fazal cloth mills ltd

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its operations ,product ,price and marketing strategy.offerings.overall value chain process


  • 5/26/2018 Fazal Cloth Mills Ltd


  • 5/26/2018 Fazal Cloth Mills Ltd



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    Fazal Cloyh Mills Limited is a Public Limited Company listed on the Karachi

    Stock Exchange. The company was incorporated in 1966.The company Owns and operates five Ring

    Spinning plants comprising 176472 spindles and 780 rotors, and a weaving unit comprising 117 picanol

    air jet looms. All units have captive gas fired power plants with a capacity of 28 mega watts. All plants

    are equipped with state of the art equipment. The units are located around Multan, heart of the cotton

    belt of Pakistan. Customer Satisfaction, From order Placement to after sales service, is given priority

    over every other aspect as a policy. Customer reinvestment is made to modernize and balance

    manufacturing facilities with an aim to diversify, improve and expand product base.

    Investment in human resource development is an integral part of the companys business plan. Strictattention is placed on environment concerns and plants are regularly inspected to ensure compliance of

    relevant environmental regulations. Annual sales worldwide are in excess of US $275 Million,bulk of

    which are generated from Exports.


    OBJECTIVE OF THE ORGANIZATIONThe code recognizes that the objectives of the organization are to work to highest standards ofprofessionalism, to attain the highest levels of performance and generally to meet the interestedgroups requirements set out above. The objectives require four basics needs to be met.

    Credibility: In the whole of society there is need for credibility in information systems

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    Professionalism: The customers, employees and other interested parties can rely on theprofessionalism of the organization

    Quality of Services: There is a need for assurance that all services provided are carried out to thehighest standards of performance.

    Confidence: Interested groups should be able to feel confident that there exists a framework ofprofessional ethics, which governs the provision of services provided by the organization to the

    community and the country.


    In order to achieve the objectives of the organization, employer and employees have to observe anumber of prerequisites or fundamental principles.

    The fundamental principles are:

    Integrity: An interested group connected with the organization should be straight forward and honestin performing professional services.

    Objectivity: The organization should be fair and should not allow prejudice or base or influence ofother to override objectivity.

    Professional Competence, Due Care and Timeliness: An organization should perform andprovide goods and services with due care, competence and diligence and has a continuing duty tomaintain a level required to ensure that a customer or employee receives goods and service based on upto date product line. Further all industrial obligations should be adhered to for timely compliance.

    Confidentiality: The organization should respect the confidentiality of information acquired duringthe course of providing goods and services and should not use or disclose any such information withoutproper and specific authority or unless there is a legal or professional right or duty to disclose.

    Organizational Behavior: The organization should act in a manner consistent with the goodreputation of the industry and refrain from any conduct, which might bring discredit to the company.

    Technical Standards: The organization should provide goods and services in according with therelevant technical and professional standards. The organization has a duty to follow with care and skill,

    the instructions of the customers insofar as they are compatible with the requirements of commercialtrade practices. In addition they should conform with the technical and professional standardspromulgated by:

    PCSIR (Pakistan Council for Scientific & Industrial Research)

    (1)International Standards (2) Relevant Legislation

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    In addition to observing the fundamental principles listed above, the organization should be and appearto be free of any interest, which might be, regarded, whatever its actual effect, as being incompatiblewith integrity, objectivity and independence.The objectives as well as the fundamental principles are ofa general nature and are not indented to be used to solve the organization's ethical problems in a specificcase. However, the code provided some guidance as to the application in practice of the objectives and

    the fundamental principles with regards to a number of typical situations occurring in the industrialprocess and company procedure.

