february 11, 2013 do now:

February 11, 2013 Do Now: Write down everything you know about the Great Depression… When did it happen, why, what was going on?

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February 11, 2013 Do Now:. Write down everything you know about the Great Depression… When did it happen, why, what was going on?. Cause & Effect. What does this mean? If Johnny doesn’t study for his test tomorrow what will the most likely effect be? Cause?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: February 11, 2013 Do Now:

February 11, 2013

Do Now:Write down everything you know about

the Great Depression…• When did it happen, why, what was

going on?

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Cause & Effect

• What does this mean?

• If Johnny doesn’t study for his test tomorrow what will the most likely effect be?


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4 Main Causes of the Great Depression

1. Stock market crash – Black Tuesday

2. United States Banks Collapse

3. Americans reduce spending and business cut workers

4. Government tries to help by passing the Smoot-Hawley Tariff

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First Cause

1. Stock market crash – Black Tuesday

• October 29, 1929

• Too much bought on credit

• About $30 billion were lost over the next two weeks (roughly equal to the total wages earned by all Americans in 1929)

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Second Cause

2. United States Banks Collapse

• The stock market crash caused people to not be able to pay back their loans

• This caused banks to not be able to give people their money

• About 10% of banks in the U.S. closed in the first two years of the GD as a result

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Third Cause• Americans reduce

spending and business cut workers– ALL Americans stopped

buying new things out of fear, lack of money, or both

– Reduced shopping led to reduced production which led to a reduction in the workforce

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Third Cause Cont.

Reduced spending

Less jobsHigher unemployment

Reduced production

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Youtube Clip

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDcR-ZS5fyw

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Fourth Cause

4. Government tries to help by passing protective tariffs (?)

• Smoot-Hawley Tariff

• Congress passed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act which increased taxes on imports

– This was designed to protect American jobs by making us rely on American factories

• Other countries raised tariffs on American goods in response

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Group work Objective

• You will have 15 minutes to complete the Causes of the Great Depression research

• You may work in groups of 3 to complete your research.

• Be sure to gather as many details as you can now to make your writing easier.

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Writing Assignment

• Using your research, you need to independently write a paragraph correctly sequencing those events.

• Use the sentence starters that have been posted as a guide to help you begin your writing.

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Exit Ticket

• What was the “muddiest” point from today’s lesson?

What don’t you understand yet?