families & friends of murder victims july 2013 newsletter


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Page 1: Families & Friends of Murder Victims July 2013 newsletter
Page 2: Families & Friends of Murder Victims July 2013 newsletter



Newsletter JULY 2013

Thank-you: *Carol Anderson – Website

*Kaiser – Oakland *Avaxat Elementary School- Murrieta

*St. Anthony’s Catholic Church-Upland *Christ The Redeemer Catholic Church

Grand Terrace Portola Community Center- Palm Desert

*San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office of Victim Services/Victim Advocates

*Riverside County District Attorney’s Office of Victim

Services/Victim Advocates

* Dola Wiedemann – Mother of Lisel - Memory Cards *Family of Kris Flores

*Janet Garcia & Barbara Christian facebook administrators

* Ellie Rossi – Mother of David and Lisa

* San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office for sponsoring newsletter for 2013*

CalVCP Help us get the word out! Effective Jan. 1, our application filing period will increase from one year to three years after the date of the crime. More CA crime victims will be eligible for much needed assistance. Victims who are struggling with finances because of a violent crime now have more time to file an application with CalVCP. Call our helpline at 1-800-777-9229 to find a victim advocate in your area or to learn more about victim compensation at http://www.vcgcb.ca.gov/victims/

FFMV Fundraisers PLEASE….Don‘t throw away your old ink cartridges! Continue to bring them to us, or take them to Office Max, Staples or Office Depot and give them 909-798-4803 It’s an easy way to help FFMV purchase office supplies. If you shop at Office Depot please use FFMV’s Rewards Number for Office Depot which is 1139461170, Office Max – 650756207, Staples just give them 909-798-4803 for all three. We get reward points that help defray the cost of printing, ink cartridges and office supplies.

Need Someone to Talk To?

* Bertha Flores - Parent - Spanish speaking

(909) 200-5499 (after 3pm) Rialto CA

*Rose Madsen – Parent (909) 798-4803 (after

4pm) – Redlands CA

*Maxine Russell – (818) 378-2072

Parent/Grief Counselor

*Dawn Hall – Parent (951) 757-4419 –

Murrieta CA

*Mary Stewart -Parent (951 698-5317)

Emergency Consult for Suicidal or

Homicidal Participants

*Linda Atencio -Parent – 760-490-7864 –

High Dessert

* Ellie Rossi - Parent - 909-810-8133

Redlands CA

* Delores Maloy- Parent – High Desert

Contact – 760-530-7027

* Richard McVoy – Adult Sibling –

909-503-5456 – Grand Terrace CA

* Tanya Powell - Parent – 760-596-2293-

Upland CA

Families & Friends of Murder Victims: A non-profit organization Dedicated to providing information, support, and friendship to persons who have experienced the death of a loved one through the violent act of murder Share Sorrow….. Share Strength Mission: To restore a sense of hope and to provide a pathway to well-being to those who have lost a loved one to murder and to those who are victims of attempted murder.

Love Gifts

Love gifts are a specific tax deductible donation made to the memory of a loved one’s birthday, anniversary of a death, holiday, or just because which are posted in newsletter. They are also made by caring professionals, organizations to help in the work that FFMV does with victims/survivors. These gifts help with the expenses incurred in reaching out to others and operating expenses. When making out a check, please make payable to FFMV and note Love Gift on

check or envelope. Love Gifts can be mailed to FFMV- P.O. Box 11222 San Bernardino, Ca. - 92423-1222

Join Families & Friends of Murder Victims on


Janet Garcia Mother of Jesse Garcia – 6/10/78 – 6/27/94

Barbara Christian Mother of Terri Lynn Winchell–

4/10/63 – 1/8/81

Page 3: Families & Friends of Murder Victims July 2013 newsletter

In Memory of Joyce Nelson 8/3/24 – 7/7/85

Twenty-eight years have passed since the violent murder of my mother. I remember the phone call from Patty’s cousin telling me that my mom had been murdered. Now the phone rings again and my daughter tells my wife that Richard Ramirez died a natural death caused by his own actions. He has died of Hepatitis. Dirty needles for drugs and a disregard for other potential health issues have succeeded in doing what the State of California was unable to do in almost twenty-four years on death row. Patty and I looked at each other as a wave of emotions ran through both of us. Tears were abundant. These were not tears for Ramirez but tears that came from all of the memories that we had lived with for the last twenty-eight years. People try to convince us that we will find closure but how can my family find closure when my mom cannot be with us. Instead of closure we have talked openly to each other and to the people who ask how we deal with my mom’s loss. The first call was followed up with a series of text messages, E mails, and phone calls. Many of our friends called up to help us through the day. Most of these people had also experienced the violent loss of a loved one themselves. Having great friends really helped us out on this day. Thank you for the calls of support and prayers. Now we live with the good memories of my mother. I can still see her doing cart wheels on the front yard. Her garden is full of bright colored flowers. My favorite flowers were the Snap Dragons. Patty and I also remember mom by working with people who have lost a loved ones to violence. Submitted by Don and Patty Nelson