    Fazal MILLS Main Products

    Spinning Division

    Cotton Carded/ Combed Yarn Plied YarnPima Cotton Combed Yarn CVC Yarn100% Polyester Yarn TC Yarn

    100% Rayon Yarn CorePolyester Rayon Blended Yarn Twills

    Polyester Acryllic Blended Yarn PercalesSpun Yarn with Lycra SheetingMelange Yarn PoplinModal/ Tencel Yarn Canvas

    100% Acryllic Yarn

    Weaving Division

    Satins/ Stripped Satin Dobby ArticlesStretch Twill/ Poplin Double Pick Fabrics

    Raw Materials

    Raw Materials Of Productions Are

    YarnPolyesterGinned Cotton

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    Manufacturing Units

    Fazal Cloth Mills Limited(UNITNO #1)

    This unit is located atFazal Nagar, Jhang Road, Muzaffargarh, Pakistan.. The strength of theunit is the result of a highly professional working atmosphere and dedicated group of executives who areefficiently managing the operations of the project. This approach of management not only producesbetter quality results but also helps the company to maintain its competitive edge. This unit specializes

    in production of single/double yarns for weaving and has an installedcapacity of70,392 Spindles.

    Count Range100% Cotton Ne 4/1 - Ne 32/1 Carded

    100% Rayon: Ne 10/1 - Ne 40/1

    TWO FOR ONE TWISTED YARNS Ne 5/2 - 30/2 Carded

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    Fazal Cloth Mills Limited

    (UNITNO #2)

    This unit is located at Fazal Nagar, Jhang Road, Muzaffargarh, Pakistan.. The Unit Catersto the weaving, denim and terry towel industries. It has an installed capacity of 18,240 Spindles.

    Count Range



    Multi count/Multi twist/Slub yarns

    Fazal Cloth Mills Limited(UNITNO #3)

    This unit is located at 18-Km, Khanewal Road Multan, Pakistan. The Unit produces highquality yarns for knitting and weaving industries. It has the distinction of being one of the firstthree mills to be "USTERIZED" (a certification from Zellweger Uster Technologies Inc.

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    certifying that products produced meet the highest quality standards) in Pakistan. It has aninstalled capacity of 33,120 Spindles.

    Count Range

    Ne20/1-Ne 100/1 CombedConventional / Compact K-44 Yarns

    Supima, Giza, and Medium Staple Cotton Yarns

    Fazal Cloth Mills Limited(UNITNO #4)

    This unit is located at Fazal Nagar, Jhang Road, Muzaffargarh, Pakistan. . It is equippedwith state of the art machinery and has an installed capacity of 21,024 Spindles. Itsmanufacturing process has been approved by SKAL for production of Organic Cotton Yarns.

    Count Range

    100% Cotton Ne 4/1 Combed - Ne 40/1 CombedWork Force: The Company has a total work force of 2,873 people including skilled andunskilled.


    Number of Spindles installed 141816

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    Number of Spindles worked 141816Number of Shifts per day 03Number of working days 365


    Marketing mix is the set of marketing tool that the firm uses to get its marketing objective in the targetmarket.


    FCML is dealing in the textile area, the products which the FCML is manufacturing is the yarn. FCMLis producing the best quality yarn there and the different types. FCML produces the yarn of differentcounts. From 1 count to 20 count yarn & above, according to the specification of the customers.

    FCML exports about 85% of its produce to the foreign markets. It exports to the Europe, Asia & theother neighboring countries. Due to the spinning unit. Fazal Group has an advantage in the weaving, thatthey use their own yarn in the manufacturing of the fabric also has the different quality constructions.The combed & the carded yarn. The combed is the yarn which is more refined as compared to thecarded.

    The products are produced according to the specification of the customers.FCML also sells & purchase the products from the local market to fulfill its orders. These products arebuilding the image the progress and developments of the organization.

    (Its main product standard in Spinning Unit Spun Grey Carded / Combed Cotton Yarn produced withLocal / Imported Cotton. Producing Fiber Yarn with Bamboo Fiber / Modal Fiber)

    (Count Range is 5/1 to 100/1 (Including Double Yarn) and producing Ply Yarn & Fancy Yarn)


    PRICING OBJECTIVESThe obvious pricing objectives, of FCML are,

    Maximization of profit

    To achieve the target return and targeted sales.Maintain the market share.


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    The pricing method FCML is adopting is profit based. The FCML policy about pricing is that the profitshould be reasonable. And also they keep in mind the competitors because they are also providing theproducts at the competitive rates.

    Fixed Cost

    Variable Cost

    The total cost is calculated. while all the expenditure related to the products production are added. Thetotal expenditures are divided by the production. There per unit cost is obtained, also a margin is added.


    Fixed cost in value, the cost related to the machinery.

