fasting at home


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Fasting for health


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WelcomeThe time has come... Let the Journey Begin!

So you do not have the time to go to a tropical island in Thailand or the

mountains of Peru to spend a week to cleanse and detox? No worries, this

guide will help you create the perfect cleansing retreat in your own home.

Welcome to “Your Quick Guide to Fasting at Home.”

Over the years, one of the most common questions I have received from those living the fast paced life

of the western world is “what is the best way to fast, cleanse or detox at home when I still have to go to

work, take care of the kids and pay my bills?”

Although a beautiful, secluded retreat may be ideal, fasting at home can be an incredibly

transformative experience if done with proper guidance and intention. So sit back, relax and enjoy the

journey. It promises to be one you will never forget!

Why Fast?

Over the centuries, fasting has been less associated with the physical body and more related to our

psychological state and our connection with our soul. Fasting was viewed as an essential act for

providing an opening for the soul to emerge with the knowledge of who we are and why we are here. 

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But, given the hectic nature of our modern lives, it’s no wonder that the connection between our

purpose for being and fasting have been forgotten.  Nowadays fasting and cleansing has reached the

consciousness of the Western culture and is being used to cleanse the physical body in response to

our increasingly toxic world.

Of course our bodies naturally detoxify everyday as part of a normal body process. Detoxification is

one of the body’s most basic automatic functions of eliminating and neutralizing toxins through the

colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin. Unfortunately in this day and age, with the pollution

found in the air, water and food we eat, our bodies have a hard time keeping up. Our chemicalized

diets, with too much animal protein, too many saturated and trans-fat and too much caffeine and

alcohol radically changes our internal ecosystem."

Our bodies try to protect us from the dangerous substances by setting them aside, surrounding them

with mucous and fat so they will not cause an imbalance or trigger an immune response. Body systems

and organs that were once capable of cleaning out these unwanted substances are now completely

overloaded to the point where toxic material remains inside our tissues.

Detoxification through juice fasting and other cleansing practices, such as colonics/enemas is one of

the best ways to assist your body’s natural self-cleaning system. It is especially important for immune-

compromised diseases like cancer, arthritis, diabetes and chronic fatigue. However, even if your

eating is light, a gentle spring cleaning can revitalize your system and rid your body of harmful

bacteria, viruses and parasites.

During your juice fast, your body will catabolize, or self-digest, its own stored substance,

resynthesizing nutrients and eliminating toxins. Additionally, fruit and vegetable juices and

alkalinizing vegetable broth and herbal teas all add vitamins, minerals and trace elements to the body,

in addition to aiding detoxification.

Following your juice fast, food digestion and nutrient-assimilation will both be improved

considerably, while organ-sluggishness and further water-retention are precluded. Thus, besides

allowing you to let go of some unwanted pounds from the body, your juice fast will greatly increase

your vibration and thus move you away from dis-ease and toward ease, grace and joy."

Your conscious reasons to fast may be to restore your health, deepen your connection with spirit,

become more self aware, increase energy, lose weight, heighten your mental clarity, tap into your

creative side, etc.  But whatever the conscious reason is, embark on this journey because there is

something deep within you that is nudging you in this direction.  It will most likely benefit you in ways

that are far beyond the obvious!

“Fasting is attuning ourselves to the higher vibrations of liquids, light and love.”

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Cleansing can be seen as

anything we do to reduce the

amount of toxins going into our system and/or

removing excess toxins from our system. This could

include for example, not eating meat for a day, a

week or eating just raw foods and juices. One the

other hand, fasting is generally considered a

complete abstention from solid foods for a specified

period of time.

Not to confuse things, we will consider two types of

fasts that are most common today, water fasting and

juice fasting, which also includes the well known,

The Master Cleanse or Lemonade fast. Both (water

and juice fasts) are quite different in their effects and

careful consideration should be taken in choosing

the right fast for you.

The Master Cleanse is a wonderful fast, especially for

those that are going to remain very active during

their cleanse. If you would like the details as to how

to perform the well known Master Cleanse, click

here. This document is loaded with great

information that will assist your journey whether you

decide to do the Master Cleanse or not.

