feed your brain magazine --manifesto for freedom

www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com Unfortunately, most people have believed the lie that government exists to take on the responsibility of looking after the People. The People have been sold an image of government as some kindly entity which somehow looks after everyone in the nation no matter if they be young or old. This lie is the result of aeons of PROPAGANDA which has been perpetrated by the royal-political elite, who use pomp and circumstance, parades, fly-bys, flag waving, national anthems, patriotism, royal weddings and kissing of babies as a tool to fool people into thinking that they have some kind of Group Membership to a Nation which has at its head either a king, queen or president that represents their wishes and protects their families. Its a lie... Written, Compiled & Edited by CHRIS EVERARD British Film Director & Editor of Feed Your Brain Magazine your mind is a muscle... use it or lose it FYB Inspiring Compassionate Government for a World in Crisis With contributions from members of the Public, social activists, NGOs, authors and independent political parties FYB feed your brain magazine.com MANIFESTO for FREEDOM FeedYourBrainMagazine.com

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Page 1: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom


Unfortunately, most people have believed the lie that government exists to take on the responsibility of looking after the People. The People have been sold an image of government as some kindly entity which somehow looks after everyone in the nation no matter if they be young or old. This lie is the result of aeons of PROPAGANDA which has been perpetrated by the royal-political elite, who use pomp and circumstance, parades, fly-bys, flag waving, national anthems, patriotism, royal weddings and kissing of babies as a tool to fool people into thinking that they have some kind of Group Membership to a Nation which has at its head either a king, queen or president that represents their wishes and protects their families. Its a lie...


Compiled &

Edited by



British Film

Director &

Editor of Feed

Your Brain




Inspiring Compassionate Government for a World in Crisis

With contributions from members of the Public, social activists, NGOs, authors and independent political parties






Page 2: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

page 002 All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly

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Unfortunately, most people have believed the lie that government exists to take on the responsibility of looking after the People. The People have been sold an image of government as some kindly entity which somehow looks after everyone in the nation no matter if they be young or old. This lie is the result of aeons of PROPAGANDA which has been perpetrated by the royal-political elite, who use pomp and circumstance, parades, fly-bys, flag waving, national anthems, patriotism, royal weddings and kissing of babies as a tool to fool people into thinking that they have some kind of Group Membership to a Nation which has at its head either a king, queen or president that represents their wishes and protects their families. Its a lie...

Page 3: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

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All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly

“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it”


Page 4: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly

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“Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement. People do not make wars; governments do.”


“Torture is - and always has been - the Hallmark of a REGIME which is exploiting natural resources and refusing to share the planet’s wealth with The People.”


Page 5: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

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All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly

“Our form of democracy is bribery, on the highest scale.”GOREVIDAL

Lord Jeffrey Archer, seen here leaving prison, formerly known as prisoner FF8282, is now free after his release on parole half way through a four-year sentence. His choice of multi-million pound Thames-side flat as his "designated address" where, under the terms of his parole, he will be forced to live could indicate that he attempts to re-establish himself in the capital's political and social scene. His penthouse flat on the Albert Embankment was the scene of his champagne and shepherd's pie parties for influential journalists, top politicians and other movers and shakers.





Page 6: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

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All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly


“Power never takes a back step - only in the face of more power.”






Launched at the start of the current ‘recession’ the special edition BUGATTI VEYRON, priced at $2million had a waiting list of customers!

Page 7: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

page 007



All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly



Lembit Opik, the British Liberal Democrat housing spokesman, was forced to pay £2,499 for a 42” plasma television himself after he bought it at the tax payers’ expense.

Mr Opik, who is renowned for his high-profile relationships with Cheeky Girls, bought the television with money from tax payers in his constituency of Montgomeryshire, Wales. Twelve days later, he was re-elected with an increased majority, but by then it was too late... The EXPENSES FRAUDS of British of Members of Parliament had been exposed in the Media.

Opik’s claim for the TV which he installed in his flat in London (which he purchased in 1997), was reduced by £2,499. An official in the Commons fees office annotated his claim form with the words “NOT ALLOWED (purchased during dissolution)”. Mr Opik has claimed a total of £68,031 for the flat since 2004. Last year, he claimed £12,655 for extensive renovation work. This included a new kitchen, repainting throughout and the installation of wooden flooring in his bedroom.

British Member of Parliament, Neil Hamilton, first came to public attention over the ‘cash for questions’ scandal. He went to court to try to salvage a reputation that had become synonymous with Tory "sleaze"; The Media deliberately used the word ‘sleaze’ instead of ‘CORRUPTION’. The former MP had wanted to clear his name of accusations that he had accepted envelopes stuffed with cash from Harrods boss Mohamed Al Fayed in exchange for asking parliamentary questions. The allegations effectively ended his ministerial career and led to Mr Hamilton becoming a political pariah even to many of his Conservative Party colleagues. (source: BBC)


Page 8: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

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All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly



By reducing the retirement age to 50, it will radically change the face of POLITICS. Most of the MPs and most of the LORDS will be retired - replaced by younger candidates. Criminal MPs such as Douglas Hogg will no longer be employed. Hogg, the former agriculture secretary, submitted a claim form including more than £2,000 for the moat around his country estate to be cleared. The taxpayer also helped meet the cost of a full-time housekeeper, including her car. The public finances also helped pay for work to Mr Hogg’s stables and for his piano to be tuned.

A staggering £168,889 was claimed during a 12 month period by British Member of Parliament Claire Curtis-Thomas, who scrwed the tax-payers of Crosby & the UK, whilst Siobhain McDonagh, supposedly representing the People of Mitcham and Mordern, spent more than £40,000 on “paper and postage” to write to her constituents.

Every single MP over the age of 50, the Speaker, the secretaries, the family members employed by the them, the law lords, judges et al will all be retired at 50. There will be no bonus paid for these people who have worked in government. Instead, a daily consulting fee set at £50, plus an allowance for public transport costs of £50 will be paid to former Commons & Lords members who wish to continue serving the Nation as advisors to new MPs.