    Building cost.

    Electricity change.Salaries & wagesInsurance expensesPlant cost.


    Part time workers.Transportation chargesMiscellaneous.


    The profit margin depends upon the quality of the yarn. The price will be different to attract the

    customers in foreign and local markets.


    Pricing method for the export products is different from the local pricing method. In the export,all the expenditure related to the export such as the custom clearance charges, port clearancecharges, shipping line freight and other foreign agent commission is added. Also the charges

    related to the transportation and bank handling expenditures are considered while calculating theprice of the export items.


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    Pricing method for the local sale is different because all the cost involved in the exportprocedures is not included. So the price would be lower in this market.

    PLACE / DISTRIBUTIONFCML exports about 85% of its produce.Therefore the distribution channel of the FCML is as follows.


    FCML is dealing directly with the customers. As in the local market and the foreign, the buyers directlycontact with the FCML. So the export department fulfills their orders by the transformers. Thetransporter helps in delivering the products. The transporters are helping a lot in progressing the textileindustry. The delivery to the buyer is the greatest service to the customer, timely delivery is importantfor the success and development of the organization.

    FCML has a direct contact with the shipping port and customer clearance agents. They clear the

    containers from the port.


    FCMLto his customers via agents. In the export of textile products, the agents are the back bone oftextile industry. They receive the order on behalf of the buyer, give to the seller. They receive theircommission form the buyer and the seller.

    The agents also purchase the products; sell them directly to other buyers. So in this trading they earnenough profit. In Lahore & Karachi, there have been a large number of agents which are working for

    their organizations, in foreign countries as well as in this country. Mostly the export business is throughthese agents. The agents have been successful due to the credibility and honesty of their work.

    FCML mostly receive orders through agents, located in the Lahore and Karachi.FCML pays commission to them.Mainly the responsibilities lie on the agents in case of delayed shipments, payment problems and thequality problems.Mainly the products are exported through the different shipping lines.


    FCML promotes its products, but to a limited extent.FCML provides the company broachers to the buyers.FCML provides the samples of the yarn to the customers.FCML has a direct contact with the local and the foreign agents, so they also promote the companyproducts.FCML marketing manager also visits its customers.FCML high quality yarn is also promoted by the cloth which is produced by Fazal Groups weaving

    unit which is also promoting the company and establishing image and goodwill.

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    FCML provides the timely information to customers which help in promoting.

    Marketing Department may be divided into two main other Departments for understanding all majoractivities which are made under marketing department as under;

    1. Export Department2. Import Department


    The purchase department is divided into two categories, cotton purchase department and store purchasedepartment.

    Cotton Purchase Department

    Cotton purchase department is most important department in textile industry. Quality of yarn dependsupon cotton that has been purchased. It becomes most important when there is business of export. Thereis no question of compromise on quality. Because your minor mistake may result in huge losses.Moreover you will loss your credibility. From director to cotton selectors all are involved in cottonpurchase process.

    Visit of cotton selectors

    The cotton selectors of FCML visit the cotton ginning factories. Cotton selectors may visit the factorieson their own behalf and some times the cotton factories call them. Their visits are very importantbecause purchase process starts from here.

    Purchase Process

    The following steps are involved in the purchase of raw material i.e. cotton.

    Demand of purchase from mill Purchase RequisitionSample from different suppliers and quotations







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    Sample testing decision makingAgreement with the partyWriting delivery order for factoryINGATE pass + D.O + Purchase Invoice + Purchase Requisitions are supplied to accounts department

    Selecting the Sample

    Samples are selected from huge amounts of cotton. Samples are taken from different suppliers. Thesesamples are then tested. The most suitable sample at lowest price is selected for Purchase of cotton.

    As there is centralized management system so the Director himself takes the decision of selection andpurchase of cotton. In other words Director is final authority in making decision.

    Store Purchase Department

    Stores Incharge heads the store purchase department. The setup of purchase department is as under:

    DirectorPurchase OfficerAssistant Purchase OfficerPurchase Clerk

    The store purchase department is responsible for the purchase of items like

    Spare parts of machinery Store and Packing material sparesElectric items Oil and lubricants

    Stationery items Building MaterialGeneral Store,


    Demand Requisition. Invoice of PurchaseDelivery Order In Gate Pass

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    ProcedureThe following is the procedure for local purchase department.