Water fasting can be a very effective fast but for most

is much too extreme. It could be compared to

running a marathon. Unless you have been training

and preparing your body for that type of experience,

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this could prove quite damaging for the body or even fatal. I do not recommend water fasting unless

you have had a regular practice of cleansing/detoxing over the years and live a very pure life (raw

vegan for example). Water fasting is incredibly demanding on the body and will cause the release of

many more toxins in to the system much faster than a juice fast. This can overload the body and cause

a serious cleansing crisis that could be quite severe. Fatigue is generally very high and daily activity is

drastically limited for most people on a water fast. For these reasons, it is best to conduct a water fast

only under the supervision of someone highly trained/experienced in the detoxification process.

On the other hand, juice fasting is one of the fastest and safest methods of removing unwanted

toxins. By flooding the body with massive amount of nutrients in a form your body can easily

assimilate and by providing the digestive, assimilative and eliminative organs a much-needed rest,

periodic juice fasting restores and normalizes glandular, metabolic and nervous-system functions,

speeds elimination of toxic wastes and dead cells, accelerates new cell and tissue generation and

enhances cell-oxygenation. A juice fast, properly conducted, will leave you feeling refreshed and

rejuvenated, with more energy, a clear mind and will help you reestablish a healthy relationship with

food. It will safely give your body a much needed “house cleaning” and pave the way for deeper

healing to occur.

It is however, important to understand that if you are currently on any medications, pregnant or

under a doctor’s care for any reason, fasting or cleansing without proper supervision is not

recommended. Please seek the assistance of a professional.


The moment you decided to do a fast, your body, mind and emotions actually begins the healing process. It is now time for you to prepare your body and mind for the transition away from food and your current ways of nourishment.

1. Schedule the date that you will begin your fast. You may want to plan it during a time where

you know you will not be going to many events that involve social eating.  If you live with others,

let them know your intentions, what to expect and ask for their support as much as possible.

2. Buy a juicer. It’s important to note that blending your fruit is not the same because your body is

still receiving the fiber and has to work to digest it. There are two main types of juicers,

centrifugal and masticating. A centrifugal juicer is the most common, least expensive and most

efficient but there are downsides or limitations to consider. With this type of juicer, the fruit or

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vegetable is ripped apart with a high speed blade. The high speed causes the juice to become

oxidized relatively quickly, reducing the nutrient level of the juice. One must drink the juice

within an hour after making it. Also, centrifugal juicers are not able to juice most greens or

softer types of fruits. The masticating juicer on the other hand uses a slow rotating auger that

essentially squeezes the juice from the fruits and vegetables. This leaves the juice with less

oxidation and more nutrients for a longer period of time, up to 24 hours. Other features and

advantages is the ability to juice greens, including wheat grass, more extraction of juice and can

also be used to make other great raw foods, such as nut butters and spreads. However, the

process is slower and takes a bit more time. So, if you are going to just make juice and want to

drink it right away than a centrifugal juicer if fine. I highly recommend checking out the Breville

juicer (approximately $120). But if you want to use your juicer for much more than just juicing or

want to keep the juice in your fridge for your family, than I recommend a masticating juicer,

either the Champion or Samson (both around $230 - $250). There are many juicers out there

and most people find that after they complete a juice fast, juicing becomes a part of their daily

routine. These recommended juicers are very efficient, durable and relatively quick to clean. I

personally own the Samson now and use it for all our retreats and absolutely love it!

3. Go to the local health food store and purchase bentonite clay (either liquid or powder form),

psyllium husk, senna tea, epsom salts (liver flush) and an enema bag (if you choose to use one).

There is much controversy over the use of enemas or colonics during fasting. I have personally

used them during many of my fasts and have seen varying results. At times, I prefer a more

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natural approach to eliminating the toxins, such as senna herbal teas and/or a salt water flush,

which is described in detail in the Master Cleanse download. Should you decide to use an enema,

instructions are given later.

4. Transition into an 'organic whole foods diet' at least 3 days

out. This includes: freshly squeezed or juiced fruit and

vegetable juices, fresh fruit & vegetables in salads or lightly

steamed, whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa and

buckwheat, fresh, unsalted seeds and nuts and different kinds of

sprouts. See ideal suggestions below.

5. You may want to eliminate all processed foods, sugar, salt,

white flour, alcohol, meat, fried foods and other heavy foods. Also, if you are smoking,

drinking or taking any recreational drugs, it is a good idea to stop these at least one month before

you fast. It will make the fasting process much easier physically, emotionally and mentally, having

eliminated these substances from your consciousness before hand.

