faq 2016 health quiz final by partha sarathi ghatak (partha abarki)

Health Quiz F.A.Q 2015 F.A.Q 2016 Question and Research by Dr Partha Sarathi Ghatak QUIZ

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Health QuizF.A.Q 2015

F.A.Q 2016Question and Research by Dr Partha Sarathi Ghatak



The FormatInfinite Bounce 1 Written Round with ThemeInfinite Bounce 2Three Strike Pounce applies over the 2 I.F rounds.


Question 1During the 1904 Olympic marathon race, the eventual winner Thomas Hicks not only doped , but actually doped in public during the race. His doctors fed him egg whites and brandy laced with theextremly toxic substance X as a stimulant and then gave him further shots of X when he seemed to be tiring.But back in 1904, Hicks was actually lauded for going to any extent for the win. Infact , an Olympic committee official called Hicks effort a grand union of athleticism and medicine and hoped for more such chemicals to be made available for athletes in future. Just give me X.

Answer 1Strychnine

Question 2In Season 3 of the hit and critically acclaimed HBO series In Treatment, which is about a Psychologist and his weekly session with patients,X Played a 52 yr old Bengali man who moves from Kolkata to Brooklyn after the death of his wife and 3 of the episodes focus on how he deals with his grief and the culture shock. Y was roped in as writer for these episodes, marking Ys debut on television. Y also acted as a consultant on how a Bengali man might perceive Brooklyn. Identify X and Y

Answer 2X Irfan KhanY Jhumpa Lahiri

Question 3X , apart from its health related usage,has also entered popular culture in the context of ____, and since cartoonish depictions of _____ have become popular characters with children, particularly after the success of a recent film franchise, there have been concerns that the symbol might have the effect of attracting the curiosity of small children familiar with _____ as depicted as a toy or play theme. For this reason, in the United States there has been a proposal to replace X by the "Mr. Yuk" symbol. created by the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh .Give me X.

Answer 3

Question 4The organisation insists that its original symbol(A) has no religious connotations but is derived from the national flag of its country of origin(B). Similarly- the other related symbol of this organization(C) has been derived from the flag of an empire(D).Give me A B C and D.(no part marks if I get ac complete answer)

Answer 4

A Red CrossB SwitzerlandC Red CrescentD Flag of Ottoman empire

Question 5Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was commissioned to write The Sign of the Four for the launch of the British Edition of an American publication __________ 's Monthly Magazine, where it appeared in the Feb 1890 edition. This very popular magazine of the 19th century, published by a Philadelphia publishing house,ceased to exist in 1916 but the __________ is a very familiar name in academic circles and is particularly familiar to medical students several very popular medical books still bear the name.FITB

Answer 5

Question 6The first known description of this condition was given by Hippocrates in the 5th century BCE.However,the name by which we know it is a neologism coined by Rene Laennec in 1819 from the Greek for "yellowish, tawny" (referring to the orange-yellow colour of the diseased organ). On a lighter note PG Wodehouse called it a disease to be proud of, because if you died of it, at least people knew you had money because you need to spend money to develop this disease.

Answer 6Cirrhosis.

Question 7X is a Hawaiian word which originally meant an expert in any profession but later on came to be specifically used for a traditional healers, medicinal priests,sorcerers,an expert in diagnosing diseases , people who can cure diseases with help of spirits etc.X can be divided into 10 types a person who masters all the types is called a big/great X.The missionaries came to Hawaii in 1820 and made X practices illegal for over a century but with the revival of the Hawaiian culture beginning in the 1970s, many X practitioners can be found in Hawaii today.Identify X

Answer 7Kahuna.