"Richard Ramirez is dead!" It was the voice of a co-worker, several cubicles behind me. "Richard Ramirez, the night stalker, is dead!" I snapped out of the spreadsheet I had been working on and opened Facebook on my smartphone. I quickly flicked through the newsfeed, knowing it would be a leading story if it were true. I stopped it when I spotted a Los Angeles Times story announcing, "Night Stalker Richard Ramirez is dead at 53." I knew there'd soon be a deluge of similar headlines throughout the day but my thoughts quickly turned to my dear grandmother, Joyce Nelson, who was one of his final victims. I remembered how, a few months before she would be killed, she took me out for lunch to celebrate my 15th birthday. The place was the North Woods Inn, a favorite restaurant for me, at least until I became a vegetarian and, later, a vegan. After lunch my grandmother asked about the electric guitar I had placed on lay-away and had been making regular payments on with money earned on an early morning paper route. I explained that, unfortunately, I would need another couple of months before I'd have earned enough cash to pay off the guitar. She asked if I'd like to drive to the music shop to show her the guitar. It just happened to be a short drive down the street. We entered the store where I introduced her to my guitar instructor, Anthony, or Tony Montana as it says on his records. I told him we were here to visit my guitar so he disappeared into the storeroom and soon returned with the metallic-champagne hued Fender Stratocaster electric guitar that I hoped would soon be mine. After demonstrating on the guitar for grandma what I'd been learning in my lessons I figured I'd return the guitar to Anthony and we'd then be leaving. But before I knew it my grandmother was at the front counter paying off the remaining balance of my guitar. We took the guitar with us! That was one of the last times I saw her. Since she was murdered there hasn't been a day that I haven't thought about her. It's now been about 28 years since we lost her. In the earlier years I wrestled with violent thoughts about what I'd do to Ramirez if I had the opportunity. Over the years my views have evolved considerably. I came to recognize that those violent thoughts, if acted upon, would place me in the camp of Violence and Death. I attribute this transformation in my thinking to several things: my conversion, eventually, to a vegan lifestyle, my study of philosophy and history, which together have taught me that we are all fallible and that violence has never been a successful form of conflict resolution. I have also come to understand the racism and classism that have so often determined who is placed on Death Row and who is spared. While there is no meaningful doubt about Ramirez' guilt, I am in no position to pick and choose who are the ones to die. No individual, or collective, should have the power to kill another except in self-defense, including the state. I have to admit though, it is a considerable relief that he is gone. Submitted by Chris Nelson

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In Memory of Joyce Nelson, cont… "Night Stalker" Richard Ramirez has died of natural causes after more than two decades on death row.” I stared in disbelief at the news Facebook post announcing this. Read this post a couple of times hoping it was true but worried that for some reason it was a misreport. After reading it for a second and third time, first thought to hit me was “Fraking yes, the monster is dead” and started to send text message to my family members. After texting them started searching other sites to confirm the news and started seeing other reports showing up. Reading all of them I started to feel a wave of emotions, mostly happiness, sadness, relief and disappointment. For 27 years 11 months I feared this person who murdered my Grandmother, always waiting for the justice system to finally carry out the final sentence, sadly it wasn’t the justice system that made this fear go away but nature and the passing of time. Hearing the news I was a bit disappointed because I was hoping to one day see him to “face him”, to face my fear. Went and visited my Grandmother’s grave site in the afternoon to be with her and tell her the news that her murder is no longer on this earth. After visiting with her getting back home started to celebrate with my brother, sister, sister-in-law and friends since another part of this saga our family has been in has been closed. As we celebrated this day, the thought wasn’t far from my mind was that no matter what it wouldn’t fully be closure, closure for me will be when I get the chance to hug my Grandmother again up in Heaven. Going to be weird not having to worry about something that I have worried about for so long, 27 years 11 months, over 4 times longer then I got with my grandmother. June 8th 2013 will be a day that I start not having to worry about this monster, since “The Monster is DEAD”. Submitted by Tom Nelson While vacationing with my family in San Diego I heard the news that my grandma’s murderer, Richard Ramirez was dead. This was a sudden and unexpected reminder of how the pain and grief from suffering the loss of my grandma 28 years ago to this horrific killer, is never far from me. In fact, grief only becomes a sleeping monster, tucked away inside and often awakened by a multitude of triggers. Sometimes it is a photograph, a simple memory, or even walking through a bookstore and coming upon the true crime section and knowing there are multiple books that recount the unimaginable horror my grandma suffered in her last moments. But today, the trigger is the news of her killer’s death. He died of natural causes. Justice was not carried out by the state, since he never had to pay the ultimate price for his crimes and suffer the execution he was sentenced to in 1989. I testified against him in the penalty phase of his trial. I stood only a few feet in front of this evil, menacing man and asked Judge Michael Tynan to sentence him to death. I summoned all the courage I had to stand up to this murderer and share with him and the court how loved my grandma was and how the lives of those who loved her would never be the same. I like to think I got my courage from my grandma. She had lived by herself as a single mother for many years, raising two sons, and working day after day to get by. She never complained, she only dug in her heels and worked harder when

