fast cordova applications

DISIM | University of L’Aquila Ivano Malavolta Fast Cordova applications

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Slides of a talk of a seminars series I gave at WebRatio in January 2014. I implemented many best practices and advices in this presentation in a generic app template available here:


Page 1: Fast Cordova applications

DISIM | University of L’Aquila

Ivano Malavolta

Fast Cordova applications

Page 2: Fast Cordova applications


• Introduction

• Use the DOM efficiently

• Master events

• Be smart with the network

• Take advantage of CSS features

• Take care of memory issues

I implemented many best practices and advices in this presentation in a generic app template available here:

Page 3: Fast Cordova applications


You will leave this presentation with...

understanding of what makes a Cordova app fast

techniques to improve the performance of your Cordova apps

In any case, step zero to success is to be technologically ready,

for example many people tend to underestimate JavaScript, don't!

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• Introduction

• Use the DOM efficiently

• Master events

• Be smart with the network

• Take advantage of CSS features

• Take care of memory issues

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Always “cache” elements from the DOM

every time you do $(‘id’) the browser must parse the whole DOM

Don’t do this

Do this

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Minimize DOM reflows

A reflow is triggered every time the content of the DOM changes, DOM elements are resized, CSS

positioning/padding/margins are changed, etc.

• Use CSS transforms, transitions and animation

• Use fixed widths and heights (when possible)

• Avoid changing elements of the DOM

They change the appearance of the DOM, but do not trigger a reflow op

Reflow: the browser process for calculating positions and geometries for HTML DOM elements

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Keep your DOM slim

Reflow operations are much heavier when

• the number of nodes in the DOM is large

• there are deeply nested DOM nodes

Document HTML Body










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Navigate the DOM with built-in methods

Avoid to continuously query the DOM if you can reach specific DOM nodes using its built-in methods

Don’t do this

Do this

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Examples of built-in JS properties for navigation

element.parentNode — returns the node containing the element in the DOM

element.childNodes; — returns all the nested nodes of the element in the DOM

element.firstChild — retrieves the first nested node of the element in the DOM

element.lastChild — retrieves the last nested node of the element in the DOM

element.nextSibling — returns the node immediately following the element in the DOM

element.previousSibling — returns the node immediately preceding the element in the DOM

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Avoid to interact with the DOM too often

Every time you append a node in the DOM, a reflow operation is triggered

Don’t do this

Do this

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Prefer built-in JavaScript methods

Under the lines, all the JS frameworks end up in calling standard JavaScript methods

when it’s possible, prefer JavaScript built-in methods to pass through a framework

Don’t do this

Do this

Don’t be tempted by the jQuery’s omni-present $("selector"), it is much more slower than JS built-in methods

Many frameworks contain a lot of workarounds and fallbacks for older browsers that we are not targeting (e.g., Internet Explorer 7)

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Examples of built-in JS methods

element.innerHTML; — returns the contents of the DOM node

element.innerHTML = " contents "; — appends contents to the DOM node

element.hasAttribute(" attribute") — tests whether the DOM node has a specific attribute

element.getAttribute(" attribute") — returns the value of a specific attribute

element.setAttribute(" name", " value ") — adds a specific attribute to the DOM node

element.removeAttribute(" attribute") —removes a specific attribute to the DOM node

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Examples of built-in JS methods

domNode.innerHTML; — returns the contents of the DOM node

domNode.innerHTML = " contents "; — appends contents to the DOM node

domNode.parentNode.removeChild(domNode); — remove the node from the DOM

element.classList.add() — adds a specific class to the DOM

element.classList.remove() — adds a specific class to the DOM

element.classList.toggle() — adds a specific class to the DOM

... and many more

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Try to avoid using Regular expressions

When used frequently with large inputs a Regex can be a performance killer

when it’s possible, prefer HTML5 form validation attrib utes or String operations

Don’t do this

Do this

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Try to avoid using Regular expressions

If the input is of a form input is knowna priori, use one of the following:

• date • datetime • datetime-local • email • month • number • range • search • tel • time • url • week • color

date tel number

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• Introduction

• Use the DOM efficiently

• Master events

• Be smart with the network

• Take advantage of CSS features

• Take care of memory issues

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Every time the user interacts with the DOM, a set of events is triggered in your JS application

We can listen to these events by means of registered eventHandlers

An eventHandler is a function automatically called by the browser, where data about the triggered

event is available as a parameter

Event handlers can be unregistered

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Events example

name of the envet

callback function

manage the event in the capture phase

data about the event

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Touch events

Touch events are triggered when the user touches the display

The event can describe one or more points of contact

Touches are represented by the Touch object containing:

