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Worship: Sunday 9:30 AM Bible Class and Sunday School to follow Forgiveness through Jesus God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. 2 Corinthians 5:19 February holds the day that often makes or breaks relationships: Valentine’s Day! It’s a day of engagement rings, flowers, dinners, and the hope for returned affections. For all the happiness of Valentine’s Day, it’s also bittersweet. For every happy or newly engaged or blissfully married couple, you can find someone who is sadly alone, someone who longs to be loved, someone going through a devastating break-up. No wonder the game is, “He loves me…He loves me not.” Imagine if the pressure of Valentine’s Day was off. Imagine there was no doubt about how that special someone felt about you. Imagine that person did what the Bible says, “Love keeps no record of wrongs.” We have to imagine, because our experience is that human love is conditional. It is usually based on how people look, or what they have, or how they treat us. As a result, we are led to think that God is the same. We think that he loves us if we’re lovable. We assume that he loves us if we show our love to him. The truth is that God loves us not because of who we are or what we do. The Bible clearly describes God’s amazing love by what he has done for us: “God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.” Honestly, we have to admit that there are all kinds of sins on our record before God. Our attempts at love throughout life—failures, breakups, lies, adulteries, divorces—all are an astonishing record of wrong. God ought to oppose us. But in amazing love, God doesn’t count our sins against us. That means that he doesn’t keep a record of all our actions, thoughts and words that violate his holy will. February 2017 Redeemer News 10203 W. Tieton Drive, Yakima WA 98908 Isaac P. Cherney, Pastor www.redeemer-yakima.org (262) 204-8027

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Worship: Sunday 9:30 AM Bible Class and Sunday School to follow

Forgiveness through Jesus

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.

2 Corinthians 5:19

February holds the day that often makes or breaks relationships: Valentine’s Day! It’s a day of engagement rings, flowers, dinners, and the hope for returned affections. For all the happiness of Valentine’s Day, it’s also bittersweet. For every happy or newly engaged or blissfully married couple, you can find someone who is sadly alone, someone who longs to be loved, someone going through a devastating break-up. No wonder the game is, “He loves me…He loves me not.”

Imagine if the pressure of Valentine’s Day was off. Imagine there was no doubt about how that special someone felt about you. Imagine that person did what the Bible says, “Love keeps no record of wrongs.”

We have to imagine, because our experience is that human love is conditional. It is usually based on how people look, or what they have, or how they treat us. As a result, we are led to think that God is the same. We think that he loves us if we’re lovable. We assume that he loves us if we show our love to him. The truth is that God loves us not because of who we are or what we do. The Bible clearly describes God’s amazing love by what he has done for us: “God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.”

Honestly, we have to admit that there are all kinds of sins on our record before God. Our attempts at love throughout life—failures, breakups, lies, adulteries, divorces—all are an astonishing record of wrong. God ought to oppose us. But in amazing love, God doesn’t count our sins against us. That means that he doesn’t keep a record of all our actions, thoughts and words that violate his holy will.

God doesn’t keep a record of our sins because of Jesus. God took all our sins, the sins of everyone, and charged them to his Son. In our place Jesus willingly and lovingly suffered the punishment of death that we and all people deserved. This is the great love that God has for us…for you! Through Jesus Christ, our relationship with God is restored and by faith in Jesus we will enjoy the blessing of his love forever.

In our relationship with God, it’s not “He loves me…He loves me not.” In Christ, it is always, “He loves me…He loves me…He loves me.”

February 2017 Redeemer News

10203 W. Tieton Drive, Yakima WA 98908 Isaac P. Cherney, Pastorwww.redeemer-yakima.org (262) 204-802710203 W. Tieton Drive, Yakima WA 98908 Isaac P. Cherney, Pastorwww.redeemer-yakima.org (262) 204-802710203 W. Tieton Drive, Yakima WA 98908 Isaac P. Cherney, Pastorwww.redeemer-yakima.org (262) 204-802710203 W. Tieton Drive, Yakima WA 98908 Isaac P. Cherney, Pastorwww.redeemer-yakima.org (262) 204-8027

FEBRUARY 2017See http://www.redeemer-yakima.org/#/calendarnews for

most recently updated calendarSun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat


6:30 Bible Study7:30 Evening Devotion

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February 2017 Redeemer News

FEBRUARY 2017See http://www.redeemer-yakima.org/#/calendarnews for

most recently updated calendarSun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat5

9:30 Worship11:00 Bible Study

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6:00 Ladies’ Bible Study


6:30 Bible Study7:30 Evening Devotion

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7:00am Elders9:00am Theology of the Cross


9:30 Worship (Communion)11:00 Bible Study

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6:30 Bible Study7:30 Evening Devotion


7:00pm Church Council

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9:30 Friendship Sunday!