    The purchase department receives the demand requisition from store in charge at store at millsthis is in fact an intention or requirement of commodities at mill the purchase demandrequisition contains a full detail of quality and quantity of commodities required. It also containsprice detail of goods purchased previously the purchase department on the basis of indent doesan inquiry for rate from at least two suppliers from approved suppliers list. After inquiryPurchase Manager discusses with Director for approval of rate and other necessary requirement.

    After the approval the Purchase Department purchases the items from suppliers and sent those tothe mill with three copies of delivery orders In case of no rejection of items store in charge sendone copy of delivery order back to the purchase department along with one copy of In Gate Pass.Store in charge also keeps a copy of delivery order and in Gate Pass for his own record.

    Demand of purchasefrom millPurchase Requisition

    Sample from different

    suppliers and

    Sample Testing


    Agreement with the


    Writing delivery order

    for factory

    In gate pass + D.O +

    Purchase Invoice +Purchase Requisitions

    aresupplied to accountsdepartment

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    In case of rejection of items store in charge sends all copies of Delivery Orders with items backto the purchase department at Multan Office of FCML.

    Process of Ginning the CottonIt is the first steps, in which the seeds are separated from the cotton. The separated cotton isclassified according to its quality and standers. Finally it is tied up in to bales to bring them fornext phase. The machines that separate seeds can be used to prepare oil, feeds etc.

    Spinning Process

    When the cotton bales reached the spinning mill, these bales are opened and cotton is torn in tosmall pieces. This cotton is finally prepared as thread cones of different quality. The differentdepartments play an important role in the progress of conversion such as blow room, carding

    section, simplex section, and ring section and auto cone section. A detail report of thesesections will be provided in the later discussion.

    Weaving Process

    It is the process in which cloth is prepared from thread. The machinery, which performs keyfunctions in specified process, is called loom. These looms are used to prepare the cloth.

    International Marketing Procedure

    Export Procedure Introduction to the Export Process


    Fazal Cloth Mills Limited Company has four Spinning Units. These units are equipped withhighly modern and automated machinery. Following sections are there in their ProductionDepartment or Spinning Unit.

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    Production Process

    Air Feeding


    Now a days most of the Spinning Mills are using the Auto Pucker Plants. The function of thisplant is the breaking and opening of the bales of cotton. The cotton in these bales is in thepressed form. It cannot be used for further processing until and unless it is opened and made inthe loose form. Firstly the cotton bales were opened manually but in that way, so much cottonwas wasted and instead of remaining clean it became dirtier. Further more it took a lot of time.Along with opening, the blending of different lots is done in this plant, a lot is consisted of 100bales of cotton. For blending the bales contain the specifications as given below:











    Draw Frames





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    Lot NumberStationKind of Cotton/Quality of Cotton Weight.


    Conditioning is a term, which is directed towards a task in which the opened cotton fromplucker room is placed in open form before feeding in the Blow Room. In this way the cottonabsorbs the air and automatically comes into loose form, which is helpful in the smoothfunctioning of Blow Rom machines. For the purpose of conditioning the cotton poles areallowed to lie for 12 to 16 hours.


    The main function of the Blow Room is cleaning and purifying the cotton. In Blow Room, theraw cotton is first time processed. Input of this room is the raw cotton while the output is thelap. In Blow Room, the Bale Breaker machines are installed. These perform the function ofbreaking cotton into the loose form then cotton is passed artificially the lighted path so that anyimpurity such as stones, clots can be removed. The Bale Breaker machine contains the beatersin them these beaters move the cotton into different ways and open it the spikes installed on theedges help in splitting the cotton.


    These are the pipes through which the cotton is sent to Scutchers where the raw cotton takes theshape of final product of Blow Room. Firstly, the cotton was put into scutchers manuallytherefore lot of cotton was wasted but now the help of distributors the cotton is not wasted.


    These are the machines where output of Blow Room Lap is shaped.

    Hopper Feeders

    Hopper Feeders are used to regulate the flow of cotton to Scutchers. These ensure the uniformsupply of cotton to scutchers.

