fazione august 2015


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Post on 23-Jul-2016




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Another issue has come to give another offering from MFGP. This is the Fazione’s second issue: Atypical Hue. Atypical means unusual, something different. We wanted to give you different interpretations of colors of fashion. As hue means color, literally. We want to increase our patronage. That’s why we are taking a risk in giving you a more different approach in terms of editorial fashion. Something that you’ve never seen before, something daring and bold. Fazione once dreamed of becoming one of the best fashion and lifestyle online print medium where fashion people can connect with and perhaps influence other fashion fanatics to be more updated about what’s really “in” and “out” of fashion. For this issue, we prepared something interesting for you. With the collection of yours truly along with the other MFGP designers: Edmir Lagui and Auten Kit, we hope to transcend to something unusual to your fashion taste buds. An approach that is so tasty and well crafted.