things got tough. She had style and grace, but was a spitfire in a tiny 5 foot 2 body. While justice may not have come full circle in this case, the fact that Ramirez was never free to harm another person is enough. Having asked for his death many years ago, I often contemplated what the process of enduring the proceedings to carry out an actual execution would have inflicted upon me and my family. Focusing my energy on his death soon became a burden to carry. My grandma died too soon and was taken by this Satan worshipping, blood thirsty killer, but her death was only a few moments of her life. She lived for 60 years and I was blessed to have had 14 of those years with her. I made a promise to myself many years ago that I would no longer allow her death to become bigger than her life. So while Ramirez’s death woke that sleeping beast within and caused many painful memories to resurface, I recounted the many moments I shared with my grandma. I thought of the beautiful flowers in her garden, the sweet smell of gardenias from her back porch, the mini golf and birthday shopping sprees. I remembered the sound of her cough from years of smoking and the taste of baked hams we enjoyed on Christmas Eve. I read my brother’s Facebook post of how she surprised him on his birthday and paid off his guitar. I cried at having forgotten that story and thanked my brother for reminding me again just how special our grandma had been. While many family members celebrated on this day, the day of this murderer’s death, I couldn’t bring myself to do so. He caused a tremendous amount of pain, but his death will surely not put an end to it. I am relieved there will be no more court proceedings, or Satanic babbling spewed from his mouth, or stories of all the privileges he enjoyed while on death row, but there is no happiness in his passing. Only his suffering has ended and when this latest news fades from the headlines, my grief will once again subside and find its home deep within my soul, where it will sleep until the next trigger wakes it once more. Submitted by Colleen Nelson

We thought of you today, But that is nothing new.

We thought of you yesterday ...And will tomorrow, too. We think of you in silence

And make no outward show, For what it meant to lose you

Only those who love you know. Remembering you is easy

We do it everyday. It's the heartache of losing you

That will never go away.

~ Author unknown

Page 5: Families & Friends of Murder Victims July 2013 newsletter

FFMV - Riverside Chapter

Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7pm

Avaxat Elementary School, 24300 La Brisas Road in Murrieta, CA

Contact Dawn (951) 757-4419 For directions ask for PJ at-

951-696-1600 x2177 – M-F 9am-4pm (1-2pm lunch)

Next meeting is JULY 17, 2013

FFMV - Colton Chapter

1st Tuesday of every month Christ The Redeemer Catholic Church Robinson

Hall – Room 6 12745 Oriole Ave Grand Terrace, CA 92313

Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm Contact person for directions or information Rose – 909-754-6969 [email protected]

Next meeting is JULY 2, 2013

Oakland Chapter

1st Tuesday of every month 7pm – 9pm

Kaiser in Oakland, Howe St. at Broadway, 12th floor Room 1200 East

Contact: Robin – 510-653-8069 Sandra – 510-691-7089

Next meeting is JULY 2, 2013

FFMV -Coachella Valley Chapter


Candy, our Chapter Leader will be relocating to

Prescott AZ…meeting will resume when FFMV

finds a new chapter leader…sorry for any

inconvenience. If you are interested in being a

chapter leader please contact Rose at

[email protected]

Thank you Candy for your dedication you put

into the Coachella Chapter…you will be missed!

