Cindy Wise, or Janice Donaldson if you have any questions about these scholarships.

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Up From the Grave with Christ Arose 1. Low in the grave He lay— Jesus my Savior! Waiting the coming day— Jesus my Lord! Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Out of the grief and pain of the cross;

Chorus Up from the grave He arose, He triumphed over His foes. Love was victorious, Jesus, all glorious; Up from the grave He arose! Up from the grave He arose!

2. Death could not keep its prey— Jesus my Savior! He tore the bars away— Jesus my Lord! O hallelujah, morning has come! Hell is defeated, Heaven has won!

Chorus Bridge Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o’er His foes. He arose a Victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign!


A HUGE thank you to my friends and family who helped set up Friday for the Easter Family “Picnic” and to all the amazing people who came Saturday to serve our community and church family! Also to Joe and Trisha Morris and Danny Roberson—THANK YOU—the food was enjoyed by all! And to those who stuck around and helped clean up, you were an added blessing! It was such a joy to see the body of Christ serving, laughing and enjoying the families who showed up!! You all are awesome and are appreciated and loved! Thank you for serving Him faithfully!

Cindy Wise

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Articles Mitsuo Fuchida, from War Hero to Evangelist In December 1941 Mitsuo Fuchida led the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. When he sent up a green flare, the bombers accompanying him knew it was the moment to attack. When his plane radioed “Tora, Tora, Tora,” the Japanese knew the air attack had achieved complete surprise. For the duration of the war and for years afterward, he considered the Pearl Harbor attack the most thrilling exploit of his life. He tried to top his military success throughout the rest of World War II in at-tacking Ceylon and Australia. He also fought in the Solomon Islands and at the Battle of Midway. When it became apparent Japan would lose the war, he advo-cated fighting to the last man. Nine years after Pearl Harbor, however, newspaper headlines trumpeted, “Pearl Harbor Hero Converts to Christianity.” What had happened? When Japanese troops were disbanded, Fuchida was among them. He was dumb-founded when he learned that a war buddy had been kindly treated in American captivity. How could that be? Enemies were not supposed to be kind to each other! During the war trials following the allied victory, an American offered Fuchida a religious pamphlet in a Tokyo train station. Despite his Buddhist background, he took it because its title intrigued him: I Was a Prisoner of Japan. It was the story of Jake DeShazer whom the Japanese had cru-elly mistreated as a prisoner of war. DeShazer had been filled with hatred for his captors; but by reading the Bible he had learned to love the Japanese and after the war had become an evangelist to them. His story moved Fuchida, who purchased a Bible so he could find out for himself why DeShazer was so changed. Reading Luke’s account of the Crucifixion, Fuchida was impressed when Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” He would write later, “That on April 14, 1950, became the second ‘day to remember’ of my life. On that day, I became a new person. My complete view on life was changed by the intervention of the Christ I had always hated and ignored before.” Shortly afterward, he stood on a platform with Jake DeShazer, both men giving their testimonies. Fuchida went on to evangelize throughout the Orient. He wrote the story of his conversion in From Pearl Harbor to Golgotha. “I now work at striking the death-blow to the basic hatred which infests the human . . . . that hatred cannot be uprooted without assistance from Jesus Christ. He is the only One Who was powerful enough to change my life and inspire it with His thoughts.” Fuchida died in 1976 of complications from diabetes.