6. Consider to start journaling. Cleansing will occur on all levels and just like with the physical

body, we want to remove any toxins in our mental or emotional bodies as well. Journaling will aid

in this process.

7. Find something inspirational for you to read during your fast. You will have much more time

since you are not eating. I highly recommend checking out the book that completely inspired me

during my first fast, The Fasting Path by Stephen Buhner or you can order the best seller, Wake

Up Moments, which is a compilation of individual awakenings, including my own. You can

receive your copy for only $7.95 (free shipping within the US). Or click here for some of my

other favorite books.

8. Transform your home into a peaceful retreat center. See “Creating a Sacred Space” below.

9. Be selective who you share your intentions with. People have a lot of fear and erroneous beliefs

when it comes to food. With their best intentions, many of your friends will share their fears with

you, creating seeds of doubt which could diminish your experience.

10. Set your intentions: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. One of the main reasons

fasting is so effective is because of the intentions we set for the fast.  When we fast, our channel

clears, opening the manifestation current (chakras), enabling us to bring forth our intention with

much more intensity.  We heal because we set the intention to heal, we lose weight because of our

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intention to lose it, we establish a deeper connection to God because of our intention to do so.

So take time to get in touch with your deepest desires for this fast.

“To eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness."--Hippocrates, M.D


Here are some tips to transform your home into a sacred space to support your journey.

1.  Clean your home and remove as much

clutter as possible. You may be inspired to

cleanse your home of unwanted items during

your fast.  This can be very beneficial and

extremely freeing.  It will help you feel more

open and expansive.  Also, remove anything

that may tempt you during the fast. Not the

best idea to have your favorite snacks lying


2.  Create a space for meditation, prayer,

contemplation and journaling.  Find a

comfortable place that you will enjoy

spending quite time during your fast.  A nice

rug with pillows on the floor will be perfect. 

You may even want to create an altar with

some candles, aromatherapy, sage, incense, crystals, pictures of loved ones or spiritual teachers and

symbols.  Anything that draws you into the present and connects you to your heart.

3.  Play music that supports your intention. Sound energy is very healing.  Music designed for

healing, relaxation and meditation will go a long way in helping you create a sacred space.

4. Buy natural bath and body products.  It is important to remember that everything we put on our

skin and hair, goes into our system.  During your fast, you want to remove as many toxins from your

life as possible.  Toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo and soap all potentially add toxins to your body. 

Replace them with natural products.

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5. Reduce your work load as much as possible.  If you cannot avoid calls and emails during your fast,

try and return them just once a day at a specific time.  Leave a message on your voice mail saying all

calls will be returned at a this time.  Stress is toxic. Remember the purpose of your fast.

6. Remove all world news magazines, newspapers, etc.  You’ll want to give your mind a rest from

toxic information.  Buy some inspirational readings and magazines to fill your mind with the light of

the world.  One of my favorites is Ode Magazine.  Many prefer reading spiritual texts during this time

as well.

7. Limit the plans you make with others during this time.  You want to give yourself the space to

be with whatever comes up during your fast. Some days you may feel great, other days not so much. 

Make focusing on the intention of your fast a priority.


Knowing what to expect can greatly increase your chances of making it

through any situation in life. This is certainly true with fasting. Fear is

simply a lack of knowledge/experience. My intention is to provide you with

as much knowledge as possible. The more you know, the more confident you

will be as you embark on your sacred journey.

Cleansing Crisis: The cleansing crisis is a period typically experienced during the first 3- 5 days

when the body is dumping large amounts of toxins into the blood.  This is when most people will stop

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their fast, thinking that something is wrong. On the contrary, we are addicted to food and your body

is simply going through withdrawals.

Symptoms of the cleansing crisis include, but are not limited to, headaches, bad breath, coated

tongue, muscle aches, mental fog, restless, tiredness and lack of motivation. This is no reason to

discontinue your fast.  It will pass. A cleansing crisis can occur at any time of the fast. When enduring

a cleansing crisis, it is important to remind yourself that the bad feeling is caused by toxins leaving the

body and that you are getting healthy. Once the cleansing crisis passes, the body will enter into a

fasting peak.

