fat loss roundtable with the experts - question 4 - how much protein do you recommend when dieting?...

Question 4 How much protein do you recommend when dieting? Can essential amino acids be superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins? Fat Loss Roundtable With The Experts

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Fat Loss Roundtable With The Experts - Question 4 - How much protein do you recommend when dieting? Can essential amino acids be superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins?


Page 1: Fat Loss Roundtable With The Experts - Question 4 - How much protein do you recommend when dieting? Can essential amino acids be superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins?

Question 4 How much protein do you recommend when

dieting? Can essential amino acids be superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins?

Fat Loss Roundtable With The Experts

Page 2: Fat Loss Roundtable With The Experts - Question 4 - How much protein do you recommend when dieting? Can essential amino acids be superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins?

Layne Norton How much protein do you recommend when dieting? Can essential amino acids be

superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins?

“Well EAAs in particular leucine have a bigger impact on a per gram dose basis on muscle protein synthesis than whole protein but I don't know anyone who wants to just take all free form aminos for their protein and I don't recommend it.I think some supplemental leucine/BCAA can have it's place for optimizing meal responses when properly implemented but I think that while you COULD get all your protein from EAAs and be fine, I think most would prefer to actually eat food. Now one population that may benefit from this are people who have GI disorders or diseases where protein has to be restricted, in those cases supplemental EAAs/BCAAs/Leucine may be critical for maintaining lean body mass. As for protein intake, almost all the data we have seems to suggest right around 2g/kg per day is plenty. Going as high as 3g/kg has been shown to have no determental effects but also really no additional benefits either. ”

Page 3: Fat Loss Roundtable With The Experts - Question 4 - How much protein do you recommend when dieting? Can essential amino acids be superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins?

Alan AragonHow much protein do you recommend when dieting? Can essential amino acids be

superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins?

“When dieting, I recommend roughly 1-1.36 g/lb (or about 2-3 g/kg).

Supplementing the diet with essential amino acids is pretty useless when the intake of high-quality proteins is at this ample range, since plenty of EAA content is already present. ”

Page 4: Fat Loss Roundtable With The Experts - Question 4 - How much protein do you recommend when dieting? Can essential amino acids be superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins?

“2-2.5g per kg of bodyweight, up to 3g when running more extreme deficits. That translates into about 1-1.5g/lbs bodyweight for the metrically impaired.

For maximum efficiency in terms of utilization and protein synthesis, I find 3-5 meals per day to be best, the sweet spot at 4 meals. Any more or less, and you tend to run into problems.

I know you didn´t ask about that, but I think you have to ensure your body makes the most use out of the ingested protein, if you eat 6-9 meals per day as is popular in the fitness and bodybuilding community, you will run into a phenomenon termed ´refractory response´ where the protein machinery gets overloaded and stops responding. You need discreet peaks and valleys in plasma amino acid levels.”

Borge FagerliHow much protein do you recommend when dieting? Can essential amino acids be

superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins?

Page 5: Fat Loss Roundtable With The Experts - Question 4 - How much protein do you recommend when dieting? Can essential amino acids be superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins?

“I like to keep it simple and say a palm sized portion should be enough and you can fill your self up on high fibre carbs like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage (cooked well with spices so it tastes good) and some healthy fats like coconut oil.

Eat like this and you won't feel hungry. I do recommend branch chain amino acids if an athlete is training hard and trying to lose weight at the same time, most general members of the public probably don't train this hard and could get by without them.”

Gavin AllinsonHow much protein do you recommend when dieting? Can essential amino acids be

superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins?

Page 6: Fat Loss Roundtable With The Experts - Question 4 - How much protein do you recommend when dieting? Can essential amino acids be superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins?

“Protein wise I’d go for 2.2-3.5g/kg depending on level of weight training.

I use aminos regularly along with normal proteins – I think they give an edge – but not at the expense of normal proteins.”

Matt LovellHow much protein do you recommend when dieting? Can essential amino acids be

superior for protein synthesis compared to whole proteins?