features of stories

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp 1. Storyline Exposition Poor family of Aladdin is being introduced. He then meets a magician while playing. Rising action The magician buys new clothes For Aladdin. He then asks him to go through a dark path to bring an old lamp. Aladdin was afraid so the Conflict Aladdin found the magic lamp but the magician forced him to give away the lamp but Aladdin refused so the magician Climax Suddenly a light came out from the ring that Aladdin was wearing. A genie came out and offered him help. Aladdin escaped Falling action Aladdin and his mother decided to sell the lamp to get some money. One day while cleaning the lamp, Aladdin’s mother rubbed the lamp. Another genie came out and offered himself to the Denouement From that day, Aladdin and his mother lived a good life.

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Aladdin and the Magic Lamp 1. Storyline Climax Suddenly a light came out from the ring that Aladdin was wearing. A genie came out and offered him help. Aladdin escaped from the tunnel with the help of the genie.

DenouementFrom that day, Aladdin and his mother lived a good life. Exposition Poor family of Aladdin is being introduced. He then meets a magician while playing.

Conflict Aladdin found the magic lamp but the magician forced him to give away the lamp but Aladdin refused so the magician shuts the door of the path

Falling action Aladdin and his mother decided to sell the lamp to get some money. One day while cleaning the lamp, Aladdins mother rubbed the lamp. Another genie came out and offered himself to the family as a servant.

Rising action The magician buys new clothes For Aladdin. He then asks him to go through a dark path to bring an old lamp. Aladdin was afraid so the magician gave him a ring that would help him any time.

2. Setting

The old brick house Playground The dark path Golden orchard Kitchen

3. Characters Aladdin Aladdins mother Magician Genie 1 Genie 2Genre I would classify this story as fiction because it involves magic as a core factor in this story. The genie and magic lamp are two factors that bring this story into fiction. The story of Aladdin and magic lamp never happened and it is totally out of imagination. It might be a story that has been made up or fabricated. Besides that the character, setting and also timeline in the story are also not real. Fiction deals with events that are imaginary which can clearly be seen in this story. The genie as the spirit character does not exist in real life but it is incorporated in the story to add element of suspense and excitement.

Justification Characters one of the main reasons I choose this story is because of the characters involved. This story involves least number of characters which will make a better understanding of the story for the students. Approximately there are three main characters involved which are Aladdin, the magician and the genie. The main character, Aladdin features the characteristics of a responsible son. He also shows high willing to survive in hard situations. Through his characterizations, I can teach many good values that a person should possess to my students. Storyline the plot of the story is straight forward and very interesting for primary students. I am very sure that they have heard the story before but I can make the story even more interesting by using props to carry out the story in the class. Basically the story moves from exposition to climax and from climax to denouement as we can see in the triangular plot above. The storyline is happening and will not make the lesson boring and dull. Students will enjoy every scene of the story. Diction and length the storybook contains fifteen pages. The words are printed in big size together with glossary on every page. The diction and grammar used for the story is appropriate for lower primary students. Words like orchard and path will improve their vocabulary and at the same time they will improve their reading skill. Each page only contains about two sentences. Students in intermediate and advance level can read it with fluency. Illustration if we take closer look at the book, it is filled with colourful attractive pictures on every page. Almost eighty percent of a page is filled with illustration which are eye catching. Students will have internal motivation to read the story by just looking at the cover picture. These illustrations are important as it tells the story to the students. Students who are in the remedial category can at least understand the story by looking at the pictures. Moral values moreover this story can be used to teach many moral values which are essential in students life. Moral values like grateful for what we have, be confident and help those who are in need can be taught by using this story in teaching and learning session.

The Monkeys Heart 1. Storyline Climax At last the tortoise told his real intention of bringing the monkey. The monkey was shocked but the tortoise pretended to be not afraid. The monkey was a smart animal.

Conflict The tortoise said that the guavas on the other side of the river are more delicious and he offered help to bring the monkey across the river.

Falling action The monkey felt sorry for tortoises wife. The monkey told the tortoise that he left his heart on the branch. Tortoise was disappointed and brought back the monkey to the branch.

DenouementThe monkey jumped into the branch. He was safe and teased the tortoise for his foolness. Rising action Suddenly he saw a monkey eating a lot of guavas sitting on a branch. The monkey was throwing some of the guavas into river. Exposition Introduction to tortoise whose wife is ill and he needs to find a monkeys heart as medicine.

2. Setting

Tortoises house River bank Branch of guava Middle of the river

3. Characters Mr. Tortoise Mrs. Tortoise Monkey

Genre I would classify this story into folk tales because there are many stories which are quite similar to this story. This story might have been passed from mouth to mouth from generation to generation. Mostly students know this story in spoken form. Other than that, this story involves fables, partial truth, old legends and even urban legends which support the fact that it is a folk tale. Besides that, this story also can fit into many categories and since the author is unrecognized it has many versions. For example in this story it incorporates monkey and tortoise but in other versions it involves monkey and crocodile. This shows that this story is clearly a folk tale.