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6:00 Ladies’ Bible Study


6:30 Bible Study7:30 Evening Devotion

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9:30 Worship (Communion)11:00 Bible Study

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Sunday, January 1, 2017 68 $3,540.00Sunday, January 8, 2017 62 $2,900.00Sunday, January 15, 2017 75 16 - Grace $4,451.00Sunday, January 22, 2017 67 14 - Grace $2,237.01

February 2017 Redeemer News

Calves in the KitchenBy Gail Thornton

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love (I Corinthians 13:13).

When most people think of February, they immediately think of Valentine’s Day, chocolate candy, winter weather, hearts, romance, and love. For a rancher and his wife February may bring to mind a little more than that.Over the years, usually during the coldest part of February, my wife Dona has many times heard me say, “I need to bring a newborn calf into your kitchen.” The timing is never good. Often it is late at night after we both have already put in a long day. This can be a real test of love and marriage. As you might imagine, she is never really thrilled at this prospect but is always willing to pitch in to get the newborn warmed up and fed. These calves are always wet, half-frozen, awkward, and definitely lacking in manners. Once the calf is in the kitchen, out come the towels, hair dryer, warm milk and the mothering instinct of a true rancher’s wife. Within a few minutes the calf becomes Dona’s responsibility, giving me time for a break.After being fed, dried, and warmed the calf is barricaded into a towel-covered corner of the kitchen where he will normally bang against the walls. He makes sleep nearly impossible for the few hours left in the night before we have to start a new day. This is another little test of love. I can honestly say, after thirty-six years of marriage, I thank God every day for the love of this rancher’s wife. February is a busy month for this ranch. Calving will be in full swing, we look forward to the

upcoming Lent season, and we celebrate Valentine’s Day (as well as Dona and my anniversary). In many ways February truly is the month of love in our home. As Christians we can be sure of the enduring love

God has for us by the sacrifice of his Son on the cross in our place. Because of his love and sacrifice we have the sure hope of eternal life. The Lenten season, only a few weeks away, will give Redeemer’s members and friends a great opportunity to show their love for our Lord by

attending the midweek services. All of Redeemer’s midweek services will be preceded by soup suppers, which present wonderful opportunities for getting to know each other better. By the way, I guarantee there will be no calves in Redeemer’s kitchen… and if there should be, Dona will take care of it.

February celebrates valentines and love. Sometimes I wonder why I was so blessed as to have a loving woman like Dona become my wife. Someone who as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:7, “…always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres…” even with calves in the kitchen. Likewise, I am amazed at the thought that God loves each of us so much he gave his most precious possession so we could be saved. Come join Dona and me at the Lenten services and the Holy Spirit will strengthen us all in our faith and love for Jesus.

February 2017 Redeemer News

This is love: not that we love God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins

(1 John 4:10).

Gail has served as Church President and Elder at Redeemer. “Calves in the Kitchen” comes from his collection of articles, “Five Years of Blessings.”

Be Ready – For Friendship SundayBy John Hardison

(Jesus said) “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will

be opened” (Luke 11:9-10).

How does a church grow? Over the years I have watched churches grow and others fall apart. A church is like a family. Have you heard the saying, “The family that prays together, stays together”? Perhaps you say, “Well, that is ridiculous. Isn't prayer what churches are for?” Yes… and more! Sometimes we come to church and sit through the songs and the sermon but really don't pray. We say the printed words but we do not have our minds on what we are saying. I think it is important that we pray for our church and for all the individuals members of our church. We should pray particularly often for people we know who may be going through a difficult time. And we certainly should pray for prospects. God tells us that we should be persistent about knocking on his door and asking for what we need. By “praying persistently,” God means pray often. And we should pray with sincerity.

Churches that stay together do so because they are dedicated to their Savior. The members make the most of their talents by using them for their church. Each of us has some special abilities that we can bring to our church. Some will help with yard cleanup, mow the lawn, remove the snow, and do the weeding. Others will help with cleaning. There will be people who have musical talents and can play the organ or piano. Some will be members of the choir and can even sing solos. I know some who have the talent to fix things that

break around the church. Some can teach Sunday school classes or Vacation Bible School or even the adult classes. We have members who act as ushers, keep the books, work as elders, keep notes, and act as our elected president. Some like to cook, make treats, wash dishes, decorate tables, and organize special events. Some are excellent at decorating the

sanctuary for Christmas, Easter and other special events. Someone has to pour the wine for communion and wash the linen. Some even write

February 2017 Redeemer News

pieces for the newsletter or put it together. These days there is a need for people who know how to film the sermons or record Bible classes to put on the internet.