• position

• size and shape

• amount of pressure

• target element

Lists of touches are represented by TouchList objects

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Touch events

Main attributes of a touch event:


a TouchList of Touches


the type of touch

the element in the DOM


a TouchList of all the Touches changed between this event and the previous one

touchstart touchend touchmove touchenter touchcancel

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The Touch and TouchList objects

relative to the whole display

relative to the viewport

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Event default behaviour

Each element in the DOM has a default behaviour


if you tap on an <a> element, it will make the browser to point to another location


Cancels the event if it is cancellable, without stopping further propagation of the event

Usually, this is the last instruction of an event handler

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Capturing and bubbling

When an event is triggered in the DOM, it can be:

captured by all the elements containing the target element

event capturing

captured first by the target and then BUBBLE up through all

the HTML elements containing the target

event bubbling

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Event delegation

Don’t do this

Do this

Delegation The act of establishing event handlers at higher levels in the DOM than the items of interest

TIP Unbind event handlers as soon as possible so that they can be garbage collected

WHY Using a lot of event handlers may lead to performance problems and they can be sources of memory leaks

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Event throttling


number of milliseconds


the function to be executed

Given a specific delay, throttling limits the execution rate of the function

• Useful when

handling events with very high frequencies and whose execution rate must be limited

ex. drag,scrolling, etc.

You get a new function, that when called repetitively, executes the original function no more than once every delay milliseconds.

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Event debouncing


number of milliseconds


the function to be executed

Given a specific delay, debouncing guarantees that the function will be executed only once

• Useful when

handling events with very high frequencies and that must be executed once

ex. toggle state, Ajax request, etc.

You get a new function, that when called repetitively, executes the original function just once per “bunch” of calls, effectively coalescing multiple sequential calls into a single execution at either the beginning or end

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Throttling VS debouncing



Ben Alman’s famous implementations available here:

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• Introduction

• Use the DOM efficiently

• Master events

• Be smart with the network

• Take advantage of CSS features

• Take care of memory issues

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Network usage

• Try to prefetch data as much as possible (possibly using Web Workers)

• Bundle static data into the app

• In any case, give visual feedback to the user when accessing the network

The network is the most umpredictable and memory consuming resource you have

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Network usage

• Be robust with respect to 404 errors, especially for images

• Try to avoid synchronous network calls

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Web Workers

Javascript is a single-threaded language

If a tasks take a lot of time, users have to wait

Web Workers provide background processing capabilities to web applications

They typically run on separate threads

apps can take advantage of multicore CPUs

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Web Workers

Web Workers can be used to:

• prefetch data from the Web

• perform other ahead-of-time operations to provide a much more lively UI.

Web Workers are precious on mobile applications because they usually need to load data over a

potentially slow network

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Usage of web workers

Any JS file can be launched as a worker

Example of Web Worker declaration:

In order to be independent from other workers, each worker script cannot access the DOM

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Usage of web workers

The main thread and the worker can communicate via postMessage() calls and onmessage events

send message to the worker respond receive message response from the worker

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• Introduction

• Use the DOM efficiently

• Master events

• Be smart with the network

• Take advantage of CSS features

• Take care of memory issues

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Rule of thumb


• Don’t use JavaScript for style-related operations

• Don’t use images for something you can do with CSS

CSS3 has many interesting features, like:

• gradients

• text manipulations & effects

• the flex box

• fonts

• visual effects

• media queries

If you can do something with CSS, do it!

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They can be used in every place you can use an image

linear the type of gradient (also radial, or repeating-linear)

right-top start of the gradient

left-bottom end of the gradient

from starting color

to final color

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Text manipulations

text-transform none | capitalize |

lowercase | uppercase

text-align left | right

center | justify

Text-decoration none

underline overline

line through

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Text effects

2px horizontal shadow

10px vertical shadow

5px blur distance

#FF0000 color

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Other text properties

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The flex box

It helps in styling elements to be arranged horizontally or vertically


• a new value for the display property

• a new property box-orient

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Flex Box main elements

display: box

opts an element and its immediate children into the flexible box model


Values: horizontal | vertical | inherit

how should the box's children be aligned?


Values: normal | reverse | inherit

sets the order in which the elements will be displayed

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Flex Box main elements


Values: start | end | center | justify

Sets the alignment of the box along the box-orient axis

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Flex Box main elements


Values: start | end | center | baseline | stretch

Sets how the box's children are aligned in the box

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Flex box children

By default child elements are not flexible

their dimension is set according to their width

The box-flex property can be set to any integer, it sets how a child element occupy the box’s space

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Before CSS3, web designers had to use fonts that were already installed on the user's device

With CSS3, web designers can use whatever font they like

To use the font for an HTML element, refer to the font-family property

font-style normal

italic oblique

font-weight normal

bold 100 200

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Iconic fonts

Iconic fonts contain ICONS instead of letters and symbols


• icons are now part of the CSS you do not pollute the DOM with non-semantical elements

• fonts are vector-based you do not have to care anymore about the resolution of your icons

• icon sets conform to the same style you do not need to think about how your icons fit together

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Example of iconic font

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Visual effects

Three main mechanisms:

1. Transforms (both 2D and 3D)

2. Transitions

3. Animations

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A transform is an effect that lets an element change shape, size, position, …

You can transform your elements using 2D or 3D transformations

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They are used to add an effect when changing from one style to another

The effect will start when the specified CSS property changes value


property - the name of the CSS property the transition effect is for (can be all)

duration - how many seconds (or milliseconds) the transition effect takes to complete

timing-function - linear, ease, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out

delay- when the transition effect will start

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Transition example

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An animation is an effect that lets an element gradually change from one style to another

You can change style in loop, repeating, etc.