Page 9: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

page 009www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com

All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly

Business owners are under great pressure from within and

outside their companies. Many employers are worried about

having their best employees !Head Hunted" and also concerned

that company assets will be stolen, or company secrets will be

sold by employees. Clearly, there is too much of a gap between

the TOP SALARIES of directors and key employees who have

served at least four years service with the company. EVERYONE

- including the bosses - owe EACHOTHER the best possible

workplace environment and the best possible WAGES for the

work done. By offering a BONUS-PENSION, employees will be

more keen to stay loyal and work harder for their bosses - as they

will receive a Bonus which is directly related to the size of their

bosses" wage packets when they retire.

CHARITIES: Many multinational companies are actually masquerading as charities, paying their bosses enormous wages. All charities which have paid ANY member of staff more than £30,000 per annum in the previous five years will be have their charity registration dissolved and will be taxed on donations from the previous five years.

UTILITY BOSSES: Any boss of any previously government/state owned UTILITY company will no longer be able to claim expenses or salaries which are higher than 20% of the average weekly wage of the workforce.

MEET YOUR NEW Members of Parliament


Page 10: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

page 010 © FeedYourBrainMagazine.com

page 011 © Chris Everard 2010 - www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com

All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly


The FUTURE is HERE. It is already the 21st Century. But people are still travelling on train tracks paid for by the taxes of their great grandparents! Clearly, new technology must be used to improve Public Transport.



Page 11: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

page 011 © Chris Everard 2010 - www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com

All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly


Government representatives have clearly been swindling the public and failing to invest tax into new transport technology. Governments have ‘stolen the future’. Now it’s time for Mag-Lev SKY-POD trains to REPLACE conventional rolling stock.

SkyPod MagLev technology will free up hundreds - maybe thousands - of acres of land in urban environments. With capsule on single direction above ground tracks running at speeds in excess of 300MPH, perhaps as fast as 600MPH, workers will be able to commute vast distances quickly & safely.



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All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly


BEFORE: concrete tower blocks endanger people’s

lives and are prone to fire catastrophes...

AFTER: with the addition of rainwater catchment systems

and solar panels, towerblocks can be vacated and used as

hydroponic rearing stations - growing fruits and vegetables for the local community who

once lived in the tower blocks. The City Allotments can then be populated with


Old tower blocks can swiftly have a FACELIFT!

Page 13: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

page 013www.FeedYourBrainMagazine.com

All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly

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“...There are advantages to being elected President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret!”


Page 14: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

page 014 © Chris Everard - Feed Your Brain Magazine.com

All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly

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A greater range of subjects will be taught, with new

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Creative Writing, Architecture & Astronomy. The expansion of the syllabus will mean that the school day is longer than it is now. The longer school day will mean that parents are freer to work overtime,

and because pupils will be taught at home, and will

often only have to walk to a neighbour's house, there is a

reduced risk of danger for each pupil.

Instead of eating junk food at Fast Food restaurants, standing around smoking and getting ill during break-times spent in windswept concrete wastelands, children will be taught at home - and the home’s of their friends - under the supervision of parents. Each parent will be trained in how to run a home school. Children will cook their own meals and do their own washing up. Specialist subjects such as Flying, Agricultural Machinery, Geology & Astronomy will be taught at an earlier age in new technology colleges.

MANIFESTO for FREEDOMFeed Your Brain Magazine.com

Page 15: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly

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Many pensioners have suffered in lonely towerblocks - a lot of this social stigma is their own doing - bad relations with children often result in a dull and meaningless retirement. However, many bad relations with children occur due to external pressures - such as lack of finance in the home, or influence from morbid and violent TV Soap Operas. Clearly, a Pensioners Ministry is needed which will look after the elderly.

Page 16: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly

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Page 17: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly

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the enigma channel



WILD BOAR, foraging in forests, and rare breed Chickens who feed naturally in organic farms are far healthier - which means that if they are eaten, there is less chance of contracting BSE, or salmonella.


Page 18: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly

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the enigma channel




Page 19: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly



MINIMAL POLLUTION. All my DVDs are available from here:


page 019 © Chris Everard 2010


EXPEDITION to EGYPT:I shall present talks and film screenings which discuss the following fascinating points of interest:

• The OGDOAD Amphibian-Humanoid-Reptilian Gods of Chaos & Creation

• Cocaine Mummies & The Hallucinogenic Roots of Ancient Egyptian Mysticism

• The Third Eye

• The Creator God - Master of Genetics

• The Pantheon of Lesser Gods, Angels and Spirits

• The Testicles of God: Sex Magick in the Ancient World

• Sun Cycles & Fertility

• Elongated Skulls & Genetic Interbreeding of the Royal Elite

• Sirius & the Satanic Left Hand Path of Black Magick in Antiquity

PLUS: We shall take part in a Chakra Cleansing Ritual - a Great Exorcism of the GIZA PLATEAU - clearing the entire site of negative demonic entities which were invoked and summoned to the Kings Chamber in 1904 - thus neutralizing the very CORE of the most important monument to the Occultically-inspired Royal-Political Elite.



CHRIS EVERARD, that’s me, shall host this expedition - which shall take place soon. We shall be staying with Egyptian families who run their own private guesthouses, eating, travelling and sharing our experience with real Egyptians from the local areas which we visit. We shall also charter a boat

and for the last part of the expedition travel along the Nile. We shall visit not only the Giza plateau, but also travel to many other important temples. The cost of the expedition will be posted

up on the enigma channel’s cyberstore page soon. The cost will include many meals and entrance fees to the various ancient sites and all your accommodation - the only additional cost you will only

have to pay is for your flight to the designated meeting point which will be published in due course.


“I use the proceeds from the 4 hour documentary I made about the assassination of Princess Diana to subsidise


on the enigma channel website for dates on the next courses”.