Question 8He describes himself as an empty cylinder of cooking gas, so he wonders how can an empty cylinder fire up the gas burner and seems resigned to the fact that there will be no honeymoon for him. He is then given a medicine (which he later mentions to be that for _____ ____ ) .The medicine ,according to him , is playing a Holi of fire and creating a storm within his body. Then finally the medicine for _____ ____ helps him to do what he wanted( a rather unfortunate act). FITB

Answer 8

Question 9The Balmis Expedition (18031806) was a three-year mission to the Americas led by Dr. Francisco Javier de Balmis. The expedition sailed on Maria Pita and carried 22 orphan boys (eight to ten years old) as the mainstay of the mission.The person whose work they utilized wrote - "I dont imagine the annals of history furnish an example of philanthropy so noble, so extensive as this."Considered the first international health mission, what was the specific purpose of the mission and what role did the orphan boys play in it?

Answer 9Small Pox vaccination/ the boys acted as successive careers of the disease.

Question 10This phenomenon is called Presque Vu (meaning almost seen) and is commonly referred to by the term ___ _ ___ _____ .The first empirical research on this phenomenon was published in 1966 in the Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior. There are two major competing explanations for its occurrence . The direct-access view posits that the state occurs when memory strength is not enough to recall, but is strong enough to trigger a recall. The inferential view claims that this phenomenon isnt completely based on inaccessible, yet activated targets; rather they arise when the rememberer tries to piece together different clues about the memory. FITB

Answer 10Tip of the Tongue


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Question 11These miniature paintings were created by a scientist as a member of the Chelsea Arts club using some of the techniques and things which would later make him famous. Who was the scientist and on what specific canvas did he use for these paintings?

Answer 11Alexander Flemings Germ art. He did these artwork on petri dishes using bacterial colonies which release pigments of different colours.

Question 12Subsequent adaptations and improvisations of the original source have played up Xs role as a professional expert on a particular type of entity to the extent of making it his primary occupation, but according to the original source this doctor from Hollands primary expertise is that he knows as much about obscure diseases as any one in the world". He is further described thus He is a philosopher and a metaphysician, and one of the most advanced scientists of his day, and he has, I believe, an absolutely open mind.Who am I talking about?

Answer 12Dr Van Helsing from the novel Dracula.

Question 13Where specifically is snoring treated with a mixture of cow dung and wood apple being rubbed on the head followed by spinning the person 21 times and hanging him for 21 hours ? In this place you are also liable to be beaten up if you sneeze without permission before 6 pm and you have to pay a fine of Rs 4 if your tooth wobbles?

Answer 13Shis Thakurer Apon Deshe

Question 14Francis Galton was a multifaceted personality from the 19th century who made lasting contributions to several spheres of science and mathematics- including several health related fields isuch as using statistical methods to the study of human differences and inheritance of intelligence, and introduced the use of questionnaires and surveys for collecting data on human communities for anthropometric studies. He was a pioneer in eugenics, coining the term itself and the phrase "nature versus nurture.He was inspired to do all this by a book published by his cousin which transformed his life. Galton devoted much of the rest of his life to exploring variation in human populations and its implications, and other hypotheses put forward in the book.So who was his famous cousin?

Answer 14Charles Darwin

Question 15Seeing XY said to be the earliest and most common hallucination following intake of hallucinogenic drugs and also in many cases of alcoholic hallucinosis or delirium tremens. It is rare though not impossible for the XY to actually exist in nature as a variety of albino X could be Y as well as white.The association between XY and alcohol is has resulted in many cocktails being named XY.

Answer 15Pink Elephant

Question 16X was one of the more successful female artistes of the 1970s and gained recognition and commercial success both as a vocalist and a drummer. However she was a long term sufferer from Y and ultimately died from complications of the disease in 1983 at the young age of 32.Public awareness of Y was transformed by X s death. Her young age (32) coupled with her fame as an entertainer captured public attention and received extensive media coverage. It prompted other celebrities, such as Jane Fonda and Lynn Redgrave, to come forward and share their struggles with Y. Give me X and Y(4 +6)

Answer 16Karen CarpenterAnorexia Nervosa


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Written Round 5 Questions connected by a theme5 points per question .Bonus 5 for a full house.Plus 15 for getting the theme in the first 2 questions.Plus 10 for getting it in the next 2 Plus 5 for getting it in the last question.Negatives are at a universal 10.