    Krischner Beater

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    These are the beaters installed in scutchers. They perform the function of opening and cleaning.They contain wooden laps and spikes which are installed on the edge of these


    The completed lap, which is the output of the Blow Room, is the input of the Carding section.So, the out product is the Card Sliver. Here the laps are opened; cleaned, drafted and short fiberis extracted from the Card Sliver. Sliver is fiber of cotton in the shape of thick rope. Drafting inthe process in which the length of the cotton fiber is increased through automatic machineprocess. The lap, which is raped on the lap rod, is placed and feuded to these machines; thesemachines perform different functions to convert this lap into Sliver. The production speed of thecarding machines is 122m/m. The rollers and cylinders in these machines, which perform thesefunctions, include the followings:

    Feed Roller Taker inCylinder DofferStripping Roller


    Here the functions including doubling, drafting, and parallelization and straightening are done.Doubling refers to the doubling the length of cotton fiber. This section is divided into the twosections including the Passage 1 and Passage


    In drafting the length of the fiber is increased 50% that it can be converted into yarn/


    In parallelization process the fibers of the sliver rope are make in the parallel form to each otherthis is done along with drafting the sort fiber is extracted.


    Here the fibers are made the straight, the hooks of the fibers are removed, and all the zigzaggingis eliminated to reduce the waste.


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    Here the input is breaker drawing sliver, the cross canning is done also in this section as was inprevious section so as to bet evenness sliver.

    Pre Comber

    Here the pre combing machines are used the main objectives of which are the followings:

    ParallelizationRemoved of short fiberDoublingStraighteningDrafting

    Lap Former

    Lap former is the machine, which are reserved for the formation of lap of drawn, breaker sliver.Its main purpose is lap formation by doubling. 452 cones are used for making one lap. The lapis rapped on the plastic bobbins.

    Yellow bobbins (Are used for the combed yarn)Pink and green (Are used for the carded yarn.)


    Comber machines perform two basic functions:

    ParallelizationExtraction of short fiber


    Here roving machines are installed, the functions involved are twisting, and drafting in twistingthe machine twists the thread so as to make it cohesive. In this way the string gets the strengthand cannot break easily so ensuring the smooth functioning of the machines. Here the in

    product is finisher-combed sliver and out product is the Roving. The relative humidity needed is55% to 60%. Weight of roving package is 1.52 kg.


    The main function of this section is drafting and twisting. The machinery in this section is themost expensive of all. Main functions of the spindles are to wrap the thread bobbins and the

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    speed difference between speed of the spindles and of the rings is the cause of the winding butboth travels in the same direction. There are overhead cleaners in this section they are movingoverhead cleaner and ensure the cleaning in this section they by providing the air pressure, fortwo machines there are one overhead cleaner. The waste material is extracted from the suckingpump in the plant these plants are installed on the floor.

    Here the input is roving package and the output is the Yarn.


    Here the yarn formed by the ring section is wrapped on cones. An important aspect about thecone formation is that different types of thread are wrapped on cones of different colors.Following features of Yarn are adjusted.

    Thinness of Yarn

    Thick places adjustmentShort thick places

    Here if the thread breaks it is automatically rejoined and the waste is removed ultimately,overhead cleaners are also installed there.


    Some companies demand doubling Yarn production so for that purpose thread from two conesare twisted combines into one and wrapped into one cone this is the fine output.


    It is also yarn condition room the relative humidity is 90% and is provided to the combed yarnin this way the cotton regains the 8.5% moisture and it is the natural. The cones are then packedand different types of packaging is used for example for export purpose first it is packed into thepolythene and then into the cartons and the cartons contain all details about the yarn includingCountBrand

    Gross WeightNet Weight

    The final mark that is Made in Pakistan is placed.