Page 20: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

No part of this article may be used without the written permission of Christopher Everard - all rights reserved - © Christopher Everard 2009

& 2010. All official subscribers may reproduce articles written by Christopher Everard on their own websites and blog pages - as long as

an active link to http://www.EnigmaTV.com is displayed in a prominent place on the website and a written letter of permission has been

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All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly

My films, as you can see from what I explain in this booklet, often contain images and information which

are TOTALLY UNSUITABLE for CHILDREN - please do not ‘Video Share’ my films to web-pages where children may see them - my films are totally unsuitable viewing for children and have been made for a MATURE audience. As I have explained, in the wrong hands, this information can lead to serious demonic possession and chaos - YouTube is not an ‘intellectual sewer’ where you should dump my kind of film. Please report anyone who has uploaded my films onto websites which might be viewed by children. ©

copyright Christopher Everard 2010

page 020 © Chris Everard 2010


MESSAGE OF THANKS: I would like to personally thank each and everyone of the global readership of FEED YOUR BRAIN MAGAZINE - my magazine has been

greeted with enthusiasm from many thousands of readers worldwide and I have already invested in creating an Italian and German language version of FEED YOUR BRAIN MAGAZINE. I must thank all of the readers for their patience in waiting for me to complete my new film which has been specifically produced for the annual subscribers to my magazine. I have travelled many thousands of miles making my new film which will be sent to all of you on DVD - or you will be provided with a viewing pass to watch it in HD quality online. I am hosting some free events worldwide and also hosting an expedition to EGYPT - so I look forward to possibly meeting many of you in the very near future. I have started the shipping of SUPERSTATE which I am doing as ecologically as possible - my

deliveries to the local sorting office are being done by bike! Thankyou for your patience - and I hope you thoroughly enjoy my new film.

“I use the proceeds from the 4 hour documentary I made about the assassination of Princess Diana to subsidise


on the enigma channel website for dates on the next courses”.



Page 21: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly

Page 22: Feed Your Brain Magazine --Manifesto for Freedom

All historical evidence points to the fact that no government actually exists to protect the health, wealth or nationhood of the People. All historical evidence points to the fact that government exists as an instrument of the royal-political elite in order to TAX the health, wealth and nationhood of the people. Very often, the president or monarch are not even from families which originate in the land which they rule (a good example are the European royal families on the throne of Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden and Britain - who all emanate from Bavaria). The Media, which is almost exclusively owned by a tiny number of individuals who are loyal to the aims of the royal political elite promote the idea that via debate and elections, the People have some influence over the royal political elite. The media reinforces a view that the government exists in order to take on the responsibility of serving and protecting the People. The People have been sold the idea that because they have a government, then the responsibility of caring for their nation is being taken care of by the government. The People do not realise that by allowing a government of - usually - wealthy individuals who play the role of politicians - to run a government 'for' the People, that this encumbers the People with a greater responsibility - and that is to carefully scrutinise and monitor the activities of the government.

That scrutiny of government is not actually taking place. Indeed it is blocked by the fact that there are no mechanisms in place for a member of the public to stroll into, say, the Pentagon, or Number 10 Downing Street and eavesdrop and comment on the policies and

decisions which are taking place therein. For the most part, all government meetings and decisions are taken without the consent or knowledge of the People. All policies are designed and implemented without consulting the People. Taxes are imposed in order to squeeze money from the wage packets and bank accounts

of the People in order to finance various policies which are designed and imposed without there being any consultation with the People.

At the moment, there does not exist in the world a government which is honestly serving its People. Governments are following orders from the aristocratic-royal-corporate elite who have instigated a modern program of cutting pensions, reducing benefits for the poor an disabled, winding down public healthcare in favour of medicare and private insurance, holding back on the purchasing of new transportation systems, providing inadequate equipment for fire-fighters, closing hospitals and schools and charging students fees to attend further education. At the same time, taxes are being increased at such a fast rate - being, in effect doubled every four years - that it has caused massive hardship. These periods of exacerbated hardship have become labelled as 'recessions'.

The Media refer to these recessions as if they appear in nation economies from nowhere - as if they are some familiar ghost which occasionally haunts the People and then vanish, only to return once more a decade or so later. This tactic of failing to report faithfully that the royal-political elite are increasing and inventing ever more taxes in which to put the People under more and more hardship whilst simultaneously cutting back any benefits which the government offers the People is deliberately never clearly explained on radio or television or in newspapers. Right now, the EU Superstate is forcing the people of Ireland and Greece to undergo 'Austerity Policies' - that is, taxing them even more whilst cutting back any benefits paid to pensioners, students and the unemployed poor.

So, where is all the tax-payer's money going? Where is all this increased tax revenue demanded by the royal-political elite ending

up? The simple answer is; WAR. The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of new weapons and the burden of employing vast numbers of military staff worldwide, since the year 2000, has cost the People more money than has ever been spent on healthcare or schools since the year 1900. The Iraq

and Afghanistan occupation is costing $3 trillion. More than $4 trillion has actually been spent, or 'lost' and is unaccounted for from the Pentagon (see the TV reports on The Enigma Channel for more information). The other major cost which the ever increasing tax is being spent on is the living expenses, luxury homes, vehicles, state banquets, public coronations, inaugurations and even weddings of the royal-political elite themselves. In order to quell any analysis and subsequent revolution and real grassroots political change, the royal-political elite are employing new technologies in order to give the impression that the war machine is being scaled down. Unmanned aircraft, tanks and other weapons which are driven or flown by robots will soon save the government a huge amount of money. Battlefields with marauding robots that kill 24-7 and machines that eat and recycle corpses will replace traditional military personnel (see this cybernetic military equipment for yourself in my film SUPERSTATE - enigmaTV.com).

The New Underclass... The People's traditional apparatus of Wage Councils and Trades Unions who have taken on the role of negotiating a Better Deal with the government or corporations have effectively been outlawed, banned from the workplace or simply ignored. The People no longer have any political party fighting their corner. There is no longer any difference between labour, conservative, democrat or republican - all political parties are managed by professional politicians who are distantly related to the Royal-Political elite of Britain and Bavaria; that is, primarily the House of Saxe Coburg und Gotha (known as the ‘Windsors’) and the House of Schleisweg Holstein - these two families presently occupy nearly every throne in Europe. None of them have so far made any statement protecting the rights of the low-waged. There is no organisation currently representing the aspirations of the People. There is no manifesto, nor life-code which is universally known or accepted which protects the People from the ever increasing taxes to fund a never ending series of enforced invasions and occupations which are staged in order to steal and asset-strip natural resources - such as oil - from nations which are inhabited by - mostly - brown-skinned people.