Question 1 15,-10X was a Calcutta Stockbroker ,who,with his brother, Ram Coowar _____, started the business empire in the late 19th century , which after division into 5 groups in 1991 among the grandsons of the two brothers have assets worth many billions of dollars. Group companies include Shree Cement,LMB group etc with interests varying from construction to tea estates to film production etc.

Question 2 15,-10Identify the music director.

Question 3 10,-5He was the first person to become an agent of the Indian railways in the 1930s and donated money and land to the Indian Railways for something.

Question 4 10,-5This doyen of the Marwari community was also a great philanthropist and was given the title of Rai Bahadur by the British government.In the 1930s, he held a large stock share in the Madan Theatre Company, and greatly influenced the running of it. It is said he was largely instrumental in bringing Allah Wasai from Kasur near Lahore to Kolkata,naming her Noor Jehan and kick starting her career.

Question 5 5, -2.5He was one of the leading personalities of his age and was the first Indian judge of the Calcutta High Court. He was also an influential member of the Brahmo samaj the Bhowanipur Brahmo Samaj was formed at his residence

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AnswersM R BangurTapan SinhaB R SinghSeth Sukhlal KarnaniSambhunath Pandit

ThemeAll have hospitals named after them in Kolkata.


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Question 17Xs Debut novel was The year of the intern a commercial failure. Then X started doing research on what are the ingredients of a best seller and decided mystery thrillers were the safest bet.So he wrote his second novel Y in 1977 an instant best seller which launched his career in the genre. X and Z were friends. They met when Z was doing post-doctoral work in biology at La Jolla's Salk Institute and X was a Navy physician stationed at San Diego. Z decided to direct a movie based on Y. Z described the film as a "Western... if the doctors are the bad guys they are also the good guys. Y is unusual in having a female protagonist in a thriller. Give me X Y and Z (3+3+4)

Answer 17X Robin CookY- ComaZ Michael Crichton

Question 18This 19th century American physician from Maryland (Samuel ____ 1833-1883) ran a successful practice in Bryantown . Then he got involved in a crime and was convicted of sheltering the killer involved in the crime, treating his fractured fibula and not informing the authorities about his whereabouts. He was given life imprisonment. His spectacular fall from grace from a well-known doctor to a murder co-accused led to the popular notion that the saying ____ ____ ____ _____ originated from his story and many dictionaries list this theory. However some sources claim that the saying was in use from before his birth.

Answer 18Samuel MuddYour/His name is Mudd.

Question 19Which word for a soft moist medicated mass, that is traditionally spread on cloth over the skin to treat an aching, inflamed, or painful part of the body comes from the Latin for porridge, perhaps due to similarity in form or appearance ?

Answer 19Poultice

Question 20Diaphragmatic flutter is a condition which presents with focal abnormal involuntary writhing movements of the abdominal wall . The movements, as seen in the video have been given the colourful but very appropriate name _____ _____ dyskinesia or ____ ____ syndrome.

Answer 20Belly Dancer Syndrome

Question 21On 24 August 1902 Edward VII came down with appendicitis two days before his scheduled coronation. Like all internal surgery at the time, the appendectomy needed by the King still posed an extremely high risk of death by post-operational infection, and surgeons did not dare operate without consulting Britain's leading surgical authority X. X was at that time old frail and retired. But X came out of retirement to advise and supervise the operation and looked after the antisepsis himself and the King survived. He honoured X soon after his coronation .During the felicitation he told X, "I know that if it had not been for you and your work, I wouldn't be sitting here today. Identify this giant of surgery X.

Answer 21Joseph Lister

Question 22Dr Duncan McDougall used six patients dying from TB in an old age home to prove his hypothesis in 1907.He later used fifteen dogs and the uniformly negative results from them to further prove a tenet of his hypothesis.His theories have since been debunked and discredited by the argument at the time of death there is a sudden rise in body temperature due to the lungs no longer cooling the blood, and the subsequent rise in sweating could easily account for MacDougalls positive results. Clarke also pointed out that dogs do not have sweat glands and hence the negative results in their case.What was his hypothesis?