Also, it is important to understand that in most cases, if you are not feeling well during your fast, the

fast is working… dumping toxins into and out of your system. When you are feeling uncomfortable

during the process, see if you can just be with it. Witness the feelings without the need to change

them. Find yourself saying, “isn’t that interesting” often throughout the week. It’s OK to be hungry,

to have a headache, to feel a bit weak, etc. They are just feelings and will pass. This practice of

“becoming the witness” will serve you well during your fast and in life.

Fasting Peak: The fasting peak usually begins to occur around the 4th or 5th day. It is when one

enters into a state of heightened mental clarity, increased vitality and sense of smell/taste, sensitive

skin, deeper breathing, clearer sinuses and a whitening of the eyes. High energy levels and a feeling

of youth are common, as the body begins to return to health.  The fasting peak usually occurs after a

cleansing crisis and will typically increase in intensity the longer you fast, although this is not always

the case.

Conclusion: How you are going to feel during this fast is very unpredictable. Some people feel

normal for the entire fast. Others feel good but with low energy. Some become highly energetic. So

try to be gentle to yourself and completely unattached to how you think you are supposed to


Potential Cleansing Reactions(and how to deal with them)

Hunger: Most are surprised by the disappearance of hunger after a few

days of fasting, especially if taking the psyllium husk/bentonite shakes.

Drink another juice, tea or water when you feel hunger.

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Weakness: Juice fasting can result in weakness and

lack of energy if you have a high metabolism. Your

expectations should be adjusted when planning a

fast. Give yourself lots of down time; enjoy the

holiday away from the hustle and bustle. Rest when

you need to rest.

Backaches: Back pain can increase due to toxins in

the lower intestine. Blood vessels that draw nutrients

from the colon are very close to the nerves of the

spine. Back pain will often decrease after elimination

of the toxins. Yoga, massage or some gentle

stretching can relieve some pain. A cold pack can

also help.

Bad Breath: Brushing the tongue with a toothbrush

and using dental floss and rinsing with mouthwash

will reduce bad breath. Rinse your mouth with plain

water or water mixed with lemon juice to relieve

these symptoms.

Mouth Cankers: To stop cankers, gargle with sea

salt mixed with water several times daily. Dabbing

the sore with tea tree oil or vitamin E quickens the

healing process.

Colds and other viruses: Mucous is the perfect food

for viruses. Toxins weaken the immune system.

When large quantities of toxins and mucus are in the

blood due to a fast, they can cause susceptibility to

colds. To fight a cold, continue fasting to eliminate

mucus. Increase intake of citrus juices.

Dizziness/Blackouts: During fasting the body

conserves energy. The heart pumps slower and blood

pressure lowers. Standing or moving quickly from a

resting position will cause the blood to flow to the

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legs, causing dizziness. To stop blackouts get down on one knee or sit. Lowering your center of

gravity will instantly stop a blackout. Blackouts are more frequent during water fasting.

Diarrhea: Fruit juices have a laxative effect. Diarrhea early on is common.

Constipation: It is important that you have regular bowel movements while you're fasting. The

enemas, senna tea or salt water flushes will help with this. Drink plenty of liquids and if you need, you

may want to consider drinking a cup of senna tea before going to bed.

Headaches: Toxins can cause muscle tightness in the neck and shoulders. This can result in tension

headaches. Massaging the neck and shoulders will help relieve the tension. Also, caffeine withdrawals

can cause headaches as well. They usually subside after day 2.

Muscle Tightness: A massage, hot bath, sauna, stretching and yoga will help to release the toxins.

Nausea: Drinking water or carrot juice will dilute the bile and toxin mixture, helping to flush bile and

toxins from the system.

Nervousness: Light exercise or meditation will help relieve this.

OK, HERE WE GO!The day has come. You have made a decision that will ultimately move you into a space of clarity, vitality and create a whole new relationship with food and yourself. I know the thought of giving up food can be daunting if this is your first time, but I promise you, your body, mind and soul will thank you! I can assure you, when you complete the fast, your body will feel rejuvenated, your mind refreshed and your spirit renewed. So set your intention, let go and surrender to the magical process of fasting. Enjoy your journey!

MAKING DELICIOUS JUICESHere is a list of my favorite fruits and veggies to juice and some to

stay away from. These are just recommendations, but certainly not

the only ones you can experiment with.