The American comedian and social commentator, George Carlin, used humour to point out that the USA has only bombed one nation in recent years that was not populated by brown-skinned people; NAZI Germany. Mr. Carlin correctly identified the fact that it is Asiatic and brown-skinned nations who have more often than not been the target of smart bombs and propaganda. A large diaspora of homeless people, bombed out of their homes by the USA and British troops have been forced to find a better life by emigrating abroad. It is now not uncommon to see people from Somalia, Iraq, Vietnam & Afghanistan in your local shopping mall. Immigrant families from the Arabian and Muslim nations have had an extra burden placed upon them and that is the stigma of being suspected as 'terrorists'. Her Majesty's government recently paid nearly £50 million pounds to a group of innocent men from Tipton in northern England who had been arrested after attending a family member's wedding in Pakistan and flown to the Guantanamo Bay CAMP X-RAY facility, where British MI6 intelligence officers pretended to be American military officers, faked American accents and oversaw the torture and interrogation of the Englishmen. Faked Photoshop images of the captured men, with images of their heads being pasted into crowd photos which allegedly featured Osama Bin Laden, were used to attain false confessions. Clearly, this episode proves that the royal-political-military elite are racist and aspire to engineer terrorist attacks and blame these on a non existent group of 'terrorists'. Meanwhile, there has been a loose-knit grassroots plan by many brown-skinned people to emigrate into western countries. Once there, many of these immigrant families give birth to as many children as possible - thus hoping to gain some kind of future influence and demographic foothold in their newly chosen home-nations. For example, Hispanic immigrants in the USA are now breeding families with a typical number of offspring being 3+ children per household. There is actually a term for these Hispanic babies born in the USA, they are known as "Anchor Babies". Moroccan families all over Europe - who mostly have emigrated from Morocco - are seeding their families with a 'minimum' of 4 children. In some cases, Émigré families are giving birth to 8, 9 or even 10 children. This strategy to change the race-demographics of a nation by breeding more Catholic-Hispanic children, or breeding more Muslims in Anglo-Saxon Europe will indeed result in a major social change within the next 18 years or so. Foremost of these is that resentment from the indigenous Anglo Saxon European Establishment will boil over into rampant, government-condoned racism. Nations, such as France, who already suffer from internal white-on-white racism and economic collapse due to a corrupt government regime, discriminate against brown-skinned people and it is almost impossible for the immigrant families to find employment in France. In Britain, the royal political elite have plans to terminate Job Seeker's Allowance, housing benefits and Unemployment Benefits so that the new influx of brown-skinned immigrant families will have to take any job offered - at any low pay rate. At the best, employment as 'security personnel' in supermarkets, traffic wardens, call centres or driving busses is the only level of employment brown-skinned people can realistically attain in the racist recession-ravaged economies of the USA, Canada and Europe. The ‘Minimum Wage’ in Britain is a farce. Seven days’ minimum wages are not sufficient to buy the average lunch served in the House of Commons dining room. This manifesto seeks to solve these problems.

As the brown-skinned immigrant families integrate and inter-marry with Anglo-Saxon communities, within the next 36 years, there will be a second generation of light-brown-skinned people in the USA, Canada and Europe who will be numerous and unfortunately very, very poor due to the reasons outlined above. The almost exclusively white royal-political elite will have succeeded in creating an impoverished under-class of light-brown-skinned people who are unable to achieve high social ranking or employment, who are forced to accept low paid jobs because of the cuts in welfare benefits and who - because of their skin colour and appearance - can be easily recognised by police who have been equipped with advanced technology, body scanners, biometric face-recognition systems and semi-automatic weapons. In fact, the police forces in the USA, Canada and Europe have been promoted to a new racist role of a high-tech 'gestapo' protecting the royal political elite. A viscous circle has ensued, with politicians - who invariably enjoy immunity from prosecution - stealing money from the public purse. The, mostly, white Anglo-Saxon middle classes will essentially dwindle. The immigrant populations who have been attracted to the western European nations, USA and Canada, will often forget their cultural heritage. Social and family traditions, languages and skills will be usurped through the seduction of consumerism and exposure to soap operas and TV commercials. The People will be under increased pressure to publicly and politically support the invasion of more nations rich in natural resources, such as crude oil, which will be used by the American-Bavarian-British royal-political elite to service the ever growing population and thirst for hydro-carbon fuels that provides the corporate elite with the ability to manufacture and transport consumer goods.

The suggested policies in the following manifesto are designed to solve

many of the problems now facing Mankind.

PART ONE New Employment Policies for Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & the Commonwealth Nations:

INCREASING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Nearly every one of the following policies proposed in this manifesto will greatly increase job opportunities - real opportunities:

At the moment, giant corporations are getting bigger and bigger, buying up their competitors, and bribing local authority councillors, mayors and members of Senate and Parliament to dump legislation which curbs their insatiable appetite for owning all the major brands on the High street and in our shopping malls. Already, the effect of this covert coup on free trade has left us with shopping malls which are Xerox copies of one another, offering little or no choice for the consumer, effecting a virtual cartel. Parking restrictions are being placed by local authorities on roads where small businesses are clinging on to what trade is left. Meanwhile, previously public spaces - even major roads - are being re-routed, driving traffic into giant shopping malls & supermarkets where the seemingly grandiose selection of shops is actually owned by just a handful of mega corporations.

With regards to the Media, in Italy and elsewhere, we have just three or four mega-corporations supplying and therefore controlling all Newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio News Feeds. Some of the proprietors of these Media Monopolies are now Heads of State - such as in Italy. The massaging of public opinion, the censoring of news stories involving corrupt governments, and corrupt monopolies and utility companies, the over simplification of geopolitical issues and the ignoring of grassroots movements and customer’s gripes are problems which are all addressed in this Manifesto's policies presented herein:

INCREASING JOB STABILITY: The 'recession' which commenced in 2008, has been forensically examined by several financial analysts who have concluded that Tax Rises were responsible for triggering a meltdown in the Economy of the USA and Britain. It is now agreed amongst many investigators and financial commentators that 'recessions' are cooked up by raising taxes for residents and small businesses. In a "Boom 'n' Bust" system, workers are unwilling to ask for pay raises even when their commitment and quality of work has been exceptional. It is also now noted by financial analysts that 'Inflation' and the fear of inflation is a Cover Story touted out in the Financial Press and quoted by Chancellors, the Treasury and Federal Reserve Pundits as an excuse to avoid paying government employees pay raises.