For Friendship Sunday a church can do its best to make that particular service fun and worthwhile. A choir or a soloist can sing for the service. The church can be cleaned carefully. Snow can be removed or lawns mowed. Perhaps some “goodies” can be served for a snack following the church service. Advertising the day is a good plan and people are needed to do that.

About now you are probably saying something like: “Why are you listing a whole bunch of jobs that people do in connection with a church?” I believe any church must produce fruit and attract new members or it will die. I believe every job I have mentioned is important when we want to attract new members. Think about it. A church building that looks attractive to people coming to our church is a part of Friendship Sunday. A good sermon and resources like Bible classes for kids and adults are a must for Friendship Sunday. The sanctuary needs to look welcoming and attractive for visitors on Friendship Sunday as well as for members.

So what are the most important things for a Friendship Sunday to be a success? I think above all the two most important things are praying about people who may be our guests and showing a friendly face to those guests. After all, this is called Friendship Sunday. People want us to be interested in them and for us to show that we are truly friendly. Talk to our guests. Show an interest in who they are and what they have going on in their lives. Listen to what they say and what their interests are. Be ready to answer questions about our church. Be positive. Smile! This is not the time to discuss some problem you may have with the

person who sits ahead of you in church. In other words, go out of your way to make our guests feel welcome. We will be having what we call a Friendship Sunday for the express purpose of attracting some new people to come and visit with our members and see if they might enjoy becoming a part of our church.

So how do we go about asking people to come? First you need to determine who you know that might possibly be interested. New people moving into the community are good people to ask. People who have no church would be good to ask. People who do not care for the church where they are members and are no longer attending their church might also be good to ask. Really, you can ask just about anyone who you would like to see come. After all, it is our job as Christians to spread the Good News. The worst outcome is that they tell you they are not interested. If you want to sweeten it a little, ask if you can offer to give them a ride to church on Friendship Sunday and even offer to sit with them during the service and help them with any questions they might have during the service. Tell them, perhaps, that we are having a special Sunday service especially for visitors and there will be other visitors attending. It would be a great time to see what our church is like and meet some of our members.

Pray about this coming Friendship Sunday. Ask new people to come. Remind all members to be sure and be there. Be in church ready to talk to people whether you asked anyone or not. A full church will impress any visitors we may have. Besides a full church singing the hymns and praying the prayers together always makes Ruth and I feel better!

Jesus spoke about people being known by the fruit they bear. Isn't that also true of churches and church members as well?

February 2017 Redeemer News

“By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus by their fruit you will recognize them.

Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 7:16-21).


28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is

easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

It would not be out of place to say that a Christian’s entire life is a matter of “getting yoked in.” The question with which we struggle and work on answering every day is “Getting yoked into what?” What is so special about the Christian faith and the life it gives that makes a person want to “get yoked in”?

Christ hits the nail on the head with the first verse above: “… all you who are weary and burdened…”. The haunting mistakes of the past, present worries, and the mounting troubles in the future weigh down on us. Will my loved one ever speak to me again after I said that? How am I going to make it through the week? Will God accept me when I die after all I’ve done? Questions like these are often what keep people away from church. Paralyzed be the fear of not being welcomed or accepted for who they are, they resist religion entirely while they try to carry their weights and burdens alone.

To all those who feel unlovable, burdened, or alone, Christ has a special and simple message: “Come to me.” Worship at Redeemer is about getting “yoked in…” to fellowship with Jesus by his

salvation work on the cross. We learn about that salvation from Jesus himself and he gives rest for our souls. The yoke of Christianity is not cumbersome or weighty; it gives us life and the assurance of God’s love. Come enjoy this easy and light yoke!

In the days ahead Redeemer has structured and accessible ways for people to enjoy this connection to Jesus and receive his blessings. In the middle of the month, on February 19th, we will host a special “Friendship Sunday” designed from top to bottom to provide comfort to the weary and burdened, especially those who may not currently have a church. We invite all our members to reach out to family and friends to be our guests this Sunday to learn about Jesus and his gospel for us.

Starting in March we will also be observing Lent, the season during which we offer an additional worship opportunity on Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM with a soup supper before at 5:30 PM. Between the fellowship and the worship, these nights are a great chance to revisit how Christ has forgiven every one of our sins and brings us into God’s family with his love.

February 2017 Redeemer News

“Come to me,” Jesus says. The invitation is there! Enjoy the light and easy truth of God’s love

for you in worship and in life. Hope to see you in church!

February 2017 Redeemer News