Have fun with your juices. Make sure you buy organic fruits and

veggies and if possible, those that are local and in season as they have

the most life force. Pick the fruits and vegetables at the market that look vibrant, alive and resonate

with you. They all have the healing properties of Mother Nature! “As we heal ourselves, we heal all

those around us!”

“When I fast, my soul becomes brighter and my spirit more alive in wisdom and truth.” –Buddha

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CARROT IS KING! Carrot is often the staple in every one of our drinks. They are great for juicing, loaded with nutrients and taste great. I like to start with the carrots, then mix in a variety of the following to my liking: Carrot, apple, ginger is one of my favs. You can also find some great juice recipes here.

UNJUICABLESThese fruits are “unjuicable” meaning that their pulp does not easily separate from their water.

Papaya ◆ Honey Dew ◆ Plum ◆ Banana ◆ Avocado Coconut ◆ Peach ◆ Kiwi ◆ Cantaloupe ◆ Apricot ◆ Mango

TIPS for making your juicing experience DELICIOUS!

• You may drink as much juice, herbal tea and water as you would like throughout the fast. A good rule of thumb... The more you drink, the more energy you will have.

• If you typically have sugar cravings, drinking more vegetable juices. Also, diluting your juices (50/50) will definitely help relieve the cravings when you go back to eating.

• Add LEMON or LIME to your juice LAST. It makes it taste great, slows down the oxidation process and is a great source of vitamin C.

• If you are using a centrifugal juicer, the juices will begin to oxidize and lose their nutrients quickly. So. if you need to take juice with you to work, put it in a thermos and refrigerate.

• Before drinking, take a moment to bless and express your gratitude for this amazing healing journey that you are taking. This will raise the vibration and healing powers of the juice.

• Drink your juices slowly over a 1 hour period enjoying every last drop. See every sip you take nourishing and cleansing every cell in your body. I like to mix them 50/50 with pure water.

• You can also drink the Master Cleanse lemonade as an alternative to making a fresh juice. Just make sure you are using the proper ingredients.

• You can also make soup broths to drink in the evening. Pick you favorite vegetables, leafy greens and herbs, put in a pot of boiling water for at least an hour, strain and drink. You may add a pinch of sea salt or Himalayan salt for taste.!Do not use iodized salt.

Apples Beets Cabbage(red/green)

Peppers Spinach Celery Grapes Garlic(strong)




Cucumber Kale SweetPotatoes

Berries Pineapples

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Support the cleansing processWe want to make sure we do as much as we can during the week to flush the toxins that are being released into the system as a result of the cleansing fast. The more or these you practice throughout your cleanse, the better.

Bentonite Clay and Psyllium Husk Shakes - One of the most effective and simplest ways to cleanse the digestive system. Drink at least one a day and up to three. Simply add one tablespoon of bentonite and one tablespoon of psyllium husk to eight to ten ounces of water or diluted juice then shake and drink right away. Follow this with another 8-10 oz. of water.

High Colonic - Getting a high (machine) colonic at a clinic during your fast will thoroughly clean your intestinal tract. You may want to consider this on your last day. Just make sure that if you are using any type of colonics or enemas that you take probiotics starting on the final day of your fast for us to a week. This will ensure you replace all the good bacteria necessary for proper digestion.

Enemas – A more mild approach to colonic is an enema. Perform once or twice a day with coffee and/or tea and water will assist in the cleansing of your intestinal tract. See instructions below.

Senna Tea - An herbal laxative tea that is extremely effective with most people. Start with one cup and see how your body responds. Use more if necessary.

Sleep – Our body heals much faster when we are in a relaxed state. Sleep allows our body, mind and emotions to process many toxins.

Massages – Will help in removing the toxins from your muscles for removal. Having your intestinal tract massaged will also aid in the removal of mucoid plaque buildup.

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Yoga – Yoga squeezes your body like a rag, pushing toxins into the system for removal. It also activates your energy body (chakras), moving your body into balance. The 5 Tibetan Rites are a fast, simple and effective yoga set to perform and can be found here.

Nature – Nature is one of best medicines. Spend time walking (barefoot if possible) in nature.

Mild exercise – Walking, swimming, bouncing and jumping are great ways to move during a fast.

Sweating – Sweating is a great way to help your body remove toxins. Use a sauna often if you can.