For example, when fire fighters and teachers ask for a pay raise, ‘Inflation’ is used as an excuse to refuse or reduce the pay award. However, whenever there is a buck to be made by auctioning government assets, share issues in the ongoing campaign to privatise services and millions of pounds are spent inciting the public to rush and buy shares in former public utilities, the Media and Government are suspiciously mute on the subject of 'Inflation'.

The policies outlined in this manifesto will address the problems of over taxation of the working classes & employment stability, which is at the root of all 'recessions'...

INCREASING EMPLOYEE'S LOYALTY: Disenchantment and resentment grows amongst workforces who are kept in the dark about their employer's strategies. Deeper resentment grows into hatred for the bosses, as they see that even in 'recessions' their bosses are growing ever and ever richer. The policies in this Manifesto will address the problem of Employer-Employee relations and loyalty to each other;

COMBATING INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE: At the moment, many Employers are looking at different ways in which they can reduce their workforce costs, and are paranoid that their existing workforce will steal trade secrets, steal clients, or both. Employees are increasingly paranoid about losing their jobs - because the Media are using the word 'recession' to hide the fact that a downturn in the economy has been created by rises in taxation imposed by central and local government.

This has led to somewhat of a crisis in the workplace, with millions of pound's worth of equipment and consumables being stolen by employees, who supplement their income through the black market trading of the Employer's property. The policies outlined in this manifesto will encourage all employers and employees to build businesses together, as a team.

COMBATING CORPORATE & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION: What do We, as a nation, do about recouping the billions of euros, dollars and pounds stolen from the public purse every year by corrupt politicians? There is no strategy at all, no process in place for the repayment of these stolen billions. Just recently, the fake expenses claims of British politicians was exposed, amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds over several years, being stolen from the tax payer. Not a single member of the British parliament has been cast into a prison cell, or questioned by police about this scandal. At the moment, brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash are being accepted by government representatives in exchange for 'inside information' about new contracts and new initiatives and franchises. Out of nowhere, new companies are formed and are immediately given contracts worth millions of pounds to sweep the streets or some other task which had previously been performed by a local or central government employee. Many of these contracts and franchises are awarded to companies who then, eventually, end up employing the government minister, congressman, mayor or senator who was instrumental in the offering of the franchise. This Manifesto urges a policy where all former government officials are restricted from being employed in corporations which benefitted from their term in office. Otherwise, corruption like this will be pandemic.

It also takes other forms too, such as Bribery. Members of the British Parliament have been caught red handed with bribes in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

And lobbyists often bribe ministers and offer 'inside information' to their corporate clients - usually by way of 'fact finding' tours to exotic locations and all expenses paid holidays. The result is that Government contracts and franchises are often awarded to 'the old boy network', or the corporation who has the most cash with which to oil the wheels of the bribery/lobbying industry. And decisions made at Cabinet Office level are often influenced by debates where at least one participant has been paid to ask questions and bend the rules in favour of an individual or corporation who has paid them a bribe. The policies outlined here will tip the balance in favour of the Citizen - making government far more transparent, and limiting the damaging effects of corruption and industrial espionage.

INCREASING PENSIONS & EMPLOYMENT - REDUCING THE RETIREMENT AGE TO 50:National Strikes in France, Ireland and Spain have brought air traffic control, post offices and commerce to a halt. Why?

Because the Retirement age is being increased to 67 Years in the UK and 62 Years in the EU. Quite frankly, this does not really give many hard working people a full retirement, as it is likely that illness will prevent them from enjoying their retirement years. It's a swindle. The hundreds of thousands of pounds paid into the welfare and pensions schemes by hundreds of millions of workers will not pay back any benefit to people who cannot retire until they are tired and nearly 70 years old. This swindle, perpetrated on the masses by the EU Superstate, which is controlled by the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, is compounded by the fact that there is a deep animosity and jealousy in many workforces - who are critical of their government representatives and bosses earning vast salaries. It was recently revealed on German television that some Members of the European Parliament earn more than 10,000 euros per MONTH.

The following policy suggestions are designed to address the above problems.

The retirement age will be set at Age 50.From the 51st birthday of the former employee, they will be in semi retirement, and, after an interim year, will no longer have to look for work.

The year between their 50th and 51st birthdays will be an interim year for workers, where they shall be expected to arrive on time for work 3 days per week - and expected to hand-train a person to take over their job.

If the employee has been in continuous employment and has been loyal to their employer for 12 years prior to their 50th birthday, they will receive a BONUS which is equivalent to 10% of the wages/accrued dividends paid to the chairman, CEO or managing director of their company. This means that, say, their boss earns £1million per year, then upon retirement, and upon completion of their 12-year term as a loyal employee, they will receive a BONUS of £100,000. This bonus will be paid over a five year period, in equal instalments by the employer, and according to company cashflow, as mutually agreed between employee and company accountants. If you think this is an odd policy, then it is worth remembering that this is exactly how stakeholder and shareholder schemes work.

To thwart dishonest and mean Employers from firing employees before they are eligible, a new JOB SECURITY LAW will forbid the firing of anyone who has served 4 years with their employer, without first paying them 50% of all the wages accrued/earned in the previous 4 years. To safeguard the availability of monies to pay bonuses, all Employers will be required to make investments in government BONDS in order to have enough money in lieu to pay retiring employees. During the 50th and 51st birthday, the employee will be required to hand-train a suitable candidate to take over their job. This training will be offered freely by the employee as a "Good Will" measure to continue the Employer's business and continue good service to clients and customers. During this one year period, the retiring employee will receive a 3-day per week pro rata pension and their travel expenses.

In summary, by moving the age of full retirement to 51 years of age, literally millions of new job opportunities will be created, and the cost of hand-training the new employee will cost employers no extra cash. The BONUS paid to retiring employees ensures complete LOYALTY to their Employer.