To bind an animation to an element, you have to specify at least:

1. Name of the animation

2. Duration of the animation

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An animation is defined in a keyframe

It splits the animation into parts, and assign a specific style to each part

The various steps within an animation are given as percentuals

0% beginning of the animation (from)

100% end of the animation (to)

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Example of animation

result in

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Animation properties

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Transition VS animation


Transitions must be bound to a CSS property change

Animations start autonomously


Transitions have start and end states

Animations can have multiple states


Transitions can be perfomed once for each activation

Animations can be looped

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Media types

Media Queries are based on Media Types

A media type is a specification of the actual media that is being used to access the page

Examples of media types include

• screen: computer screens

• print: printed document

• braille: for Braille-based devices

• tv: for television devices

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Media types

There are two main ways to specify a media type:

• <link> in the HTML page

• @media within the CSS file

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Media queries

They allow you to to change style based on specific conditions

For example, they can be about

• device’s display size

• orientation of the device

• resolution of the display

• ...

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Media queries

A media query is a boolean expression The CSS associated with the media query expression is applied only if it evaluates to true A media query consists of

1. a media type 2. a set of media features

@media screen and orientation: portrait

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The full media feature list

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AND to combine multiple expressions COMMA it acts as an OR operator NOT to explicitly ignore a specific type of device ONLY to “hide” the CSS to older browsers that can read media types but cannot handle media queries In this case the styling information will not be visible to those browsers

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Retina Displays iPad in landscape orientation iPhone and Android devices

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• Introduction

• Use the DOM efficiently

• Master events

• Be smart with the network

• Take advantage of CSS features

• Take care of memory issues

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Take care of memory issues

True, it automatically cleans up and deallocates memory, but it must be sure about what it is deleting forever you have to make it clear what code you are no longer using

Definition of memoryleak A memory leak is the situation in which the available memory of your app gets gradually lost. In JavaScript a memory leak can happen when an object is stored in memory but cannot be accessed by the running code

Wait, why should I worry if JavaScript has a garbage collector that automatically cleans my memory?

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The retaining tree

The garbage collector cleans up he portions of tree isolated from the root node In our apps the window object is the root of the tree

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Rules of thumb

Better than de-referencing, use local scopes Unbind events that are no longer needed, specially if the related DOM objects are going to be removed Be careful with storing large chunks of data that you are not going to use

Use appropriate scope

Unbind event listeners

Manage local cache

The key is to always have an healthy retaining tree

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How to detect a memory leak

1. Open the Memory View in the Timeline tab

2. start recording

3. execute the suspicious actions

4. during the execution force a GC different times

5. If you see a sawtooth-shaped wave

no relevant memory leaks

You have a memory leak if one of the following do not drop down:

used memory – number of DOM nodes – number of event handlers

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Examples of pattern

No memory leak Memory leak detected

It’s normal that during the investigation your memory grows, nothing is free! You have to pay for what you are doing in your app

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How to detect the source of your memory leak

1. Open the Heap Profile

2. Take a heap snapshot

3. Perform suspicious actions

4. Take a heap snapshot

5. Perform suspicious actions again

6. Take a final heap snapshot

7. Select the most recent snapshot taken

8. find the drop-down that says "All objects" and switch this to "Objects allocated between snapshots 1

and 2". (You can also do the same for 2 and 3 if needed)

There, you will find the objects which have not been collected during the snapshots. It works because when you take a heap snapshot, Chrome forces also a GC execution.

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How to detect the source of your memory leak

Now, start from the first object and check which references it is holding

Shallow size

the size of the object

Retain size

the size of memory that can be freed once an object is deleted

Yellow DOM nodes

Red DOM nodes Detached DOM trees, no JS object is referencing them, but they are alive

some JS object is referencing them

Detached DOM tree is a subtree of the DOM that 1) has been removed from the DOM, and 2) cannot be GCed because some JS objects is still

referencing it

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#leaf maintains a reference to it's parent (parentNode) and recursively up to #tree,

so only when leafRef is nullified is the WHOLE tree under #tree a candidate for GC.

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+ 39 380 70 21 600 Contact Ivano Malavolta | DISIM


[email protected]