Brush your teeth/shower – Toxins can smell quite pungent. Brush your teeth and shower often. Also, you may want to use only natural bath/shower products as everything you put onto your skin goes directly into your system. A good rule of thumb... if you can’t eat it, you may not want to put it on your body!

Deep Breathing – 5–10 minutes a day of long, deep breathing will do wonders for your life.

Sun – The Sun is the one of the most powerful and purest forms of prana. Spending time in the sun (avoid mid day) is a great way to receive nutrients and assist the body in healing itself.

Writing / Journaling –Journaling is a great tool for cleansing stuck emotions and old erroneous beliefs. See next page for ideas.

Music – Listening to some relaxing, soothing, devotional music is food for the soul.

Media (news) – This is a great time to remove anything that does not support the life you wish to live. What we focus on expands. Fill your mind with what your want (love, peace, joy, gratitude, etc). This is a create time to create a vision board with everything that you would like to create for your life.

Reading - If you want to read, chose texts that uplift and inspire. Often we find that books that did not resonate in the past hit a sweet spot while fasting. Once again, here are my favorites!

Meditation – “Just Be” – The quieter you are during the fast, the more you will hear. You may want to download some meditation programs such as Brainsync or Holosync, two of my favorites. Meditation can be a challenge during a fast because our society is quite addicted to “doing” and often forget about the “being.” But remember, we are human Beings, not human doings.

Love – The energy of LOVE is the greatest and most nourishing food there is. It is truly the only food we need as we are always seeking to attract that which we are… LOVE! I say, “Let love be thy medicine!”

Journaling This week is a great time to get clear on what is most important in your life, what you may want to give more attention and crafting your ideal manifestations. Journaling is a great way to cleansing mental and emotional toxins as well.

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When journaling, sit down, clear your mind, ask a question and just start writing. Don’t worry about what it says, just write and write and write. Even if you are writing, “I have no idea what to write,” this is how we can purge the mental noise to get to the real information that lies beneath.

Here are some questions to consider• What is my intention for this week?

• What areas of my life am I inspirationally dissatisfied with?

• What can I do to change or accept them?

• What would my ideal life look like? (Be as specific and detailed as you can)

• What thoughts or beliefs keep me from having that life?

• What is my purpose or mission in this life?

• What is my story?

• Who would I be without my story?

• Who are the most influential people in my life and why?

• Who is the most difficult person (or people) in my life and why?

• Is there anything from my past that I am still emotionally affected by? Write about it.

• Is there anyone from my past that I still hold a grudge against? Why?

• What does holding on to that resentment do for me?

• Is there anyone in my life that I have not told them lately that I love them?

• What things make me smile the most?

• What do I like most about myself?

• What do I like least about myself?

• Who am I?

• Write a love letter to yourself.

Using EnemaSAn enema kit can be a very effective tool for assisting the body of removing years of old fecal matter. During your fast, you want to remove as much toxic waste as possible. Most people reportedly have between 5 to 10 pounds of fecal mucoid stuck in their intestinal tract. It is true... “We are literally all full of sh*%$!☺I know the thought of using an enema can seem a bit strange. It was for me the first time. But when you see the waste that comes out during your fast, you feel amazing, clean and full of energy.

Not supporting the process of elimination with enemas or any

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of the other aids (senna tea, salt water flush, etc) can result in a back-up and reabsorption of old toxic matter that can make you feel weak and ill. Juice fasting is designed to nearly eliminate this possibility, provided that you do the necessary things. Try it for yourself (at least once a day) and experience the effects. You can then decide whether you would like to continue in the future.

Also, once you have completed your juice fast, your enema kit can still be a great addition to your bathroom. Take one with you when you travel, as sitting for long hours is often involved with travel and this tends to lead to constipation. Constipation can bring on undesirable side effects such as headaches, irritability, low energy, bloating, etc. If you do find yourself constipated, just pull out your trusty enema kit, find a quiet bathroom, and soon you will feel as fresh as a daisy.

How to use your enema? 1. With the clip closed, fill the enema with filtered, 2 liters of lukewarm water and 1 cup of

coffee or herbal tea mixture. The coffee dramatically aids in the release of toxins.

2. Hang it in the bathroom, about 4 feet above the floor.

3. Apply some coconut oil or vaseline to the anus to ease insertion of the enema.

4. Lie on the floor on your right side, with your left knee bent and gently insert the tip of the enema nozzle into your rectum. This may be a bit uncomfortable, but it should not be severe pain.