Justification Characters the monkeys heart story is a very famous folktale whereby it is used to teach the intelligence of the monkey. There are two main characters involved in this story which is the monkey and the tortoise. Both these characters portray two different characterizations. The monkey gives justice to the innocence and intelligence whereby the tortoise portrays evilness and trickiness. I can use these characters to show the differences between the good and the bad to my students. Storyline the plot of the story is little harder compared to the first story but it is comprehendible for lower primary students. The storyline starts from the place of tortoise to the place of monkey. In between there are few conflicts between the monkey and the tortoise which leads to the climax and the denouement as we can see in the triangular plot above. If the teacher moves slow and steady with the students, no doubt they can understand the story very well. Diction and length the book contains fifteen pages same as the book mentioned above. The language used in the book is intermediate language whereby all the students can read and understand the story very well especially primary students. Introduction to new words like troubled, delicious and intention will enhance students vocabulary and improve their reading skill as well. Each page of the book contains three to four simple and compound sentences. Other than that, the book also contains glossary at the last page for students reference. Illustration the cover page of the storybook itself is very attractive with big title on it. That will be the first factor that attracts the students. Each page is provided with colourful illustrations that comprehends the story. The pictures are very clear and will motivate the students to read more as they will be interested to see more pictures. Moral values this story also comes in with package of good moral values which can be instilled in lower primary students. For example moral values like being helpful and being smart can be taught to primary school students.

The wolf and the Lamb Climax She was quick to avoid and start pleading. She asked the wolf to wait a while as her stomach is full of grass. The wolf thought it was a great idea so he sat down and waited.

1. Storyline Denouement When the wolf rang the bell, the shepherd heard it and quickly sent his dogs. The barking dog frightened the wolf and saved the lamb.Falling action The lamb asked permission to dance as she said the grass will digest faster if she dances. The wolf agreed. While dancing she asked the wolf to ring the bell that is around her neck so that she could dance faster. ConflictSuddenly the wolf pounced on her. Rising action She went farther and farther away from others. She was enjoying herself that she did not notice a wolf coming nearer to her. Exposition A lamb was grazing with a flock of sheep. She soon found some sweet grass at the edge of the field.

2. Setting

Open field Farmhouse

3. Characters The lamb The wolf Dogs The shepherd

Genre I would classify this story into fable. The main reason is that it points out moral value at the end of the story. This story also involves animals who can talk and do similar actions as humans. In other words, in fables animals are given human quality. For example, in this story the lamb dances like human. Moreover this story also involves many natural elements which satisfy the story as a fable.

Justification Characters this story involves very few characters which leave remarkable effect on the students. The wolf, the lamb and the dogs are the main characters in this story. The lamb portrays very smart and intelligent characterization when planning to escape from the wolf. Whereas the wolf shows its inability to guess the trick that the lamb was using to avoid the wolf. Other than that, the character of dog shows protection for people who are in danger. Storyline the plot of this story is very simple. In particular this story can be used to standard one student or remedial students to improve their language. The plot of the story does not have any big complication or conflict that might confuse the students. As we can see above, the plot is simple can easy to be understood by lower primary students. Diction and length story of the wolf and the lamb is a one page story taken from collection of big book stories. It has five paragraphs whereby each paragraph has two to three sentences. The language used is very simple and easy to be understood. New words like pounced, pleading and digested are introduced using glossary. Indirectly we can improve students vocabulary and reading skill. Illustration since it is a one page story from big book, the next page has a big illustration of the whole story. It is very nice to see that big picture with colourful designs and drawings. Lower primary students definitely will be very excited to see the illustration at the same time to read the story. The pictures are also very eye catching and nice to touched. Moral value this particular story is very special because it states the moral value at the end of the story. The gentle and weak can be cleverer than the fierce and strong is one of the examples of good values found in the story. This type of moral value can be a good lesson for primary students to boost their confidence. Fables

The characters in these stories usually represent archetypes of powerful human emotions such as greed, foolishness, love, and self-sacrifice.Fables are usually written in prose form, they often have an alliteration or metrical rhyming sense to them known as verse, which is a early form of poetry.Often feature tales of gods and humanity's attempts to understand life's meaning.In the Middle Ages, however, these stories were considered to be an element of high literature and were adult stories meant to convey adult themes.They are moral tales, usually with animal charactersOne of the core features of most fables is that they include elements of the natural .environment, along with native animals, forests, lakes, and other features of the region.They are fiction in the sense that they did not really happenIt is the way a writer creates a unique interplay between all the elements that makes a work of fiction entertaining and meaningful.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/info_8444753_overall-features-fiction.html#ixzz2eVTc0fPLWorks of fiction take place in a setting. Setting can be New York City, a rural town, under the water or in an ill-defined netherworld.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/info_8444753_overall-features-fiction.html#ixzz2eVSMDR3nIn fiction, theme is not stated directly. It is presented indirectly by being "shown" through scenes and dialogue rather than "told" by the writer in exposition.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/info_8444753_overall-features-fiction.html#ixzz2eVRPRqwZFiction is told from one or more points of view. Examples include: the first person singular, omniscient, limited omniscient, the second person and so on.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/info_8444753_overall-features-fiction.html#ixzz2eVSD56JbAll works of fiction include characters be they human, animal, spirit or machine. They drive the plot with the choices they make or fail to make.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/info_8444753_overall-features-fiction.html#ixzz2eVRwwlsyPlot is what happens in a work of fiction. It can happen in chronological order, in reverse chronological order or in any sequence the writer sees fit

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/info_8444753_overall-features-fiction.html#ixzz2eVRcPvRZThe genres involved include mystery, literary fiction, science fiction, horror and more.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/info_8444753_overall-features-fiction.html#ixzz2eVQfIbDMShort stories, novellas and novels are the formats most commonly associated with fiction.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/info_8444753_overall-features-fiction.html#ixzz2eVQHHeQZFiction deals with events that are imaginary.Fiction