FFMV West End Chapter -Bi-lingual

Meets every 2nd Thursday of every month at

7:00pm-8:30pm St. Anthony’s Catholic Church

Conference Room 2210 North San Antonio Upland, CA 91786

Participants have the option of the English & Spanish Meeting

Local Grupo Bilingue

Los participantes pueden escoger en Inglés o en Español

Se reunen cada Segundo Jueves del mes a las 7:00 p.m.

Contact persons/ Personas de contacto: Rita Marin (909) 215-7063 [email protected]

Next meeting is JULY 11, 2013

FFMV – SGV Chapter

Meetings are currently held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in a classroom at the First United

Methodist Church of La Puente, located at. 15701 Hill Street, La Puente, CA 91744. Contact information:

* Luz Ruiz (626) 388-6403*Tracy Ponce (626) 533-3121 *Luisa Ashley (818) 445-2077

Next Meeting JULY 9, 2013

Grief Support Group ALL are welcome at our monthly meetings. Whether

you are a parishioner or not. If you are suffering the

loss of a loved one and in need to talk to someone, we

are here to listen and share emotions.

Together and with the help of the Lord, we can help

each other heal.

Meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday of the month

7 to 9 P.M. ~ Room 8

St. Anthony’s Church 1640 Western Ave. San

Bernardino (909)887-3810

Contacts: Hope Morfin (909)820-6163 Ralph &

Arlene Payan (909)887-4387 (FFMV Participants)

Danny & Rose Equihua (909) 887-3744

Page 6: Families & Friends of Murder Victims July 2013 newsletter

Resources and Additional Support Services

San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office of Victim

Witness Centers: San Bernardino

(909) 387-6540

Rancho Cucamonga: (909) 945-4241* Victorville/Desert

area: (760) 552-6944*

Riverside County District Attorney’s Office of Victim

Witness Centers:

Riverside: (951) 955-5450

Murrieta: (951) 304-5680 * Banning: (951) 922-7130 * Indio:

(760) 863-8408

*Los Angeles County District Attorney's Victim Witness

Assistance Program offices:

Pomona: 909) 620-3381


323-816-9651 www.laurala.org



*Women Against Gun Violence – 310-204-2348


*www.CrimeVictims.gov—public awareness Web site

* H.E.A.L. Helping Everyone Acknowledge Loss – 818-378-

2072– [email protected]

* Crime Victims United of California – 916-928-4797

www.crimevictimsunited.com or

[email protected]

* North American Victim Assistance (NOVA)


* Victims of Crime Resources Center (800) VICTIMS

* POMC - (888) 818-POMC www.pomc.org

* Greater Orange County POMC –

Marie – 714-999-7132 – 562-508-2397

* POMC-SGV Chapter – Tina-626-298-9054 -

[email protected]

* Citizens Against Homicide - (415) 455-5944

* Justice for Murdered Children - (310) 547-1367

* Memory of Victims Everywhere - (949) 248-5470

[email protected]

* Resource for the Grieving and


* Crime Survivors – 949-872-7895

www.crimesurvivors.com Bi-monthly meetings held in

Orange County

* Adela Lavine~Medium: www.adelalavine.com

* MADD – (909) 888-6233 www.maddsanbernardino.org


[email protected]

* Striving Towards Eradicating Violence In Ennercities -

S.T.E.V.I.E. [email protected]

[email protected]

* www.psychic4themissing.com

* (L.A.U.R.A.) - Life After Uncivil Ruthless Acts

Adela - 323-816-9651

Submitted by Jane Boufford –

Justice for Murdered Victims

I wanted to let you know, we have entered into a

new partnership with a L.A. publication, Cuffed and

Wanted. They are publishing stories about

unsolved cases in the Los Angeles area.

Eventually, they hope to expand to outlying areas.

If you have members with unsolved L.A. crimes,

they need to get us a release form (available on our

website) and a good picture. A brief story about the

case; detectives to contact, rewards, etc.

Publications come out the 1st and the 15th of the

month. We need information by about the 10 days

prior to publication. They are located in Signal Hill

and I can easily run information over to them to

make sure that it is the right pixel for their paper.

