fdm mgmt unit 2 culture and ethics

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  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Fundamentals of ManageDMG 1043

    Megatech International College

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Learning Outcomes

    Understand and explain the natureand purpose

    of management Describe the structure and level of

    management in organizations Identify the function of leadership,organizing, controlling andplanning in an organization

    Prepare on forming the strategicgoal, setting objectives andimplementing and executing thestrategy

    mphasis on issues related toMegatech International College

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Recommended Texts

    Roins ! Decen"o #$010% Fundamentalsof Management, 7thed &rentice 'all

    Daft R #$00(% The New Era ofManagement International edition)Thomson *outh+,estern

    Da-id C Thomas Essentials of

    International Management ) 1st

    ed) *.G/&ulications

    *lides Roins ! Decen"o #$010%

    Fundamentals of Management, 7thedMegatech International College

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    U"I# $ % &'"'(I"( I" )UL#U*'L'"D #+I)'L "I*O"&"#

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College


    Three ,a-es That Changed

    the ,orld .griculture 2ntil the late nineteenth centur) alleconomies ere agrarian5


    From the late 1600s until the 17(0s) mostde-elo8ed countries mo-ed from agrariansocieties to industrial societies5


    Information technolog is transforming societfrom its manufacturing focus to one of ser-ice5

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College


    The Changing /conom

    Old conomy

    :ational orders ser-e to limitcom8etition

    Technolog reinforces rigidhierarchies and limits access

    to information ;o o88ortunities are for lue+

    collar industrial orrms

    Customer needs dri-e usiness

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    *ociet and =usiness

    *ocial res8onsiilit . >rm?s oligation) eond that re@uired

    the la and economics) to 8ursue long+term

    goals that are ene>cial to societ *ocial oligation

    The oligation of a usiness to meet itseconomic and legal res8onsiilities and no

    more *ocial res8onsi-eness

    The ailit of a >rm to ada8t to changingsocietal conditions

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    .rguments for and against *ocial Res8onsiilit

    'rguments for. &ulic ex8ectations Aong+run 8ro>ts /thical oligation &ulic image =etter en-ironment Discouragement of further

    go-ernment regulation =alance of res8onsiilit

    and 8oer *toc

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    *ociet?s /x8ectations

    from rgani"ations andManagers Managers regularl ma

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    Relationshi8 =eteen *ocial

    Res8onsiilit and /conomic&erformance Research studies sho 8ositi-e


    General 8ulic 8erce8tion that com8aniesho eha-e in a sociall res8onsile aha-e etter usiness 8erformance

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    Managers =ecoming More

    *ociall Res8onsile It is the collecti-e eha-iour and actionsof managers that ma

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    /thics and =usiness

    /thics . set of rules or 8rinci8les that de>nes right

    and rong conduct

    Code of ethics . formal document that states an

    organi"ation?s 8rimar -alues and the ethicalrules it ex8ects managers and o8erati-es to

    follo 2suall ritten

    Must state in detail acce8tale eha-ioursand actions

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    Three Bies of /thics

    2tilitarian -ie of ethics Ma

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    Moral De-elo8ment

    Is a measure of an indi-idual?sinde8endence as hisher moral Eudgment

    ecomes less and less de8endent onoutside inuences

    *tages start ith ma

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    Moral De-elo8ment

    #continued% .s de-elo8ment e-ol-es) moral Eudgment

    is less de8endent on outside factors

    Indi-iduals ith highl+de-elo8ed moralde-elo8ment can mane moral 8rinci8les se8arate froman authorit

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College


    =asic con-ictions aout hat is right androng

    Inuence ethical eha-iour

    Balues are de-elo8ed in earl ears

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    ?rgani=ational 0actors That Affect >thical

    And !nethical Beha"iour






    Roins et al., 0undamentals of Management, )th 9anadian >dition

    C7DD2 $earson >ducation 9anada, Enc.03 Pearson Education Canada Inc

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    eterminants ?f Essue Entensit@ >Fhiit 7.*

    Roins et al., 0undamentals of Management, )th 9anadian >dition

    C7DD2 $earson >ducation 9anada, Enc.

    ation Canada Inc

    Source: Management,Se"enth 9anadian >dition, @ Stephen $.

    Roins, Mar@ 9oulter, and Roin Stuart5-ot=e, page &&. 9op@right C

    7DD. Reprinted @ permission of $earson >ducation 9anada Enc.

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    =usinesses Im8ro-ing

    /thical =eha-iour *trong em8hasis on cor8oratego-ernance

    Com8anies refocusing eorts on usinessethics

    :e legislation to hold oards ofdirectors more accountale

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    Managers Im8ro-ing

    /thical =eha-iour 'ire indi-iduals ith high ethicalstandards

    /stalish codes of ethics anddecision rules

    Aead exam8le


  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    Managers Im8ro-ing

    /thical =eha-iour#continued% Delineate Eo goals and8erformance re-ie mechanisms

    &ro-ide ethics training Conduct social audits

    &ro-ide su88ort to indi-iduals

    facing ethical dilemmas

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College


    Res8onsiilit Relating toCodes of /thics If 8ossile) de-elo8 codes ith acti-ein-ol-ement of e-erone in theorgani"ation

    .ll le-els of management must su88ortand continuall reaHrm the im8ortance

    Consistentl disci8line those ho reaxed laor cost during a s8eci>ed 8eriod

    Contract or

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College


  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    *ha8ing a Customer+Res8onsi-e


  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College

    Increased Concerns for

    ualit Continuous im8ro-ement rgani"ational commitment to constantl

    im8ro-ing the @ualit of a 8roduct or ser-ice

    ;ose8h ;uran ,5 /dards Deming

    Nai"enThe ;a8anese term for an organi"ation

    committed to continuous im8ro-ement ,or< 8rocess engineering

    Radical or @uantum change in anorgani"ation

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    Megatech International College


    Concerns aout social res8onsiilit andmanagerial ethics are groing

    /ntre8reneurshi8 ste8s in-ol-ed

    Di-ersit of the or

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    ! .

    1uestion and 'ns-er 2ession

    Megatech International College

  • 7/25/2019 Fdm Mgmt Unit 2 Culture and Ethics


    :ext Aecture

    2:IT 3 D/CI*I: M.NI:G

    Megatech International College