far from it sample new

By Robert Himler & Amy Sangster

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Post on 01-May-2017




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By Robert Himler & Amy Sangster

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Sample Book

Contained within this PDF are some sample essays from the book. In the actual

book we have also included 47 unseen photos, 40+ questions and answers, and

129 pages of priceless advice that every successful person applies.

Sneak Peek Of What’s In The Actual Book

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PrefaceWe’re constantly being asked what we do, how we’ve gotten where we are, and

if we have any advice for those trying to build similar lifestyles. We love being

able to inspire and help others on their journey, so we’ve finally taken the time

to organize our thoughts on some of the more popular questions.

Initially we wrote this book with the simple intention of answering the questions

we frequently receive to help others on their way. Now, it’s far more than that.

Far From It is not just a book, it’s a culture. One we’re creating to empower

those that are not content to live amongst it, but that dream of being Far From

It. We’re redefining “entrepreneurs” and creating an environment to inspire,

motivate and support those that dream. It’s been missing in society for far too

long, but it’s here now- embrace it!

We both have first hand experience of how hard it can be attempting to do one

thing in a world where everyone else is doing another. That is why we’re

creating a completely new environment, one that is free of society’s views and

negativity. An environment in which we can all share our ideas freely. A place

we can all go for motivation, inspiration and advice.

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We’re doing this a number of ways, all of which are online, as it allows everyone

the opportunity to participate. By reading this book, you’ve already completed

the first step to becoming Far From It. Why do we want everyone to read this

before joining our community? By making it a requirement, it clears up common

misconceptions, ensures that we’re all on the same page, and prevents questions

being asked that have been answered in this book. It filters out those who oppose

the views put forth, and makes room for those who are like-minded.

The following are simply our opinions about the world as we see it, and the way

we’ve approached situations in our lives. There are a million ways to become

“successful”, so firstly we need to discuss what exactly “success” is. Success

means vastly different things to different people. To one person it may be that

they do not have to answer to a boss, while to another it may be climbing to the

top of the corporate ladder. To us it means having the ability to do what we

want, when we want to do it. Success cannot be defined in terms of a monetary


If you’re approaching this book with a closed mind, do not bother. Put it down

and continue living how you’ve always lived. For those who are prepared to

have everything they’ve ever been taught challenged- let’s get into it!

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Who They AreAmy is a 22 year old currency trader from Australia who takes

pride in speaking her mind, challenging society’s norms, and

being everything her stereotype deems her incapable of.

Robert is a 21 year old American web programmer

with multiple businesses to his name. While you

could term him a “businessman”, he does not own a suit, has never

printed business cards, and certainly doesn’t work in an office 9-5.

We come from opposite ends of the earth and were brought together by our

similar mindsets. We never would have met if we held the same beliefs as the

majority of the world. We’re both free from the rat race and have peace of mind

that we will never have to work for someone else. We believe that anything we

want is attainable, which is probably why we both drive Lamborghini’s, and flew

around the globe to see each other “just because”.

Different beliefs cause different actions which achieve different results- we’re

both examples of how true this statement holds. We frequently face opposition

from those that believe our youth renders our stories irrelevant, but given that

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we’ve achieved our definition of success in our early twenties, something that

most people never achieve in a lifetime, we beg to differ.

Enjoy these sample sections from the book...

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Societal Norms


They’re rich? They must be running a scam.

No doubt some people approached this book expecting it to be another online

“scam”, let’s take a look at why.

This is a prime example of how a closed minded person responds to success.

Sure, some people run scams and become rich that way, but these people

account for a very small percentage of the wealthy. So why do people jump to

this conclusion when presented with someone doing well for themselves?

Because they would rather discount the person’s abilities and belittle their

success, than reflect on their own lives and learn how it can be improved. It

gives them an excuse to continue living the way they’re used to, and a

justification as to why they should. We see this excuse used frequently in

reference to those offering any kind of education.

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If you google Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins, Tim Ferris or anyone proven to be

successful and offering their knowledge to others, you’ll no doubt see the word

scam in the search results. These people are all successful in their own right,

and make a living through teaching others how they can be too. Unfortunately,

instead of learning from them, some people label their seminars a scam, simply

because the companies who run them generally profit from them. Many argue

that if they really cared about people they would offer their products for free,

but why should they? They’re people who have put a lot of time and effort into

compiling their knowledge, and just like any business, they too deserve to be

rewarded for it.