5. After inserting the nozzle, release the clip and slowly let the water enter your colon. If you experience a cramp, stop the water flow for a few minutes, then resume.

6. Stay on your right side until the water fills your descending colon then clamp then activate the clamp and slowly withdraw the nozzle from the rectum.

7. Then roll onto your back and begin to massage you intestinal tract by pressing with your fingers just below and around the rib cage. Take your time with this process. The more you massage the more fecal matter you will release.

8. When you can no longer hold the water in, sit on the toilet and empty your bowels. You may want to repeat this process if you were not able to use much water or release much.

9. Stay close to a toilet for the next 30 minutes to an hour, as you may need to evacuate your bowels several times.

Important Note: The first time you use the enema is the most difficult. The second and third day is much easier. Consider using the enema twice per day for entire duration of the cleanse.

BREAKING THE FASTCongratulations you are about to end your fast, but your journey does not end here! Breaking the fast is probably the most critical phase in the integration of all of the benefits that you just experienced. Working your body back into digesting foods gradually will make you feel absolutely wonderful

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mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Also, you will be building on the great benefits from the fast. This is a fantastic time to look forward to, so plan for a slow introduction of food as part of the fasting/cleansing process. Enjoy this special time and remember … be mindful!

It may help to imagine your digestive system now as that of a new born baby. It is clean, clear and extremely sensitive. So when thinking about what foods you will put into your body during this time, remember this analogy.

One the first day, you want to eat only one food (fruit or veggie) throughout the whole day as your body must start creating digestive enzymes again. Connect with the fruit of choice, savoring every second of this beautiful gift from Mother Earth. You may also want to continue to make fresh juice to supply your body with the nutrients and vibration it had gotten used to throughout the fast. Choose a fruit that calls to you when you see it or think of it. Watery fruits are best as they are easy to digest.

On the second day, you can start to mix fruits or veggies, but stick to two at a time. Eating this way will help strengthen the mind and psyche, and also the digestive organs, getting them ready for digesting more complex foods, like complex proteins and fats. You will not want to eat fruits with veggies due to the fruits digesting faster. This can cause fermentation in the system.

Introducing cooked foods on days 3 or 4 is fine if you feel you need something warm. But remember; once you introduce cooked foods, your body will need to make more digestive enzymes and will no longer devote energy to cleansing. Some people notice that eating cooked foods at this point zaps their energy and promotes a feeling heaviness. Other people who have a very high metabolism find that cooked foods ground them. Steamed veggies (day 3), brown rice, oats, freshly ground whole grain breads (day 4) and cooked beans (day 5) are acceptable foods. Nuts and seeds should not be introduced before days 4 or 5 as they require more digestive power.

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It’s important to note that these are all just general guidelines that I have developed over the years. The most important thing when breaking fast is to do it slowly and mindfully. You have an opportunity to reshape you relationship with food here. Just like being separated from our lover, when we return, there is a new found love, excitement and reverence for that person’s presence in your life (hopefully:).

As you go forward from your fast, do not expect everything in your life to be different. Don’t expect your relationship with food to be “perfect.” Actually do not expect anything, instead trust that it was a part of your journey. A necessary experience to continue moving you into the light of love.

As with every aspect of your life, be gentle with yourself and your process. Becoming aware of the foods that serve you and adopting conscious eating is a journey. Adopt this process of fasting into your lifestyle on a regular basis and you will find yourself eating more foods that serve you and less that do not. In my humble opinion, fasting 7 – 10 days every 3-4 months will keep you healthy, vibrant, youthful and disease free. Also, fasting 1 day a week on water, juice, fruit or raw foods will keep you in tune with the experience you are having this week.

They say “you are what you eat,” but you also, “eat what you are.” As you continue to grow and evolve in your life, so will the foods you eat. It is important to honor where you are right now and not judge it as good, bad, right or wrong. You and your eating is exactly where it needs to be today. Let the right foods for you naturally come into and fall out of your life based on your vibration today. You are perfect, as everything else in nature. Celebrate yourself and celebrate life. You are Love(d).

If you have any questions at any time throughout your fast, please email me or post your question on The Fasting Path forum so that others can benefit from it as well. I wish you so much love, light. grace and ease on your journey ahead. I am honored to have been a part of it.