Bosses will be able to finally relax, knowing that their workforce will work as a team, continuing company output and productivity, whilst always having a young and eager, well paid workforce.

Training expenses will be minimal, as the retiring employee shall contribute greatly to the in-the-workplace training of new recruits whilst enjoying a 3-day week salary drawn from their pension and having their travel expenses covered. The Pension Bonus also ensures that the loyal employee, who has invested at least twelve years in service to their Employer will have a generous SHARE of the profits during their first five years of retirement. If the Bonus payment exceeds the equivalent of the current average state pension in the EU, then the State will forego paying a state pension for that five year period, enabling the government to keep taxation levels low.

The above policies will increase Loyalty and also reduce the amount of thieving of company assets and consumables by employees, as no sensible employee will want to forego the opportunity of receiving their retirement Bonus.

The policy will also keep in check vast self-awarded pay rises by bosses, as it will be necessary to pay 10% of their annual salary to every retiring employee.

A staggering £412,000,000 million pounds PER YEAR will be saved by retiring MPs, Law Lords, Judges, Under-Secretaries & Government Officials at age 50.

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Policies for solving Grid-lock, traffic jams, reducing the cost of getting to work and school, and policies for reducing the risk of car accidents and train crashes are very, very necessary:

SKY POD: Right now, in Japan, Magnetic-Levitating Train technology is revolutionising and improving the quality and efficiency of train transportation. It was British professor Eric Laithwaite who first devised the linear moving magnet motor. Now, more than two decades since the brilliant engineering of Professor Laithwaite impressed audiences at the Christmas Royal Society Lectures, we are seeing magnetic-linear levitating trains go into service. This technology allows for a complete re-invention of 19th century train networks. An above-ground network of Mag-lev 'Sky Pods' should now be built that connect Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Edinburgh. A circular Sky Pod track needs to be built above the orbital M25 motorway too, allowing commuters to easily traverse greater London in all directions.

An above ground Mag-lev transportation system will free up enormous amounts of land presently occupied by old fashioned railway tracks. Hundreds of acres (perhaps even thousands of acres) of land presently occupied by old fashioned train tracks will be utilised to build new dwellings and corporate/retail buildings, that will largely fund the investment in Sky Pods. There is also scope for converting vast amounts of Railtrack land into a new 'green belt' within the heart of many major cities.

Mag-lev technology has many benefits. There is minimal friction, so moving parts last a long time. The system is quiet too. And it reduces the risk of head-on collisions, as each Sky Pod track will ferry passengers in just one direction.

The speed of the Mag-lev systems is also a massive improvement on conventional railways - it is possible to build a system which would exceed 450MPH.

This manifesto proposes that small capsules in a completely enclosed above ground track be constructed which augment the Mag-lev technology by propelling Sky Pod capsules using compressed air which is accumulated by way of air compressors powered by thousands of solar panels affixed to the Sky Pod above-ground track. Speeds in excess of 300MPH will be realised with a system like this. Sky Pods will supplement and connect directly to existing airports, making the task of travelling long distances fast and pleasurable.

Being an above-ground transportation system means that Sky Pod tracks will be highly visible leading to vast opportunities for selling advertising along the Sky Pod track that will supplement the construction program and running costs.

Sales and Rental income from the hundreds of thousands of new commercial properties and residential dwellings built on the land previously occupied by rail tracks will be used to subsidise fares.

SOLVING ROAD GRIDLOCK & IMPROVING ROAD SAFETY: GPS guided traffic systems and Satellite Navigation systems now offer the entire world's population of motorists the ability to integrate with a centrally managed GPS traffic control system, that gives advance warning of traffic jams and accidents to drivers. Automated cruise control and Automated distance calculation systems have been common in prestige cars since 2001. Now, with the global GPS network, it should be possible to centrally inform and mange the traffic flows on certain popular routes, thus reducing risk of collision and making the driving experience more pleasurable.

Colour coded lanes will be painted onto major motorways, with intelligent "cat's eyes" that transceive data between vehicles and satellite based GPS systems. Large trucks, busses and coaches will be kept to their own lanes and separate from normal car traffic.

HOMES FOR THE FUTURE: Freeing up land in cities for parks and building of new eco-friendly dwellings is absolutely essential, if we are to prevent outbreaks of disease in large cities. There are hundreds of acres of unused land right in the heart of many cities. This land is often just 'dead' grassland at the base of tower blocks. It is often used for walking dogs and has no other use. Unimaginative and wasted grasslands within urban areas can easily be cultivated so that orchards can be grown and new building technologies enable us to construct attractive eco-friendly dwellings that will allow the wretched tower blocks and slums to be re-purposed or demolished.

Constructing Urban 'SOLAR VILLAGES': Hydroponics technology combined with photovoltaic solar panels which can produce electricity even on cloudy days offer us the opportunity to totally transform the way city dwellers live. The urban landscape is peppered with ugly tower blocks of poorly constructed apartments and offices which contain hundreds of tons of Asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and so the demolition of these tower blocks using explosives is not feasible as this would spread plumes of carcinogenic dust across the local neighbourhood. Manual removal of asbestos is expensive and puts people at risk. Clearly it is now necessary to vacate these tower blocks and provide alternative local housing for residents. So, what do we do with these decrepit tower blocks?

There are several options; tower blocks themselves could easily be converted into towers fitted with solar panels and each floor could be used to grow hydroponic vegetables and fruits for the former residents. They would become 'gardens in the sky'. This, in a way, is a 180 degree turnabout to the current arrangement where people live in tower blocks overlooking allotments where they grow vegetables. It is the People which should be living in a newly created 'solar village' environment with gardens, looking up at the tower blocks which they once lived in - tower blocks which now provide enormous amounts of solar generated electricity and used for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Another option is to transform the rooftops of the tower blocks into Wind Farms. Wind turbines can easily be added to the roofs of tower blocks - just by internally reinforcing the roofs. Some of the larger tower blocks could also be suitable as Sky Pod stations receiving Sky Pod shuttles which are an above ground solution to the old fashioned decaying railway network (see above).


