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Post on 09-Oct-2015




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Championship Manager 01/02 Data Editor--------------------------------------Frequently Asked Questions- and the answers, hopefully============================Q1. The editor crashes upon loading with an access violation in the file ComCtl32.dll?A1. This is a problem with Windows 95 and Internet Explorer 4. Go to the following webpage - http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/ieplatform/ie/comctrlx86.asp and download ComCtl v5 for x86. Install this (by double-clicking the exe-file), then reboot your machine and try again. * * * * * * * * * * Q2. When trying to start the editor the following error message pops up: "[indexes] container::open_file() Open file [CM-directory]\Editor\index.dat failed (File not found or access denied."A2. For some reason your config file is corrupted. To get around this do the following: - Go to the directory where you installed Championship Manager 00/01. - Go to the directory 'Editor' within that directory. - Delete the file cm3ed.ini in that directory. - Start the editor. - You should now get the question if you want to load the data files from the installed Championship Manager. Choose Yes. It should now load the data. - If this doesn't work, exit the editor, delete the cm3ed.ini file again and start the editor, then answer No. Now browse to the directory where you installed Championship Manager 00/01, then go to the 'Data' directory and double-click the 'index' file.