fce put phrasals and verbs

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Post on 01-Mar-2016




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Fce Put Phrasals and Verbs


USE THE WORDS IN THE BOX TO COMPLETE THE PHRASAL VERBS, IDIOMS AND OTHER EXPRESSIONS USING: PUT IN THIS STORY. YOU WILL NEED TO USE SOME OF THEM MORE THAN ONCE. across aside away behind down for forward in into off onto out straight through to together under - up -with

The company I had been working for was taken over by a new manager, and we didn't get on very well. Every suggestion that I put 1________ he rejected, he put me 2________ a lot of pressure to work longer hours, and he continually put me 3________ in front of the other employees. The final straw came when he told me to put 4________ an exhibition for a trade fair: I put 5________ weeks of work, but he told me that he thought the final result was "rubbish". He even put the word 6________ that I was lazy and unreliable.

I made a great effort to put 7________ our differences, but eventually decided the best thing would be to put 8________ ________ a transfer to another department. When this was refused, I decided I couldn't put 9________ 10________ it anymore, and resigned.Fortunately I had managed to put 11________ a bit of money (including some that I had put 12________ a high-interest deposit account), and so I decided to take a well-deserved holiday. There were several interesting holiday offers in the newspapers, but I decided to put 13________ choosing one until I found exactly what I wanted. It was a friend who put me 14________ a travel agency that specialised in walking holidays in interesting parts of the world. I checked their website, found a holiday that I wanted and put 15________ a 200 deposit, followed by the balance three weeks later.

When the tickets didn't arrive, I tried calling their telephone helpline, but was continually put 16________ ________ a recorded announcement. After several attempts to phone them, I put pen 17________ paper and wrote them a letter (I'm always much better at putting myself 18________ in writing than I am at speaking). I was naturally put 19________ when I didn't get a reply, so I visited the agency in their London offices. The manager saw me personally and I put my situation 20________ him, explaining that I either wanted my tickets or my money back. He tried to put me 21________ by saying that there was no record of my booking, but I put him 22________ by showing him the transaction record on my credit card account. I then put my foot 23________ and insisted he return my money. To my shock he called me a liar and told a security guard to remove me from the building. That was when I lost my temper. I went to my car, started the engine, put the car 24________ gear, put my foot 25________, and smashed the car through the agency's window.

And that, your honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is my story. I hope you will take into account my feelings and emotions at the time. I just want to put it all 26________ me. Please don't put me 27________!