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Three Pro-Choice Contradictions Revealed by the Film Unplanned By Sean McDowell Last night I took my wife and 11-year old daughter to see the movie Unplanned. The first reason is because it’s important to support quality films like Unplanned that tell provocative, life-changing stories. If you haven’t seen it yet, please consider mak-ing time. Seriously. Stop what you’re doing, pick up your calendar, and find time to see it. I am glad I did. Second, it was an opportunity to talk with my daughter about abortion. As J. War-ner Wallace and I suggest in our soon-to-be-released book So The Next Generation Will Know, look for occasions to engage your kids in discussions about worldview. Unplanned provides a remarkable opportunity to discuss the medical, moral, and cul-tural issues surrounding abortion through the lens of a powerful, grace-filled story. Much could be said about the movie. The bottom line is that I loved it, although given how heart-wrenching it is, I may not see it again for some time. The acting was solid, the characters had emotional depth, and the producers represented people on all sides of the debate with accuracy and charity. As one tweet said regarding the film, if they hadn’t represented Planned Parenthood fairly, the movie producers would be sued for character defamation. And yet the silence is deafening. Along with telling a great story, the movie points out all sorts of tensions in the pro-choice position. Three are worth mentioning. First, as many others have observed, a 13-year old girl cannot see the movie without an adult, since it is rated R, but she can get an abortion without parental permission. I asked my 11-year old daughter what she thinks about this and she said, “So they think it’s worse to see a fake act of abortion on screen than to actually have one. That’s nuts.” Second, the movie portrays a baby shower for Abby Johnson in the Planned Par-enthood clinic (while she was the director at Planned Parenthood) after a long day in which dozens of abortions were performed in the same clinic. The movie does not demonize the workers, but simply portrays the cognitive dissonance (and blindness) many pro-choicers must adopt to simultaneously destroy and celebrate unborn life. Third, the Motion Picture Association of America gave Unplanned an R rating. This strikes me as curious. After all, movies get an R rating for four reasons: sex, nudity, foul language, and violence. Of these four, Unplanned has only violence, which is an abortion scene depicted through an ultrasound. But here’s the oddity. According to Hollywood, abortion does not involve the de-struction of a human life, but merely the removal of tissue. Thus, if abortion is merely a surgical procedure, why would it be considered an act of violence? But on the other hand, if it is an act of violence, then the unborn cannot be considered merely a blob of tissue. Here’s the bottom line: Either the unborn is human, and the movie deserves an R rating for violence. Or the unborn is not human, and so deserves a PG rating. The choice of an R rating suggests the MPAA knows abortion really is the destruction of a human life. Much more could be said about the movie. I really hope you will go see it soon.

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Missionary of the Week

Mario & Elizabeta Kushner Croatia

Mario is a graduate of the Theological Biblical Academy, where Kris Brackett is a professor. He and his wife, Elizabeta, are planting a church in the Croatian town of Virovitica. This letter is a response to a request for prayer items. We are both well. Tired, but healthy. Our newsletter is long overdue. There has been a lot going on. Elizabeta's sister’s husband wants a divorce which came as a shock to all of us. Fortunately, during all this, we again witnessed to Elizabeta’s sister and she got saved! They have two daughters (ages 6 and 8). Please pray for all of them. We have been getting some new people coming to our Sunday services and Wednesday Bible Study/prayer meetings. Yesterday, we had an evangelistic seminar on Bible and science and a few new people showed up. Tomorrow we will have a quilting workshop for women (also for evangelism). So, please pray for all these new contacts. The saints seem to be growing in desire to serve more and to study the Bible more, so please pray for them also. I am thinking about starting a Sunday School, which is not that common in Croatia. I know the church needs it, and it would be very beneficial. Please, pray for me — for wisdom to know how to plan and organize it, and how to present it (that people would accept it). One of our buildings is becoming a safety hazard and we need to demolish it (it is also an eyesore almost in the center of the town, and we would like to re-pair our reputation). These past few days we have been contacting two demo companies to give us quotes. So far one company said they can do it for $8,000. Please, pray that we can raise the necessary money. Elizabeta’s work is not going that well (it has been getting increasingly stress-ful and they have not be getting enough new clients), so she has been looking for a new job. Please pray for that also. Since we rent a 15ftx15ft studio apartment, we have been looking for a bigger place. We have actually had our eye on a small piece of land at the edge of the town. We are trying to find out if it's for sale. Please pray that we can buy that or some other property (as it's getting too hard to rent something decent). Since our county is the third poorest in Croatia, real estate is not that expensive. We have some money saved, but not a lot, so please pray that we find something we could afford. I think that is all. I would like to send our newsletter soon with more details. Please thank the church for your support in prayers and in finances. We really appreciate it a lot!