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    Different types of reports are prepared when yarn is received from the spinning section an allrecords are maintained completely. These are as under:Yarn ReportWaste ReportDaily Cotton Consumption Report

    Efficiency Report (Spindles Worked)Daily Production Report


    Quality Control refers to setting certain standards for production and matching production withthose standards. Management of every company is specially committed to the good quality bothin production and end results. The Management of FCML has been successful in creating andmaintaining the quality culture in the organization. Daily quality report is sent to headquarter

    and it is checked here. 85 to 90 percent of production is exported; therefore, it is highlyintensified. Following are the characteristics of the Yarn that are checked for the equalityassurance:

    Weight of FiberLength and StrengthDiaWeight and Final YarnEvenness of YarnRelative Humidity


    Count Lycra

    (1.5 meter) X (80 round) = 120 yard

    Hank (120 yards) X (7) = 840

    On the scale put on one side on pound and on the other side put the hanks. Then count the hanks

    that will be our count. Suppose that there are 30 hanks equal to one pound our cont will be NE30/1.

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    FCML Internal And External Customer:

    a. Internal Customer1. Rana textile mills limited2. U.S. Emporio3. M.N. Textile(private) Limited4. Nishat dying & Finishing mills5. Fazal Rehman Fabrics Limited6. Fatima EnterprisesLTD.(Textile unit2)b. External Customer1. Wide Way Textile Limited.2. Zhejiang Hing Fung Weaving Dyeing & Printing Co. l3. If Trade Ag Merkurstrasse4. TAT CHI Textile Limited5. Shenzhen Kotawa Investment Co. LTD6. Ads Textile Handel GmbhFCML Supplier:

    1. Acro Textile Mills Ltd.2. Ahmad Fine Textile Mills LTD3. Ahmed Oriental Textile Mills Limited.4. Al-Sehar Manufacturer (PVT) Limited5. Basfa Textile (private) Limited6. Best Exports (PVT) LTD.

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    Cotton is also available at cheaper rates.It has its own spinning unit and the weaving unit also which is reducing the cost of production?FCML has well qualified staff.FCML has good financial resources. So they can invest in other textile related products.FCML has food relations with local foreign buyers.Good know how about the textile business which is improving the progress of the company?Cheap labor is available to FCML which is reducing as per unit cost.The products are at compatible prices.FCML has its better market information system.


    Delivery time is more due to this the shipment are delayedThere is more decentralization in FCML. Less competitive in the fine count.Our cotton fiber is short. This is decreasing our productivity in fiber.Per unit cost is not decreasing .So we are less competitive in count Fiber.

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    FCML is not exporting value added products.Lack of HR resources development.Lack of promotional activities. FCML should do the more effort in promotion.Non-professional attitude which is decreasing efficiency?


    FCML has opportunity to explore new international and growth-oriented markets for the exportsof Fabric.FCML can play the role of agent. So they can save the commission, which is paid to the agents.FCML can better the marketing techniques.The company should import the latest technology to decrease unit cost of the production.The company should go in dying process also.The company should make efforts to improve the technical skills of the labor and employeeswhich will improve the overall efficiency and productivity of the organization

    Govt. is also providing lot of incentives to the exporters.The FCML can move in horizontal and the forward integration.The decreasing interest rates on the loans.FCML has opportunity to export to the U.S.A and the Europe markets.There is more scope of exporting to these markets.


    Govt. strict policies about the textile sector.

    The unreliable agriculture sector.Quotas are lifting FCML will face the major threat.FCML has a threat from the domestic and the international competitors.China, Thailand and Indonesia are the emerging giants in textile.The FCML will face tough competition in domestic and international markets.WTO regime will be a great threat.Political instability is also a major threat.


    Keeping in view SWOT analysis we are able to make following recommendation that we cansuggests.

    Company should focus on the domestic market to increase its shareCompany has limited exports in the North American countries and in Europe. Company shouldenhance efforts to increase the export.Company should move towards the value addition. As it has more potential and it is the need oftime. In this way company can earn lot of foreign exchange for the country.

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    After the WTO implementation there is great chances to expand the business but there would bemore competition from the other countries like china and India and other countries from theregion. So expertise in the marketing field would be the key to success.Human Resource is the only competitive advantage that can not be imitated. So HumanResource development should be of prime focus.

    Company should try to improve the skills of their existing managers.There should be clear hierarchy in the different department.There should be clear policy of promotion in the company.Monetary rewards should be clearly based on the performance.There is substantial need of computerization of the system.Integration of information between the production department and the store department shouldbe through Information Technology.Prefer to Market Driven manufacturing