feel good biochemistry: introduction

EDITED BY Nancy Mullan , MD WRITTEN BY Dr. Amy Yasko Ph.D., NHD, AMD, HHP, FAAIM

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An excerpt from my latest book, Feel Good Biochemistry!Written by Dr. Amy Yasko, Ph.D., NHD, AMD, HHP, FAAIM and edited by Nancy Mullan, MD



    Nancy Mullan, MD


    Dr. Amy Yasko Ph.D., NHD, AMD, HHP, FAAIM

  • Introduction: Why biochemical testing?

    Feel Good Biochemistry is a book that allows you to take control and chart your own path

    to health and wellness. Unlike my other books, it is not a book that you read all the way

    through once, garner the necessary information, and set aside. This book is meant to be

    an interactive guide that you refer to frequently, more like a dictionary or the GPS in your

    car. It is intended to help you and your doctor know how to proceed when you get a test

    result back. It explains what I would do if I were commenting on your tests, and gives you

    the science and the rationale that is behind my thinking.

    Your unique DNA, and the traits defined by the genes in that DNA is something that has

    been inherited from your biological parents. While your DNA does not change over time,

    the ability to turn on or off the genes within your DNA is affected by external factors

    including diet, toxins, and nutrients.

    Nutrigenomics includes the study of how nutrients may turn on or off specific genes to

    alter the risk of health issues. Nutrigenomic testing is a measure of imbalances, or

    mutations in the DNA of these nutritional pathways, that in turn influence the ability to turn

    on or off your genes.

    Nutrigenomic SNP testing is something you run only once in your lifetime. The Feel Good

    Nutrigenomics book that I have written, describes in detail the value of nutrigenomic

    testing, and approaches supplementation based on nutrigenomic data. I have also shared

    a computer based program for looking at SNPs that is available online at no cost through

    www.knowyourgenetics.com. Additional information about nutrigenomics, as well as

    biochemical testing, is available in the DVD series that covers both of these topics


    Nutrigenomic data is just one piece of a larger puzzle that relates to health. The

    comprehensive program that I introduced assumes that underlying genetic susceptibility,

    infectious agents (virus, bacteria, yeast), environmental toxins (mercury, aluminum,

  • cadmium, lead etc), and stress, all impact your health. The idea behind the program is

    not only to look at SNPs, but also to work with your own doctor to run a variety of non-

    invasive tests that are designed to detect imbalances in your biochemical pathways, and

    to address those imbalances with natural supports and dietary choices. The goal is to

    address underlying issues, not just band aid symptoms.

    I view biochemical tests as signs along a highway. They let you know where you are in

    your journey towards optimal function, and how much further you need to go to reach

    your goal. Many individuals run nutrigenomic testing to see where the imbalances are in

    their Methylation Cycle. They then add what appears to be appropriate supplementation

    based on those nutrigenomic results to support the short cut and the long route around the

    cycle. Then they ask me on the discussion group what they should add next. My question

    to them is always, What are your biochemical tests looking like? Asking me what to do

    next without running biochemical testing is like being on your way from your hometown

    to my rural town in Maine, and calling me to ask what route to take. How can you ask

    which route to take if you cannot answer where you are located? How can you ask how

    much longer your trip will take if you dont know where you are on the Roadmap? This

    program can help you to plot your Roadmap to Health, but you need to have a sense of

    where you are in order to know what step to take next.

    Nutrigenomic testing is a wonderful place to begin as it indicates specific

    supplementation to bypass mutations that are identified by SNP testing. But the next

    critical piece is to be sure you are running biochemical tests to be sure the support you

    are adding is sufficient and having the impact you desire. Biochemical tests are the

    signposts along the highway on your Roadmap to Health. You can get started on your

    journey without nutrigenomic testing, however, it is virtually impossible to know where

    you are on the path to health without running biochemical testing.

    The purpose of biochemical testing is to follow up on the supplementation you are using

    based on nutrigenomic testing. While you would not want to try to get along without

    nutrigenomic testing, especially if your illness is significant, biochemical testing might be

  • considered even more clarifying than nutrigenomic testing. If you have not run a

    nutrigenomic test, you can still get a sense of where you are on your Roadmap to Health

    by running biochemical tests. Regardless of whether or not you have nutrigenomic SNP

    data, regular biochemical testing lets you know where you are and what supplements

    may make a positive impact for you. Nutrigenomic SNP testing gives you an idea about

    your underlying genetic weaknesses, but sequential biochemical testing gives you

    indispensable feedback on how well your current nutritional support is working.

    Unlike DNA based SNP testing, follow up biochemical testing is something you should

    run routinely to check that the supplementation you are using is actually making a


    The tests I work from are noninvasive in nature and can be run from the privacy of your

    own home. I find that there is much better compliance when you have control over when

    and where you take a test. You can also run additional blood tests with your own doctor

    to supplement the results from urine, hair and fecal testing.

    The information contained in this book represents an approach to interpreting test results

    that is based upon a significant background in molecular biology and genetics. It is

    reflective of my conviction that physical manifestations, such as symptoms and behavior,

    have their origins in biochemistry. Those origins can be discovered and addressed,

    giving you greater control over your own health and overall sense of wellbeing.

    This book systematically goes through the various biochemical tests that I use for my

    protocol. It steps you through how to use these tests to guide your supplement choices.

    This program is designed to be implemented in conjunction with your doctor, to help you

    and your doctor understand how to use biochemical test data to guide supplementation

    choices in order to customize this program for your optimal health.

    My hope for this book is that it helps each one of you achieve your maximum possible

    health and wellness. Many of the adults looking toward this protocol have been sick for

  • ten or twenty years, having tried most of the options available, and come to this program

    on only a very thin thread of hope. Others reading this book have children on the autism

    spectrum and have been depleted emotionally and financially without significant

    progress. My goal is to give all of you hope, and the guidance necessary so that you can

    implement this program with the help of your own doctor

    For those of you reading this book merely looking to increase your lifespan or for

    prevention, I am thrilled that you are not dealing with chronic illness, and I expect this

    book will help you and your doctor to choose supplements based on biochemical testing

    to address longevity and overall health.

    At this point, we have almost 70 thousand individuals on my facebook page worldwide,

    and almost 20 thousand following the program on the chat group. Those individuals

    include adults with a range of health problems including CFS, FM, POTS, MS, ALS,

    Lupus, and depression, as well as younger individuals with autism, ADD, ADHD, bipolar

    disorder and schizophrenia. I am filled with love and hope for health for all of you, and I

    extend those wishes to anyone reading this book. It is my hope that by sharing my

    rationale behind supplement suggestions based on biochemical testing, it will enable you

    with your doctor to achieve the health you desire.

    With love and hope for health always, Dr. Amy