[email protected]


Frank Girardot, editor of the Pasadena Star News and senior editor of the San Gabriel Valley Tribune Group announced that he would to publish pictures and information regarding unsolved homicide cases on the newspaper website. Many families that I know personally have UNSOLVED cases which have turned to COLD cases…Everyone deserves JUSTICE If your loved one was murdered in the greater Southern California area and the case is unsolved, Frank will get it published in the newspaper. You can check out the Cold Case Project by going to www.PasadenaStarNews.com/coldcases. The paper also has the project listed on Facebook … This is a response Frank gave me when I e-mailed him about this project: If I get a photo from a loved one I will post it on our website as soon as I can. Anyone who is interested can contact me and I promise to get them set up. Sincerely, Frank Girardot 911 E. Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91106, 626-578-6300 ext.4478 [email protected] Here is some basic information Frank needs when you send him a picture of your loved one: Your full name, address, phone(s), e-mail address, Victims Full Name and age at time of murder, Victims DOB-DOD, your relationship to victim, city where murder took place, any suspects arrested?, Detective’s name & phone, & short bio on how your loved one was murdered

I encourage you to submit your story if you still

have an unsolved case!

Page 7: Families & Friends of Murder Victims July 2013 newsletter

July Birthdays Aaron Luis Angulo Andrae J. Davis

Angela Lynn Merth Bella Villapando

Brian Douglas Kischell Bryan O’Meara

Carlos Angelo Centino Cesario Valdez

Clasten Jr. Vaughn Daniel Perez Jr.

David Allen Parrish Devon Michael Williams

Dominic Andrew Ortega Elmer Benson

Frankie Cayetano Josslyn Dinso-Brooks

Laura Sanchez Mauro Valle

Michael Reed Jr. Miranda Daly

Norma Gates Paul Griego

Raymond Moreno Rebecca R. Andrews

Renee Smith Bradley Scott Campbell

Thomas Charles Pagent Jr. Victor Bernard White Jr.

July Memories Chelsea Buckley Daniel Svoboda

David Charles Nystrom Dillon Ray Keyes

Dominic Ortega Don J. Burt

Elsie Redmond Frank Salinas

Flores Family: Richard, Richie, Matthew, & Nena

Greselda Gonzalez Jerald Eugene Svec

Joshua Chambers Joyce Nelson

Kristhopher Flores Manuel Rodriguez

Michael Alexander Corrales Michael Hernandez

Michele Lynette Baily Otillia Burton

Paul Griego Roberto “Junior” Grijalva

Roghie (Ruhie) Ebrahimpour TimothyGaines

Tom Meyers Victoria Lee Castro

Page 8: Families & Friends of Murder Victims July 2013 newsletter


In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of

Tommy Pagent Kris Flores 7/28/89 – 11/21/10 10/10/77 – 7/24/96

Still Unsolved

In Loving Memory David Charles Nystrom – 2/2/64 - 7/27/98 & Lisa Cummings – 11/13/66 – 3/12/11 Brother and Sister in Heaven ….. Now together watching over their Mom (Ellie Rossi)

--------------------------------------------Love Gift-----------------------------------------------------------

Donation $_______________

Name (please print):____________________________________________________________


Email address: __________________________________________________________

Your Phone # ( ) ____________________Relationship to Victim: ___________________

Name of Victim: ______________________________________________________________

Date of Birth: Date of Death: ______________________

Please post my loved ones message and/or picture(s) for the month of: _______________

# of pictures enclosed/attached ____________ Use picture on file______

Page 9: Families & Friends of Murder Victims July 2013 newsletter

From Rose Madsen, Editor/Chair/co-founder of the

Colton & Coachella Chapter of FFMV

In Memory of my daughter Jennifer LeAnne Balber 12/02/73 – 11/10/94

A 20yr. old SoCal Gas Co. Meter Reader, Fatally Shot in the Line of Service in Rialto, CA

Time slips by and life goes on, but from my heart you’re never gone.

I think about you always, I talk about you too, I have so many memories, but wish I still had you!

