fashion game

Your ultimate goal is to become the top fashion designer. However, your ultimate problem is your arch nemesis, Decota Lavern, who’s been trying to throw you off the scene for years. A competition has arrived to find the best person to design catwalk quality fashion, for a new upcoming event in Japan, and you think you have what it takes to blow the audience and most importantly the judges away. In this solo game, fight through different levels by creating the most fashionable and mind blowing outfits for the numerous catwalk competitions, you will come across within a stage. The better the outfits you fix together, the more money you will have earned by the end of the night. Enough money ensures you a flight ticket to the next stage of the competition in another capital/country. London, New York, Sydney, Milan, Paris and many more including the finale in Tokyo. Competing in minigames against other players can earn you that bit of extra money you may not have won during the main game. Eventually, you will reach the final stage, and compete against your rival in a full on, head to head, manic, trendy catwalk bonanza to become the worlds best catwalk fashion designer.

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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Fashion Game

Your ultimate goal is to become the top fashion designer. However, your ultimate problem

is your arch nemesis, Decota Lavern, who’s been trying to throw you off the scene for

years. A competition has arrived to find the best person to design catwalk quality fashion,

for a new upcoming event in Japan, and you think you have what it takes to blow the

audience and most importantly the judges away.

In this solo game, fight through different levels by creating the most fashionable and mind

blowing outfits for the numerous catwalk competitions, you will come across within a

stage. The better the outfits you fix together, the more money you will have earned by the

end of the night. Enough money ensures you a flight ticket to the next stage of the

competition in another capital/country. London, New York, Sydney, Milan, Paris and many

more including the finale in Tokyo.

Competing in minigames against other players can earn you that bit of extra money you

may not have won during the main game. Eventually, you will reach the final stage, and

compete against your rival in a full on, head to head, manic, trendy catwalk bonanza to

become the worlds best catwalk fashion designer.

Page 2: Fashion Game

The target audience of The Ultimate Trend is for young female teenagers, mainly aged between 12-16. This is because at this age, you are conscious about your appearance, interested in your fashion sense, what is the latest, and simply just how to look good with your choice of clothes. All girls can play this game, though it will obviously appeal more to those interested in high fashion than someone less interested in such clothes. E.g. Tomboys. I have also made it an online game due to the fact that teenagers lives evolve around technology and they are constantly on computers and surfing the net so it would be quite straightforward to place the game on the internet. It would mean teenage girls would be more likely to play it.

Page 3: Fashion Game

This advertisement of this game would be placed around shopping centres, and specifically in popular shops that teenage girls would shop in. E.g. A poster advertising the game on the door of New Look or H&M. It would also be advertised in fragrance, hair or make-up shops, all being shops that girls buy from. Other suitable places to market it would be in teenage girl magazines, on social networking sites, or advertised on TV, maybe with connection to a Clearasil or Dove advert as teenage girls may be conscious about spots and their appearance. It could even be a phone app since teenagers are constantly on their phones.

Page 4: Fashion Game

Race around the world,

competing in numerous high

stake fashion designing events,

mixing and matching up the

trendiest outfits for the catwalk

models to strut down the aisle.

But beware, your arch enemy is

close on your heels….

Page 5: Fashion Game

The POS poster created on the previous slide has been constructed based on the target audience of young teenage girls. I decided to place the advertisement on the new look website. This is because teenage girls love to shop and it is a shop that is almost specifically aimed at this audience. However, sometimes they can’t always afford to go out and buy, so they window shop online. By placing the game on a very popular clothing site, girls would easily notice it and would be inclined to play the game because they enjoy anything in relation to trendy clothes. Marketing the game on a site that would give teenage girls that pleasure and satisfaction of the nicest and latest clothes, would immediately give off a good impression of an exciting game, as it would be feeding them more pleasure and entertainment to escape their everyday, boring school lives.

I also chose to have the main colour theme as purple. The connotation of purple is royalty, quite classy and luxurious. It’s a high class and fashionable colour. It’s a teenage girls admiration to one day be able to own such classy, expensive clothes that they could look good in and appealing. This colour scheme is allowing them to get a sense of what it may feel like. Furthermore it corresponds with the genre of the game.

Page 6: Fashion Game

At the bottom of the POS poster, I added a link mentioning that the

first months trial of the game is free. I done this due to the fact

that teenagers do not like to waste their money unnecessarily. So by

mentioning the price straight away, it wouldn’t entice them in, it

would draw them away, as they wouldn’t want to waste their little

bit of money on a game that may not even be all that good. Clearly

stating the word ‘free’ would appeal to anyone but more especially

to teenagers. They aren’t working and don’t have a sufficient job

therefore they may be lacking money, especially towards the age

group of 12-16yr olds. So for the game to be free, to them it would

be a bonus.

‘Free’ is in large, bold capital letters in comparison to the rest of the

text, allowing it to stand out and catch the attention of teenage

girls browsing the New Look website. Additionally, I decided to

write a months free trial instead of 30 days free trail which is what

is usually used. Teenagers can be relatively naive or slow to catch

on to things, and to them, 1 whole month would seem a much

longer period of time to play the game, than a shorter 30 days.

Page 7: Fashion Game

Finally, in the middle of the advert, there is a large image of models in fashionable clothing. It’s presented as a snapshot from a camera. This relates to the target audience of teenagers because especially nowadays, teenagers enjoy using cameras and taking pictures, not only of themselves but of interesting events and surroundings. It’s modern technology and would be preferred to than, for example, a cut out picture from a newspaper article. As well as that, I tilted the image to it’s side. Overall, this composition creates something quirky and different, and just generally spices up what could be, quite an ordinary picture. Teenagers find this engaging because it’s less formal and more fun, something teenagers enjoy as they are still young.