Think about it, isn’t this the same concept as university? You pay a fee and in

return you’re taught skills for your future. Why don’t people question university

and label it a scam? After all, they’re not exactly not-for-profit organizations,

and you’re not guaranteed a job or a bright future after obtaining a degree.

Keep this in mind next time you find yourself or anyone around you being

closed minded about the alternatives. Labeling something a scam may be

accurate in some cases, but in most it’s just another excuse.

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It’s Not For Everyone

While college is a logical option for those passionate about working in a field

where tertiary education is a prerequisite, it’s certainly not the right choice for

anyone seeking an alternative way of life. College was designed by society, for

society. What this means is that it educates people on the technical skills

needed to gain a job that helps society function. For example, a doctor studies

for several years, learning the skills needed to work in a hospital to diagnose

and heal sick people. A lawyer studies the law code. This is ideal for those who

are truly passionate about this field of work, however the downfall is that as an

employee your salary is capped to a certain level, and the hours you work are

predetermined. This is a fact many fail to consider when deciding upon their


“If you want a job, go to college. If you want freedom, flexibility and uncapped earnings, college is generally a waste of time,

money and effort.”

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We say generally, as there are some exceptions to this rule. These are covered

in later chapters.

“A+ students make great employees for C- students”

Starting In A Hole

One of the biggest downfalls of attending college straight from high school is

the immediate mountain of debt it exposes you to. For most, this means that

once you graduate, you must immediately find a job so you have the funds to

pay for your education. Having a job means you’re constantly drained and have

very limited amounts of time or cash to work on the things you’d really like to.

Let’s use an example:

Johnny and Steve both want to be successful. Johnny takes the usual route,

studies hard, and is accepted to medical school. He spends tens of thousands

of dollars, and roughly 6 years learning the skills necessary. He then begins

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working straight out of college to pay off his degree. He works until he retires

at 60.

Steve thinks outside the box and invests his time and money into self

education, which teaches him about his passion- music. He has an idea to

create ringtones by recording different car sounds and compiling them for

online sales. The money he saved on college he puts towards equipment,

marketing and the small overheads involved (e.g. web hosting accounts). He

begins marketing the site solo, but soon approaches and subsequently partners

with other niche automotive sites. Steve makes upwards of $600,000 each year

through automated sales at $1 per download. He has no employees, is not

trapped in an office and literally makes money in his sleep. By 26, Steve has

sold the business and is “retired”.

Both Steve and Johnny achieve their goal of being “successful”, however it’s

clear the paths they took differed immensely. This example proves that college

is certainly not the only path to success, and that you should consider its

implications thoroughly before blindly enrolling.

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Not The Badge Of Honor It Used To Be

We receive countless emails from people looking to take an alternate route in

life, but are facing opposition from their parents who are pressuring them to

attend college because it’s the “right thing to do”. While we’re sure most

parents have good intentions in doing so, the reasoning behind their argument

is somewhat invalid in today’s economy. Here’s why.

In our parent’s generations and prior, going to college was viewed as the

responsible and respected path to take. This is because in their time,

entrepreneurial ventures were a lot harder to come by, so getting a job was

generally the only option. College back then provided a means to attaining a

higher paying job, so naturally parents instilled its importance in their children.

While in that era this was considered to be responsible parenting, times are

changing and so too should society’s view on what constitutes good parenting.

Let’s use Robert’s journey as an example. While Robert did attend college for

his own interest, it was not necessary for him to make a living in the manner he

does. Lucky for him though, he was born into a generation that had appropriate

technology available to take advantage of. If he lived in the 1950’s, the path he

took would not have been an option. The existence of the internet allowed him

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not only to make a living, but also to self educate and connect with people all

over the world.

Nowadays, the internet has opened up a whole realm of new possibilities. The

millions of free or inexpensive self education resources that are available are

beginning to expose how little value for money college really is. You can learn

almost any skill online or independently, leaving your resume as almost the

only reason to obtain a degree. Some parents make the argument that college

is to further your knowledge, and that people without this education know far

less than those with it. You can see now that this too is a fallacy. People all

around the world are taking advantage of the self education options available

as they are often cheaper, more flexible and offer a broader spectrum of

subjects than traditional education.

On the last page of this book, we’ve outlined our recommendations of the best

self-education we’ve come across.