Home Schooling has a great benefit to the environment, as it reduces massively traffic congestion during the Rush Hour. By schooling children at home, using modern webcam communication systems and radio transceivers (such as we see in modern day Australia), schools will be able to offer a wider range of subjects, whilst reducing their running costs. School children will no longer have to make dangerous journeys on public transport and their whereabouts will always be known to a responsible teacher and/or guardian/parent. Anti-social behaviour learnt from fellow pupils will also be reduced, whilst concentration on school subjects will be enhanced, as each student will be working in their own home, or the home of a nearby neighbour, with supervision being provided via a fleet of iSchool minibusses which carry teachers and teaching supplies.

Vandalism is the result of children being left alone in a concrete urban environment. Home schooling means that marauding lonely children will not be left alone to get into mischief. Graffiti will be reduced too. Many occurrences of vandalism happen on the journey to and from school and during lunch breaks. By massively reducing the number of children attending schools, our transport systems & shops will not be so under threat from vandals. Home schooling means that parents will be acquainted with all the children in the local neighbourhood, as they will study in pairs or trios at eachother's houses. Disobedience, ignoring the curriculum and truancy will be punished by making these misbehaved children attend ‘normal’ school. Parents who offer to host a home-school will be paid for each day that they oversee a group of children - this money will be paid from the vast savings in heating and lighting and catering costs currently spent in schools across the land.

Classroom assistants and teachers will visit home schools, and local sites of interest will benefit as being occasional venues for schooling. Every child will be able to log-on to an education network and have conversations via webcams with their teachers - they will be rewarded too for the amount of time they spend each day taking part in classes.

The home-schooling initiative will be supplemented by one-to-one personal sessions with teachers on a weekly basis. A new BBC iSchool multiplexed TV service will be the central hub of the Home Schooling initiative, providing teachers with a multiplexed webcam broadcast and transceiver system, augmented with documentaries and lectures that will be available via the BBC iPlayer and SKYPE.

SPECIALIST EDUCATION: Specialist lessons requiring musical instruments and scientific equipment will be hosted at local schools as per normal. Rural areas will have village schools which train pupils from the age of 13 in agricultural equipment encouraging all rural pupils to have a driving proficiency certificate in tractor driving, ploughing, seed distributors and a grade 1 certificate in permaculture. Technical subjects will be taught at newly refurbished technology colleges, offering real-world practical education in Carpentry, Brick-laying, Glass blowing, Metalwork, Catering and Engineering/Mechanics. Subjects which hitherto had been studied at university level will now be taught to students from 13 years of age; these new in-depth, advanced subjects will include pilot training for single engine fixed wing aircraft, microlites and helicopter pilot training, with students being trained by royal air force officers and resulting in many hundreds of students attaining pilot proficiency certificates by the age of 18.

Many schools on continental Europe finish the school day at 2pm, which requires parents to make costly arrangements at sports centres or other specialist activities every weekday afternoon. Until recently, schools closed in France every Wednesday, and this too caused a great deal of enforced unemployment for parents. The obvious solution is to make the school day longer and much more interesting, with iSchool teachers and teacher assistants keepinch children inspired and learning either at home or in schools themselves using documentary film screenings, webcast lectures and other activities so that the length of the school day matches the hours worked by adults.

Transportation of pupils from one teaching venue to another will be greatly reduced. Each child will be encouraged to take an interest in catering and hygene, making their own lunch in the morning session, and taking part in laying tables and doing the washing up each and every day.

SAFEGUARDING THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE: With a pension age beginning at 51, there will be vastly improved amounts of tourism created, as the newly retired workforce, with their bonus payments and pensions, seek to enjoy a high quality of leisure activities which they have worked so hard to achieve.

Loneliness is often the result of middle aged and elderly people having bad relations with their children and grand children. Very often, it is external forces such as lack of personal wealth and a distortion of family values created by the Media which contribute towards family arguments and feuds.

With a larger, younger and fitter population of pensioners, it is important to provide in each local community various centres and activities which bring pensioners together with common interests. Often, pensioners fritter away their income on gambling, scratch cards and bingo. These activities will be discouraged by way of neighbourhood visitors who will assist with the shopping and tourist activities of elderly people in their local community.

Each neighbourhood district will have a community clinic too, with elderly people receiving a special 24 hour medical homecare number, and doctors specialising in the ailments of the elderly on call 24-7. Elderly people will be encouraged to get involved in tutoring local children and breaking down the ageism which is prevalent in the Media.

BIO-ORGANIC FARMING & THE END OF FOOT & MOUTH: Millions of perfectly healthy animals are often slaughtered because of Foot & Mouth disease and other communicable diseases. When FARMERS FOR ACTION staged their campaigns to block motorways as a protest at fuel-tax increases, miraculously, all of a sudden, Britain was under a pandemic of Foot & Mouth. Farmers were forced by law to kill healthy livestock. Arable farmers growing crops for Feed went bust. Dozens of suicides followed. Her Majesty's government went ahaead and since, almost DOUBLED the cost of fuel by increasing taxes.

In truth, Foot & Mouth and other communicable animal diseases are not really such a great problem if all animals are kept in a Free Range way. By farming in harmony with the seasons, growing feed plants on the same farm as the animals, the horrendous diseases, abceses, tumours and cannibalism which is common in intensive animal factory farms will be greatly reduced. There is more than enough arable and grazing land to provide a Free Range supply of livestock.

Forest farms will be encouraged on Common Land and Woodlands, and a greater variety of livestock will be encouraged with the introduction of Wild Boar and other indigenous breeds. Reliance on pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified animal feed crops will be banned. Transportation of animals via the road network will also be banned, instead, a high speed rail option will be provided, where specially designed livestock carriages have heating, light and drinking facilities, with padded enclosures that will greatly reduce animals deaths during transportation. It is a common saying that if all people who ate meat had to kill their own animals then there would be millions more vegetarians in this world.

Animal Rights organisations will be given access to abatoirs, private breeding farms and commercial farms - with carte blanche access to video tape and document any cruelty which they see. Vets will also be required to write a certificate of animal wellbeing for flocks and herds in their local neighbourhood. The electric cattle prods, and compressed air guns used at abatoirs will be banned, as in many cases, inaccuracy and insufficient force of the killing bolt results in a live animal being butchered whilst still in a conscious state. As every vet and zoologist knows, the swiftest and most pain free method of killing is via a marksman using an explosive high velocity rifle bullet.