Answer 22That Souls have weight .He calculated that they weighed 21 grams.

Question 23Connect The first known infective disease with whose causative organism was knownA psychological term denoting a declining interest in a monogamous relationship over timeWhat can be reasonably called the worlds most famous subway grate.

Answer 23The Seven Year Itch

Question 24What happens next is an unqualified medical marvel. So what happens next?

Answer 24


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Question 25This 18th century French physician was the doctor to the younger brother of Louis XVI (later Charles X ). He was in great demand as a court doctor .He was also an amateur scientist who was the first to question Newton. However he soon left his medical practice to dive headlong into what we primarily know him for. But he had to retire after a few years as he developed a debilitating skin condition which covered his body with painful itchy blisters and the only way to get some relief was continuous immersion in a medicinal bath where he spent most of the last three years of his life. Which by turn revered and reviled physician are we talking about?

Answer 25Jean Paul Marat

Question 26

Late 19th century ad for a popular cure for several respiratory diseases Give me the blanked out word which describes the form of the medicine.

Answer 26

Question 27Peter ______ is the second son of famous Cincinnati doctor Henry Judah ______ . For the past several years, Peter has been involved in exposing what he calls his father's "wide-ranging, unseen 50-year history of fraud". According to him, not only is his fathers most famous claim to fame not really developed by him but learnt from a colleague Edward Patrick, who wasnt given any credit, it is also based on unconfirmed and often fudged test reports. It is particularly useless in instances of drowning and may have also resulted in some deaths of drowning victims. Following his efforts, the American Heart Association has removed the name of his father from their guidelines. Give me his famous surname.

Answer 27Heimlich.

Question 28Which important subcontinental novel was a look at the partition of India through the eyes of a polio affected child and was semi-autobiographical in nature as the author was also affected with polio as a 9 year old during the same time period and has struggled with the disease ever since?The novel was first published in 1988 under the title X and was then re-released in 1991 under a new title Y. Give me either X or Y.

Answer 28Ice candy Man/Cracking India.

Question 29Though we only know the initial of his middle name for sure, authorities in linguistics have speculated from the fact that his wife once called him James - that Mary may be referring to his middle name which would seem to be Hamish (an Anglicisation of 'Sheumais', the vocative form of 'Seumas', the Scottish Gaelic for James). Who are we talking about?

Answer 29Dr John H Watson

Question 30The X syndrome has been described since 1973 and the Y syndrome has been described since 1996. Give me X and Y and tell me what they are about?(no part marks if I get a complete answer)Visuals Next Slide.

Answer 30X Stockholm Syndrome hostages develops sympathy for captors.named after the Norrmalmstorg robbery of Kreditbanken at Norrmalmstorg in Stockholm, Sweden. Y Captors develop sympathy for hostages -Lima Syndrome was named after an abduction at the Japanese Embassy in Lima, Peru, in 1996, when members of a militant movement took hostage hundreds of people attending a party at the official residence of Japan's ambassador. Within a few hours, the abductors had set free most of the hostages, including the most valuable ones, owing to having sympathy towards them.


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Question 31X is a 2007 novel by Lisa Genova about a 50-year-old woman, ____ Howland ,who suffers early-onset Alzheimer's disease.The novel is unique in terms of narration as it is written from the perspective of Howland , for as long as she can tell it, and sees the world from the perspective of a patient of progressive Alzeimers. The thoughts of other characters are not stated. The novel became a best-seller,spending more than 40 weeks on The New York Times best seller list and has been made into a Oscar winning movie. X please.

Answer 31

Question 32This diet was propagated by the Reverend Sylvester Graham (17941851), advocating a diet without meatespecially pork. It is a vegan diet consisting of only food that was supposedly available to Y and Z in the X. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes make up the bulk of this diet, and since cooking preparations were also very limited during the time which inspired this diet, most of the food is eaten raw. Prayer , self-reflection and repentance for sins are an essential part of this lifestyle.(X is a specific location and Y and Z are people)

Answer 32Edenic Diet. X Garden of eden ,Y and Z Adam and eve