Thoughtfully. Rose


Camp Good Grief-Special Victims Program (SVP) is a joint effort between the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office Bureau of Victim Services and Loma Linda University Medical Center Children's Hospital. The 3-day grief camp is geared toward homicide/suicide and is for children ages 10-16 who have experienced a violent death in their family. Campers board a bus at the Ronald McDonald House in Loma Linda and head to Camp Cedar Falls in the San Bernardino Mountains for a three-day camp and grief therapy experience. At camp the children participate in game and team building activities and therapeutic group activities designed to help them learn and understand how to cope with the grief over the violent death of their loved one. This camp has been so successful that it has been expanded to include Camp Good Grief - Special Victims Program Teen Retreat. It will be held annually and provides grief services for teens ages 14-18 who previously participated in Camp Good Grief - SVP and whose lives have been positively impacted by camp. It will be a combination of learning advanced grief management skills as well as a training camp for future Camp Good Grief Peer Counselors. Camp is free of charge to all campers and camperships are funded by unclaimed victim restitution. Therapists and interns from Loma Linda Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic, Loma Linda Child Life Specialists and District Attorney's Office Victim Advocates donate their time to the camp. The Bureau of Victim Services and Loma Linda University Children's Hospital have pledged to continue fundraising activities, presentations to service groups, and outreach events so they may continue hosting future Camp Good Grief-SVP programs. Contact: Dorothy Brooks 909-558-4073

Save the Date: Saturday, July 20, 2013 Los Angeles County 1st Unsolved Homicide Summit. This event is being hosted by Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca. Saturday, July 20, 2013 8:30 AM-1:30 pm

Los Angeles County Sheriff Headquarters 4700 Ramona Blvd., Monterey Park, CA

If you have an unsolved homicide you need to be at this Summit. Los Angeles Police, Long Beach Police and Inglewood Police departments will be there too.

FFMV is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving survivors of murder victims & victims of attempted murder. Our main purpose is grief support for those victim/survivors. All assistance provided to victims is given free of charge by volunteers. Contributions and/or questions regarding the policies of FFMV may be addressed to: FFMV Executive Board at P.O. Box 11222 San Bernardino, Ca. 92423-1222, e-mailed to [email protected] or phoned to 909-798-4803. FFMV is a tax-exempt organization under the Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service. Our Organization depends largely upon private donations which will cover operational expenses, Our Annual Family Christmas Memorial Luncheon, and Our Annual Victims’ Rights Week Memorial. We are seeking a sponsor (s) for our events. Please contact FFMV at the above e-mail or phone if you are interested. Tax ID #68-0299211 All Contributions

Are Tax Deductible. Website: www.webersons.com/ffmv

Page 10: Families & Friends of Murder Victims July 2013 newsletter

2013 Participant /Photo Release Form for slide show & picture boards

Families & Friends of Murder Victims, INC (FFMV)

Circle one: New Participant ~ Update my information ~ Agency/Non Victim

Please Print

Date________________ Relationship to Victim_______________________

Victim’s First Name______________________________________________

Victim’s Last Name______________________________________________

Date of Birth _____________ Date of Death__________ Solved: Yes ( ) No ( )

Permission to use photo(s): Yes ( ) No ( ) Just add me to e-mail/mailing list to receive monthly newsletter and event information

I grant to Families & Friends of Murder Victims, Inc. (FFMV), the right to use

photograph(s) of the above-identified subject. I authorize FFMV to use and

publish the same in print and/or electronically.

I agree that FFMV may use such photographs with or without his/her name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration,

advertising, and Web content.

I have read and understand the above.

Name of Agency/Non-Victim if applicable: ________________________________

Signature _________________________________________________________

Print Full Name _____________________________________________________


City__________________________________ Zip Code____________________

Phone with area code _______________________________________________

E-mail ____________________________________________________________

Mail or e-mail participant/release form to: [email protected]

FFMV ~ P.O.Box 11222 San Bernardino, CA ~ 92423-1222

I have included a picture ( ) Yes ( ) No use the one on file

I have included a $_________ donation for 2013

Thank-you… if you have already sent your 2013 donation

Page 11: Families & Friends of Murder Victims July 2013 newsletter


Page 12: Families & Friends of Murder Victims July 2013 newsletter

Please help with this legislation, to either sponsor or co-sponsor this urgently needed bill. The Darren Russell Bill aims to make laws ensuring better protection and assistance for Americans abroad. This legislation is urgently needed. Please write to Congressman Ed Royce (Chair of House Foreign Affairs Committee) and Senator Robert Menendez (Senate Foreign Relations Committee) asking them to either sponsor or co-sponsor this bill. Congressman Ed Royce Senator Robert Menendez

2185 Rayburn House Office Building 528 Senate Hart Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202) 225-4111 Phone: (202) 224-4744 Senate Foreign Relations Committee Thanks, Maxine B. Russell - Mother of Darren - [email protected] On the web: www.russellcase.net (UPDATED) On Twitter: @killed_in_china In U.S. Federal Court: Case No. CV-09-06050