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Sunday School Classes & Descriptions

Adult “Revelation” - Organ Side Overflow

Room: Matt Coleman “Chronological Survey of the Bible” -

Fellowship Hall: Bob Dimmitt “Hebrews” - Youth House: Steve Posner. Women Who Met the Master - Room 28:

Tamera Smith. Women’s Class. Students & Children Babies - Room 3: Kay Stanford & Saundra

Bridges 1s & 2s - Room 24: Michael & Ruth Klein-

peter/ Kamee Roberson 3s & 4s - Room 25: Emily Wise, Susan Su,

Savannah Stanford, Haley Bull Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade - Room

200: John & Pam Humphrey 3rd-6th Grade Boys - Room 202: Richie

Mills 3rd-6th Grade Girls - Room 204: Mary

Ann Fowler, Amy Horton Youth Guys - Room 206: Tim Wade,

Bobby Deloach, Shawn Champion Youth Girls - Room 208: Sona Bailey,

Jessica Dimmitt, & Lauren Wade

Bible Reading Schedule April 2019

1 Judges 6-7

2 Judges 8-9

3 Judges 10-12

4 Judges 13-15

5 Judges 16-18

6 Judges 19-21

7 Ruth

8 1 Samuel 1-3

9 1 Samuel 4-8

10 1 Samuel 9-12

11 1 Samuel 13-14

12 1 Samuel 15-17

13 1 Sam. 18-20; Ps. 11, 59

14 1 Samuel 21-24

15 Psalms 7, 27, 31, 34, 52

16 Psalms 56, 120, 140-142

17 1 Samuel 25-27

18 Psalms 17, 35, 54, 63

19 1 Samuel 28-31; Psalms 18

20 Ps. 121, 123-125, 128-130

21 2 Samuel 1-4

22 Ps. 6, 8-10, 14, 16, 19, 21

23 1 Chronicles 1-2

24 Ps. 43-45, 49, 84-85, 87

25 1 Chronicles 3-5

26 Psalms 73, 77-78

27 1 Chronicles 6

28 Psalms 81, 88, 92-93

29 1 Chronicles 7-10

30 Psalms 102-104

I solation is an indicator that a Chris-tian has or is turning to another (idol) instead of God to meet a felt need or

desire. Whether abrupt or gradual isolat-ing oneself from other believers (and people in general) characterizes the life of an idol worshipper. We cringe inside at the prospect of having our sin ex-posed, so we hide. Isolation is a way to avoid confrontation. An idolator doesn’t want anyone interfering and threatening to take away their false god.

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Nursery April 21 10:00 A.M.

Babies: Mary Fowler, Kay Stanford,

Pam Sarhan Toddlers - 4 year olds:

Jimmy & Tammy Kicklighter/ Mike & Elinor Morris

6:00 P.M. No Evening Service

Nursery April 28

10:30 A.M. Babies:

Shelma Lewis, Jeanie Groover, Linda Walker

Toddlers - 4 year olds: Lisa & Addisyn Rowe/

Lauren Rowe, Myri Hymon 6:00 P.M.

Heather Schraeder, Trisha Sumner, Bethany Humphrey

Ushers April 21 10:00 A.M.

Billy Waters, Johnny Bridges, Reggie Brown, Ron Fowler

6:00 P.M. No Evening Service

Ushers April 28 10:30 A.M.

Bucky Lanier, Jack Moore, Mike Morris, Danny Roberson

6:00 P.M. Jay Rowe, Jimmy Donaldson

Sunday Greeters - April 21 Leasa Brown, Becky Hendricks

April Lock-Up Deacons John Sumner, Michael Walker

Worthy Is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb that was slain; Worthy is the Lamb that was slain. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain,

to receive Power and riches and wisdom and

strength Honor and glory and blessing! Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain. Worthy is the Lamb!

For Hearing Impaired If you have difficulties hearing, we have listening aid devices available. Ask any of the ushers, or the technician in the sound booth, if you are in need of one of these devices.

If you have any questions concerning the message from today, or are

interested in obtaining information about church membership, please see any of the pastors after the service,

drop a note in the offering plate indicating your desire to talk with a

pastor, or call the church office.

� Video and audio recordings of the

messages are available for listening or downloading from