All farm animals will be killed and butchered at their local farms, with licensed marksmen killing animals that have been certified as healthy, and each kill will take place in a secluded enclosure where the sight and sound of the butchering is not witnessed by animals in the queue - thus reducing the stress and adrenalin levels found in commercially butchered meats. BSE, or Mad Cow Brain Disease, and a similar serious disease in sheep, was caused by the feeding of rendered 'waste' sheep to sheep herds and the feeding of beef to cows. Consequently, people contracted the disease and died. Therefore, the feeding of meat, and meat by-products to farm animals who are naturally vegetarian will be strictly banned. Also, the rendering of diseased pets collected from veterinarian surgeries, which are then recycled into pet foods will also be banned - as these commercially produced pet foods and animal snacks could potentially set up a 'disease cycle' that could result in human pet owners contacting diseases.

A national Free Range Food policy will mean that commercial animal farms (many of which are owned by supermarkets) will have to expand their acreage - both for flocks and herds and also for the growing of crops for feeds - with an emphasis on growing more hedgerow to conserve the soil and promote wildlife. The renovation of wetlands, highlands and moors will be necessary so that commercially bred animals will have an abundant and varied habitat in accordance to their breed.

The importation of all meats - especially Bush Meats - will be banned, with a gradual phasing out of all foreign produced raw meat product over three years - allowing indigenous farmers to adjust their methods and herds/yields. This will safeguard the population against consuming meats which have been produced using high amounts of pesticides, growth hormones and genetically modified feed stocks. This policy will be for all raw meats, and shall also apply to foreign produced milk and eggs. It guarantees that foreign pathogens are not imported.

Wild foul and Game Birds have been dwindling in number in many regions. It used to be common place that eggs from quails, ducks, geese, rare breed chickens and even occasionally swans were eaten right across Europe.

Supermarkets have trained the consumer to expect all eggs to be either brown or white and be suspicious of any egg which is slightly small or is speckled. This has resulted in massive battery chicken farms where just one species of breeder hen is reared, male chicks are destroyed at birth in their million, and the likelihood of salmonella and genetic disease due to in-breeding has been increased. As a remedy, all packets of eggs will contain at least one goose, duck or rare breed egg. Battery farming of hens will be abolished, with the large factory style steel buildings being converted and repurposed. Rare breed ducks, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quails and other wild foul will be bred and released in the wild - with new breeding and conservation egg production methods developed which safeguard species and offer people who love eggs a wider choice on the supermarket shelves.

FAST FOOD NATION: Let's face it, Fast Food very often tastes good. And the reason it tastes so good is because it contains excitotoxins which stimulate the nerves in the brain via the taste buds. Chemically synthesized aromas, such as the smell of fresh baked bread and other apaetizing scents are pumped into the air conditioning systems of fast food restaurants.

Huge amounts of sugar - a taste which has always triggered a luxurious eating experience since mankind plucked the first ripe fruit - is added to everything on the menu; including salad dressings and the crusty coatings applied to meat and fish when they are deep fried.

By deep frying, fast food has a squelchy, oily and highly tempting aroma and mouth sensation, containing huge amounts of saturated fat. Even the 'healthy options' at fast food restaurants use genetically modified corn, highly refined bleached flour in the buns and breads, and, as mentioned above, huge amounts of sugar (or artificial sweetners) in the salad dressings.

An obvious policy to implement is to make sure that only virgin olive oil is used for cooking. And that all sugar in fast food menus is derived from natural unprocessed cane.

HUNTING: A new range of policies to control hunting, poaching and to protect humans from Rabies are proposed in this manifesto: It is apparent that Britain has an enormous urban population of common red foxes. With the unauthorised transportation of family pets via the channel tunnel to countries where RABIES exists, Britain is susceptible to a rabies outbreak. Scavenging in rubbish amongst the bins at the basement of tower blocks is not a life which nature intended for foxes. Once domesticated, foxes can and do make acceptable pets. Clearly, a reduction in the number of marauding foxes in urban areas must be attained through a newtering and innoculation program.

If Britain is to have a Bio-Organic, Free Range natural farming policy, then the risk to free range poultry and flocks must be reduced. Fox Hunting has many inhumane aspects, as does the gassing of lairs. A better solution would be to control the population by way of IR tags, innoculations and newtering - and, as such, a task force will be convened to reduce the British fox population so that foxes live their lives naturally in the agricultural areas and not in town centres.

All other forms of Hunting must be licensed and controlled far more stringently, as the rabbit population is an essential element to the reintroduction of carnivore species such as common European wolves and the Lynx which used to populate large areas in Europe. Rabbits are essential to birds of prey, and it should be encouraged that eagles, kestrels, buzzards and all hawks are nurtured by way of limiting the amount of their pray which are presently killed by hunters & poachers. All Hunts must have a conservationist policy and advocate the re-population of an indigenous species as part of their activities - for example the control of the grey squirrel population could easily be managed by hunters and estate managers, resulting in habitats being freed up so that red squirrels may be reintroduced.

Herons, storks, swans, geese and ducks will all be encouraged to thrive in ponds and lakes in urban areas, and supermarkets will be encouraged to cease their emphasis on battery reared chickens and turkeys. Wild grouse, pheasant, peacocks and quails will become once again a common sight in the countryside, along with rare breed turkeys.

Wild ponies, especially those from the Highlands, will be encouraged, along with the establishment of fenced parks for the breeding and reintroduction of deer across the whole of Britain.

ZOOS & CIRCUSES: An educational policy will be encouraged at all zoos, with strict rules that only allow the captivity of large primates that are required for conservation and controlled breeding. The keeping and training of elephants and other large mammals for entertainment will be overseen by a zoological committee who will designate just a handful of circus operators. The remaining troups of seals, elephants and large mammals currently in service at circuses will be redistributed to Safari Parks, newly created on common land. Foreign circuses who feature large mammals will be forbidden to cross borders.

PART TWO will follow shortly