People are so attached to the idea of college that even when they have no idea

what they would use the degree for, or what they would like to do for a career,

they still feel compelled to go. You’ve heard it before when asking someone

what their major is or what job they hope to gain from it, “Oh I’m still

undecided, I really don’t know what I want to do, I just thought I’d go then

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figure it out.” They spend years completing their course, thousands of dollars

on tuition, then decide they will never use their degree anyway. While society is

attached to the idea of college, it doesn’t mean you have to be. Make your

decisions as an individual, and do not be pressured by mediocre attitudes of

the masses.

“In this day and age, it can be harder to find a job than it is to start your own business.”


If someone says they’ve dropped out of college, the assumption is usually that

they’re going no where in life. This is because of people’s attachment to the

outdated formula we discussed on earlier pages - good grades + college =

good job, respect and a secure future. You should be aware that this is no

longer the case. Nowadays grades are irrelevant, college isn’t necessary, a good

job is not the best option and respect is no longer a byproduct of having a job.

If you were a college dropout 30 years ago, your chances of accessing self

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education and making a good living were a lot slimmer than they are today. In

other words, being a “dropout” no longer means you must be a “dropkick”.

When Far From Its think of college drop outs, they certainly don’t think of an

unemployed person living paycheck to paycheck. They think of Bill Gates, Steve

Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg and Ralph Lauren. People who had the courage to

pursue their passion, regardless of public opinion. Many people argue that

these people simply get lucky, and that this isn’t possible for everyone. To an

extent, we agree. Sure, not everyone is going to create the next Facebook and

become a billionaire at 23, but everyone has the ability to take an alternate path

and make decent money in the process.

“There is more pride in taking risks and pursuing your passions, than there is in wasting years of your life for the elusive piece of paper we’ve so fondly termed a “degree”.”

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An Open Mind, The Most Valuable Asset

We’re constantly asked for “secrets to success”, and while we could name a

hundred technical skills that all contribute to it (e.g. programming or trading),

the one “secret” that encompasses EVERYTHING is having an open mind. Many

people view this type of advice as “airy fairy”, so let’s explain.

Every action you’ve ever taken is influenced by a thought. If you go for a run,

it’s because you thought about running and decided to act on that thought. If

you buy someone a present, it’s because you thought it would be a nice thing

to do. If you begin crying, it’s because you had a thought that caused you to do

so. You get the point.

Now let’s put this in context. The one thing all successful people have in

common is that at one time or another, they’ve all thought that a) they want to

be successful and b) that they are capable of being so. This means that they

are open to new ideas, learning different skills and ultimately taking an

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alternate path in life. Most importantly, they believe this is achievable. These

thoughts drive them to do things differently as they’re not limited by

mainstream views like the majority of the world.

Amy’s example:

If I never contemplated an alternate way of living, I would have never dropped

out of college, never been open to learn to trade, never started my own

business , never met Robert (and many other successful, like-minded

individuals) and certainly wouldn’t have moved to America and bought a

Lamborghini. I’d probably still be at university and working part time to make

ends meet. Every thought drives an action, which is why I believe it’s so

important to control your thoughts before they control you.

Robert’s example:

I saw my first Lamborghini at age 15. Instantly, I knew I had to have one. This

isn’t anything exceptional in itself, as a lot of people see cars and dream of

owning them. The thing that allowed me to actually achieve this dream, is the

fact that I knew I could. By having this belief, I was driven to look for ways of

making money at a young age that would allow it to become a reality. If I wasn’t

open to learning about AdSense and making money online, I never would have

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made my first website, taught myself how to program, moved away from my

hometown to further my education, started numerous businesses on the side,

and certainly wouldn’t have a fleet of supercars at 21, that all make me money.

I’d probably still be living at home, studying “business” and ultimately making

nothing of my life.

By having an open mind you ensure yourself a world of endless possibilities. Far

too many people shut doors for themselves by discounting advice from others.

Next time you find yourself being negative towards a new concept, remember

that living the Far From It lifestyle is impossible for the closed minded.

This was demonstrated a little too perfectly on a car forum Robert joined when

he was younger. A few years ago, he wrote a post about “The Secret”, a film that

ever since its release, has been the cause of much controversy. As with any hot

topic, people had strong opinions either for or against it, and weren’t afraid to

share them. The funny thing about this was that every person with a positive

comment was a Lamborghini owner, while every person expressing their

negativity was not. Coincidence? We think not.

“If you knew the power of thoughts, you’d never have another negative thought again.”

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Take the next step. Change your life.

We hope you’ve enjoyed a sneak peek of the book! There’s so much more

valuable information inside, including both of our personal success stories.

Buy The Book Now

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