fcb partners webinar: 10 ways to get buy-in

10 Ways to Get BuyIn Walter Popper, Managing Director Webinar January 13, 2016 For more informa6on, go to fcbpartners.com or call Lindsay Field 617.245.0265

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Page 1: FCB Partners Webinar: 10 Ways to Get Buy-In

10  Ways  to  Get  Buy-­‐In  Walter  Popper,  Managing  Director  

Webinar    January  13,  2016  

For  more  informa6on,  go  to  fcbpartners.com  or  call  Lindsay  Field  617.245.0265  

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Your  Organiza,on  Is  Changing  and  You’re  the  Designated  Leader  

You’ve  accepted  the  role  and  now  you’re  facing  the  reality  

�  Sponsor  6me,  aNen6on  …  engagement  

�  Ambiguous  mission  –  broad  goals,  narrow  scope  

�  Inadequate  resources  –  team,  budget,  and  informa6on  

�  Mixed  messages,  conflic6ng  priori6es  

�  And  everyone  has  their  day  job  

How  will  you  get  the  buy-­‐in  you  need?  

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Persuasion  Is  Never  Enough  

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1.  Quan,fy  the  Problem  

�  Scan:    Look  at  your  stakeholder’s  objec6ves  and  scorecard  

�  Focus:    Select  a  measure.  Highlight  the  gap  –  current  vs.  poten6al  

�  Act:    Explain,  discuss  and  engage  

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2.  Write  a  Headline  

�  Scan:    Review  the  problem  and  the  benefits  your  solu6on  provides  

�  Focus:    Create  a  catchy  6tle  –  Fast-­‐to-­‐Market  –  Perfect  Order  –  First  Time  Final  

�  Act:    Use  it  everywhere  

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3.  Start  Small  

�  Scan:    Regarding  a  known  problem,  ask  ‘What  would  help?’  

�  Focus:    Pick  a  few  ideas  –  small  scale,  low  risk,  inexpensive,  near  term  

�  Act:    Complete  them  and  repeat  

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4.  When  An,cipa,ng  Push  Back,  Address  the  Cause    

�  Scan:    As  each  stakeholder  responds  to  your  request,  listen  for  their  mo6va6on  

�  Focus:    Select  one  concern  you  could  alleviate  or  expecta6on  you  meet  

�  Act:    Nego6ate  a  trade  –  I’ll  give  you  X  if  you  give  me  Y  

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5.  Recruit  Opinion  Leaders  

Advisors  your  audience  trusts.  People  who  understand  what  you’re  asking  for  and  will  state  your  case.  Provide  them  informa6on  and  

ask  them  for  feedback.    

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6.  Show  up  in  Mul,ple  Venues  

�  Board  Room  and  front  line  

�  Business  unit  and  home  office  

�  Opera6ons  and  strategic  plan  

�  Staff  mee6ng  and  town  hall  

If you support their agenda, they’re more likely to support yours.

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7.  Model  the  Behavior  You  Seek    

�  If  it’s  advocacy,  be  the  first  to  speak  out  

�  If  it’s  resources,  commit  your  own  best  players  

�  If  it’s  budget,  put  your  own  variable  comp  at  risk  

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8.  Demonstrate  What’s  Possible  

�  Proof  of  concept  in  a  safe  lab  environment  

�  Concrete  examples  of  what  others  have  done  

�  Posi6ve  outliers  among  internal  associates  

�  Best  prac6ces  from  the  industry  and  beyond  

Disprove  the  asser6on,  “It  will  never  work!’’  

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9.  Build  Momentum  

�  At  every  opportunity  make  a  request  

�  Follow  up  systema6cally  –  issues,  ac6ons,  results  

�  Take  ground  with  each  interim  accomplishment  

�  Report  progress  and  raise  the  bar  for  the  next  round  

Build  trust  un6l  buy-­‐in  becomes  the  default  response.  

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10.  When  You  Get  Buy  In,  Reinforce  It  

�  Communicate  progress  both  privately  and  in  public  

�  Acknowledge  support  and  contribu6ons  

�  Recognize  concerns  and  challenges  

�  Return  favors  

�  Celebrate  success  

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FCB  2016  Public  Courses  

Event   Dates  and  Loca,on  

Process  Redesign   Hammer  Cer5fica5on  Course  Coconut  Grove,  Miami  FL,  February  2-­‐5  

Change  Leaders  and  Catalysts*   Advanced  Cer5fica5on  Course  Arlington,  VA,  April  4-­‐5  

Implementa,on  and  Execu,on   Advanced  Cer5fica5on  Course  Arlington,  VA,  April  6-­‐7  

Process  Redesign   Hammer  Cer5fica5on  Course  Arlington,  VA,  April  5-­‐8  

Power  of  Process   Hammer  Cer5fica5on  Course  New  Orleans,  LA,  October  24-­‐25  

Leading  Transforma,on   Hammer  Cer5fica5on  Course  New  Orleans,  LA,  October  26-­‐28  

*  See  next  page  for  more  informa6on  

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Change  Leaders  and  Catalysts  A  course  on  advocacy,  sponsorship,  and  influence  for  business  process  change  management  

When  you  change  what  people  do – how  they  work,  tools  they  use,  performance  measures,  and  who’s  in  charge  –  you  need  a  change  strategy:    Why,  what,  where,  and  how  things  will  change.  

What  we  cover:    Early-­‐stage  change  management  •  Establishing  ‘why’  –  the  case  for  ac6on  •  Nego6a6ng  ‘what’  –  project  sponsor,  process  owner,  and  func6on  managers  •  Targe6ng  ‘where’  –  project  gates,  process  steps,  and  performer  roles  •  Techniques  for  ‘how’  –  stakeholder  mapping,  communica6ons,  and  influence  

Who  should  take  this  course:    Early  stage  process  and  project  leaders  •  Business  Process  Managers  •  Business  and  IT  Project  Managers  •  Lean,  Six  Sigma  and  IT  specialists    What  you  will  learn  •  Create  and  communicate  a  compelling  narra6ve  •  Recruit  a  network  of  decision  makers,  opinion  leaders,  and  doers  •  Build  momentum  through  words,  ac6ons,  and  events  •  Accelerate  buy-­‐in  and  set  the  stage  for  improvement  

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For  More  Informa,on  FCB  Partners  

 Lindsay  Field,  Program  Director  

617  245  0265  [email protected]